The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 19, 1916, Image 5

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Of Cencral Interest
About Oregon
Oregon and California Land
Grant Title Is Not Clear
Washintgon, D. C As the Oregon
& California land grant bill stands on
the house calendar, it will not enable
the government of the United States
to pass a clear title to any settler or
purchaser, in the opinion of Repre
sentative Hawley, and he has the sup
porting opinion of several of the good
lawyers of the public lands committee
in this opinion.
"The bill," said Mr. Hawley,
"makes provision for the payment of
back taxes that is, for taxes that
have accrued for the past three years,
but I believe it does not provide for
the payment of taxes which are now
becoming collectable. Moreover, the
bill fails to make provision for the
payment of interest on back taxes and
fails also to provide for the payment
of penalties on those accrued taxes.
These omissions, in my opinion, render
it impossible for the United States to
give an absolutely clear title and I will
call attention to this shortcoming when
the bill is before the house.
"The prime reason for providing in
the bill for the payment of back taxes
was to enable the government to give
a clear title. Unless that section is
enlarged and made complete it will
fail of its purpose and those who ac
quire these lands from the government
will be liable for interest and for the
unpaid penalties and for the taxes that
are not paid by the government under
the Ferris bill."
Smudging Need Shown in
Southern Oregon Fruit District
Medf ord In the opinion of local
fruit men the year 1916 will mark the
final demonstration of the necessity of
crude oil smudging in the growing of
fine fruit and apples in Southern Ore
gon. At the beginning of the season there
was a distinct movement against
smudging, chiefly because of the an
noyance involved and damage to trees
from overflowing pots. In fact an in
junction against smudging was ob
tained by one group of orchards shortly
before the May freeze.
All this anti-smudge agitation is
ended now in the opinion of local grow
ers, for from May 8 to May 14 smudg
ing in Rogue River valley orchards
was worth at least $500,000.
Those orchardists who smudged, and
fortunately a large proportion of them
did, lost practically nothing from the
low temperature, while except on the
high hillsides those who did not
smudge were wiped out. While the
loss has been serious, it is certain ac
cording to experts who examined the
orchards that the first reports were
greatly exaggerated.
100,000 Acres in Willamette
Valley Can Be Watered
Salem Approximately 100,000 acres
of land can be feasibly irriagted in the
Wualmette vlaley at the present time,
results of an investigation lust com
pleted by the United States Reclama
tion Service in co-operation with the
state engineer's office show. A joint
report of the inquiry into irrigation
and power deveoplment possibilities of
the Willamette valley was issued this
The survey extended from Canby at
the mouth of the Molalla river to the
head of the Willamette river above
Cottage Grove and included the area in
the immediate vicinity of Portland.
It is pointed out that the water sup
ply for the proposed irrigation of the
valley lands in many cases may be ob
tained from wells by pumping. The
report declares that the average econ
omic duty of water which seems to be
indicated for the valley as a whole is
eight inches delivered to the land,
varvine with local conditions of soil
and crops.
Those employed in the survey inves
tigated the water power development
possibilities on the north fork of the
Santiam river with storage at Marion
lake; the upper reaches of the Mc
Kinzie river and the middle fork of
the Willamette river. ,
On the McKinzie river there are
two existing plants and at least two
new developments proposed, one at
Vida and the other between the outlet
of Clear lake and the mouth of Smith
river, involving the use of Clear lake
for regulation of now.
Mill Will Reopen.
Hood River The Stanley-Smith
Lumber company, which haB been de
layed in the commencement of opera
tions at its plant at ureen Point, in
the southwestern part of this county,
because of weather conditions, will
start work in its lumber camp and
open the mill next Monday. During
the past week, according to Manager
J. E. Robertson, who visited the plant,
a snow of eight inches prevailed in the
Green Point hills. The Green Point
mill will employ about 175 men. It
cuts between 80,000 and 90,000 feet,
Oregon Grange Elects.
Grants Pass The Oregon State
Grange elected officers at its annual
convention in progress here, as fol
lows: Master, C. E. Spencer, Oregon
City; overseer, C. D. Huffman, La
Grande; lecturer, Mrs. H. t,. Bond,
Eugene; treasurer, H. H. Hirshberg,
Independence; secretary, Mary S.
Howard; legislative committee, M. M.
Burtner, Dufur; James Stewart, Fos
sil: executive committeeman, B. G.
Leedy, Corvallis.
London The writing of a new chap
ter of the history of the Sinn Fein re
bellion was begun Tuesday when Sir
Roger Casement, knighted in 1911 for
services to the British government,
and Daniel Julian Bailey, an Irish sol
dier, one of his companions on the ill
fated submarine trip from Germany to
Ireland were placed in the dock of tho
Bow-street police court for prelimin
ary examination on the charge of high
While considerable testimony intro
duced by the crown tended to incrim
inate Bailey, the main attack of the
prosecution was directed against Case
ment in an endeavor to enmesh him in
a net of evidence which would estab
lish without question the leading part
it is claimed he played in the conspir
acy, whose ramihcations extended even
to America.
11. S. to Send Insistent Note to
England on Interference With Mails
Washington, D. C. Negotiations
with Great Britain regarding interfer
ence with mails to and from the Unit
ed States and interruption of neutral
commerce by the British fleet are to
be resumed in the near future. A
note insisting sharply on modification
in the treatment of mails already is
being prepared at the State depart
ment, and as soon as possible work
will be begun on a reply to the last
British note defending the operation of
the blockade orders in the council.
Secretary LanBing let it be known
last week that the implied condition in
the German note on submarine war
fare, expressing confidence that the
United States would hold Great Britain
to compliance with international law,
had made it difficult to proceed with
the British negotiations. He said.
however, that these negotiations would
be continued promptly in spite of the
embarrassing situation.
Fourteen Killed and Thirty Injured
in Great Powder Plant Explosion
Uibbstown, N. J. At least 14 men
were killed and about 30 injured Tues
day in a terrific explosion at the Re-
pauno plant or the Du Pont Powder
company, near here. The blast oc
curred in the building in which trini
trotoluol is manufactured, and wrecked
that structure and three others.
The cause of the explosion is not
known, and, according to officials of
the company, may never be ascer
tained, aB all those believed to have
been in the building where the first
explosion occurred are dead.
Trinitrotoluol is not considered an
explosive risk, and company officials
believe it caught fire before exploding.
This blast caused a nearby building, in
which nitro-benzolis was manufac
tured, to blow up. So great was the
force that two buidlings some distance
away, in which huxite was manufac
tured, were wrecked, but the explosive
did not go oft.
Near-by Blast Causes Restaurant
Building to Collapse; Ten Killed
Akron, O. At least 10 personB were
killed, two are missing and a score
were injured early Tuesday night,
when the old Beacon Journal building.
occupied by the Crystal restaurant,
collapsed as a result of a blast of dyna
mite in an adjoining excavation.
Seven identified and three unidenti
fied bodies have been recovered and
two persons now missing are thought
to be in the ruins.
A tremendous roar, echoing the
screams of diyng people, brought
thousands to the scene of the disaster,
in the heart of Akron s business dis
trict. A great pile of ruins, broken tim
bers, twisted steel and tons of brick
and mortar buired the victims, who a
moment before were dining in the res
Eight bodies were taken out of the
wreckage after firemen, police and vol
unteer rescuers had worked frantical
ly, digging and chopping through the
Twenty more, some slightly injured,
were extricated and sent to hospitals.
Only two or three of those known to
have been in the restaurant succeeded
in escaping before the crash.
Bomb Droppers Sent to Border,
Columbus, jn. M. Aeroplane ma
chine guns and bomb dropping devices
arrived here Tuesday for the use of
the first aero squadron. Army avia
tors here deny knowledge as to wheth
er tne planes to be sent into service
in Mexico are to be equipped with the
A "dead line" was drawn about the
base arsenal here. It is was said that
a suspicion that incendiaries may
have been responsible for the recent
fires at Fort Bliss, Tex., caused the
added precautions here.
Dakota Snow Two Feet Deep.
Sioux Falls, S. D. Snow to a depth
of two feet fell Tuesday in parts of
the Black Hills in South Dakota, and
to a depth of 10 inches on the Chey
enne Indian reservation, in the central
part of the state. Heavy rain and
snow fell in the entire eastern half of
the state, but in Sioux Falls, Water
town and Aberdeen and snowflakes
melted immediately. High winds and
falling temperature, recorded at 30
promise further wintry weather.
Portland Wheat Bluestem, $1.03
per bushel; fortyroiu, yzc; club, vie;
red Fife, 92c; red Russian, 92c.
Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $23
tf,23.50 per ton; alfafla, old crop, $19
Milfeed Spot prices: Bran, $23. BO
per ton; shorts, $20.00; rolled barley,
Corn Whole, $38 per ton; cracked,
Vegetables Artichokes, $1 per
dozen; tomatoes, $4.25 per crate; cab
bage, $2. 50(i (,3 per hundred; garlic,
10c per pound; peppers, 17JC'20c;
eggplant, 20(n2Bc; horseradish, 8jc;
cauliflower, 75c(Ui$1.10; lettuce, $1.85
((42.25 per crate; cucumbers, $11.25
per box; Bpinach, 46c per pound; as
paragus, 7590c per dozen, $1 per
box; rhubarb, ll(fi)2c per pound; peas,
66ic; beans, 8llc; celery, $3.50
per crate.
Potatoes Jobbing prices: Oregon,
$1.40(i51.65 per sack; Yakimas, $1;
new California, 4(i5c per pound. Buy
ing prices: Oregon, $11.15.
Onions Oregon, $1.35 1.50 per
sack; Texas Bermudas, $1.602.
Green Fruit Strawberries, Oregon,
$2(i;2.50 per crate; California, 75c
$1.65; apples, $1 1.75 per box;
gooseberries, 8c per pound; cherries,
$1.60(a;1.75 per box.
Eggs Jobbing prices: Oregon
ranch, candled, 23c per dozen; un
called, 21J22c.
Poultry Hens, 1717Je per pound;
ags, 13c; broilers, 2830c; turkeys,
live, 1820c; turkeys, dressed, choice,
2325c; ducks, 1618c; geese, 10c.
Butter Extras, prints, 2829e per
pound; prime firsts, 27c; firBts, 26c;
cubes, 2425c; butterfat, No. 1, 27c,
delivered Portland; No. 2, 25c; store
butter, 1820c.
Veal Fancy, ll12c per pound.
Pork Fancy, 10Jllc per pound.
Hops 1915 crop, 1012c; 1916 con
tracts, ll12c.
Wool Eastern Oregon, 2129c per
pound; valley, 3336c; mohair, new
clip, 4851c.
Cascara bark Old and new, 4c per
Cattle Steers, choice grain and
pulp, $8.759.15; choice hay, $8.50
8.75; good, $8.158.50; medium, $7.75
.15; cows, choice, $7.508; good,
$6.75 7.25; medium, $6.25 7.25;
heifers, $5 8.25; bulls, $2.756;
stags, $35.25.
Hogs Prime light, $99.25; good
to prime, $8.608.75; rough heavy,
$7.908; pigs and skips, $7.908.
Sheep Yearlings, $8.2510; weth
ers, $89.05; ewes, 7a; lambs,
English Beer Output Cut;
Oregon Hop Market Affected
Portland The export demand for
hops is not going to be as much of a
factor in the coming Beason aB in pi
years, unless the war is brought to a
close, as production of beer in England
is to be limited.
Word has been received from Lon
don that arrangements have been made
between the British government and
the Brewers' society to reduce the
beer output from April 1, 1916, by 28
per cent of the output of the year
ended September 30, 1914. The aim
of this restriction is to reduce the im
portation of brewing materials by
33 1-3 per cent, though no direct steps
will be taken to restrict the importa
tion of materials.
At the moment there is a very good
market at all points on the Coast, and
prices are, if anyhting, steadier than
last week.
The Furnish crop of 195 bales at
Reedville was bought by Ralph E.
Williams at 10 cents. Offers as high
114 cents were made for good Ore-
gons in other sections.
The Chamberlain lot of 126 bales at
Chehalis was purchased by Harry L.
Hart at 101 cents. Another important
Western Washington deal was the sale
of 360 bales of the Klaber crop at Che
halis at 11 cents. In Yakima orderB
at 11 cents are going unfilled. Only
five crops remain unsold in the Yakima
In Sonoma, where unsold stocks are
reduced to 3000 bales, bids are out at
11 and 12 cents. The sale by Mrs.
Duncan of 115 bales of Sonomas at 11
cents is reported. Hofer & Johnson
sold 99 bales of Mendocinos, but the
price was not wired. Marks bought
the Gerber crop of 263 bales of Sacra
mentos at 9 J cents.
New Fruit Plan Is Adopted.
Wenatchee, Wash. It is probable
that the majority of the large tonnage
expected from the up-river country
this Beason will be packed out through
community or central packing Bheds.
The system of co-operative packing
which has proven a success in Califor
nia and Oregon has received a strong
impetus in Okanogan county and the
large centers. Ira Cleveland, of the
Growers' league, expert on central
packing, has returned from a two
weeks' campaign through the up-river
country. Growers like the new system.
Fruit Damage Is Now Feared.
Marshfield, Or. Fear is felt here
for the fruit crop, particularly berries,
in the finish of the present Btorm,
which commenced five days ago. The
weather has been cold and much hail
has fallen at intervals. Srawberries
which are about coming into market
will be injured unless there is a sudden
ending of the storm. Nearly three
and a half inches of precipitation is
the record for five days.
i '1 n Vt(! : Mtiv VI
K W '$4 Vil'
' ff-jjljl iff.
Crowds gathered In Washington square, New York, the other day to witness the dedication of a string o( army
ambulances presented to the Russian government by Americans. At the right in the Illustration 1b seen a priest ol
the Orthodox church blessing the ambulances.
Thei are the Apacha Indians who
in tracking Villa.
fjt jit ' Ji A
lit, b4 tirjg ?
M. Polncaro, president of France, accompanied by officers, on a visit to the
trenches in the Mouss district. M. Polncare Is attired In a military cloak and
cap of a color not easily discernible from the enemy s trenches.
It required fifty gallons of kerosene and five hours time for two deputy
UnlUd States marshals to cremate 89,280 bad eggs, which were condemned by
the fuprema court of the District of Columbia as being unfit for use. These
egg were seized In the municipal market where tbey bad been offered for sale,
bakerlM being the usual purchasers of the canned product
have been sent to the front in Mexico
n iJZ.1
as scouts to aid General Pershing .
I hero of kut-el-amara
Gen. C. V F. Townshend, command
er of the BrltiBh expedition against
Bagdad. He has been holding off a
superior force of Turks for months on
the TlgrlB at Kut-el-Amara. '
The camp barber of one of the de
tachments of the American force far
suing Villa il here seen iolig his beat
to make a soldier presentable.