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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1916)
Pfl N Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County - VOL. 2, NO. 22 MAUPIN. SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1916 THE YEAR $1.50 M AU SENT IN BY; OUR Wapinitia Items- Mr. Cox has been quite sick the past two weeks. School Supt. Clyde T. Bonney visited the schools in this neigh borhood this week. Mr. and Mrs, V- B. Tapp were visitors at the home of L. M. Woodsnle Tuesday. Sidney Wilson made a trip 10 White River Monday. Miss Glennie Derthick of The Dalles is visiting relatives here on the; fiat Roy Crabtree came cn-er from Criterion last week returning to that. place Saturday, f Calvin McCorkle and family who purchased the Geo. Magill place some time ago, are moving their household goods to that place and expect to make their home. Those attending the teacher's institute held at Tygh Valley last Saturday, from here were: Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Wood, Prof. Patterson and Oliver Matthews. Whoever thought spring was here was badly mistaken for this section was visited by quits a severe storm the latter part of the week, there being about 15 inches of snow on the ground Saturday morning, but the Chi nook wind struck here Sunday night and the snow is nearly all Dr. Koch's Extracts, Linetnents, Salve, Toilet Articles From 25 TO 6o percent Reduction Call at Residence L. K Vf Al NES, Maiiplu, Ore. FISCHER'S Auto Passenger Service Auto Delivery Truck Prepared for Long Trips or Outing Parties A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories MAUPIN, V LUMBER I J J i I 2 h Jolm Diivis, lie often to me said, "M chickens will not lay; I f' td d) !;t r wheat for feed. But cHiinot make it pay," One day lie .isked his neiijliboi, Why his chickens laid so well. He said, "Not feed 1101 labor. But my hen house built so swell" See "Lumber Bill" for Tum-A Lnmber and build vour henhonse snug and warm, And the eggs roll out from under, All the chickens on the farm. "Yours Tum-A- Lum Lumber Company PETER KILBURG, M.nagtr ifone at present. ! . F. M. Walters auction sale which was to have been Monday ivas postponed until Friday on account of bad" weather ' Seise Miller hauled a load of hay Sunday for E. Heckler. ,0- B. Doyle was a business visitor at the N. W. Flinn home last week. The reception which was given at the church,- here last Friday night was a decided success, about 7s people being present. The social committee of which Mrs. M. A- Staines is chairman, had charge of the program which was much enjoyed Dy all A sumptuous lunch was served by the ladies. David Sharp was toastmaster for the evening. 1 We were glad to note the article by W. B. Keene, in last weeks issue of the Times. We were pleased to learn that work was to be resumed oh the ditch and that it was their intention. to bring the water out this season, as their interests are our inter ests, when it comes to the ditch proposition. A dance was given at the Barzee hotel last Friday night. Quite a large crowd attended and all report a good time- Criterion Chronicles W. M. Snellson and Bert Mc Crady went to Shaniko last week and relieved the hungry of that town with a load of potatoes and vegetables. G. W. Milier of Lan county came up Friday for a short visit GARAGE OREGON 0 I z to Serve" More Slides Sunday night's Oregon Trunk trains were both delayed until about noon Monday by a couple of slides, one about four miles up the river and the other one between Shearer and Fall bridge, rendering it out of the question for either the up or down trains to reach Maupin. The ditcher came up from Fallbridge and cleared the track. Mud on the Flat Mrs. G. L. Harphan, Nellie, Jimmie and Lawrence and Tom Muir started for Wapinitia last Friday afternoon in their car to attend the dance given in the new' Hotel Barzee. Near L C. Heneghan's the car stuck in the mud and Mr. Heneghan took them from there to Wapinitia, they returning the next day on the stage. with relatives, and may locate in Wasco county. P. J. Kirsch made final proof before U. S. Commissioner Stuart Saturday last. C. A. Duus and Fred Hor.nquist were 'his wit nesses. R. R. Crabtree went to Maupin and Juniper Flat la3t Wednesday and returned Saturday. One of A. W. Fargher's herd ers became seriously ill last week and Ralph Buzan was "conscript ed" for service with the sheep for a few days. ' A blanket of wet snow has again covered the ground ma ing travel quite dissagreeable and suring seems far away. Vern Tunisr-n came over Sun day from across Bakeoven for a short visit with friends here. Mrs. Henderson writes from Friend, that one of their small children is ill with pneumonia- Criterion people have realized for a long time imperative need of a telephone line between here and Maupin. and stimulated by the Maupin switchboard proposi tion, have taken definite steps toward the organization of a telephone association in this com munity. Dale Bonney is presi dent and C. A. Duus secretary and treasurer of the Criterion Co-operative Telephone Associa tion. C A. Duus D. L. Ruth- Business is quiet. Till March 15th I will test eyes free and furnish Glasses at the following pricest Gold, spectacle frames either rimmed or rimless, and best Diamond brand peris copic lenses - - $3.00 The same with best Toric lenses 3.50 Eye glasses with gold mounting and best Diamond brand periscopic lenses -- - 3.50 The same with best toric lenses 4.00 A good chamois lined case free with each order. Come any time day or night or Sundays. The blue law does not apply to me. Very Respectfully Yours, CHAS. II. FRANCIS, M. D. Optician Thrown From Wagon While taking a load of baled hay irom Maupin to Fargher's ranch Monday, John Donaldson was thrown from the wagon near T. A. Connolly's when a dirt culvert gave way with the weight of the load. A wheel passed over one foot mashing it into the mud hole, and bruising it pain fully. His head was struck and back wrenched, but was not rendered unconscious. Mr. Connolly brought hirn to town and Dr. Francis was called to attend him. Last reports were that he was getting along nicely. ford, A. A.Canfield, J. E. Miller and Dale Bonney were selected to draft a constitution and by laws and prepare plans for building etc. Another . meeting will be held Saturday March 11. J. E Miller was elected delegate to meet with the Maupin associa tion. We are informed that he was the only delegate from neighboring lines at the Maupin meeting last Saturday. Smock Items 2 The snow remains with us, about two feet deep. Much loss of stock, sheep and cattle. Marion Farlow lost a new milch cow last week. R. C-Yonce has gone to Dufur where he has employment. - r J. E. Kennedy and the Harvey Hros. drove several head of cat lie to their ranch on the De- achutes, known as Lick Skillet ranch. The leap year dance given at the Bargainholt home was en joyed by all, but while they were having a merry time the snow was falling and by the time they were ready to go home they had to leap through the snow. J. W. Farlow and wife .were Sunday guests at the home of Dan Ogelsby. Mr. Hill and Mr. Craft were here from Dulur settling the estate of the late T. Hill. R. C. Stakely was a Tygh Valley business visitor Monday, Geo. Duncan and family visited Mrs. Duncan's parents E. Gesh and wife, last week. N. E Whitcomb was in the and Optometrist. EI Middle Brook vicinity a few days last week attending the Christian Endeavor social, which was held there. Mr. Holt furnished the mnsic on the graphaphone and a very good program was rendered and refreshments served. Our mail carrier Frank Magill is only able to cover the route with pack horses as it is impossi ble to go with rig. He has been very faithful in getting over the route, coming several times with letter mail only, 0. B. Murry spent Saturday and Sunday at Tygh Valley. Warm Debate y The main school room was filled to the limit of capacity Monday evening when local citi zens gat hered to hear the debate on the question resolved that the U. S. should immmediately begin adequate preparations 1 to repell any invasion. After the election of chairmen arid secretary by the house, the judges, E. A. Mayhew, Peter Kilburg and H. L. Emmons were chosen. The speakers on the affirmative side were: W. H. Williams, R. B. Bell and F. A. Covey, while .G. W. Mallatt, Wm. Irle, and E.' J. Fischer spoke on the, negative. Mr. Williams made his talk largely from original argument and in closing desired to make use of the proverbial feminine oratory, while Messrs Mallatt Bell, Irle, and.. Fischer adhered to statistical reference to a large extent in well ordered a.ldresse. Mr. Covey, coming unprepared, made a fair fight for prepared ness. The judges all gave their decision in favor of the affirma tive, although one of them admitted afterwards that his a mm mm PAY AT County Depository NO CHARGES Bring Your Tax Statement WITH YOU OK o O O O O O O O Oliver Chilled Plow Co. O O O O O O O O O A full line of Oliver Goods carried in Stock at all times Better lay in your stock of Sheeres the next time you visit us. SHATTUCK BROS. General Merchandise o o o o o o o o SHATTUCKS WILL r ERECT CEMENT Dr. Elwood Will Open Drugstore I Arrangements were completed yesterday morning whereby Dr. Elwood becomes owner of the building and lots of Shattuck Bros, in which they are conduct ing a general merchandise busi ness at the present time. They will vacate the two east rooms in a few days when the doctor will put in a stock of drugs. He is to have full posession of the entire building in two months during which time Shattuck Bros, will have erected a two story cement structure 40x0 just east of Bates Sha'ttuck's residence into which they will move their merchandise. decision was from personal con viction rather than on the merits of the debate. The question was put to a vote of the house, re sulting in 12 to 24 in favjrof the negative. Outside Mention D. P. Towns-end of Maupin was in the city yesterday on business. Attorney John Gavin returned yesterday frtmi Tygh YH"ev. where lie had been on business. Sun, Nov. 3. A marriage license was secured yesterday by Ralph B. Hniley and Dollie May Ball, both of the Bake oven section. Sun Mar. 5th. WW hit &i Agents o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o & o o 2