The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 19, 1916, Image 8

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    The Maupin Times
published every Friday at Maupin,
.1. IS. Oishkow. Publisher
Subscript ion: One year, $1,50; six
mouths, 75 cento; three mouths, 50
Entered as second class mail
matter September 2, 1914, at the
postoffice at Maupin, Oregon, 1111
nYr the Act of March 3, 1B79.
Over the Road
Friday morning it was attain
our priviledge to accompany Mr.
a id Mrs. L. I). Kelly for a ride
in their handsome big car, this
time to the Industrial rally and
picnic in the grove above Tygh
where a large number from miles
around, having come in some
fifty cars and nearly as many
rigs, trj enjoy a real picnic in
every sense of the word.
The events of the day are
more widely treated by the reg
ular Wamic correspondent in an
other column.
. Late in the afternoon we pro
cured passage to The Dalles in
the 12-passenger car from that
city. The trip was made by
way of the new grade up the
Butler canyon, by special per
mission from the construction
fiuperintendent of the road,
which, while in a state of com
pletion, and a fine highway in
general principle, is excavated
through so much sharp shell
rock, that it is a serious propo
's'ition for a set of tires to make
the trip, and the County Court
has refused to accept the work
until improvement can be effect
ed. Smock Items
, , K. V. I'arrish motored to The
Dalles Saturday taking his. aunt,
r 1?.. ..1 1 ..1 1.
the. boat for Portland and will
spend several wekn visiting at
different points in Willamette
valley. Mrs. Nancy Jones acoom
' ,.1 . .I., 1 ti. 11
panieu mem 10 i no want's, jier
dauehler. Miss Lou. r'Uirniiu
with them to spend a couple weeks
visiting Mother and relatives.
jMiss Jones is taking a nurses'
course ut The J)alles Hospital,
' Farlow Bros, shipped SO hogs to
- .Portland Monday. Tlmm hauling
to Sherar were ,(. W., T. E. and
C. N. Farlow, Geo. Thornton and
T. J. Whilcomb, Morion Km low
going with the shipment.
1). A. Wilson of Sawttdle, Calif.
arrived Satin day to visit his
dati'jhtcr and family, Mrs. C. S.
; im v'li hit.
Wayne ipoor unit wile am on
their way from Cntalow v.illey to
Impend the suuimer with relatives
Ernest. Genii and family visited
their daughter, Mrs. Goo. Duncan,
Mrs. Alta Sfakcly was visiting
. i. w : . . , o 1 : .. 1
low 111 irs t's ryiDii jmiu iuxoio'tunru
them to lygn alley, Friday.
T. E. Farlow mid Mrs. .Nora
Mu'vuney are building a line fence
between their ranches, Mr. Farlow
having recently sold her thirty
David May field has installed a
new phono in place of the old one.
Those making up a car load of
fat sheep for Wednesday's ship
ping to Portland market: Roy
Fleck, Grant. Led ford, ,lno. End
and J no. May field,
Henry 'May field and sons are
di'-'ging a well.
Lewis Yockey was transacting
business at The Dalle last week.
Our eighth grade pupils are
anxiously awaiting their returns
from examinations, which should
have reached hero Saturday, but
rm account of mail not reaching
Winnie office Friday, our carrier
hud to diaplay a stock of patience,
ns the would be graduates met him
at their respective boxes with all
manner of ipuostions.
Tygh Valley 1
Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg of Du
fur were out to the picnic Friday
Mr. and Mrs. French Butler
were out from The Dalles taking
D. B.
f Just Received, a Large Shipment of
Wagon and Bug'tfy tongues, hickory
i PlanK and oak Wagon Reaches
; Doubtetrecs and Singletrees for
I Hacks and Buggies, Lead Bars and
f Log Chains, any size, Wagon and
!Ucck and Buggy Tires
Anything you want done, i am at your service. When
j you are in Maupin, call and see mo on any line you are in
I need of- I will try and accommodate you.
Dr. Hatfield
Now at Matipin
s.iuoBsaoDV auqoutoinv jo omq aduio y
BOii.tBj Sujinfj jo sduj, Suoq joi poaedajj
jjanax aoAjiaci ony oojAJoy aa3uassBcT o:my
Changes in Train Schedule
tuLgwg wlSJ
Earlier Dsnarture of Evening Train on Sundays for Portland
Effective Saturday May 13, Train 104 will leave Fallbridg each
Saturday 12:50 A.M., arriving at Bend the same time as at
present, 8:00 A. M. This train also will run on this schedule Mon
thly, May 29 account Decoration Day.
Effective Sunday, Mav M, Train No. 103 will leave Bend each
Sunday at b':30 P. M., instead of 8:00 P. M., as at present. This
train will also run on this schedule Tuesday, May 30. On other
days same timt) as at present until further notice.
0:30 P M Lv Bend Arr 6:00 A M
0:45 P M Deschutes 7: 12 A M
7:03 P M Redmond 7:22 A M
7:'0 PM Terrebonne 7:0!) A M
f7:33 P M Opal City f6:52 A M
7:50 P M Culver 0:30 A M
8:05 P M Metolius 0:23 A M
8:17 P M Madras 0:12 A M
9:00 P M Mecca ' 5:28 AM
9:28 P M South Junction 5:00 A M
10:51 P M Maupin 3:32 A M
fll:17PM Sherar f3;09AM
f 1:50 AM Celilo fl2:58 A M
2:00 A M Arr Fallbridge Lv 12:50 A M
For time nt other stations consult agents
A. LOCKE. Agent,
in the picnic and visiting rela
tives. Little Gladys Morrow
went to
The Dalles to visit her sister.
Swift has purchased ;
uroperty and will move
Among those working on the
new grade are Z. A. Watkins,
Cris Polaen, C. V. Wing, Harry
McMurmy and'B. Nickerson.
Mrs, Rowan was a Wamic vis
itor Thursday.
J- P. JdcMurry and grand
daughter, Fstclla Uowan went to
Dufur Saturday returning Mon
day with a large herd of his Jer
seys to his Wamic farm.
Mr. Fitzpateriek'-. is putting a
new fence around his jtsri.
Cus llalzer had quite a serious
run - anvay Saturday, hurting
&P10 ta&MVW Ming.
himself and two little children.
Mr. Hauser has a crew shear-
iing sheep this week.
Mr. Bennington will have a
sale Friday.
Clyde Oliver is home again.
Vince Steers, manager and
Operator of the telephone system
here, has employed Miss Estella
Rowan to help run the switch
board. Tom Swift has sold his farm to
Frank Tillotson.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gus
Balzer last Thursday, a girl.
R. Johnson is having it hot
T.-.iter pros-sure tank installed : t
their residence north of town. A.
O. Moad is doing the plumbing.
Try IIopki, its's got the pipj
For sale at Stvcr's.
Wapinitia Items
Mrs. Frank (label made a trip
to The Dalles Saturday, returning
Jaiuus llarphun was u Wapini
tia visitor Monday,
Shearing commenced ut the,
Oabel ranch last Tuesday morning
G. K. Wood entered upon his
duties us ilfputy assessor. Monday
a week ng.
Miss Celia- Flint) and brother
Clyde hiked across to Wamic via
the new crsdo and spint tho latter
part of the week with their uncle,
Geo, Ma;,'ill and family,
. Quito a number from this place
attended tho picnic at Tygh Fri
day, and all agree that it was a
ppVndid success in eery way.
A party of O. T. railroad oflip
ials conferred with a number of
our citizens the first of last week
concerning a road up Wapinitia
The biggent ball game of the sen
son is expected to be played on the
Wapinitia diamond between Wani
io and tho Syinnasho Indians.
Everybody come.
A heavy frost struck this section
of the country last week, killing
lots of potatoes, garden and fruit.
An executive committee meeting
of the Christian Endeavor was
called last Monday evening and
plans were made to go to Criterion
next Sunday to organize u C. E.
About 80 persona attended the
"Mothers' Day services" at the
church last Sunday.
Chns. Delore nnd family left
here ana in Monday.
Billy Murgia is herding sheep
over on Eagle Creek for J. P.
Guy Douthit and Jamie Abbolf,
returned home from Portland the
last of the week.
W- A. Dane expects to start his
sawmill up again Wednesday and
run for a few days. Mrs. Carrie
Kirkhain will be employed as
Mrs. York Wilson was up from
White Itiver the first of the week.
Ben Smith, a former resident of
this place, passed through' here
last Tuesday.
Ralph Dodge is employed on a
big fruit ranch near The Dalles.
May Delore, Will Foreman,
(iottlieb Teschner and family
spent Sunday at the Bill Sturgess
A Fourth of July meeting at
Evick hall, May 20.
Local Items
Go to Talcott's for confectionery
and ice cream.
Dave Donaldson came home
Go to Talcott's- for your ice
cream sundaes,
Mrs, R. H. Bell returned home
Saturday evening from Vancouver.
It' you want to keep the flies out,
get Tiiiu-A-L,um screen doors.
Helen Locke was well enough to
be taken up town in a car Sunday.
'Dad' Coale pays the highest
market price for hides and pelts, p
E. E. Hansen and family were
business visitors in Maupin Satur
day. If the other fellow could not fix
your watch bring it to Emmons
the jeweler-
Dave Campbell of Wamic this
Week purchased a new car of E. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Kellogg
were callers in Maupin Saturday
An eleven pound girl arrived at
the R. W. McShane home seven
o'clock Sunday morning.
Don't blame your clock It
needs cleaning. Emmons will
do it for yon and guarantee it.
Mr. and Mrs. M M, Morris and
Mrs. Glen Morris and babe were
callers in Maupin Tuesday.
Good milk cow for sale, will be
fresh in about a month. W. H.;
Aldrulge, near Bakeoven. 2;tf
School closes today in the Der-j
thick district, where Miss lea
Derthick has completed another
euieessful vear.
Shearing commenced yesterday
morning in j-.ast .Maupin when a
.. w... 11 . 1 , ,
Hunt's sheep were.
Begins June 1
Tlan NOW to go
by askinganyAgent,or by writing
Ghnrrai, Passhncer Agent,
for information and illustrated
"TOUR"' literature
Dr. Lawrence S. Siovall
and Dentistry
Charges Reasonable
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Call Drug 'store or residence
Maupin, Oregon
E. R. Wilson, C. E.
Civil, Municipal and Irrigation
Expert on Pu.blc Land Surveys
! LVaniniti'i lulu Pnvn 1
imjiiiiiiu nuiu uiub
Leaves Maupin, 8 a. m.
Leaves Wapinitia, 1.30 p. m
Bud Smith rrturned home on
Tuesday night's train, having
come from a point sixty-five miles
beyond Silver Lake.
Dr. Francis, who recently left
this place for Bend, is announced
by the Bend Press as being perm
anently located with Myron TI.
Simons, Jeweler, in that city.
E. J. Styer returned home Wed
nesday morning frpm Ilillsboro,
where he went last Thursday to
see his family, being called on ac
count of sickness.
Mrs. Floyd Huston and children
of I'riueville wore guests the past
two days at the G. W. Vanderpool
home, being on their return trio
from Dufur and Portland.
The homestead residence of W.
M. Moss burned to the ground
about six o'clock Wednesday
morning, totally destroying the
household poseessions except one
feather bed.
. If you want a weekly paper of
good solid helps and information
along agricultural lines, write the
Department of Agriculture, divis
ion of publication. Washington D.
C. for the Weekly News-Letter.
Mrs. Fiske Bothwell is very sick
with erysipelas. Miss Howie was
called Tuesday from The Dalles
Hospital to attend her.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beckwith
came over Friday evening, with
Mr. and Mrs. L, D. Kelly from
the Tygh picnic and are visiting
Mrs. tnas. Crofoot is visiting
iier parents at Wamic this week,
leaving Mrs. Beckwith in charge
of her household duties.
A shower is to be tendered Miss
Bertha Herrling of Criterion today
by her friends at the home of Mrs.
A. A. Cnufleld, in honor of her
approaching marriage to Peter J.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Sigman, Miss
Nettie Sigmau. Mrs. Gro.ver
l i r r, . . .
ouiauei anu nirs. crenton Siuslier
motored over Saturday for the
dance an a week end visit with
Friday night W. D. Roberts
was attacked by what appeared
to be a rabid coyote near his
camp, which he and others held
at safe distance by bombardment
of stones until Mrs. Roberts
could get into the tent and get a
gun with which to kill it The
head of the animal was sent off
for examination as to it having
been rabid.
In the County County Court of
the Slate of Oregon for Wasco
In' the Matter of the Estate")
of f
I'reemun O, Stall, deceased)
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed
by the Cotintv Court of the State
of Oregon for Wusco County, ad
ininistralor of the estate of Free
man O. Slull, deceased and has
qualilicd ns such administrator.
All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to
present the same, properly verified
to the undersigned, at his residence
in Wapinitia, Wasco County, Ore
gon, within six (6) months from
the dale of the first publication of
this notice, which said date of first
publication is the 2ist day of April,
U, S. Endkkshv,
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at The Dailes,
Oregon, April 17th, 1916. '
NOTICE is hereby given $a
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on Feb
ruary Sth, 191 1, made Homestead
Entry No. 0S096 and on March
15th, 1915, made additional Home
stead Entry, No. 014594, f SWi-4
NWI-4, sw.i-4, Section 2, SKI-4SKI-4
Section 3, NI-2NWI-4, Section n,
Township 6 South, Range 12 East
Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make Final
three year Proof, to establish claim
to the laud above described, be
fore F. D. Stuart, U, S. Conimis.
sioner at Maupiu, Oregon, on the
23rd day of May, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
E. IJeckler, K. L. Nelson, Arch
Rains, Wm. Sturgis, all of Wapi
nitia, Oregon.
H, Frank Woodcock,
np Regiser.
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of an execution, issued out
of and under the seal of the Circuit
Ccurt in and for the Cotintv of
Wasco State of Oregon, upon a
judgement rendered and docketed
111 the said court on the 17th day of
March, 1916, in an action wherein
E. J. Fischer was plaintiff and
Frank Creager was defendant, pi
favor of the said plaintiff and
against the said defendant, for tc
sum ot $523.90 with interest there
on at the rate of ten per cent per
liiiium from said date, and the
further sum of $50.00 attorney's
fees, and $15.00 costs and disburse
ments, which execution was direct
ed and delivered to me as Sheriff,
in and for said county of Wasco, 1
have levied upon all the right, title
and interest of the said defendant,
Frank Creager in and to the follow
ing described real property, to-wit:
AH ot Lot (26) of Block Twenty-
three (23) of the town of Maupin,
according to the map and plat
thereof recorded in the office of the
County Cletk for said County and
Noti'c is hereby given that I. the
undersigned Sheriff as above men
tioned, will sell the above described
real property to the highest bidder,
for cash a.t public aution, at the
front door of the County Court
house in The Dalles, Wasco County
Oregon, 011 the 22nd day of May,
1916, at the hour of two o'clock p.
m. ot that day, to satisfy said exe
cution, together with interest and
acruing costs thereon.
Said real property will be sold
subject to confirmation and redemp
sion, as by law required.
Dated at The Dalles, Wasco
County, Oregon, this 20th day of
April, A. D., 1916.
Levi Chrisman, 1
Sheriff for Wasco County, Oregon.
Paul W. Childers,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, V.
Oregon, May 5th, 1916,
NOTICE is hereby given that
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on May
16th, 1911, made Homestead entry
No. 0S931, and on March 31st, '
1915, made additional Homestead
Entry No. 014G39, for vl-2NEl-4,
w1-2se1-4, se1-4nw1-4, ne1-4sw
1-4 t section 6, Township G
south, Range 12 East Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to make Final five year
Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before F. D.
Stuart, U. g. Commissioner, at
Maupin, Orepon, on the loth day
of June, 1916,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Jesse Cox, O. S. Walters, A. R.
Maynard, C. O. Maynard, " all of
Wapinitia, Oregon.
H. Frank Wcodcock,
P Register,