The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 09, 1916, Image 1

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    1 t;' 1
Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL 2. NO. 35
THE YEAR $1.50
Base Ball Notes
Next Sunday at 1 o'clock Gate
way will meet Maupin on the
Maupin diamond for the third
contest of the season which ia ex
pected to be a close one.
La.t Sunday Maupin defeated
the Maroons at Dufur by a score
of 12 to 10, this gave each team
one game for- this season. June
25 a championship game wjll be
played at Mau,pin.
Schedule for future games;
June 11, Gatway at Maupin,
game called at 1 p. m.
June 18, Mon at Mora.
June 25, Dufur at Maupin.
Mrs. L. D. Kelly' and daughter
Dorris left last Sunday fer Port
land for a week's visit and to at
tend the Rope Carnival.
Bates Shattuck js a visitor in
The Dalles this week.
Wamic News
Mr. and Mrs. Max Clanahan
left Saturday for their home at
Hunnington after a week's stay
with relatives here.
Mit Wing and family leave
Wednesday for Yakima, Wn.
Mrs Bessie Chandler and chil
dren and Mrs- E E Mercer will
leave Wednesday for Hood River
where they will pick strawberries
A party consisting of Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Woodoock, Mr. and
Mrs. Percy Driver, Dave Camp
bell, Don Miller and Andy Bails
went to Oak Springs on the De
schutes river recently to fish, but
returned without any big fish
Let the other fellow experiment. You
want to know what your prospective
car will do. The record of Ford cars
in the service of more than amillion
owners is the best evidence of Ford reli
ability, economy in operation and sim
plicity in handling. Average two cents
a mile for opea;tion. and maintenance.
Touring Car $440; Runabout $390;
Coupilet $5v0; Town Car $6lC?
Sedan $740, f. o. b. Detroit. On sale at
Fischers GaurM
stories. Perhaps it was due to
the heavy wind bjowjng that day
pr maybe hecause some of the
party after coming half the dis
tance, remembered they had left
their fishing tackle and license at
home, and returned for the nec
essary things left behind, making
the sign of bad luck.
Vard Narva) mad a trip here
Sunday, taking Miss Katie Spath
home with him. She will have
charge of the house and will
nurse Mrs. Norval, who has been
seriously ill, but is much improv
ed now.
Mrs. Mary Beaty and Andy
Bails went to Maupin MonQ,a.v,
visiting at the W. E- Hunt home.
Mrs. Bell Prout arrived from
Juniper Tuesday and will spend
a week with friends and relatives
Jim Lake and Belvie Patison
go to Maupin on business Wed nesday
morning and will leave
that place for Portland to attend
the Rose Carnival.
Jess Derthick and daughter,
Miss Glennie, of Junjper, were
visitor here Tuesday.
Mrs. Nan Woodcock', who was
very ill last week is improving.
J. it. Woodcock was assessing
the people of Smock Tuesday.
This completes his territory and
he goes to The Dalles with the j
assessment books Wednesday. I
A, E. Lake made a business
trip to Maupin Friday.
School closed Tuesday. Prof,
and Mrs. Skirvin leave Wednes
day for Portland and Louis will
go to Walla Walla to visit a
Miss Crystal Pratt goes to the
Willamette Valley Wednesday,
and later will attend summer
school at Monmouth.
Callie Duncan while working
at Mulvaney & Son's mill Tues
day had his leg badly bruised,
when a lumber cart was turned
over, falling on it. Mr. Mulvaney
took him to Tygh for medical
S. D. A. Encampment !
The following exerpt from the
Oregonian of June 7, briefly tells
a little of thp aptivitjes at the
Seventh-Dav-Adventist encamp
ment in Portland which we at
tended Saturday and Sunday:
Nation-wj de prohibitipn of the
liquor business was urged in
strong resolutions adopted by the
After hearing addresses bv
Frederick Griggs and President
Cottrell the conference adopted
resolutions urging that parochial
districts be established by church
es wherever possible. The mat
ter of providing a library of 1500
volumes was presented with the
result that books and pash aggre
gating $200 were pledged at the
Attendance at the publip meet?
ings is large. It is estimated
that 2000 people heard the can
tata Monday night by 100 singers
under the ditectiong of G E
Johnson. E, C. Kellogg, of Walla
Walla College, addressed a large
audience Monday forenoon and
held an educational rally.
Tonight a big meeting will le
held in the interest of religious
liberty and in opposition to the
p 'oposed onerday-rest-in-seven cf
te Rest-Day League, Presidei t
Cottrell will deliver the main ad
dress. A plan of campaign against
that measure will probably be
outlined at this meeting,
To be Permanent
Subscriptions fpr the Tygh
Valley Fair are being taken b
F. C. Butler and A. A. Bpnney
for the purpose of forming a cor
poration to buy a permanent fair
ground. A meeting of the stock
holders wjll be called Saturday,
June 17th at 10 o'clock at Tygh
Wasco County Good Roads As
sociation will also hold a meeting
at the same place and date for
the purpqse of discussing the
prqpospd bond issue.
Susan's Home
This is the name of the little
city to be, now consisting of a
couple dwellings, a school house
and a tent six miles west of Wap-
intia, where it is expected that
in the course of 30 or 40 days,
water will reach the Flat through
the large irrigation ditch now
nearing completion.
With the arrival of this water
wonderful possibilities will be
opened up for Juniper Flat. If
reports be true this country is
ideal ..for alfalfa, which at the
present prices of $20 "a ton would
aggregate an immense wealth for
this territory.
Mr. Keen, one of the earnest
promoters of this project, says
that sqme of the best citizens of
the Flat are giving him words of
encouragement, and he expresses
appreciatiqn of the assistance
which has helped bring the work
to the present degree of complex
tion. The following by County
Agriculturalist Chase, is here
printed to emphasise the possi:
bilities for alfalfa on the Flat af
ter water is put qn it:
P. J. Stadelman of Wasco coun
ty has q recprd in alfalfa that is.
hard to beat. From 3 M pprp9
last season 4 tons qf alfalfa and
wheat were cut. The alfalfa and,
wheat were sowed about Qctobep
20 of the previous year and this
was the first year's crop, At the
average price of hay, this crop
means between $4Q0 and $5Cfl
and at last year's prices its actu?
al value is aboijt $J.000P Of course
this crop was a record breaker
and almost a perfect stand and
irrigated, but even under ordin
ary conditions, alfalfa is a crop ,
which will add to the money dt
posits of the bank and to the
fertility deposits of the soil. The
slogan for Wasco county ought to
be, "More alfalfa for Wasco
Tally Vanderpool and fauily
made a trip to Hood River the first
of the week and are leaving this
miniing fir that place to spend
the btrmvborry Benson.
mm- m
Service because we are the handiest Bank for you
to deal with, we know your wants and are prepared
to take care of them. Safety because you know our
Stock holders and their circumstances.
Don't overlook us when you are lookingf or the
best price for your wheat.
Stf! tftiM t&iS
HH Etil li til& fca$
4 q O C & $ "& 3 O 3 & O O O f $ O
To our Customers:
We are going to give
you Absolutely FREE
$185.O0 of High Grade
Aluminum Ware now
on display at our new
Get your coupons with
every cash sale or 30
day -settlements
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Puiis and
son boarded the Tuesday morn
ing train for Portland and valley
points. They will visit the Rose
Carnival and spend several days
visiting relative in the valley.
A. A. Canfield who is assess
ing the south end of the county
spent Sunday at home,
Bert McCready moved another
cabin up by the side of his house
and the neighbors have begun to
wonder if h has caught the lo
cal fever and is counting on
someone to occupy it.
We are glad to see the new
elevator being built at Maupin;
it will mean a big saving of sack
bills to the farmers.
Edwin Kidder, who has been
attending high school in The
Dalles is home for the summer.
As we passed the home of
J. B. Kiddei Sunday evening we
noticed a sorrel horse with the
saddle on wrong end to.
Mrs. Dale Bonney's sister, Miss
Young, is visiting her at present.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Knight have
returned to their homestead.
Several of the neighbors south
of here are planning to have wells
drilled this s immer. The drill is
at work at Ed Herrling's.
The Bonnev Bros, have finish
ed plowing here with the tractor
and Dale str.rted to Tygh with it
The local school board have
decided to have the school house
D. B Appling is the proud po-
sesser of a pair of twin colts,
both bays with white faces,
You Can Afford to Build Now
Mr. and Mrs, Keen of Swan's
Home were passengers to Portland
We Save You 25 to 30 Per cent of the Cost
It Costs Less to Build Now Than Ten Years Ago
The Tum-A-Luni Method makes lumber lower today than it was ten years
ago-better in quality and you can by it as cheaply right here in your own
town as you can buy anywhere in the world. Your farm lands have DOUBLED
and TREBLED i value you get TWKIR as much for your grain but it costs
you LESS to build NOW than it did TEN YEARS AGO. You can now put
up the buildings you have needed; but which you could not afford because lum.
ber was so high.
Build Better Buildings for Less Money
You pay the lowest possible price for honest building material when you
build by the Tuin-A.Luni Method and in addition you get the services of our
liuildin experts who show you how to make every cent do the most work.
Tlie-e men have made building their life work they KNOW their business and
will help you save 25 per cent to 30 per cent on the cost of your' building just
as they have done for thousands of other people.
Our Building Experts Show You How
O'.ir building experts have prepared a book of plans of buildings erected
here in the Northwest. These designs embody many exclusive features that go
to make the best possible building for the luast tost. No matter wlint kind of a
building you coniemplate building, you want to see this book. Our local sales
manager will show it to you and will gladly quote you the complete pi ice No
extras guaranteed fur any design shown.
No Extras-Your Money Refunded for unused Material
There aie no extras to pay for when you build by the Tum-A-Luni Method
We furnish all tic building material iiKesary to complete the building. We
tell you EXACTLY how much your building will cost you before you spend
one cent. We furnish blue prints and material lists showing where every piece
of M iteiial belongs. THERE IS NO WASTE every piece is figured so that
it cuts exactly 110 git.'.s vwik id tut the mijku- cot-t. Shotdd
any material be left when the building is up, you can bring it back and we
will refund your money.
The One Right Price to Everybody
Ever) body pays the SAME price at our yards. You do not have to pay
for the man who doesn't pay his bills or make up the difference for the man
who get- a special pi ice you pay the actual cost of the lumber di-!iveied and
ON'li fair profit you pjy th RIGHT PRICE nobody can buy for any le.-s.
"See Peter Kilburg about it"
The home of 'Tuin-A-Lumber' .
Friday morning.