The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 23, 1916, Image 8

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    The Maupin Times
Blilletin No. 3
Published every Friday at Maupin,
.1 Iv Disbkow, Publishi r
Subscription: One year, $1.50; six
months, 75 cents; three mouths, 50
Entered as second class mail
matter September 2,' 1914, at t'le
postofficc at Maupin, Oregon, un
der the Act of March 3, 1879.
Thin werk the Timcp is com
n ei.cii.g i. tli'e! v htm prii.t
piper, l)y means of wi.ich e h pe
i in? hIs'h: '- p in t)(rp of Hif
U.:,u rmn-., ! I !.! gll il'li (it
p',i-e t l a - tin ftii i'l tl
j.'ijies wiui roiiii jj'jivtS bu! -h' ti d
'ilin 10 biivwi good reprei-entiitivo
"' 1.., !. : t !, v 0UO11 of thic
I .'( el iU' ' wuLv,
' .(Vx'"r fi r
anil utin 1 ait) .11. .' . . i. .; 1 ".
These are Neeurely liolted tn
otlfT and will boid 120 bushclf
jf grain.
H. R. Rii.y's now team of.buek
'jkins Bought to favor the- Timet
Ailli an eusily acquired news item
when in front on this office Tues
'day they at tempted making an rue-ape,
but were heudud ell' anil
caught between the post office and
A. C. Moad'B.
At the good roads meeting at
'J'yjih Valley Saturday the tubject
(if districting this part of the coun
ty was disenwrsd - but nothing defi
nite whh arranged. Another meet
ing was called for tomorrow.
The younger boys of Maupin
defeated the Hungry Ridge boys
in a ball ganio Sunday On their
diamond near John Williams' by
a Bcore of 13 to 8.
The weather has been changing
often enough lately to be worthy
of mention, the temperature rang1
ing during the past week from
summer beat to freezing.
Bi. J. Fischer will open up a
stage line between here and Ante
lojio, leaving here Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays. Fare
of $3.f0 will be charged.
Wanted at the Times office
a two-page Wa8nint6tt Han
Press, seven column, or paiU
except platen and bed.
Mrs. Hatfield, mother of Pr
Hatfield, who bus been visiting
heie, went to The Dalles Monday
to visit her daughter, 'Mrs.' El wood'
Mrs. L. D. Kelly returned home
Friday, accompanied by her sister,
Mrs. Lem Oresham and children,
who arc visiting heii and1 On the
Flat a few days.
Are you using The Times finer
column when you have an? thing
to sell or want to buy sotne article
that your neighbor may have or
wishes to dispose of? If not try
a want ad in that' column. We are
sure that it will bring result's. '
East and California
Central Oregon line
Through Service via Spokane ov
er the Greatest Scenic Routes
of America
$ 72.50 :
71.20 :'
66.85 ::
55.C3 :
60.00 :
110.00 :
Proportionate Fares to . All
Other Places: Rates given on
rpplication, Slightly higher' go
ing or returning through Cal
ifornia. Palatial Ships "Northern Pa
cific" and "Great Northern" for
San Francisco every TUESDAY,
Fares include meals and befths
and extras'without extra fare.
CIjAT&OP beach
!a th'place. Send for booklet'
A- LOCKE. Agent,
Why Not Face the Facts
About ArmOr Competition?
To the People:
The policy of the United States Government for many years has made real, competition in
armor-making ineffective. . '
The Government might have asked the three armor plants for bids and let the entire
tonnage to the lowest bidder. That would have made competition effective.
The result of such a course would have been to drive two of the three manu
facturers out of business, and leave the country with facilities of only one
plant in time of need.
The Government in fact haa always asked for bid from
the three manufacturers, but no matter what the price
quoted, .each year's business was divided among them.
Armor makers serve but one customer the Government, just aa publie utiliti
serves but one customer a community.
The solution of the public Utility problem is regulation of rates.
Tie solution of the armor problem is for the Government to A trie price.
We voluntarily agree to accept any price fixed by the Federal Trade Commission.
Isn't acceptance of that offer better than the destruction of an industry built solely,
to serve the Government?
Bethlehem Steel Company
lift Shifts hS? g-S? s fi
. m a Oj TO Q, ,ij Cli 5- 3. ?I ff (6 if 2 3 M
iilj J 5a . . 2? S3 fD St N CT M A I 1
sigessjs-is. 'fJ mi ?S h
n $ jr m o w S, to - Us. S. M
. tt 3 s ' T f i n
totroS-Kfrtrfa. erS a to a J M
- -"
tnitr-nrMTVirvTT rtr
s3jaoss93Dy anqouioinv" jo ouj a?adiu'o3 y
sbiijj 3ui;n'o jo sdtx 2uo aoj poaBdaj,
Local Items
Plan1 NoW
A Truly Ricreative fr$.
New Scenes New Fdbds "
New Air Hveryone Ndcds.
Let uss help you find Them4
is The blr'e'ct' Pleasant' Km?
to the Chief Resort Centers
of The Pacific Northwest
Booklets, fres and specific information
about Yellowstone National Park, North
Bach, Wallowa Lake Park, Ml. Hood and
Columbia River Kesorts FRSs! upon ap
plication to R. B. BELL, Agen
A. C. EGAN, T. F. & P. A;, Bend
teeday while "attempting to'j! IB Bocial and dance in ths
:'the sliding door in the roar I'Sabroay night was' well attei
ol his store J. A. Lake received a
btird blow on his head, the door
slipping the Irtrk and fill over on
despite the irritated climatic con
ditions,' and" Was financial sue
60 to Talcott's for donfectionery
and ice cream.
Duke woad went to Heppner
Mrs. Styera'nd children retur'ried
:to Hilleboro Monday night.
Hot baths on short rlbtice al
A car load of gasoline arrived
Thursday &f E. J. Fihcher.
. Go to Talcott's for your ice
cream sundaes,-
Tom flunsnior'e was out from
The Dalles Sunday.
Try Hopski, its's got' the pep.
For sale at Styer's.
Bud Hollenbeck of' Buck Hollow
was in town' yesterday.
If you want to keep the flies out,
get Tum.A'-itn screeii'doors.
'Dad' Coale" made f another bad
bet Sunday on the Maupin team.
Dad' Coale pays the highest
market price for hides and pelts, p
.Father Cantwell will be' here
Sunday and say Maes in Donald-
ion's hall at 9 a. m.
If the other, fellow could not fix
your watch bring it to Emmons
the jeweler.
E. J. Fischer is having some
tents set up by the garage where
they will camp this summer.
Go to Fischer's Garage for all
your automobile accessories, gaso
line and storage of machinery.
Wiluur Wing, Roy Fleet and
Fred Biohael are hauling wood
here from the Wamio section.
Three Buiok cars were In Fifch
ers garage yesterday morning for
overhauling and repair work.
Don't blame your clock It
needs cleaning. Emmons will
do it fsr and guahntet it,
Dr. Lawrence S. Stovall
. v Surgery
and Dentistry
t-harges Reasonable , ..
, . . 1 Satisfaction Guaranteed
' Call Drug store or resideuce ,
Maupin, Oregon
E. R. Wilson, C. E.
Civil, unicipa .and Irrigation
Engirjfierinjr .
Expert oh Public Land Surveys
WapinlriiAato Stage
? Leaves Maupjn;.,8.a; ra.
Uaves Wspitiitia,, 1 30 p. m.
l o. O F.
Lodge J(o. 209, Maupin, Oregon,
meets every Saturday. night in
Diin.iifdsrfri's hrill. Vi.siti'ng mem
lcrs always Welrtrtine.
G. L. 1Iakpha, N O.
, , It. O .Ar.ftKVvi'I!Je(:H'!nry.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, June 12th. 1916.
NOTICE is hereby" given, that
Edward C. Wilson
of Shauiko, Oregon, who on Decem
ber 5th, 1912, made Homestead en
try No. 01 1013 and on December
,Sth, 1915, made- additional Home
stead Entry No. 013107, for wl-2
Nwl-4, Wl-2swl-4, NE1-4SW1-4,
NWl-4sEl-4, NE1-4NWI-4, Nwl-4
NEl-4, Section 15 Township 7
south, Range 15 Ea;U Willamette
Vferidiiin, Iihs filed notice, of inten
sion to-, make Filial there ear
Proof, to establ'sh claim to the
land above described, before F. D.
Stuart, U. s. Commissioner, at
Maupin, Oregon, on the 17th day
ofJnly, 1916. ' .
Claimant names as witnesses!.
James A Glassey, John Wilson,
Charles Gfev. Mrs M. T. Morean.
all of Shaniko, Oreeon.
H. Fkank woodcock,
p Register.
Nc'TfC is ititp.Etv CrVitrJ to
hi.' K-:'il voteN'of School District
No. S4 of VVasco County, Slate of
Oregon, that the
of said district will be held at the
Srhmil Friimp tn lit-criti ut tht- lirnr
Quarterly meeting Services begin of two o'clock P. M. on the third
Chufch Notice.
Friday evening, June 23 and will
noia over bunaav. services as
Friday and Saturday '."''evenings
begmniiig at 7:45; Sunday a. m.,
Sunday school 10; love feast 10:30;
preaching 11. Y, M., preaching,
3; sung service 7;45; preacihing 8:15
Midwefek services ' as follows
Prayer meeting Thursday evening
Camp'meeting at Tygh Valley
beginning Tuesday evening, June
27. Every bud y come.
G. R. Ellis, Pastor
(For Publication)
Department of th? Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, June 2, 1916.
To Henry G. Kenworthy, of The
Dalles, Oregon; Contestee:
You' are lierebv lioiiffpfi ; tliot
Silas C. ". TJichar.lsnn mhn
Shanfto', Oregon , as his postoffice
"uuicm, uiu on iviay 0, 1910, ;uie in
this office his duty corroborated
application to couteJt and secure
the cancellation of your homestead
iimryjNo. Serial No. 07 J S4,
made July 7, 1910, for SE1-4SWI-4,
SWI-4SKt-4, Sec. 21, NWI-4NEI-4,
nei-4N'i-4. Section 28, Township
7 South'; RaVe 15' East Willamette
Meridian,-and as eromuls fo,hi
tonici ne auc'res tnat saia Henrv
G. Kenworthy hn riot been on this
lana smce ne Died on it; he made
no improvements whatever oh the
. Yod ae therefore, further, noti
fied' that the said flllfffati
be Jaken as ponfeised,J arid your
said entry will be Cancelled Without
w?Abi- b .'fither
uc,u'f lfM?.Jf tuc5' f on appeal, it
you fail to file jij, tfvis office within
twentydays'af ter the torjRTH pub
lication' of. this, notice, as shpwn
below,; your answer, under oath,
specihbally Responding to these al
legations of contesttogether' with
due proof that you have served a
copy of your . answer on the, .said
contestant either in person or by
registered mail;
You should state in your answer
the name of the postoffice to Which
you desire future notices to be
sent to you.
H. Frank Woodcock,
p' . . Register.
Date of. first .publication June 23.
Date of second publication June 30
Date of third publication July 7.
Date of fourth publication Jufy 14
Monday of June, being the loth day
of June, A. D. 1 91G.
This meeting is called for the
purpose of electing dde director for
a term of three years dnd one clerk
for a term of one year and the
transaction of business ' usual at
such meeting. ' ' ' ,
Dated this 7th dayi)f Jdrie, iq'i6
Attest: . 1
F. D. Stuart', District Clerk,
L. D. Kelly, Chairman Board
of Directors.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles; '.
Oregon, May 29th, 1916. ..'
NOTICE is hereby given that
Herbert N. D'od'ge,
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who , on
July .loth, 1910, made Homestead
Eiitfv No. oi2i for ai.23nt.i
Section 9, Townsliip'6 South', Range
12 i,ast Willamette Meridian, das
al five year Proof, to establish' claim
to the land above described.' be
fore t. D. Stuart, U S. Commis..
sionef,at Maupin. Oregon, On the'
iltb davof Tulv. 1016. i - "
Claimant names as witnesses:
J. Lewis, O. L-. Paqnet. Jawies
Hartma'riy N. W. Fliuu, , all of
Wapinitja, Oregon '
W'Tfoiwir Wnnnfnrir
up Regiser. 1 '
Department of the Interior,
United States Land Offi
Dalles, Oregon, June 7th, 1916.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Gustav Bauer'
of Tyeh Vallev. Oreiwm. l
July 19th, 1909, ; made Homstead
Entry, No o;oqi. for m.u-i.i
Section 24, v1-2Nw1-4, Section
25, Township 3 South, Ranee
12 East, Willamette . Meridian,,
has filed notice of intention to
make Final fi
establish claim to the land above
described, before F.. D. Stuart, U
S. Commitsioner, at Maupin, Ore
gon, ou the 19th day of July; 1916
viainwui names , as. witnesses:
Raffl Tarssltv. KonraA hc.
' I UBUm,.
Frank Ba zer Emit nr.rt, -u c
Tygh Valley, Oregon. -
H. r RANK W00C0C5,
P Pgiaer,
Department of the Interior,
i'"U. S. Land Office at The Dalles.'
Oregon, K.Iay 24th, 19 16.
NfrTrrW 1 hprAhu ImTMi fViof
of Maupin,'. pregon, who on
April 8,tlj, I9ti made;' homestead
Entry No,to8636 and on November
IOtb. 1014 made additional Bump.
steady Entry, no. 014044,. for. wi-2
SB1-4. wi-2Swi-d.; NEi-dSwi-A. sa
i-twi;4, SW1-4NK1-4, section-
17. NWT.IWWT.f . Sof.t!rn in '
YownshiD south. R'anm t ' Vast
vviuamette Meridian, Jias filed
notice of intention to make. Final
Ave year Proofs' to .establish claim
to the land abOwe described,' before
F. D. Stuart. XL fi. f!rtmmisinnpr
at ' Maupin,.' Qrego'n, on the 8tb'
vyyt jniy, 1910. ,,(-
Claimant., partes as witnesses:,
F. S. Fleming, Bakei oven; Oregon,
W. H. Williams Man
T. A. St. Dennis. Matinin. rfrpo-rtn
i J 1 , p, r
W. C Richardson, nf Man nin
Oregon.' ,', . .
H. Frank Woodcock,
P Register.
Notice for public a TTnxr i
.... - ; .; T
Department pf the Interior
U. S. Laud Office at Thp nall:
Oregon, June 7th, I916. ; , , -. 'J
NOTICE is . . hereby given that ;
RAFPT Ijccct hi 1
. j-OA.ny 1
l. T;8h 'Valle,y, Oregon, who on-
loin, 1910, made Homestead.
entry, sso. p65oi, for Wi.2Nwi-4 !
se4nwi-4', SW1-4NE1.4, .. section
J4i Townshin. 1 aoiitii .c9n,
tj - East. WillamM... .:a:JL '
has bled'! nrttirw f -
make,. Final D-t
establish - rim m t.-. t- l.
descubedrbeforei F.,D, Stuart, U. -'
-..i.oIUUcr mi Maupin Ore-
gn, j0n the 19th day of' July,
Gustav . Balzer, Frank Balzer.i
Nonraa Hauser jPmti n.f... -,1
Tygh Valley, Oregon. . .
H Frank Woodcock,
p Register,