The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 16, 1916, Image 8

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    The Maupin Times
Published every Friday at Maupin,
J. K. Disdkow, Publisher
Subscription; One year, $1.50; six
inontli.s, 75 cents; three months, 50
Entered as second, class mail
matter September 2,' 1914, at the
postoflke at Maupin, Oregon, un
der the Act of March 3, 1879.
Free speech mid the free prcm
arrf a ticked fnun two different an
gles in the United States and (it.
Britain. In the latter country the
exigencies of war are pleaded in
defence of a censorHliip which for
liid pu'blicutiiin in the riewpuperi
of any reports or discussion of pro
ceedings of lliu Caoinet or Parlia
ment in' secret pension. New regu
lations make such publication a
crime punit-hiible by heavy penal
lies. Tim press in Ureal Brituiri
is gaged as it lias not been since
tiie diii of Charles I. The censor
Kl.'p is di f'Midi d on IIih ground
Uiiil it, in iieue.-pary to prevent
publication of information useful
to the enemy. In fact it is used
to suppres facts which are well
known to the enemy, but which
form the basis of legitimate criti
cism of the government, which
thus confounds iis duty to defend
the country ith its jn.terest in
perpetuating itsWn power.
Similar restrictions on liberty of
press are attempted in the United
States by public officials grasping
after power and by bigcts, politi
cal, religious or social, who cannot
endure criticism of thoir own be
liefs. The perfectly proper inter
dict on use of the mails for fraud
or circulation of obscene or sedi
tious matter has suggested to these
bigots a censorship of all adverse
comment on their own creeds. A
bill has been introduced in Con
gress, one section of which provides
that whenever a written complaint
is made to tbe Postmastcr-Generul
that auy publication "making use
of or being, carried through the
mails" contains any article there
in which tends to expose any race,
creed or religion to either hatred,
contempt),, ridicule or obloquy"
that ollfoial shall forthwith cause
an investigation, and if the allega
tion made is found correct he shall
within twenty days forbid "tin
further use of the mails to an)
such publication."
This bill would make the Post
master General a censor of all
writings on race, religion or creed,
and creed might be construed to
cover any subject of discussion.
He Would bo the sole judge of what
would '"expose any race, creed or
religion to either hatred,, contempt
ridicule or obloquy.' lie might
stretch his powers to the suppres
sion of discussion on the charat'er
i' ticB of various races, on arjy re
ligion or creed or on any political
or economical tenets which might
be termed a creed. A law such as
is proposed would destroy liberty
of speech and of the press one of
the dearest rights for which the
Revolutions ry war was f 6 tight and
which are guaranteed by the Con
stitution. The law provides ample remedy
iii the court if for any' persons
damaged by abuse of this right,
To give a partisan official authori
ty over transmission by mail of all
all controversial matter would be
to get up an inferable tyranny.
Funny things-1 we'hrinians? are,
ain't we? Seems like vc all ought
to be friends, instead of that most
of ns are enemies just lfke a
Tck of blizzards, every one of us
a-watchinjr' for some! ctlier' poor
weak brother cf sister to ' make a
wrong move. Then we are down
on them like grim ' death and the
Scandalous toungues begin to wag.
Many a family has 'been broken up
bV these sluth-hoUnds' or character
thieves, for they are nothing but
thieves iri the worst form, as they
steal1 the most precious thing their
neighbor posSsses their repuVattdii
and character.' These scandal
uiorfgSf's do Hot stop 1o think that
v.Tiec (hey are trying to injure their
fellow-man, that they are simply
iSrowing a boomerang, and the
Jjirdcr tbey tiJrow it witjjfreattr
Bulletin No. 3
Why Not Face the Facts
About Armor Competition?
To the People:
Tho policy of the United States Government for many years has made' real competition in
wmor-muking ineffective.
The Government might have asked the three armor plants for bids and let the entire
tonnage to tho lowest bidder. That would have made competition effective.
The rcrnilt of such a course would have been to drive two of the three manu
facturers out of business, and leave the country with facilities of only one
plunt in time of need.
The Covornmcnt in fact has always asltcd for bida from
the three manufacturers, hut no matter what the price
quoted, each yearns business was divided among them.
Armor makers serve but one customer the Government, junt ua a public utilit
serves but one customer a' community.
The solution of the public utility problem is regulation of rates.
The solution of the armor problem is for the Government to fir the price.
We voluntarily agree to accept any price fixed by the Federal Trade. Commission.
Isn't uceeptanee of that offer better than the destruction of an industry built solely
to serve the Government?
CHA8. M. SCHWAB, Chalrma
Uethtehem Steel Company
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S3!.ioss9DDV aqotuo;nv jo auiq aidtuo
Plan Now
A Truly Recreative Trip.'
New Scenes New Foods
New Air Everyone Needs.
Let us help you' find Them
is The Direct Pleasant Route
to the Chlei Resort Centers
of The Pacific Northwest.' "
Booklets, fares and specific information
about Yt'llohstone Niitionul park. North
Bench, Wallowa Lake Park, Mt. Hood and
Columbia River Resorts FRIvE upt)i re
plication to R. B. BElU Agent.
A.C.EGAN. T. F. & P. A.( Bend
Local Items
fcVee :t' will return to them iu aftet
years. These people that have
always something bad to tell about
this one and that one, show to the
world that they are low minded in
deed, and the community iu which
bey live quickly form tb opiqion
tlct their character is not above
their mind, and if it were shown
to the world one could black their
shoes on their character and cot
very good polish, "Let him that 1 "Se of 8 8llil(1y sPot on the river
Go to Talcott's for confectionery
arid ice cream.
Mrs. Lotta Miller is employed
at the Moad hotel.
Go to Talcott's for your ice
cream sundaes.
Mrs. Jessie Oliver is again land
lady at the Tygh hotel.
, Try Hopski, its's got the pep.
For sale at Styer's.
Sylvester Gray and family are
camped at the spring this week.
If you want to keep the flies out,
get Tum-A-Lum screen doors.
D.'M. Shattuck was a business
visitor at the metropolis this week.'
A. P. Gibbs and family were
over from Tygh Valley yesterday.
Dad' Coale pays the highest
"market price for hides and pelts, p
Mrs. Cunningham and sons
moved iu from their ranch Tues
If the other fellow could not fix
your watch bring it to Emmons
the jeweler.
Nine money orders to Sears,
Roebuck & Co. alone were issued
yesterday morning.
Go to Fischer's Garage for all
your automobile accessories, gaso
liue aud storage of machinery.
Mrs. Piercie, son and daughter.
arrived Saturday for a visit with
her daughter, Mrs. F. D. Stuart.
Don't blame your clock It
needs cleaning. Emmons will
do it for you and guarantee it.
Mrs. Chae. French came out
from The Dalles Friday for a visit
with her sister, Mrs. E. A. May
hew. Mr. and Mrs. Xm. Hunt, Mr.
and Mrs. Bud Harvey, Mrs. Guy
Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Camp'
bell and Mrs. Beaty. took'advan-i
Dr. Lawrence S. Stovall
and Dentistry
Uiarges Reasonable
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Call Drug store or residence
Maupin, Oregon
E. R. Wilson, C. E,
Civil, Municipal and Irrigation
Expert on Public Land Surveys
) mi. ::!. 1 .... p.
I Leaves Maupin, 8 a. m.
. .
( Leaves Wapinitia, 1.30 p,
I. O. O.F
Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon
meets every Saturday night in
Donaldson's hall. Visiting mem
bers always welcome.
G. L. HArphan, ft. G.
R. 0. Aubrey Secretary
The first car load of wool to be
shipped from the Hunts Ferry
Warehouse this season was half of
T. A. Connolly's clip, being valued
at $9000.
Church Notice.
Sunday services, Sunday school
10, preaching 11 A. M., and 8:15
P. M. Sung services beirins at
8:45 P. M. '
Midweek prayer meeting Thure
day evening 8 o'clock.
everyone cordially invited to
atju4 any or all services.
G. R. Ellis, Pastor.
Stockholders' Meeting
A meeting of the stockholders
and those desiring to become stock
holders in the Southern Wasco
County Fair Association is called
for Saturday, June 17th. at the
Odd Fellows hall in Tygh Valley
at which time officers will be elect
ed and arrangements for holding
rair this year made. The incor
porators are very anxious that
every stock'Mblder should attend if
East and California
Central Oreeon line
Through Service via Spokane 6v
er the Greatest Scenic Routes
of America
: CHICAGO f 72.5o":"
: St. LOUIS 71.20
: DES MOINES' 66.85
: DENVER ' 55.00 ::
:.Sf. PAUL r 60.00 :'
:' NEW YORK 110.00
TV .i r
rroportionate Fares tr A1
Other Places. Rates given 6t
application, Slightly higher eo
ing or returning through" Cal
Palatial Ships "Northern
cificanrj "Great Northern" for
tan t rancisco every TUESD iY
Fares include meals and berths
and extras without extra fare.
is the place. Send for booklet
A. LOCKE, Agent,
is without sin
caSt the first stone
near Maupin for a picnic and fanv
lly reunion Sunday.
i .
'Department of the Interior,
United States Laml ftffi
Dalles, Oregon, June 7th, 1916.
NOTICE is . hereby given that
Gustav Bauer
of Tygh Valley, Oregon, who on
jiuyiqm, iqoo, made Homstead
Entry, No osooi. for
Section 24, WI-2NW1-4, Section
25, Township 3 South, Range
12 East, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to
make Final five . vear Prrv-if fr.
establish' claim to the laud boye
described, before Register end Re
ceiver U. S Land Office " at The
UPlles, Ofegou, on the 19th day cf
July, 1916.
RafS larsslav Krairo-' Wo-..
Frank Balzer, Emil Mertz, all of
Tygh Valley, Oregon.
H. Frank Woocock,
P Regiser.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, June 12th, 1916.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Edward C. Wilson
of Shaniko, Oregon, who on Decem
ber 5th, 1912, made Homestead en
try No. oiioij aud on December
5th, 1915, made additional Home
stead Entry No, 013107, for wl-2
nwI-4, wl-2swl-4, NE1-4SW1-4,
NW1-4SE1-4, NE1-4NWI-4. Nwl-4
NET4, section 15 Township 7
south, Range 15 East Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to make Final there year
Proof to establish rlaiin tn the
land above described, before F. D.
Stuart, U. s. Commissioner, at
Maupin, Oregon, on the 17th day
of July, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
James A. Glassey, John Wilson,
Charles Grey, Mrs., M. J. Morgan,
all of Shaniko, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock,
p Register,
Ndtfidn 19 Hsbhiv' Oivuni in
the legal voters of School District
No. 8i of Wasco Couutv.- State of
Oregon, that the
of said district will be held at the
School House, to betfin at the hcitr
of two o'clock P. M. on the third
Monday of lune. being the ioth dav
of June, A. D. 1916.
This meeting is called for the
purpose of electing one director for
a term ot three years and one clerk
for a term of one year and the
transaction of business usual at
such meeting.
Dated this 7th day of June, 1916 .
F. D. Stuart, District Clerk,
L. D. Kelly. Chairman Board
of Directors.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles
Oregon, May 29th, 1916.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Herbert N. Dodge,
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who 011
July iotht 1910,, made Homestead
Elltrv NO. 0721Y for ni.iaai.A'
iSection 9', Township' 6' $outh', Range
:2 East Willamette Meridian; has'
filed notice of intention to'm'a'e Fin
al five year Proof, to egtatjliih claim
to the la'ild above , described ' be
fore F. D. S'tnarr TT. S' PnnWiL'
siou' Maupin' Oregon',' orl the
iiiu uay vi JUly, 1910.
Llaimant names as witnesses:
R.' Lewis. O. L'. Paauet. Tames
Hartman, N. W. Flinn, all of
Wapinitia, Oregon.'
Hi Frank Woodcock,
up Regiser
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The nalles.
Oregon, May 24th, 1916.
notice is hereby given that
of Mauoin, brei?ori. mhn on
April 8th, 191 1 made Homestead
uutry no. 08636 aud on November
,iOth, 1914:. made additional
stead. Entry,', no. oiifor wi-2
SEI-4', VVI-2SWI-4, NEI-4SWI-4, SB,
i-4nwi;4,. SW1-4NEI-4. section
17, NWI-4NWI-4. Section in
Township s South, Range. 14 East!
vvuiamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to' make ''Final,
five year Proof, to establisli claim
to the land above described; before
f.-D. Stuart, U. S. Commssimier .
at MauDin. Qrepnti nn theati,
day of July, 1916. .
Claimant n times aq tvitnpccoe
F. S. Fleming, Bake oven, Oregon
W. H. Williams Mannin rirann
- , -j V.VgVJU,
T. A. St. Dennis. Kfannin firpn
W. C. Rirhartt
. , . v. .uduuiu,
II. Frank Woodcock,
P Register.
notice for publication!
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office a Tho rioii
Oregon, June 7th, 1916.
NOTICE is herebv sriven tt,af
KAFFT. Tatjcct au
of Tygh Valley, Oregon, who on
APm iotji, 19 10, made Homestead
Entry No. 0650.1. for Wi.jmtt., '
SEI.4NWI-4, WI-4NEI-d.' Sertinn
J4-. Townshinv , 3 south " Kx,
U -r East. 1 Willamef-to rli;j:
nas, tiled notice of ino,;
make, Final five vesr Prf
establish claim tn Hi '1.
d escribed , bef ore-F... D-.", Stuart, U.
i. tommisstenerj at I,tai-nin rir.
gnion the 19th day of' July,
Claimant names as witnesses- J V
Oustav Balzer, Frank Balzer,
Konrad Hauser, Emil Mertz, all of
Tygh Valley, Oregon.
H Frjjk Woodcock, .
p Register.