MAUPIN 4 t 4 A Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County t'Hyear$i.'$0 VOk2.NO.37 MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1916 Farewell Reception Tuesday night a dance was giv qn to invited guests in ShaUj:ykJn ball in honor or Walter Scott, one qf the 0. N. G., who was cajledi to the Clackamas encampment for drill. After spending a couple pleasant hours at the hall. Mrs. D, A. Moad invited all to her home where she and Mrs. Miller had beautifully decorated for the oc: c,nsion in the American colors and' served ipe cream, and, cake. Mr. Scott was escorted, to the train by bis friends as the lust number of the evening's program. The Maupjn Brans Band w.ill go to Dufut Saturday to furnish music, for, tlje Colt, Show. W. E-. KurM -H'ty be in Maupin pn June 27 t,o 30 to buy hogs or cattle that are fat, and will, receive and shtyoulj on July 1st. SENT IN BY OUR Smock Itms John Gordon left her.e Monday to visit, liis son Deek and family at Catalow Valley. Frank, Tilitson and daughter Mariorie and Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Stakely of Tygh Valley were here looking after their ranches last week. Mrs. John Landor's father, brother and sister are visiting her from Burns. Mrs. Cora Smith was a business visitor at Maupin, Monday. T. T, Whitcomb, and family wfas Wednesday visitors at his sisters i " THE UNIVERSAL PAR Ypu want to know what your moror car will do. The million-car Ford performance answer? your question. Suplying the motor car needs of all classes, the For4 is pperated and maintained in city or country for about tVo cents a inile with universal Ford service behind it. Touring Car $440; Runabout $390; Coupelet $50; Town Cat $640; Sedan $740, f. o. b. Petroit. On display and sale at FkAirp Garage MAUPIN, ORE. Mjs. L,eone Qourtright. John Iiowell is hauling lumber for a new barn. The Morgan family are enpected home soon from White Salmon where they have been during the strawberry season. Mr, Ayres was reelected; director at the school meeting held Mpnday. D. A. Harvey and Geo. Euders- tjy of Juniper Flat was business visitors at J. V. Farlow's Monday. Several attended the I. O O. F. memorial service held Sunday at Wamic. J. W, Farlow and wife and Mrs, I,illy Farlow motored to Maupin Friday to see Dr, El wood. J. W. A.yers and J, y, Farlow ohipped hogs from Maupin Mouday. Mrs Henry Mayfield is enter taining her sister Mrs. John Iewis arid family of VVapinitia Cecil Mayfield was working on the Gate Creek grade a few days last week. BJain Disbrow is night watjeh at Mulvaney Bro's. MuL Mrs. Minnie Bargainholt, Mrs. Cora Smith and children, Mrs, Mary Spoor, and Linda Mayfield bad a picnic on Gate creek. They claim it was a fishing party but we saw no fish. Wayne Spoor is assisting his father to buiffl" a tfcw house. Mrs. T. E. were i uesclay Courtrights Mr. and Mrs. Fleck were at J. W, Farlow's Thursday. R. C, and Wrn. Stakely are occupying the Gabe Stakely house and cutting wood. There was a small attendance at Sunday school Sunday there being so many away at this time. week. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tuuison and daughter Vera' and Kenneth Haines have been spending a few days at the home of J, lunison. Leonard Chastain spent a few days in this vicinity during the past week. We are glad to say the ditch has been fixed, and the roadp made passable near Harvey Martin's place, Mrs. Iva Neihouse was visiting with her sisters Mrs, Bert Brown and Mrs. Brittain. Mr. and Mrs. Coberth made a trip to Warm Springs this week. Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Morrow and daughter Mabtl spent, a few days nt John Morrow's ranch. A large delegation passed through here to M.oro Tuesday. Mrs. C. E. Tunison, and Vera were visiiiug at Ray unison's this week. Base Ball Notes IS EFFECTED Property Purchased At the stockholders' meeting of the Southern Wasco County Fair Association in Tygh Valley Satur day' incprporatibn for the sum of $5000 wab effected. Fjarty one acres of land was purchased from W. 11. McAt'ee, on which perman ent buildings will be erected. The following officers and board ot directors were elected: W.' II. McAtee, president; F. C. Butler, secretary! .T. h. Kennedy, vice president; j: T. Harper, treasurer I. L. Hauser, L. D. elly, JYS Brown and fYB. Ingles,' directors. Last Sunday Maupin went to Grass Valley where 1 they defeated', the combined Grass Valley and' Moro teams by a' score ol 8 to 3, N'eit Sunday Dufur'will come to Maupin to play the thir'd game for this season, each, team having one game to their 'credit. Everybody come as this will be the last game of the season on the home diamond Tho locals' will go'W'Wapinitia the Fourth' of July, which will bp tlia last game of the saason. " J. A- Lake who opened, a store at the ' end of the seel bridge a short time ago, seems t.o be starting out to do a lively business. He is adding new items to his stock every day. New heating aparatus has been installed and hot baths can be had on very short notice at 'Talcott'e. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison of. Tygh Valley, leave Monday o attend ministerial institutes at Pullman and Eugene and yisit the jatter'B parents. Odd Fellows Initiate The local I. O. O. F. had anoth er big time Saturday night when E. H. Snodgress, R. B. Bell and" C. II. Crofoot were" initialed into the first mysteries of the order. Tasty ' refreshments were not for-" ten and the bdvs declare a good time and another one coming next Saturday night when the initiation will be completed. A. F. Martin's cow waa struck Sunday afternoon by the passen ger train and seriously 'injured. SERVICE AND SAFETY Service because we are the handiest Bank for you to deal with, we know your wants and are prepared to take care of them. Safety because you know our Stock holders and their circumstances. NOTARY PUBLIC AND INSURANCE Don't overlook us when you are looking for the best price for your wheat- MAUPIN STATE B A N II m m $53 Farlow and sons callers at Leone White River are the To our Customers: o o O o We are going' to g'ive you Absolutely FREE $185.00 of High Grade Aluminum Ware now on display at our new Store Get your coupons with every cash sale or 30 day settlements SHATTUCK BROS. STORE OF BETTER SERVICE 5g o (too late for last week) W. O. Wilson and family at White River again for summer. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Tunuison, Mabel and Emma Morrow went camping for a few days taking in the Farmer's Union Annual picnic at Friend. They report a good time and a large attendance. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. York Wilson Friday evening. Mother and son are doing well. Harold Curl is is at home with his family, from Bend, ljuite a number or the young people from here attended the pic nic at Friead. Jean Doering, formerly of this place and wife have been spending several days in the neighborhood The sudden changes in the weather have put quite a few in the neighborhood on the sick list. Miss Bessie Martin spent a few days here this week with her sister Mrs. David Mayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Coberth of The Plant attended the Rose festival. Miss Rova Houston, Vincent Tapp jr. and Harry Gabe! visited at the homes of Wilson and Ray lunnison, last Sunday. White River welcomes Mr, Ellis' back as their pastor for another year, also Mr. Baker as supply. Mr. and Mrs. David Mayfield are spending the week end at t -ie home of Harvey Martin. Quiiicy Morrow is substituting at The Plant while Mr. Coberth is away. The Boy Scouts of Wasco came through here on their way home from Warm Springs. There were fourteen of them and their leader, Miss Ora Martin is home from school. Mrs. Clyde Kellogg was visiting at the home of her parents last New House to be Built for Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Derthick New house to , be built for Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Derthick on their ranch about 5 miles from Maupin. Mr. and Mrs. Derthick selected the new home from the TUM-A-LUM plan books, House No. 419. Their new home has been redesigned by the architects of the Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. to embody neces sary change? they desired. The building wiil be 22 x 34 with a fu) front porch, a living room, dining room, kitchen, bed room, den, and bath room on the first floor. The kitchen will havo the latest cabi net work, including kitchen cupboards, drawers, flour bins, and closets for pots and pans. There will be three bed rooms ' with closets - - - upstairs. Mr. - - - Derthick will build a - : full basenient r - underthe house; Mr. : - - Kilburg states ----- Turn -A-kum Lum- - - ber Company ' - - - - fras now over 200 r - - modern bunga ----- low and designs of - - homes in their - - - - collection which they - - - loan to their ----- custom ers for the - p u r p o s e of - - - choosing their new - - - house, and he - - - - - states also that : they are glad - - - always to work ov - - - er any designs and make any necessary changes in - - the plans to suit individual requirements By means of their new guaranteed price system it iB possible to get an exact cost on all the lumber and mill work necessary to build the house before erection, and fur ther states that material left over can be returned to yard and credited on Recount t : r ' 'i - -i'-V- - - ' "See Peter Kilburg about it" TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. The home of 'Tum-A-Lumber'