The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 19, 1916, Image 7

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U. S. Government Homesteads
In the Famoui Columbia River Basin and Okanogan Valley. Fruit,
Dairy, Farm and Timber Land. Map showing Koadt, Lakes, Rivers,
Creeks, Mountains, Indian Allotments and Mineral Land. Book of
Description, shows How to locate any Homestead of 1(50 Acres on
OPEN JULY 5, 1916.
PRICE, POSTPAID, $1.00. 504-5 McKay Building, PORTLAND, ORE.
Is on thing to the orirans of breathing and ti a won
derful remedy for couirhi, colds, sore throat, catarrh
and heaven, and when fver its present it rcmovoa It
quickly without Injury to the animal.
Dr. Korinek's Gall Powder ht "S,
rails, sore shoulders, wire cuts and old ulcerated sorus.
Dr. Korinek's Absorbent Blister K'tiHSLit
of snsvlns. ring-hones, sfde-bones, lumpy-Jaw in cat-
tie, bony enlarKemi'nts and promoting the ripening process of abcesttes.
Any of the following remedies will quickly correct any of the ailmenta for which they are
recommended: .
Ask your dealer for Korinek's Remedies. They are guaranteed. Or write direct to
KORINEK REMEDY CO., Kenton Station, Portland, Oregon
"Say, pa, I bet Bobby Smith 10 cents
today you could lick his dad In 15 min
utes so be sure and keep Saturday
afternoon open" Puck.
We want all you have. Write for prices and
hipping tags. THE H. T. NORTON CO.
S3 North Front St., Portland, Ore.
D ought. Sold, Rented and Repaired
Burnaide, cor. 10th. Portland, Ore.
Portland YJ.C, A. Auto School
Day and night classes. Expert training
in repairing:, driving and machine work.
Including forge, tathe, shaper, drill proas,
tractors, etc. Time unlimited. COMPE
Double Tread, Puncture Proof Tires
Made from your old ones. Last long
as Bran New Tires. WE ALSO BUY
OLD TIRES. We pay as high as 10c
per lb. for such as we can use in Double
Tread work, and the higheBt market
Ship your Tires at once or write us.
for junk.
OREGON VULCANIZING CO., SSO Wistarias Si, Putins. On.
Farmers. Ship
Your next lot of Veal, Hog,, Poultry. Mohair,
Wool. Hides, Pelts, Etc., to SCHMALZ, if you
want better prices. Check mailed you day after
arrival. Market information, tags, etc.. promptly
dpplied. Beef hides, 14V4c lb.: calf skins. 23c lb.
Ask your neighbor to try us. Wanted. 200 Veal
and Hogs; 1000 Broilers and Hens. Write today
for tags, mentioning thiB paper. F. H. Schmalz
& Co. Paid-up capital (10,000. Portland, Ore.
Fifth and Washington Sts., Portland. Or.
The homelike stopping place
for those who appreciate the
dollar's full worth.
Room with Bath,
Room with Detached Bath
Breakfast and Luncheon .
Dinner ....
How is
Your Mouth?
Are you wearing: a temporary
and insanitary rubber plate?
Do you find your mouth In
flamed and irritated? You
should have a permanent,
clean, sanitary cast aluminum
plate. Let me make one for
you. Unless you are perfectly
atisfied you will not have to pay for it.
(Dra. Hedlund, Loy and Skiff, Dentists)
456-459 Morgan Bldg., 4th Floor, Washington it Broadway
Work Guaranteel Prices Reasonable. Phone Marshall 96
Fords Fords Fords
1915 Fpic.u.n.w $395
1915 JSL, $335
1914 rgZfiu $295 ,
1914 F&?:"' $275
1913 . $245
1 Q1 yi Ford delivery, beautiful COQC
S1 steel panel body Pi70
East 13th & Hawthorne Art.,
If you Suffer from Backache, Lum
bago, Kidneys or Rheumatism,
Take Hot Water and "Anuric."
American men and women must
guard constantly agalnBt kidney trou
ble, because we eat too much and all
our food is rich. Our blood is filled
with uric acid which the kidneys
strive to filter out, they weaken from
overwork, become sluggish; the elim
inative tissues clog and the result is
kidney trouble, bladder weakness and
a general decline in health.
When your kidneys feel like lumps
of lead, when your back hurts or the
urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or
yon are obliged to seek relief two or
three times during the night, when
yon Buffer with sick headache or dizzy,
nervous spells, acid stomach, or you
have rheumatism when the weather
Is bad, get from your druggist "AN
UBLIC." Because of uric acid in over
abundance in the system, backache.
Mr. Dairyman:-
We have an Important communication to
make you only costs you nothing, means
something.' Bend us your name and address
and we will mail it to you.
COUPON No. 207.
Ship's. Sti.
THE HAZELWOOD CO, Portland. Oregon
There was a trial on In a Justice
court in Texas. A witness for the
Plaintiff was on the stand and was giv
ing damaging evidence against the de
fendant, who was represented by two
old practitioners, one nearly deaf and
the other nearly blind.
The nearly deaf one said to hia asso
ciate: "What did the witness say?"
The nearly blind one replied: "What
witness?" Case and Comment
Pimples, boils, carbuncles, dry up and
disappear with Doctor Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery. In tablets or liquid.
"Can any girl tell me the three
foods required to keep the body in
There was silence till one maiden
held up her hand and replied:
"Yes breakfast, yer dinner and yer
supper." San Francisco Argonaut. -
Glass of Hot Water
Before Breakfast
Open sluices of the system each
morning and wash away the
poisonous, stagnant matter,
Those of us who are accustomed to
feel dull and heavy when we arise
splitting headache, stuffy from a cold,
foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stom
ach, lame back, can, instead, both look
and feel as fresh as a daisy always by
washing the poisons and toxins from
the body with phosphated hot water
each morning.
We should drink, before breakfast,
a glass of real hot water with a tea-
spoonful of limestone phosphate in it
to flush from the stomach, liver, Kid
neys and ten yards of bowels the pre
vious day s indigestible waste, sour
bile and poisonous toxins; thus cleans
ing, sweetening and purifying the
entire alimentary tract before putting
more food into the stomach.
The action of limestone phosphate
and hot water on an empty stomach
is wonderfully invigorating. It cleans
out all the sour fermentations, gases,
waste and acidity and gives one
splendid appetite for breakfast and
it is said to be but a little while until
the roses begin to appaps in the
cheeks. A quarter pound XOiSmestone
phosphate will cost very little at the
drug store, but is sufficient to make
anyone who is bothered with bilious
ness, constipation, stomach trouble or
rheumatism a real enthusiast on the
subject of internal sanitation. Try it
and you are assured that you will look
better and feel better in every way
Rewards of Merit
"I used to tell my son that if he was
a good boy I'd take him to the circus."
"Is he too old for that?"
"Rather. Now he intimates that if
I succeed in keeping in his good graces
he may get me a ticket to see him play
football." Washington Star.
pains here and there, rheumatism,
gout, gravel, neuralgia and sciatica re
sult. It was Dr. Pierce who discovered
a new agent, called "Anuric" which
will throw out and eradicate this uric
acid from the system. Dr. Pierce be
lieves "Anuric" to be 37 times more
potent than llthla, and consequently
you need no longer fear muscular or
articular rheumatism or gout, or many
other diseases which are dependent
on an accumulation of uric acid within
the body. Send Dr. Pierce, Invalids'
Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., 10c. for trial
package or $1.00 for full treatment
Dr. Pierce's reputation Is back of
this medicine and you know that his
"Pleasant Pellets" for the liver and
his "Favorite Prescription" for the ills
of women have had a splendid reputa
tion (or the past SO years.
Prlceleit Tapestries and Palntlngi
Were Removed From Paris When
the German Army Advanced.
M. Henri Marcel, French, director
general of national museums, has JuBt
roportod to the government details of
the transfer to Toulouse of the art
treasures of the Paris Louvre, says the
St. Louis' Post-Dispatch.
The occasion of the report was popu
lar rumors that some of the most val
uable paintings had been scratched or
otherwise damaged.
M. Marcel relates how he had op
posed the government's order to re
move the treasures at the time of Von
Kluck's drive to within twenty miles
from Paris, and how he Anally consent
ed to pack them, as well as the most
famous tapestries of Reims, Chantilly
and Complegne.
Each painting was wrapped In oven
dried wax paper, with a layer of cotton
over it back and front; special boxes
were made with copper spirals holding
the frames in position and protecting
them against sudden shocks. And final'
ly 900 of the most valuable paintings,
with an even number of less value,
were taken to a special train in the
Midi station; the cars were padded
thickly; two guards were in each car,
That train, says the report, carried
over $200,000,000 worth of treasures.
Arrived at Toulouse, the most ser!
ous operation, that of unpacking, was
successfully undertaken in the pres
ence of the entire Louvre board, and
each Item was checked In after
thorough examination. Not one pic
ture suffered on the way or in pack
ing or unpacking; and all are stored
in an "indestructible" building, which
has been tested as to dryness; in fact,
is under continual surveillance, so that
harm cannot come to the pictures or
They are not now on exhibition, but
only stored for safety. Mr. Marcel
thinks that it would be quite safe to
take them back to Paris now, "as they
will never be disturbed there now."
General Galieni, however, the military
commander of Paris, has refused per
mission to bring them back before the
end of the war.
The works of sculpture and minor
pictures have not been removed from
the Louvre; and since March 1 the
gallery is open to the public dally, ex
cept Sundays and Mondays. But the
military authorities have Insisted on
getting ready places of safety even for
the remaining art Btores, which can be
removed In a few hours should it be
come necessary.
Poesy In Wall Street.
"To me your Wall street is one of
the most poetic spots in America,'
said a young woman out of the West
on a trip through the narrow canyon.
"That sounds rather odd, I know, espe
cially to those who are accustomed to
associate Wall street with common
gambling and fortune-wrecking. But
I have never met any literary people.
painters or musicians more highly
strung, as we say, than the typical
men of 'the street.' They have, too.
the most wonderful imaginations. The
way they talk about piles of bonds
and gold and cotton and wheat is per
fectly fascinating. And they believe,
to a large extent, that what they tell
you about business is true. They are
carried away with the idea, Just the
same as a novelist who is outlining
his next book to his publisher is car
ried away with his theme and plot
They all love their work, and I do not
think they would take half so much
interest in making and breaking them
selves and other people if Wall street
were not hard and cruel and full of
excitement and humor and pathos."
' ' RanUer's Keen War Vlalnn.
An English army officer was starting
for the front last year and he called
upon his London bank to settle up cer
tain affairs before departing.
"You'll be back soon with a wounded
hand," said the bank manager. He was,
' His wound healed, the officer made
ready to go back to the front. Meeting
the bank manager, be Inquired: "Any
more predictions?"
; "You'll be gone longer this time,
Bald the manager, "and when you do
return it will be with quite a bad
wound in the leg.",
This also happened. The officer was
much surprised. Hunting up the bank
er, he inquired. "Since you know so
much, why can't you tell me when the
war will end?"
"It will end," said the manager, "on
June 17, 1916, but I shan't live to see
it I'll Just about live until New Year'
day and not much more." He died
January 2.
The London Financial News, a very
sober, unimaginative newspaper,
vouches for this story.
Fertilizers From Municipal Waste.
A survey of the nation's resources
in fertilizer materials has drawn atten
tion to the large supply of these to be
found in the accumulation of garbage
in cities. ThiB waste material con
tains nitrogen, phosphoric acid and
potash, which are recognized as essen
tial to the production of large crops,
Valuable as these elements are to the
farms of the country, the garbage
which they are found Is a source
trouble and expense to the cities.
seems, therefore, that this garbage
can be disposed of most advantageous
ly by returning it to the soil in the
form of fertilizer.
Not Qualified Yet
"I saw you out in your new car yes
"Did I look like a motorist?"
"Well, no. You had an air of
sponsibillty that gave you away, but
that will disappear in time."
A Spring Yearn.
I'm tired of canned goods and of meat;
Ira all run down alas.
And now I think I'd like to eat
A little garden "bubs."
In spring for green stuff people yearn
And so it comes to pass
That when the April days return
We long for garden "Bass.
Louisville Courier-journal.
For Nail In the Foot.
Horses and cattle are liable to blood
poisoning from Btepplng on rusty
nallB. For such an tnjury apply Han-
ford's Balsam of Myrrh and get it
into the bottom of the wound. It
should kill the poison germs. Always
have a bottle in your stable, because
you will find different uses for it Adv.
Concentration of Wealth.
"A lot of moving picture stars get
enormous salaries.
"Yes. After reading about the sums
they draw, it seems strange that there
enough money left to carry on tne
war in Europe." Washington Star.
Look Younf! Bring Back Its
Natural Color, Gloss and
Common garden Bage brewed into a
heavy tea with Bulphur added, will
turn gray, streaked and faded hair
beautifully dark and luxuriant. Just
few applications will prove a revela
tion if your hair is fading, streaked or
gray. Mixing the Sage Tea ana Bul
phur recipe at home, though, is troub
lesome. An easier way is to get a
50-cent bottle of Wyeth's Sage and Sul
phur Compound at any drug Btore all
ready for use. This is the old time
recipe improved by the addition of
other Ingredients.
While wispy, gray, faded hair is not
sinful, we all desire to retain our
youthful appearance and attractive
ness. By darkening your hair wltn
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound,
no one can tell, because it does it so
naturally, so evenly. You just dampen
a sponge or soft brush with it and
draw this through your hair, taking
one small strand at a time; by morn
ing all gray hairs have disappeared,
and, after another application or two,
your hair becomes beautifully dark,
glossy, soft and luxuriant.
This preparation Is a delightful
toilet requisite and is not Intended for
the cure, mitigation or prevention of
Apartment Life,
That lady next door Beems rather
She can save her airs. I m Just as
anxious not to get acquainted with
her as she is not to know me." Louis
ville Courier-Journal.
To prevent gangrene use Hanford's
Balsam because it cleanses and heals
the wound. Adv.
A Favor.
Would-be-slacker (to recruiting ser
geant) But, sir, I have bad eyesight
and can't see any distance.
"Don't worry about that, my man,
we will put you in tne very iront
trench where you will have a good
view." Philadelphia Public Ledger.
Take Salts at first sign of Blad
der irritation or back
ache. The American men and women must
guard constantly against Kidney trou
ble, because we eat too mucn and all
our food is rich. Our blood is filled
with uric acid which the kidneys
strive to filter out, they weaken from
overwork, become sluggish; the elim
inatlve tissues clog and the result is
kidney trouble, bladder weakness and
a general decline in health.
When your kidneys feel like lumps
of lead; your back hurts or the urine
is cloudy, full of sediment or you are
obliged to seek relief two or three
times during the night; if you suffer
with sick headache or dizzy, nervous
spells, acid stomach, or you have rheu
matism when the weather is bad, get
from your pharmacist about four
ounces of Jad Salts; take a table'
spoonful in a glass of water before
breakfast for a few days and your kid
neys will then act fine.. This famous
salts is made from the acid of grapes
and lemon Juice, combined with lithia,
and has been used for generations to
flush and stimulate clogged kidneys;
to neutralize the acids in the urine so
it no longer is a source of irritation,
thus ending bladder disorders.
Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot In
jure, makes a delightful effervescent
lithla-water beverage, and belongs in
every home, because nobody can make
a mistake by having a good kidney
flushing any time.
Extract from lecture by N. C. O.:
"Your rifle is your best friend, take
every care of it; treat it as you would
your wife; rub it thoroughly with an
oily rag every day. Puncn.
"There Is a man who never Bays an
unkind word about anybody.
"Well," replied Senator Sorghum,
"I don't believe we should waste time
with him. Admirable as his qualities
may be, how could he be useful In a
political campaign?" Washington
P. N. U.
No. 20, 1910
WBKN wrltts to airartissrs. alsast auav
" Horn; Uls papar.
of Eureka Stumping Powder and now I
I want to sell a lot of other powder I ( ,v I
that I have." writes Rudolph Stadeli, J i&o I
Kllvprrnn. Ore. "The other
makes me terribly sick when I try to use it, but Eureka does
not give me the least headache.'
Eureka Stumping Powder is one of the two y
Eureka goes farthest and costs least in blasting stumps m
dry ground. Giant Stumping Powder saves work and money
in blasting in wet soils.
Both of these Giant Farm Powders are made especially")
to meet Western farm conditions. They are made by a
Pacific Coast company, with SO years' experience the
company that originated all "giant powders." Your dealer
can supply you; if he does not, write us and we will see that
you get the genuine, which has the Giant brand on every box.
Save Money on Stump Blasting;
Our valuable illustrated book, "Better Stump Removing,"
shows you how to do it. Send us your address on a post"
card and we will mail you " book and any of four others
on Orchard Tillage, Boulder Blasting, Subsoil Blasting and
Ditch Blasting, that you care to have. Write for them now.
THE GIANT POWDER CO., Con., JJS. San Francisco
"Everything for Blotting"
BRANCH OFFICES l Seattla. Spokau,
Enough Said.
A railroad lawyer who has had much
to do with human nature says: "Never
cross-question an Irishman from the
old sod." And he gave an Illustration
from his own experience.
A section hand had been killed by
an express train, and his widow was
suing for damages. The main witness
swore positively tnat tne locomotive
whistle had not sounded until after
the whole train had passed over his
departed friend.
'See here, McGlnnis, saia I, "you
admit that the whistle blew?"
"Yls, sor, it blew, Bor."
"Now. if that whistle sounded In
time to give Michael warning, the fact
would he in favor of the company,
wouldn't it?"
'Yis, sor, and Mike would be testify
ing here this day." The Jury giggled.
Case and Comment.
For harness sores apply Hanford's
Balsam. Adv.
Rodd An automobile la so different
from a horBe.
Greene Why, of course.
"You see a horse goes faster when
he's going home than when he's going
away from home.
"Well, doesn't an automobile? '
"Oh, no; you see, an automobile of
ten has to be towed home." Philadel
phia Ledger.
Hanford's Balsam
Is used to cool
burns. Adv.
A Shrewd Boy.
"You are a fine little fellow."
"And may be president some day."
"That's right, sir. And a quarter
invested now might arouse a gratitude
that might get you an Important office
when that time arrives." Kansas City
A Suggestion.
A politician who was seeking the
votes of a certain community in Ohio
to the end that he might be sent to
congress thought it worth while to
make mention of his humble origin
and early struggles.
"I got a start in life by serving In a
grocery at $3 a week, and yet I have
managed to save," he announced.
Whereupon a voice from the audi
ence queried:
'Was that before tne invention or
cash registers?" Philadelphia Ledger.
jar ' I v.r Fa M . VI
Portland, Salt Laic. City.
For Bridge Players.
"We have evolved a standardized
bridge prize tor all our afternoon af
fairs." "What Is it?" '
"A boiled dinner in a can. It keeps
the wives happy and their husbands
from scolding." LouiBville Courier
High Finance. ',2
"How much vos dose collars?" ;
"Two for a quarter."
"How much for vun?"
"Fifteen cents."
"Gif me de odder vun." Yale Ree
. U.S. oat .Off.
Keep Kids Kleen
The roost practical, healthful, playtime
garments ever invented (or childra I to
8 yean of age. Made in one piece with
drop back. Eauly slipped on or off.
Easily washed. No light elatbc bands
to atop circulation. Made m blue
denim, and blue and white hickory
ttripeafor all the year round. Alio
linker weight, fast -color material in
dark blue, cadet blue, tan or dark red
for summer wear, all appropriately
trimmed with fait -color aalatea.
Made in Dutch neck with elbow
sleeves and high neck and lout
75c the suit
We will send them, charges Dreoaid
on receipt pnee, 75c each,
ANewCDCp If The.
Suit r IvLL Rip
Beware of Imitation,. Look (or
the Two Hone on the Label.
Modi by
vi Strauss & Co., San Francisco
Awirdid GRAND PRIZE at tha P. P. I.E.
Suggested Fear.
She The new fashions are to tie
hoop-like in style.
He I hope that doesn't mean they'D
cost barrels of money. Baltimore
d j-l avua. Granulated Eyelids,
Jltll" Ey inflamed by expo-
sure to Sun, Dust and Win
quickly relieved by Murine
Eye Remedy. No Smarting,
lust Eve Comfort. At
Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye
SalveinTubes2Sc. ForBookollheEyerreeask
Druggists or Murine Eye Bemedy Co., Coicaso
the easy way to
heal sick skins
Resinol Ointment, with Resinol
Soap, usually stops itching instantly.
Unless the trouble is due to some
serious internal disorder, it quickly
and easily heals most cases of ec
jema, rash, or similar tormenting;
skin or scalp eruption, even when
other treatments have given little
relief. . Physicians have prtscribti
Resinol for over twenty years.
Renlnol Ointment la an excellent
sealing ointment for barns,
at-alds, wounds, etc., and with tbv
help of Resinol boap. clears awar
pimples mud dandruff. Sold bj ail