MAUPIM r liME Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 2, NO. 31 MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY. MAY 12, 1916 THE YEAR $1.50 1 1. m PONOMS! .lygh'.vaiey 1 Are you all coming to the pic ric Friday?. .You shall have a good time with plenty of enter JLainment'; them will be the pro i'rau). basket dinner, ball game,, enough to fill the, day time .at the fair grounds: then there will be m play at the I. 0. 0. F. hall nnd a dance in the Hi Jinks hall at night. '" ' A gentle little snow storm vis aed us Tuesday morning; in the iril-s it lay on the ground a while; but melted asfastasit fell in the valley. The new road has been opened up on Tygh grade. - .' ' Miss Pearl Stillwell was home risiting her parents Sunday, her sister, Miss. Bertha, talcing her tuck to Kihgslejv Monday ..: Milt Morris and wife. and Wm McAtee motored to The Dalits Monday. . . ' ' . V J. T. Harper,. G. R- Butrier end R. Wei shack, returned Mon day from a tour of Harney coun ty. They started to J. T's. ranch but he took a sick spe-11 and they returned , before reaching the ranch, all ..highly . pleased with their trip, SC. S. and R. W. 'MoCorkle and families vor callioir on Win. McCoikles Tuesday. .. . Geo., r osxer-is moving on t he Kellogg place Base Ball Notes Last Sunday Maupin defeated Wamic on the Maupin diamond by a score of 10 to 1.. Owing to the col l, disagreeable weather as well as other ill. features of the game, it was not as interesting to the spectators as it should have been. However, with some adjustment in the Maupin Club, next Sunday's game at Maupin with Moro, who have some ..of J the best players -in; Sherman ' county, promises' to be "a closely contested one from start to.finish Schedule for future games are as follows: May H Maupin vs. Moro at Maupin. May 21 Maupin vs. Gateway at Gateway. A second base ball team for Maupin has been organized as follows: ! Ora Buzan, p; Walter Scott, c;. Clyde William-', lb; John Moiid, 2b; .Louis Emmons, 3bi Andrew" Cunninghan, ss; Ray. Smith, rt; Dee.v l'othwell, cf; George Cunningham, If. A game with the Tygh team was plaved at thjit place Sunday, which is said to be t ne of the best of the season, the ninth in ning closing . ith a tie 3 to 8, raising to 4 to 5 in favor of Tygh Inland Emp Bulk S ire ystem m Farmers Vote Handling Crop Mr. and Mrs. Rue of Friend : this week. MTitii?nrignrrrgrgTE3rE Ambition is to Make Flew Plan Operative This Yearu ; by Discarding Sacks Spokane, Wn., ;.Ma'y ; 7, 1 1916 About COO. farmers of the Inland Empire assembled' in the Spokane Chamber. of Commerce'' Assembly rooms yesterdav, ami with only five oposinjr votes decided to handle their grain . in bulk instead of sacks. , ,: '. Committee Recommendations on .Wheat 'Handling We -believe that ' a successful "s si em of handling grain in bulk, depends upon the farm:., er providing his own storage on . the farnr, either by bins, granaries, or .farm elevator, where grain may be held until sold. " It has been fully demonstrated that the pres- in the tenth The local 2nds will em nai warehouse can De successiuuy adapted, nlav the Fick-us at Wauiri'-ia at. comparatively smnll expense, to handling next Sunday and the following rai 11 bulk- . ... Full assurance has been given ' by the rail way officials and terminal warehouses that, they will meet farmers and interior warehousemen. in arranging for the f ml handling .of grain iii bulk. . ' ' ' In answer to the argument that grain must be sacked for exportation" from the Pacific coast, authentic .reports show that' less th$n 25 per cent of the grain from the Northwest" is exported annually, , and ..the Panama "canal has removed the mcessity of sacking the greater part of the small per cvntage of the crop that is exported. The grain prices in the world's market are quoted on a bulk basis, therefore there will be no difference in the price of bulk grain or sacked grain when the bulk system prevails throughout tins territory. . Since it is practically the unanimous opinion of the 300 grain growers at this convention that a change be made in the Inland Empire from sacked grain to bulk grain, we therefore urge the necessity of immediate action by the individual farmer and the interior warehouse companies to prov we th necessary equipment Sunday a return game v, ith Tygh at this place. . wt-.T. ".isim '.Ira Rowan M-md y ; Philip McCorklu hws been haul ing lumber to the 'fair t rounds for handling the 101(5 crop in .bulk. United action on the part of the farmers is essential to the success of bulk handling of grain. . . - . I son Have vou ever lost a crop of hay thtougfi'n'iiatf'ijr-'or your barn and hay through spontaneous combustion? There is one sure v to prevent this- " USE SALT ' When you stack your hay JT PAYS The Salt more than pays for itself in the weight of the hay. There is a further train in weight through moisture held and the stock will eat up salted hay clean where tinsalLed hay will be mussed over and wasted. 20 pott.ds of salt should be used to each ton cf bay. Stack three feet of hay, sprinkle the salt .-over this by hand- Then another layer of hay, more salt, and so on, Experiments tarried oot at the Wiscoifsin expert ment station indicate that salt should b? supplied to dairy cows unless the ration furnishes a a sufliciency thereof. It is calculated that the mirnSnum quantity in the food to keep a cow of 1000 lb live weight in flourishing health is that which is ecftiivelant to 3-4 oz. salt per day, and that a cow in milk meeds as much more ivs wilt restore the propnrtfon removed in the milk, i.aroely. a little over 1-2 oiv of salt for every 20 lb. of milfc. -. : 7 ; Hunts Ferry Warehouse Co. tum-A-Lum Portable Granaries; 1000 bushel H'OO bi'.fhel No. r, r.1 o. $10.00 fum-A-Liim Stationary Granaries; iOOO biishcl Level Ground Type $232.00 5000 bushel Side Hill Type $272.00 i M We also have 0)0, 800, ,1500 2H00. 7500, and 10,000 bushel granaries for the f,irm. -Our Track Elevators holding from i. .16.000 bushels and up are .modern and very low in cost. Free complete blue printed plans etrl'1 gjirartte.l mat 'rial prices are furnished 'See Peter Kilburg about it'" Tum-A-Lum Lumber Go. Wamic News Mrs, K. L. Ilauscr and Mis Ersil Stakely came up from Tygh Monday taking Miss Rosa Hauser home wfter spending several days here. Pr. Shannon and C. J. VanDtiyn were business visitors hrre Tues day from Tygh. ' District -Attorney Bell cf The Dulles w is here Wednesday, P. M. Stxton of The Dalles and J.ick Rmh of Kiiile') visited this l!a t Wcihic;day. Mrs. V. I! Woodcock conducted the examinations fot tin- ei-hth grade piiils here Tlinrvlav Tlinsr l iking the' exan'in i'i .ps were Harry Spatt.i. Iji! SIhvII-v and Har'ict Palniuti-tr . Miss llpien Oowi;i!l; 'iisiiuil Stat : ()(( i of ihc Hvs and (iii's CI h wnik and Siiii. C, T Bonn.-'v Vi- (he school lure Thursday. ' Dr. -nd Mrs. Short returned to i' I'm Tin rsdav, Keimedv md Sons shipped stv f ral 1 1 .ds of fat hogs to the Port land tu irket Suturdnv. ' M. Mid I. ft, Kenned made a ri;tn Shi ar:irfSniid.iy; tho latlir g : mi lo Porthifld tee Kennedy-, Win Hull and Charley 'rahtree drove th liog wtgons to Shearar. Oeorge Crawford lias lpns-d the Mit Wing pi ace. Several persons Went from here o Maupin Sunday to witness the bill cunie. The Wamic boys ee b id defeated in the Kani ; The "Bush" teml played the SCTiol hoys here Sunday, the locals wiiiuim the gmie by a senfe of 33 t" 3- A ciild waVe is here since the rains of last week and . grave fears are fell for th- fruit crop. Mis. Anna Grader arrived "Fri day hrta Ashu-ond un. Uaguoit att itC!ifi McCorkle home INWSECTION Damage on Fruit Wednesday night Maupin arid ' Tygh Valley vicinities suffered the worst damage from - frost ever known in this section at this time of year, Ronneyi McAtee, Morgensen and others of Tygh report their fruits and some veg tabic;.; nlnwst completely killed, G. yy. Vanderpool's beautifal fruit and garden outlay has met the same fate, while the orchards of R. Johnson on the bench north of Maupin. are not noticibly in jtired, nlthousrh potatoes were touched to some extent. Contract Awarded The local Tum-A-Lum people have been awarded the contract for the construction of a wood crib grain elevator capacity of 100,000 bushels for the Hunts Ferry Warehouse company, to be completed by the first of August They have been awarded con tracts for several other like elevators in dlffernt sections. in Maupin eniiif!, having nia''e Dr. H;.t tie I Wednesday i iuo ; i ir 'in rvaiue to I lie I'a' f8 Tuesd iy. Mr. Hailluld will c e in a few weeks after a visit with relatives in Idaho Car ididat Notices CommWionef ' To the Kepuhliean voters Wasco' conntyr I. take, this means of (Paid .V'i vtfT jsi. tft-ti I s of . FoY Hitph eseotatiVe ' ' fn the vi tcrs of It'")! S)v-r detdai'ii k Wason orintfc s: Hpreentative -To the, Rlecloisof Iluod River and tVff'-Cf)' COUIItJcs;' 1 liefeliv trnnounce myself a Ue- inyseK a. candidate tor Cnifu' Cottnfiissioiier subject to your ap proval at the Primary election, May Ig. If nominated and elected t promise to perform the dntien nf the office with fairness fo all to the best of my ahilit'.a Mhcn l.y announce fin srtf as a ' publican candidal.- for irptv republican candhte for fepresenla th'e from the twenty-ninth1 district subject to the Will of the people expressed at the primary. election,- and to be-held May 19, It jinin'iV.ited a1-! ' i !e 1 d1 J p We are out for Business, ;; and . want yours -- We ' can and will meet mail order competition ,s Join the "Trade at Home Club" For your interests as well as our Watch' th' space next week for the announcement of OUR BIG CLEARANCE SALE SHATTUCK BROS. STORE OF BETTER SERVICE Pd; K. C. Adv. FlTZOAA-i,l 1 -' ' myself l.i , bch v Olt.i tire fiom the '2yth represei talivi district to the will of the peopl. expressed at the primary ekct'i-in lobe held in said di-'ficl M ty . iy. 1916. Iff nojnimi'ie'l -m l . I-d d ! ,I,CS III t e oltice fo i , ... .. " Sheriff f hereby announce jny Candida', y tat tbe Democratic noniinatiim of SluriS1, subject to r niMjoiitv vote as expressed at the Deiini- cratic ptimarieH, on1 May I916. If I am- nonmiated and later elected,. I will during my term of office per form the cintitfM of Sheriff . lorVne best of my a4ility, and as econom ically us possible administer the affairs of the offiatf. . ClURLES L ARNE"LLi -e he--! il my iilitlity. J. jE. Anderson. - . . Cornrniuioner iTo the' registered voieisof i -ci county, Oienon: I hereby detdre to announce my self 4 k candidate for the noinina. tirtn;. at the hands of the" republican pirry, to the' office of county com niissioner at the coming primaries; and should I be nmniuaied, and later elected to said position, will discharge the duties thereof to the S Sheriff . To the Voter", (if WaSco Cminty t hereby nniiOifllCe lliv-eff as & Rvpublietin C iii-lid ite f .r tin ti- natimt of Sheriff of Wasco County, Cre(Oii, If nominated and later ekcled, I w'rtl Ose'eoijiiomy and my best iiiOKfnH-nt in pi ffofmili(j ffit duties of the office. I will' adVol cate the parsing of a law . at' the iitxt term of the Leglslatine" . eiv- ibK tlife County Colirt aiitli'OTil' hn the boafdiiif of the Connty prisoner t'o' flie lowesf hidde. F. C Sity-roM. Dittrict Attorney For Dlvtrict Art'irney, Wasco' County, V. A. Bnvhi Repuhlican. The same efficient and strict en forcement of the laws, and atten tion to the lei si liiisinrst nf- the County and State as hi the past, backed by 2 year- of'ietllal court eperience.- Primaries May i),!9S. Third Room for High The third room of , tha local school building will be finished . up this summer and furnished for a high school department of the Maupin school this coming1 year, Mrs. Wallace Kelloge will have I haf Re of the high school work, Which will be represented by a goodly number of ybuni people who have completed the grammar grade work. Septem ber 4 is the date Bet for openirtf the schools here this fall. ,T. H. rhiistain and wifn drove in last Friday in their handsome' new FoM jOst purchased of E. J. Sears, Roebuck & Co., who are' having much opoeition by local merchants. M service and safetv Servicn l.'causn we are the handiest Bank for you lo with, we know your wants and are prepared to take care of them. Safety because you kn6w out Stock holders and their circumstances. NOTARY PUBLIC AND INSURANCE Don't overlook us when you are looking for the best prfce for your wheat Maupin sf ate bank 1 sS - Ms at m v& m w lirtics ol In-, t-uiie in im- nt-i i-- my ability and for the best Interest of the people'in general ' , 1. T.Abkishos. Sheriff t'o file f- l Id'-'h .-, Wa-: ' county, Oregon :!'- ' I? her-ty.'. rUire'to aiiiioiinc rr.Selt m canduLite- for the iioiniua t Ion of conttty-sheriff,; subject to the will of the - republican voteis, at tbe eonilitv jjrimxYy notnitiatiim eleCffitl. Sh mld f he nomfiiat' d aVid1 later .1 . j ... eiectea to omee. 1 wm comnuievaM in the past, fo' en fore. tlil lliW. and conduct ihe office in' a Courte ous and rconomtcal tnnnn'er. Lvf Cffiftftif. County TreaauWr To the republican voters of Wasco countV:' f wish to announce nivselfa can didate foi the nomination nf coutm treasurer, subject to the will of the republican voters at the primary election, May 19, 1916- ' Oliver R Krier The UKiVEftsAL car Economy in1 low fir sf cosf and smarf cost to operate audi tnaWlaln. SlrengtW ability to stifhd ty under tu'e h'ardesr' jrr of use SrWrpHriry- a plairi sturd fribto hi a WomfcrfuH strong and right dr, easy for ari'ydHe b run and Care for; The Ford car your necessity, Runa-' tout $390; Touring 6aV $440; Coupelef $50; Town Caf $640; Sedan 740, f. o. b. Detroit. On dls'pfay and" saW aV MAUPIN. ORE. V Y best of biv ability. F. C CLAUf.