WOMAN AulKor of ftheAMATFJJR CRACKSMAN. RAFFLES. Etc. lltUSIRATIONS hy O. IRWIN MVERS copyniOHT & oft pobpj -aiebriU ccwPAisy CHAPTER XII Continued. 11 Toy accepted his (ate with a ready resignation, little abort of. alacrity. There was a gleam In his somber eyeg and hli blue chin came up with a Jerk. "That's talking!" said he. "Now will you promise me never to marry Caza letT" "Mr. Toye!" "That's talking, too, and I guess I mean It to be. It's not all dog-ln-the-manger, either. I want that promise a lot more than I want the other. You needn't marry me, Miss Blanche, but you mustn't marry Cazalet." Blanche was blazing. "But this Is Imply outrageous" "I claim there's an outrageous cause (or It. Are you prepared to swear what I ask, and trust me as I'll trust you, or I to tell you the whole thing right now?" "You won't force me to listen to an other word from you, If you're a gen tleman, Mr. Toye!" "It's not what I am that counts. Swear that to me, and I swear, on my side, that I won't give him away to you or anyone else. But it must be the most solemn contract man and woman ever made." The silver teapot arrived at this Juncture, and not Inopportunely. She had to give him his tea, with her young maid's help, and to play a tiny part In which he supported her really beautifully. She had time to think, al most coolly; and one thought brought a thrill. If It was a question of her marrying or not marrying Walter Cazalet, then he must be free, and only th doer of some dreadful deed! ' "What has he done?" she begged, with a pathetic abandonment of her previous attitude, the moment they were by themselves. I "Must I tell you?" His reluctance rang genuine. ' "I insist upon it!" she flashed again. "Well, it's a long story." "Never mind. I can listen." "You know, I had to go back to Italy" "Had you?" "Well, I did go." He had slurred the first statement; this one was char acteristically deliberate. "I did go, and before I went I asked Cazalet for an introduction to some friends of his down In Rome." "I didn't know he had any," said Blanche. "Why, he doesn't have any," said Toye, "hut he claimed to have some. He left the Kaiser Fritz the other day at Naples. I guess he told you?" "No, I understod he came round to Southampton. Surely you shared a cabin?" "Only from Genoa; that's where I took the steamer and Cazalet regained her." "Well?" "He claimed to have spent the In terval mostly with friends at Rome. Those friends don't exist, Miss Blanche," said Toye. "Is tb-.t any business of mine?" she asked him squarely. "Why, yes, I'm afraid it's going to be. That Is, unless you'll still trust me" "Go on, please." "Why, he never stayed at Rome at all, nor yet in Italy any longer than It takes to come through on the train. Your attention for one moment!" He took out a neat pocketbook. Blanche had opened her lips, but she did not Interrupt; she just grasped the arms of her chair, aa though about to bear physical pain. "The Kaiser Fritz" Toy was speaking from his book "got to Naples late Monday afternoon, September eighth. Seems she was overdue, and I was mad about It, and never got away again till the " "Do tell me about Walter Cazalet!" oried Blanche. It was like gmall talk from a dentist at the last moment. "I want you to understand about the steamer first," said Toye. "She wait ed Monday night In the Bay of Naples, only sailed Tuesday morning, only reached Genoa Wednesday morning, and lay there all of forty-eight hours, aa these German boats do, anyhow. That brings us to Friday morning be fore the Kaiser Fritz gets quit ot Italy, doesn't It?" . "Yes I suppose so do tell me about Walter!" "Why, I first heard of him at Ge noa, where they figured I should have a stateroom all to myself, as the other gentleman had been left behind at Naples. I never saw him till he scrambled aboard again Friday, about the llfty-nlnth minute of the eleventh tour." "At Genoa?" "Sure," "And you pretend to know where he'd been?" "I guess I do know" and Toye sighed as he raised his little book. "Cazalet stepped on the train that left Naples stx-Bfty Monday evening, and off the one timed to reach Charing Cross three-twenty-flve Wednesday." "The day of the m " "Yes. I never called It by the hard est name, myself; but it was seven thirty Wednesday evening that Henry Craven got his death-blow somehow. Well, Walter Cazalet left Charing SANITY IN MUSICAL WORLD c ar Has Failed to Produce the Dis cord That at One Time Seemed Sure to Come. Summing up of the musical year has begun though the drums, fifes, rumpets and bands in certain of our jparks are stimulating the public spir its and keeping up the popular en iergy. On the whole we have been generous. Mr. Percy Scholea' list of jtntarned musicians contains no alien Cross again by the nine o'clock that night, and was back aboard the Kaiser Frits on Friday morning full of his friends In Rome who didn't exist I" The note-book was put away with every symptom of relief. "I suppose you can prove what you say?" said Blanche in a voice as dull as her unseeing eyes. '"I have men to swear to him tick et-collectors, conductors, waiters on the restaurant-car all up and down the line. I went over the same ground on the same trains, so that was simple. I can also produce the barber who claims to have taken oft his beard in Paris, where he put in hours Thursday morning." Blanche looked up suddenly, not at Toye, but past him toward an over laden side-table against the wall. It was there that Cazalet's photograph had stood among many others; until this morning she had never missed it, for she seemed hardly to have been In her room all the week; but she had been wondering who had removed It, whether Cazalet himself (who had spoken of doing so, she now knew why), or Martha (whom she would not question about It) In a fit of ungov ernable disapproval. And now there was the photograph back in Its place, leather frame and all! "I know what you did," said I Blanche. 'You took that photograph with you the one on that table and had him identified by It!" "It was the night I came down to bid you good-by," he confessed, "and didn't have time to watt I didn't come down for the photo. I never thought of it till I saw it there. I came down to kind of warn you, Miss Blanche!" "Against him?" she said, as if there was only one man left In the world. "Yes I guess I'd already warned Cazalet that I was starting on his tracks." And then Blanche Just said, "Poor old Sweep!" as one talking to her self. And Toye seized upon the words as she had seized on nothing from him. "Have you only pity for the fellow?" he cried; for she was gazing at the bearded . photograph without revul sion. "Of course," she answered, hardly attending. "Even though he killed this man- even though he came across Europe to kill him?" "You don't think it was deliberate yourself, even if he did do it." "But can you dotlbt that he did?" cried Toye, quick to ignore the point "I Know What You Did," Said Blanohe. "You Took That Photograph With You." she had made, yet none the less sin cerely convinced upon the other. "I guess you wouldn't if you'd heard some ot the things he said to me on the steamer; and he's made good on every syllable since he landed. Why, It explains every single thing he's done and left undone. He'll strain every nerve to have Scruton ably de fended, but he won't see the man he's defending; says himself that he can't face him!" "Yes. He said so to me," said Blanche, nodding in confirmation. "To you?" "I didn't understand him." "But you've been seeing him all this while?" "Every day," said Blanche, her soft eyes filling suddenly. "We've had we've had the time of our lives! "My God!" said Toye. "The time ot your life with a man who's got another man's blood on his hands and that makes no difference to youl The time of your life with the man who knew where to lay hands on the weapon he'd done It with, who went as far as that to save the innocent, but no farther! "He would; he will still, If It's still necessary. You don't know him, Mr. Toye; you haven't known him all your life. "And all this makes no difference to a good and gentle woman one of the gentlest and the best God ever made?' "If you mean me, I won't go as far composers and performers in English prisons. But harmony was split. Brodsky (of Manchester and Russia) was caught in Germany, Rlchter re nounced his English honors, Kreisler went to fight for Austria, and Lamond was shut up at Ruhleben. Harmony was disturbed. In England the war threatened for a moment to banish the music made in Germany. But sanity prevailed. Wagner could not be banished. The Royal Philharmonic re fused to abolish the bust of Beetho vea from its place before the orcbea- as that," ial Blanoh. 1 must see him first." "See Cazalot?" Toye had com to his) feet, not aim' ply In the horror and Indignation which had gradually taken possession of him, but under the stress ot some new and sudden resolve. "Of course," said Dlanche; "of course I must see him as soon as possible." "You shall never speak to that man again, as long as ever you live," said Toye, with the utmost emphasis and deliberation. 'Who's going to prevent me?" I am, by laying an Information against htm this minute, unless you promise never to see or to speak to Cazalet again." Blanch felt cold and sick, but the bit of downright bullying did her good. "I didn't know you were a black mailer, Mr. Toye I" "You know I'm not; but I mean to save you from Cazalet, blackmail or white." "To save me from a mere old friend nothing more nothing all our lives!" "I believe that," he said, searching her with his smoldering eyes. "You couldn't tell a lie, I guess, not if you tried! But you would do something; It's just a man being next door to hell that would bring a Qod's angel" His voice shook. She was as quick to soften on her side. 'Don't talk nonsense, please," she begged, forcing a smile through her distress. "Will you promise to do nothing if If I promise?" "Not to go near him?" . "No." "Nor to see him here?" "No." "Nor anywhere else?" "No. I give you my word." "If you break It, I break mine that minute? Is It a deal that way?" "Yes! Yes! I promise!" "Then so do I, 'by God!" said Hil ton Toye. CHAPTER XIII. Falth Unfaithful. "It's all perfectly true," said Caza let calmly. "Those were my move ments while I was oft the ship, except tor the five hours and a bit that I was away from Charing Cross. I can't dispute a detail of all the rest. But they'll have to fill in those five hours unless they want another case to col lapse like the one against Scruton!" Old Savage had wriggled like a ven erable worm, In the experienced tal ons of the Bobby's Bugbear; but then Mr. Drlnkwater and his discoveries had come still worse out ot a hotter encounter with the truculent attorney; and Cazalet had described the whole thing as only he could describe a given episode, down to the ultimate dismissal of the charge against Scru ton, with a gusto the more cynical tor the deliberately low pitoh of his voice. It was in the little lodging-house sit ting room at Nell Gwynne's Cottages; he stood with his back to the crack ling fire that he had just lighted him self, as it were, already at bay; for the folding doors were In front of his nose, and his eyes roved Incessantly fromhe landing door on one side to the curtained casement on the other. Yet sometimes he paused to gaze at the friend who had come to warn him of his danger; and there was nothing cynical or grim about him then. Blanche had broken her word for perhaps the first time in her life; but It had never before been extorted from her by duress, and it would be affec tation to credit her with much com punction on the point. Her one great qualm lay In the possibility of Toye's turning up at any moment; but this she had obviated to some extent by coming straight to the cottages when he left her presumably to look for Cazalet In London, since she had been careful not to mention his change of address. Cazalet, to her relief, but also a little to her hurt, she had found at his lodgings In the neighborhood, full of the news he had not managed to communicate to her. But it was no time for taking anything but his peril to heart. And that they had been dis cussing, almost as man to man, If rather as Innocent man to Innocent man; for even now, or perhaps now in his presence least of all, Blanche could not bring herself to believe her old friend guilty ot a violent crime, however unpremeditated, for which another had been allowed to suffer, for however short a tlme.- (TO BH CONTINUED.) "Rao-Tlme." Rag-time music, "being In no wis serious," is the reverse ot depressing. "The African Jingles ot the present day create an emotional atmosphere of restlessness and excitement which Is typically American, and which Is opposed to health only so tar as our national restlessness and lack of poise tend to make us a people whose na tional disease Is nervous exhaustion." Roughly speaking, lively music, such as rag time, is likely to rouse de pressed persons from their melan choly; sad and pathetic music will sooth the excitable and hyparnerr ous. On Way to Mak a Friend. There ar several kinds of hypocrisy, but the one that masculinity most fa vors is spurious devillshness. Nothing brings the beam of contentment so fervently to the mediocre eye as a Dob Juan accusation. Dig blm In the ribs and wink as you call him a sly dog and he loves you. He may be the quintessence of domestic respectabil ity, but if you will but insist that you believe blm capable of maintaining a seraglio with consummate deceit, you are his friend. tra possibly because Beethoven's an cestry was proved to be Flemish. Bach and Brahms have had their cele bration upon English strings and wind. And rightly! London Chronicle. Telephone Record. The French language has been found much better adapted to long distance telephoning than the English, and expert operators In Paris hav succeeded In transmitting messages to London at the rat ot 180 words a mln- 4 ill m " ' -v nr rn 1 1 mi- v t SANTA TOSCA w HEN Attlla and his Huns invaded Italy In A. D. 453 they destroyed Alttnum among other cities. The folk of Alttnum took refuge on an Is land In the lagoon and founded Tor cello. In the pressure of those miser able days, when the German Invaders almost succeeded In destroying the civilization which Greece and Rome had slowly built up during a thousand years of wise labor, the lagoon Islands became a place ot retreat for various harried peoples, who fled to them for sholter, as in our days so many dis tressed Belgians have fled to Holland and England, writes Sir Martin Conway In Country life. That was how Venice and Malamocco were called into being; but Torcello was the first of these cities ot refuge. It was likewise for a long time the chlet city ot the lagoons; the first Doge whose name Is remembered had his seat of government there. Venice, for all Its antiquity, throbs with contemporary life. To go from It to Torcello Is to plunge Into the past. The very transit by gondola matches also that transition, From the city of the living you float past the city of the dead, and so over the wide lagoon to Burano. Then come devious channels among sand banks and low lying islands, Inhabited, if at all, by malaria-stricken folk. At last Torcello rises before you with Its im posing group of churches and its In significant cluster of houses. There stands the cathedral with its Ro manesque campanile and near by the arcaded octagon of Santa Fosca. Gone Is all else of Importance that once arose here In pride. A ruined bap tistery can still be traced. The small piazza retains an unlmposing medi eval town hall and the loggia where laws were proclaimed. That is all. A few fishing boats alone represent the fleet of merchant vessels that In the tenth century filled the great haven whereof Constantine Porphyrogenetos wrote: Moreover, the whole aspect of the place 1b one of abandonment. Grass grows in the streets. There Is nothing going on. The only modern life is that brought by the visitors who come to see the dead city. Churches are Restorations. It follows that he who would taste the abiding and most rare charm ot Torcello must not visit it In a crowd. He must come alonev or at most with one or two sympathetic companions, and he must have plenty of time to spare, for such visions as these can not be apprehended in a few hurried moments. They do not strike a hasty beholder; they creep Into the con sciousness of one who yields himself entirely to their slow, insidious pene tration. Neither the cathedral nor Santa Fosca are in fact nearly so old, In their preesnt condition, as they seem to be. One would willingly enough accept them as of early Chris tian date, for both the basilica and the round church are built on ancient lines and conform to early architec tural forms. The first cathedral on this spot was that built In mid-seventh century by Altlnum refugees; possi bly one carved stone from that may survive. In 864 and again In 1008 the building was seriously dealt with, and the first restoration amounted to a rebuilding, though, to some extent, on the old lines and preserving the orig inal apse. In the year 1008 a further restora tion was taken in hand, this time un der strong Byzantine Influence and probably with the co-operation of Greek craftsmen. This was during tho flood tide of the Byzantine Renais sance, when the Eastern empire was strong once more and revived and even surpassed the glories of the great days ot Justinian. Then it was that all the arts ' flourished In' Constanti nople and that from it the courts and wealthy shrines of all the West were enriched with the priceless and superb work ot Greek goldsmiths, weavers, embroiderers, and skilled craftsmen of every sort. Venice, of course, lntl- Many Jellyfish There, An Interesting feature of the bay of Naples is the great quantity of large Jellyfish found therein. It Is not un usual to find them fully two feet In diameter and weighing up to 60 pounds. Some of them shine at night with a greenish light and are known as noctiluca (night lanterns) by the natives. The Jellyfish sometimes make migrations In great groups, sometimes so large and so thick as to Impede the navigation of vessels, like the float ing plants In the Sargasso sea of the tropics. These shoals of medusae, as they are called, may at times be so dense that a piece of timber plunged in among them will be held upright as if stuck in the mud, and ordinary row boats cannot force their way through them. Their migrations have never been explained. To Repair Scarred Mahogany. When children and mahogany furni ture dwell together under the same roof the former are liable to make "Im pressions" on the datter. When Tom my comes with the sad apology "my engine ran right into the table leg," MM ...'ill... ti i Lwmutikr'r" mately connected with the Eastern empire as she was, felt the Impulse ot this strong artistic life. The rebuild ing of St. Mark's in the local Italian style by Doge Orseolo had only Just been completed. Hence It was not there but at Torcello that the new style made Its first notable appear ance In the lagoons, and the sugges tion Is at least plausible that the work done on the cathedral In that Island stimulated the people of Venice Itself again to overthrow and more splendid ly rebuild the Basilica Marclana In the form which, with later additions, it retains today. Now also the church was equipped with a noble marble screen, or lconostasis, and a well carved am bo, both thoroughly eastern In type, whereof notable fragments remain to day. The six columns and four panels between the outer pairs of the Bcreen are still In place, but the marble archi trave or beam that lay on the capitals and doubtless supported precious lamps and other ornaments Is gone, its place being taken by an Inferior row of painted panels. Beautiful Byzantine Sculpture. That the four great sculptured slabs should be so perfectly preserved is matter for great satisfaction, no more finely decorative work ot a Byzantine chisel being in our day anywhere dis coverable. On the best ot them a pair ot peacocks, facing one another, are pecking at the contents of a bowl which Is raised on a column between them. The rest of the space Is filled with whorls of tendrils, and the whole Is framed within a border, adorned with a series of thoBe charming ro settes within circles which decorated every Byzantine lady's ivory Jewel casket of that time. As for the ambo, or pulpit, that was pulled to pieces at a later date and Bet up again m an altered position and a blundering fash- Ion, so that the parts are all wrongly arranged and many are missing. About the time when the ambo was being pulled to pieces the cathedral underwent a further restoration. Its Inlaid floor was then put down and mosaic pictures were affixed all over Its west wall and in some other places. But by that date the best age of Byzantine art was passed, and the west wall mosaics, though still highly interesting In spite of much radical restoration, are not very beautiful. Torcello had lost Us Importance and no longer could command the re sources of more prosperous days. It was, however, at this time that the little church of Santa Fosca re ceived the form which It still retains. Originally it was a email three aisled basilica, with a little apse at the end of each aisle. For what reason and by whom the church was rebuilt in Its present octagonal, porticoed shape Is not recorded. Nothing of the original church remains except two of the lit tle apses. The rest Is all built on rather an ambitious Byzantine model, and was evidently Intended to be sur mounted by a dome. Those Awful Reporters. The young reporter meant well, but he was not posted up In tho mysteri ous details of feminine fashion, and, being unexpectedly sent In an emer gency to chronicle a fashionable wed ding, he was very glad to avail himself of the good-natured hints ot a lady Journalist who stood beside him and took pity upon his masculine Ignor ance ot chiffons. "That is Lady Betty Blank, with a pink plastron," was one of ber hints. Next morning Bhe read with horror, "Lady Botty Blank looked very charm ing, and, by a tasteful arrangement of lace and Bilk, effectually concealed the pink porous plaster which her lady ship's delicate health compels her to wear." 8ulclde Statistics. According to an Italian scientist who has classified 4000 cases of self-destruction, more suicides occur between the ages of fifteen and twenty-six than at any other period in life. or Betty tells how her doll carriage "Just went against the corner of the desk its own self," do not be downcast. A piece of wet blotting paper placed over the dent and held there by the pressure of a warm (not hot) Iron will draw the dented tissues of the wood up into place provided the scar is not too deep. Of course, the polish will b dulled, If the finish is high, but that may be remedied by a little furniture polish. Avoid Danger From Lightning, If you find yourself Indoors during a thunderstorm, don't go near a stove; It is dangerous. Keep away from the chimney; avoid the close vicinity of the telephone, and don't touch a screen door. This advlcs is given by the United States government bureau of standards, which has published a lightning book, Bumming up the re sults ot an elaborate investigation i( has made on the subject Worth While Quotations. "To educate the intelligence Is to enlarge the horizon of its desires and, wants." Lowell. " Si mm INTELLECTUAL WORK OF BOY Proud Father Wanted 8on to Grow Up Brain Worker Instead of Cotton Picker and 8wamp Crow, "Well, Uncle Ephralm," said th colonel on his morning stroll past the negro quarters, "what evah became o' that pert youngster of yours whom ye decorated with the thoughtful name of Aristotle?" "Ah, dat boy? Aristotle?" the proud father chuckled, "Aristotle ain't hyar no more. He done gone out Into the wli'.o wol' to make his fortune." "Sho' 'nough," replied the colonel, "and If my recollection is right we christened him with an Intellectual name because you Bald you wanted that boy to grow up a brain worker Instead of a po' cotton picker and rail splitter." VYesseh," replied the old negro proudly. "I didn't raise that boy to be a swamp crow like some o' de rest of us." "Well, tell me, Uncle Ephralm," the marse asked with kindly curiosity, "Is he intellectual; 1b he engaged In brain work?" "Yes, Marse Peyton, he am engaged In what I reckon you-all would call in tellectual labors; leastways his Job calls for clever head work, nothln1 but head work." "What's his calling?" "He's travelln' with a side Bhow, sticking his noodle through a hole In the canvas toh the people to throw eggs at, three throws for a Jitney, and he sure has to do some lively beadwork to keep that big cocoanut ot his from getting busted up into a whole lot o' little Alberts." Judge. There Is a Substitute. ."Great Scott," said Dingley Bell. "It says bore In this paper that bromides have gone up from 35 cents to $5.50 a pound." "Oh, well, what of It?" said Blldad. "The Congressional Record Is free. Let sufferers from sleeplessness read that Instead." HER GAIN. "Does your husband remerabor your wedding anniversary?" "No; so I remind him of It in Jan uary and June, and get two presents." Those Queer Men. Mrs. Exe I never have a bit of trou ble with my husband over the mat ter ot dress. Mrs. Wye I do with mine. When 1 get a gown that he likes he doesn't like tho bill, and when the bill suits him he doesn't care for the gown. Valued the Dog. Mrs. Youngwedd And how long must you be away, dearest? Youngwedd About two weeks. Mrs. Y. Well, I think I'll loam to cook while you are absent. Y. That's a good Idea. And I'll take the dog over and leave him with one of the neighbors. Tough Luck. "These artists who sit around and do nothing but draw beautiful women must lead an Ideal life." "Not always." "No?" "I was reading In a newspaper the other day about an artist who tried to draw one of his lovely models to him and his wife caught him ln-the act" Somewhat Different. "Before marriage," said the bach elor, "every man has a theory about managing a wife." "Yes," rejoined tha widower; "but after marriage he finds It is a condi tion and not a theory that confronts him." Airy Quarters. Wlfe I hate those cramped bertha In the sleeper. Couldn't we get a flat, dear? , Hub Who ever heard of a flat on a train? Wife Why, I've often heard of flat cars. Hardly That. Pat Be yez th' glntleman thot ad vertoised In th' paper for a porter, Bor? Merchant Yes; but I stated that all applications must be made by mall. Pat B'gorry, an' Is It a female Oi'm afther lookln' lolk? Failed In Her Mission. Ruth So her foreign trip waB not a Bucceas? Vera Oh! dear.no. Why, she didn't even become engaged to a man with a title and a bad record. A Contribution to Science. Percy Pettlpate And then I gave him a piece of my miud. just Miss Vassmlth What a wonderful demonstration of the infinite divisi bility of matter! Speaking by the Card. Mrs. Smartsett What do you mean by saying that my new gown looks like the deuce? Smartsett Because It's the lowest possible cut. Museum Muses. Manager What do you think of the rough house that "The Bearded Wom an" created hut night? The Skeleton I'm surprised. I al ways thought ha was a perfect lady. : F- . HAND Chicago Youth Saved to Life of Usefulness. Dperatlon Performed by Celebrated Surgeon I Considered On of th Most Remarkable of Which There Is Any Record. A young man who had been severe ly burned by an explosion of gasoline went to Dr, John B. Murphy at Mercy Hospital in Chicago to Bee If his hands could be made useful again. So bad ly burned were they that their backs were a mass of bard scar tissue, which caused the fingers to retract and mads It Impossible to bend the fingers or Close the hand. In the December number of the "Clinics of John B. Murphy" Is an ac count of the extraordinary skin graft ing operation by which Doctor Murphy restored power to the right hand. First he cut away all the scar tissue from the back ot the hand right down to the Bheaths ot the tendons. Then he pre pared a skin graft In the following way: He cut two deep slits In the skin Dr. John B. Murphy's Method of Graft ing Skin on the Back of a hand. and fat of the left side of the chest and abdomen, beginning about an Inch below the nipple. He cut right down to the sheath of the rectus muscle, so as to Include In the flap as much fat as possible, remarking to his students that It would be a failure unless plenty of fat was included. He brought the edges of the skin together under neath the flap and sewed them, leav ing the flap like a bridge, He inserted the patient's hand un der this bridge, with the palm against the abdomen and the raw surface of the back in contact with the under surface of the flap, and sewed the edges of the skin of the band wound to the edges ot the skin of the flap. I He fastened the arm to tho body with strips of adhesive plaster bo that the patient could not move It The wound was covered with plain sterile cotton so as to prevent infection. Three weeks later It was found that the graft had taken perfectly. It was then cut away from the body and the patient was discharged, with Instruc tions to return In about eight months, when Doctor Murphy Intends to per form another operation elongating the tendons, which have contracted. The left hand Is to be treated In a similar way. Seven Joys of Reading. In "Tho Seven Joys ot Reading," Mary Wright Plummer, principal ot the Library school, New York public library, names the Joy of familiarity ilrst of all. "The Joy of familiarity comes not alone from novels and poems. You can turn at the right moment and there are mental as well as physical settings for such enjoyments to many an essay the pages of which show that that Is where the book has been opened most often. "Don't say that you have not, more) times than one, on a cold winter Sun day when dinner Is later than usual, used 'The Dissertation on Roast Pig' as an appetizer. Or that you have not found satisfaction for an oft-recurring mood of wanting you know not what in some perfect piece of writing such as Pater's 'Child in the House.' Or that, feeling limp and languid, you have not, time and again, breathed In Emerson's 'Self-Reliance' like a draft of salt sea air." This Youth Diplomatic James and his mother were my guests for several weeks. One eve ning James came to the dinner tablo In no pleasant humor, and, after look ing around at the food, remarked, "You call this dinner? Not a thing I like. Where's the Jelly?" He was sent away In disgrace. Ha and I are stanch friends, so the next exenlng he tried to make amends tor the words he thought hurt my feel ings. Ho was scarcely seated at the table when he began: "This Is what I call a reg'lar dinner. Everything' tine. You're some cook." Pacing Records. iTie following pacing records wer established by Dan Patch, and have not since been broken by any other horse: Halt mile, at Memphis, Term., 1903, time 56 seconds; one mile, at St. Paul, Minn., 1906, time 1 minute 55 seconds; one mile, on half-mile track, at Allentown, Pa., 1905, time, 2:02; one mile, with high-wheel sul key, at Macon, Ga., 1903, time, 2:04; two miles, at Macon, Ga., 1903, time, 4:17. The Irony of Fate. "Alas!" sighed the long-haired pas enger, "how little we know of the future and what it has in store for us." "That's right," rejoined the man with the moth-eaten whiskers In the seat opposite. "Little did I think when I carved my Initials on the rude desk in the little red schoolhousa some forty, years ago that I would some day grow up and fall to become) famous." Bright Boy. Her Father So you want to marrj my daughter, eh? Her Suitor That's tho Idea, Her Father What are you going t live on? Her Suitor I waa thinking about) living on jrou. - TiS, W BB