U. S. TROOPS TO STAY IN MEXICO Carranza Must Show Ability to Restore and Keep Order. ENTIRE BANDIT AREA WILL 8E POLICED Plan of Re-Disposing Rescue Forces Approved Funston Will Have Free Hand in Campaign, Washington, D. C Behind the for mal announcement Sunday that Presi dent Wilson had appproved a plan or re-disposition of the American troops in Mexico, there was a plain intima tion that the Washington government had determined to maintain a military status quo beyond the border until the Mexican de facto government had dem onstrated its ability to capture or crush Villa and his adherents and pre vent repetitions of the Columbus raid. In the interim it is understood the American troops will be so placed as to safeguard the border towns by vir tually policing the area south of the line where General Carranza has been unable to check bandit operations. Secretary Barker announced the ap proval of the re-disposition plan after consulting with the President over a joint report submitted by Major Gen eral Funston and Major General Scott, chief of staff, in conference on the border. The plan was proposed by General Funston and concurred in by General Scott. The secretary announced the admin istration's decision as follows: "General Funston has recommended a re-disposition of the forces in Mexi co for the purpose of recuperation and pending opportunities for further co operation with the forces of the de facto government in Mexico. The rec ommendation has been approved and its execution left to his discretion." Later the secretary dictated the fol lowing: "The statement I have made indi cates nothing whatever on the subject of when the American troops will be withdraw from Mexico. The whole subject of withdrawal of the forces is under arrangement and negotiations by the State department." He said positively that no regiments had been ordered to the border and that no such order was in contempla tion. The new military plan leaves the pursuit of Villia at a standstill, but frees General Funston's hands to make the position of the forces in Mexico secure by grouping them in posts of such strength as to protect them from attack. It will also serve as a plain warning to General Carranza that he must bend every effort toward secur ing complete control of the territory south of the most advanced American post if he hopes to have the troops recalled. ONE CENT DUTY ON SUGAR MAY CONTINUE INDEFINITELY Washington, D. C. Late Saturday the senate approved the house bill re pealing the free sugar section of the tariff law, under which sugar would have gone on the free list May 1. By a vote of 59 to 10 the senate re ceded from an amendment which it had passed extending duty of 1 cent a pound for four years, and which the house refused to agree to in confer ence. Democratic senators cast all of the 10 votes against supporting the house measure, which provides for a flat ap peal, thus extending the present duty indefinitely. The repeal sought by the administra tion to keep up revenues now needs only the President's signature to be come effective. The 1-cent duty yields about $50,000,000 annually. Senate Democrats, finding the house unyield ing in its stand for a flat repeal, de- "Peck's Bad Boy" Dead NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS; GENERAL CROP CONDITIONS ! U. S. SOLDIERS GUARDING A BRIDGE ON THE BORDER tr .i ..... 4 George W. Peck, former governor of Wisconsin, but who was known to fame as author of "Peck's Bad Boy" long before he became a governor, has just died. Most of the successful men of today had to hide in the barn to read "Peck's Bad Boy. " cided at a caucus to yield and avert any possibility of sugar's going on the free list even for a limited period. German Embassy Anxious for Return of Seized Documents Czar Narrowly Missed by Austrian Airman's Bomb Berlin A narrow escape for Em peror Nicholas of Russia from death or serious injury by bombs dropped by an Austrian airman during a visit of the emperor to a southern sector of the Russian line, is reported in Stock holm advices. "The emperor was reviewing the troops in company with General Brus siloff, commander of the Russian forces on the Southwestern front, when an Austro-Hungarian flier ap peared and dropped numerous bombs, which landed among the troops, who fled in wild disorder, " according to the news agency statement. "The emperor," according to the re port, "waB hurt and had a narrow es cape, the incident causing him to lose his self-possession entirely. In con sequence, General Brussiloff was bit terly reproached and General Ivanoff was recalled to the Southwestern front headquarters." Flood Expels Germans. Berlin, via London German forces were compelled to evacuate newly-won trenches on the Langemarck-Ypres road on account of high floods, which made the consolidation of the positions impossible, according to the official statement issued Monday. A hand grenade attack made by the English south of St. Eloi was repulsed, French trenches on the left bank of the Meuse. southeast of Harcourt and west of Dead Man's hill, were captured. Washington, D. C. Papers seized in New York by the department of Justice from Wolfe von Igel, former secretary to Captain Franz von Papen, recalled German military attache, will not be restored to the German embassy until Count von Bernstorff distin guishes between the official and per sonal matter in the documents. It was not believed that the German embassy would agree to this procedure, contending there is no authority for the removal of papers of any kind from the person or possession of a diplomatic agent. Embassy officials are disturbed at the idea that the de partment of Justice intends to keep photographic copies of the papers, and it was Baid that Count von Bernstorff would demand not only the originals, plates and catalogue of the documents which is understood to have been made by the department of Justice. Am bassador von Bernstorff is understood to be awaiting instructions from Ber lin. Von Igel's immunity from prosecu tion as an employe of the German em bassy was not accepted by diplomatic officials. Immunity, it was said, was interpreted as extending only to the ambassador and his household. President Yuan of China Will Permit Cabinet to Govern Washington, D. C. The Chinese le gation announces receipt of the fol lowing dispatch from Pekin: "The military governor of Kiangsu, General Feng Kuo Chang, commander of the best oragnized troops and one of the most influential leaders in Chi na, aided by the civil and military govenors of the 17 provinces, has come forward to arrange on behalf of the central government with the leaders of the five other provinces which have either declared independence or re mained neutral in regard to the plans of reorganization to be carried out. "Nanking is the headquarters of General Feng Kuo Chang, and the re port that this city has declared its neu trality is a pure rumor. "President Yuan Shi Kai issued a namadte authorizing the secretary of State, Hsu Shi Kang, to organize a cabinet government in place of the present presidential system. Under the new system of government the heads of the various ministries will assume joint responsibility for the con duct of national affairs." Portland Wheat Bluestem, $1.03 per bushel; fortyfold, 92c; club, 91c; red Fife, 91c; red Russian, 91c. Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $23.60 per ton; alfalfa, old crop, $19.6021. Millfeed Spot prices: Bran, $23 per ton; shorts, $26; rolled barley, $31.5032.50. Corn Whole, $36 per ton ; cracked, $37. Vegetables Artichokes, 75c per dozen; tomatoes, $3.504 per crate; cabbage, $2.253 per hundred; gar lic, 10c per pound; peppers, 17J20c; eggplant, 20c; horseradish, 8Jc; cauli flower, 75c$1.26; lettuce, $22.25 per crate; cucumbers, $1.25l.b0; spinach, 45c pound; asparagus, local, $1.50 dozen; California, $2.252.75 per box ; rhubarb, 23c per pound ; peas, 7c. Potatoes Jobbing prices: Oregon, $1.601.60 per sack; Yakimas, $1.60 1.75; new California, 67c; per pound. Buying price: Oregon, $1 1.20. Onions Oregon, $1.35 1.75 per sack; Texas Bermudas, yellow, $2 per crate; white, $2.10. Green Fruit Strawberries, $1.25 1.35 per crate; apples, $11.60 per box; cranberries, $11 per barrel. Eggs Jobbing prices: Oregon ranch, candled, 2222Jc per dozen; uncandled, 2122c. Poultry Hens, 1717ic per pound; 13c; broilers, 2530c; turkeys, live, 2021c; turkeys, dressed, choice, 2526c; ducks, 14 15c; geese, 10 llc. Butter City creamey, prints, ex tras, 30 34c per pound; country creamery, prints, 29 33c; cubes, ex tras, 2729c; butterfat, No. 1, 33c; No. 2, 30c. Veal Fancy, ll12c per pound. Pork Fancy, lli12c per pound. Hops 1915 crop, 1012c per pound; 1916 contracts, 10llc. Wool Eastern Oregon, 2127c per pound; valley, 30c; mohair, new clip, 4045c. Cascara Bark Old and new, 4c per pound. Cattle Steers, choice grain and pulp, $8.759; choice hay, $8.60 8.75; good, $8.158.50; meiudm, $7.758.15; cows, choice,- $7.50 7.80; good, $6.757.25; y medium, $6.257.25; heifers, $57.15; bulls, $2.766; stags, $35.25. Hog Prime light, $8.909.06; good to prime, $8.508.75; rough heavy, $7.908; pigs and skips, $7.908. Sheep Yearlings, $8.2510; weth ers, $89; ewes, $78.25; lambs, $9.5011. U. S. Consul Says Orient Calls for Northwest Products Consul General John P. Bray, of Singapore, Straits Settlements, who is on leave of absence from his post, ar rived on the Pacific Coast last week and has spent a couple of days in Se attle in conference with business men and others interested in trade in the Northwest. The consul general has been in the service of the State de partment for about 20 years and for a number of years was stationed at Syd ney, Australia, but recently was trans ferred to Singapore, where he not only looks after the affairs of the depart ment of state, but also has charge of the affairs of other countries now at war. The consul general spent considera ble time in the Seattle office of the bu reau of foreign and domestic com merce and has given to the commercial agent the following statement as to conditions in the Straits Settlements as they probably affect the business of the Pacific Northwest. "As to the manufacturing interests of the Pacific Northwest, I would say that there is a large opening in the Oriental countries for products of this region. Especially is this true in re gard to pine lumber, flour, fruits, canned fish (particularly Balmon). "The development of the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States provides a great field for the manufactured steel products of the Pa cific Northwest, and especially would I call the attention of manufacturers of this section to the lack of tnonage for the manufactured products to be sent forward." " 8: MMmMM?-' . HAM .Vi I i-rWil"-...v-.sW.;.;.;.v....v.W-.Ww.w.WW.-. Twentieth United States infantry guarding fM WJ'KX Y railroad bridge over which troops must pass going into Mexico. GERMAN FLEET WAITING FOR A CHANCE SUP Sstf ff f rruf PURCHASE YOUR CHECK FIRST Young American Author, Who Dared to Signal Pompadoured Waitress, Receives Rude Jolt A young American author, who was exposing his films for fresh Impres sions of his birthplace, after several years' absence in Europe, wandered into what he calls "a hot-chocolate saloon for women," to see how Amer ican girls publicly indulge in strong drink. Another man was adrift in the crowd of petticoats, and following his example the author ventured to signal a pompadoured waitress. "A cup of chocolate," he murmured. The wait ress transfixed him with a suspicious stare. "Come, now; hand over your check." "Check?" he replied. "Oh, don't tell me you've forgotten it. You don't get chocolate till I get a check." The returned American will go back to Europe. They are politer, he de clares, in any brasserie In France. First photograph to arrive in this country showing a portion of the German fleet, was taken at Willielmshaven, but the exact location was withheld by the censor. It is believed the photograph THROUGH DEEP SNOW IN CHAMPAGNE REGION Parental Anxieties. "George Washington was the father of his country." "So I've heard," commented Farmer Corntossel. "I sometimes wonder whether he had any more worry bein' father to an entire country than I've had bein' father to my boy Josh." When Skirts Are Short. "Why does that Pinkum girl make up her face so Btrikingly?" asked Maude. "She interferes when she walks," replied Maymie. "She has to make up her face to draw attention from her feet." field observation tower i CZAR'S COUSIN SIGHTSEEING IN NIKK0 Sussex U-Boat Uncaught. Berlin (By wireless to Sayville, N. Y. Delayed in transmission.) "The storv that the French captured a Ger man submarine which had sunk the Bteamer Sussex is absolutely untrue," said a leading personage of the admi ralty staff Monday. "We know which submarine the French have. It was trapped some time after the Sussex episode and had nothing to do with the Sussex. We have no confirmation of the report that the commander and crew of the submarine were saved, but hope that this is the fact." Thonsand Lost in Disaster. Shanghai More than 1000 soldiers and men of the crew of the steamer Hsin Yu were lost when the steamer sank after a collision with the cruiser Hai-Yung Saturday night south of the Chusan islands. The Bteamer, acting as a transport, was taking troops to Foo Chow. The collision occurred in thick foe and onlv one foreign engineer, ... . . ....! soldiers and nine sailors oui ui sia Train Robber Caught. Rawlins, Wyo. William L. Carlisle, professional train robber, is in jail here. Carlisle, who says that is not his real name, was captured in a desert country 20 miles north of Walcott by a posse led by William Haynes, city marshal of Walcott, Wyo. He sur rendered without a fight. The bandit, who declared that 'he "liked the sport of holding up trains," and that he wanted to get the best of the police and the railroads, boasted that he robbed the Union Pacific Overland Limtied and other trains. Planes Reduced to Junk. Columbus, N. M. The United States army is in possession of a half dozen piles of junk that were aeroplanes at the beginning of the present campaign in Mexico. Of the eight flying ma chines that sailed south from here a short time ago, in the chase for Villa, only two were able to fly back this week. The remainder of the others are "somewhere in Mexico," and the engines are to be brought back on mo tor trucks, the rest having been burned. on foreigners and more than 1000 soldiers Their pilots are returning to Columbus and members of the crew were savea. i oy iuw mconn w u Wheat Bids Are Advanced. Portland Eastern bids for wheat were lacking Thursday, but there was some demand on the local market, and offers at the Exchange were advanced J to 2 cents for spot and May delivery. Bradstreets estimates the visible wheat decrease at 1,037,000 bushels, the corn decrease at 1,227,000 bushels, and the oats decrease at 1,976,000 bushels. Timothy hay is scarce in the local market, and will continue so during the remainder of the season. The price ia on a firm basiB. Receipts of Cali fornia grain hay are looked for. Al falfa is also firm. The outlook is for a record crop of alfalfa in the North west this year. Enlarge Creamery. Moscow, Idaho Work has started on the cold storage plant of the Mos cow Creamery compnay, which has closed a contrat with a Spokane firm for a four-ton modern equipment, in stalled. The butter room will have a capacity of 50,000 pounds; one room for eggs to hold 1000 cases; one room will be kept at about zero for harden ing ice cream; one for manufacture of ice for the use of the creamery only, and one for cream and milk. These will all be in addition to the butter making department and machinery. Sugar Prices Soar On. Portland Sugar prices higher than ever predicted before are predicted by wholesale grocers. As a consequence of the latest advance in the East there will be a 10-cent rise in the Portland market Thursday, which will bring the wholesale price up to $8 a hundred pounds. The highest price on record was $8.05, which prevailed soon after the war begaa It is likely this record will be exceeded in the next few days, as the Eastern markets are strong. The allies have been heavy purchsers, and this is causing the advance. if 9 1 "SMS - , 4 LlfrXV&Vh' mK tu& t- tt 1 !i "(! v4 Grand Duke George Mikhailovitch, the czar'a envoy to the mikado, slght Eoeing in a rickshaw. Whon the czar was visiting Japan many years ago he was attacked by an assassin and it was the rickshaw boy who Baved his life. SONS OF THE The photograph shows a signal serv ice corps operating a nem oDservauon tower. This type of tower will be of the greatest service in the Mexican expedition. Non-Exlstent. "What is meant by 'honesty in poll tic'?" asked the seeker after useless knowledge. "Honesty in politics?" mused the cynical man. "Hum. I should say tho term Is used only In a humorous sense, as when people talk about the modesty of a semlnude dancer or the loquacity of a clam." KING OF BULGARIA V ' k A 4 S 3VV Wist ) No Telling. "How long will it take to preparer "No telling," replied Senator Sor ghum, "If the ordinary course Is pur sued and a lot ot preliminary investi gations are held." In Doubt. "That man has been sending me sen timental letters and valentines for three years," remarked Miss Cayenne. "He is attentive." "Yes. But I can't feel sure whether it's a courtship or a dlplomatio Inter change." As Suggested. "I'm at a loss to know whether this article is intended to be humorous or otherwise," said the village editor. "Why not run it in the puzzle col umn and let the subscribers guess?" suggested the assistant. One Thing at a Time. "Do you think we can excuse what your political friends are trying to do?" "The excuse part isn't hard," re plied Senator Sorghum, "after it's all over. The question Is, Can we do It?" Not to Blame. Customer (Indignantly) That par rot you sold us hadn't been in the houBe a day before it began to swear dreadfully. Dealer You asked me for one that would be quick to learn, mum. Its Kind. "Here, that fellow Jinks borrowed my umbrella Just for an hour last week, and he hasn't returned it yet." "I guess his borrowing It for an hour was Just a put-up job." J1 if This picture bIiowb the sons ol the king of llulgana in tho Borvlce uniform of the army, taken Just before they left tor the trout, They are Crown Prince Boris and Prince Cyril. A Dark Outlook. "How is Newt Watson glttln' along in his campaign for constable?" "I'm afraid he's goln' to get licked. He ain't makln' It appear that if we want to uphold tho administration we've got to do it by electln' him." Where? '"Hold your tongue and you may pass for a philosopher,' says an Italian proverb." "But where can you point to any body who got rich being a philosopher?" POSTSCRIPTS Recently perfected electric turn stiles for public places permit a person to paBS only when a coin Is dropped in a slot, registering the number of per sons passing it at any convenient place. Because frosts do the most damage when the air is calm a Paris scientist has advanced the theory that orchards and vineyards can be protected by electric fans to keep the atmosphere moving. The governmont of Holland is plan ning to establish direct wireless com munication bctwoon the home country and the Dutch East Indies. An imitation hand attached to the side of his automobile 1b used by a California merchant to warn trafflo that his car Is about to turp a corner. A Paris engineer has dovelopod au electrical method for the economical recovery of tin from scrap metal. Spain prohibits the importation of cottonseed oil unless previously ren dered unfit for human consumption. Accounted For. "The woman in the courtroom this morning had a face that would stop clock." "It did, when her husband got mad and threw the clock at her." THEIR FIRST QUARREL. Mr. Newed Was there any fool in love with you before I married you? Mrs. Newed Yes, one. Mr. Newed I'm sorry you rejected him. Mrs. Newed I didn't; I married him. Making Peace. "Your wife and your mother-in-law are looking for you." "Do you think they are working to gether, or can I see my wife first and cook up a separate treaty?" Ups and Downs. Biggs Short tells me he is going to turn over a new leaf and settle down. Diggs Well, he owes me ten dol lars. I hope he settles up before ha settles down.