The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, July 07, 1916, Image 6

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Brief Resume of General News
From All Around the Earth.
Live News Items of All Nations and
Pacific Northwest Condensed
for Our Busy Readers.
Three deaths from heat were report
ed to the police in St. Louis Tuesday.
The victims were elderly men. The
highest temperature was 94 degrees.
Herbert Munter, a Seattle aviator,
flying at South Bend, Wash., while
3000 feet in the air had to descend
when the crank shaft of his engine
broke. He landed safely on the tide
The London war office announced
that the necessary passenger traffic be
tween Great Britain and the Continent
would be regulated closely and reduced
as far as possible. Only those having
good reason will be permitted to
While Rev. C. E. Helman was in the
midst of a sermon on "Cair Country,"
in the Baker, Ore., Methodist church,
the artillery of the heavens let loose
and his congregation was startled by a
flaah of lightning that passed just over
their heads.
A bill to establish a National park
service, with a compensation system
of supervision, and a bill to accept
from the state of Oregon exclusive
jurisdiction over the Crater Lake Na
tional park, were among measures
passed by the house of representatives.
Elbert H. Gary, chairman of the
United States Steel corporation, in a
statement just issued, asserts that the
steel business of the United States for
domestic use and for export is better
than ever in its history. Production
is larger, profits greater and workmen
are receiving higher wages.
No soldier along the border is to be
without a Bible, if efforts now being
made to provide each fighting man
with a pocket-size khaki-bound volume
at a cost of 5 cents are successful.
The army chaplains who have been in
terested in the movement are lending
their assistance to it. The Bibles are
provided at cost.
General Trevino reported Wednesday
night to the Mexican war department
that several wounded American sol
diers, who belonged to detachments en
gaged in the fight at Carrizal, have
been found in different parts of the
state of Chihuahua. He said they
were being returned to the American
side as soon as encountered.
The customs bureau of the Treasury
department beginB an examination to
learn the total amount of arms and am
munition that has been exported to
Mexico within the last year. The
work was undertaken at the request of
the War department. Orders were
sent to all customs inspectors to tabu
late the information and send it to
Washington as soon as possible.
The epidemic of infantile paralysis,
which has claimed 82 lives in and near
New York City within the last eight
days, continues to gain. From Satur
day noon until noon Wednesday, 87
cases developed and 23 persons died of
the disease. A total of 456 cases and
94 deaths have been reported since
January 1. It was announced that the
Rockefeller Institute is planning to in
augurate a field campaign against the
As a result of a family quarrel near
Pearl, Wash., 14 miles southeast of
Bridgeport, Claude Tinker killed his
mother and his brother, Frank. He
also attempted to kill his father, who
is a well-known rancher in that vicin
ity, but did not succeed.
It was announced at army headquar
ters in San Francisco that orders had
been received from Washington for
bidding the giving out of any informa
tion regarding troop movements, Fed
eral or National Guard, in the Western
The name of the Pacific Reserve
Fleet, with headquarters at the Puget
Sound navy yard, has been changed to
"Reserve Force, U. S. Pacific Fleet."
Six vessels of the reserve force are in
Mexican and California waters under
command of Rear Admiral Fullam,
who Bhifted his flag from the cruiser
Pittsburg to the cruiaer Colorado. His
title henceforth will be commander of
the Reserve Force, Pacific Fleet, in
stead of commander-in-chief of the Pa
cific Reserve Fleet.
Thomas Kelley, millionaire con
tractor, accused of defrauding the pro
vince of Manitoba in the erection of
Parliament buildings at Winnipeg,
was found guilty by a jury In Assize
Bandits attacked the bridge over the
Medina river at MacDona, Tex., about
20 miles southwest of San Antonio,
Friday night, according to a report.
The bridge guard of United States
soldiers routed their assailants, who
fled In the darkness. Two Americans
were wounded. One of the bandits
was taken prisoner.
New York Mrs. Hetty Green,
known as the world's wealthiest wo
man, whose fortune is estimated as
high as $100,000,000, died here Mon
day, aged 80 years. She had Buffered
three strokes of paralysis in the last
two months and for several weeks had
been practically helpless.
Her death occurred at 8:05 o'clock
at the home of her son, Colonel Ed
ward H. R. Green, adjoining the plain
brick four-story house on the corner of
Central Park West, where Mrs. Green
had lived lately in seclusion, except
for her son and several Japanese serv
ants and trained nurses.
Wall street's estimates of Mrs.
Green's fortune range from $20,000,
000 to $100,000,000. Officials of the
Chemical National bank, in which Mi's.
Green once made her downtown head
quarters, declined to hazard a guess
concerning the size of her estate.
Hetty Green was the world's most
remarkable mistress of finance. The
richest woman in America, she lived
almost as frugally as a shop-girl. Her
home was wherever she chose for a
time to hang her little black crepe and
bonnet, often in the hall bedroom of
some cheap boarding house or in some
remote and modest fiat around New
Mrs. Green's eccentric extremes of
economy led to the popular misconcep
tion of her as a Belf-made woman.
As a matter of fact she was born rich.
In 1865 she inherietd some $10,000,
000, which accumulated upon itself
until in 60 years it had mutliplied
nearly ten times. She also inherited
family traditions which had been a
pride for three centuries, and which
she was anxious to perpetuate in her
Blame for Recent Irish Uprising
Placed by Royal Commission
London The Royal commission
which investiagted the Irish rebellion
in its report submitted Tuesday says
the responsibility for the outbreak
does not rest with Baron Wimborne,
the lord lieutenant, since resigned,
who is declared to have been in no way
answerable for the policy of the gov
ernment. The chief secretary for Ireland, Au
gustine Birrell, who resigned shortly
after the suppression of the outbreak,
was primarily responsible, say the re
port. The Royal commission was presided
over by Baron Hardings. Outlining
the causes of the outbreak in Ireland,
the report says :
The fact should be borne in mind
that there iB always a Bection of opin
ion in that country bitterly opposed to
British connection and that in times
of excitement this section can impose
its sentiments on largely increased
numbers of the poeple."
The report points out that it is out
side the scope of the commission's in
structions to inquire how far the policy
of the Irish executive was adpoted by
the cabinet, or to attach responsibility
to any but the civil and military exec
utive in Ireland. The report then
gives these conclusions :
"That the main cause of the rebel
lion appears to be that lawlessness
was allowed to grow up unchecked and
that Ireland for several years had been
administered on the principle that it
was safer and more expedient to leave
the law in abeyance if a collision with
any faction of the Irish people could
therefore be avoided."
The importation of large quantities
of arms into Ireland and the toleration
of drilling by large bodies of men, the
report says, created conditions which
rendered possible the recent troubles
in Dublin and elsewhere. ,
"It appears to us," said the commis
sioners, "that reluctance was shown
by the Irish government to repress by
prosecution written and spoken utter
ances and to suppress drilling and
maneuvering of armed forces known to
be under control of men who openly
were declaring their hostility to your
majesty's government.
"There developed widespread belief
that no repressive measures would be
undertaken by the government against
"This led to a rapid increase of
preparation for insurrection and was
the immediate cruse of the recent out
break. We are of the opinion that on
the outbreak of the war all drilling
and maneuvering by unrecognized bod
ies of men, whether armed or un
armed, should have been strictly pro
hibited." Seven Killed in Explosion.
Emporium, Ta. Six men were in
stanty Willed, one died aboard a train
to a hospital and five others were sen-
ousy burned about the body here Sun
day afternoon when several thousand
pounds of powder exploded in the dry
house at the Aetna Explosives com
pany's plant. The dry house was de
molished and the ruins ignited, threat
ening adjoining property. Fifteen
men were working in the building
when the explosion took place. Three
standing near a door were blown from
the building, with but minor injuries.
Russians Continue to Win.
Petrogad Russian troops continue
to drive back the Austro-Hungarian
army in the region south of the Dneis-
ter river, in Galicia, says the Russian
official statement issued Sunday .Many
places south of Kolomea have been oc
cupied by forces of Emperor Nichol
as. It is announced that on June 28
and 29 General Letchitsky took prison
er 805 officers and 14,674 men, making
a total of 217,000 Austrc-Hungarians
captured since June 4.
Washington Grows Impatient at Delay
of Mexico City.
No Change in Policy Toward Mexico
Contemplated by Wilson-Offer
to Protect Border Likely.
Washington, D. C. While adminis
tration officials manifested impatience
Saturday over the delay of the Car
ranza government in replying to the
American demand for an explanation
of its purposes, private advices from
Mexico City indicated that a defiant
answer was being prepared there.
The State department has had no di
rect information as to when the Mexi
can response would be sent or how it
would be transmitted. Secretary Lan
sing called this fact to the attention
of Eliseo Arredondo, Mexican ambas
sador designate, during the day and in
dicated that he did not understand the
delay, in view of the statement in the
American note of lest Saturday that
an early answer was expected.
Mr. Arredondo, who had called to
announce formally the release of the
Carrizal prisoners, said he had not
heard from his government on the sub
The private messages, sent by per
sons in a position to speak with some
authority as to General Carranza's at
titude, expressed the conviction that a
break between the two governments
was unavoidable. There appeared to
be complete agreement among mem
bers of the Mexican cabinet, it was in
dicated, that orders to General Trevino
to attack American troops moving in
any direction except toward the bor
der be reaffirmed. Some de facto offi
cials wished to go further and couple
with this statement in the Mexican
reply a defiant demand that American
troops be withdrawn immediately from
Mexican sou.
Intimation have reached officials
here that the de facto govenment may
give strong assurances in its note that
border raids will be prevented by a
strong patrol of Mexican troops, if the
United States will withdraw its forces.
It was said at the Mexican embassy
that 50,000 Carranza troops are now
available for border patrol duty.
1 he cabinet had no official advices
in any way changing the situation
when it assembled at a regular meet
ing. The crisis was discussed and
later it was stated that no change in
policy was contemplated.
Fire Destroys U. S. Munitions,
Dock and Warehouse at Seattle
Seattle, Wash. Fire that was dis
covered at 11 o'clock Friday night on
Pier 11, known generally as the Orien
tal dock, at the foot of Virginia Btreet,
destroyed the pier and its warehouse,
which was occupied by the United
States army quartermaster's depart
ment and W. F. Jahn & Co., dealers in
building material, hay and grain.
Large quantities of army supplies in
the warehouse were destroyed. The
burning of cartridges and shells caused
a succession of rattling explosions.
An unidentified boy about 11 years
old, standing in front of the state arm
ory on top of a bluff a block distant,
watching the fire, was Btruck by a
fragment of a bursting Bhell and in
stantly killed.
The financial loss of the fire is esti
mated at $500,000.
The United States cable repair
steamer Burnside was at the pier when
the fire broke out, but was taken out
into the stream by her crew before
much damage was done. Her upper
works were slightly scorched.
The fire burned with extraordinary
fury and the firemen were able only to
save the adjoining piers and the ware
houses to the rear of the burning
Sir Roger Casement Sentenced to Die.
London Sir Roger Casement was
convicted of treason for leading the re
cent Irish revolt and sentence of death
was at once imposed. After Sir Roger
had been sentenced, Daniel J. Bailey,
the private soldier, who had been held
as his accomplice, was placed in the
dock. The chief justice directed the
jury to return a verdict of not gulity
and Bailey was discharged. Sir Roger
received his sentence with the utmost
composure, Bmiling at friends in the
court room. His statement was a plea
for the right to be tried by Irishmen.
Battle In Baltic Sea.
Berlin An official statement issued
by the German admiralty says:
"Thursday night German torpedo
boats attacked Russian forces consist
ing of an armored cruiser, a protected
cruiser and five destroyers, between
Havringe and Landsort (islands in the
Baltic Sea off Soderman Land, Swe
den). After a short engagement the
Russians witdrew. Despite a heavy
bombardment we sustained no casual
ties nor damage."
British Capture Fricourt From Germans
After Desperate Battle.
Teutons Retreat Before French Drive
Near Hardecourt Lose Many
Trenches Also to British.
London Fricourt, three miles east
of Albert, the scene of desperate fight
ing between the British and Germans
since the entente allied offensive was
begun Saturday morning, has been cap
tured by the British, according to an
official statement issued Sunday night.
Ihe Btatement says:
"Substantial progress has been made
in the vicinity of Fricourt, which was
captured by us at 2 p. m.
"Up to noon some 800 more prison
ers had been taken in the operations
between the Ancre and the Somme.
bringing the total up to 3500, includ
ing those captured on other parts of
the front Saturday night."
The official statement by the French
war office at Paris says that south of
the Somme the French have forced
their way into the second line of the
German entrenchments at several
places and have captured the village of
Fries and the Mereaucourt wood. The
number of unwounded prisoners taken
in the two days' battle now is said to
be more than 6000.
Sunday night's statement by the
French war office said that in the
fighting south of Arras Saturday the
French took a total of 5000 prisoners.
In the course of the night French
troops captured the village of Curlu,
about seven miles southwest of Albert.
A heavy German counter-attack on the
village of Hardecourt, nfirth of Curlu,
was repulsed, the statement adds.
After repeated assaults the Germans
were obliged to retreat in disorder.
London July 2. The British troops
in their great drive in France have
captured a German labyrinth of
trenches on a front of seven miles to a
depth of 1000 yards and the villages of
Montauman and Mammetz.
North of the Ancre valley, according
to the official statement, the British
have not been able to hold sections of
the ground gained in their first at
tacks. Two thousand German pris
oners have been taken.
Hughes Plans Trip to Pacific
Coast Cities First of August
Bridgehampton, N. Y. Unless he
changes has plans, Charles E. Hughes,
in all probability will inaugurate his
campaign for the Presidency in the
second week in August, starting on a
tour which will take him to the Pacific
Coast. The present purely tentative
arrangements provide for addresses in
about 10 leading cities, probably St.
Paul, Portland, Or.; Seattle, Wash.;
San Francisco, Los Angeles, Salt Lake
City, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chi
cago among others.
Mr. Hughes intends this swing
around the circle as merely prelimi
nary to one or two whirlwind tours.
He hopes to avoid rear-platform speak
ing on the first long trip.
Mother and Baby Washed Away
By 15-Foot Wall of Water
Pendleton, Ore. Mrs. M. C. Mc
Cabe, a rancher's wife, and her infant
boy were drowned Saturday night
about 5 o'clock when a cloudburst
broke over upper Butter Creek canyon,
43 miles southwest of Pendleton, and
a wall of water swept down upon their
home. Mrs. McCabe 'b body was found
five miles further down McDonald can
yon Sunday morning by a searching
party. The baby's body was found la
ter. Mr. McCabe, her three children
and some men were in the McCabe
house and knew nothing of the flood
until it struck the house, tearing it
asunder and carrying away Mrs. Mc
Cabe and the child. The other chil
dren were rescued by the men,
I. W. W. Leaders Threaten.
St. Paul Declaring their personal
liberties as citizens have been violated
by the order of Governor Burnquist for
the sheriff of St. Louis county to dis
arm all striking miners, nine I. W. W.
leaders at Virginia, in a telegram re
ceived Sunday night, ask if they are in
Russia. The message is a demand
that the chief executive of the state
remove all mine guards from within
the city limits of mining towns on the
range. "Otherwise," the statement
reads, "our miners will be instructed
to defend themselves."
Italians In New Attack.
Rome, via London Continuing their
offensive in the Trentino, the Italians
have begun an attack on the Austrian
fortified positions between Kugna Tot
ya and Foppiano, says the Italian offi
cial statement issued Sunday. The
Austrians were driven from sections of
trenches north of Pedescala, the dis
patch adds, and some more trenches
were carried between Selz and Monfal
cone. In the latter battle 195 Aus
trians were taken prisoners.
New York In the event of war with
Mexico, nearly 200,000 members of
the Boy Scouts of America are pre
pared to offer their services through
co-operation with municipal authorities
in the various communities where boy
troops exist, it was announced here at
the national headquarters of the organ
ization. The policy not to participate in mil
itary operations will not be altered,
but the services of the young scouts
will be volunteered along the line of
civic needs, including such assistance
as may be rendered to the National
American Red Cross should the neces
sities of war tax Red Cross resources.
In cities from which the National
Guard has been sent to the front the
Boy Scouts will be prepared for spe
cial police duty in case of emergency.
"To Scouts who live in the commu
nities near the Mexican border there
may come special opportunities for
service," the announcement adds.
"While it is not seriously expected
that any invasion can take place, yet
the task of defending property and
lives may seriously tax the authorities
of city and town governments to such
an extent as to make it desirable for
arrangements to be made through the
civic authorities for the older Scouts
to co-operate by guarding water sup
plies, telegraph lines and other im
portant property which might be
greatly damaged by the enemy."
House Votes $2,000,000 to Aid
Guardsmen's Dependent Families
Washington, D. C. The Hay bill
appropriating $2,000,000 for depend
ent families of National guardsmen
called or drafted in the present emerg
ency, was passed by the house Satur
day. The bill, which now goes to the
senate, allows not exceeding $50 a
month to the dependent families in the
discretion of the secretary of war.
No measure before the senate in
months has arrayed the radicals
against the conservativies so clearly as
the Hay militia draft bill, or rather
the $60 a month pension provision of
that resolution which was defeated in
the senate by a vote of 45 to 30 at its
first appearance. The 30 senators who
voted to pay the families of National
guardsmen $50 a month during the
time the volunteers are on the border
or in Mexico were, with two excep
tions, the recognized radical members
of the senate. Senator Culberson, of
Texas, and Senator Walsh of Montana,
were the two senators out of their
Texas Town Burned.
Brownsville, Tex. The business
section of Pharr, headquarters for the
3d brigade of the New York national
guard, was almost wiped out by fire,
starting at 2 :30 Sunday morning. The
loss was about $50,000.
Army equipment for the New York
guard was some distance from the fire
and was not damaged. A large ship
ment of fresh meat intended for the
commissary was burned in the de-
struction of the butcher shop. Pharr
is 60 miles west of Brownsville.
Army officers who investigated re
ports of incendiarism reported to Gen
eral Parker here that no suspicious
circumstances were found, although
the cause remained undiscovered.
Another Survivor Found.
El Paso, Tex. Another survivor of
the Carrizal fight was located Sunday.
He is Corporal F. X. Cooke, of Troop
K, lenth Cavalry, who was brought in
to Juarez from Villa Ahumada and
placed in prison.
General FranciBco Gonzales, Juraez
commander, telegraphed General Jac
into Trevino at Chihuahua for instruc
tions, and it is probable Cooke will be
turned over to the Americans.
Corporal Cooke, in addition to tell
ing a thrilling story of his adventures
since the battle with the Mexicans un
der General Gomez, added his state
ment to that of other survivors that
the Mexicans fired the first shots of
the engagement!
Idaho Politician Held for Murder,
Wallace, Ida. Clarence Dahlquist
died Sunday from wounds inflicted by
Herman J. Rossi, a political leader of
Idaho, in a shooting affray in the lob
by of a local hotel. Dahlquist made
no statement so far as known concern
ing the events, leading up to the shoot
ing and Kossi maintains a strict si
lence. The shooting is said to have
resulted from family troubles. Rossi,
who was under bond on a charge of as
sault to commit murder, was rearrest
ed immediately after the death of
Dahlquist and arraigned for murder.
British Gain In Africa.
London Another victory for the
British against the Germans in Ger
man East AfirCa was announced Sun
day night in an official statement as
follows :
"General Northey, who has been
operating east of the Livingstone
Mountains against the Germans, has
ejected them from the important
Ubena center and driven them north
ward. Gen. Northey has taken booty
and prisoners and inflicted losses."
Mexicans Patrol Border.
Douglas, N. M. General Calles
placed a patrol of Mexican soldiers
Sunday night along the border here,
paralleling the United States patrol.
It was the first time in several months
that Mexican troops were placed on
guard at the international line.
Immediate Break With Mexico Averted
by Action of Carranza.
Preparations at Border to Go Stead
ily Forward Diplomatic Nego
tiations Thought Possible.
Washington, D. C. An immediate
break between the United States and
the de facto government . has been
averted by compliance with the Amer
ican demand for release of the 23
troopers captured at Carrizal.
Whether a state of war has been
prevented or merely postponed no one
here would attempt to say. Official
information as to the attitude of Gen
eral Carranza was lacking. Until his
response to Secretary Lansing's note,
diBpatched Sunday, making two per
emptory and distinct demands, is re
ceived, there will be no decision on
whether President Wilson shall lay the
crisis before congress.
The news of the release of the pris
oners, received late Wednesday in
press dispatches, brought undisguised
relief to high officials. It was ac
cepted as correct, although no an
nouncement has come through official
sources. Moreover, it was assumed
that Carranza, impressed with the
urgency of the situation, had ordered
the captured cavalrymen started for
the border without waiting for his an
nouncement of the action to reach
While it is generally conceded that
this move lessens tension and makes
the crisis less imminent, no one con
versant with the grave problem is los
ing sight of the fact that the all-important
question of Carranza's attitude
toward the American expedition across
the border to protect the territory and
citziens of the United States from
bandit outrages remains unsettled. If
the de facto government stands upon
the orders of General Trevino to at
tack Pershing's men when they move
otherwise than toward the border, the
situation actually is just what is was
before, except that there now is a pos
sibility of diplomatic negotiations that
did not exist while the Americans
were held prisoner in Chihuahua.
The preparations of the United
States War department will go stead
ily forward. There will be no inter
ruption of the rush of Rational guards
men to the border, and General Fun-
ston will continue disposition of the
forces under his command as though
he expects an immediate attack from
the Mexicans.
Congress Drops Provision to Aid
Dependent Families of Guardsmen
Washington, D. C An agreement
under which the army drttft resoultion
will be put through, without any pro
vision for relief of dependent families
of National guardsmen drafted into
the Federal service, was reached late
Wednesday by the house and senate
leaders. A conference report elimi
nating entirely the relief proposal on
which the conferees had split was ap
proved by the house without opposition!
just before adjournment and is expect
ed to be accepted by the senate.
In submitting the conference report
to the house, Chairman Hay, of the
military committee said the house con
ferees had consented to sacrifice their
$1,000,000 relief proposal only after
Secretary Barker had telephoned to the
capitol that immediate passage of the
resolution in some form was impera
tive. Mr. Hay announced he would intro
duce the appropriation section as a
separate bill and Speaker Clarke said
he would entertain a motion Monday
for passage of the measure under a
suspension of rules.
As finally agreed to, the resolution
authorizes the President to use as Fed
eral soldiers all members of the Na
tional guard willing to take the re
quired oath for Fedreal service and
permits consolidation of scattered and
incomplete guard units.
Marines Battle Dominicans,
Washington, D. C One American
soldier was killed and another wounded
in an engagement reported Thursday
bv Rear Admiral Canerton het wppn
the United States marines and Santo
Domingo rebels, in which the latter
were routed. The rebel losses were
not (riven. The name nf th mnri no-
killed was given as Private John Acri
ment, of the 27th company. His name
does not appear in Navy department
records. Albert Vieldaum, of Aber
deen, Wash., a private of the 27th,
was wounded.
Uncle Joe Would Invade.
Washington. D. C. Rnnhlix.n,
criticism of President Wilson's Mexi
can policy marked debate in the house
Wednesday on an urgent deficiency ap
propriation bill, carrying approximate
ly $28,000,000 asked for by the War
department to C0V6r RftV. Pnn inmonf
and transportation of National Guards.
tx-apeaner cannon attacked what he
called a "wishv-washv" cniiraA nnH ad
vocated going into Mexico with lama.
forces to set up a military government.