GIVE EMPLOYER YOUR BEST mm j .JACK RABBIT'S OWN LE8SON. "I wonder where Jack Rabbit to," aald the fox a few days after the two bad watched old Doctor Duck and the rabbit had learned the losson of not pretending to be other than what he was. Mister Fox had waited a long time for the coming of .Tuck Rabbit and at length, thinking that perhaps be might be 111, he said to himself; "I will go to the burrow and see If there Is anything the matter." The sun waB pretty warm as MlBter Fox ran ulong and his tongue hung out of his mouth as he felt the heat more and more. "I don't know as I blame Jack Rabbit for not wanting to get out In the hot sun," he said, "and I guess I would have been wiser If I myself had stayed in' the cool depths of my cave." nut he was so anxious about Jack Rubblt's welfare that he kept on. Just as he came In sight of the rabbit's home he was surprised to see Jack Rabbit lying at full length In the sun without attempting to pro tect himself In the least from the beat. j "That's queer," said the fox. "I wonder why he does not rest under one of the great trees, where It is cool and comfortable?" Just as he said this he was sur prised to see Jack Rabbit get up and run down to the edge of a nearby brook, whore ho went through the most curious proceedings that Mister Fox had ever witnessed. The rabbit, when he reached the water, turned his back to it and then walked slowly backward until his hind legs and the hind part of his body was In the wa ter, and then having thoroughly wet this portion of himself, he went back and lay down in the Bun again. Mister Fox watched Jack Rabbit while ho repeated this performance three or four times, and ho could not make out whether the rabbit was crazy or what he waB trying to ac complish by this alternnto wetting and drying himself. At last he could Bland It no longer, and, going up to tho rabbit, who had Just lain down again In the sun, he said: "Good morning, Jack Rabbit; and why are you not at my house as you are supposed to be, and not ly ing in this hot sun when the tree of fers such cool shade? Do you expect to get wisdom by getting a sun Btroke?" Jack Rabbit was somewhat taken aback by the appearance of Mr. Pox, particularly when he remembered how much Mr. Fox was annoyed at ibelng kept waiting when he was luto .on a previous visit. At length ho recovered himself enough to say "Good morning," and jthen added: "I should have been at your house early this morning had I Inot mado a most wonderful discovery rwhlch I am applying to myself and rwhlch Is going to mako me the most wonderful animal In all the world." "I am much Interested," said the fox. "Pray tell me what it is that you have discovered and what you jexpect to accomplish with yourself that Is so wonderful." "Well," said Jack Rabbit," Inst night while I was sitting outBlde the house of Farmer Wlndom I heara lilm say to his good wife this wisdom: Good wife, If you would make any thing grow you must give It plenty of iwater and sunshine,' and Immediately I know that I had made a great dis covery. "And how was that?" asked the fox. "You Bee," said the rabbit, "that it has been the sorrow of my life that I Jiad nothing but a little Insignificant stub for a tall, and until I heard Farm- tor Wlndom I never knew the way to make It grow. Now I know that all lit needs is plenty of water and sun shine, and after 1 have given It therfe two things, why, I shall have a long tall and be the most wonderful animal In all the world." 'So, that Is what you were doing while I was watching you from behind he rock," Bald the fox. "Yes," said the rabbit, "and I am sure It has grown quite a little this morning. I wet It in the brook and then dry It in the sun and then wet It in the brook again, and so on. I have wet U already twenty times and ker- choo kerchoo!" "Yes, Indeed," said the fox, "ker choo to the way It will end, for a bad cold to all you will get with the al ternate wetting and drying of a part kt your body. If you were a vegetable this application of water and tun might Increase you, but a rabbit with a long tall would be a Bad sight. You had better get Into your burrow and take a good dose of peppermint tea If you wish to avoid having something worse that a cold, and your silly ac tions ought to teach you the wisdom which I have wasted a whole fore noon to bring to you, that neither rab bits nor people Bhould seek for them selves tlilnrs which are unattainable and which, even if attained, would bo of no use." Work for Creditors. "If you pass your college examina tions I'll pay all your debts." "Why, uncle, do you want me to work for the benefit of my credit ors?" No Mm Can 8erve Himself Well So Long He li Dissatisfied "Knowledge It Power." As long as you work for a man, give him your best. If the conditions sur rounding your position are unpleasant, keep on the watch for another Job. If you have a definite idea of the char acter of the work you like best, It would be a good Idea to. advertise for It. But remember, we should first serve an apprenticeship before we may expect to take the reins In our own hands. No man can serve him self well, or his employer, so long as he Is dissatisfied. Don't work for a man to whom you cannot give your best; nor should you work for a man you can't respect. If your wages are not enough to allow you to llvo decently, search around for some other line of endeavor. Al ways be ready for promotion this means you should learn your business root and branch. Read good bookB: as you read, study think thoughtB are real live things. Fix good solid business ideas in your mind and something good will come to you. Let this be your slogan; "Knowledge is power." It is within your province to gain the necessary knowledge to put you at the head of a great Institu tion. Alms and Aspirations. EXCELLENT GAME FOR BOYS Amusing Pastime That Any Youth With Ordinary Tools and Trouble Can Make for Himself. This is an amusing game that any boy with a little trouble and ordinary tools, can quite well make for him self, and which can be played equally well In a room or out of doors In the garden. For it, will be required In the first Instance a piece of board about ten Inches In width, two ifeet in length, and an inch in thickness. In this board three circular holes are cut, each four Inches In diameter, and one end of the wood should be rounded for appearance sake. It can then be A Game f6r Boys. painted and left to dry, and after wards the numbers painted in some contrasting color above each hole. Then the small bags made of linen or any other material are tacked on behind each hole, and this may be seen In the small sketch on the right which also illustrates the support that must be fastened on the back. This game is played with rubber balls, the competitors standing at an agreed-on distance from the board and In turn throwing. When a ball enters a hole and stays there, the player scores the number that Is above the hole, and If the game Is fixed at, say twenty points, the first player who reaches that number wins. To add to the fun of the game Bmall prizes for successful competitors can be easily arranged. STREETS GIVEN TO CHILDREN Certain Thoroughfares In New York City Closed to Traffio to Per mit Youngsters to Play. New York city to trying the experi ment of closing certain highways to traffic dally and letting the youngsters romp In them. Huge signs are placed across these thoroughfares reading: "Street closed for ploy." Miss Ruth Robinson, chief play or ganizer, says: "It brings an ache to the heart to see how reluctant some of the babies are to cut loose and play In the open street. Play seems Inex tricably associated In their little minds with guilt. No one, after wotch lng for an hour or two the healthy spirit that grows among the children in these allotted play streets can doubt their benefit to the little people of New York. Tlay Is the best constructive factor In child growth. Even kittens and puppies will not thrive unless per mitted to play. Play is the most skill ful of physical trainers and moral teachers. Child Betterment Bulletin. Boyhood Troubles. Mrs. Pawson My sister Is worried to death over her Reginald. She wants him to enter the ministry, his father wants him to go Into business, while Reginald himself has his mind set on being an actor. Mrs. Dawson Hum how old is he? Mrs Pawson He's going on seven. Mot a Straight Field, i When Is a straight field not per fectly straight? When It to a rye (wry) field. 2, K. -J & MA WMs j A AV A a A AWA AAVAfM THE HIOM DLJCRT3 OrPE.RU PROBABLY no place In the world gives the traveler more con trasts In trail, scenery and cli mate than do the Andes In the last range of the Cordillera. From the barren snow line at the ridge down to the headwaters of the great Amazon system to but a few hundred miles, yet In this distance four distinct changes in the fauna and flora are apparent. Starting over a hard open road where we made eighteen or twenty miles a day, the trail winds down through a rolling country until the last pass Is crossed and the first signs of tropical vegetation appear, writes Lee Garnett Day, of the Collins-Day South Ameri can expedition, in the American Museum Journal. Then through the mountains of the Yungas the route lies over forested hill and dale or along narrow-ledge trails, and eventually reaches lower planes where the fresh ets turn Into narrow streams and the streams at last Into rivers. Here amidst the most abundant tropical growth, the paths underfoot more often resembled swamps than terra firma and five or six miles were consid ered a good day's work. In fact, the stream beds often proved better trails than the machete-cut roads through the palm and canebrakes. Crossing South America from Mol lendo on the west coast to Para on the east, by far the most eventful part of the Journey is the 500 miles by mule train from Cochabaniba, high In the Cordillera, to Todos Santos, the head waters of the Amazon, 3,400 miles above its mouth. Cochabaniba itself Is a city of 60,000 inhabitants, the greater number of whom has never loft its suburbs. A railroad Is in course of construction, but from Arque, the end of the rails, all commerce must pass by mule pack for two days over the bowlders of the river bed. We reached Cochabamba from Mollendo by rail, lake steamer and coach. After crossing the first two ranges of the Cordillera by rail, we ascended the third by pack train starting from Cochabamba. Our party consisted of Messrs. Alfred Collins, Willard Walk er, George K. Cherrie, Robert Bocker and the writer; and after securing 28 mules, a chief arriero or mule driver, and two Indian helpers, we started for the head of the pass and the tribu taries of the great Amazon river be yond. Mule Trail Hard to Follow. The mule trail from Cochabamba to Todos Santos is far from an easy one to follow, notwithstanding that it is constantly traveled, being the route for most of the commerce between the low hot grazing lands of Bolivia at the eastern base of the Andes, and the high, well-populated tablelands around La Paz, Cochabamba, Oruro and other cities. It Is always very narrow, passes through heavy woods, over ridges, along sides of cliffs, up or down a stream, and Is often difficult even to lo cate. Especially is this true in the rainy season when pools of mud and tangled roots incumber the way in the woods and mule drivers passing pre viously have often left the path In search of better going, thus making false trails unsafe to follow unless with a very experienced guide. The short Journey up from Cocha bamba was hot and dry, over trails covered with white dust, but the last divide we crossed in a thick mist and turning due north from the Santa Cruz trail, seemed suddenly to have entered another country. Almost perpetual rain was now encountered, and the pre cipitous nature of the descent, about five thousand feet in twenty-four hours, made traveling decidedly un easy and in parts dangerous, due to the paths being water courses from which all mold had been washed away. Wet, slippery rocks and often quanti ties of loose, small bowlders, made it necessary to walk most of the way, as the slipping of a mule on the steep Incline might be fatal to both rider and animal. "Get Out If You Can." At Sal-si-puede ("get out if you enn") there were many places to which this name was applicable we had to dig or cut out a track along the face of a cliff where a slide had oc curred, to make room for the pack ani mals to pass. This was not only diffi cult to do on account of the steep de cline and precarious footing; but also the work had to be very well done be cause if the pack of a mule should catch against the Bide ot the cliff In mencan rails . it J fit 4 rt 7 -vt'i'w A aT transit, the animal would be tipped over Into the River Esplrlto Santo a thousand feet below. From Sal-si-puede onward the mules waded streams, floundered through mud to their middles and labored over fallen logs, often on a trail so narrow and so overgrown that it was neces sary constantly to use the machete to clear the path of hanging vines and dense undergrowth. On one occasion after eight hours of scrambling and wading through mud and water, Mr. Cherrle's mule slipped in a deep pool of thin mud and became tangled in the roots at the bottom, pinning the foot of the rider under it. Mr. Cherrie was held up there deep in the mud until two mule drivers could return to extri cate him. The advantage of having compact units of baggage was made evident in this locality. The Jamming of baggage tween saplings or in a washed-out gully would necessitate a halt and while the load on the mule that had caused the halt was being recinched, a dozen other mules would start ex ploring the neighboring thickets. Sometimes the whole train would be thrown into confusion and all the pack animals would have to be rounded up and the packs readjusted. Animal and Bird Life. There were no wild animals of a kind to be feared by man along this route. Along the banks of the Chapare we found evidences of tapir, paca, capybara. Jaguar, tiger cat, peccary, deer, coati, agouti and others, But the high water, which varies sometimes forty feet between seasons, had driven game to the highlands, making hunt ing possible only at the highest points along the Mamore. Bird life was most abundant in Eolivia; a collector could spend several seasons to advantage in these little-traversed routes across the South American states. When the in cidental mishaps and inconveniences are forgotten, the Bolivian Yungas be tween Todos Santos and the Chepare may well be compared with other natural wonders. Daily the vistas of palm, fern and floral growth, with cas cades, waterfalls and freshets, make a delightful background for the abun dant bird and other animal life. At the beginning of the Chapare the Yungas disappeared and our arriero now led the way down the river bed, or through the cane and bamboo brakes, pushing on through mud and water. Due to good chance our camps remained above water except In two instances. One night in particular the rains filled the Espirito Santo and San Antonio rivers and left us in three feet of water at daybreak. Snails Very Nutritious. "All snails are edible and nuti, tlous," says Canon Hersley in a book on British land and fresh water mol luscs, Just published. He goes on to say that even the common or garden snail, though insipid, is as nourishing as calf's-foot Jelly. There is a large white-shelled snail called Helix pomatia that Is common ly eaten by connoisseurs In the South of England, while all over France, Italy and Spain several species are used as food. In France there are many small farms which yield a good profit to their owners. In the French and Italian quarters of New York snails may be bought, either alive or cooked, and at most of the French restaurants they are served, "escar gots farcis" being the most usual form of dish. Snails are easy to raise in large quantities. They need lime for mak ing their shells, but they do not have to be fed, as they can find their own food, which is exclusively the leaves of many plants. They are most deli clous when properly prepared .and cooked, and, as Canon Hersley says, as nourishing as calf's-foot Jelly. Something Accomplished. "Do you think It does any good to express your feelings on the tele phone?" "Well, It may help to cheer the op erator by giving her a few laughs if she happens to overhear you." Geographically Speaking. "I have Just finished Lansing, Mich.," said the surgeon. "And I," said the carpenter, "am now engaged in Macon, Go." "Wheeling, W. Va., is my next Job," said the man with the wheelbarrow. Few Women Who Have Plenty to Do Have Fits of Blues By LAURA (Copyright, 1911.) We have many goodly days to see The liquid drops of tears Unit you have shed Shall come aifuln transformed to orient penrl; AriviintHiflnjr their tnan, with Interest, Oftentimes duublo KUln of happiness. Was thore ever a woman no mattei how many blessings surrounded her who did not give herself up com pletely to a fit of the bluos now and then? They have Indulgod this bablt for it is nothing else than a habit from girlhood up until at last It baa taken such a hill upon then they are unable to shake off these depressions. Tho splendid army of working girls should be an example of cheerfulnoss to tho women In good homes who havo nothing to do but nurso their grievances. These working girls, each and ev ery one, know the value of a smile and how to radi ate cheerfulness. If you put the question to them whether or no they ever have fits of the blues, the smile will die out of their eyes as they answer gravely that in the business world there to no place for the girl or woman who gives free rein to fits of melancholy and that good nature, a happy mood and a genial disposi- The best feed for little turkeys is dry grain chick feed, but it must be free from mustiness or moldlness and be clean and sweet. Weaklings should never be tolerated in the chicken coop. Kill and bury them, for otherwiso thsy will be the first to become Infected and later die. More ducks are killed by unneces sary handling, chilling and underfeed ing than all other causes combined. Be sure that little ducklings always have plenty of water to drink, espe cially at meal time, and deep enough so that they can get their heads into it up to their oyes. Eggs to be used for hatching should not be subjected to either abnormally high or low temperatures. If they can be gathered before they have time to cool after being laid It is all the bet ter for their hatching qualities. From 50 to 60 degrees Is the best tempera ture for storing hatching eggs. Little chicks should he protected from cool, damp surroundings. Noth ing is more detrimental to their health and more certain to bring heavy mor tality than to let them out In the wet grass early in tho morning. When shipping live poultry to mar ket always allow sufficient room and use a coop sufficiently high, so that the fowls will not suffer from crampel positions while on the road. Any dis comfort reduces their weight and costs the producer a certain amount of money. Avoid feeding chicks food that has been in stock so long that it is moldy. It to bound to cause much trouble. To got tho most out of your flocks you must adopt present-day methods, so as to be on an even footing with your competitor. The early hatched pullet is the one that begins to lay early lu the fall, when eggs aro high in price. Collars Make Blouses. Do you know how to "trim up" the plain blouse and make it become your Individual style? Get a collar in white chiffon or sheerest organdie which, in turning back, covers the nape and the sides of the neck, runs flatly across the shoulders and straight down over the bust, forming a slender "V" open ing below the throat. This collar is bordered with pin-tucked self material, straight on Its outer edge and widely scalloped along the fine, embroidery outlined inner edge. Another blouse domlnatlng collar hag a tapering, nar row turnover coming high against all save the front of the neck, and wid' ened by an extremely broad frilling of the plaited material, a-jour hemmed. In crepe de chine this second collar is extremely practical as well as dainty. Education Sometimes Costly. For the education of the 325 seniors t Yale college slightly more than $1,- 000,000 has been required. While it is figured that $4,073 for the entire four years is the average cost a student, one man alone has spent $15,000 in the process of going through college, whilo another has required only $500 to provide his education. In this con nection it is a noteworthy fact that 120 members of the class have earned their way through college either in part or in whole, having earned to late a grand total of more than $300.-300. Timely Hints for Poultry Growers. JEAN LIBBEY tlon In general are the assets she de ponds on not only to keep hor posi tion, but to forge ahead. There are too many helpless ones at borne, usu ally, dependent upon her to encourage fits of the bluos. It Is only the Idlers or those who have little or nothing to do who rail socretly over really Insignificant af fairs. The women wedded to men who drink up the greater part of their wages, leaving the family at home to fight starvation, ejection from the home tliut shelters them and with In sufficient clothes to cover them, hravoly fight the demon discontent, put their shouldors to the wheel and live and dream of tho glorious dutlos they are performing In keeping their children at school and thu golden re ward that will surely be theirs later on. The childless wife, who has longod for the clasp of little arms around her neck and chlP.tsh, loving Hps pressed to her own, encounters battles which she must fight bravely to outwit at tacks of the blues. Philosophical women acco jpllsh this by answering the cry of their lonely hearts with this truth: Whatever should be, will be. Whatever Is, is best. He who denies their earnest prayers knows best. Even those who have known and lost love can be made to realize that the heart has been enriched by it through memories of the hours when it was tenderest, truest and at its best. If but one blessing Is given us, we should be grateful for that one, shut out discontent and cultivate a happy disposition, though we have it not, and always look on the bright side. I A Few Thinqs That You t May Not Know. 0 A hand-operated machine to knead the stiffness out of leather has been Invented by an Oklahoma man. Included with recently invented sun goggles Is a shade to protect a wear er's nose from sunburn. Sixty miles of thread woven from the fiber of a species of Italian nettle weighs but two and a half pounds. Sharp points In the inside of the lid of a new egg cup cut the shell away without disturbing- the contents. About 1,729 miles of railroads in the United States have been electrified to about 1,278 in all foreign lands. Bombay averages more than seventy-two inches of rain a year and gets most of It within four or five months. A powerful machine has been built In Germany for compressing scrap metal into more easily handled bales. A wall tie that grips half a dozen bricks instead of two, as customary, has been Invented by a Scotch builder. Leather and canvas covers to be laced over automobile springs to keep them clean and dry have been pat ented. According to a British scientist, weight for weight, macaroni Is as valu able a flesh building food as beef or mutton. In the Movies Comedy in One Reel y ''ys'S 'm ' ' ' T