The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 05, 1916, Image 4

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    The Maupin Times
.published every Friday at Maupin,
" J, E. Disbkow, Publisher
Subscription: One year, $1.50; six
mouths, 75 cents; three months, 50
Entered as second class mai
niatter September 2, 1914, at the
postoffice at Maupin,, Oregon, un
der the Act of March 3, 1,89..
of Candidates
(Paid Advertisements.)
Circuit Judge
To the Rebpubiicau voters of
Wasco and Hood River Counties:
At the coming primary election
my name will appear as a. candidate
for the Republican nomination for
Circuit Judge of the Seventh Ju
dicial District, comprising Wasco
and Hood River Counties, and I
take this means of announcing my j
candidacy therefor, .subject to, the
decision of the Repuhlicau voters
of the two counties mentioned, as
expressed at the primaries,
Fkjsd W. W'tUSON.
To the several voters of Wasco
county, Oregon!
I hereby desire to announce
icyiclf a candidate for the nomina
tion of county sheriff, subject to
the will of the republican voters,
$t the coming primary nominating
Should I be nominated and later
elected to office, I will continue, as
in the past, to u force the laws,
and conduct the office in a courte
ous and economical manner,
Levi Chrisman.
To the Electors of Hood River and
Wasco counties;
I hereby announce myself a Re
publican candidate for representa
tive from the 39th representative
distikt to the will of the people
expressed at the primary election
lobe held in said district May 19,
If nominated and elected I
pledge myself to discharge the
duties of the office to the best of
my ability Hud for the best interest
of the people in general.
J, T.Adkisson,
District Attorney
For District Attorney, Wasi.o
W. A. B1U.L, Republican,
The same efficient and strict en
forcement of the laws, and atten
tion to the legal business of the
Comity and State bs in the past,
backed by 22 years of actual couit
Primaries May 19, 1916,
To the Registeied voters of Wasco
County, Oregon;
I desire through this medium to
announce my candidacy for the
nomination of County Assesvor,
subject to a majority vote expiess.
ed i.t the Republican Primaries, on
May 19, 1916.
If numiimted, mid liter elected,
I will continue, to the bust of my
ability, to do every thing tending
lowald raising the .standard of the
of!i:e, and to the best inteiests of
the Tux Pavers at laige,
James . Davis.
District Attorney
To the tepiiblicaii voters of Wco
I hereby uunounce myse'f as a
caudidate fo the office of District
Attorney oil the republican ticket
at the piim.iry election May 19.
1916. If nominated and elected, 1
will execute and enforce the law;
will fiilMfully and diligently per.
form all the duties peitailiing to
the office,! will at all times
conduct the office in a courteous
and economical manner and for the
lest interests of the taxpays and
the public in general,
, Pail W. Ciui.DEKS.
County Treasurer
To the re publican voters of Wasco
I wish to announce myself a cn
riidate fin the nomination of count
treasurer, subject '0 the will of the
republicau voters at the primary
election, May 19, 19l6.
.Oliver R. Krier.
" Subscriptions for utock In the
Tygh Vsllry Fair Avvxiatiou will
Le rtceived at The Timet office.
To the Voters of Wasco County
I hereby announce myself as a
Republican Caudidate for the nomi
nation of Sheriff of Wasco County,
Oregon, If uoittiuated and later
elected, I will use econojuy and my
best judgement in performing the
duties of the office. I will advc.
cate the passing of a law at the
next term of the Legislature, giv
ing the County Court authority o
let the boarding of tb County
prisoners to the lowest bidder.
F, C, SsxTOtf.
To the registered voters of Wasco
county, Oregon:
I hereby desire to announce my
self as a caudidate for the nomina
tion, at the hands of the republican
party, ta the- office of cuunty com
missioner at the coming primaries;
and should I be nominated, and
later elected to said position, will
discharge the duties thereof to the
best of my ability.
F. C. Clausen.
For Representative.
To the voters of Hood River and
Wasco Counties; .
I hereby announce myself as a
republican candidate for represeuta
tive from the twenty-ninth district
subject to the will of the people
expressed at the primary electjon,
to be hold May 1Q, 1916.
If nominated and elected I pledge
myself to discharge the duties of
the office to the best of my ability.
J. E. Andeuson.
I hereby announce my candida
cy for the Democratic nomination
of Sheriff, subject to a majority
vote as expressed at the Denm
cratic primaries, on May I916. If
I am nominated and later elected,
I will during my term of office per
form the duties of Sheriff to the
best of tny ability, anil as econom
ically ns possible administer the
affairs of the office.
Charles L. Darnielle.
To the Republican voters of
Wasco county;
I take this means of declaring
myself a candidate for County
Commissioner subject to your ap
proval at the Primary election,
May iy, If nominated and elected
I promise to perform th duties of
1 be office with fairness to all, and
to the best of my ability.
E, C. FiTzgarai.d.
Td. Adv.
Wapinitia Items
David Nlmrpe made a husines
trip to Tim Dalles Friday, return
ing Kattirdiiy evening.
Joe (Iridium, Miss Phyllis Fisch
er and Mr. and Mrs. Dee Wright,
made a trip 'o Madras Saturday,
returning the first of the week,
having also passed through Red
mond, Prinnville and Mend.
C. It, DovIh ami con inado a trip
to Ma ti pi n Monday with wood.
The public school cloned here
1.'..:.! . .1 . 1 . i,
runny, mm uiai evening ivi iss
Fischer 11 1 1 I her plils gave a
splendid entertainment. A doll's
symposium given by a number of
tlm smiiller children, several of
them being dressed and blacked
up ns negro children, was among
other good things. Too miieh
ere lit cannot be given Miss Fisch
er for the able manner in which
she (ruined the children and it is
with regret that we give her up.
The call In men of this vicinity
turned tlnir cattle 011 the rane,e
The stork in-rived at (he Arthur
Pechette homo last Tuesday, and
a tile Mark Ilollainon home, Sun
day, April ;'.().
G. K. Wood left Wednesday lor
Portland, going with a car load of
bogs shipped for tlm Farmer's
Great eiitlnisiain was displayed
at the ball gaum here Friday on
th High school diamond between
the High se!nn)l nine managed by
W. K. Foreman, and a team of
pick-ups managed by Lincoln
llartinmi. Thegtmo was interest
ing from Ktart to finish, ending
with a score of It to Is in favor of
the Pick-ups. The buttlinu of A
Kice and th catching of E Gabul
for tlm H. S., and the s'l around
playing of K. ilarzer, and the
catching of C. PecheU of the Pick
Up was the inoct interesting fea
tures of the game. A large crowd
present to w itness the sport,
when it cornea to yelling, thorn-
Waninitio lnin Cto nn
Leaves Maupin, 8 a. m.
Leaves Wapinitia, 130 p. m.
M nnnrnm n
E, R. Wilson, C.
Civil, JJunioipAl and Irrigation
Expert on Public Land Surveys
Dr. Lawrence S. Stovall
and Dentistry
Charges Reasonable
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Call Drug store or residence
Maupin, Oregon
ChtircA Notice,
Distnot quarterly meeting began
ast evening and will hold over
Sunday, preaching every evening.
Sunday services, Sunday School 10
love feast 10:30, preaching a.m
Basket dinner. Missionary service
2:30, song service 7:30, prencning
8. p. m, Everyone urgently re
quested to attend these meetings.
O. R. ELLIS, Pastor. '
'Dad' Coale pays the highest
nwket price for hides and pelts. p!
Just Received, a Large Shipment of
Wagon and Bugp tongues, hickory
Plank and oak Wagon Reaches
Doubtetrees and Singletrees for
Hacks and Buggies, Lead Bars and
Log Chains, any size, Wagon and
Hack and Buggy Tires
Anything you want done, I am at your service. When
you are in Maupin, call and see me on any line you are in
need of- I will try and accommodate you.
Dr. HatfaeM wishes to ajimsMiimce ftHsatft Use will !b
m or alt
Prepared to do DimSal
less peira&im
roimagsi will
sauossaoov 8!0oiuonv 0 aurj a3duio3 V
san-inj Supo Jo edui Hue joj pajBdajj
5HtuX .i3At0( oiny eot.uay aa3uasst?j ojny
With the completion of our
new Store we will on
Saturday, May 13th
Give A
Everybody Welcome
High school girls are all there.
High School
E. Gable
V. Tapp,
R. Rich
A. Rica
C. Flinn
II. Gabel
L. WeUerg
H. Pratt
1 b
C Pecheti
F. Pelco
E. Barzee
W. Foreman
B. Flinn
S. Miller
J. Abbott
E. Chapel
R. Tapp
G. Douthit
A meeting of the quarterly con
ference was called for Wednesday
evening, Kev. Goodrich, ehe pre
siding elder from Hood Rive, hav
ing charge.
Mrs. A- Evick left here Sunday
for Th,e Dalles to have some dental
work done.
Fred Laughlin was in Mopday,
getting wire to fencehis homestead
Dee Wright has taken the Gov
ernment horses to the pasture at
Bold Peter.
Silvia H11sto.11 returned home
last week from California.
LuciIh Rich passed through here
on her way home from Catulow
Valley, stopping at the Huston
home one day.
Geo. Heitz and F. M. Walters
moved the telephone line which
went through the field out on to
the main road.
Al Daniels left last week for
Raineor, Wn. where her expects to
remain the coming summer
Mlay tfse tejiili -1
La f.jyj?n'.c?attd
All AroundTown
Try Hopski, its's got the pep.
For saje at S,tyer's,
Go. t Talcott's for
cream sundaes. -
Juniper Flat roads are now ideal
tor motoring
Go to Talcott's for cpnfeptionery
and ice cream.
Miss Naomi Smith returned
home from Prinevilla Sunday ev
If you want to keep the flies o,ut
get Tum-A-Lum screen dopxs.
Messers Harper, Burtner and
Weisback of Tygh phased through
here Monday enroute to Harney
If the other fellow coul$ np,t fix
your yatch bring if to Eymom
the jeweler.
bhenff Chrisman and District
Attorney Bell were pleasant call-,
ers on Maupin friends Wednesday,
They are each candidates for re-,
E. R. Wilson has removed from
iygn Valley and for the present
will make Maupin his headquar
Good milk cow far sale, will be
fresh in about a month. W. H
Aldnuge, near Bakeoven, ?7tf
Mr. Roberts is making regular
trips with his Ford truck between
t-iis placH and Wapinitia with the
I. J. Carson has this week put
a little house in Vanderpool's can
yon, in which he will make his
Mrs. Brenton Slusher find chil
dren of Dufur are visiting relatives
and frieuds here this week.
Don't blame your clock It
need cleaning. Emmons will
do it for you and guarantee it.
Sunday was hog day again and
several of the farmers brought in a
number of loads for shipment.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Evans, Mrs.
Johuie Stephens and Mrs. Kaiser
niJtored oyer from Dufur Sunday.
A C. Egan, of the 0. W. R. &
N,, and J. T. Hardy of the Oregon
Trunk, were among callers in this
city Monday,
We acknowled reoeipt of a bou
quet of wisteria, quince and pansy
blossoms which is most beautiful,
yesterday, from Mrs. Morgensen
of near Tygh.
Mrs. Ryno left Saturday for
Clackamas for an extended visit
with her son. She was accon pa
nied by her daughter Mrs, Thos.
Thos. Faherty accompanied by
ibis bride arrived in Maunin Sun.
day from San Francisco. They
are now domiciled on their ranch
southwest of town.
Frank K. Frickey, head book
keeper for Ladd & Bush, bankers,
of Salem, Ore., who has been vis
iting with his cousin R. C. Jory,
for several days left IV.iduy for
Condon and adjacent towns, where
he will visit friends and relatives
for a short time before returning
to bis work at Salem.
Wanted -at the Times office
a two-page Washington Hand
Preis, seven column, or parts
except platen and bed.
Arc ou using The Tillies liner
column when you have any thing
to sell or want to buy some article
that your neighbor may have or
wishes to ditpnse of? If not try
a want ad in that column. We are
-me that it will bring results.
Smock Items
Ireve rnl men worked on the Gate
creek grade Saturday.
Frank Spoor suffered considera
ble from runnig a rusty nail in his
foot Friday, but is able to get out.
John Howell and wife were busi
ness visitors in Wmnic Monday.
W. K. Woodcock and crew are
worthy of much praise for the
the good work they are doing on
the roads iu this vicinity.
A land buyer was looking over
Chas Duncan's ranch a few days
T. J. Wbitcoinb and ton were
Maupin btiMuess visitors SaturdaT
J. W. Farlow motored to Maupin
Saturday, returning and going to" ., , 25, 0' pUr'
r . . . . 8 l0isuaut to the application of
Tygh in the evsrung. -
Potatoes', 2.50.
Cabbage, 4c.
Onions, 3.75
Eggs, 20.
Butter, creamery 40; dairy 35.
Sugar, 7,00.
Applest choice .65 box.
Bacon, 17 irj to 25.
Salt, dairy 65 per sack, fancy
table 90.
Flour, bbl 5.50, 6,70,
Bran. $20 per ton.
Shorts, $31 per ton,
Salt, $15 per ton,
Wheat, forty-fold 7, club 86;
blue stem 96;
Hogs( best light 7.50.
In the County Couuty Court of
the State of Oregon for- Wasco
Iu the Matter of the Estate")
of )
Freeman Q. Stall, deceased )
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been anuoiuted
by the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Wasco County, ad
ministrator o( tne estate of Free
man O. Stall, deceased and has
qualihed as such administrator.
All persons having claims against
saw estate are hereby notified to
present the same, properly veriBed
to the undersigned, at his residence
in Wapinitia, Wasco County, Ore
gon, within six (6) months from
the date of the first publication of
this notice, which said date of first
publication is the 21st day of April,
1 916,
U. S. Enderssy,
(publisher). .
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles.
Oregon, April 17th, 1916.
NOTICE is hereby giveu. that
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on Feb
ruary 8th, 1911, made Homestead
fcntry No. 08096 and 011 March
'5tH, 1915. made additional Home
stead Kntry, no, 014594, for swi-4
NWI-4, SWI-4, Section 2, SEI-4SH1-4
-Section 3, N1-2NWI-4, Section n,
Township 6 Sout, Range 12 East
Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make Final
three year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, be
fore F. D. Stuart, U, S. Commis
sioner at Maupin, Oregon, on the
ard day of May, 1916.
Uaimant names as witnesses:
E. Heckler, E. L. Nelson, Arch
Rains, Wm. Sttirgis, all of Wapi
nitia, Oregon,
H. Frank Woodcock,
up Regiser,
Department of the Interior,
United States Land Office at The
Dalles, Oregon, April 5th, 1916.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Ruby B. Petteys
of Tygh Valley, Oregou, who on
May loth, 1911, made noinstead
Entry, No 08897, for SK1-4SIU-4,
Section 34, Township 1 South.
Range 14 East, Willamette Meridi
an, lias filed notice of intention to
make Final three year Proof, to
establish claim to the land above
described, before Register and Re
ceiver U. S. Land Office, at The
Dnlles, Oregon, 011 the 16th day of
May, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Stanford Mink, Elmer Whitlock,
both of Tygh Valley, Oregon, John
Whitlock, of Boyd, Oregon, and
Charles Augee, Grass Valley, Ore-
H. Frank Woocock,
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles.
Oregon, April nth, 1916.
notice is hereby given that
Thomas A. St. Dennis,
of Maupin, Oregon, who on Nov
ember 26th, 1910, made Homestead
Entry no. 07750 and ou November
10th, 1914 made additional Home
stead Entry, no 014043, for EI-2
NKI-4.EI-2SEI-4, Sec. 17, EI-2NEI-4
sec. jo, vi-2Nwi-4. section 21.
Township 5 south, Range 14 East,
Willamette Meridian, has filed
uotice of intention to make Final
rive year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
F. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner,
at Maupin, Oregon, on the 27th
day of May, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
L. D. Kelly, W. H. Williams. S.
R Ray, V C. Richardson, all of
Maupin, Oregon.
II. Frank Woodcock,
P Register.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles.
Oregon, Feby 25, 1916.
NOTICE is hereby given that,
as directed by the Commissioner of
the General Laud office, under
; : c .
S2rial no. 010372, we will offer at
pjblic sale to the highest bidder,
but at not less than $2.50 per acre,
at 9:30 o'clock a. m., on the 9th
day of May, next, at this office,
the following tract of land; Lots
2 aud Section 18, Township 6
south, Range 16 East, Willamette
Meridian. (79-89 Acres).
1 he sale will not be kept open,
but will be declared closed when
those present at the hour named
have ceased hldding. The persou
making the highest bid will be re
quired to. immediately pay to the
Receiver the 'amount thereof.
Any persons claiming adversely
the ahove-descrihed land are ad
vised to file their claims, or objec
tions, on or before the time desig
nated fqr saje,
L. B. Booth,
notice of sheriff's sale
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of an execution, issued out
of and under the seal of the Circuit
Ccurt in and for the County of
Wasco, State of Oregon, upon a
judgement rendered and docketed
in the said court on the 17th day of
March, 19 16, in an action wherein
E. J. Fischer was plaintiff aud
Frank Creager was defendant, in
favor of the said plaintiff and
against the said defendant, for the
sum ot $523 90 with interest there
on at the rate of ten per cent per
annum from said date, and the
further sum of $50.00 attorney's,
fees, and $15.00 costs and disburse
ments, which execution was direct
ed and delivered to me as Sheriff,
111 and for said county of Wasco, I
have levied upon all the right, title
aud interest of the said defendant.
Frank Creager in and to the follow
ing described real property, to-wit:
AH of Lot 26) of Block Twenty-
three (23) of the town of Maupin. .
according to the map and . plat
thereof recorded iu the office of the
County Cleik for said County and
Notic is hereby given that I. the
undersigned Sheriff as above men
tioned, will sell the above described
real property to the highest bidder.
for cash at public aution. at the
front door of the County Court
house i:i The Dalles, Wasco County
Oregon, on the 22nd day of May,
1916, at the hour of two 0 clock p.
m. of that day, to satisfy said exe
cution, together with interest and
acruing costs thereon.
Said real property will be sold
subject to confirmation aud redemp-.
sion, as by law required.
Dated at The Dalles, Wasco
County, Oregon, this 20th day of
April, A. D., 1916. "
Levi Chrisman,
Sheriff for Wasco County, Oregon.
Paul W. Guilders,
Attorney fqr Plaintiff.)
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land office at The Dalles,
Oregon, April ioth, 1916.
NOTICE is hereby given that :
of Tygh Valley, Oregon, wbo on
January 14th, 1913, made Home
stead Entry No. 011177 and on
June 1 st, 1914, made additional
Homestead Entry, no. 013326, for
si-29wi-4, swi-4Sm-4, sec. 22,
NE1-4NWI-4 and NK1-4, section 27,
Township 3 south, Rauge 14 East
Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of iuteutioti to make Final
three year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
F. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner,
at Maupin, Oregon, ou the 15th
day of May, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses;
M. L. Webb, W. R. Head, H K.
Curtis, C. York Wilson, all of
Tygh Valley, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock,
p Register,
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, February 23rd, 1916,
NOTICE is hereby giveu that
whose postoffice address is Wapin'
itia, Oregon, did on the 1st day of
May 1913, file in this office Sworu
Statement and Application. No.
014813, to purchase the 8W1-4
NEt-4, Section 35, Township
5-South, Range n-East, Willam
ette Meridian, and the timber
thereon, uuder the provisious of
the act of June 3, 1878, and acts
amendatory, known as the "Tim
ber aud Stone Law," at such
value as might be fixed by apprais
ment, and that, pursuant to such
application, the laud and timber
thereon have been appraised,
$140.00 the timber estimated 60,000
board feet at $1.50 per M , and the
land $50.00; that said applicant
will offer final proof in support of
his application and sworn state
ment ou the 2nd day of May, 1916,
before U. S. Land Office at The
Dalles, Oregon.
Any person is tt liberty to pro
test this puichsse before entry, or
initiate a contest at any time
before patent issues, by filing 1
corroborated affidavit in this office,
alleging facts which would defeat
the entry.
H. Frank Woodcocx,
P Regtmar.