..af- TIME Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 2, NO. 20 MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1916 THE YEAR $1.50 T7 T7 TP MAUPIN tit SENT IN BY OUR CORRESPONDENCE Criterion Chronicles J. A. Glassey of Ridgeway came down Monday to post some mail. The Shaniko branch being out of commission, trains are now tied up and consequently no mail service. '.Travel now is and should be at .".'ftflowest' ebb, owing to the awful-condition of the roads- R.R, Crabtree visited Maupin on Tuesday, W. E. Hunt on Wed nesday and C. A. Duus Thursday of last week. About all that can be done to the roads at present is to drain the places in which the water might stand. , A letter from H. W. Nosker to, his family states that he is at Oatman. Ariiona, receiving med leal treatment. He expects the climate of that section to be of great benefit to him. p. J. Kirsch returned from The Dalles last Saturday. Mrs. Kidder who has been in poor health for several weeks is improving. 'Tall grain has made good pro gress, despite the rigid winter Weather and farmers are looking forward to a bountiful harvest. If the winter moisture counts for anything their hopes will be realized. Grass is growing quite rapidly On Jh"e ranges with the ' advent of warm days. This gladdens the hearts of stock men who are flown to Cases on feed. ' Sdme , interesting hews will soon be seen in this column as predictions of the chronicler are about to be fulfilled. Report says that Ex county Commissioner Rooper has lost 1000 head of sheep during the winter. Most of our citizens are pre paring to welcome the coming spring with a good lot of garden seeds and the determination to get results therefrom. Announcement of Maupin vSwitchboard Associate Pro Tem Wapinitia. Annual Meeting at Tygh Robert Tapp was on the sick list this week. Sldnev Wilson came up from White River last Sunday, re turning the first of the week. The Stockmen's association held their annual meeting at Waoinitia last Saturday. Officers were elected and several new members were taken in, A party was given at the home of Mrs. Ostel Bronner Friday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs Geo. Heitfc. About 47 were present. Geo. E. Wood purchased a fine draft horse from Marion Huston last week. The Y. P. C. E. Of the church here will observe Christian En deavor week beginning Feb. 27th, and Continuing until March 5th. The following program, bas been out-lined for the week- Monday, Tithing or Systematic giving; Tuesday, Quiet hour; Wednes day, United Brethren night; Thursday, Prayer meeting; Fri day, A reception; Sunday, iWisinn tiie-ht. Everyone is cordially envited Jto attend these meetings. Tommy King3ley who has been in the mountains for the past winter, returned to this place Through the agitation and re quests of the patrons of the various telephone companies throughout the counry adiaceut to Maupin, the people of Maupin held a meet ing and subscribed enough money to buy a switchboard It was simply our intention to advance this money and to be paid back by the patrons of the different lines as they came into our switchboard, In this way the switchboard would belong to us all alike. It is our intention now to send a letter to each of the representatives of the Various lines throughout the country to ask them to hold a meeting of their company in regard to .running their lines into the Maupin switchboard. We will ask that each company send a rep resentative here to meet with the different representatives on March 4th. We hope to have a represen tative here at that time from the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Western Electric ' Co. , and representatives from the two rail roads. These gentlemen can give us any information that we wish to know in regard to connecting up with long distance, building tele phone lines or installing a switch board and selecting a switchboard that will meet our requirements. A. letter stating this movement wi 1 reach a representative of your line not later nhau .February 28th, stating more in detail the purpose of this meeting March 4th. We wish to correct any impression that this is a purely Maupin move founded on a selfish basis, for although we expect to buy the board we do not expect to own but one intere.it in the board the same us anyone else, and our line will have one representative at the meeting. We sincerely hope that everyone will take an active interest in this movement as the more lines that come in at the start the better the service will be and , we can draw up a constitution and bylaws that will have the approval of all the subscribers. Maupin Switchboard As'sn., Pro Tem. At the annual meeting of the Tygh Valley Switchboard As'sn. the following officers were elected for the ensuing year. President, A. M. Young; vice president, J. T. Harper; secretary and treasur er, Philip McCorkle; general niana- ger, Vince Steers. The following' persons- submitt ed bids for the operating of the switchboard for the ensuing year; Win Beckwith, Viuce Steers, Mrs. Chas. Crabtree, and Mr. Reel, Mr. Steers being awarded the position. Shaniko, and attended the dance there last week. Lester Wilson was a member of the orchestra which furnished' the music at the dance at Shaniko given on the 11th of ,tl)is month. Miss AnnaJerzyk whe teaches the Ridgeway school, has return ed to her school here. She was snowbound for two weeks' at Shaniko during the last fall of snow. School opened here again Monday. f Rumors are afloat to the effect that a divisian of the Ridgeway school district is being seriously considered by the people who live along the Deschutes. If this division if effected, there will be another school house in the "Cove." Miss Dolly Barlow is building an addition to her house on her homestead. Clarence Davis and S. C. Richardson are doing the work for her. Kenneth Glassey is working at Bakeoven. Yes, Watson, there will be several new fences in.. Ridgeway this spring. Why, you ask? Because during the severe cold snap, several of the Rtdgeway- ltes had to resort burning fence posts, in the absence of other fuel. Of course, they will not do without their fences, and the result will be several new fences on most of the ranches here. ENCOURAGES FISCHER'S GARAGE Auto Passenger Service Auto Delivery Truck Prepared for Long Trips Or Outing Parties A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories Peter v; Kilburg, local agent for the Tuiu-a-Lum Lumber Company, went to Portland Monday to be in attendance at the l.iinibermiin's Association which i in session there this week. MAUPIN, OREGON YOUR IDEAL HOME 9 Lty. MM"-"' """" ''iLJ?-' need be a dream no longer. This is planniug time and for your fcetp we have tiiio plan books 'of ovef two hundred designs ranging in cost from $750 up. Oiir aMfcts bili )nake an design suit your ideals and joWr polMpook. Just itdp in 'or send us word arid we will be oA 'deck to talk thi3 over with you. The plans are jret trti they are very complete. "See PETeA KILBURG about it" tum-A- Lum Lumber Company Saturday and reports 14 feet of snow at the summit housei David Sharpe returned to this place Tuesday from Spokane, having stopped at Zillah, Wash., with his brother for a. few days while the train .Service was in terrupted, Mrsi J. T. West .and son Mon roe McOumber made a trip to The Dalles last weeki OliVer Mattews, teacher of the Oak Grove school, arrived here last Saturday, to finish the term of school at that places V B. TaDD left this week for Saileer, Calf. If that country suits him he will probably moye his family there later to reside Myrtle Chapel and Ralph Dodge started to school again after an absence of about three .eeks. Archie Tapp made a trip to Maupin last Thursday, taking :his father to meet the train. On request of Earl Bartee the Wapinitia correspondent waS ' aske I to cornet a little error that I was made last week in this sec tion of the paper. Instead Of Mr. Bailee having to carry water, it was v'Mrs'' that did the wateV carrying stunt Miss Ruby Wilson and Donald are staying at the Tapp borne during the muddy weather, and going to school. A chivarri party tonaisting of fearty consisting of about twenty went over Monday night to the home of J. I. West taking with Inert tin cans and Other ""musical instruments." to Entertain the jteride and groom, Mr. and Irs. Darwin McOmber. A sumptuous tanch was served after which cigars were passed to the boys. Ridgeway Notes A. R. Austin returned from a trip to Portland Tuesday evening. Corn Growing The Dalles, Ore., Feb. 11. 191 Dear Corn Club Boy;- The purpose of this letter is to advise you that Mr. A. R. Chase, County Agent for Wasco County, plans to devote some time to help. ing the boys in the Corn growing project. ' The first step,' savs Mr. Chase, in the matter of grow' ing a good crop of corn is to secuie pure bred seed. French & Com pany and the First National' Bank have agreed to buy. whatever seed corn Mr. Cbe needs and this will be furnished free of clmrjie : to all ' who take up the com growing project. Every boy will be ex pected to pay back at the end or J the year, the exact amount of seed com which was furnished him at the beginning of the year. In ad- ' dition to this, he will be expected to make exhibit at at least one'ol the local fairs. You doubtless know that Wascn County last year came very close to winning fiist prize in the corn ' growing pioj.-ct at the Oregon State Fair. This prize was won by a Jackson County boy who Worked under Mr. Chase's super vision. Mr. Chase has set his heart upon winning the prize this . year for Wasco County Every boy who takes up ''the' work,' will be given every possible assistance, . In my opinion corn growing la destined to be one of Wasco Couii- ty's leading industries and nothing that a boy Can learn will be of more practical benefit and do th (concluded 011 last page) T. A. Connolly was a business "taller iu our town Tfttsda. Mrs J.. Davis visited in Shaniko on Tuesday, at the home of Mrs. Daisy Kirby, who is very ill. , Mrs. Geo. Albright has return ed home after a twamontha stay at Maupin, Mcand Mrs. H. 'Gray spent the early part of the week at Jersey at the J. A Toothman home. John Farre hauled a load of barley from Trout creek Wed nesday. Mrs. Cora Mitchell has been Quite ill, but is reported to be improving at this writing. D. D-Wilson made a business trip to The Dalles last Thursday E. E. Fine went to The Dalles last Thursday on business. Gus Reeder of Shaniko was in Ridgeway on business otie day last .yvek. MrsH..W. Cook is retried ill this week. Geo. Albright has bcn impnn' in2 l is dace by the erection of anew barn and an additional building c nto the house. Mrs. Joe McClellan who was very ill with typhoid fvet" Inst fall, is (rradually reganiiift her Btrength, although the is quite weak yet Henry Cook hauled a load of wood out from Shajiiko last week. He Bays the roads are in a bad Onditron for .hauling such heavy loads. H. W. Cook, butchered 'last Friday. So far no stock. losses have been reported by.Ridgeway stock men duringvthe -severe weather this winter- The Misses Dolly and Avis ikirlow visited a few daya in PAY AT County Depository ' NO CHARGES firing Your Tax Statement WITH YOU SSI L ... fc Buy Your GASOLINE; From Us At absolutely the same price as it iw?ll cost you to lay tt down here from Portland or The Dalles See us before buying as you cannot save a cent by sending off for it Coal Oil, Lubricating' Oils, Greases and Compounds SHATTUCR BROS. General Merchandise 90000 0000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0