The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 09, 1916, Image 8

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    The Maupin Times
Published every Friday at Maupin,
'' Oregon
J. E. Disbrow, Publisher
Subscription: One year, $1.50; six
months, 75 cents; three months, 50
Entered as second class mail
matter September 1, 1914, at the
postoffice at .Maupin, Oregon, tin
der the Act of March 3, 1879.
Smock Items
.... Mr. Henry MayGeld is enter
taining her niece, Miss Anna Lewis
of Wapinitia.
Wayne Spoor and wife vmited
C. 8. MoCorkle and family Thurs
day. Mrs. Spoor is a niece ol Mrs.
Geo. Heights and wife of Wapi
nitia were . Saturday visitors at
J. W. Farlow and Wife were
Maupin business visitors Friday.
J. W. Farlow, 0.: R. Fleck and
Richard Savage motored to Tygh
Valley Saturday evening the regu
lar meeting of I. 0. 0. F.
Vi-lma Bichsel is numbered with
the sick this week.
French Sutler and Jno. Mayfield
' were visiting iri this part 'soliciting
capital to buy the 40 acre tract of
Wra. MoAtee for Fair Grounds at.
Tygh Valley.
Chas. Embler has rented the M.
p. Tbofntoii ranch.
T. E4. Farlow is building a barn
for Albert Savage.
. Miss Eva "Sv.ron went to Hood
River to pick strawberries!
Chas. Yockey wtfs a Wapinitia
business visitor Thursday.
Miss Lou Jones was on the sick
fist a few days last week.
Monday morning Jno. Farlow,
wile and sonn Orrin tfnd Willis
motored to The Dalles.
G. W. Bargainholt went to
Maupin Tuesday bringing out a
grader to Use in this district and
rods for the bridge across Gate
Herman Gesh' and family were
Monday visitors at Mulvaney's,
getting a load of lumber to build
a flume.
Wapinitia Items
Hit. Ollie Weberg returned
home Thursday from The Dalle
Hospital whera she has been t1
past month, much improved.-
Miss Lois Batty commenced
Clerking Monday at Hartman's,
W, 01 Wilson and family moved
to Tygh Valley Friday to" be there
until after harvest.
Geo. Ledlord, a ranger of Wamic
left here the last of the week1 with
a' bunch ot men tocdnimtince work
on the reserVe,' They rife repaid
ing the telephone line between
here nnd Camas.
Dob Shepard left here Thursday
fur Ellingsworth,Wn.
About 2Boy Scouts of Wasco'
nd three Sctout' Musters papsdd
through hete Thursday enroute to
tie Warm Springs fora twb Week's
Mr. and Mrs. N; W.. Flinn,
Clyde Flinn and Arthur' Rice were
.fishing on the DesduiteB'Thursday
and Friday; repwt "h'e trip but
usual fisherman's luck.
Mrs Mary . Abbott and Chas.
Pelofeioarne'..u'p from1 Jlcfod River
Thursday to" be with' Grandma
Do lure who was very sick. They
returned Friday she' being uvuch
The Jftrtiftttn'iawmirr at
frvijie c6niffle'hlee3 sawing'Monday
Ivy Ftratf'ia' cboS. at' the' mill
C?Jyde Fliflfi'and Arthur' R'ice are
also wotking'the're.
MTs Ros'a'HaUser of Tygh has
fine display 0! ' hahfat Hartman's
store this week.
G. h. Wood made a business
trip to The Dalles Monday, having
completed assessing:
Mrs. Miller left the first of "the
week for a few ' days in Portland.
L. D. Kelly and" Frel Covey of
Maupin were selling 'warehouse
stock here this week.
A number of the cattle tntfa
were ndirig'jfl ' the' mountains for
beef cattle this week, '
Mr. McCubbtne and sons of
(Valloua county passed through
iho firpt. (bo ''9ii onroufe to tbr
Bulletin No. 2
Why We Are Opposing A
Government Armor Plant
To the People:
Some people say that the very fact that the Bethlehem ?teel Company Is so aggressively
fighting the proposal to build a Government armor plant is conclusive proof that the Company
is seeking to assure for itself the "vast profits" derived from private manufacture.
The fact it that armor making is the least profitable feature of steel manufacture.
The reason we; oppose a Government plant is very simple. It is this:
Even though there is but little profit in the making of armor, we have invested over
$7,000,000 w our tymof plant;
That plant is Useless for any othef purpose; if a Government plant is built the useful
test of on plant is destroyed.
' It Would be good business for Us to make armor for trie Govern
rnent at any price over and above the actual Bhop cost, RATHER
We do not seek to save big profits; our purpose is very frankly id save1 our armor
plantitself built solely for the dse of the1 Government from going to the scrap heap.
yp do thatj ve are prepared id agree for any period to an terms of manufacture
frhich the Federal Trade Commission shall gay absolutely protects the Government
tf the United States. .
Dr. Lawrence S. Stovall
and Dentistry
Charges Reasonable
' Satisfaction Guaranteed
Call Drug store or residence
Maupin, Oregon
E. R. Wilson, p. E.
Civil, Municipal and Irrigatioi
Expert on Public Land Survey
ttikS. M. SCHWAB, CtuUrmuf
Bethlehem Steel Company
1 i""T TTTT1
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fiafaofesabiV ajiqotuoin jrj' etit' aia(dluo3
1 I lVi Hi BE HERF
Plan Now
A.Truly Recreative Trip1.
New ScenisNew Foods-"
Newv Afr-Everyrjn! Needs.'
Let us help you nna lhera
OREGON-wASHiNGfbN r! r. & nav!gat16n ed.
ii'Th'e Direct1 PUasSht RoiiVe
to ' the Chid'' Res6'ft CerTters ' '
of The MNoAhest.''
Dooltlots, fares and ppecifio information
abotit Yellowstone National Piuk, North
Beach, Wallowa Lake Park, Mt.''o'ii'sfnd
Columbia River Resorts FREE upon ap
plication i,o R. B. BELL, Agent. .
A.' C." EG AN, T. F. & P. A'., Benil
me:ice and the base
is now in'rpfldinevs.
oau a
1 .
VTarm Springs, lie is an old L; 3aa Foreman has been screening
pioneer of thiB place, having lived the porches at his home.
here when there were only a few
Mr. and Mrs. IJunry Teterson
ofo 'tnding the Row carnival,'
Flans for the celebration of the
Fourth are being well laid and ev
arything 11 coming along nicely
Wori' on thi" grounds has com
Susan's Home Notes
Mr.' and Mrs". VV. B.-Keen were
up to eep"s Mill the first of l!ii
week and report all kiiow gone and
the road in tine condition.
Joe Graham is p'u'ttirgMn a new
telephone' line from Sucan's Homo
to the lookout station near Sun
flower Flat.
Mr. 'and Mrs.' Dee bright pashed
uirougn our town recently will
supplies for the new' telephone line
Wood hauling seems to be the
order of the day Several wti'gon
loaaea wno wood ic-r JJlaupin pHs
ed through here.
Stockholders' Meeting
A meeting of the stockholders
and those desiring to become stock
holders in the Southern Wasco
County fair Association is called
lor Saturday, Jusne 17th, at the
Odd Fellows' hall in Tygh Valley
atwnicn time officers will be elect
ed and arrangements for holding
air this year made. The incor-
poral'ora are verT anxious that
every stdcVhold'er should attend if
! Sunday service, Sunday' school
10, preaching 11 A. M., arid 8:15
P. M. , Sling" services lewrna nt
8:45 P..M'.
Midweek prayer rneeting Thurr-
day evening 8 o'clock. , ;
, June 15 to 18 DiftrH Qnrterly
meeting will be help at Madas by
District. Elder F. L. Burns.
Everyone cordially jnyited to
attend auy or all ner vices.
O.K. Ellis, PaStOr.
Ewen Mol.ennan was sentenced
from one to ten years in the peni
tentiary by Judge Bradshaw. The
case will be appealed to the ea.
preme court.
Wapinitia Auto Stage
Leaves Maupin, 8 a. m.
Leaves Wapinitia, 130 p. m.
Still Excavating
;i 1 ami
The footings are in for the
walls of the big elevator and the
Forms are nearly completed for
the placing Of the concrete.
About a dozen men are work
ng on the excavation of a pit 11
feet deep, 40 feet long and 4 feet
ride, which will be cased with.
oncrete to contain the machin:
ery of the elevator. Considerable,
rouble has been caused by the
caving in of the excavations,
the formation of the ground
there being of sediment and
I. O. O. F.
Lodge No. 2Ua, Maupin, Oregon
neets every Saturday night ii
Donaldson's hall. Visiting mem
jers always welcome.
G. L. HarphaJt, N. G.
R. O. Aubrey, Secretary.
Local Items
Go to Talc'ott's for confectioner)
nnd ice cream.
Dr. Wwood went to the i)allw
yesterday uiornfng.
Go to Talc'ott's for your ici
cream sundaes; '
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thornton of
Smock went id Portland (his Week
Try Uop'ski, its's got the pep,
For sale a!f Styer's.
Mrs', fconklfn and daughter ar
rived Sunday for a week's visit.
If you want to keep the flies' put,
get Tum.A-L'iim screen doors.
The sheep shearing crew whi
have been shearhg near nete" lef
for Bend Tues'd'ii'y.
Dad' Qoale pays the highest
market price for hides and pelts;
1 'ni ,V ni 11 4 , 1 .
J . 1. mciienan hi iiasneitt x
1 business visitor in town Tliius-
lay. 1.
If the other felloii) coult not fix
your watch bring it to Emmorit,
the jeweler
mra. atyer ana Cbiidren came
home Thursday morning" for a fe
lays' visit. (
Go' to' Fischer's 6arage for aL
yonr automobile accessories,' gaso
line ahd storage of machinery.
Mrs. ie Batty arrived Tuesday
afternoon for a week s visit will;
Dtiht Hdme 'your clock li
Heeds' cleaning. Emitiirii wiL
da it' for you and guarantee it.
M. Sigmaii was over V'edneela
front D'ufnt.'aiid while here,' liaiid
ed us tlfe price of the Times for a
John' Confer and wife' and M'rs
Creager went up to South Junction
Tuesday fora fishing trip.'
Lorn Emmons leaves this morn
ing on aj vacation tym..of Califor
ma and southern states.
lbe O. w. K. & N. (Jo. are 01.
another grasshopper campaign ark
for literature at this ofliee.
1 Tom Bebe of Etacada, a cousi
of Mrs, Job Crabtree stou'bed here
I.J ! . . '. . ' !
Wednesday night While enroutt
io California.
18, W, Bargainholt and Marion
far low were iu from the
country Tuesday.
Harold Crawford of the Tum-A'
Ldm head office, who was here last
weekw'eirt to Grass Valley Mi n
Saturday. W. H. Talcott and R
0. Aubrey moved the large box
heater from the main lobby of f'h
poetoffice into the hallway next to
the bathroom, adding some more
coils of pipe, announce, it a pnesi
bility to heat sufficient water fora
buth every half hour.
A. E. Lake and Al St. Dennis
the past few days have been
working .over and putting shejy,es'
in the "building nojrth of Fischer's
garage, whe' Mt. Lake willjriut
in a general merchandise iine'rn
.few days and intenirsj,tq ereijt.
a large store building m the near
future. .v, ,
Mariage. , licences have bfp Jip-J
sued to Win. r. Prniu ,rul Mrs.
Mamie L Grace; Nick Bafiou'leios
and Stella Harayaoow, nutive of
Miss McKay of Tygh Valley i
visiting in Portland,
Nofic is Hbrkiy Given to
he legal voters Of School District
So. 84 of Wascd dldunty, State of
Oregon( that the
f said district will be held at the
School House, to begin al the hcur
f two o'clock P. M. on the third
Monday til June, being the igth day'
of June; A. D. tt6. A
This meeting is ' called for the
purpose of electing one director for
i term df three years add one clerk
for a . term of one year and the
transaction of business usual at
such rheeting;
Dated this 7th day of June, 1916
Ft D. Stuart, District Clerk;
L. D'. KEti., Chairnian Biiari
ot Directors.
Department of the Interior,
U a. Uud Office at The Dalies,
Oregon, May jth, 1916.
NOfltifi (s liereb'y given tha'f
HERBBhT N.'DotiGE;, "
f Wapinitia, Oregon, who on
July loth, 1910, made Homestead
biltry N. 0723S for Bi-2Siik-4
Section 9, Township 6 South, Range
ii .Willamette Meridian, .has
tiled ;ioti,cf of intention to njae Fin;
al five vear Proof' to establish claini
to the land . above described, .be
fore F. I). Stuart; Tj; S..Coi)lmis..
iouer at Maupin,, Oregbh, on the
i'th :.diay of J'lily, ti6I :,
Claimant names as witnesses;
J.j R,' Lewis,' 0. L. Paqiiet, James
Hartmaii,, N. W. Flmn, all of
Wapinitk, .Oregon.
, H. Frank Woodcock,
np , Regiser!
, ( (pubushbk)
' Efep i irttiijnt of the Interior,
U. Laud Office at The Dalles
KtotWNIay 24th, 1916.
NOTICE is hereby given that
of Maupin. , , Oregon, who oii
ApJ, &(h, iit, made Homestead
)Hu,tyv jrp,4o863j and 011 Novemher
ktea4; 014044, for. wi a;
iWi-4 Stvl-NHi-4, section
17, nwi 4ij!Wi-4V Section, 20.
Township ssoujh. Range 14 East,
iWiUa-niettq Meridian, has filed
notice..of inientjon. to niake Final
live year Proof,' do' establish claim
to the land aljovie described, before
F D'. Stuart,, U. S. Commissioner,
at Maupin, Oregon, 011 the 8th
(lay of Jlulvi 1916.
I Claifoant names .as witnesses:
F. S. Fleming; Bake- oven, Oregon
W. H. WilliamSf.Maupin, Oregon.
T. A. St; Dennis, Maupin, Oregon.
W. C,,, Richardson, of Maupin,
Oregon. . ( , . " , .
H. Frank Woodcock, ,
p Register.
Department of the luteftor,
U. S. Land Office! nt The Dalles,
Oregon, May 6th, 1916.
NOTICE is hereby given that
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on May
16th, 1911,! made Homestead entry.
No. 08931, and on March 31st,
1915. made additional Homestead
Strtrv No. 01453-. for W1-2NB1-4,
Wl-2sal-4, 8El-4Nwl-4. NE1-4SW 1
1-4 Settion 6, Township 6'
south, Ranee 12 East Willamette
'Vlridiim, hiisifiledyijotice of intuv
itaTi-..tO'"niakat' Final five ver-
fPrpof, to tslabllsh claim ,.ta.? the
ibh aopve aescrmea,J oeiore
StilS,' U. s. Coiumissioiief, at'
taupiii, Ore -orf. bn the 15th day
of ui, 1916, . v
Claimant' namffl as witnesfss:'.
Jt-asaCirz, 0; 8; Walters, A. It!
MaynnM, C. 0. Mynard, al. oi
Wapioitia, Oregon; ' .
H. Ftutft Woodcock,
t Regiittf,