HT"" - J DEStRT CART EXCAVATIONS made several years ago at Abydos by the Egypt exploration fund led to the discovery of a building which Is unique In its kind, and which Is probably one of the most ancient constructions preserved In Egypt. It consists of a great pool with porches, called Strabo's well, and the so-called tomb of Osiris, It Is situated behind the western wall of the temple built by Set! I, which has been the chief attraction of Abydos for travelers. It was entirely subterranean, at a depth Df more than thirty feet below the temple, and nothing revealed its ex istence. The building, as described by Edouard Navllle, director of the ex cavation, consists of a rectangle, the Inside of which is about' a hundred feet long and sixty wide. The two long sides are north and south. The Inclosure wall Is twenty feet thick. It consists of two casings; the outer one Is limestone rather roughly worked; the Inner one la In beautiful masonry of red quartzite sandstone. The Joints are very fine; there is only a very thin stratum of mortar, which is hard ly perceptible. Here and there the thick knob has been left which was UBcd for moving the stones. The blocks are very large a length of fifteen feet Is by no means rare; and the whole structure has decidedly the character of the primitive construc tions which in Oreece are called Cyclo pean, and an Egyptian example of which is at Ghizch, the so-called tem ple of the Sphinx. This colossal character la still more striking in the inner part. It Is di vided into three nayes or aisles of unequal size the middle one being wider. These naves are separated by two colonnades of square monolithic pillars In granite about fifteen foot high and eight and one-half feet square. There are five of them In each colonnade. They supported architraves In proportion with them, their height being more than six feet. These archi traves and the inclosure wall support ed a celling, also of granite monoliths, which was not made of slabs but of blocks, like the architraves, more than six feet thick. It has been calculated that one of the few of them remaining weighs more than thirty tons, Un fortunately, In one corner only has the celling been proserved. The whole building has been turned Into a quar ry, especially the inside, which was entirely granite. Pillars, architraves, celling, everything has been broken and Bpllt with wedges, traces of which are seen everywhere, In order to make millstones of various alzes. Sev eral of them, weighing seven or eight tons, have been left. Peculiar Design of Pool. The side aisles only, about ton feet wide, had ceilings. It Is doubtful whether the middle nave was roofed. It waB, perhaps, only covered at the end over the entrance to the "tomb of Osiris." When the work reached the lower layers of the Inclosure wall, "Y. STRABO'S VtU. How Many Stradt Are There? Not every eminent violinist can be the recipient of a Stradlvarlus violin as a gift from his admirers, as has Just been the good fortune of Mr. John Saunders. The supply of Strads Is limited. A very careful estimate Axes 1,200 as the number of string instru ments of all kinds violins, violus and 'cellos made by Antonio Stradivari during the seventy-five years he labor ed in his workshop In Cremona; and only some 600 are now known to bo still In existence. Probably a good proportion of the remainder are scat tered over the world in tho possession of owners quite Ignorant of their value. About twenty years ago quite number of genuine Strads were dis covered In South Africa, in Doer farm steads, where they bad remained in many cases stored away in boxes in the possession of descendants of Huguenots who emigrated to the Cape at the revolution of the Edict of Nantes. London Chronicle. Carlyle on Humor, Carlyls says humor la the finest wrfantimt of rathetlo renins, and jet,- .J ..,,,': A. AND MOSQUE a very extraordinary discovery was made. In this wall, all around the structure, are cells about six feet high and wide, all exactly alike, without any ornament or decoration. They had doors, probably made of wood, with a single leaf; one can see the holes where they turned What was still more surprising Is that they do not open on to a floor, but on to a narrow ledge which ran on both sides of the nave. There was no floor in those aisles; under the ledge, which is slightly projecting, the beautiful masonry goes on, and at a depth of twelve feet water was reached. It is at the lovel of the in filtration water In the cultivated land, though the structure is in the desert. Thus the two aisles and the two ends of the middle nave form a continuous rectangular pool, the sides of which are very fine masonry of large blocks. Tomb of Osiris. The tomb of Osiris Is of a later date than the pool with Its cells. It dates from the time of Setl 1, the grand father of Menephtah, who probably made it when he built his temple. As for the pool, It Is probably one of the most ancient constructions which have been preserved in Egypt. It Is ex actly In the style of the so-called tem ple of the Sphinx, which Is a work of the Fourteenth dynasty, and one of the characteristic features of which Is the total absence of any Inscription or ornament. But the pool is even more colossal. In the temple of the Sphinx the pillars are four feet square; here they are eight and one half. It Is Impossible, In spite of the havoc made, especially in the southern aislo, not to be struck by the majes tic simplicity of the structure, chiefly In the corner whore the celling haa re mained. BeBldes, this construction of a character quite unknown at present raises many questions which furthor excavations will, perhaps, solve. Was the pool In connection with the wor ship of Osiris? Did the sacred boat of the god float on the water? Since the boats of the gods are always towed with ropes, the ledge on both sides would be a vory appropriate path for the priests who did It. As for the water Itself, It must have been stored for Borne purpose. The enormous ceilings must have been made In order to prevent evaporation. Is it to be Imagined that the old Egyp tians made such an enormous construc tion merely for Infiltration wator? There is no doubt that It Is what Is called Strabo's well, which he de scribes as being below the temple, and like the Labyrinth at Hawara, but on Bmaller proportions, and with passages covered by big monollthB. Was there a canal coming from the Nile, as the Greek geographer says? or was the pool filled by the subter ranean sheet of water which flows un der the desert, the so-called under ground Nile which Is now being studied closely by the hydraulic engi neer of Egypt? These are a few ques tions which ariso from this discovery. w,.. f lit , 1 i . r- t AND TOMB Of 03IR13 Thackeray calls it a combination of love and of wit. The mnglo sisters Philosophy and Science, analyze life Into several elemontal colors of the spectrum. Their humane brother Humor, mixes and mingles and syn thesizes those soven elemontnl tints Into the glorious effulgence of llfo's sunshine and Into the rollicking sun boams of pleasure and of Joy from the unassorted relations of life that muddle and befuddle the Intellect. Humor distills the pure Joy of living and extracts tho essence of tho truth that "the things that are" are better than "the thliiRS thut are not;" and that tho "things that might bo" could not be half as good as the "things mat are. Sawed-Off Sermon. After blowing In a quarter for three cigars no man has a right to give his wife the laugh for buying a nickel's worth of chewing gum. Indianapolis Star. Russia'! population will be 000,000 000 by the end of this century If it maintains Its present rate of Increase, 1 LION HUNTER By LOUISE OLIVER. "Dear Hermlone: The minute you are free you must come to us. We have all sorts of wonderful things planned for the summer; besides, Dick's cousin is coming for a month or so you know, the one I've told you about the travoler who has been ev erything from a Japanese consul to a Peruvian treasure hunter, to say : nothing of big game everywhere you can think of. Naturally he has money, so here's your chance, my poor, big. dopeudent sister. Uet your little rich charges off for the seashore, if yoUi must, but don't loBe another second. And mind you don't call me names when you read this, for both Dick and I are concerned about your future and are determined to see you com fortably sottled. We know what la better for you than you do yourself. "Your loving sister, ANNE." Hermlone smiled indulgently.' "Dear little Anne! As though her big sister wasn't perfectly well able to look after herself! I can't see why people In sist upon pitying me Just because I happen to be the only surviving mem ber of the family and earn my own living, and because, too, I have re sisted matrimony until I'm the only one of the old set that's left. All right, little sister! I'll hurry to your little cottage by the sea Just because I love It and you, but not to bait any Hon hunter and 'settlo' myself in life, as you put it." The phone rang. "Hello! Is that you, Peter? Doing? Heading a let ter from my little sister in Sedgwick. She says she has something for me and she wants me to hurry and get it. You'd nevor guess what it is!" "A dog!" Peter ventured. "No!" "Jewelry?" "Wrong!" "Some good advice! Sisters are usually long on that." "No yes! Anyway, It's advice of a kind. She's found me a husband. "I'll kill him!" Jealously. An amused ripple was his answer. "How funny from you, Peter! I nev er knew the quiet, mysterious pool was a geyser, or, rather, to be in keep ing with your name, 1 never suspect ed that the great, solid, dependable rock was a volcano. Don't be so bloodthirsty, Poter! I have just been thinking that a nice, rich, famous, jewel-conferring husband might be quite a comfort," teasingly. "I tell you I'll shoot him!" savage ly. . "Peter!" Then, "You are coming tonight, aren't you? I have every thing done." "Yes, I wouldn't miss going for a thousand worlds.- So I'll reserve my threats till then, (lood-by, dear girl!" Hormione turned away with a trou bled look. It had been one of the foun dation stonos of their friendship in fact, tlie very ground ltBelf that ev erything between them be frank, homely and purely platonlc. No sen timent of any kind allowed. It was so comfortablo to have Peter to de pend upon. Ho took her to concerts, loctures, anywhere she wanted to go, kept her up on the evolution of Yuan Shlh-kal and the ChlncRc empire, and discussed both sides of the possible embargo on war suppllos. He read her The Gods of the Mountain or something of the kind while she darned his socks and sewed on miss. lug buttons. She had insisted in this. "Peter," she had said, "don't throw away your socks If thoy show a hole or two. Lot me mend them. I must do something for you." She hadn't dared to tell him the roal reason that the best diet she knew for antl sentlmentaliura was plenty of darn ing. The tone Just now had worried her. Peter arrivod at eight with a box of candy and a torn shirt wrapped in a paper, with a suspiciously neat-looking hole between the shouldors. Hermlone seized It with delight. "Poter, whatever will become of you If you keep on wearing out your clothes? I don't see how you wear a hole away up there. It looks almost like a cut!" "I've been wondering what would become of me If It were not for you, Hermlone. I'd be a regular Rip Van Winkle for rugB." She Hushed appreciatively. Then a serious look came Into hor eyes, and when Peter bad spread out u new magazine and she had slipped on hor thimble, sho ventured. "I'm going to ask you something tonight some thing serious, yet I don't want you to take it seriously." He looked amused. Ho was accus tomed to her odd prefaces, however. IJut he was petrilled for an Instant be yond roply when Lho wont on hur riedly: "I wnnt to be engaged to you for awhilo. Don't think 1 am taking advantage of leap year, kind friend no doubt you've had a dozeu propos als by this timo; at least if you haven't you should have had. But if you aren't promised I wish you would take me. It will only last over the summer until I come back from Sedg wick. Don't you see how It is? It I'm engaged to anyone, they'll lot me alone about Dick's lion-taming cous in!" "Yes, he hunted Hons or something in Peru I mean Africa and did something else In Japan, and he's very rich, and Anne writes .that he'll be there when I am and thoy will keep him collared and chained so I can get him for my very own so I'll be fixed for llto. He's the husband I told you about over the telephone. If 1 Just announce that. I'm engaged to some body elso they'll let mo alone, and the lion tamer won't think I'm throwing niysolt (it his head either. It will make everything so comfortable, and I'll probably have a good rest and a decent tlmo. Otherwise well, I Just won't go, that's all. So you'd better let mo bo engaged to you, Pe ter. Think It over." Hcrmlono stopped for breath. Fe tor did net reply immediately. He eetned to bo undecided about some thing, but Hormione, bent over her sowing, did not see tho struggle In his face. "Suro!" ho said finally, much aa be would havo granted a request tor match. "Sure thing, If It will help a.iy. May I ask what may be in the charter of this new corporation?" "What do you mean?" "What happens if either party breaks his contract and gets engaged to someone else?" "Speak only for yourself, Peter. I'll be true to my bargain." "Hut you may fall In love with this man from Japan." "Never!" 'Well, if you do, go ahead and take him, Hermlone. That's my advice. I'll never take It to court," emphatically. She looked up quickly. "After all, Peter, you are letting go easily. 1 be lieve you'd rather like to join in this conspiracy and marry me off to that other man." "To be candid," returned Petei frankly, "nothing would suit me bet ter." "Here Peter," she said rising. "The Bhirt's done and I don't , think we'd better read tonight. I I've a head ache and I think I'll go to bed." She held out her hand. "Good night." "Good night," he answered gravely, looking searchingly into the brown eyes. "Being engaged doesn't entitle me to a " "No, it doesn't," declared Hermlone, drawing back a step indignantly. Peter's anxiety to marry her off was still stinging. Hermlone arrived at Sedgwick in another week and luxuriated in the comfortable cottage on the sea bluff. Dick's cousin had not come to her relief, but every day brought nearer the time of his arrival. Finally the night came that was to be the end of her peace of mind. The others had motored to the station to meet their guest, but Hermlone pre ferred to walk on the sand and watch the moon come up. A mile up the beach and a mile back took most of an hour. Coming back she met a man. The moon shone full on his face. "Peter!" she exclaimed, Joyfully reaching out both hands. But Peter's image only lifted his hat courteously. "I beg pardon, but you mistake my Identity. Allow me to Uv troduce myself. I am Dick's cousin, the Hon hunter, the Peruvian wonder, the man from Japan. Behold!" Hermlone laughed. "Don't make fun of me, Peter!" "I'm not. It's gospel truth." "And you're the one they all wtfbt me to to" "Marry! And I want It, too, dear, And may I remind you that we are en gagedat least for the summer and, being engaged, I think I'm entitled to" But that is quite another story. (Copyright, 19)6. by the McClure Newspa per Syndicate.) War Hits Burnt Cork. Black face comedians of the Ameri can stage have found their labors greatly Increased because of the war. There is scarcely a minstrel man or woman in the country who is not hard hit, for before the war there was available a carbon burnt cork which made blacking up a Job of two or three minutes. All that was necessary was to rub cold cream on the face, and then rub on the face blacking. After the Bhow the black could be rubbed off just as quickly as it was put on a smear of cold cream, a towel, then soap and water, and the minstrel's face was Its regular color. Now, however, the Importation of this cork has stopped, and the min strels have to make their own black ing. The carbon burnt cork was bet ter for Its purpose than any known substitute, and In Its absence the black face actors have to soak nu merous corks in kerosene. TheBe are then charred to a powder. Potatoes In Corfu. The French soldiers now occupying the Greek island of Corfu are perhaps not aware that the potatoes which are furnished them at every meal are of French origin. This precious tuber was unknown at Corfu until after the oc cupation by French troops of tho "Sev en Isles" In 1807 after the peace ol Tilsit. "The French general, Donze lot," says Le Crl do Paris, "command ing the army of occupation, had much difficulty In feeding his troops. He wrote to France and In 1810 a frigate came from Toulon loaded with pota toes. A liberal quantity of these was planted In the Island by the soldiers of the garrison. The general offered samples of his first harvest to the In habitants. They were unanimous in declaring that these unknown tubers had a disagreeable taste and that It was Impossible to eat them. Four years later when our troops evacuated Corfu, the same natives bought the gardens and potato fields that had been cultivated by the soldiers. The natives had changed their minds." Orange Blossom Trade Hit A minor trade which has been hit badly by the war Is the orange blos som industry, the London Chronicle remarks. Weddings are simple affairs nowadays and there Is not much de mand for the fragrant white flowers. Practically all the orange blossom that reaches London Is grown In the south of France, a few miles back from the coast lino, in the sheltered valleys of the Alpes Maritimes, There Is, in ordinary times, a con stant demand for the blooms, for the perfume manufacturers are ready buy ers if the other market should fall. Orange plantations are handed on from one generation to another In the same family, and there would be small encouragement for rival planters.asthe trees do not yield much in the way of a floral crop until they are a fair ago. Superstition Works Harm. In northern New Mexico the fact that wolves and coyotes are becoming a serious monico to cattlo and sheep is attributed to tho superstition of Navajo Indians, the tribe holding both beasts sacred and refusing to treat them other than with the greatest of respect. Costly Mess of Fish. The largest fine ever collected in Washington county under the Vermont law which makes six inches the mini mum length of trout was $230. paid by Harry Dudley, for having 45 short ones In lils possesniuu. (SRIEATESTitithe IN THE PAINTED DESERT HE GREATEST thing in the world." That Is a large phrase and an overworked one. and hardened travel ers do not take it lightly upon the tongue. Noticeably it is most glibly in use with those who but lately, and for the first time, have wandered be yond their native state or county. Yet In every Bort there is, of course, somewhere "the best thing in the world" of its kind. There is and can be no dispute that the term applies literally to several things In the immediate region of the Grand canyon of Arizona. As has more than once been said, probably no other equal area on earth contains so many supreme marvels of so many kinds so many astounding sights, so many masterpieces of nature's -handiwork, so vast and conclusive an encyclope dia of the world-building processes, so impressive monuments of prehistoric man, so many triumphs of man still in the tribal relation as doea what has been called the "Southwestern Wonderland." This includes a large part of New Mexico and Arizona, the area which geographically and eth nographlcally we may count as the Grand canyon region. A few wonders are: The largest and by far the most beautiful of all petrified forests, wltn several hundred square miles whose surface is carpeted with agate chips ORANO CWiON and dotted with agate trunks two to four fbet in diameter; and just across one valley a burled "forest" whose huge slllclfled not agatlzed logs show their ends under fifty feet of sandstone. The largest natural bridge in the world, 200 feet high, over 500 feet span and over 600 feet wide, up and down stream, and with an orchard on its top and miles of stalactite caves under its abutments. The largest variety and display of geologically recent volcanic action In North America, with 60-mile lava flows, 1,500-foot blankets of creamy tufa cut by scores of canyons; hun dreds of craters and thousands of square miles of lava beds, basalt and cinders, and so much "volcanic glass" (obsidian) that It was the chief tool of the prehistoric population. Cave and Cliff Dwellings. Tho largest and the most Impressive vlllnges of cave-dwellings in the world, most of them already aban doned when the "world-seeking Geno ese" sailed Tho 26 strange communal town re publics of the descendants of the "cliff dwellers," the modern Pueblos; some in fertile valleys, some (like Acoma and llopl) perched on barren and dizzy cliff tops. The strange dances, rites, dress and customs of these an cient peoples who have solved the problem of Irrigation, six-story house building and clean self-government, and even women's rights long before Columbus was born. Some of the most notable tribes of savage nomads, like the Navajos. whoso blankets and sliver work are pre-omlnent, and the Apaches, who man for man, have been probably the most successful warriors in history. Greatest Chasm In the World. At the head of the list stands the Grand canyon of Arizona; whether it Is the "greatest wonder of the world" Personal Question. A party of strangers were visiting at tho college. It was in the late fall, and the air was crisp and cold. One of the members of the party, a charm ing young woman, was escorted through the grounds by a learned but absent minded professor. Suddenly two members of the track team, accoutred for their sport, passed. "It's dreadful ly cold," remarked the young woman, with a dainty shiver, as she gazed after the runners, "to be without stockings." The professor's mind, deep in contemplation of the fourth dimension, was attracted by the sound of tho girl's voice. "Then why," he asked absently, "did you leave them off?" Youth's Companion. Bits About Holland. The Dutch people occupy a country which contains 12,630 square miles little more than one-tenth of the size of Great Britain and Ireland, the pop ulation being Just over 6.000,000. Hol land Is not only flat, it Is hollow. Hence Its name "Hollowland." Along the canals the meadows are ten feet or twelve feet, sometimes more, be depends a little on our definition of "wonder." Possibly it is no more won derful than the fact that so tiny a fraction of the people who confess themselves the smartest in the world have ever seen It. Aa a people we go abroad to see scenery Incomparably inferior. But beyond peradventure It is the greatest chasm In the world, and the most superb. Enough globe-trotters have seen it to establish that fact. Many have come cynically prepared to be disappointed; to find it over drawn and really not so stupendous as something else. It is, after all, a hard test that so be-bragged a wonder must endure under the critical scrutiny of them that have Been the earth and the fullness thereof. But never has the most Belf-satiBfied veteran traveler been disappointed in the Grand can yon, or dared to patronize it. The quebrada of the Apu-Rlmac Is a marvel of the Andes, with Its ver tiginous depths and its suspension bridge of wild vines. The Grand can yon of the Arkansas, in Colorado, is a noble little slit in the mountains. The Franconia and White mountain notches In New Hampshire are beau tiful. The Yosemlte and the Yellow stone canyons surpass the world, each in its way; but if all these were hung up on the opposite wall of the Grand canyon from you, the chances are fifty to one that you could not tell NEAR PRIMA POINT t'other from which, nor any of them from the hundreds of other canyons which rib that vast gorge. If the falls of Niagara were installed In the Grand canyon between your visits next time you stood on that dizzy rlmrock you would probably need good field glasses and much patience before you could locate that cataract which in its place looks pretty big. If Mount Washing ton were plucked up bodily by the roots not from where you see it, but from sea-level and carefully set down in the Grand canyon you prob ably would not notice it next morning, unless its dull colors distinguished it in that innumerable congress of larger and painted giants. All this, which is literally true, is a mere trifle of what might be said in trying to fix a standard of comparison for the Grand canyon. It is no mere cleft. It la a terrific trough 6,000 to 7,000 feet deep, ten to twenty miles wide, hundreds of miles long, peopled with hundreds of peaks taller than any mountain east of the Rockies, yet not one of them with its head so high as your feet, and all ablaze with such color as no eastern or European landscape ever knew. The Grand canyon country is not only the hugest, but the most varied and instructive example on earth of one of the chief factors of earth-building erosion. It is the mesa country the land of tables. Nowhere else on the footstool is there such an example of deep-gnawing water or of water high carving. The sandstone mesas of the Southwest, the terracing of canyon walls, the castellation, battle menting and cliff-making, the cutting down of a whole landscape except its precipitous islands of flat-topped rock, the thin lava, tablecloths on tables 100 feet high these are a few of the things which make the Southwest wonderful alike to the scientist and the sightseer. neath the water line. By the sea, at nign uae, mere may be a difference In the level of the soil nnrt r,t Vi UIO oceaa of quite twenty-feet or more. urn is aistnied at Schiedam. Delft, Rotterdam, and Amsterdam. The dis tilleries of gin ("Hollands") form an Important branch of Dutnh ir,... The liquor factories are of national importance. Somethine Hko tenths of all the margarine sent to r-ugiana comes from Holland. Every Dutch citizen is liable rn . , service in the army (or navy) from iue age oi nineteen to forty. Actual service in the ranks is determined hv .ui, um Buuaiuuuon is not permitted. Just the Man. iutnuaui (lu KpiHlcuniJ Hnat we neea is a correspondence clerk who la a rapid writer. By the way, hat have you been working at? Applicant I've been a movie actor sir. Merchant Tou have? Won ... you can write letters for us with half the speed you movie actors do in those picture scenes, you re Just the maa we want E Nobody can Tell when you Darken Gray, l aded Hair with Sage Tea. Grandmother kept her hair beauti fully darkened, gloBsy and attractive with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this simple mixture was applied with won derful effect. By asking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," you will get a large bot tle of this old-time recipe, improved by the addition of other Ingredients, all ready to use, for about BO cents. This simple mixture can be depended upon to restore natural color and beau ty to the hair. A well-known downtown druggist says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound now because it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied It's so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw it through your hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after another application or two, it is restored to Its natural color and looks glossy, soft and beau tiful. This preparation is a delightful toilet requisite. It Is not Intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. A Joke With An Afterthought. A newspaper humorist quotes this from a letter received by one of the Georgia congressmen: "My youngest son has run away and enlisted in tho regular army. I can't get him out. Won't you help me? He Is a good boy and I was raising him for my own use." In one sense this is a Joke a joke upon the father, who was bringing up the boy to get as much work out of him as possible and the young sol dier probably has chuckled over it more than anybody else. But the story Is more serious than humorous. This boy ran away to escape three or four years of hard labor for his father's profit. Unfortunately a good many children cannot escape from their slavery to parents and cotton mill owners. Georgia has 2,819 child laborers under thirteen years of age, North Carolina 6,359, and South Car olina 4,154, and it is up to the State or Federal legislature to give them their heritage of sunshine, play, and schooling. Collier's. Affected By Business. 'The girl In the phonograph place we patronize is just full of affectation." But you must consider that it Is her business to put on airs." ;Wash ington Star. Always Thus. "I understand they want to turn dis tilleries into munition factories." "It might help, if they do. But Its the old story of the ultimate consumer getting the worst of it" Washington Star. nave Healthy, Strong, Beautiful Eyes Ooulifits aud Physicians used llurioe Eye Remedy many years before It was offered as a. Domestic Eye Medicine. Murine is Still Com pounded by Our Physicians and guaranteed by them as a Reliable Relief (or Eyes that Need Care. Try it in your Eyes and In Baby's Eyes No Smarting Just Eye Comfort. Buy Murine of your Druggist accept no Substitute, and It Interested write for Book of the Eye Free. MURINE EYJfi KKMEDX CO., GUICAUO Two Deluded Souls. Bix I wonder if Dr. Cook really thought he discovered the north pole? Dlx Possibly! We all make mis takes. Why, when I married my wife I thought I had discovered Paradise. Boston Transcript. Loans Seem to Weaken It. A (to man he has touched) Thanks, old chap. But what is this little pam phlet you handed me? B Oh, I always hand one of those out with a loan. It tells how to strengthen the memory. Boston Transcript You Can Get Allen's foot-Case FREE. Write Aliens. Olmsted Le Roy, N. y for a free sample ot Allen's Foot-lSaso. It cures sweating, h,H swollen, aching feet. It mikes new or tight shoes easy. A certain cure for corns, ingrowing nails and bunions. All drug gists teU It. 26c. Don't accent any substitutt. Sense of Responsibility. "Is Bllggins patriotic?" "Thoroughly." "Would he fight for his country?" "I don't know about that. But he hasn't the slightest doubt that in an emergency somebody ought to." Washington Star. Times Change. "What? You need new clothes again? When I was a boy I wasn't ashamed to wear garments that were patched." "Yes, dad, but you know you didn't associate with such refined people aa I do." We cat too much meat which Clogs Kidneys, then the Back hurts. Most folks forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, get sluggish and clog ged and need a flushing occasionally, else we have backache and dull misery In the kidney region, severe head aches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and all aorta of bladder disorders. You simply must keep your kidneys active and clean, and the moment you feel an ache or pain In the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good drug store here, take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com bined with llthla. and is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity. It also neu tralizes the acids in the urine so it no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts Is harmless; inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which everybody should take now and then t,o keep their kid neys clean, thus avoiding serious com plications. A well-known local druggist says he Bella lots of Jad Salts to folks who be lieve in overcoming kidney trouble while It is only trouble. HAV I LOOK YOUNG SALTS FINE FOR ACHING KIDNEYS