The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, February 18, 1916, Image 2

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    I The Hermit
By Grace Beulah Windsor
(Copyright, ISIS, by W. Q. Chapman.)
Randal Ware bad read In some book
or newspaper that there are animals
which, when desperately wounded,
Book some secluded solitary spot In
which they may die peacefully. This
recurred to htm as be gloomily picked
up bis sportsman's outfit, preparatory
to a speedy dash for the wilderness.
For be had been grievously wound
ed In bis affection, it was true, but
all that was worth striving for seemed
to have gone out of his life and be
was Inclined to give up the struggle.
This had happened: The young lady
with whom he was desperately In
love, and who he was assured sincerely
returned his affection, was about to
marry another. This was her wedding
eve. It had been torment unutterable
to remain In the same town where she
was, but Jealously guarded from his
company It was Blow torture now to
linger within the echoes of wedding
bells that' might peal forth the joy of
others, but to him misery his doom!
It was all the fault of purse-proud,
autocratlo parents. If Leila Bridges
bad gone so far as to engage herself
to Ware the latter would have stood
his ground and maintained his rights.
As It was, while eye to eye had spo
ken unutterable devotion, no definite
promise bad passed between, them.
Ware had been refused admittance to
the Bridges homo, Leila was whisked
away to a whirl of social gayety In
the city. Only one tiny note, evident-
There Was Little Zest In the Sport,
ly dispatched under difficulties, for it
was a hasty scrawl, bore Leila's Ini
tials, with the enigmatic words: "I
shall fool them yet, and you I shall
never forgot."
Striving to believe that Bomethlng
might Intervene to dolay or prevent
the wedding, Ware had llngored about
the town after Leila's return from the
city, but now, within twenty-four
hours of the ceremony, ho abandoned
all hope. A willing bride or a sacri
fice, Leila had chosen, or had been
forced to choose stupid but wealthy
Boyd Weaver as her life companion.
Therefore Randal Ware was about to
fly to familiar solitary haunts, to hide
himself, to mourn in secret, to try
to forget.
It was a Btrango coincidence, he re
flected, as he was driven from the
remote pineries station to the old
camping place he and his friends bad
so often visited, that he passed the
Bummor home of a cousin of Leila's,
In fact, It was hore that ho had first
mot Leila. That was the previous sea
son, when she and her mothor had
been guests of the cousin In question
and of his family.
It wob quite dusk ns the old buck
board wagon passed the Lodge, as It
was callod, and Ware noticed lights
moving about the place.
"The Davenala here?" bo Inquired
or the driver.
"Yes, and going to stay Into doer
time, I hoar," replied the native.
From the direction of the bungalow
merry voices echoed out aa the wagon
passed on. Ware winced j It all re
minded him of the pleasant hours he
bad spent at that spot In the company
of Leila.
The old camping place was five
miles farther on through the woods.
As they arrived at the old cabin, look
ing lonely and desolate in the mol-
ancholy moonlight, Ware spoke to the
"My man," he said, "no one who
knows me saw me arrive at the sta
tion except yourself."
"Yes, sir," nodded the man inqulsl
"Keep It quiet from everybody," said
Ware, banding the man a double fee,
"You can run up with your team, say
twice a week, and get my orders for
"Yes, sir, thank you, sir," bobbed
the driver. "I'm mum aa midnight!
At times Ware had really believed
that ha would become a hermit, and
that permanently. The cheerless as
pect Ot the old but however, the ab
panoa ot all companionship dampened
bis ardor mightily aa two days of
dreary Isolation passed by.
Ware tried fishing, but It did not
fill the bill. The partridges were run
ning and be got down his gun. There
was little zest In the sport, however,
He would start a covey and then list
lessly neglect to take a shot before
they were safe In covert.
He would sit down on a fallen log,
ostensibly to rest, and rouse himself
from a gloomy and distressing rev
erie over Leila always and ever
He had not estimated hiB nearness
to the Lodge until he caught the
sound of singing and the echo ot man
dolins. He hurried from the spot with
more vivid sorrowing memories than
A form dashed off Into the under
brush just then from the direction of
the Lodge. Ware, scanning its flight,
made out a lithe, graceful feminine
figure. Then It had vanished. He
hastened his steps, discerning In the
speedy dash of the person he had
seen some runaway frolic of a guest
of the Lodge, and he did not wish to
meet any of them.
He slackened his gait as he got
out of Bight of the Lodge. He yawned
wearily as be turned his face toward
the camp. Another long, eventless
day promised. A partridge whirred
over his bead and beyond. He thought
of dinner and raised bis fowlingplece.
The bird was diving Into a nest of
underbrush as he fired. It escaped
scatheless, but as the small shot
rattled among the bushes a shrill,
piercing scream rang out.
"Great heavens! I have shot some
body!" cried Ware in consternation.
He threw down his gun and dashed
anxiously toward the brush. He part
ed the bushes. There, hiding her face
with her hands, upon her knees and
rocking to and fro In mortal terror,
was the girl he had seen running
from the Lodge he recognized her
drees at once.
"You are hurt I fired, not knowing
there was anyone near Leila!"
In stupefaction he scanned the face
ot the girl, as her hands' were with
drawn. She turned deathly white.
She uttered a strangely enigmatical
"It Is fate!"
For the space of fully a minute
those two, so Blngularly, bo tragically
met, stood staring, spellbound.
"I was only frightened," faltered
Leila tremulously. "I was was run
ning away, and heard footsteps, and
"From whom why?" Inquired Ware
In sheer mystification.
"My mother had traced me. I hoped
they would not think of my being
with my cousins at the Lodge."
"But your husband?"
"I am not married," she whispered,
her glance drooping. "I ran away
from from that man, whom I detest
on my wedding day."
"Again, why?"
She answered him with a furtive
look, her face crimsoning. His heart
gave a mighty bound, and he asked
calmly, "Shall I take you back to the
"To meet him!" she cried bitterly.
"Never! Oh, Randal, Mr. Ware, get
me away as quick aa you can. Surely I
am my own mistress. Surely you will
not put me back in that old captivity,
when you know when you know "
Could he reslBt her? Could he mis
take the timid eyos that pleaded, yet
were abashed?
"If I dared think," he said, "that I
could offer you my protection, my
"I would defy the world!" she cried.
They hastened like children, hand
In hand, towards the village. The
clergyman thoy vUlted marveled at
their trepidation. It passed away
with both, as, erect, manly, feeling a
king with the dearest woman to him
in the world on his arm, Randal Ware
loft the quaint little parsonage wlth-
his bride.
"Blood and Iron."
What is the real origin of the fa
mous phrase commonly believed to
have been used for the first time by
Bismarck? We all, of course, know
that in the Prussian diet of 1862 Bis
marck declared: "The great questions
are to be settled, not by speeches and
majority resolutions, but by blood
and iron." The belief hore avowed
remained with the chancellor to the
end, for in his "Memoirs" he repeated
the declaration thus: "We could get
no nearer the goal by Bpoecbes, asso
ciations, decisions of majorities; we
should be unable avoid a serious' con
test which could only be settled by
blood and Iron." Bismarck, we may
assume, when first using the words,
had In mind a familiar song written
during the war of liberation against
Napoleon by Max von Schenkendorff,
In which occur the linos:
Nur Eluen kann una rptten
Unit crimen kann nur Ulul!
Only Iron can save us, and blood
alone can set us free" a prophecy,
the Prussian believes, fulfilled In the
statesmanship ot Bismarck.
Paying Calls In Russia.
Town life In Russia is as different
as can be from life in the country dis
tricts. One curious custom Is the after
dinner call. People do not call on their
friends at tea-time, as we do over here,
but after dinner at night, or even after
the theater, paying calls at midnight
being quite the thing to do. The Rus
sian dinner always begins with a side
board course ot cold meats, bora
d'oeuvres, etc.; that is to aay, the
dishes are laid out on the sideboard
and the guests help themaelvea before
sitting down to partake of the regular
meal. It is from this custom that we
derive the term "service a la Russe,"
at applied to dinners at which the car
iDff is done from the sideboard.
May Be Made the Chief Part ef Meal
or Only a Course of the Menu
as May Be Desired for
the Meal.
Chicken Dumplings. Mix and sift
three level teaspoonfuls of baking pow
der and one-half a level teaspoonful of
salt with two cups of flour. Add suf
ficient milk to make a soft dough. Roll
lightly on a floured board and cut Into
small biscuits. Place on a greased pie
plate In a steamer and cook 20 min
utes. Do not move or uncover the
steamer while the dumplings are cook
ing. Do not start to make the dum
plings until the chicken 1b tender. It
can wait, but not the dumplings.
Soft Dumplings. One cupful of fine
ly chopped beet suet, one generous
pint of flour; one teaspoonful of black
pepper, 1 teaspoonfuls of salt. Mix
well together and add enough cold wa
ter to make as thick as biscuit dough.
Roll out and cut with a biscuit cut
ter or knife, drop Into boiling water
and cook for one-half hour, drain and
serve hot. Serve with roast meat, or
the dumplings may be slightly browned
In the oven after boiling. They are
also good added to a meat stew.
Liver Dumplings. Chop one-halt
pound of liver and one-fourth pound of
bacon, uncooked, as fine as possible.
Beat two eggs lightly and add one
fourth cupful of butter to them. Then
add the moat, the seasonings of
chopped parsley, white herbs, salt and
pepper, and 1 cupfuls of bread
crumbs, adding more bread crumbs If
necessary. This will depend on the
softness or dryness of the crumbs and
on the size of the eggs. The mixture
should be just stiff enough to make
a paste which can be formed Into balls.
Divide into portions, roll smoothly in
the hands and poach in boiling water
before boiling, cooking about fifteen
Potato Dumplings. Grate four cold
boiled potatoes and add to them one
cupful of stale bread crumbs soaked in
a little milk, just enough to moisten,
also one cupful of bread crumbs
crisped In a little butter or drippings.
Add two eggs, two tablespoonfuls of
flour and seasoning of salt, pepper and
nutmeg. Form Into medium-sized
balls and steam or boil 20 minutes.
Turn on to a serving dish and sprinkle
with the remaining fried bread crumbs.
Drip Dumplings. Three eggs, one-
half cupful of milk, two tablespoonfuls
of butter, one cupful of flour, one-half
teaspoonful of salt, one-sixteenth tea
spoonful of pepper and a grating ot
nutmeg. Break the whites ot the eggs
Into a cup end add enough milk to fill
the cup. Mix with the butter and
flour in a spider and stir as it bolls
until It leaves the spider clean. When
cool, stir In the yolks well and season
to taste. Drop from a teaspoon Into
boiling soup five minutes before serv
ing. Cornmeal Dumplings. Scald four
cupfuls of cornmeal with a sufficient
quantity ot hot liquid In which ham
has been boiled, add a dash of salt,
stir together well, make into balls and
dip Into the ham liquor when It is very
hot. Boll for twenty or twenty-flve
minutes, occasionally stirring to keep
from Btlcking to the kettle.
Turkish Loaf Candy.
Toast one-fourth pound shelled
almonds (blanched) and ono-hnlf
pound shelled walnuts In the oven un
til a delicate brown. Cut one-eighth
pound figs and one-eighth pound can
dled pineapple Into strips. Work these
ingredients together with one-fourth
pound seeded raisins, into the fondant,
wmcn Has been flavored with vanilla.
Shape into a loaf and cover on all
sides with melted chocolate. When
hard and readv for uaa. rut In aliens
Mother's Magazine.
Prunes and Chestnuts.
Soak three-fourths pound of prunes
over night In Just enough water to
cover; then stew until tender. Shell
ana Dlanch one pound chestnuts and
cook In boiling, salted water until ten
der. Drain, then add them to thn
prunes; add one Bllce of lemon and
Biowiy cook both until the prunes and
chestnuts are very tender and the Juice
of the prunes has become thick.
Queen Cake.
One cupful sugar, one-halt cuoful
butter, one-half cupfu milk, three
uiw vujviui uuur; sur sugar ana
butter to a cream, add the yolk of the
eggs with milk, then flour into which
has been stirred two heaping tea
spoonfuls baking powder and corn
starch; beat thoroughly together; add
whites of eggs beaten last.
Potato Rissoles.
Season a pint of hot mashed pota
toes to tasto with salt, pepper, butter
and a little hot cream. Add a well
beaten egg and mix in a cupful of fine
ly minced cold lamb. Form into balls,
roll in egg and fine bread crumbs and
fry in deep fat Serve at once, gar
nished with crisp lettuce leaves.
Christmas Pound Cakes.
One pound butter, one pound sugar,
one pound of flour, one pound of eggs
(usually eight), salt, one pound ot
raisins, a little nutmeg. Put in Just a
little baking powder. Bake this in a
large tin and cut It Into four amall
cakes when done.
To Clean Raincoat.
Sponge with a mixture ot ether and
aiconoi to wtucn jraa been added
little ammonia.
Vegetable That Is Usually Considered
Somewhat Plebeian Has Many
Cabbage has not a very good reputa
tion among some people, and it is a
stand-by winter vegetable of thousands
of others. Even for the fastidious
taste there are delicious ways of cook
ing cabbage, and In salad It can also
be used with appetizing results.
Chop a small head of cabbage, re
moving the heart. Put three table
spoonfuls of butter In a frying pan,
and two tablespoonfu's ot flour, and
turn In the cabbage after the butter
and flour are well blended, then pour
on gradually a cupful of milk. Bring
to the boiling point and add two tea
spoonfuls of Bait, a few dashes of pep
per, mix thoroughly and cover tightly
and cook forty minutes on the back ot
the range. About five cupfuls ot cab
bage are used for the other ingredi
ents. All vegetarians will relish this
toothsome dish. Its flavor Is delicate
and delightful.
Baked Cabbage. Soak cabbage one
hour in cold water, then boll ten min
utes after cutting in good sized pieces.
Place in a baking dUh and cover with
one tablespoonful ot butter, one ot
flour and one cupful of milk. Salt and
pepper to taste. Cover with bread
crumbs and bake one hour.
Creamed Cabbage. Soak a cabbage
for half an hour In cold water, then
trim It and cut It In eighths, and drop
it into a saucepan of boiling salted
water. Add a clove and a whole onion
and cook until tender. Remove the
onion, drain the cabbage and chop it
fine. Put in a saucepan with a table
spoonful of butter and slowly add
three tablespoonfuls of cream. Heat
thoroughly, season with pepper and
salt and serve.
Cheap Article Which It Will Be Found
Economical to Keep Supply
on Hand.
Paraffin paper costs only about five
cents or ten cents for a big roll, and I
try to keen some on hand alwavs.
Besides being fine for lining almost
every una or a moid from cake to Ice
cream, it's also good to use instdn a
dish In which fish, like salmon loaf or
some other Bouffle dish, is being
cooked. It's easy to remove and, joy
of Joys as you throw awav thn nar.
affln paper you throw away the fish
aroma which makes the washing of
fish utensils so odious.
Then it's also good to use to wrap
around foods before placing them In
the ice box. Of course, I cover almost
all foods with the cover that comes
with the dish. But what can you use
to cover a roast that has been cooked?
I haven't a dish cover of anv kind
that's large enough or shaped right
to ao this. Answer, I wrap it In a
little paraffin paper drees. The paraf
fin doesn't absorb the luicea aa tlasna
paper would, and It keeps away odors
of other foods. In fact, a little sheet
of paraffin paper can be used to cover
any dish in the refrigerator in lieu of
any other kind of cover, and it is a
sure protector against the dish ab
sorbing odors from nelghhnrlnff fnnrta
Beefsteak Chowder.
Cut slice of salt pork into small lots,
witn one onion minced fine; cook un
til a nice brown; add one quart of
Dolling water, let simmer flvn mlnntna
then add one pound round steak cut
into strips one-half-inch thick and two
incnes long; bring this quickly to a
boil, then simmer until the meat is
tender; add four or five pared and
Bllced potatoes, season with salt and
pepper, add more boiling water and
when potatoes are tender add nno nnrt
one-half cupfuls of good rich milk or
cream; split six or eight crackers, put
into soup dish and pour chowder over
mem, serving at once.
To Starch Fine Llnnarla
Many housewives experience great
difficulty In laundering fine lingerie,
such as dainty waists, jabots, collars
and so forth. The chief difficulty
seems to lie m giving them Just the
proper degree of crlspness. Rinsing
mem in a solution or borax gives the
right degree of stiffness and renders
tnem just like new. Two heaping ta-
uiespoonruis or Dorax to five quarts
water is a good proportion. This
also excellent for thin dresses
trimmed with lace.
Corn With Cheeae.
Cut cold boiled corn from thn nh
put In double boiler with milk enough
to cover. When hot add. cheese to
suit your taste cut in thin bits, pep
per and salt Keep hot till cheese
mens, but do not boil. Nice for sup.
Flo Comnota.
Wash one pound figs, cover with
one Pint cold water. Snnk nvar nloht
In the morning add two bay leaves
ana coos one-naif nour. Strain gen
tly. Boil sirup down to one cupful and
pour over figs. Chill, serve with sweet
ened whipped cream.
Warming Over Meat.
The best way to warm un a rnaat
meat is to wrap it in thickly greased
paper, and keep It covered while
the oven. By having it covered
steam will prevent the meat from
coming bard and dry, and it will
some heated through in less time
German Pancakes.
To each egg take one tablespoonful
ot flour, a pinch of salt, a pinch of
baking powder and add enough milk
so- it will pour easily into the pan.
Hake about aa thick aa griddlecakoa
Easy Matter to Determine Which Ank
mall Are Worth Keeping by Reap
ing Record of Feed Qlven,
The Babcock tester can be used by
a farmer to determine the amount of
butterfat produced by each cow of his
herd. If a record Is kept ot the
amount of feed given each cow, it ii
an easy matter to decide which ani
mals are worth keeping.
A cow mav give a large flow of
thin milk for three or four months.
Pipette, Holding 17.5cc. Milk and a
Test Bottle for Milk, Used In Bab
cock Test,
For the remainder of her lactation
period she may give only a small flow.
Another cow may give a fairly small
amount of rich milk during her en
tire lactation period. The first cow
will likely be given credit by the
farmer for being a very good producer,
when, as a matter of fact, she may
not be nearly as profitable to keep
as the second cow. Three things are
necessary to enable a farmer to de
termine whether or not a cow is
profitable. Total pounds of milk given
in a year; the percentage of butter
fat In the milk; and the value of feed
Animals Used for Purpose Should Be
aa Near Perfect as Is Possible
Watch Hogs Closely.
(By DR. R. H. WILLIAMS, Animal Hus
bandman, Arizona Experiment Station.)
It makes a difference in. Inbreeding
whether one is handling purebred or
grade stock. By inbreeding we mean
the breeding together of animals ot a
common blood. I would advise you to
use animals for Inbreeding that are as
nearly perfect as possible. Theoreti
cally, if you have perfect animals, the
only logical thing to do is to inbreed,
because it Is simply impossible to se
cure evil results from incest with such
Perfect animals are a rarity. Ordi
narily it is wise to inbreed the off
spring on the sire where the sire Is
a good registered animal and the dam
an ordinary scrub. Care should be
exercised, however, not to follow thlB
more than once, as Inbreeding is a two-
edged sword which must be handled
with the greatest care. The sire may
be bred to a second generation ot his
get with good results, but this is not
It would not be as much Inbreeding
to use a sire on his granddaughter or
brother and sister as to use a sire on
his daughter, but breeders bave used
both methods with good and evil re
Hogs will stand inbreeding less than
any other kind of farm animal, and on
this account must be watched closely.
Saving of Labor Is Only One of Many
Advantages Offered by the Use
of the Implement.
Most farmers believe that the great
est value to be derived from a ma
nure spreader is In the saving of labor.
As a matter ot fact, this is only one
of the advantages offered by the use
of such an implement
Another advantage which is even
taore important in many ways, is the
fact that manure scattered evenly and
rather thinly over a wide area will
give very much more return per ton
than where scattered irregularly and
on the thinner places, as Is usually
done when distributed from a wagon.
This Increased return is due to the
fact that there is less loss in fermenta
tion when put on thinly, and also to
the fact that a considerable share ot
the value ot manure comes from the
addition ot beneficial bacteria to the
soil, so that when this takes place
over a wide area it la much more bene
ficial than when limited to a amall
Alfalfa Is Spreading.
Alfalfa la slowly but surely spread
ing. Where a few years ago this good
stuff could not be found, now many
patches are visible from the road.
Soon there will be fields.
Hay for Ailing Horse.
- Dont feed a large quantity ot hay
to a horse that Is afflicted with heaves
I :
Koung Animals Must Have Liberal
Supply of flight Feed.
Qraln End of Ration Will Need to Be
Increased 8teadlly During Late
Winter There la No Better
Feed Than Corn,
Suppose "baby beeves' are to be
finished for the market next fall. This
means that they must have a liberal
supply ot the right kind of feed all
winter long, feed that will keep them
growing In bone and frame and at
the same time developing in an all
round manner. The grain end ot the
ration will need to be Increased stead
ily during the winter, writes L. Hunt
of Kansas in Farm Progress. There
is no better teed than corn tor this pur
pose, and it should be ted liberally,
using, say, from one-half to three
quarters corn In the grain ration. Use
bran and oil meal tor the remainder.
Where there Is plenty of clover
or alfalfa the cora part of the grain
ration may be even larger, as the
bay will take care of the protein part
of the ration. Where you are feed-
A Good Type of Feeder.
lng redtop or timothy hay let about
one-fifth of the ration be oil meal or
cake. Watch the calves and Increase
the ration as they take on size and
weight If they come along all right
during the winter they ought to weigh
around 800 or 900 pounds by spring,
and on a good pasture they are soon
ready for the market. It is really a
better plan, however, to put them on
a fattening ration early in the spring
and finish them on dry feeds.
When they are to be finished on
the pasture it Is possible to limit the
grain ration considerably during the
winter, and finish on a few weeks of
grass. However, it will be necessary
to give an ample grain ration while
they are on the pasture. On clover
Feeding on Alfalfa.
and alfalfa ten per cent concentrates
In the grain ration will be plenty,
but from 15 to 20 per cent is needed
when the calves are on bluegrass or
timothy. The calves ought to be
ready for market by the middle ot
June and weigh around 1,100 pounds.
Calves to be finished as two-year-olds
should be grown more slowly.
Roughage and a little grain will see
them through their first winter, and
they should make their way on the
pasture the next summer. The sec
ond winter they should be fed hay
or, silage and some grain. Give them
all the roughage they can eat. Where
there Is no legume bay feed them
some oil meal along with the grain.
Give Hens Physic When Systems Need
Cleaning Out Give Epsom Salts
In Their Mash.
When hens go off their feed and you
suspect that their systems need clean
ing out, give them a physic, as you
would a person. If it is a single fowl
a half teaspoonful of epsom Baits may
be dissolved in water and nnnnut
down its neck. For the flock or a pen
the salts solution may be used to wet
a mash.
It won't hurt the flock to have a
physio once in two months anyway,
whether they show special signs ot
needing it or not
For chicks under three weeks of
age a half-pound of epsom salts Is
enough for 300 of them. Proportional
amounts should be given for older
Little Profit In Squabs Unless Through
Cleanliness Pigeons Are Kept
Free From Vermin.
There is very little chance of mak
ing money from squabs unless through
cleanltneBa pigeons can be kept com
paratively tree from disease and In
sect parasites.
The stock should be carefully
watched and any sick birds removed
from the breeding pens. The house
should be kept dry, clean, well ven
tilated, and free from drafts.
The yards should be kept clean ei
ther by scraping the surface and add
ing fresh sand or gravel or by culti
vating the land and planting it to grain
If possible.
Only good, sound grain should be.