The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, February 18, 1916, Image 8

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    The Maupin Times
J'ublishcd every FiiiUy at Maupin,
J. H. Pisukow, Publislur
pubHcription: uue t;ar, $1,50; six
mouths, 75 uvnts; ihree nioiiili.s, 50
Enterftl as second class mail
flutter htptcmlj-r 2, 1914, at ttit?
Vostoffice at Maupin, Oregon, 1111
h t the A'.-t of Mnrph 3, 1 S70.
1'iading Stamp Act
' Tlv i fii; stani) net passed y
the l,e 1 1 ! Ill'- nf 19'") i'- lltictin and Vuld. Jsi) liiLlded
by the United Si a its District Cour
, lit Por IiiimI "ii 0 mber 41)1, 1915
The u now final, and
trading M.nujin may lawfully bt
issued h mi; incrcliu ut in Or gon.
The Sunday LiHV
Tlit ilicsion 1 ( tin- Oregon
tntpreiiie C'liiii, d' vl ii'iiu t lie Sun.
liay-d '.-on,; l.i .v vi il wa passed
over by in-- in j j' 1 - 1' i 1 1 sli; s,
bec:iij I mih Hi tin.' opinion that
the I'iiU'ihI C""fl ' would declare
f lit.- Iiv imcii'ir1 inii'na! mid void
tvheumvr 1 hu raw should coife
beiuiv that ti iinii.iil, In ih:ii npin,
wan mistaken; ir I lit I'niird
States District Cnutt (three judges
coueniiinjj 011 Janinry 3rd. 1916,
at Portland, Qngoii, l"ltder a
decision in the Bin usivicU -HufV. e
Cullender Company holding the
law valid and sniud. ''he hear,
jng on the prayer tor a permanent
injunction Hgaiusi l he- law came
before United Suies Circuit Judge
Gilbert, United Slates District
Judge Ciish limn and United Jstaie
District Judge U'olveilon, The
law prohibits the keeping opui oi
"any store, shop, grocery, ball
alley, billiard room, or tippling
place, for the purpose of labor or
traffic, or any place of amusement,
on the first day of tl.e week, comv
moniy canea annate, or uie ora-g
iday." The law exempts drug
stoies, doctor shops, undertakers,
liver stable keepers, theaters,
butchers and inkers. The Court
holds that the Stale of Oregon had
the right to adopt the luw, that
the law is not in conflict with the
State and Federal Constitution,
and tbufVit is a valid exeieiseof
the puliis power ol inc. Stale of
Oregon. This . deeiMuii is final,
and puis lite mutter of uuimug ui
repealing the law t.p to the people
of the Stale.
A. . Ui.i'iWBM.
From all indications the uin'e
is about past. The birds are i -
turning, Robin Red )renst a-d tin j week-
()t iole are eoninu neutst iln ir i hti-ty j Geo. Duncan's latest occupa
notes; a vetit.nii-.' condition of j tio.i is hauling straw and it keeps
weather the pus wvet; has taken j Oa'i uuay hauling
tiefuly hII the imow and fouupd1 -
litile mt ch, nni N through ev Y ' VV-,.I u.s itcehed heie Sat urday
'ld iiihh'ing on toiivvit! the wains lt' ,K. demh m i'orlland of Mis.
of the DescHlikK, Cliiud Heisler, pneumonia being
Don't blame your dockit the cause of her deaih Tue re
nccdi cimninq Emnwns wiU mains were brought to her home
do it for you mid guarantee it. i at Dufur, for burial.
Smock Items 2
(to late for last week)
Miss Ida Duncan was u guest
of Miss Vina Ayers last Thurs
day, going home with her from
school, returning Friday. The
girsare studying hard to finish
the gth grade this year Miss
Vina aqcompanied Ida home
Wedding bells and tin cans will
soon bj sounding in Smock,
0, B- Murray was a guest at
the home nf S. H, Mulvaney
Monday evening-
Mr. and Mrs. Ch,as. Ross was
callers at the home of Leone
Hull, Saturday,
Mrs. Herman Gesh and little
daughter ar spending a few
days visit with hor paronts, Mr,
and Mrs- S. H. Mulvaney,
T. J, Whitcomb went to Pen'
dleton last Friday, returning
Saturday. Ilia wife accompanied
him home, C. A. Syron meeting
them at Wanna, to where they
came by stage from Sherar.
G- W. Bargabholc and F. E.
Spoore was hauling wood to
Maupin the last of the week.
They must hava started on Fri
day judging oy the luck they
met with upsetting twice, stuck
jn the mud and broke one of the
sleds, obliging them to make
the remainder of the trip with
one load, then return for the
remainder. On returning home
they picked up the fragments
and the sled is no.v at the Mul
vaney shop for repairs.
T. E, Farlow and family were
Sunday v iiiitors at his. brother's
J. W. Fuiv..v.
C- A. iaytin and children, also
Un- Griffin wereMonduy visitors
&l ,
iu lmtne of Mr. and Mrs.
jjhn lmill,
Miss Ipha Howell returned to
her home lat Tuesday after
spending several weeks at The
Mr- and Mrs. E, Craft return
ed to their home Sunday near
Dufur, alter attending her
father's funeral.
Mr. Griffin makes daily trips
fiun the T. J. Hill ranch to the
Barlow gate ranch on skeis, to
feed his stock.
Mrs. Geo. Thornton and baby,
Mrs. Marion Farlow and daugh
ter were visiting Wednesday at
T. E. Farlow's.
Mrs. Cora Smith is spending
few days with
Mrs Hull this
laupin, Feb.
at Hall Furnished
the Gents
Local Hapenings
Pay your taxes at the Maupin
State Bank.
Orn Btizan cnine in Saturday
from Bakeoven,
A, A. Rritton win In town Wed
nesday, Frank Bnai was tit town Wed.
Mrs. G. R, Ellis has been quite
ill this week.
J. W. Derthick arrived last night
from Vale Oregon.
Pay your Uxeg at the Maupin
State Bank, No charges.
E. A- Chandler was in from bis
Criterion homestead Tuesday.
T. A, Connolly is hauling hay
from here to his sheep ranches.
If the other fellow could not fix
your watch bring it to Emmons
the jeweler.
Walter Driver, W. A. Westbrook
Otis ChasUin and Calvin McCorkle
were among Tesdas's visitors in
Claud Wilson, Alvis Martin and
John and Franc Confer were in
Maupin Tuesday,
Exquisite Chocolates at Tallcott's
Just received, a fresh Invoice of
delicious chocolates and otliei nice
II. K, Crowfoot of Tygh was a
guest at the L. D. Kelly home last
Win. Heckman ba.s been suffer.
ing this week from an attack of
Pure White Wyandotte Cockerels
for sale $1 each, C, H. Crowfoot,
Maupin, Ore. ,
. Brentou Slusher was called home
to Dufur Saturday on account of
the illness of bis little daughter.
A. R. Austin returned this week
and operations are agnin in pro
gress on the R. S. Shtsher well.
Mr. Austin has nearly recovered
from. his injury of a few weeks ago,
bjt it is thought that he will prob
ably never have complete use of
his arm again,
J. M. Conkliu, Bates Shattuck,
Art and Clarence Farger and W.
II. Talcott composed a volunteer
Good Roads party last Friday
afternoon and removed a boulder
which had fallen into the road
passing the Cunningham house i
leading to the 0 T, depot, '
Mrs, Nettie Muir was hostess to
a few of her friends Saturday even-j
ing. Cards were played and Mr.
Brown executed a few musical '
numbers on ihe violin, after which
delicious refieshnients were served !
consisting of sandwiches, cake and
cookies with hot chocolate. Everv I
out- reported a fine time.
Grover Slusher, Hugh Mulkins:
and Merle Woods started lor their ;
home at Dufur Sunday morning,
but at Tygh Valh y the horse w'.iieli
h id made the trip over with ibe
one that died Sittttday took siek
and delayed litem a day until a
horse could be sent to them to bike
its place, while it was snved only
by quick medical attention.
25th, 1916
Mem, Coll, Phys. & Surg.,
Licentiate Minnesota and
Prompt Servieu on Either
Day or Night Calls
Eye tested, Glastet Fitted
Can You po It?
-il.,i.b.tln,,H.i, rt MMlt.nriIIWi?i7i,S
01 V',.twT .l.-"'l .'t.r.j.wlh... WIa H t
f! hold n,h n rvwll ullrr lulbn Uu.. B.'M. inctr. tram tb. m.
y ". '. ' .. . .... wpi m r.iimf ui..n, .im-'b .
'" n V "i pi- l Hw l,l.
Dr. C. H. Francis,
The regular 50 cent box of
chocolates for 30 cents at Tallcotl's
just out of the factory.
Ed Mays and sou George drove
in from Bakeoven, Saturday. '
Mi.". Muir planned to leave yes
terday morning for Pendleton, but
the train which she would have
taken did not arrive here.
h D. Kelly is remodeling his
old Ford car into a truck and Mrs
Kelly says it will look better than
many nsw ones,
Eleven were present at the solo
party Tuesday night. Mr. Tory
and Dr. Francis tied for first and
second' pri.e.
Messers A. A. Canfield, Flint r
Miller and Bert Nosker have been
working 011 the Criterion grade
leading; out of Maupin,
C. Chappell, thu local insurance
man, K fl Monday night foi a few
weeks absence in Portland, where
his father is quite sick,
Dave Donaldson piade a trip up
from Shearer Sunday afternoon
returning there that evening as he
is caring for sheep at that plnci
Clarence Farger and Tom Mu'r
went to The Dalles Sunday, being
C died as witnesses in the case of
investigation concerning the killing
of two of Clem Matthew's horses.
Church Notice.
Maupin Sunday services, Sunday
School, 10 a, ni,, preaching, n a.
m. and 7:30 p, m. Come.
C. R. ELLIS, Pastor.
Harness and Shoes Mended
A. D. GIBBS, Tygh Valley, Or
To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay
Rum, a Bfnall box of Barbo Compound,
and ?4 ox. of glycerine. Apply to the hair
twice a week until it becomes the desired
shade. Any druggist can put this up or
you can mix It at home at very little cost.
Full directions for making; and use conn
In each box of Barbo Compound. It will
cradually darken streaked, faded gray
hair, and removes dandruff. It Is excel
lent for falling hair and will make harsh
hair soft and glossy. It will not color the
scalp, is not sticky or greasy, and does not
rub off.
School Notes
from t o'clock to 2:30, with
recitations, quotations and eulogies.
The primary, 1st to 4th, and
high school, 9th and loth, grades
show a much higher per cent of
attendance than do the other
Pliiloineua, Leon and Mail Ida
Choiiinard have dropped school on
account of the family intending to
move awwy soon,
A set of supplementary readers
for each nf the primary grades has
been reemved from the county
library. This is the third lot they
have had this term.
Lawrence Hajpahn has been at
Wapinitja this week with his
The teachers here have received
programs for the local institute to
be held at Tygh Vallpy, Saturday
March 4th. The original date
had been changed because of the
weather conditions.
Mrs J, I. West and sou Monroe
Mc'Jr.mher made the round trip to
the county seat Wednesday and
L. B. Kelly was a business visi
tor ' in Maupin yesterday and
renewed his subscription to this
paper. ' 1
M. 0. Wilkins of The Dalles
was in town Tuesday, stopping at
the Moad hotel.
, (pubi,ishrr)
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Da!es.
Oregon, January 19, 1916.
NOTICE is hereby given that
of Shaniko, Oregon, who on May
1st, 1612, made Homestead Entry
no. 010255 and on May 22nd jgit,
made additional Homestead Enttv,
no. 013352, for m-affwi-4 & the
SWI-4. Sec. 33, T. 7 S. K, IS E,
lots 3 & 4, Section 4, Townnhip 8-
south, Range 15-East, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of inteiir
tion to make Final three year
Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before H. C.
Rooper U. S. Commissioner, at
Antelope. Oregon, on the 1st day
of March, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses;
Herbert W. Cook, Harrison Gray.
Gharles C. Robinson, Henry Cook,
all of Shaniko, Oregon.
H. rank Woodcock,
P , Begiser,
Department of the Interior,
U. S, Land Office at the Dalles,
Oregon, January 13th 1916.
NOT ICE is hereby given that
James 0. Minks
of Tygh Valley, Oregon, who, on
March 3rd 1911, made Homestead
Enter No. 08239 Hld "ti Novem
ber loth, 1914 made additional
Homestead Entry No. 014036, for
WI-2 SHI -4, HI 2 SWI-4, ' NKI-4 of
siu-4, ski-4 nwi 4, svi-4 NK1-4,
& Lot 3, Section 7, Township
4-South, Range 15. Fast, Willam
ette Meridian, has Bled notice of
intention to make Final three year
Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before F, D,
Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at
Mmip'in, Oregon, on the 25th day
of February 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Charles H. Angee, D. C. Munger,
0. A. Paltison all of Grass Valley,
Oregon, L. C. Minks, of Tygh
Valley, Oregon.
H, Frank Woodcock,
p Register,
Department of the Interior, n
V. S. Land office at the Dalles,
Oregon. January 13th, 1916.
. NOl'ICICis hereby given that,
Cll.kwI.KS H. ArcER
ot&ras Valley, Oregon, who, on
February 15th, 1911, made Home
stead Entry No. 0S130 and on
September 21st, 1914 madtf addi
tional Homestead Entry No.
013873, for Lots 3-4, Era swi-4,
fil-i SR1-4. Sec. 31.SI-2 swi 4,
Section 32, Township 3 South,
Range i.vEast, Willamette Meri
dian, has filed notice of intention
to make Final thiee year Proof,
to establish claim to the land
above described, before F. D.
Stuart, l S. Comraissianer, at
Maupin, Oregon, on the 25th day
of February 1916.
Claimant naiifa as witnesses:
I. 0 Minks, L. S Minks both of
Tygjj Valley. Oregon, ft C, Mon,
,'er, C. A. Patti.son both of Oiass
H. Fhank Woodcock,
p Regiser,
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, February 14th, 1916. .;
NOT ici? is hereby given that
William A. Wksthrook
of Maupin Oregou, who, 011 Dec,
ember oih, 1912, made Homestead
Entry No. 051039 and. on Novenn
ber Ipth, 1914, made additional
Homestead Entry No, Q14045, for
NWI-4 SKI.4. EI-2 9BI-4, NEI-4
SWt-4, SKI-4 NWI4, SI-3 NEl-d,
Sec. 19, fiwi-4 NWi-4, Section 20,
Township 5-South Range 14-East,
Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make Final
three year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
F. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner,
ft Maupin, Oregon, on the 24th
dav of March, 1916,
Claimant names as witnesses!
Frank Turner. A. St Dennis,
Clark Richardson, C. E. Mathews.
til of Maupin, Oregou.
H, Frnr Woodcock,
p Register.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, January 13th 1916.
NQTIQh, is hereby given that
of Criterion, Oregon, who, on
September" 19th, 1912, made
Homestead Entry No. 010741 and
on May 1st 1914 made additional
Homestead Entry tyo. 012997, '
si-2 net 4, S1-2 Nwi-4. Lot
1-2 3-4 Sec. 5'Lot 1, Section 6,
Township 7-South, Range 15-East.
Willamette Meridian, has filtd
tiptiae of intention to make Final
'hree year Proof, to establish claim,
to the laud above, described, before
P. D. Stuart, U. S. Coinniis,
-ioner, ai Maupin, Oregou, on the
41IJ day of March, 1916.
Claimant natiies as witnesses)
D. L. Rmiiford, C. i. Duns, Fr..d
rfornquist, R H. DeCatnp all of
Criterion, Oregon.
H. Fkai Woodcock,
p Register.
Department of the Interior,
U S. Lil'ld Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, December 29th, 1915.
NOTICE is hereby given ihat
whose posuoflke address is Wapiti,
itia, Oregon, did on the 17th dwy
of March, igi5, file in this office
Sworn Statement and Application,
No. 0146'! 9, to purchase the SEi 4
SIS 1-4, Sec 18- NEr-4 NEI-4, Sec,
tion 19, Township 6-South, Range
13-east WillametteMeridian.and the
timber thereon, under the provis,
ions of the act of June 3, 1878, and
acts amendatory, known as the
"Timbei and Sione Law," at such
value as might be fixed by appraise,
meut. and that,' pursuant to such
application, the .bind and timber
tiieieoi) have been appraised t
$235,00 the timber estimated
2iuooo boaid feel at 75 cents per
M . and t)e land $40,00; that said
applicant will offer final proof in
suppori of . his application, and
swoin statement 0:1 the 9th 1! iv of
March. iqi6. before F. D Smart.
U. S. Commisnioaer at Maupin,
Any person is at liberty to pro?
test this purchase before entry.
or initiate a contest at any time
before patent issues, by filing a
corroborated affidavit in this office,
alleging facts which would defeat
the entrv,
H. Frank Woodcock,
P Register. .
Department of the Interior,
U. S Land Office at The Dalles.
Oregon. la.ijnary 13th, igifi.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Lke O. Wood?
of Kent, Oregon, who, on July
3isl, 1912, made Homestead Entry
No. 010587 and on July rgth, 191 5
made additional Homestead Entrv
No. 015255, for NW1.4, the ni-?
SKI-4, SIU-4 8EI-4, NEI-4SWI-4,
Section 12, Township 6 South,
Rauge 17-East, Willamette Mend,
ian, has filed notice -of intention
to make Final three vear Pmnl
to establish claim to the land above
described, before H. C. Rooper. U,
. commissioner, at Antelope,
Oregon, on the 25th day of Febru.
ary, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses;
Andy J. Holt, William Mitchell,'
John H. Barnett all of Kent, Ore
gon, Louis A. Sickles, of Shaniko,
H. Frank Woopcock,
V9 . Register,