The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, March 24, 1916, Image 8

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    The Maupin Times
Published Every Friday at Maupin, Oregon,
J. E, Disbrow, Publisher :
Subscription: One Year, $1.50, Six
Entered as second class mail
post office at Maupin, Oregon,
. of Candidates
(Paid Advertisements)
' Circuit Judge
To ; the Rebpublican voters of
Vascoand Hood River Counties:
At (he coming primary election
tuy name will appear as a candidate
for the Republican nomination for
Circuit Judge of the Seventh Ju
dicial District, comprising Wasco
and Hood River Counties, and I
take this means of announcing my
candidacy therefor, subject to the
decision of the Republican voters
of the two counties mentioned, as
expressed at the primaries,
Frkd W. Wilson,
To the several voters of Wa-ico
county, Oregon: "
I hereby desire to announce
myself a candidate for the nomina
tion of county sheriff, subject to
the will of the republican Voters,
at the coming primary nominating
Should I be nominated and later
elected to office, I will continue, as
in the past, to enforce the laws,
and conduct the office in a courte
oUs and economical manner.
LitVI Chrisman,
To the Electors of Hood River and
Wasco counties:
I hereby announce myself a Re
publican caudidute for representa
tive from the 29th representative
disliict to the will of the people
expressed at the primary election
to be held in said district May 19,
1 916.
If nominated and elected I
pledge myself to discharge the
duties of the office to the best of
Iny ability artd for the best interest
of the people in general.
'. J. T.Adkisson,
District Attorney
For District Attorney, WWo
County, ,
W. A. BitLL, Republican.
The same efficient and strict en.
forcetlient of the laws, and atlen
tion to the legal business of the
County and State as in the past,
backed by 41 years of actual Comt
Primaries May 19, iyi6,
To the Registered voters of Wasco
County, Oregon!
1 desire through this medium to
announce my candidacy for the
nomination of County Assessor,
Subject to a majority vote express,
ed at the Republican Primaries, on
May 19, 1918.
If uoniinated, and later elected,
I will continue, to the best of my
ability, to do'eVery thing tending
toward raising the standard of the
office, and to the best interests of
the Tax Payers at large,
jAMisa A. DavIS.
District Attorney
To the republican voters of Wa.'Bo
County! ..- .
I hereby announce myself as a
Candidate for the office of District
Attorney oil tile republican tfeKet
ul the priulaFy election May iq
(916. " IT noiiliiiated and elected, I
will exerjnte aitd enforce tlie law;
will faithfully and diligently Per
form all the duties pertaining to
the office, rtira will at all , tidies
Conduct the office Irt a courteous
and eeonomlcal manilet and for the
best interests Of the taxpays and
the public in general
County Treasurer
To the republican voters of Wasco
I wish to announce til y self a Can
didate for the nomination of county
treasurer, subject othe will of the
republican voters at tlie primary
election, May 19, 1916.
Oliver R. Krier,
Local Watf'house Manager f.
A. Covey made a trip to Friend
he first of '..the week.
Months 75cts, Three Months 50
matter September 2, 1914, at the
under the Act of March 3, 1879.
To the Voters of Wasco County
I hereby announce myself as a
Republican Candidate for the noini
nation of Sheriff of Wasco County,
Oregon. If uoniinated and later
elected, I will use economy and my
best judgement in performing the
duties of the office. I will advo
cate the passing of a law at the
next term of the Legislature, giv
ing the County Court authority to
let the boarding of the County
prisoners to the lowest bidder. .
F. 0. Sexton.
To the registered voters of Wasco
county, Oregon:
I hereby desire to announce my.
self as a candidate for the nomina
tion, at the bauds of the republican
party, to the office of county com
missioner at the coming primaries;
and should I be nominated, and
Inter elected to said position, will
discharge the duties thereof to the
best of my ability,
P. C Clausen.
For Representative-
To the voters of Hood River and
Wasco Counties;
I hereby announce myself as a
republican candidate for represeuta
tive from the twenty-ninth district
subject to the will of the people
expressed at the primary election,
to be held May 19, 1916.
If nominated and eleeled I pledge
myself to discharge the duties of
the office to the best of iny ability.
J. E. Anderson.
I hereby announce my Candida
cy for the Democratic nomination
of Sheriff, subject to a majority
vote as expressed at the Demo
cratic primaries, on May 1916.. If
I am nominated and later elected,
I will during my term of office per
form the duties Of Sheriff to the
est of my nbility, and as econom
ically ns possible administer the
affairs of the office.
Charles L. Darnielle.
To the voters of Wasco and Hood
River counties:
I respectfully announce myself
as a republican candidate for the
office of Slate Senator for the 16th
Senatorial district subject to the
Wishes of the people to be express
ed at the primary election to be
held on May 19th, I916.
Should 1 succeed, by best efforts
will be put forth for your interests.
J. P. Lucas.
Local Markets
Potatoes, I.50.
Cabbage, 4c",
Onions, 3. 73
Eggs, 45.
Butter, creaniety 40) dairy 3.5,
Sugar, 7100.
Apples, choice 1.65 box,
B.tcon, 7 i-2 to 251
Salt, dairy 65 per sack, fancy
table tjo,
Flour, bbl $.$0, 6.70,
IJt'an, $29 per toui
Shorts, $jt per ton.
Salt, $15 per ton.
Wheat, forty-foltl 87, club K6;
blue stem 96;
tlogs, best light 7.56.
Outside Mention
Mts. Thdmas Connolly and Mrs.
Twotiy, who tiave been spending
several days Visiting in The Dalles
and Portland, returned yesterday
to their holne at Maupili.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Donnell of
Tygh Valley, transacted business
here today. Chronicle, loth.
15, H. llartwlg has received
uotice from Judge Wolverton, of
Portland, of his appointment as U.
S Commissioner, to succeed the
late Frank A. Bishop. Hood Riv
er Glacier, Mr. Hartwig will be
remember d as principal of ,llit
Wamic school thirteen years ago.
Have you entered your subscrip
tion to assist with the work on the
Maupin grade yet? If not uov
9 the time,
All Around Town
', Pay your taxes at the Maupin
State Bank.
F. S- Fleming was business caller
in town Friday,
II. G. Harphan left Monday
morning for Alaska.
Pay your taxes at the Maupiti
State Bank, No charges.
For Sale 4 work horses, 3 fresh
milk cows, Call at this office.
Make final proof before U. S.
Commissioner Stuart, Maupin.
Raymond Jory returned home
from Pendleton Tuesday afternoon.
Dr. Elwood made a trip out
from The Dalles the last of the
For Sale One child's go-cart
and Sulkey, Inquire of Mrs. L.
D. Kelly.
Frank Craiger made a business
trip to The Dalles the first of the
Mrs St. Dennis and children
moved to their homestead last
Pure White Wyandotte Cockerels
for sale $1 each, C. H. Crowfoot,
Maupin. Ore.
Tom Muir went Sunday out to
wofk at McClellau's for the spring
and summer.
If the other fellow could not fix
your watch bring it. to Emmons
the jeweler.
Is your name on the list with
those assisting to construct the
highway into Maupin.
For Sale Knitted ice wool shawl,
$2.50, also hand made silk pouters
Inquire Times office.
D. M. Shattuck and family were
guests of Mr, anil ' Mrs. L D.
Kelly at dinner Sunday.
Harvey Slusher took a number
of horses from here to Dut'ur Satur
day to begin the spring woik.
Mr. and Mrs, Ray Aubrey came
from Bend Friday to take up their
residence on their homestead.
Don't blame your clockIt
needs cleaning. ' Emmons will
do it for you and guarantee it.
Go to Fischer's Garage for all
your automobile accessories, gaso
line and Storage of machinery.
For the information of those on
the Maupin line the Times' phone
ring is two shorts' and two longs.
Falph Kaiser and Walter Hanna
motored over f 10111 DufUr Friday,
the former looking for a location.
Willie Miller came home from
Portland' this week and leaves for
Prineville where he has work en
gaged. (Dad) P. A. Coale has just re
ceived a car load of Cedar Posts 7
feet long which are for sale at 12
cents each cash, stap
Mr, Barnhaui, a banker of Moro,
who is touring Southern Wa.-co
comity, stopped at this place Sat
urday night,
Naomi Smith went to Prineville
Saturday and Nellie Harphan to
The Dalles. Both have employ
ment at those places.
Owners of hogs are running a
tisk by lettihg their hogs run loose
in the streets as there is a law
prohibiting their running at large,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Williams
Visited the latter part of the week
With their daughter Mrs. Hurstel
llollis and son, Johhie Williams.
. li. J. Styer is away this week
visitiug with his family at Hills
boro where Mrs. Styer is caring foi
her grandfather. I). F, Townsend
is tending shop in his absence.
The band started giving an open
air concert laM Sunday, but the
storm compelled thetil to seek
Shelter in the hall If the weather
permits in the future they will 'laj
Sunday afternoons on the streets.
Slusher Bros, are rejoicing over
now having 166 feet of water in a
432I-2 font well on the school sec
tion. A. R.Austin was contractor.
They will colilplete the tank this
week and will soon have water in
the house.
To half pint of water add 1 ot. Ba
Rum, a small box ot Barbo Compound,
and it oi, of glycerins. Apply to tli hair
twic a week until It become the desired
shade. Any druggist can put this up or
you can mix It at noma at very little coat.
Full directions tor making and use comt
In eat'h box of Barbo Compound. It will
a-radumly darken atreaked, faded gray
hair, and remove dandruff. It Ik excel
lent for falling hale and will make rmri
hiilr auft and n lousy. It will not color the
scalp, la not stick or arreasy, nd doe 11!'
HiH e.
Wamic No. 1
Monday morning: was buried at
Four Comeis Cemetery Tuesday.
G. R. Ellis made a trip to
Criterion Wednesday and preached
to an appreciative audience. He
will go out every Wednesday.
Church Notice. '
Sunday, March 26th. Sunday
School, 10 a. m., preaching, 11 a
m. Evening service, Young Peo
ple s meeting 7:30 p. 111. Midweek
meetings; Song practice Tuesday
evening, 7:30; prayer, meeting,
Thursday evening, 7:30.
Ever) one cordially invited to at
tend any or all services.
O. It. ELLIS, Pastor.
The Times, $1.50 a year.
Di. Fellows has about recovered
from and attack of grip
Band practice every Tuesdiy
Subscriptions for stock in the
Tygh Valley Fair Association will
be received at The Times office.
If you'get a Sample copy1 of the
Times this week you are invited to
carefully look it over and come in
and subscribe. We want you on
our mailing list.
Wanted at the Times office
a two-page Washington Hand
Press, seven column, or parts
except platen and bed
The Misses Fargher, Flanagan
and Tuuison made the round trip
from their homes in the Bakeoven
country to Maupin and return
afoot yesterday.
Robert Cox of Palouse City,
Wn , a cousin of Mrs. R. f. Smith
is here this week visiting her and
other relatives.
A clean up in the tin can line
lias been effected to quite an ex
tent the past several day.
C. H. Vockey and W. H. May.
field were over from Smock Wed
nesday. The heavy rains of the fore part
of the week raised tlie water of the
Deschutes river until the island
was nearly flooded again,
Little Helen Locke' is showing
signs of recovery under the care of
Dr. Fellows who has recently taken
h r case.
Everyone must register if they
expet to vote. No swearing in
ot votes will be oermitted
Books close for Primaries Aprii
The Priscilla club met Wednes
day afternoon In the church and
enjoyed a ctMtple of busy hours.
A larger job press than the one
hitherto used in this office arrived
the fust of the week and we will
soon be better prepared U1H11 ever
to handle that printing.
Tlie road between the bridge and
and the school ' house has been
graded and leveled and is almost
ready for the gravel in the center.
Are you using The Times liner
column when you haye any thing
to sell or want to buy some article
that your neighbor nmv have or
wishes to dispose of? If not try
a want ad in that column. We are
sure that it will bring results.
Harness and Shop Mpnrlorl
A. D. GIBBS, Tygh Vttlley, Or
Mr. McClelland, one of the
brakemen on the work train which
has been above here the past ten
das reducing the slides, was
knocked from the train by a cable
about eleven o'clock yesterday
morning, while Crossing tile big
trestle at Sherar, falling into the
river and was drowned.
Pioneer Dead
Oeorge Covey, an aged Friend
rancher, died this morning after a
lingering illness. Funeral services
will be held over the remains at
twelve o'clock tomorrow at the
residence and interment will take
place in the Fiiend cemetery. The
deceased was an uncle of Charles
Damiel of this citv. He leaves a
vv'iknv, who . is seriously ill as a
result of the shock of his passing.
G-uve I. ars aie entertained for the
reiovrix i f Mis Covey, wl.o ha
passed her ninetieth year. - Chron
icle, Mar. so.
That Fly
As I sat and idly wondered
what the duce there was to write
all at once I heard a buzzing, all
at once I felt a bite. All at once
in dread I started, all at once I
gave a cry I'd received my first
spring nibble from the f-l-v.
Swiftly at my ear I swatted, but
I landed just too Idle. Then I
looked for sticky papei, which
would as it ate; also
searched I for my swatter, all the
place I hunted round. But the
swatter and the paper were no
where to be found. Well I knew
there'd be a million if the first
fly lived a day, and man's only
hop-. to concpier was the first of
them to slay. So did I go buy a
swater and some sticky paper
quick? No, I did as you do,
brother put it off till flies were
thick. Dee in Hood River Glac'ef,
Mrs. Stovall and children return
ed from a trip to Tygh a week ago
Department of the Interior,
U S. Land Office at The Dalles.
Oregon, March 17th 1916.
NOTICE is hereby given that
of Wamic, Oregon, who on Junt
16th, 1911. made Homestead entry
No. 09137. for s1-2se1-4. sp.1-4
SWl-4, Section H, Township 5
south, Range H East WiUametU
Meridian, has filed i.otice of inten
tion to make Final three e;n
Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before F. D
Stuart, U. a, Commissioner, ai
Maupin, Oregon, on the 27th da
of April, 1916,
Claimant names as witnesses:
John Farlovv, Frank Spoor, Charles
Yockey Albert Russell, all of
Wamic, Oregon,
H. Frank Woodcock,
up Register.
notice for publication.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at Tlie Dalles,
Oregon, March 17th, 1916.
NOTICE . is hereby given that
Clara c. miller,
of Criterion, Oregon, who on Jul
31st, 1912, made Homestead Entry
No. 010588, and on January' 15th, :
1915, made additional Homestead
Entry No.. 014371, for sl-2swl-4.
NWl-4sVl-4, sec. 13-sl-2SEl-4,
sec. 14-N1-2NE1-4, Sec. 23-NW1-4
Nwl-4, Section 24, Township 6
south, Range 14-East, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to make Final thtee year Proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before F. I). Stuart, U.
S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Ore
gon, on the 25th day of April,
1916. Claimant names as witnesses; 1.
E. Miller, J. B. Kidder. R. H.
DeCamp, A. A. Canfield, all of
Ciiterion, Oregon.
H Frank Woodcock,
up Register,
Deparment of the Interior,
U S. Laud Office at The Dales,
Oregon, March 1st, 1916.
NOTICE is hereby given that
of Shaniko, Oregon, who on Sept
ember x 1 tli. 1912, made Homestead
Kuti y no. 010709 and on January
nth. 1915, made additional Home
stead Entry, no. 01,1333, for si.2
SEI 4, SI-2SWI-4, gee. 27-SKI-4SEI 4
Sec. 28-NKK4NEI 4, Sec. 33-NWI-4
NWl-4, NWI.4NEI-4, section 34,
Township 6 south,. Range 16 Hast,
Willamette Meridian, has filed uo
tice of intention to make Final
three year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
H, C. Rooper, U. M. Commissioner
at Antelope, on the Hth day of
April, I9I6.
Claimant names as witnesses:
William F. Johnson, William II.
Womstrff, Thomas . Blosick,
ArChie D. Hanna, all of Shaniko,
H. Frank Woodcock,
np Register.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, February 28th, 1916.
NOTICE is heleby given that
Herbert B. Hammer
of Wapinitia, - Oregon, who. On
January 19th, 191 1, made Home
stead Entry No. 07996, and on
March 10th, 1915, made additional
Homestead Entry No. 014574, for
SWI.4 NWI 4, NWI.4 swi-4, Sec.
13- NI-2 sKI-4 & Ni-2 SWl-4 Sec.
14- SEl NEI-4, NE1-4 SE1.4, Sec
lion 15, Township 6-Souih, Range
12 East. Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice ol intention to make
Final three) ear Pruof, to establish
claim to tlie land above described,
lx. fore U. S. Land Offieet at The
Dalles, on the nth daj of April
Claiuiaut names as witnesses
. R. Lewis, James E. Hartman,
Herbert E. Hammer, Archie M.
II. FRANk Woodcock,
P Register.
Department of the Interior,
U. S, Land Office at the Dalle?.
Oregon, February 28th 1916.
NO I ICE is hereby given that
James E- Hakthan
of Wapiuitia, Oregon, who. on
March 15th, 1910. made Home
stead Kntry No. 0622s and 611
March 12th, 1915, made additional
Homestead E"try No. 014581, for
SEI-4 SUI-4 Sec. IO, NWI-4&SI-2
NE1-4. Sec. 14-NE1-4 NE1-4, Sec
tion 15, Township 6-South, Range
I2-Esst, Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make
Final three year Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described
before U, S. Land Office, at The
Dalles, Oregon, on the nth day of
April, 19 16.
Claimants names as witnesses:
Herbert E. Hammer, J. R. Lewis.
Archie M. Rains. Herbert E.
Lewis all Waptnitia, Oregon.
II. Frank Woodcock,
up Register.
(publisher) ,
Department of the Interior,
United States Land Office at The
Dalles,- Oregon, February 17th,
NOTICE is hereby given that
of Wapiuitia, Oregon, who, on
January 2isl, 1911, made Home
stead Entry ' No. 68000. and on
March 29th, 1915, made additional
Homestead Entry No. 014646, foi
Nwi-4, Sec. 1. and the E1-2NEI4
Section 2, Township 6-South,
Range I2-East, Willamette Meri
dian, has filed notice of intention
to make Final five year Proof, to
establish claim to the land above
described, before F. D. Stuart, U.
S. Commissioner at, Maupin Ore
gon, on the 6th day of April 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
E. L. Nelson, James E. Hartman,
J. R Lewis, O. L. PaqueV,all of
Wapiuitia, Oregon.
H. Frank Woocock,
np Regiser.
Department of the Interior,
U S. Land office at The Dalles,
Oregon, December 29th, 1915.
NOTICE is hereby given that
whose post-office address is Wapin
itia, Oregon, did on the 17th day
of March, 19 15, file in this office
Sworn Statement and Application, !
No. 014619, to purchase the SRI 4
SE1-4,, See i8 NEI-4 NEl-4, Sec
tion 19, Township 6-South, Range
13-east W'illametteMeridian,and the
timber thereon, tinder the provis
ions of the act of June 3, 1878, and
acts amendatory, known as the
"Timbet and Stone Law," at such
value as might be fixed by appraise
ment, and lhat, pursuant to such
application, 1 lie land and timber
thereon have been appraised at
$235,00 the timber estimated
260000 board feet at 75 cents per
M , and the land $40,00; that said
applicant will offer final proof in
support of his application and
swoin statement 0:1 the gth day of
March, 19161 before F. D. tttart,
U. S. Commissio.ier at Maupin,
Oregon. -
Any person is at liberty to pro
test this before entry,
or initiate a contest at any time
before patent issues, by filing a
corroborated affidavit in this office,
alleging facts which would defeat
the entrv.
H. Frank Woodcock,
p Register.
Notice For publication
Department of the Interior,
Tj. S. Latid Office at The Dalles.
Oregon, February 1 41 h "1 9 1 6.
.notice is hereby given that
William A. Westbrook
of Maupin Oregon, who on Dec
ember gth, 1912, made Homestead
Entry No. oitozg and on Novem
ber 10th, 1914; made additional
Homestead Entry No, 01404s, for
nwi-4 SE1-4. Ki-2 SEi-4, NE1-4
SWI-4, SEI-4 NWI-4, Sl2 NEI-J,
Sec. 19, swi'4 Nwi-4, Section 20,
Township 5-South, Range 14 Fast,
Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to niake Final
three year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
F. D. Stuart, U. 3. Commissioner,
ft Maupin, Oregon, on the 24th
dav Of March, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses!
Frank Turner, A. St Dennis,
Clark Richardson, C. E. Mathews
all of Maupin, Oregon.
'H. Frank Woodcock,
P Register,
Department of the Interior,
U. S Land Office at The Dalles
Oregon, March 29th, 916.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Ida M. Overman
widow of Edgar H Ovenvan.-de--
ceaseu. 01 1 ne uaues. ureaou.
jwho, on January 31st, 1912, made
; Homestead Entry, no. 09912, for
Lot ' 2-sw1-4ne1-4, n1-2se1-4,
Section 3, Township 7 South,
Range 16 East, Willamette Meridi
an, has filed notice of intention to
make Final three year Proof, to
establish claim to the land above
described, before U. S. Land office;
at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 26th
day of April. 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses: N
W. H. Heiman, of The Dalle", Ore
gon, Elizabeth Herman, of The
Dalles, Oregon, Ann L Hanna, of
3haniko, Oregon, Beit D. Davis, of
Shaniko, Oregon
H. Frank Woodcock,
up , ; Register.
: Department of the Interior.
U S. Land Office at The Dalies,
Ortgou, February 28th, 1916.
NOTICE is hereby given that'
Herbert E. Lewis
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who, on
November 21st, 1912, made Home-,
stead E"try No. , 010953; and on
March 19th 1915 made additional
Homestead Entry No. 014573, for
SI-2 SWI-4, NKI-4 SWT 4; SeC. 13-
SI-2 SEI-4. SEI-4 SWI-4, SeC. 14,
Lots 1 2-3 4, Sec. 23, & Loti, b.-c,
24, Township 6-South, Range 12
East, Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice cf intention to make
Final three year Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
hefore U. S. Land Office it The
Dalles, Oregon, on the "iitliday
of April 19 1 6. . v
Claimant , names as witnesses:
Herbert E. Hammer, James E.
Hartman,' .' R. Lewis," Archie M.
Rriusall of Wapiniiia,. Oreuon.
H. Frank WoobCock,
11 p Reyjstr.
Department of the Inteiior,
U. S. Land office at the Dalles,
Oregon, February 28th 1916,
NOTICE is hereby given that
John R. Lewis
of Wapinitia, Oregon, who, "on
anuary nth, 1911, mad- Home
stead Entry No. -07951 -and' no
April 7th, 1915 made additional
Homestead Entry, No. 014715, for
wi-2 Nwi.4, Lots 1-2, Sec. 15-Lots
1 -2-3-4 & NE1-4 SWl-4, Section 16,
Township 6-Sonth, Range 12-Easl,
Willamette . Meridian, 4 has filed
notice of intention to make Final
three year Proof, to establish claim "
to the land above described, before
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, on the nth day of April,
Claimant names as witnesses;
Herbert B Hammer. James E.
Hartman. Herbert E. Lewis,
Archie M. Raines all of Wapinitia,
H. Frank Woodcock,
np . Regiser.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, February 23rd, 1916,
NOTICE is hereby given, that
' Dayton W. Shafer
of Wapiuitia, Ore., who, on Feb
ruary 1 1 tli, 1913, made Homestead
Entry No. 01 1273 and on March
10th. igu, made additional Home
stead Entry, No. 0I4572, for NUi-4
NE1-4, Sec. i-T. 6 R. i2Ti, Lots
2-3-4 SE1-4 NWI-4, swi-4. NR1-4,
NKI-4SWI-4, nwi-4 SE1-4 Section
Township 6-South, Range 13
East, Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of intention - to make
Final three year Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before F. D. Stuart, U. S. Com'
missioner, at Maupin, Oregon, oil
the 5th day of April 19 16
Claimant names as witnesses!
John E Porcllette, Fred Fiuilit. '
James Maddrou, Archie Raines all
of Wapinitia, Oregon,
H. Frank Woodcock,
np Registeri
Department of the Interior,
U.S. Laud' Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, February 23rd, ' 19161
NOTICE is Hereby given that
whose postoffice adOress is Wapiu'
ilia, Oregon, did on the 1st day ol
May tgij, file in this office Sworll
Statement and Application. No,
014813, to purchase the swi-4
NEI-4, Section 25,. Townshjj)
5-South, Range n-East Willam
ette Meridian, and tlie timber
thereon, under the provisions of
the act of June 3, I878, and ai!i!
atneildalOry, known as the "Tim
ber and Stone- Law," nt such
value as might be fixed by appr.iis5
luent, and that, pursuant 10. such
application, the land and uinbet
thereon, have been appraisid,
$140 00 the timber estimate" 60,' 00
board feet at $1 50 per M , i the"
land $50001 that said a; j lie nt
will offer final proof in sui-poii of
his application and sworn etuie-
nient on the and day
before U. S. Land
of Ma , 1916,
Office' at The
Dalles, Oregon.
Any person is at liberty to pre
test this purchase before et'.'rv , or
initiate a , contest at anv time
before patent issues, by rii.i ; a
corroborated affidavit in this 1 ffice,
alleging facts which would defeat
' the entry.
H. Frank Woodcock,
U Register,