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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1916)
oic Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL.2, NO. 21 MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1916 THE YEAR $1.50 MAUPIN .1 LlliJwi SENT IN BY OUR Criterion Chronicles T. 0. Miller last week came from his place near Shaniko for a short visit with relatives here. D. L. Rutherford after suffer ing for several clays with tooth ache, made a trip to Maupin Monday and returned minus sev eral teeth. I. N. Winifree went to Maupin Thursday last Ed Herrling came here from Marion county Thursday night after several week's absence. He was accompanied by his brother Ben who will stay in definitely. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bonney left Friday morning for a few days' visit at Tygh Valley. P. J. Kirsch and Joe Gray Btarttid for Kingsley Friday. We are glad to see the return of our fellow corresponent from Ridgeway into the field of Journ alism once more. Nosker Bros, and J. E. Miller visited Maupin Saturday last. Since the beginning of the year our postoffice has been quite Well patronized. The ''hemmed in" winter was the probable ' cause for a larger correspond ence. - Criterion hens are now demon strating that they haven't for gotten the art of egg laying, and poultry owners are now getting handsome returns for some of the $1 grain, fed this winter. The past several days of heavy fog have been very disagreable Debate Monday Night The debate on Preparedness, is set for next Monday evening, 7:30, at the schoolhouse. The question is, Resolved, That the United States should immediately begin adequate preparations to repel any invasion. The promin ent rpeakers are Geo. Mallatt, W. H. Williams and R. W. McCorkle on the affirmative, and E. J- Fischer, J. M. Conklin and R. B. Bell on the negative, with 0. R. Aubrey and Wm. Earle as substitutes. None of the debat ers claim to be speakers. The purpose of is to have some social recreation for all who wish to attend, as well as to help clearify the atmosphere on this absorb ing question. and road improvement is slow, while in the low, wet places, are in worse condition than a week ago. Smock Items 1 Mrs. M- J. Farlow attended the play given at Wamic Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Russell were Monday callers at J.'W. Farlow 's. I. A., Noble left for Yakima, Wash., this week. Snow still covers the ground here, and has been about 6 feet. Louis Yockey caught a cat and coyote last week, Terry Jones purchased A. F. Russell's hogs Friday. Mrs. Gertie Noble is visiting her parents this week. M. J. FarloW had the misfor tune to lose a cow and calf last WORK TO OPEN ON BIG DITCH R 1. Box 62, Gresham, Ore., 2-26 To the Editor Maupin Times: Dear Sir Enclosed please find Notice of entry for publication, and check to pay my subscrip tion to the Times I get it regu lar and enjoy reading of the different items from all over the country, and more especially from Wapinitia and Wamic The weather this winter down here has been the worst I ever saw, snow, rain and sleet. The wind blew for one month and I began to long for my haunts in the Cascade mountains. There was plenty of snow, drifts eight and ten feet deep, and there is plenty of it still remaining. I am getting ready to come on to our work on the ditch as soon as the weather conditions will permit. We expect to get water on the Flat by July 1. Yours very respectfully, W. B. KEENE. DRAMATIC CLUB week. A crew of 7 men went down and shoveled the snow off the upper grade last Friday. e FISCHER'S GARAGE Auto Passenger Service Auto Delivery Truck Prepared for Long Trips or Outing Parties A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories MAUPIN, OREGON Trains on both railroads . are operating now on schedule time. The entertainment given here Saturday night by the Dramatic club brought forth much aplause from the large attendance. "Dot the Miner's Daughter" a drama consisting of four acts and six scenes. The stage was well pre patrd for each scenes. The stage was well prppared for each scene and the stageing of the play was something out of the ordinarv. P,rof. T J. Skirvin ably trained the actors and the affair was a grand success both as an enter tainment and financially. The orchestra, led by W. E. Wood cock, playing first violin, J. E. Woodcock, second violin; David Campbell, trombone; A. Bails, cornet; T. E. Woodcock, clario net and Mrs. Percy Driyer, piano, rendered pleasing music for the opening number and be tween acts. Those taking part in the ulav were as follows: J. C, Pratt, Vernon Narvel, James Lake, Belvia Patison, Ed Burl ingame, D A- Miller, G- E. Crawford, Mrs. W- E. Woodcock, Mrs. Myrtle Smith, Miss Dorothy McCorkle, Miss Hilda Lake, T. J Skirvin, Miss Bell McMurry and Carmel Woodcdck. ' Pricilla Club Meet 1 The Pricilla club organized at Mrs. Goetjen's Wednesday March 1st,1 to be held each week on Wednesday. Everyone invited. The officers elected, Mrs. Kelly, president; Mrs. Geo. Vanderpool, vice president; Mrs. Stuart, sec retary and treasurer. Those present were Mrs. Staats, Mrs. Kelly and Doris, Mrs. Vander pool, Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Har phan, Mrs. Wilhelm, Mrs. D- M. Shattuck Evelyn and Jack, Laura Goetjen. Mrs. Goetjen and Mrs. Stuart and Crystal. YOUR IDEAL HOME '30. f "f; 7.7- "i 4--,- --jr. J"4 . I need be a dream no longer. This is planning time and for your help vie have two plan books of over two hundred designs ranging in cost from $750 up. Our architc's will make any design suit your ideals a)i your pocketpooR. Jusi Mop t)i or send us word and we will be oil tvck to talk this over with you. The plans are jree and they are very cdmpletb 'See PEtEft klLBL'fttt about it" 1WA- Lum Lumber Company Business is quiet. Till March 15th I will test eyes free and furnish Glasses at the following prices: Gold spectacle frames either rimmed or rimless, and best Diamond brand peris copic lenses - - - $3.00 The same with best Toric lenses 3.50 Eye glasses with geld mounting and best Diamond brand perisccpic lenses - - 3.50 The same with best toric lenses 4.00 A good chamois lined case free with each order. Come any time day or night cr Sundays. The blue lew does not apply to me. Very Respectfully Yours, CHAS. H. FRANCIS, M. D., Optician and Optometrist. n M PHONE MEETING TO BE HERE Tomorrow Morning In compliance with our an nouncement in the Maupin Times issue of Feb. 25th, 1916, (if you have not read this announcement will ask you to do so) we are writing you as a representative of your line in regard to estab lishing and maintaining a switch: board at Maupin, Ore. We will ask that you call a meeting of your line and put the question up to the subscribers on your line whether they wish to build into Maupin or not. The proposition of starting a switch board here is just this; If you decide to come in, send your representative , here Saturday, March 4th, at 10 a. m., with in structions to join the Maupin Bwitchboard. If you do this your representative is then a unit of the association and has as much voice in it as anyone else and will help to draw up a constitution and set of by-laws and to elect officers of the association. It is very important for the success of the association to have as many lines at the start run into A ledge of rock fell on the O. T. the switchboard, as in that way track about one mile and a half up! we can draw up our constitution New Drug Store The construction work on the uew building adjoining the post office building;, to be fitted up for a drug stce, is well tmderwny, Tuesday and Wednesday Frank Creager hauled the lumber, and O. R. Aubrey and Oscar Hammei hate been busy since getting it up. It is hoped to have it ready for oc cupancy in a short time. Dr. Stovall of Philomath, who is to put in the stock, will be here next week. Another Slide the river Tuesday evening, which took the service of a special work crew of about eighty mien from Fallbridge, until two o'clock that night to clear the track so the trains could pass through. E. J Fischer lias completed I lie overhauling and remodeling ot "Betsy" and is doing some freighting. and by laws that will have the approval of all conserned. , -We wish you to bear in mind that although the citizens of Maupin are temporarily shoulder ing the financial load of the pur chase price of the switchboard, Uone of us expect to have but one share in the switchboard and although we may have as (concluded on hist page) Pay at County Depository NO CHARGES Brin Your Tax Statement WITH YOU mi H 2D m 55 Operations Underway We wish to take this oppor tunity to impress on you again that for every dollar that we can raise, or its equivalent in labor Wasco eounty will put up the same amount in order to complete a good grade into Maupin They insist, however, that it be built right and for all time, as per their specifications, 20 feet wide hnd 9 feet of gravel and in order to do this we are going to need your assistance Petitions are now in the hands Of Lou B. Kelly. C- E. Alexan der, J. S. Brown and B. Shat tuck, and an urgent invitation is extended to every one to do their bit. However, if you do not have a chance or have not been approached on the subject, mail a check to any of the above, and they will put you down for the amount, or if you prefer to do nate work just call Up on the phone ahd . we will notify you when to appear. There has been subscribed to date $512.50. This will mean $1025.00 to be expend ed, which, while quite an amount in itself is not enough to com plete the work. Maupin Good Roads As'sn P.J Olsen. supervisor, arrived in Maupin Sunday last and went to work Monday with a crew of about ten men and two teams, the grade having already been surveyed and marked out by L. D. Kelly and T. A. St. Dennis several days previously. The grade has been plowed, but as yet is somewhat too wet to use the 4 0 0 0 Buy Your GASOLINE From Us At absolutely the same price as it will cost you to lay it down here from Portland or The Dalles See us before buying as you cannot save a cent by sending off for it. Coal Oil, Lubricating Oils, Greases and Compounds vSHATTUCR BROS. General Merchandise sliD-scraDers which will be the next process following the plow. jQQQQQ &O'C,,flt,!i!,4,,&,S,O!0,t5 '''O'' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0