MAUPIN j ill If I is IS Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL. 2, NO. 33 MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1916 THE YEAR $1.50 HERE AGAIN Saturday R. Johnson harvested the first of his strawberry crop for this year, bringing four boxes to Maupin. Owing to cold weath er they have been very slow ripening, but yesterday after noon he brought in thirteen more boxes of fine ones, and says there will be lots of them next week. Mr, Johnson is optomistic over a banner year of fruit, despite the frosts, which, while so effective elsewhere, have done very little damage on their place. He pre sented us with three nice boxes of the luscious fruit. . Mr. aud Mrs. O. R. Ellis arriv ed home yesterday afternoon, ELECTION RETURNS-OFFICIAL Some Surprises Several surprisos were sprung in the preferential primary of laBt Friday the chief of which was the defeat of County Assessor J. A, Davis for re-nomination by C. Y. Cooper. The friends of Mr, Davis had not dreamed of defeat and ex pected their candidate to Bnow his opponent under. Mr. Hooper, however, carried 22 precincts out 37 and won the nomination. Mr. Davis won in the country pre cincts by 29 votes, while Mr. Cooper received in the city pre cincts a majority of 115, giving THE UNIVERSAL CAR Let the other fellow experiment. You want to know what your prospective car will do. The record of Ford cars in the service of more than amillion owners is the best evidence of Ford reli ability, economy in operation and sim plicity in handling. Average two cents a mile for opea;tion and maintenance. Touring Car $440; Runabout $390; Coupelet $590; Town Car $640; Sedan $740, f. o. b. Detroit, On sale at F; US' 9 maup;n, ore. SERVICE AND SAFETY Service bwause we are the handiest Bank for' yotf to deal with, we'know your wants and are prepared to take care of therft Safety because you know ouf Stwefc holders and theif circumstances. NOTARY PUBLIC AND INSURANCE Don't overlook us when you are looking; ir the best price for your wheat. MAUPIN STATE BANK the latter clear majority of 80 votes in the county. Sheriff Levi Chrisman also ac complished the unexpected and defeated is opponent, F. C. Sexton by a 3 to 2 vote and carrying the county with a majority of 4.'1G. The race between V. A. Bell and Paul Childers, for the nomina tion for district attorney was fair ly close, the former winning with a majority of 127. Hallie S.'. Rice defeated O. R. Krier by 256 votes and was renom inated for county treasurer. For the oflice of cointy commis sioner F. C. . Clausen defeated E. C. Fitzgarald by what proved to be almost a two to one vote. Mr. Clausen receiving 1340 and Mr. Fizgarald 788 votes. The closest race for a county odice proved to be that between A. W. Mohr and Roy Campbell for county surveyor, Mr. Mohr win ning by 81 majority. ' , While the unofficial figures have J. L. Kelly for joint representa tive a lead of 98 votes the official counts in both counties have re duced that plurality to seven. His opponent, J. T. Adkisson, says that he will not contest. Mayor J. E. Anderson is safely ahead for representative by over 500 votes. Four candidates were without opposition. County Clerk L. B. Fox led the ticket with 2079 votes. County School Supt. Clyde T. Bonuey was a close second with 20GG ballots to his credit. Coroner C. N. Burget received 1853 and Fred Wilson was endorsed for cir cuit judge by 1731 votes. J. W.' Allen and A, R. Barnett were nominated for justfee of the peace and constable, respectively of The Dalles District. Justice Hughed received a plur ality of 601 votes in the county over Albert Cummins and Theo dore E. Burton. Very few progressive bailots were caist, probably less than a dozen being used in the entire county. Among the democrats interest avenue and are busy getting things was negligible. The following arranged in their new building. renominated: George R. 'I parts of the state. The count has progressed to a point where It is certain that the four republican delegates-at-large to the republican national conven vention from this state will be Charles W. Fulton, George J. Cameron, Daniel Boyd and Charles II. Cary. The election of Judge A. S. Bennett, of this city, as delegate to tlio democratic convention and that of T. II. Crawford of La Grande and Frank L. Armitage of Lane county is assured. The race for the other seat is still undecided Judge Bennett headed the state democrntic ticket with 12,716 votes It is conceeded that Olcott will win over Moores for secretary of state by 10,000 votes. The Dalles Optomist. On the local ballots the name of W. II. Staats was written twice in place of N. J. Sinnott, and Mr. Staats is planning on entering the campaign next time. The names of L. C. Whilhem and F. D. Stuart were each written twice, and Peter Kilburg, I. J. Carson, and L. D. Kelly once for looal office of justice of peace. For constable, the names of W. II. Williams and L. D. Kelly oc cur twice each and Peter Kilburg, D. M. Shattuck, F. Creager, W. H. Williams, once. Local Overflow M iss Pin His Fischer left on the Wednesday night train for a visit with friends in Forest Grove, and while there will be an honor guest at an Alumni banquet, for which the high school and university of that city are so popular. SEN! IN BY OUR Criteri ion W I QASE BALL LAURELS While it was conceeded in fav or of Maupin when our first game of the season to be lost was played at Grass Valley, that hav ing come so far we had not phys ically in equal opportunity with the home team, the Maupin base ball boys demonstrated to the Gateway league players at that place Sunday that they had be come masters of the situation, After seventy-five mile drive that morning through a strong wind, and encountering some rain and hail, they captured the' game by a score of 26 to 6. A number of the boys had 4 scores to their credit at the com1 pletion of the game, all having made good records. . . , Sunday Dufur will meet the locals on the home diamond and June 4th we will go to Dufur for a return game. On Thursday, the 18th, Miss C. C Miller of Criterion and James T. Crowley of Indepen dence were united in marriage at the home of Rev. Thurston of The Dalles. After visiting a few days in Portland, they will go to Independence where they will make their home. The bride was accompanied by her brother, J. E. Miller of Criterion. And still it rains. On Monday Morning the hills southwest of this place were covered with Bnow, The Bonney Bros. ai;e making good headway plowing with their gasoline tractor. On Friday last the ladies of the neighborhood spent a de lightful afternoon at the home of Mrs, A. A. Canfield, the occasion being a miscelaneous shower for Miss Bertha Herrling of this place. We hear she left the 21st for Willamette valley points and suppose we will see no more of 'Miss Herrling' in these parts, but understand 'Bertha' wlllsoofi be back among us. Gertrude . Mathes, who has Thursday evening Miss South been staying with Miss Herrling erland closed her school with a went to her home' in Portland , very pleasant entertainmenti last week to bring back a bunch of cattle. General rumor has it that he will bring a cook also, Bakeoven In The Dalles, May, a 7 1-2 pound boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Davis, All are getting along fine. Bert was in Tuesday aud handed us $1.50 for the Times Shattuck Bros, have vacated their former location on the cor ner of Sixth stfeet and Deschutes 4$ -$$00O00OOO0$ O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 "Firestone" & "Goodyear" Casing's and Tubes Try "VeedoF the Heat Proof Auto Oil Buy you Gasoline from us at Portland prices Plus the Frteig'ht Watch this space next wfeek for the announcement of OUR BIG-CLEARANCE SALE were Wilbur for state senator; V. L. Bradshaw for circuit judge; F. V. Galloway for .district attorney ; C. L. Darnielle, for sheriff; D. L Cates for county treasurer and J. L. Harper for constable, The names of Mrs. Alexander Thompson and J. T. Harper were written On enough democratic bal lots to asvard them the nomination for joint representatives. Justice Hughes has received a clear majority of more than 20,000 votes in the state over all other re- Jidates". Roosevelt waH written on the ballot by quite a number of admirers' in various Jjj?3 publican presidential cand: feSiThe n'ame" of Colonel Eo G. L. Harphan and family ex pect to leave Thursday for a three months' vacation trip, at The Dalles and along other river points Southern Wasco pupils who suc cessfully passed the eighth grade examinations for April are:' Lut tie M. Shadley, Ilarrv F. Spath Eva Syron, Leonard and Orrion Farlow, Ida Duncan, Wamic; Frank Valentine Bleakney, BaTieoven ; Daphene Conley, Tygh Valley and Charles V. Tapp, Wapinitia. Catholic Chapel Car '"'St. Peter" will arrive in Mau' pin, Saturday, May 29th. Sunday. Peter Klrsch left for the valley About fifty were present. There were two dialogues, Beauty and GOODBYE, GRAIN IN SACK Sacks are out of date. Handling in Bulk saves 2 cents t9 3 cents per bushel. And this saving is made above the cost of installing the bins. Bulk handling insures ALL the profit and reduces thejabor very materially. We have many designs of portable granaries and track elevators. ; 1 ""in. I 1 1 .; Design X 102-100(7 bii. Portable Grain Bin All lumber necessary to build', for $38.00 FREE complete plans .showing every detail necessary for erection. List of hardware and other equipment included1 with plans. We'll be glad to show you plans and talk over j our needs for the coming season. SHATTUCK BROS. STORE OF BETTER SERVICE i? 0 ? o "I I f "M I W U WV VVMf vwmv Akit iim ril fmn itiiil JLr i A im ft v r u ft : is m 1 CO CO 00 i CD o : ro cr - - -3 " 35 ft a -. es. g 0 a- a.s g jr 3 55 1 S 3 II 2." Sin n 3 ET. 5. O Q 3. n tr 3. v w rr 3 C V " 3 2 3 -i w 2. x P SO C N 3 ti t " a. n so a x m i - 3 sr w 08 i-t- 3 e. trie 14 t (6 i3 3 a. -l s " ft "1 3" O S m - SL Iff" S S 9 1 s, o o a, 3-3. t ? fD CO- 3 0 4 ft 1 o (B to so n P c ft o cr s3 2. 3- f? rn G1 3 f !L rr ft cr. 3 M 3" o g ft' n ft 2, 2 o 3 n 3 Cu ft ye CO Z. M 2 ft- t 3 VJ o a, 1 ii fi s-t? 3 L- I. Z 3 I is o wBm $ r S irs' 11 CUftflo' "imton t J cr 3 o 1 1 1 p o a r a an C I I ?? c o - 1 t2 r 3 2 tr f is 3'5 r f ii 1 j. c a ft o cr 1 1 2 - ft S I . S Vi 1B,3ri 3 13 so rr c ft I T 3 SJ K! o O r J 141 LJ the Beast and Blue Beard in cos'-' tumes which the children made' with a little help. The Field and City mouse by Everett Higgins' and Irving Harvey dressed as" mice was comic. They lisped' their words and one little fell6v got tangled with' his long tfaiV,' which created much amusement.' Little Roderick Mays monologue' "Playing Old was cunning, these' with numerous recitations enter tained the audience nearly two' hours. The pupils then served a" splendid lunch of sandwiches,' cake, lemonade and candv. , Miss' Southerland and pupils deserve much credit for the fine program' and dandy feed. Edwin Mays' has two sheep' shearers with a shearing ma chine shearing his sheep. Jess Fleming has finished about 800 acres of summer fallow wit!!' his gang tractor.' (concluded on last jtogp)' 000 $$00000000000