The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, July 14, 1916, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL. 2, NO. 40
THE YEAR $1.50
The marriage of Miss Dorothy
Fischer and Ernest Troutman was
solemnized at the home of the lat
ter' s parent in North Plains, Ore
gon, Sunday, July 2. They will
be at home to their friends near
Maupin, in a few, days. Mr. and
Mrs. Troutman ate worthy young
people and the Times joins their
many friends in wishing them a
long, happy and prosperous life.
Go to Talcott'B
cream sundaes.
for your ice
Basket Dinner
A basket dinner and general
good time is planned in honor of
the Base Ball Boys and the Malt
pin Baud Sunday on the island
above the bridge. This will be the
closing exeicises of the season and
every one is expected to be there
at 11 o'clock, and, don't forget to
bring a well filled basket.
The Maupin boys have played
thirteen games this year, and won
ten of them.
"On the Level"
My Customers who pay
the cash you are enti
tled to more favors.
Make that dollar pro
duce more. Try LaKe's
clean, fresh stock of
Mdse. for results.
Lake's Cash Store
More Mdse. for less money
Sugar $8.95
White River Flour $1.00
I . '
1 ' i
Some Swimming
With the advent of summer days
again for Maupin the spirit of the
old swiinmin' hole has been reviv
ed in the hearts of young and old
alike. Mr. Lake, the hustling
young merchant at the end of the
steel bridge advocates a 'municipal
swimming pool ' such to be estab
lished by spanning the river near
the warehouse with a chain af logs.
Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Kelly
aud D01 is could resist no longer,
so in company with Mrs. Fischer
aud Miss Disbrow made the liny
fishes iu the intake of L. D. Kelly's
Bakeoven irrigation ditch ' think
the Philistines were trying to userp
their quiet abode.
That eyeuing two more parties,
one assisting of Mrs. Kaiser, Mrs.
D. A. Moad, Mrs. A. C. Moad,
Mrs. Tillie Henderson, and the
Misses Thrall, Baphene Dyer, An
ua Henderson and Holly Moad;
and the other, of Harold, John and
Van Moad, Eldou Henderson, Earl
Smith, Ralph Kaiser aud Little
Jack Shattuck lested the tempera
ture of the Deschutes river on eith
er side of the island above the
bridge sufficiently to discover the
water was colder than they expect
ed to find it,
Local Items
Native Girl Dead
After a brief illness Mrs. Harry
H. Muir passed away at her home
in Westlal' Malhuer County, Ore
gon. The remains were accompa
nied by Mr. Muir and the parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Ed Wing to the old
home between Tygh aud Wamic,
where the funeral services, occur
today at 1 o'clock.
Miss Clara 'Tot' Wiug was born
on Juniper Flat, June 25, 1892
While she was quite young her par
ents move to their home near Tygh
and Wamic. where Tot spent most
of her life until three years ago
when she went to Pendleton. No
vember 3, 2912 she was united in
marriage with Harry H. Muir.
They made Pandleto their home
for nearly a year, then going to
VVestfall, where they have since
Mrs. Muir was well known' in
this part and especially the Tygh
section, where sue received her
education, and later teaching school
near The Dalles. She was a truly
beautiful , character, of cheery and
hopeful temperment and loved by
all who knew her. She leaves be
sides her husband,, father, mother
and one brother Wilbur Wing
many other relatiyes and hosts of
friends who are deeply sadened by
her loss.
J. A. Recants
As nn example of the means re
sorted to by newspapers in getting
the news for the popular personal
columns the Morning Sun of The
Dalles innocently printed the fol
lowing -last Sunday: 'J. A. Lake
and family of Maupin are guests at
the Albert hold.' While the ac
tual facts of the case are that J. A.
lyase ana ur. shannon accompa
nied by some young ladies of Tygh
Valley took supper at the hotel and
1 he idei struck J. A. as funny to
register as J. A. Lake and family,
Maupin Drug Store
This past week the Maupin
Drug Store people have beeu very
busy moving and placing their
stock of goods in their new quar
ters, on the corner of Sixth street
and Deschutes avenue. The main
front room Is handsomely finished
off iu white enamel. The shelving
is all enclosed under partially con
structed glass doors. Some ele
gant glass counters provide for the
display of many attractive articles.
Three neat window signs adorn the
large plate glass front, and withal
the little store would be a credit to
any thriving little city.
Every other car on the is at Ford;'
more than half ths cars bought this
year will be Ford:-. There's a mighty
good reason. Ford Cat are filling a
place in e?ery Held of human activity.
Co:t about two cents a mile to operate
and maintain. Better order yours today
Runabout $39Q;Toiirmg Car $449;-
Cdupe 1 e t
On sal? at
( "i
c. ii -;
. Or'.rcit
We are ogentr. for the
Orders ta&en for re
pairs for all makes
of machines
Bring'. us-- your orders'
' Johnie Karlin is having the
lumber hauled fof a bulk granary
bhattuck liros. are preparing
for their big Harvest dance Sat
urday night.
Iy C. Wilhelm's son and family
arrived from Portland Monday
evening for a. short visit. '
Hot baths on short notice at
L. D. Kelly find family were
guests Sunday at the homestead
residence of G. C. Allen.--
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cantwell
.are residing in a house across the
river until after harvest.
The farmers don't seem to be
satisfied unless tliey are skinned.
Give Dad- Goale a chance. He
buys all kinds of- pelts, hides,
skins and wool. p
Van Moad, Miss Thrall, Gar."
ence and Art Farther motore I o
The Dulles Sunday.
I'ay Aubrey and Job Cr.ibtr'e
'haw opened a irn-nt market in the
front of W. H. Stunts' storehouse
If the other fellow could not fix r umdi bring it to Em mom
ih" ewVc-
iMr. KiutiHgsir and daughter,
nUu Ktlwin Miiys were Maupin
nailers Sunday.
Don't blame your clockIt
needs cleaning. Emmons will
do it for you and guarantee it
Mr. and Mr?. L. D. Kelly
moved (jiaridma Magill from C
H: Crofoot's to R. W. McCorkle's
Mrs. Disbrow, ' Vina and Ed
ward were over from Smock Wed
nesday, Vina staying and taking
this morning's train' for 'Hood Riv
For Salo at 'a bargain, one 21 in
Jr. Case steel separator and power
all in good 3hape. J6hn Ayres,
Mrs. Sims, housekeeper for
Johnie Karlan 'arrived home Sun
Don't forget the chicken dinner
whinh Mrs. Oliver will serve at the
i lintel next Sunday. Every-
I body register. Meals 35 cents,
jg, i beds 50 cents cash. '
q join Muir came home Wednes
js day night to attend the funeral of
Jjfhis sister-in-law, Mr. Harry Muir.
Mrs. John Muir arrived at bherar
yesterday 'afternoon.
VV. II, Staats went to The
Dalles Wednesday.
A brother of A. Locke was here
visiting him tha Erst of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. W, T, Vander
pool and Tally Vaaderpool -and
Wapinitia Items
Some hot weather here this week
Harrowing and discing summer
fallow is the order of the dav since
the iccent heavy rains. Crops are
coming out fine, especially spring
sown grain. G. E. Wood has e s-
pecially good spring sown grain,
it striking a persou to the arms and
just beginning to head.
Miss Ida Dorethy of St. Johns is
visiting1 at the home of G. E.
Wood. Mrs. Wood met her at
Maupin Monday.
Mrs. Lu Woodside's father Mr.
McKee returned ThuJsday to his
home at Woodbum.
Hartman's thill commanded run
ning again Monday after laying of
a week.
Miss Dora Johnson returned' to
her home Monday in the Dalles,
going with Mr. Evick.
The first band of sheep" of the
season to go through here passed
Monday enroute to their summer
home in the mountains. There
were two bands belonging to Mr
Miys across the Deschutes.
1 lie well rtnUeis who Have been
lolling for L. M VVood.iide struct,
water some ten days ago at a depth
of 474 feet with 30 foet of water
standing in the well. Mr. W. i
so delighted over the water that he
started the pump gouig Sunday
morning and kept it running for
fmr hours just to see' the water
ruu. There was an abundance i
water for it didn't seem to go down
any. He has a gasoline' engii e
installed and is planning to iirigiiu
their gardem
McShane Bros., drillers for Jann
sen, weut from Mr. Woodside's to
R. W. McCorkle's where they
drilled a well this spring. There
seems to be plenty of water in Mr.
McCorkle's well, but is muddy at
times, and it is thought to be cav
ing near the bottom, and they are
going to put a casing down to pro
vent dirt 'coming in.
David Sharpe commenced work
ing for the well drillers Tuesday.
Mr. Apling is changing things
around iu his store and will serve
ice cream Saturday and Sunday to
the public. Miss Celia Fliun will
assist him iu serving. , ,
Baptismal services were held by
Rev. Stains Sunday rfteruoon at
Rice's creek, there being four bap
tized by imersion.
The church here has received a
new coat of paint on the inside
which greatly adds to its appear
ance. ' Ira Flinn and family returned to
coucluded on Supplement
2f MILES of smobth, firm, vliitc sandy
jF beach sloping gently info the sea no
dangerous undet'-tow score or mofe of de
ligtfully interesting oaeanside hamletssirhplef
restfull life combined with different, tasteful foods
and only the best of summer resort pleasures
Weather aud beach conditions are just
right-therefore, GO NOW we will be
glad to htfp plan your trip. Ask for the
nw North Beach folder just off the
press. Fares aud full information upon
application to
R. B. BELL, Agent,
O-W. R. R. & N. CO.
Union pacific system
Service because we are the handiest Bank for you
to deal with, we know your wants 2nd afe prepared
to take care of them. Safety because you know our
Stock holders and their circumstances.
Don't overlook us when you' are lookfngfor the
best price for your wheat.
1 11 .
Mr. L. J. Kelly will build six' portable 50 bu. grain bins
similar to the above drawing of the TUM-A-LUM Type No. 102,"
Bins are to be built on his farm near Maupin and will start the
first work of granaries on the ranches near Maupin to handle the
wheat this year through the new elevator in bulk. It is now an
established thing that Maupin is among the leaders in the west to
adopt the bulk grain system and there is now already enough
elevators and bulk grain buildings under construction this year to
make necessary the complete abandoning of the sack system
next year all over the west.
II x- r. . .. ii t n I
nums rerry warenouse uo.
Flour, Feed, Salt; and Supplied
agents foe Kerr Gifford & Go.
also for'
Phnp.niy kQiiranp.P fin InnrlmV