The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 16, 1916, Image 1

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4 e
Devoted to the Interest of Southern Wasca Gpunty,
" '" " 1 ' ' n rw-Tr'trfl" w'Xi:t rr tJ-.M-m, tf-'t?.- j i 'U r .T -., , i, - . ,,Jfr. . , gj.,.--.....,,.. - p1 ' V'1 -
Grandma, Magiil Here
Mr. and Mrs. Mafri.ll of Waniic,
parents of Mrs C. H. Crofoot ar,e
tier gunsts for a couple weeks,
This in the first time in eighteen
years that Mrs. Magijl has been
pay from her YJanifc home, dur
ing which time rheumatism has
held her mucles in a painfully
crumped position, Tuesday her
bed was put into L. D. Kelly's big
pur and be enjoyed her first ride
in twenty years.
The Times office is in receipt of,
(he Corn primer and the pretrium
t fur th,n corn kIioy to 4e held,
in Walla Walla n, November un
der the management of, thu 0, W.
R & Co.
Smock Items
Mrs, A. M. Haviland, and
datigbt,er Thelina ae guests at the
Ijf. E; Spoors home.
Farlow Bro's. wei;e business
visitors at Msupin Tuesday.
N,. E. Whtconib went to Yakima,
Wash., Mouday.
C-alli Duncan, is c,n duty at the
savv mill again ahbough quite
lame froiu he bruises, received last
Tuesday when a pile, of lumber
rr - i
You want to know what your rrioroc
car wll do. The million-car Ford
performance answers your question.
Suplying the motor car needs of aij
classes, the Ford is operated and
maintained in city or country for about
two re Tip? a mile with universal Ford
. Cat $440
'- - ... Vw s.v uy-iei i'J'Uf
Town Car $640; Sedan $740, f. o. b.
Petroit. On display and sle at
Rehs Garage
fell ou him.
fIrs, Jno, Hjowell was a Tuesday
visuor at me nome or jirs, w m.
Lucas. ' "
M. and Mrs. Q. ,R. Fleck wei;e
Sunday visitors at 'Mr. and Mrs.
f. T. Courtright's. v " '
Qhas. Duncan t,ook a load of
household goods to Kent Monday
for his son Matibu Diinca'ti. '"'
Mr. Beebe of Grass Valley took
a six-horse load of lumber from
Mulvaney Bro's mill Thursday.
Mrs.- Wayne ppor and Miss
Haviland was visiting Monday at
Mjs. Courtright's.
Jno. Howell and wife spent Sim
day with T. J. Whiicomb and
Miss Ercu Stakely was visiUng
Miss Lou Jones Sunday.
E. P. Parrish. and Terry Jones
I spent Sunday with Julyaney
Hermann Gesh &nd family were
visiting at Chas, Duncan's Sunday.
Blaine pisbrow is working at
the sawmill of Mulvaney Bro's.
M,iss Ella Syron went to Mon
mouth Wednesday to attend
school. Mts. Grant Ledford, will
care for 0'ennive and the baby will
be cared for at Portland by the
uncle and aunt Noah Giant and
Last Friday several men wprked
on the White Rjver grae remov
ing rocks aup piling in, wth the
grader. x
1 1
Service hecanse we are the handiest Bank for you
tq doal with. we know your wants and are prepared
to take care of them. Safety because you knpw our
Stock holders and their circumstances.
D hi'), "ver'ook us w.ien you are looking or the
best prke rur your u lieat
hauled lumber, Monday
ynas. wallter, niac(e a try), to
Maupin Sunday, taking U. 3. Jjlnr
dersby to meet the train, he going
with the cattle that were shipped.
w. 15. Keen was down from
Susan's Home Tuesday and at-
nde a dtych meeting.
The committee on flnanoe tor the
celebration, report the donations
are coming in quite good and ev
erything is coming fine.
ClcUs and. Ivy Flind oarae down
from the mill Saturday evening
and spent Sunday at hortie.
Mrs. E. M. Hartman and Jim
attended the Friend picnic Satur
d,ay. Sela filler is hauling lumber
from here apross the river to his
homestead were he is going to
build a house soon.
Ms. Mar fechett was visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Ira Flinn and
family at The Dalles last week.
Wednf sday Groyer and It ntc n
Slusher took their threshing outfit
to Dufur over the new Tygh grade.
It is announced that they will not
attempt to thresh oq the Flat this
The, ga(n,e Sunday between the
locals and Gateway a( this place
qj8e4 at the pompjetion pf the
eighth inning with "pore pf, 17 to
8 fayor o lapin, when the
visitors flad, to leaye for e train.
Dufur fylt Show.
June 2,4 there is to held in the
litte'town of Dufiir, Wasco county
a cot show, which, to our knowl
edge will be an innovation in the
Northwest, bu one which might
be enielat'ed with advantage in
every (arming community !n the
D,uur IB situated in one o( Ore
gon's finest agricultural districts
east of the pascades. Conseauent
)y the town is surrounded by
prosperous farmers, who as a rue
keep horses above tne average in
breed and value. Hence it is qnite
likely that the Dufur Colt Show is
intended, to stimulate the raising
of work horses rather than to cater
to racing pr fancy driving animals
It seems that Dufur can
this nn, annual event of great Im
portance to the town, to Vasco
county and to the state.
It costs no a, penj more to raise
a colt that wjll sell at years old
for $150 than it does to raise one
worth biit $75 to $ipO, saying
nothing about those worth far less.
Editorial in pregonian.
Wasco Day at Moro
The date of the ' larmer' 8 excur
sion to Moro has been phapged to
June Juue 20.'" 'It t's planned to be
at the i statidb by' li o'cldtk a. m.
The superintendent of the station'
will he ' expecting Wasco' county
farmers. "'
Wascb punty farmers are wel
:om'e at ' the Station ' almost any
in the year,' but' a ' yisit June 20th
comes ii a time when ' it ts'posB'i
bie io get the most out o the trip,'
beoausfi'the'fetatio'n ought to be at
its best at that time. All of the
winter varieties of grain will prob.
ably be'in hand, and 'spring va
rietles oqght'to show up well.
Willis Baker left Wednesday
evening to' attend the district
meeting of Free Methodists which
convened yesterday at Madras,
Mr. Ellis leaves for there today.
Miss Agnes McShane, who has
ma'e 0j been with relatives here the past
two moniOB, leu ior uei uuiua
near jCent Wn., Saturday evening.
R. S. Slusher and wife motored
to The Dalles Friday, returning
Sunday, accompanied by Mrs.
Staats, who 'amnouoces new
granddaughter at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Geo. GjlL
To our Customers:
We are going to g'ive
you Absolutely FREE
$185.00 of High Grade
Aluminum Ware now
on display at our new
Get your coupons with
every cash sale or 30
day settlements
i'limp jviiow(es ot fuir ws
selling his, remedies hi our com
munjty Tuesday.
Mrs. Jesse B,atty ond children
have been yis(tincj relatives hfte
the past week.
Mr. and M". Geo. Magjll an(
sons came pver frpm Wamic Fi
(lay and visited at the Fliuu liopie
till Sunday.
Mrs. Marquatn a sister-in-law of
Mrs. Hartman from daho is vit:
iting her,
Rev. M. H. Staipes ftud fjfnjjy
arrived here yesterday. !Qe has
been appoipted pastpr hpre for
'his year.
Dee Wright wet tp Clackamas
Lake Monday vvjth pack horses.
He repqrts from 4 tq 5 feet of
snow befween here and the lake.
N. W. Flinn, Celia Beno, Orval
and Will porman took a fishing
trip to Clear Creek the last of the
Mrs. 'I. A. Tapp and Robert
Vincent, and Winnie Tpp left
here Monday for Hood River where
they expect to work in the berries,
Tommy Kingsley came out from
the mountains Monday.
The Wapinitia band went to
Friend Saturday to play for the
Lincoln Hartman who went as a
delegate from the Y. P. C. E. to
the convention at Portland, re
turned the banner to the society
announcing that we had won it
Chas. Walker, U. S. Endersby,
Dee Woodside, with some others
shipped a car-load ot beef cattle
to Portland the first of the week.
G. E. Wood occupied the pulpit
here Sunday in the absence of the
Mr. and Mrs I. J. Powell of
Tygh Valley and Mrs. Lora Brown
were visiting at the home of J. M.
Powell, Sunday. '
Ullio Bothwell has the lumber
ordered with which to build a
Albert Hammer hauled sawdutt
from the mill Tuesday. Eoy Batty
You Can Afford to Build $QW
We Save You 2$ to 30 Per cent of the Cost
It Costs Less, to Build Now Than Ten Years Ago
The Tum-A-Lum Method makes lumber lower today than if was ten years
ago better in quality and you can by t as cheaply right here in your pwn
town as you can buy anywhere jn the world. Yotir farm lands have DOUBLED
and TREBLED in value yqu get TWICE as much for your gran hut it costs
you L.E3S to build 1JQW than t did TEty YEARS AQQ. Pa Pw put
pp the huihlings yqu have needed bv)t which you cqi4 Cpt afford hfFause lum-i
her was sq high.
Build Better Buildings hf Less Money
You pay the lowest possible price for honest huild'lg material whpu, you
build by the Tum-A-Lum tyethod and in, additjou-rypu get the services of our
building experts who shoiy you how tq make every cent dq the mqst wqrk.
These men have tnade bujlding their life work they $!QW their husipess and
will help you save 25 per Cent to 30 per cent q the cqsf pf yqur buildjng just
as they have done for thousands of other people.
Our Building Experts Show You How
Our building experts have prepared a hopk of plaus of buildings erected
here in the Northwest. These designs embody many exclusive features that go
to make the best possible building for the least cost. No matter what kind of a
building you contemplate building, you waut to see this hook, Our local sales
manager will show it to you and will gladly quote you the complete price No
extras guaranteed for any design shown.
No Extras-Your Money Refunded for unused Material
There are no extras to pav for when you build by the Tum-A-Lum Method
We furnish all the building material necessary to complete the building, We
tell you EXACTLY how much your building will cost you before you speud
one cent. We furnish blue prints and material lists showing where every piece
of Material belongs. THERE IS NO WASTE-every piece is figured so that
it cuts exactly no guess work about the complete cost. Should
any material be left when the building is up, you can bring it back and we
will refuud your money.
The One Right Price to Everybody
Everybody pays the SAME price at our yards. You do not have to pay
for the man who doesn't pay his bills or make up the difference for the man
who gets a special price you pay the actual cost of the lumber delivered and
ONE fair profit you pay the RIGHT PRICE-nobody can buy for any less.
"See Peter Kilburg- about it"
The home of 'Tum-A-Lumber'