The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, February 18, 1916, Image 7

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1916 Cm loo
Seed PlaDls, Bulbs, Car
ta Orchard and Poullry
Soppucs, Fertilizer Etc
A rellsble Weetern Cstalog for
WnUni llurors. Our "Highest
Qasllty" Stocks, direct to nr
re only, no sgente. Yoo siva
time and money by buying of us.
Now Catalog No. 4 FREE
RoutledgeSted 4 Floral C.
MI-171 S-coed BL, Portland. Or i
will flt ftny mbttlom younv Mm m Wols
m for high-claw poi.tlun In
Bookkeeping Sleiograpbf. Salesmanship
To men this Includf vlub! athletic,
qui tie nd nvmbornhlp BrivllVge.. al
though tuition coct it lw than .Mwhr.
Valuable courtcM can a I no m had In
Grammar grade and iUttirgm Preparatory
English Monarch Responsible for
Famous Saying.
On the Authority of Samuel Pepyi, the
Following Account of Historic
Incident li Given to the
If you "toll It to the marine," ba
quite aura you bava It right, for that
warring amphibian la not the credu
lous personage you have alway sup-
posed him to be. United Statea ma
rine corps officers have traced the fa
mous saying, "Tell It to the marines"
to none other than our old friend Sam
uel Pepys of the diary renown, the
original "first nlghter," who tells us
that the saying had origin with
Charles II, the merry monarch of England.
It so befall," the story goes, "that
his llghthearted malestv. with an ex-
Monamobfle Oils and Greases L7art
with the Ingenious Mr. Pepys, secre
tary to the admiralty."
"I bad a speech yesterday at Dept-
ford," said Mr. Pepys, "with the
captain of the Defyance, who hath but
lately returned from the Indies, and
who fnlfl TY1A thA turn mnat wsnnrlm-fiil
Doable Tread Puncture Prsof Tires things that ever I think I did hear in
my life." Among the stories told were
of fish flying In the air.
"Fish flying In the air!" exclaimed
hi a mo lAtirv 'VJa ha a mialnf Ann.
WttKi rSKtAfi-Ur-A-tULU lADLtlo celt, which 'twere too Kood to bdoII
A guaranteed remedy for Colds and wl keeping. What, sir" (he turned
Fro Tiro Service.
31 Broadway No. Portland, Ore.
Mridfl from your old ones. Lut long
ss Brand New TIRES Write lie.
WO Washington St. Portland, On.
La Grippe. Price 25e of your druggist,
It s good. Take nothing else. aov.
and beckoned to the Colonel, Sir Wil
liam Killlgrew, of the newly-raised
maritime regiment on foot, who was
following In close conversation with
the Duke of York) "we would dis-
. 1., - . . L TTnlvBMltff nf
",r. "mm,T ;'f. course with you on a matter touch
.L ,nm .nnotr.mtin hmiP costing mg your element What say you, col-
more than $25,000, according to a reso- onel, to a man who swears he hath
lution passed by trustees of the unl- seen fishes fly In the air?"
versity. "I should say, sire," returned the sea
Photography has discovered the BOidier, simply, "that the man hath
depth to which the sun's rays pene- galed Jn goutnern Beag. For wnen
trate water, rive nunurcu auu .., majesty's business carried me
?e 'J w. e 1?; iari 8h8raUither of Ut. I did frequently observe
Tor h,,t Unless nTeht more flying fish In one hour than the
Twin made bv the Central Pa- hairs of my head in number.
clfic railroad in 1881 in search of Old Rowley glanced narrowly at the
water, near Huxley, Nev., encounter- colonel's frank, weather-beaten face,
Ari at ft rleoth of 1.700 feet a bed Of pet- m,m ,(,, - l.,,.),. hn turned to the
rtfied clams, and at 1.900 feet a Becretary 6nd said: "Mr. Pepys, from
quantity of 'wood timber In a re- no
flr'rtter class of our subjects can have so
scholarship average than men at the wide a knowledge of seas and lands
University of Wisconsin last semes- as the officers and men of our loyal
ter. Sorority women stood higher maritime regiment. Henceforth, when-
than thA others, while among the men nTnr we pant doubt UDon a tale that
those who were not members of fra- lacketn livelihood, we will tell it to
ternitles did better than those who marlnes-lf they believe It. It Is
Not Bonds, as We Use Term, but
Perpetual Obligations of the
, British Nation,
The British government debt really
dates back to 1G72, when It bore 6 per
cent Interest. Since then the major
wars of the world bave been recorded
with more or less exactness In the
fluctuations of interest return to In
vestors In British bonds. Incidentally,
A very ancient and honorable British
institution Is now apparently In the
way of being extinguished. In the
middle of the eighteenth century
about the time young George Wash
ington was surveying In the wilds of
Virginia England's government debt
was consolidated Into a uniform Is
sue bearing. 8 per cent Interest; bence
arose the venerated name "consols,
long boasted as the world's premier
War with the American colonies and
with Napoleon sent consols down to
47 cents on the dollar, but by 1824
they were up to 96, and England set
tied back Into a conviction that ber
government bonds, bearing not more
than 3 per cent interest, were among
the permanent phenomena of nature
says the Saturday Evening Post.
Noarly a generation ago Mr. Goschen
reduced the Interest on consols to 2
per cent, then to 2H per cent, and at
the latter rate they presently sold
above par.
Consols are not really bonds, as we
use the term, because the principal Is
not payable at all. They are the per
petual obligation of the British gov
ernment, and the purchaser, Instead
of getting a sheet of engraved paper,
with coupons attached, gets merely an
entry on the Bank of England's books
signifying that Interest Is payable to
Recently parliament authorized a
loan of $5,000,000,000 payable In 30
years and bearing 4ft per cent Inter
est. Consols are convertible Into the
new loan at the rate of 662-3 cents
on the dollar, by which process they
may disappear. What other ancient
and honorable Institutions the war
may swallow up Is problematical.
Device Divulges "Stickiness"
Various Materials.
Little Invention Welcomed by the Men
Who Construct the Highway
Which Connect the Coaets
of the Country.
The stickiness of materials can now
be measured and placed In actual rela
tive figures with the aid of a device
which the California highway commis
sion Is using to test road oils. The ex
perts who examine road oils have
found that the ordinary physical and
chemical tests did not tell some of the
facts which they most desired to
know, among them how sticky a sub-
safe to say It Is true.'
For any sore Hanford's Balsam,
A Pacifist.
11 Ata vntt in favor of preparedness?"
"No," replied Broncho Bob. "I
think It's all wrong for people to carry
By the Use of Adjustable Thermo
static Controller the Temperature
of Room May Be Fixed.
By the invention of an adjustable
"But you are carrying one right inerlnostatic controller which is Intend
ed to be attached to a steam or hot wa-
i The Fire-Brat.
The common silverfish (Leplsma
saccharlna) Is a well-known and trou
blesome household insect, but Its near
relative Thermobia domestics, known
In England as the "fire-brat," is less
familiar. In a recent department of
agriculture bulletin on silverfish Mr.
C. L. Marlatt calls attention to the
curious habit which the fire-brat has
developed of frequenting ovens and
fireplaces, where It seemingly revels
In an amount of heat that would be
fatal to moBt other Insects. The writer
says: "It disports Itself in numbers
about the openings of ranges and over
the hot bricks and metal, manifesting
a most surprising Immunity from the
effects of high temperature." It was
first described in this country In 1873,
and began to be noted commonly
about 1895 In Europe. It Is of about
the same size and general appearance
as the silverfish, except for some
dusky markings.
w 11
Opportunities of the Horse Breeder In
ine nonnwen,
About the professional horse breed
er I shall have little to say. He Is
abundantly able to take caie of him
self and, If he is as roresigntoa as ne
should be he will profit by the Im
pending conditions which will soon
make borBe breeding one of the most
profitable phases of animal husbandry
In this country.
Henry Ford and the European war
conditions have completely changed
the aspect of the horse business In
this country the first by putting the
poor horse out of business and the
socond by practically cleaning the
country of the lighter and less useful
farm horses and both in causing con
ditions which make for the advantage
of the drafter.
More than any other country the
United States is a UBer of agricultural
machinery and, as our machines have
become heavier and more complicated
we have suffered from lack of farm
power. Motors will not supply this
lack as they are yet too expensive
both In cost and operation and they
do not suddIv tho mobility of power af
forded by the horse and neeaea oy
the farmer.
The reason for this lack or power
Is not far to seek. It bas been the
long continued and almost universal
practice for farmers to breed their
mares to the nearest stallion regard
less of breed or type but, all the time,
very regardful of the size of the serv
Ico fee. Too often the farmer will
breed his mares to a Percheron one
year, a Clyde or a Shire the next and
then to a Btandard bred, a Morgan or
a grade the next with the result that
he bas all kinds and types of horses
on his farm at the same time.
The raising of puro bred draft
horses on the farm should now offer
greater opportunities than ever be
fore. I mention the drafter particular
ly because he Is the only kind for the
farmer and his market for his surplus
Never breed a mare to a stallion
that la not of her own breed and
never, under any circumstances, use
a stallion that Is not better than the
mare. Good draft horses are just as
essential as good seed or good ma
chinery and the foals from pure bred
parents are worth at least double any
other kind. And then feed. Draft
horses cannot be made without feed.
Push the col( from three weeks to
three years, give him plenty of open
air and exercise, and he will pay you
as well as anything on the farm. I. D.
Hraham, in Rural Spirit.
Poor Blood Ltfl
u the Indirect cause of much
winter $lckneit-U allow chilli,
Invitet coldt and tlckncst.
Nourishment alone make blood
not drugs or liquors and the nourish
big food In 5co' Emaltion charge
summer blood with winter richness
and Increase the red corpuscle,
Its Cod Ut Oil war
the body, fortifies tho lira,
and alleviates rbmuutte
ft. 4--L
I If
Device to Measure Stickiness.
"Sure. If I didn't something might
happen to me that 'ud keep me from
exertln' my moral influence in the
cause of peace." wasmngion star,
WANTED Every person who ue a Lan
tern to write u for descriptive pamphlet of
nn-A OICPTV LANTERN, the Liffht of all
liehts for all purposes, wind, rain and weather
. -r . . n i . n I r. left 1J C. D...I..J
prool. Ktwlledfe Mea nonu w., iuj ui in
Getting Around To It.
"When I was your age I worked 14
" aald the worried father.
-wail, what of it," replied the
voune man who squanders.
"Nothing much. Only when you
t tn ha mv aee that is probably
what you will have to do." Wash
ington Star.
galls use Hanford's Balsam.
ter radiator a simple means of main
talnlng a room at a nearly constant
temperature has been devised. Tho
plan of the Instrument, says Popular
Mechanics, Is such as to make It pos
sible to keep separate rooms In a
house at different temperatures when
In the Sanctum
"Ex-Congressman Flubdub wants a
fittle write-up," remarked the maga
zine Dublihesr. "What shall we Bay
about him?"
"What did he ever do?"
Illness or other conditions make this
desirable. '
The device is only a few Inches In
height, and is not objectionable-In
Say he upheld the best traditions appearance. The thermostat consists
The word splnBter Is a form or va
riation of spinner, one who spins,
meaning an unmarried woman who
was supposed to occupy herself with
spinning. In its primitive form and
meaning the word Is of early Anglo
Saxon origin, when no young woman
was thought fit to be a wife till she
had spun for herself an outfit of per
sonal, table and bed linen; hence spin
ner or spinster. The fine and sacred
word wife (Saxon wlf) has a somewhat
similar origin In the Saxon verb wy
fan or wefan, to weave, the weaver
being the natural successor of the
spinner. There was nothing derisive
In the term spinster and It Is still used
In legal documents to designate an
unmarried woman.
The Substance Is Smeared on a Boiler, and
the Machine Then Tells How Sticky the
Material Is.
stance is; so to find out the power
of different oils to hold dust, and the
binding coat, the "adhesive machine"
was constructed.
The little invention consists of an
Inner and outer cylinder, the latter a
hundredth of an Inch larger than the
former. The material to be tested Is
placed between these two cylinders
and the whole combination Is mount
ed horizontally. A rope and a weight
are attached to the outer cylinder;
a water-cooling Jacket keeps the tem
perature uniform, with a tall ther
mometer on the device keeping the
record, and the test starts. The time
required for the weights to turn the
outer cylinder three times Is the fig
ure which decides the test. A mini
mum time of 300 seconds has been es
tablished as a requirement for all
oils. The balsam preparation used
for sticky fly paper has an adhesive
test figure of about 250 seconds. Il
lustrated World.
le elMTe a aeaftfty WW.
. M. In tan rn ba both
l...i,ka nn nrafltahla If the
Srat aiirn at raducml tnilk rleld I
iMonlwi a duger elgnel.
nrti eowe eii nmellT be toned op br the oee of
Vaw.Kure. the treat row medicine. Ua lot
twenty yi-ere for the rure end prevention of Abor
tion, Berrennrie, Milk Keyer, Sooorlnf, Lest
Appetite. Uuncbee end Heleined Atterblru.
Sold by dnieaiete sod feed dealers la
Me end II peckxioo.
Delrr AeoeelatioaC.
TillfCnc" V
Portland Seed Co.,
Portland. Oregon
One trial convinces Hanford's Bal
sam. Adv.
Portland Y.M. C. A. Auto School
Day and night clseees. Expert traininf
In repairing, driving and machine work,
including forge, lathe, eheper, drill pmee,
tractors, etc. Time unlimited. COMPE
of congress. That means nuie, ior
or against." Louisville Courier-Jour
For poison Ivy use Hanford's Bal
sam. Adv.
"And Thy Neighbor A Thyself.
Willie Ma, may I have Tommy
Wilson over to our house to play Sat
urday? Mother No, you make altogether
too much noise. You'd better go over
to his house and play. Boston Tran
The bright lights of an even
lng gathering show up merci
lessly the defects of a poor com
plexion. But the regular use of
Resinol Soap makes it as easy
to have a naturally beautiful
skis as to cover up a poor one
with cosmetics. It lessens the
tendency to pimples, redness
and roughness, and In a very
short time the complexion usual
ly becomes clear, fresh and vel
vety. In severe or stubborn cases,
Resinol Soap should be aided by
little Resinol Ointment All
druggists sell them.
of two corrugated silver disks which
are hermetically Joined. The hollow
space provided between these drums
Is filled with a gas, the expansion and
contraction of which turns on and oil
the steam when the heat in a room
drops below or rises above predeter
mined points.
A shield Is provided which protects
the thermostat against the effect of
heat given off from the radiator.
New Grecian Harbor.
One of the largest works now re
ceiving the attention of the Hellenic
government Is the construction of a
new navy yard and arsenal at Scara-
manga, on the bay of Eleusls, to su
persede the present yard, which lies
opposite the Island of Salamis. This
construction is bein carried out un
der the supervision and after the plans
of a corps of British engineers. The
estimated cost Is In the neighborhood
of $15,000,000. It will be several years
before It can be completed. It will
give to Greece a landlocked harbor for
Its fleet, with ample faculties for re
pair work.
P. N. U.
No. 6. 1916
" tJaa this (.
Science in the Kitchen.
To plan a kitchen successfully one
must consider carefully the scientific
arrangement thereof. After the loca
tion of the stove haB been decided
upon, the sink must be placed. This
necessitates a consultation with the
plumber, as well as with the architect,
since Its position Is largely dependent
upon the location of the water pipes
and upon the drainage.
A generous space should be allotted
to the sink; also, It should be suffi
ciently large to permit two persons to
work comfortably there. It must be
well lighted by ample windows placed
above it; If these are double-hung
gash windows, one may have the maxi
mum of fresh air, even in extremely
cold weather, with no discomfort
while washing dishes or otherwise
working at the sink.
Beauty of Good Book.
A good book Is the precious Ufa
blood of master spirit embalmed
ud treasured up on purpose to life
beyond life. Milton.
Stilt Sore.
"If you are kind to people they will
be kind to you."
"No doubt that is true In the main,
but there are exceptions and I hope
you won't dwell on the subject thin
"Why, what's the matter?"
"I've just been victimized by ft fake
promoter, and I was as kind to him
as I could be."
Most Improbable,
"Do you think there's any truth In
the story that Nero fiddled while Rome
burned V
"No," replied the vaudeville man
ager; "there Isn't a musician on earth
who would be content to perform on
the same bill with so strong rival
attraction as a conflagration."
In the Modern Flat.
Prospective Tenant (dubiously)
Well, I'd take the place. It ha mod
era Improvements and so forth, a you
say, but I don't like that ugly crack
In the wall over there.
Janitor (hastily) Crack, sir? Why,
that's the private ball! Puck,
Evolution of an Aristocrat.
When Hanch Glover was a farm
hand, relates the Howard Courant, he
ran away and married his employers
daughter, and he had never worn a
linen collar or a nightgown, and his
wife had to nag at him to get him to
wash his feet every Saturday night.
When he moved to town and built his
new house she had the fight of her
life to get him to have a bathtub and
hot water equipment built In. But she
won out, and now Hanch doesn't see
how he ever got along without It. In
fact, he monopolizes the bathroom ana
calls It his room, doing all his dress
ing and undressing in It, and his wife
can't get Inside the door until after
he Is through or leaves the house. Tho
other morning when he found long
hairs In his brush and some hairpins
lvlne on the shelf ho snorted and
lawed around till he made himself
very unpleasant, and now he Is plan
ning to have a bathroom put In which
shall be his exclusively and where his
wife will not be allowed to butt in and
clutter It up with her powder puffs
and tooth brushes and funny looking
flxin's. Hanch Glover has changed
greatly since 1881. Kansas City Star,
Occupation for Tots.
Children are often restless because
ho occupation has been provided for
them. And If a little thought is taken
It Is sometimes easy to do this, for
when children are quiet any house
hold gets on much better.
When the children must stay in
the house, a never-falling source of
amusement Is "store." What child
has not delighted In weighing out
flour and sugar or giving Imaginary
or real samples of dress stuffs? And
money may be of paper or pins. The
childish Imagination will bridge any
gaps. One mother procured a large
wooden packing box for her children
and they thought it an Ideal "store."
Furthermore, she saved all the gro
cery boxes, labeled tins In fact, e
ery thing which would swell ft grocery
stock on ft packing box scale.
Needless to say, those children
played for hours In perfect quietness,
Quite Different Thlna.
She "Why do you refuse Ethel'
hand to Mr. Nocoyne? Don't you
want your daughter married off?" Ha
"Yes; what I am trying to avoid 1
daring ft on-ln-law married on," i
Boa ton Transcript
i Nicknames Of Presidents.
Father of His Country George
The Colossus of Independence
John Adams.
The Sage of Montlcello Thomas
The Father of the Constitution
James Madison.
The Poor but Spotless President
James Monroe.
Old Hickory Andrew Juckson.
The Old Man Eloquent John
Qulncy Adams,
The Shrewd Statesman Martin
Van Buren.
Hero of Tippecanoe William H.
The First Accident President John
Young H'ckory James K. Polk.
Old Rough and Ready Zachary
Second Accidental President Mil
lard Fillmore.
The Yankee President Franklin
The Bachelor President James Bu
Honest Abe Abraham Lincoln.
The Silent President Ulyssea S.
The Teacher President James A.
The Chesterfield of the White
House Chester A. Arthur.
The Man of Destiny Grover Cleve
The Conservative President Ben
jamin Harrison.
The Little Major William Mc-
Teddy the Terflble Theodore
Modern Journalism.
Crackl 111
A pistol shot cut the murky air of
the rooming house and the little bullet
whistled merrily as It sped across the
dining room,
Plopl 1 I !
She fell to the floor.
Tan! Tan! Tan!
The murderer was running up th
uncarpeted stairs.
Slam! I I
The door of his room crashed shut
and the gunman was alone.
Another crack! 1 I I
Plot! 1 1
And the murderer fell dead.
Honk! Honk!
The police motor signaled that It
was on the Job.
Clatter! Clatter! Scurr; scutn
A crowd was rapidly gathering at
the scene of the double tragedy.
Sniff! Sniff!
Hysterical women were cobbing.
Chug! Chug!
The police motor hurried the dying
woman to the hospital.
Wuxtra! Wuxtra! Brooklyn Eagle.
Made since 1846 Hanford's Balsam
An Imperial Pooh Bah.
"Donald," said an officer of the
Scots Greys some years ago, "have
you heard that the Czar of Russia
has been appointed colonel or our reg
"Indeed, sir, is that so?" said Don
aid. "It's a vera gran' thing for
him." Then he paused and scratched
his head, while a puzzled expression
came over his face. 3eg pardon,
sir," he added, "but will he be able to
keep balth Jobs?" Boston Transcript.
Family Affair.
"So my daughter has consented to
become your wife. Have you fixed
the day of the wedding?"
"I will leave that to her."
"Will you have a church or ft pri
vate wedding?"
"Her mother can decide that"
"What have you to live on?"
"I will leave that entirely to you,
sir.' Yale Record.
HOWARD a BtlRTXa - AooMer nn caemlel,
Loadville. Ooloriido. Bpooiuieu prlceei Gold,
Silver. Lend, II. Oold. Sllvor. 16ol Gold. Wot Zlne
orOopper. II. Mulling nnrelopee aid full price lines
eentonsj'pllontlon. Jontrol nnd Umpire workss.
uolteo. Iieiereuuoi uirouiMtw ' '
If It Comes to a Choice.
'Bobbv. do vou know you've delib
erately broken tho eighth command
ment by stealing James' canayr
"Well, I thought I might as well
break the eighth commandment and
have the candy, as to break the tenth
and ouly 'covet' It," Life.
Particulars Wanted.
"What's that noise?" asked Willi
as the owls began to hoot.
"It's a howl," said his EnglUh nurse.
!'Pooh!" cried Willie, "I know that;
but what Is it that's howling?" Har
per's Bazaar.
Best for Horses.
Give your horses good care and you
will be doubly repaid by the better
work they will do. For sores, galls
nd other external troubles apply
Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh. Ranch
men, lumbermen and liverymen recom
mend it Adv.
nae Healthy, Strong, Beautiful Eyes
Oculists aud Physicians need Murlue Bye
Remedy many years before It wae offered as
Domestic Bye Medicine. Murine Is Still Com
pounded by Our Physlclana and guaranteed
by them as a Reliable Relief for Byes that Nesd
Care. Try It in your Kyee and In Baby's Byes
No Bmartlug-Just Bye Comfort. Buy Murine
of your Drugifiat-accept no Substitute, and If
Interested write for Book of the Eye . Free.
Would Do Her Part
He Of course you understand, Bet
ty, that our engagement must be kept
6he-Oh, yes, dear. I'll be sure and
tell everybody that Boston Transcript
Save Your Horses.
tivnm niatpmner Mountain Fever, and all
other forms of Contuglon by using Spohn'e
Distemper compound, i-ui on me tongue
or In the feed. Safe at all times for all
ages and sexes, under all conditions.
Same for Dog Distemper and Chlckesj
Cholera. Acts on the blood, expels tha
germs. Kemoves worms irom numeca
and Intestines. A fine tonic and appetis
er. Absolutely safe, even for human be
ings. Over 1,000,000 bottles sold last ysar.
Greatest cure and preventive ever knows)
for Contagious diseases. Nearly every
one knows Spohn's. Over 18 yeara on the
market. Have you used this great rem
edy? Why not? It Is not an experiment.
Try It; be convinced; let "Spohn's" hel
you save and make money. All whole
druggist can supply you, or write to man
sale druggists handle It. Tour home
ufacturers, with price enclosed A battle,
50c and $1 00; $6 00 and $10 00 the doiea.
Loral agents wanted. Spobo Medical Co.,
Goshen, lnd., U. B. A.
Heard In a Book Store.
"Hello, Brown! Buying a new nov
1T I thought you never read a book
that is less than ft year old."
"I don't, but by the time my wife
and daughter get through lending this
to their friends, It will be that old and
more." Boston Transcript
lo advertise our business and make new friends, we will sen
yon this elegant railroad watch poet paid for only 96 cents; gen.
Uemen'e sise; full nickel silver plsted. lever escapement, stent
wind and stem set; a perfect timekeeper; fully guaranteed for
five rears: send this advertisement with W cents and watch will poet PeJd; ssUsfactioo tuerenormoney refunded.
tTOW uird.ns.ivrukGoN JAM1ESON BROS., Jewelers.