Ship Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Eggs & Farm Produce To the Old Rp1I1)1 F.vrdln hmiw with record of 45 yiumof Biuur Doillim anil ba MitureU of Top Market Prices. F. M. CRONKHITE, 45-47 Front Si, PORTLAND, ORE Mr. Dairyman Don't Mitt Our Offer for June 7 or 8 Purlnir 111 Row Fnallvnl wo hull hnvo ox. ei'ptluiml ili'tnitnilit fur Hu7.i)wohI Huttcrund lvn C'rctirn, and your h-lt In wanted ti Huprly tho drmand. We will prrwnt you with One Hugvrs A I Silver I'hileJ Salad Pork if you (fi-t a ndirlibor who 1h imt HhippiiiK im now to hctuI UBOfiKiof KfMicI crvitin U) hitIvi1 in Portlnnd Jutiu 7 nr H. The ti'w pntrm, will iiIko rvcvlvm thin wmvenlr. AVm u alt fhtt unnt cream you can. HAZLLWOOD CO., PORTLAND New Houston Hotel SIXTH AND EVERETT STS. Four niiwko from Union Strulon. Under nrw maniuri-mcmt. All roums newly decorated. SPECIAL RATES BY WEEK OR MONTH Kates 50c. 75c, $1, $1.50 Per Day. FEAR III EYE Superstition That Is Still Believer In by Many. 8yrlan Especially Hold That thl Glance Can Carry Menace and Death Amuleti Confided In to Avert Bad Effectt. The belief In the wizardry of the ey li closely connected with the Idea once universal, and still held by th Ignorant, tliut sight 1b the result ol radiation proceeding from the eye tc the object seen, Instead of beln( caused by light reflected from the ob Ject to the eye. The eye being regard ed as "the window of the soul,' malevolence, If It resides In the soul naturally proceeds thonce along th "rays of sight" and produces Its effecti la the objects or persons upon whon DON'T POLISH YOUR PIANO Until you have road our free Instruction! on tho caro of your piano. Tho result of 20 yean' ex perience absolutely free for the asking. ARDREY PIANO TUNING CO., 21 Glenwood Are. PORTLAND, ORE r Pcrtland Y.M. C. A. Auto School Day And nitrht clauses. Expert traln.nir In repairing, driving and machine work, ind tiding forge, lathe, shaper, drill piwm, tractor, etc.. Time unlimited. COMPE TENT CHAUFFEURS AND MECHAN ICS SUPPLIED. WRITE US. KIRK'S ARMY AND NAVY GOODS 3rd Stark Sts., Portland, Ore. A Full Line of Big Values at Low FficeS. SEND FOR OUR CATALOGUE If you cannot come to Portland to Ret your eyes htted. 1 will send you my method of fat ing eyes hy mail. Not as desirable as person al service but much better than goinft with out glasses needed or trying to lit yourseir. Outfit sent on application. STAPLES, the Jeweler-Optician, 266 Mormon St., Portland, Oregon mm HIDES, PELTS, CASCARA BARK, WOOL AND MOHAIR. We want all you have. Write for prices and shipping tags THE H. F. NORTON CO. Portland, Ore, Seattle, Wo ELECTRIC MOTORS Bought, Sold, Rented and Repaired WALKER ELECTRIC WORKS Burnaide, cor. 10th. Portland, Ore. Double Tread Punciura Proof Tires Made from your old ones. Last long as Brand New TIRES Write us. OREGON VULCANIZING CO.. 660 Washington St.. Portland. Ore. 1 8yrlan Charm Against the Evil Eye the evil glance Is bent. Whoever be lieves thus 1b, of course, frightened by a gaze that he considers to be evil and the maladies due to suggestibility may follow. Fortunately they can be also cured by suggestion, hence the fa vorable results of "white magic" ol all kinds, including especially amulets. These really do ward off the effect ol the evil eye, since, as these effects arc due to suggestion, anything that will cause a counteracting suggestion will prevent the injurious action. Those who do not believe in the evil eye. however, do not need the amulet, and hence its use has fallen off. A Kansao Editorial It vanned our heurts the other day to boc a top buggy, new and glisten- lug, claim a place among the motor ars ami farm wagons in the rank around C'enlorvllle's court house square. When we found out who own ed that buggy we couldn't help but chuckle. Hodge's boy has the right idea; gasoline can burn up the roads, but a trusty old nag with a buggy will find the shortest way to Sarah's heart. Bide your time, Jim! The good old country buggy is still the king of sloge gunB In Contervllles aflalrs of aflec tion. Two or three nights a week young Shaw takes Sarah for a spin in his flivver. Well, let him and as of ten as he wants! Mere speed can't win a girl like Sarah. Give Shaw his choice moonlight nights and be you content with the dark ones. His eyes are always on the road. His hands are busy with the steering wheel. His voice is drowned In chugs and whirs and sputters. Here lies your incom parable .advantage, Jim; you can lay down the reins! A long road and a shadowy one. Something to say and an eternity to say it. Colliers. When Whipping Cream. To prevent splashing and waste when beating eggs or whipping cream with an egg beater, cut a piece of clean white cloth or brown paper across at right angles in the middle so there will be four small flaps. Pull the paper down over the handle of the egg beater and let the outer part of the paper cover the edge of the bowl. For crushed finger thoroughly apply Hanford's Balsam. Adv. Temporary Condition. "I saw you out in your new car yes terday." . "Did I look like a motorist?" "Well, no. You had an air of re sponsibility that gave you away, but that will disappear in time." Birm ingham Age-Herald. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative three for a cathartic. The Substitute. "Does heap big Indian ever smoke the pipe of peace any more?" "Not these days," said the Carlisle graduate. "Have a cigaret?" Louis ville Courier-Journal. rKOVERALLSi I I .1 Keep Kids Kleen The mod practical, healthful, playtime garment ever invented for chiidrea 1 to 6 yean of tge. Made id one piece with drop back. Easily flipped on or off. tatily washed. lo Lam etawcDanas to tl op circulation. Ivlade in blue denim, and blue and white hickory triM (sir fru VMf round. AltO lighter weight, fast-color material in A.,l kl., -,-Ut kW tn oi dark red foe turamer wear, all appropriately mnmrtt WTth t&tt - COJof BSlatea. jVladem Uutcn Deck wun eioow leevei and high neck, and k8 ileevea. 75c the suit If wmir Aa)ri cannot mcolr TOV. We will tend them, chartret prepaid en receipt of poce, c each. AeS-FREE" Beware of Imitations. Look for the Two Hons on the Lahei, Levi Straus & Co., San FrancUco Awt-rded GRAND PRIZE at th P.rM.t. lit lfodeoy How to Test Water. Every one knows and admits the ne cesslty for pure water. When you are away from home, and are not sure of the character of the water supply, would not be a bad Idea to make a few simple tests. The results may prove that It was decidedly worth while tc take the trouble. Here are two tests that you can make very easily: Fill a tumbler with water, drop in 8 lump of white sugar, cover it with saucer, and let it stand overnight on the bricks at the side of the range, on the kitchen mantelpiece, or, in fact. anywhere where the temperature will not sink below 60 degrees. If next morning the contents are clear, the water is pure. If, on the other hand the liquid 1b cloudy, some source ol contamination 1b indisputably proved. The second test is to drop a few grains of permanganate of potash into a tumbler of water, cover, and let stand for an hour. If the water is still of the bright rosy color to which the chemical turned It, It is perfectly safe for drinking; if it is of a brownish color, it is impure, although the im purity may be of the kind that boil ing will rob of its power to harm. New York Sun. When You Grit Your Teeth. "Probably you don't know that there is a pressure of 250 pounds to the square inch on the teeth when the average citizen grits his molars to gether at a ball game or because rent day comes so often," said a dentist "The pressure may be less or it may be greater, but 250 pounds is the aver age. "And think of the damage that may be done. One of my customers cracked off a porcelain tooth in his sleep one night when he crunched hie teeth together, probably dreaming about a business deal. What did he do? He came around the next day and told me I was a punk dentist and that the tooth which I had put In a short time before was a fake. "I told him all about the 250 pounds pressure and that probably no art! flcial tooth would stand such a Btrain But I don't think he believed a word of it, because he went away angry and I have not seen him since. I had fig ured out that that particular tooth was a rather artistic piece of work too." P. N. U. No. 24, 1916 1 WHS wrttlne to arcrtbn, lut M I " Hoe this eeiwr. Working of Electric Lamps. Electric lamps in the form of letters of the alphabet already in use for In door signs are made in heights up to three or four inches. Each lamp Is a tube with a back of white enamel, and contains a number of tiny carbon fila ments, the number varying with the different letters, though all lamps are adjusted to use the same amount of current. The letter lamp Is mounted on its individual socket. In use, the socket is slid into a trough-shaped frame, the word or words desired be ing formed, and the 110-volt street cir cuit does the rest Battle of the Aiane. There is nothing in history with irhicb, to compare the battle of the Mane. For duration, the number of nen engaged and the losses involved, :he stupendous struggle in northern FYance throws every other battle of rhlch we have any knowledge far Into AO shade. THE YALVELESS PUMP Mom Water Iu Ilowpowrr, Ia Toil, Moat Hllirlerit for Irrigation, Mining, Fire Piotrrllun uitd Uumtmtlr Urn, Hnmil, Light, Powerful. No VulvrB, No 1'lunirrra. No ( yun di'ra. Duatrurflvtt Htirh Hpecd KiimimiM-d. I'umu Run on Iw Spent. Will I'unm Water and Air Hlmul tatifouitly, Will Hump Ixiilintr water, Haxrvu onl for vertical nut-dun Mft of M.6 ft i't. Can t InHlulM by Anyiniu. Imt'o.tnihlf to Make a Mi Mink 0. I Mi vera Mrtt Wat' r, with fur l.aait Hmwdowit, iht.n Any 1'imip Known. No l'riniinif Ui-tjuimJ at Any Jiiuminniili Suction, Writ for ChuIuk, Prlciti and TuaHnuinlait before you buy. TI!E VAI.VI.ESS PL' MP CO., 8th Floor Title Truil Bid.. I'orllunJ, Ore, .if Onion. Seed Poor. The average germination percentage of onions in Oregon is low this year, only 51.90 germinating, as compared with 75.13 for last year. The ger mination of over 34 of the onion samples was below 25. Onions make up over ten per cent of all germination tests made in the Oregon Branch Seed Testing Labora tory this year. " The Inexpressible m Joy m INSURING LIVES OF OTHERS Practloo That I Largely Prevalent, Though It la Illegal How It ll Done In the Trenchea. A recent case . before the courts threw considerable light upon the penchant some peoplo have for specu lating in other poople's lives, One woman held life Insurances on her parents, her chlldron, hor mother-in- law, her brothers and soveral friends. Of course that sort of thing Is illegal, but it seems to be a flourishing busi ness nevertheless. But hope delayed makoth the heart sick and after the Insurers have kept the premiums paid up to protty woll the amount they would gain from the insurance company, they see their profit melting away and call the law to free them from their investment, claiming their premiums back on all sorts of Ingenious defenses. Ilather a rotton buslnnBg, but wo are assured that it is much more preva lent than we have an Idea of. There must be a tremendous temptation to assist fate at times, and in any case, when relatives form the chief Invest ment on these lines, it must be rather exasperating to have them politely In form us that thoy are "quite well thank you." One recalls that scandalous "comic" song that had such a vogue a while back wherein an irritated hubby Bang that he was stony broke with a wad of dough staring him in the face! Some of the stories of the "sweep stakes" in the trenches are equally disturbing. The name of each man in the regiment going into action is put into a hat and every man puts up a franc. The money is divided between all those who drew the name of a man who Is still alive or unwounded at the end of the day! A soldier can spite a chap holding his name by de liberately courting the attentions of a bullet. On the other hand, it tends to make them tenderly considerate of each others' lives and urgent admoni tions to "take care!" are not neces sarily disinterested. of being able to eat without any annoying distress must have its beginning in a strong, active stomach. If you suffer from poor appetite, heartburn, cramps, biliousness, constipation or malaria, JUST TRY HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters 63 Years a Family Medicine What's a Boy Made For? How different a Batwa dwarf boy from the American boy mentioned in the following paragraph from a Detroit exchange: "There was a big icicle hanging in the corner Just over a store door on Michigan avenue, and as the weather softened up, and people be came afraid to enter the building, the proprietor came out to a crowd on the sidewalk to see what could be done. 'Somebody might hit it from the roof,' suggested one. 'Or you might get one of the long lire ladders,' observed a second. T think a charge of buckshot would bring it down,' said a third man, as he closed his left eye and took a long squint. A boy about twelve years old came along just then, and when he understood the situation, he Inquired of the grocer: "Will you give a feller a nickel to get her down?' 'Yes, five of 'em.' 'Gimme a taterl' A good-sized potato was handed him, and he stepped back into the street, peeled off his coat, and sent the tuber whizzing. It struck the icicle at the butt, and brought it down with a great crash, and as the crowd cheered, the boy pocketed his quarter, and huinbly observed: 'Wonder what they thought a boy was made fur, anyhow?' " Practical Prohibition. "I understand you are now one of the officials of Crimson Gulch." "Yep," replied Bronco Bob. "I come in on the prohibition ticket." "And how is prohibition working out?" "Fine. We've got it fixed now so that nobody but the particular friends of us authorities can buy or sell a drop." Wichita Eagle. FOE 'mm Some Have to Keep on Until They Almost Drop. How Mrs. Conley Got Help. Here is a letter from a woman who had to work, but was too weak and suf fered too much to continue. How the regained health : Frankfort, Ky.-"I suffered so much with female weakness that I could not do my own work, had to hire it done. I heard so much about LydiaE. Pink hams Vegetable Compound that I tried it. I tool; three bottles and I found it to be all you claim. Now I feel as w?i!aseverldid and am able to do all my own work again. I recommsnd t to any woman suffering from female weakness. You may pub lish my letter if you wish. " Mrs. Jame3 CoNLi:Y,rjl6 St CIdr St,Frankfort,Ky. Io woman suffering from any form of female tioubles should lose hope until she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound a fair trial. This famous remedy, the medieinat Ingredients of which are derived front native roots and herbs, has for forty years proved to be a most valuable tonie and invigoratorof the Temale organism. All women are Invited to write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi cine Co., Lynn, Mass., for special adricejU will be couHde&UaL lira 'll'lll1 I ill? Will lllljv I l I vrV; k For Another Euripides. If some poet or dramatist as great as Euripides were to rise from the wreck of this war and write of what he had seen he could not better the denunciation in "The Trojan Women" which runs, in part, "How are ye blind, ye treaders down of cities, . , . yourselves so soon to die.' Those lines were spoken when this play was presented in the new stadium of the City college. They brought horns to all who heard them the sickening real ization that Europe has sloughed oft its veneer of civilization and is back where it was six centuries-before the birth of Christ, when ancient Greece, too, believed that she had emerged from barbarism and did not see the ruin then Impending. In France, in Belgium, In northern Italy and on the windy plains of ancient Troy itself the shade of Euripides might again de nounce those "that cast temples to desolation and lay waste tombs, the untrodden sanctuaries where lie the ancient dead." In morals and lust for blood Europe has reverted to the days of the cave man. Honey 8hortage in Britain. ' Even the bee feels the war. Ger many has always been the largeBt buy er of American honey, but this year has taken only $10,000 worth. There is a honey shortage in England, how ever, and our bees may be happy yet Taken altogether, according to official reports coming to the department of commerce, American bees have be haved handsomely this year. They have made an unusually large crop, the average yield being 36.2 pounds for every colony, as compared with 32.2 pounds last year. Our ordinary crop is 50,000,000 pounds, and it will be greater than that this year. Prices are down, how ever, because of the shifting market and heavy yield, and also because of a very much heavier crop In the West Indies, which is handled here. This country has never sent much honey to England. Only $4,000 worth went there last year. Gets Along Without It. Hudson Maxim, the inventor, has an artificial left arm. He lost his real arm experimenting with explosives, but be can manage the steering wheel of his automobile better than half the people who own cars. He had to give a demonstration of this before the au thoritles would grant him a license. Save Money on Your Stump Blasting The explosives that pet stumps out cleanest and cheapest are those that have a heaving and lifting effect, shattering the stumps just enough to break them up. Then you can handle them easily. "The farmer," says an Experiment Station, "should use an explosive that stands all ordinary shocks of handling and does not easily freeze. He does not need the expensive nitro glycerine explosives, ihousanus use TanbFarm powders STUMPINO AGRICULTURAL. and save money because they go further than others. They are made especially to suit Western farm conditions. Giant Farm Powders the product of the oldest manufacturer of high ex. plosives in the United States are the only genuine "gjant powders" for agri cultural use. 1'hey are made in two brands Giant Stumping Powder, ideal for blasting in wet ground; and Eureka Stumping Powder, the money-saving, low freezing explosive for blasting stumps in dry soil. Ask your dealer for Giant Powders and blast ing iiippliii. If he does nut have them we (hall : supplied. GIANT POWDER COMPANY, Con. Everything for BlaBting" Office! SAN FRANCISCO Scirtlf, Spnkn. Portlaod, Sale LaU Cay Denver 1 Tl 1 THE 1 B....O:.. FREEK; , We issue five valuable books. They tell how to remove stumps and boulders, blast ditches, break up the subsoil, and have earlier-bearing, thriftier or chards by blasting holes for trees. Write jot the book that you frejer. A Well Painted Barn Will Save the Cost of a New One. See Your Paint Dealer Now Invisible. "Say," said the landlord to the ten ant, who was two months shy with his rent, "when am I going to see the color of your money?" "Can't say," replied the party of the second part. "The color just now is an invisible green." Indianapolis Star. The Lesser Evil. Old Grump Why doesn't Ethel mar ry that young idiot? I'm getting blame tired of his coming here so much. His Wife I believe I'd prefer to have him come here if she marries him he'll stay here. Boston Tran script. He Knew. "The man is best governed who is least governed." "That's a man's theory," Bpoke up a henpecked husband. "The women have never subscribed to that as yet." Louisville Courier-Journal. His Idea of It. the Teacher Who can tell me meaning of a "round-robin"? Bright boy Please, miss, it's what that burglar was doin' last night when they nabbed him. Boston Transcript. For Domestic Animals. Horses, cattle and sheep are liable to sores, sprains, galls, calkB, kicks, bruises and cuts, and Hanford's Bal sam of Myrrh is the standard remedy for such cases. When you consider how valuable your stock is, having the Balsam always on hand for them is a cheap form of insurance. Adv. Up to Them. "Why did Mendelssohn compose his 'Songs Without Words'"? "Possibly to give the audience an unhampered chance to talk." Louis ville Courier-Journal. Somewhat Euphonious. "You must have cut a dash in Italy." "Why do you say that?" "I hear you rented a palace." "Well, the real estate agent called it a palace. Real estate agents, the world over, are much alike." Louis ville Courier-Journal. T Granulated Eyelids, SOrtj Eyes inflamed by epo w mre to Sun, Dusl and Win! H n J-, quickly relieved by Mario CVC9 tyeBemedy. No Smarting, 7 lust Eve Comfort. Al Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine E) SalveinTubes25c. rorDOonoiinecyerreeasK Druggists or Murine Eye Uemedy Co., Chicago- Kill All Flies! Th2.!.p.r Placed anywhere, Dalay P'y Kllltrattru.ti nrl klllaatl fliea. Noat, ckan, ornamental, convenient, and cheap. ul. can't ipiMer W '"Jur "rilling. GnaraA Daisy Fly Killer HAR1LD SOMCRS, lie D.K.Itl .., Bro.kl,n,H.T. Sufficient. "Do you think we shall ever estate lish communication with Mars?" "See no reason for trying to do so, replied Mr. Growcher. "Enough op porunlty for diplomatic interchange down here." Washington Star. Hanford's Balsam has cured many cases of running sores of many years' standing . Adv. It Stirred His Bile, Though. "I've just left Walker. He's laid up in bed." "Bilious attack?" "Automobilious. He was knocked down and very badly bruised." Bos ton Transcript. The Better the Day. He Work Is scarce, but I got a Job last Sunday that brought me $3. She What! You broke the Sab bath? He Well, one of us had to be broke. Philadelphia Record. Hanford's Balsam should relieve even the worst burns. Adv. Sleep Impossible. "Porter, this berth has been slept In!" "No, sah; I ansuah you, sah. Mere ly occupied. It's the one over the wheelB, sah." Puck. URIC ACID--GOING--GOING--GONE "Anuric" Will Not Fail to Stop Your Backache. People are realizing more and more every day that the kidneys, Just as do tho bowels, need to be flushed occa sionally. The kidneys are an elimina tlve organ and are constantly working, separating the poisons from the blood. Under this continual and perpetual action they are apt to congest, and then trouble starts. Uric acid backs up into the system, causing rheuma tism, neuralgia, dropsy and many other serious disturbances. Doctor Pierce of Buffalo, New York, advocates that every one should drink plenty of pure water between meals. Every day should exercise in the outdoor air suf ficiently to sweat profusely, and from time to time stimulate the kidney ac tion by means of "Anuric." This prep aration has been thoroughly tried out at bis Sanitarium, in the same way as his "Favorite Prescription" for weak women and "Golden Medical Discov ery," the standard herbal system ton ic (both of which now come in tablet form for convenience of carrying and taking). "Anuric" is now being intro duced here, and many local people are daily testifying to its pcrfectness. When you have backache, dizzy spells or rheumatism, heed nature's warning. It means that you are a victim to uric acid poisoning. Then ask your druggist for "Anuric" and you will very soon become one of hun dreds who daily give their thankful indorsement to this powerful enemy to uric acid. If you have that tired, worn-out feel ing, backache, rheumatism, neuralgia, or if your sleep Is disturbed by too frequent urination, get Dr. Pierce's Anurio Tablets at drug store, full treatment $1.00, or Bend 10c. for trial package to Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.