PROTECTION Questions the auto buyer should understand. How long has a model been on the market? A nsw model requires three to Ave yean of telling to eliminate the experiment!. Where Is the transmission located? When It is on the rear axle the owner finds It expensive even tho It reduce! the flrst coit of the cor, What li the size and stability of the manufacturer? When concert are run by director! dividends mint be forthcoming, otherwise the man In charge of the production losei hit job. R. . Oldi la reeoneible to no man for the permanent success of the Reo, How about aervice? . The car you buy must bo dlatributed by a concern that ! morally and financially able to carry and replace parts without delay. These are a few of the main reasons why we were selected and why we accepted the obligation to represent thru our agents the makers of REO The Incomparable Car. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., PORTLAND, ORE. F. W. VOGLER, President C. M. MENZIES, Salesmanager. HELP A $50,000 Corpora tion desires to secure within next ten days i the services of. High Grado Representative in each town. No canvassing, soliciting or selling; refer ences; experience unnecessary. Guaran teed income to right party. Dept. 8, 628 Pittock Block, Portland, Oregon. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL The only Automobile School on th Pa cific Coast maintaining a Gaa Tractor Dept. Uaini Holt Caterpillar, C. L. Beit Tracklayer and Wheel Tractor, both In the school and opera ting field. 445 Hawthorne Ave., Portland, Ore. Portland Y. M. C. A. Auto School Day and night classes. Expert training In repairing, driving and machine work, Including forge, lathe, Bhapcr, drill press, tractors, etc. Time unlimited. COMPE TENT CHAUFFEURS AND MECHAN ICS SUPPLIED. WHITE US. UiAIITCn Everyone to know about DAD'S II All I L.U ELECTUIC HAND LIGHT. A real, great big light, safe, handy and cheaper than oil; wind md storm-proof. Fully illustrated cir cular. Routledge Seed 4 Floral Co., 169 2d Si., Portland. Anti-rust Preparation. An ounce of camphor dissolved In a pound of lard Is a good anti-rust prep aration that farmers may use to cover the bright parts of their machines. The scum that forms in making this mixture should be taken off. If it is desired to have the preparation the same color of tho machine, lead may be added. Tho mixture should be ap plied to the well cleaned parts and al lowed to remain about twenty hours. Any excess may be rubbed off. The mixture forms a coating that will take a good polish when rubbed with a soft cloth. Axle grease is also excellent for keeping plow bottoms from rust ing and may be used for the bright parts. Paint is a good rust preventa tive but Is hard to get off. O. A. C. Bulletin on Care of Farm Machines. Story of the Lazy Servant. Once there was a lazy servant who wished she was rich. So a fairy appeared and gave her a lamp. "Rub that lamp," explained the fairy, "and you can have what you want" But the lazy servant was not im pressed. "It's just a scheme to" get the brass work polished," she yawned. And so her fortunes remained as they were. Keep Hanford's Balsam in the Bta ble. Adv. Bad Case. "So you are going to defend that defaulter who got away with $100, 000?" "Yep." "Bad case, isn't it?" "Awful! He didn't save enough out of it to pay a respectable fee." Kansas City Journal. Borrowing Unnecessary. "There's no use in borrowing trou- ble," e, said the philosophic citizen. "You don't have to borrow it," re plied Mr. Growcher. "Somebody is always willing to come along and hand It to you gratis." Washington Star. Llne-Up. Cassia Academy Hale, left field; Meacham, right field; Haight, center; Koch, right goal; Romney, left goal. Rupert Disney, left field; Eman, Tight field; Marshall, center; O. Nel on, right goal; Spidell, left goal. Referee Clark. Catching On To Dad. Eddie Let's sneak 'round behind the barn an' smoke a clgaret. Sammy Too likely to -get caught. Ever since dad swore off on New Year day he's been sneaking around there to smoke his own. Judge. Skipped The Worst BIx Have a good time at the ban ouet last night? Dix Splendid! I drank myself Into Insensibility before the speaking be gan. Boston Transcript WEEKS' BREAK -DP-A-COLD TABLETS A guaranteed remedy for Colds and La Grippe. Fnce Zbc 01 year druggist. It's good. Take nothing else. Adv. WANTED Amenta, live on. In every locality in the state. Only Daylight fcfrg Tester in the coutv trv. No eomnetition. Money-back proposition, Send $1.50 for tester and explanatory matter and get busy in your neighborhood. Address X-Ray Egg Tester, 506 Railway Lxchange, Portland, Or. STUDY MUSIC EASIEST WAY OUR SCIENTIFIC HOME STUDY METHOD Brings quick results. Success guaran teed. Costs less than half of oral instruc tion. Pisno. Organ. Violin, Banjo, Mandolin, Guitar and Cornet taught. Writs today for Catalog- and 4 free lessons. American School of Music, 500 CW Rldg, rORTLMD. 0IEG0K P. N. U. No. 12. 1918 WHEN writiac to xtrtrUMrs, slsas. sua- ' .1-1- Butter Fat Higher No. 1 rat 33 Cents. No. 2 Fat 30 Cents Sweet Churning Cream 35 Cents, r. O. B. Portland. Send for Shipping Tags HAZELWOOD CO. PORTLAND, OREGON TELEPHONES FOR TOURISTS. To Be Installed One Mile Apart on the Lincoln Highway. The Lincoln highway tourist across Nevada is to have another conven ience at his service. It is plannned to run a double copper telephone wire along the Lincoln highway from Salt Lake to Ely, and thence to Reno. Cut-in stations will be established one mile apart along the way, and by means of these stations no traveler could ever become stranded at a great er distance than a half mile from a telephone station, from which he could call for relief, A traveler will be able to procure an instrument at either end of the route by paying a small deposit on it, just sufficient to Insure its re turn in proper condition when he reaches the station at the other end of his Journey. Certainly the so-called terrors of desert travel are rapidly becoming shorn of their terrors. Cain's Favorite, To understand the force of this) story one insist first know that Cain's storehouse is the place in Now York where the scenery and properties of most of the theatrical productions that meet an untimely fate are sent for storage. A group of members sat in the snug gery of the Lamb's Club on an after noon not long a'&o. A sombre gentle man, wearing his hair long and wide rubber rims on his eyeglasses, passed through. . "Who is that?" asked one of the par ty, addressing Hap Ward, the comed ian. Ward looked up and recognized In the passer a playwright who whote no less than three pronounced failures last season. "Oh, that," said Ward "that's Cain's favorite author." Saturday Evening Post. nan Healthy, Strong;, Bsantlfnl Eyftft , Oculists aud Physician, used Murine Eye Remedy many year, before it was offered as a Domestic Kye Medicine. Murine la Still Com pounded by Our Physicians and guaranteed by them as a Reliable Relief for Eyes that Need Care. Try it in your Eyes and in Baby's Eye. No Smarting Just Eye Comfort. Buy Murine of your Druggist accept no Substitute, and if interested write for Boole of the Eye Free. U.01UNE ElK KEMEDI CO.. CHICAUO Durable. The admiration which Bob felt for his aunt Margaret included all her at tributes. "I don't care much for plain teeth like mine, Aunt Margaret," said Bob one day, after a long silence, during which he had watched her in laugh ing conversation with his mother. "I wish I had some copper-toed ones like yours." Youth's Companion. Diplomacy. Three times had King Canute order ed the waves to recede. And three times had the waves paid no attention whatever to his com mands. "The only thing to do in a case like this," said the king, "is to break off diplomatic relations with Father Nep tune." And it was so ordered. HOWARD E. BURTON Assayer and Chemist Leadville, Colorado. Specimen prices: Cold, Silver, Lead, II: Gold. Silver, 75c; Gold, 60c: Zinc or Copper, SI. Mailing envelopes and full priee list Bent on application. Control and Umpire work so licited. Reference: Carbonate National bank. Straight Stuff. "I can't see but that women are just as rational a men," declared the proprietor of the Pluperfect picture parlor. "How now?" "Haven't had any demand from the women that I run the last reel of a love story first" Louisville Courier Journal. More Important. Hub I'm trying to invent a new range-finder. Wife For mercy's sake make It a cook-finder. We have a range and can't find a cook to run it Boston Transcript. Like Old Frlendi. "My books are to me like old friends.' "Yes, I notice you make a practice not to cut them." Baltimore Ameri can. Rapid Transit. "How is it you have no reference from your last place?" "Well, you see, mum, I was there only 20 minutes." Louisville Courier. Journal. , Lots of Fun. "Society in Plunkville is so hollow." "Still, a lot of folks seem to enjoy themselves rattling around." Louis-ville-Courier-Journal. Tra Worm Turns. "How much are your $4 shoes?" asked the smart one. "Two dollars a foot," replied the salesman, wearily." Judge. Sound Versus Sense. "Nero, My God to Thee," a little girl was beard singing in Sunday school. Boston Transcript La . mm r nr;i Vic.ture.5ouc corner or meran A MONO the many famous health and pleasure resorts smoth ered by the European war, one of the most attractive Is Meran. A favored garden spot of earth, an ancient Roman out post where legionaries stood guard against northern barbarians and where Caesars sought to regain their dissipated health, Meran has main tained through all its checkered history a high reputation as a pleasure and health garden, and as a resort for rank and fashion, says the bulletin of the National Geographic society. This pic turesque Tyrolese city, banked around by lesser Alps, has been a favorite wintering place for wealthy Ameri cans, a number of whom have pur chased villas here and some of whom have become permanent residents. Considerably more than 10,000 guests sought Meran each year, many, nomi nally, for their health, but most for the beauties of climate and surround ings and for the light gayetles of the fall and winter season. The counts of Tyrol, the noble fam ily from which the region took Its name, long made Meran their resi dence. The much decayed caBtle of Tyrol, the original seat of the family, overlooks the town, and the mountain shelves and cliffs through the neigh borhood are crowned with many other ancient castles and fine chateaux. Meran is the first town of the upper Adlge valley. It Is 42 miles south southwest of Innsbruck and 20 miles northwest of Bozen on the Brenner line. The rugged Kuechelberg lies behind it and all the hills beside are covered with miles of arcaded vine yards. Delicious grapes and wine are the town's most famed products. A grape cure is one of the attractions of the place, while the climate draws many suffering from lung troubles. Normally, Meran's season begins in early fall and lasts through to the end of spring. Italians Love Aqullela. Aquileia, one of the first towns cap tured by the Italians in their storm across the Austrian borders at the head of the Adriatic, stands foremost among the Austrian Italian-speaking possessions in the sentimental attach ment of the patriotic sons of Italy. Situated six miles back from the Adri atic sea, at the edge of the lagoons, In the Austrian province of Goerz and Gradlsca, it was once a great and flourishing seaport, at one time rank ing as the second city of Italy. It was, in those days, one of the mighti est bulwarks of the Roman empire against the pressing hordes of outside barbarians, a city of "proud walls and wide bespoken splendor." As late as the end of the fourth century Auaonlus placed it ninth on the list of the great cities of the earth. Today Aqullela is a mean, poverty marked, dwindling fishing village, with a few thousand inhabitants. The Waterloo Bridge Haunted? Waterloo bridge is a part of the Thames which is said to be haunted. It is not so very long since a more than usually clear-sighted man went to tho police with the information that he had seen a woman jump from the parapet of Waterloo bridge. He had been crossing the bridge late one night, when he bad noticed a woman In black walking In front of him. Sud denly be saw her making an appealing gesture, but before he could reach the woman she had disappeared. That was ell. There was no splash follow ing hor disappoaiance, and no result came from t'ne search which was made. Thcso who were familiar with the history of the river said that the man had soon tho gho3t of Waterloo bridge the tragic woman In black, of whom nothir.T in known, save that she haunts the London "Bridge of Sighs." Britain Needs Timber. The demand for timber in Great Britain Is so great, owing to the war, that the export of this material from Newfoundland, which has been prac tically abandoned of late years, ta wonderful structures of its heyday have Berved for centuries as stone quarries, and nothing now remains of their fabulous splendor. Aquileia, re gal city of the empire, and later great seaport and industrial city, has van- ished, In all likelihood for good. There remains from its golden days merely a heterogeneous mass of relics, statues, mosaics, columns, friezes from its parks and buildings; lamps from its once famous factories, besides many homely survivals and nicknacks. Grave of Past Achievement. Trieste, the great seaport of today, is about twenty-five miles distant to the southwest. All the marks of the prosperity and importance of Aquileia have fled to Trieste, in the east, and to Venice, in the west. The once busy harbor Is choked with silt and drifting dunes, while rafts and fiBhing boats are almost the only craft that now thread the varying channels. The mod' ern village, counting 2,300 people, is unhealthy on account of Its rice fields and is neglected and forgotten. Aquileia is a grave of past achieve ment and a much-weathered monument of the world of the Roman age. Its museum is rich in trophies of Roman times and Its ancient cathedral and the remains of the patriarch's palace are its most eloquent concrete memo ries. Aquileia, as is much of the north ern and western coast of the Adriatic, is a rich field for archeologists and antiquarians. The city is said to have been colo nized by the Romans as ar frontier fortress against the Celts in 183 B. C. In 168 A. D. Marcus Aurellus made it one of the strongest fortified positions in the empire. During Hadrian's reign its population reached the 600,000 mark. Attila destroyed the city In 452 A. D., aud it never recovered its greatness. Aquileia was great and strong only throughout its Roman history, when, during its prime, it ranked immediately after the Eternal city itself. Its fortunes were those of the Roman world, and modern Italy, looking back Over the gulf of centu ries, feels Itself not only the descend- ant, but also the heir of Latin Rome. No Use for Small Chanae "The United States government could almost do away with coins smaller than a dime so far as the towns of the Northwest are con cerned, remarked Col. George W Drewry of Kentucky at thn Pniirh according? to the WaRhlnii-trm Pn.t Colonel Drewry spent several months In Montana and Idaho and has just come Ea3t. The price is 'two bits' for most anything a man wants." eon- tinued Colonel Drewry. "If you want a shave It's 'two bits,' or if you want a refreshing drink of some kind It the same. The bootblacks will rnn. sent to shine your shoes a little cheap er, but they want 15 cents for polish lng your 'kicks, and they appear think that Is too cheap." to now being revived. Until about ten years ago there was a substantial an nual export of deal and sawn lumber, but about that time the possibilities of the Island for pulp and paper-mak ing were emphasized to such an ex tent thai large enterprises along these lines were established in Newfound land, with the result that a large quantity of logs that had previously been exported In the form of lumber are now utilized and manufactured Into pulp and paper on the spot. Now however, the war has brought about new conditions, and the increased price for lumber has stimulated a re vival of the exporting trade, the vari ous concerns throughout the Island which hitherto have been operating entirely lor me local trade, having de cided this summer to go Into the ex port business on an extended scale, as the compensation, if the cargoes are got securely across the water, Is very large. Inspiring Manliness. First find the man In yourself If you win inspire manliness in others. A. uronson Alcott THAT COLD YOU HAVE may bring sickness, doctors bills and loss of work; you know that serious sickness usually starts with a cold, and a cold only exists where weakness exists. Rmembtr that. .Overcome the weakness and nature cures the cold that is the law of reason. Carefully avoid drugged pills, syrups or stimulants; they are only props and braces and whips. It is the pure medicinal nourishment in Scott's Emulsion that quickly en riches the blood, strengthens the lungs and helps heal the air passages. And mark this well Scott's Emul sion generates body heat as protection against winter sickness! Get Scott's at your drug store to-day. It always strengthens and builds up. 1 Scott & Bowne. Bloonifield, N. I. HIDES, PELTS, CASGARA BARK We want all you nave. Write for prices and shipping tags. THE H. f. NORTON CO. S3 Norm front St., Portland, urc. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. We will mvoe to our new Quarters on or about MARCH 15th to 20th. from First street, where ws have been located many years. All old customers and new ones are invited to inspect our new store at 266 Morrison St., Portland, Ore. 8TAPLKS, THE JEWELER. NEVER TOUCHED MULES. But the Automobile They With Was Wrecked. Clashed An auto driven by J. L. Long and a span of mules met In a head-on col lision at night on the state highway at Live Oak, California. The mules wer knocked down, but before they could he released from the entanglement Long was kicked in the left side and sent into the ditch. The auto's steering apparatus was smashed, the windshield shattered, hole punched in the tonneau, and a slice cut out of a tire. The mules escaped without a scratch. Care of Hatching Eggs. Eggs to be used for hatching should be gathered at least once a day. Twice daily or oftener is better if there is danger- of freezing or severe chilling, or if they are liable to become muddy from feet of hens or set on by broody hens during the day. The egg is laid for one purpose only: the hatching of a chick. Help this purpose along by taking proper care of the egg before setting. The fresher the eggs are at time of setting the better. However, eggs can be kept ten to twelve days before setting. When this is done they should be kept in a cool, reason ably dry place away from the sun's rays and turned once dally. A temper ature of 60 degrees to 60 degrees F. is right for keeping the eggs. Avoid keeping them many days, as the vi tality of the living germ is lowered by holding. Do not keep the eggs in a temperature above 80 degrees P. Se lect for hatching the kind of eggs you wish to produce, The size, shape and color of the eggs are Inherited char- lcteristics. Select well proportioned eggs. You cannot tell the sex of the chicken an egg will produce by its shape.. We know of no liniment that equals Hanford's Balsam In its healing prop erties. Adv. Had Use For It. At a dinner the other night a speak er referred to the witty remarks occa sionally made by the feeble-minded, and told this Btory as an example: Recently a man happened Into a town where there was a county asy lum, and in walking past the place he got into a conversation with one of the harmless Inmates who had the privilege of the grounds. "I suppose," remarked the stranger, "that you are familiar with the coun try around here." "Oh, yes," was the prompt rejoinder of the feeble-minded one, "I know all about it." "Good," commented the stranger. "Then you can tell me where this rail road goes." "it doesn't go anywhere," seriously replied.the other. "We keep it here to run trains on." Philadelphia Tele graph. Insured Against Loss. No one ever doubts the curative powers of Hanford's Balsam after once using it for external ailments on man or beast. Countless unsolicited testimonials from users of this valu able remedy show what it has done for them, and the manufacturers' guar antee insures your satisfaction or the return of your money. Adv. Almost At That. "Pa," Bald little Jlmmle, "I was very near getting to the bead of my class today." "How was that, Jlmmle?" "Why, a big word came all the way down to me, and if I only could have spelt it I should have gone clear up."- Philadelphia Record. Over The Line. "Oh, dear! Oh, dear!" "What's the mater?" "John lost his voice on the wireless telephone and we don't know where to look for it." Penn State Froth. Few Stops. Soulful youth (at the piano) Do you sing Forever and Forever? Matter-of-fact maiden No, I stop for meals. Philadelphia Record. To cool burns use Hanford's Balsam, Adv. A Gaping Wound, So to Say. Atkins No. 1 Hi say, w'en did 'Ar nold get the lower 'art of 'is face shot hoff? Atkins No. 2 Hit ain't shot hoff, ye bloody fule. Es a-yawnln. Dart mouth Jack o' Lantern. Introspection. "Some of your arguments aren't sound," remarked the precise logician. "Yes," replied Senator Sorghum; and some of them aren't anything else. Washington Star. Two Peace Cities. "Speaking of the Hague, it's a pity that we haven't some special place for promoting peace in this country. "Guess you've forgotten Reno, bavn t you?" Boston Transcript. Monamobile 00s and Greases and FEDERAL TIRES AND TUBES Fre. Tlrs Servics. THE HOUSE OP SER VICE. " MOTOR CAR SUPPLY CO., Inc. S3 Bioadway No. Portland, Or NEW FIGHTING FORCE FRENCH ARMY OFFICERS EXPERI. MENTINQ WITH EAGLES. Send Big Birds Against Aeroplanei Which They Fiercely Attack and Turn Upside Down Must Seek Protection. An Interesting experiment, In view of the fact that the world's armies are now facing tho problem of how to cope with the new force in warfare the aeroplane, is being conducted by, a number of French officers at Nice. The idea, It seems, was suggested by the fate of the famous aviator, Rogers, who met death because a sea gull flew against him and disturbed his control of his machine. The offi cers argued amongst themselves that if a modest-sized bird such as the sea gull could wreck an aviator, the pow erful eagle could surely become a terrific fighting and wrecking force in the air. So, as Nice 1b but a few miles from the Alpine home of the Swiss eagle, six birds were Immediately put into training. Machines resembling aeroplanes In shape, but supported by balloons, to which were attached pieces of meat, were sent up, and the eagles let loose. With fierce cries and flapping of their wings they attacked the aeroplanes and tore the meat from them. In their eagerness they fight one another, and the aeroplane Is sometimes turned up side down in their struggles. It is inconceivable that any men in an aero plane, even If there were three or four of them, could retain control of their machine In face of such an attack. One after another the eagles attack all the aeroplane balloons until they are wrecked, and their trainers feel certain that they will now attack real aeroplanes with men in them with the same ferocity. How will the birdmen parry these attacks? Suppose they carry revolv ers or short repeating rifles; to shoot a bird In the air is notoriously diffi cult, but to shoot half-adoaen swoop ing down and clawing at you all at once, seated in a trembling aeroplane, would be well-nigh an Impossibility. The suggestion is made that fight ing machines shall have round them electric wires that will give the eagles a powerful shock as they touch them. To do this It will be necessary to car ry a dry battery, and this will add to the weight of the machine. The wires, moreover, will increase the danger and difficulty of guiding the aeroplane. The aviator 1b likely to touch one of the wires and lose control of his car, with fatal result. But the bird-men. will certainly have to find ways of protecting themselves against the war eagles. We may well ask: "What next?" Noise Killing Mankind. Man's nerves and hearing apparatus Were evolved in comparatively quiet surroundings, to detect faint sounds warning him of danger or of the pres ence of game. Sudden loud sounds shock the system greatly In child hood they may cause convulsions. In time we might evolve a race im mune to noise, but it can only be done by killing off those who are most In jured by it, and these nervous people are often the very ones who are do ing the most to advance civilization. So the only thing to do Is to make the environment fit for them and not kill them as unfit for the environment. The first step is to abolish unneces sary bells, whistles and street cries. construct less noisy pavements and give children playgrounds where they can blow off steam to their dear hearts' content and not annoy anyone, not even long-Buffering, head-achy mamma. A genius who can still the noise of our dreadful streets and tube railways will be dubbed "bleaBed" by the world. Why Clocks Get Out of Order. The reason why mantelpiece clocks so often get out of order Is so obvi ous that it is strange that attention to it has not been drawn before. A London clockmaker said: "It is because mantelpieces are rare ly level. If a clock meant for a man telpiece is not placed In an exactly horizontal position it Is sure to go wrong. When the clock gains cr loses because of Its slanting position, peo ple regularly move the hands iorward or backward, as the case may be, In order to adjust it. Eventually the clock's hands are moved about so much that the mechanism gets out of order and the clock refuses even to tick. "Watches and traveling clocks are constructed differently from the sta tionary clock, and they will go in any position. That is why they are relied upon more than the ornamental man telpiece clock." Cleaning An Ocean Liner. Not many people are aware that during the few hours a great ocean liner remains in dock she is cleaned thoroughly Inside and out. The hull is repainted, the funnels scraped and oleaned, and every piece ot exposed metal polished. Meanwhile, all carpets are taken up and beaten, the floors scrubbed and repainted, and tables repollsbed, chairs regilded and stained, in overy part of the ship. On the great boats there are more than 80,000 pieces of linen to be counted, sorted, prepared, and laundered. Then there are 15,000 pieces of silverware, 25,000 pieces of glassware, some 60,000 dishes, plates, cups, saucers, etc. As soon as a piece shows signs of wear It is discarded and replaced, and all this work hau to be done in a few hours. Nothing In Prophecy. George Harvey, who so accurately prophesied the election of President Wilson, said at a luncheon in New York: "But it doesn't pay to be a prophet. If you prophesy right nobody ever re members It. If you prophesy wrong nobody ever forgets it," How He Settles. "I understand your husband Ib a man of great abilities." "He certainly Is. He beat up four bill collectors yesterday so thoy can't come back for six months." Fliegcnde Blatter. 1916 Catalog -SEEDS Plants, Bulbs, Garden, Orchard and Poultry Supplies, Fertilizers, Etc. A reliable Wratovn Ratalntf I for Waatara Buvara. OI iff 1 "Hlcha.t Quality" Stacks direct t. buyer enly ne aa-enta. Yim iu.a tima and nwnsjr by boring of ss. New Catalog No. 4 Free ROUTLEDGE SEED & FLORAL CO. 169-171 2nd St PORTLAND, OREGON PORTLAND Y. M. C. A. will fit any ambitious younar Hu or Woa an for high-clans position in Bookkeeping, Stenography. Salesmanship To men this includes valuable athletic, aquatic and membership ffrivilegeB, al though tuition cost is less than elsewhere. Valuable courses can also be had In Grammar grade and College Preparatory Subjects. WHITE FOR CATALOG. Dr. Elof T. Hedlund DENTIST Dental Offices and Laboratory. Estimates cheerfully riven for told and porcelain bridges: rubber, east aluminum and rold plates. Mr laboratory la equipped to make these appli ances in one or two days' tima. This Work Is Absolutely Guaranteed. 4SM59 Monsn Building-. 4th Floor, Wsshlncton Nesr Brosdwsr, Psoas Mir. 9C, Portland. Orecoa. You Can Learn To be an OPTICIAN and OPTOMETRIST. The De Keystr institute cf Optometry, Columbia Bids;., Portland, Or. sTDay and evening classes, also instructions by correspondence. Write for Information. Automobile Distribution, ,' ,i Very few people realize how pains' takingly the service end of automobile distribution is cared for by the factory -as well as by the dealer considered) worthy of representing a high grade car with a well earned reputation to maintain. As an example of this personal de sire to serve the users of Reos no less a person than H. T. Thomas, chief engineer for the Reo Motor Car Com pany has the Service Department of that great plant under his personal di rection. When he was asked by Char lie Menzles, sales manager of the Northwest Auto Co., why he devoted his own time in part to this work be said: "It has always been my Idea to map out a course where I could be In daily touch with the performance of Reo cars. To do this 1 know ot no Detter way than being In immediate touch with the detail work of tills depart ment, so I am touching elbows with the Reo owners through the co-operation of each department head and I am at all times open to the suggest ions of Reo owners. We aim in par ticular to show our assent In this re spect through prompt handling of all correspondence which relates to the service end of the business. I figure I cannot be in too close a personal touch with each owner and dealer and regardless of how much of my own time it takes the results more than justify the efforts made In this di rection." LOOK! RESINOL HAS CLEARED THAT AWFUL ' SKIN-ERUPTION AWAY xPtii f "V v Every day thousands of skin-sufferers find that the moment that Resinol Ointment touches their tortured skin the Itching stops and healing begins. That is why doctors have prescribed It so successfully for over 20 years In even the severest cases of eczema, ringworm, rashes, and many other tor- menting, disfiguring skin diseases. Aided by warm baths with Resinol Soap, Resinol Ointment usually makes a sick skin or scalp healthy, quickly, . easily and at little -cost. Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap also greatly help to clear away pim ples and dandruff. Sold by all drug gists. Adv. Bang. "Pretty handkerchief you have there, May." Yes, I value it very highly. It was made 40 years ago." "You don't say! Make it yourself?" Michigan Gargoyle. Not Suitable. Payton How have you escaped be ing operated upon? Parker Well, the doctors haven't fancied me poor enough for experi mentation or rich enough for a desir able subject. Life. Willing To Oblige. "Have you a stove lifter I could bor rom?" asked the woman who had just moved In. "I'm sorry to say I haven't, but my husband is a piano mover," suggested the woman next door. Judge. A Watchful Guard The Stomach, Liver and Bow els are real factors In health matters, and it i3 a wise plan to watch them care fully. As soon as the appetite wanes, or the digestion becomes impaired, recourse should be had to HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters