The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 28, 1916, Image 1

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    ! I
Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL.2, no. ir
THE YEAR $1.50
(.. .
I It:
H I E r 11
Criterion Chronicles
County 'Agriculturalist, A. R.
Chase of The' Dalles accOmwanied
by Mr. and 'Mrs. A. A. Bonney,
of Tygh, made a short visit to
Criterion Sunday.-
Carl' Head and Miss Grace
Tunisoti visited friends here Sun
day. - 1
Dale Bonney spent the week
end at home. He expects to
bring the tractor over from Tygh
to dd some fallowing here soon.
Geo. Stege- and Mrs. Ralph
Buzan visited Shaniko, Saturday.
Edwin Kidder paid the home
folks a surprise visit last week,
remaining for Easter.
T. 0. Miller came over from
Shaniko for a short stay last week
A. A. Canfield made a business
trip to The Dalles Thursday. He
has been appointed Deputy As
sessor for the Antelope district.
Our citizens were entertained
Sunday afternoon by the passing
over of several thousand sand
hill cranes which were making
their annual migration to their
nesting grounds in the far north
Easter Dinner
An Easter dinner was given by
Mrs. G. W. Mallatt and daughter,
Miss Tillie Mallatt, at their Bake,
oven home. Those preseut were
Mr. and Mrs. Holt and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Todd, George Holt,
of Oklahoma, and Michael Bibby,
of Kent. The afternoon was spent
in out-door sports and uiu.sic. All
report a good time.
Smock Items
Notice to Catholics
Mass will be offered Sunday,
April 30th, at 9 o'clock a. hi. in
Maupin at Donaldson's hall by
Rev. T. Cantwell, Pastor of
Catholic church at Dufur.
Cecil Woodcock has an auto
agency and was here Monday and
called atS- H. Mulvaney's with a
sample car. Sid went for a ride
and may arrange to own a car.
Mr. Root of The Dalles, grand
father of Jesse Ayres came for
the funeral and is remaining a
few days with his daughters, Mrs
J. W. Ayres and Mrs.. J. W.
Farlow and their families.
E- V. Parrish drove his car to
The Dalles Saturday afternoon.
0. B. Murray and Orrion Farlow
accompanied him. ... .
Fred Bichsel and family were
Sunday visitors at the home of B.
,W. Morgan and family.
Mrs. Haveland and daughter
Of Portland are guests at the
home of F. E. Spoor. They ex
pect to live in a tent and enjoy a
real country outing.
R. B. Kolbe of Seattle, Wn
spent a few days here last week
looking after his property and
calling on friends,
S. H. Mulvaney was transact
ing business in The Dalles, Wed'
C A. Syron lost a horse last
nesday and Thursday last week.
Claud Roberts, David Mayfield
and C. S. McCorkle will ship a
car load of hogs to Portland mar
ket Saturday from Sherar.
Wamic News
County Depository
Bring Your Tax Statement
We are out for Business
and want yours We
can and will meet mail
o der competition.
Join the "Trade at
Home Club" for
your interests as
well as ours
Edwin Mayfield took a load of
mutton sheep to Sherar Tuesday.
Cal Syron and Dick Stakely of
Smock passed through town Tues
day, going to Tygh.
John Farlow and family of
Smock passed through town
Tuesday, going to Tygh.
The funeral of Jesse Ayres,
who died at the home of his par
ents Thursday evening was held,
Saturday at thd Four Corners
cemetery, being conducted by
the Odd Fellows' Lodge of Tygh,
of Which order he recently be
came a member. Mr. Ayres was
a geniel dispositioned young man
and was highly esteemed here
where he attended school last
year. His passing away was
deeply felt by all who knew him.
An attack of measles, coupled
with pneumonia was the cause of
his death. Many persons attend
ed the funeral and brouget beau
tiful boquts of flows as a token
of friendship and esteem felt for
the young man.
The Wamic boys defeated Tygh
in a game of baseball Sundav af
ternoon, the score being 13 to 0.
Several persons were here from
that place to witness the game.
The wedding of Isaac Court-
wright and Mrs. Leorte Hull of
Smock, which took place in The
Dalles last week was a pleasing
surprise to tneir many inenas
here who wish them a happy
married life '
J. E. Root came out from The
Dalles Saturday to attend the
funeral of his grandson, Jesse
Mr. and Mrs. C S- McCorkle,
Miss Dorothy McCorkle, and
Terry Jones visited in Tygh Sun
A. A. Bonney, A. M. Young
and J. T. Harper, of Tygh and
Co. Supt. Bonney were here Fri
day, the latter visiting the school
E. (J. Crowe, or Uutur, was
here Sunday.
Mrs. James Johnson
from Tygh Sunday.
On Friday, May 12
Governor James Whithjcombe
will deliver an address at the
Southern Wasco County indus
trial Club Rally to be held at the
Tygh Valley Fair grounds on
Friday, May 12. Ralph D. Het
zel, head of the extension work
in Oregon with headquarters at
0. A. C-, and H. C. Seymour,
state leader of Boys' and Girls'
Club Work, Will be present also.
Let all show their interest in
the welfare of the county, not
only in boosting for this rally,
but also by being present and
participating. In all probability
the new Tygh grade will be
finished, and it will be a most
pleasant drive from Maupin to
Tygh Valley.
The Governor speaks at 10 a. m.
L. D. Kelly and a number of
men have boon clearing land on
the point above tho warehouse,
which Mr. Kelly iutends to devote
to wheat raising, plowing it soon,
and seeding this fall.
Tygh Valley 1
(from last week)
A. M. Young hns been tearing
down the feed yard of Mr, McClain,
Mr. Brown purchasing the lumber.
Mrs. Mace is Improving slowly.
Among those who went to Mau.
pin last Sunday to see the ball
game were Mr. and Mrs. Watkins,
Geo. Morris, Callie Young and
johnie Fitzpateriek.
The small ball team from Tygh
played the small boys of Fair View
and won there. The big team
from hsre will play Wamic Sunday
Base Ball Notes
Last Sunday Maupin defeated
Grass Valley by a score of 11 to 1
on the Maupin diamond. The
game was quite interesting until
toward the last when it got so
lopsided that the spectators be
gan to leave in the eighth inning.
Schedule for future games are
as follows:
April 30, Maupin vs. Grass
Valley at Grass Valley.
May 7, Maupin vs. Wamic at
May 14, Maupin vs. Moro at
while the 2nd team will play the
Sand team. All going the Sand
way must take eggs, the side get
ting beat has to cook and serve eggs,
A number of our young folks
are going to Dufur to Rive a play.
made a trip to The Dalles Sun
day, returning Monday. '
Grandma Delco has been quite
ill the past week.
Mrs. Herb Hammer and babv
Nora have been sick lately.
Geo. Beebe had the misfortune
to get his leg broken last Monday
morning while tending to his
horses at the barn, one of them
kicking him on the leg just be
low the knee. . A physician was
called, who set it, and he was
moved Tuesday to his father-in-law's
Ed. Davis.
About twenty of the little
friends of Terrance and Russell
Staines met their home.' last
Thursday evening for an Easter
party. A nice lunch was served
by their mother, Mrs. M. II.
Herb Lewis left here Wednes
day with his team for Harney
(concluded on last page)
More than a million Fords are now
in everyday use, everywhere. Here
are some reasons for this remarkable
record quality service reliability
low price-economy of operation and
maintenance and the character and
responsibility oi the Company the Ford
is certainly the only Universal Car
Runabout $390; Touring Car $440;
;' Coupelet $5V0; Town Car $640; Sedan
$740, ' f. 0. b. ; Detroit, v On sale at - 1
J. C Ayres Well like J
'Jesse Avres died April 20th of
measles and pneumonia at. the
the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Ayres-, after an illness
of only a few days, during whiclv
time he was a great sufferer. All'
possible was done by loved ones
and the brother 1.0. F., of which
he recently became a member,
to relieve him, but to no avail.
He contracted measles while at
Portland, taking Civil Service
examination.. He and brother
Harry attended school at Tygh
Valley during the winter, where
they gained highest esteem of
Tygh, Valley people, many of
whom attended the funeral. He
was about 22 years of age.
Knowing that the end wasnear,
he conversed with the loved ones
telling them of the beauties of
the place beyond, describing what
he had seen in part, told them
that this life was not all, and
commanded them not to grieve
for all was well with him. He
was laid at rest in Four Corners
cemetery, the services being con
ducted by the I. 0. 0. F. and
Rebekahs. The floral pieces were
beautiful, cut flowers from The
Dalles as well as many others;
the grave was a mound of trib
utes of bloom. He leaves to
mourn, father, r mother, three
sisters, three brothers, many
relatives and hosts of friends.
Nottee to Hog OWfti
All swine must be taken up off
the streets of Maupin before May
1st, or owners will be liable for
damages. Order of W. H. Staats.
The Times, $1.-50 a year.
was up
Auto Passenger Service Auto Delivery Truck
Prepared for Long Trips ot Outing Parties
A Complete Line of Au&frWbile Accessories
Wapinitia Items
Chas. Cline came over from
Smock Saturday morning, re
turning that evening.
A. F- Evick returned from The
Dalles Saturday.
Lincoln Hartman made a trip
to Maupin Tuesday afternoon.
Henry Richardson hauled
load of wood for Mr. Apling
Mr. Apling has just received
another shipment of things for
his store, which makes him now
quite a complete line of goods.
Mrs. Mose Delore has been
quite sick the past week, but is
some better.
Miss Phyllis Fischer, Joe. Gra
ham, and Mr. and Mrs. Dee
Wright motored to The Dalles
Sunday morning returning in
the evening.
Vincent Tapp, .Ir , and M. H
Staines made a business trip to
Maupin, Saturday.
Jim Hartman took a load of
hide3 to Maupin Saturday.
E- L Nelson hauled a load of
freight from Maupin Jor A. F.
Evick last week.
C. B. Doyle and daughter, Mrs.
Carrie Kirkham, made a trip to
Maupin Tuesday, taking down a
load ef w66d.
WB. Tapp and wife have
moved to their upper place two
miles west of here to put in their
spring crop.
B. L Foreman and J. P. Abbott
You Will Never Go Back To Wheat Sacks
Thre is a better way 'to handle wheat than in sacks. Only three places handle wheat in sacks
-Argentine, Australia and the Pacific Northwest. The governments of Argentine and Australia are
putting in the bulk system, and the war price on sacks are doing the same'thing here.
tu Pir n( Sartre Fvorv Year Here's How
Bulk System, 1 year only Cost of sacks to be paid every year
Turn the hogs into the stubble as soon as ydu at 14 1-2 cents
are through threshing.
T-A-L 1000 bu. portable grain bin
Typel $46.00 $65.25
Tvge2 $38.00 $65.25
A new 1500 bu. Low-Down portable granary " t
now ready ask for prices.
T-A-L 5009 bu. Stationary granary
Level Ground Type $582.00 $426.25
Side Hill Type $272.00 $426.25
The Proper Place to Store Your Grain is on the Fariii
And if you are thinking of an' elevator at the track, we are now designing and building many
track elevators of from 15,000 bushels up to 100,000 bushels, and can furnish complete plans and
guaranteed costs.
Rapidly fluctuating prices on material make it impossible to protect above prices for any length
of time.
We hear a lot of talk now about concrete elevators-Let's see if there is any economy in concrete
elevators-Take a 60.000 bushel track elevator costing in timber construction hot to exceed $7,000 00
fully equipped with most expensive machinery and costing in concrete at least $20,000.$- the In
creased investment at 8 per cent would be $1040.00 yearly.
Say you carfiCcf no insurance on the concrete elevator, and the Insurance on the timber elevator
fully insured at $1.75 per $100 would be 60,000 bushels $0,70 insured' for 6 months-$367.00. $7000.00
building for 12 months at $1.75, or $122.00, or a total of $189.00 yearly insurance on timber against
$1040.00 yearly interest on increased investment of concrete 4 saving of about 55'). 66 yearly by
having a timber elevator and you are fully lnSiire'd.
There is only a limited amount of elevator ilrhber in this country it's being used up now.
Every day sees another community adopt the bulk system of handling grain.
Build Now!
Our Architects and Engineers furnish free blue printed plans.
l y
I Scream!
W.'wUh to call your attention to our newly installed Soda Fountain, which it the moit sanitary and up-to-date foun
tain in the 'city. W are using tbf best MADE IN OREGON Fruit Syrnpt, and Our Ice Crea-n is manufacturer! by the
Celebrated Hazelwood Co
W. H. Talcott's Ice Cream
Parlor and Confectionery