HE MAUFIN Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 2. NO, 27 MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY. OREGON, FRJDAY. APRIL 14, 1916 THE YEAR $1.50 SENT IN BY OUR Wajnic News Several parties from The Dalles visited this place last week, An elocutionist, from Seattle, (gave an interesting reading in the school room Thursday even ing. His selections were much appreciated. The Boys and Girls Industrial Club gave a pleasing ice cream and cake social at the school house Friday afternoon, Many of the school patrons were in at tendance. After a delay since the latter part of January, the Sunday school was resumed here Sunday A new superintendent was chos , en, D. A. filler havjng resigned, Mr- Miller has done splendid work in the Sunday school the past year. Miss Pearl Ruegg, who is teaching at Pine Grove disirict, was down from that place Sunt day attending the Sunday school. Miss Effte Doughton of Pine Grove district, spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Floyd John eon of this place, Mrs. M. J. Swift went to Tygh Friday, visiting at the home of her son, T. J- Swift, She was accompanied home by Mrs. T. J. Swift and Miss Mose Harper, the latter driyipg here in her auto mobile, Mrs. Willis Norval put her club auilt jn -the frames at the Swift homo Monday, to be quilt, ed by the members of the Ladies Social Club, Thursday, Hammie Patison had the mis fortune to run a nail through his hand last week while engaged in tearing down an old building at the Lake home. A splendid meeting of the Arti san lodge was held here Saturday afternoon. Many persons are having la grippe now. the disease being in the form of a cold in the head. Among those who were confined to Weir beds a part of last week with the cold were, Mrs. Lee Kennedy, Mrs. C, E. Pratt and Mrs. Nancy Sanford. An interesting game of base ball was played here Snndav af ternoon between the local and Tygh teams, the latter winning the game by a score of 8 to 5. Prof. T. J. Skirvin acted as umpire- ' , was out visiting the school Tuess day. Miss Pansy Lone i? assisting Miss Jennetta Harper at the ranch. J. T. intends to. move on the place for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McClain h.ave rented a large fruit ranch at Yakima and are going to move over this week. Haryey pur chased the big bay team of Jr. Brown. Qrancjpa IfcCorkJe fell, hurt ing himself while walking down town last week. Dr. Brown and Mr. and Mrs Reel motqred to Th,e Dalles last Monday, returning the same day J. Mace is suffering with rheu mrtism and neuralgia. Uncle Bjllje Cantrell was in town visiting old friends recently Twentyrfive automobiles formed a semicircle around the ball ground JSuuday, ' Criterion Chronicles Rev. Ellis came out last Tues day to attend a business meeting of the class here that evening. He preached on The Atonement Wednesday night to an apprecia tive audience. Dale Bonney left Thursday morning for Tygh to help run the new Case .tractor which his father recently purchased. They intend running day night and expect to use in in farming their holdings at Criterion also. L. B. DeCamp was a business visitor at Maupin on Saturday. A A. Canfield was registering voters in the Ridgeway section Thursday. Arthur Henderson and family have returned from Kingsley where they spent the latter part of the winter. Every one is pleased wjth the Tygh Valley The Tygh ball boys went to Wamic Sunday, returning with much cheering. The score was 3 to 5 in favor of Tygh. C. W. Wing took a lot of fruit trees last week to his farm at Wamic to fill in his orchard with. Mrs- Elmer Anderson moved to Dufur Monday, where her hus band is employed by the Dufur Orchard Co. Johnine Grossman moved her effects over. Miss Myrtle Anderson, who bns beed employed by Mrs. Mayme Watkins, left for Dufur to spend the summer with her brothers. Mrs. J. Traxel who has been employed at John Covey's caring for his parent for several weeKs returned home. His sister is staviner with him now. Everyone is busy with garden nlantincr. County School Supt. Bonney Everyone must register if they erpct to vote. No swearing in vnts will be cermitted Books dose for Primaries April 19th. HUNTS EERRY WAREHOUSE GO GENERAL STORACE Flour, Feed, Salt and Supplies agents for KERR GIFFORD & CO ALSO FOR Phoenix Assurance Co. Ltd., of London TWO CARS OF Tuesday and Wendesday were hog shipping days for farmers of the surrounding territory." Mr. Kurtz was out and purchased and shipped two carloads of swine.' Those delivering hogs to the stock pens at the warehouse were; Geo. Mallatt, Don Stogs dill, Geo. Woodruff, Chas. Pierce, Elmer Snodgrass, Ruff, McCorkle good weather and farmers are duly busy with the spring's work. The road grader started workt ing Monday morning and 'the results will be appreciated by those who have to travel our highways, Commissioner Clausen was out Monday inspecting roads. Roy G. Campbell, county sur veyor, was doing some county work and some for private par ties in this vjoinity early this week. Mrs. Hornqujst left last week for several week's visit in the Willamette Valley. Frank Bugan and wife attend ed church at Maupin Sunday. Base Ball Notes A very interesting game was played last Sunday between Maupin and The Dalles Indepen dents on the Maupin diamond, The final score was 4 to 0 in faw or of Maupin. The first score was made by Earl Crabtree in the fourth inning, the game stood 1 to 0 until the last half of the eighth, when Arthur Morris hit the only two bager of the game which allowed two more runs, Earl Crabtree making the final run across the home plate brought the score up to 4 for Maupin. Schedule of future games: Gateway at Maupin, April 16, Grass Valley at Maupin, April 23. Don t forget the game next Sunday will be called at 1 o'clock p, m. Bharp. Net Sunday's game promises to be one of the best of the season, as Gateway ha3 some good players from var ious parts of Crook and Jefferson counties, Music will be furnished by the Maupin Brass Band. Commissioner To the Republican voters of Wasco county; I Uke this means of declaring myself a candidate for County Commissioner subject to your ap proval at the Primary election, Nlay 19. Jf nominated and elected I promise to peifurni the duties of the office with fairness to all, and to the best of my ability. R, C. FlTZGARALD. Pd. Adv. '0) THE UNIVERSAL CAR More than ONE MILLION now 10 use 500,000 more to be sold this year. No other motor car in the entire world has such a wonderful record for service. This year's lowered prices mean the same Ford car of quality and reliability' for less money that's all. The Run about is $390; Touring Car $440; Coupelet $50; Town Car $640; Sedan $740. f. 0. b. Detroit. On sale at Tn n 9 MAUPIN, ORE. THE RIGHT START FOR A NEW HOME is to get the right plan a plan that includes your ideaB of attractiveness, comfort and convenience. Of course the real prob lem is to find that partic ular plan and that's where TUM-A-LUM SERVICE helps.. . Our plan books con tain so many practical home designs and plans that they haven't yet failed to meet the demands made upon then. Our Architect designs any of these homes to suit you and we tell you the cost of all material. ThiB service is yours for the aeking , Spring- is here . Building is beginning. Get in early so you can get your home completed early, "See PETER KlkbURG about it" Tum-A-Lura Lumber Co. Smock Items Mrs. Cecil Mayfield and Mrs. Geo. Ledford were Wapinitia business visitors last Tuesdoy. J. W. Farlow purchased a Ford at Maupin Saturday, which Mr. Fisch will deliver the last of the week. F. E, Spoor was transacting business at Wamic Wednesday. Walter Ledford was a business visitor at Wamic Wednesday. Several of our young people met at the home of F, E- Spoor Saturday evening and practiced singing. David Mayfield, wife and son visited W, H. Mayfields Friday. Mr. and Mrs- Roy Fleck and Miss Nettie Kinney were Sunday visitors with Mrs, Nancy Jones- M. P. Thornton and Cecil May field are plowing for J. W. Far low. A bonfire party given by Mr. and Mrs. Griffin Friday night was enjoyed very much. T. E. Earlow and family are having a trial at lagrippe, The question box wasintroduc ed to the S. S. by Supt. F- E, Spoor, and next, Sunday you wil find box for same He gave a very interesting talk on the sub ject. Mike and J. E. Kennedy of Wamic brouget several head of cattle to their ranch on Upper Smock. Mrs. Viva Driver and niece, Tina Driver, of Wamic were at the Kennedy ranch Sunday. Fred Bichsel and wife visited Mrs. Bichsel's mother, Mrs.Jones Friday, and their daughter, Vel- ma spent the week end with her grandma, - "" C- A. Syron lost a cow last week. , George Thornton is plowing for Farlow Bros. I. T. Courtright was a business visitor at Wamic Wednesday. Mrs. Cline went to Maupin Tuesday, buying wheat which was stored in the Maupin ware house, from Geo. Woodruff. Mrs. Oglesby accompanied her as far as Mr. Woodruff's und visitei with a cousin, Mrs. Maurice Woodruff. S. H. Mulvaney is kept very busy answering inquries about his recently patented invention, the spark arrester. Grant Ledford and family were guests at the Ayres home Saturday and Sunday. Prof. Pattersoa of Wapinitia was a guest at C. A- Syron' s Saturday. EASTER HATS Over one hundred fifty beautiful New Styles to choose from Special Inducement for Easter buying MISS HAUSER TYGH VALLEY REAL ESTATE ON THE MOVE More Building to Be Job Crabtree recently purchas ed a lot across the street toward the river from the Oakley, prop erty, and has erected a little tent house thereon and moved . his family into it until such time as he can get to build a perman ent residence. A. C. Moad this week purchas ed the building of S. R. Ray va cated by Job Crabtree and has had it moved to the corner lot below the church which he also purchased this week. After some renovation of the house the family expects to move in and put necessary additions on later. While we regret losing these people as occupants of the Times . building, we are glad they wil) be this close. Mrs, Moad's level headed motherly advice has help ed our youthful wits out of many a perplexity, and their sojourn, in the building has been pleasant and profitable to us. 9SW fay at County Depository NO CHARGES Bring Your Tax Statement WITH YOU 1 m i m m 000000000000A$04AA0iQ4i 00000 ummer is upon us 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 And Straw Hats will soon be with us. vSee our line of men's and women's, kids and kiddies Straw and Cloth Hats. - Get fixed for the Maupin -Tygh ball game next Sunday at Maupin. iSHATTUCK BROS. STORE OF BETTER SERVICE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 000000000000400000000 t FISCHER'S GARAGE Auto Passenger Service Auto Delivery Truck Prepared for Long Trips or Outing Parties A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories MAUPIN, OREGON Wapinitia Items We wish to thank the editor of the Maupin Times for the liberal check we received last week. We are glad to know our efforts in working for the Times are appreciatedatid feel as though we could not get along without the Times. Gottlieb Teschner, who is em ployed on the Dee Woodside farm, while going to Maupin laat week, had the misfortune of bad ly injuring one of Dee's horses, Mercy Madron, who has been quite sick, is much improved, be ing able to sit up at present Her sister Pearl has also been quite sick lately, Calvin McCorkle made a trip to Tygh Valley last Thursday. Quite a little excitement occur red in the neighborhood of Gabel vitle last week, several persona reporting that they saw a cougar a number of times A posse of men are planning on trying to capture it the last of the week, A splendid show was given by the local talent of Tygh last Sat urday night at the Evick hall. A very large crowd was present and all join in praising the Tygh people for the able manner in which tne characters presented their different parts- The Wap initia Band furnished music be tween the acts. J. P. Abbott reports a fine crop of lambs so far this year, it having been an ideal spring for the sheep. The grass wss never better at this time of the year than at present- It is said that there are two blade of grass growing this year to where there was one last. In fact, it seems that Dame Nature has accon plished for us this year what no one has been able to do, for as the saying goes, that which this world needs most, is something that will cause two blades of grass to grow where there is only one '' John Powell and wife are stay ing at the old Davis place at present,' they having the place rented, and are .putting in the spring crop. , ' Bill Sturgess has rented the old Cristle place, and also the Ollie Weberg place belonging to J- P- Abbott, and has started farming them ' Clyde Wltitiock, formerly of this place, arrived here last week from Southern Oregon and is visiting at the home of hW broth, er-in law, O L. Paquett. The Stockmen's Association I Scream!