The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, February 11, 1916, Image 7

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    For Sprains,
Strains or
Always Keep
Bottle la
Your SubU
Rut ft In
Balsam of Myrrh
For Gall., Wire
CuU, Lameness.
Strains, Bunches,
Thrush, Old Sores,
Nail Wounds, Foot Rot,
Fistula, Bleeding, Etc Etc
Made Since 1846. jffip
Price 25e,50c and $1.00
All Dealers &aa.?
Most Too Light
"Good morning!" said an old lady
briskly, entering a baker's shop. "Per
mit me to compliment you on the
lightness of your bread!" The baker
rubbed his hands and smiled benignly.
"Thank you, madam!" he said fondly,
but respectfully. "It Is my aim to
bake the lightest bread in this city."
"And you do It," said the old lady.
"If It gets much lighter It'll take two
of your pound loaves to weigh 16
ounces." New York Journal.
He prostrating
cough tears down
your strength.
The clogged air-tubes directly af
fect your lungs and speedily lead to
pleurisy, pneumonia, consumption.
bronchitis in an easy, natural way.
Its curative OIL-FOOD soothes the
Inflamed membranes, relieves the
cold that causes the trouble,
and every drop helps to
strengthen your lungs.
Att DnttUtt fan It
Portland Y. M. G. A. Auto School
Day and night classes. Expert training
In repairing, driving and machine work,
Including forge, lathe, shaper, drill press,
tractors, etc. Time unlimited. COMPE
Inoculate Legumes.
The Department of Bacteriology of
the University of Idaho is now about
to enter upon its third year in supply
ing dependable cultures for the inocu
lation of seed previous to sowing. This
. time has been required to determine
the minimum price at which these cul
tures could be furnished. The depart
ment has concluded, from this expert
' ence, that It can supply such cultures,
delivered, at the nominal cost to the
purchaser, of ten cents per acre.
nave Healthy, Btronff. Beautiful EjM
Oculists and Physicians used Murine Eye
Remedy many years before It was offered as a
Domestic Eye Medicine. Murine IB sua com
pounded by Our Physicians and guaranteed
by them as a Reliable Relief for Eyes that Need
Care. Try it in your Eyes and in Baby's Byes-
No Smarting Just Bye Comfort. Buy Murine
of your Druggist accept no Substitute, and If
IntereNted write for Book of the Eye Free.
"Are you aware," asked the land
lady, "that your room rent is three
weeks overdue?"
"I'm awfully sorry," said the man
who occupied the third floor hall
room, "but the gaslight in my room is
so dim that I haven t been able to
read those little reminders you've
been slipping under my door."
"That new feller don't seem to give
a heck for society."
"What makes ye think so?'.'
"Why, he's lived here fer a week
and durned ef he's been down to see
the train come in once!" Browning's
For "Backward" Cows
If von hre inch s cow. bar e Dicks! e of Kow-
Kure from your feed dealer or drutgUt snd nte
sccordinl to directions. You'll be surprised St the
difference it makes in her general heslth and milk
yield. Kow-Kure is especially recommended st a
?reventive and cure for Abortion, BarrenneM. Milk
ever. Scourina, Lost Appetite, Bunches and other
common silments.
Writs tor fras Trestles. "The Hosts Cow Deetof."
G Gee Wo
BacecMfnt Hom
Eli roccessfal herb
si remedies care ell
kinds of ailments of
men and women with
out operation, used
from the wonderful
Chines herbs, roots,
buds and vetetabtes, which are unknown to
the medical science of this country.
Write for blank and circulars. Send stamp.
Hie C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
162H First St. Portland. Ore.
Mention Paper.
P. N. U.
No. 6, 1916
I WHEN vritiac to
" tjesi tills psssr.
0. tO fSfj!
s an
mt.rtaj - r....?..-JFi.:,
f MS
Type or Barijek
WELL named Is Barren is
land. Far removed Is It
from the haunts of civi
lized man, though Included
within the geographical confines o(
Greater New York. And for the most
part barren are the 1,500 or 1,600 in
habitants pf civic or national Ideals,
even of ambition to better their condi
tion; to make their days and nights
conform measurably to standards such
as other folk enjoy who are adopted
sons and daughters of Father Knick
erbocker's great and growing family,
says the New York Sun.
Anyone with the desire to visit for
eign shores, and without traveling
more than an hour or so from City
Hall park, can descend into the sub
way near by the municipal building,
take a train for Canarsie, and at
Canarsle landing step on board a
steamboat which leaves there at fre
quent Intervals bound Barren Island-
ward. In an hour, more or less, the
traveler will have arrived at his
destination at a land mass, as Arctic
explorers put it situate In a general
direction south by east from the main
borough of Brooklyn. Near by, toward
the west, Is Sheepshead bay; to the
east Is Jamaica bay, and not far oft
is the group of Rockaways. Thus it
will be seen that Barren island, while
off the beaten track of travel, Isby
no means inaccessible. Yet when the
traveler sets foot on shore there and
takes one comprehensive glance
around he will realize that In all but
location he is in a foreign land.
The principal "center" of Barren
island Is its one great industry, that
of handling refuse of the biff city of
which it is a humble part This cen
tral spot is marked by the work of
the reduction company, upon the op
eration of which Barren island and Its
Inhabitants depend. Eastward from
this great garbage plant stretches the
one main avenue Broadway It Is
called, possibly so named many years
ago by someone with a keen sense of
the ludicrous. For this particular
Broadway Is bounded on one side by
a marsh, a good, representative oozy
marsh at that; and along the other
side are perched the one-story homes
of the employees of the garbage plant.
In many of these little shacks it is
said that two and sometimes three
families exist. In a majority it is
alleged that boarders are taken. In
fact, some of those who have been
looking over social conditions at Bar
ren island seem inclined to think that
entirely too many boarders are taken
In some of the tiny shacks that serve
as dwellings.
Filth and Diamonds.
Not many months ago, two or three
or Commissioner Goldwater's staff
Journeyed down to Barren Island,
made a careful survey of health condi
tions and came back home with a re
port that caused astonishment in the
health dupartment offices. They found
a partial supply of good water on the
Island; but also found that a large
proportion of the people were drink
ing water from surface wells. Further
more, it was found that modern sani
tary conveniences are practically un
known; that babies and ducks and
cows and goats wallow side by side In
the muck of "Broadway;" that while
there is a Bchool on the island there is
no truant officer, and that because
of this the children may go to school
or not Just as they choose. Also that
a large majority of them prefer to
spend their days in rummaging Into
the mountain-high heaps of refuse,
using strong Iron forks and garner
lng therefrom treasures that their
parents can sell or barter bits of
metal, occasionally pieces of gold or
silver Jewelry, now and then a scarf
pin or cuff link, a watch charm and
once in a while a diamond ring or
"It is hard to believe," said one of
Commissioner Goldwater's men, who
has been on a trip of investigation,
"but down at Barren island almost
Youngsters Have Nothing on Their
Grandfathers When It Comes to
Grace and Agility.
In the Woman's Home Companion a
sixty-year-old dancer tells how people
can learn the new steps, enjoy them
thoroughly, and even cut out the
younger generation by their graceful
manner of dancing. He himself did
not begin to dance until after kls six
tieth year and he tells of a coterie of
hoary-headed fox trotters who are
going ballroom mad.
"Besides White," he says, "I have a
number of other elderly friends and
acquaintances that dance. I know a
wealthy man of sixty-eight who has
been taking lessons for two years. He
calls up his teacher early In the morn
ing and orders her to his residence
and dances an hour before breakfast
I have another acquaintance who
dances beautifully with his grand
daughter, a girl of sixteen. I know an
old fox trotter who Is preferred as a
partner by girls to any of his three
sons, all of whom are fair dancers. He
zms .i
island hoMco
every foreman or other Important per
sonage wears diamonds and I am
told that every one of them was picked
up In those heaps of refuse. This, re
member, after the refuse has been
screened, crushed and examined with
minute care for Just such valuable
pickings. "
Russians, Slavonians, Poles and ne
groes apparently constitute the pre
dominant strains of population, al
though other peoples are to be found,
Including Italians. Rumor has it, in
fact, that the political leader of Bar
ren island's little squad of voters is
himself an Italian, and a very keen
one at that. Life down there may
not be all beer and skittles although
if health department surmises are
correct a considerable part of it may
be beer or liquid cousins thereto.
But so far as can be ascertained by
an outsider the Islanders are far from
an unhappy community. They work
hard, it is true, in and around the
reduction plant, at least the men do
and their womenfolk seem to work
Just as hard about their little homes,
while the boys and girls, when they
are not attending school, find plenty
of occupation in searching for hidden
treasure In those huge heaps of refuse.
Happy Boys and Girls.
The boys and girls of Barren Island
form the leading part of the popula
tion, so far as observation of the out
side visitor can detect. Of course
they do not wear clothing made for
them or fitted to their years and sizes.
But there Is a delightful picturesque
ness about their old shawls, the shoes
far too large, when exlstant at all, and
frankly lacking toe or upper; about
the enveloping skirts, the occasional
scarecrow hat a wealth of gypsylike
color and a most attractive abandon,
testifying to the fact that in the opin
ion of these little people fine raiment
occupies but a small and unimportant
place In the general scheme of the
And happy? Why, those sprites of
the refuse heaps are as cheerful and
Joyous as if they were wading through
fields of wild flowers up in Westches
ter county and chasing butterflies and
gathering early apples Instead of
scurrying up a hill of refuse and then
delving below Its surface In the hop)
of discovering a bit of china or
silver teaspoon, an old watch chain or
other trinket that can be polished and
brightened and eventually sold.
Religious life on Barren island Is
represented by two churches, wherein
services are held on Sunday. So far
as could be ascertained no resident
pastor has been assigned to Barren
island for many years, If ever.
Is cited as a fruitful field for sincere
missionary effort by those organiza
tions of one denomination or another
which so generously provide medical
missionaries, teacners, preachers, as
well as schools, churches, chapels and
hospital service for other islands than
Barren isles of the South Pacific, for
example, as well as for Eskimos of
the polar region, the Inhabitants o(
India, Central Africa and many others
In remote parts of the world.
Sapphire Always - Prized.
Sapphires have been favorites oi
royalty, but the best ones are owned
by cardinals of the Roman Catholic
church. Blue signifies purity, it Is
the color of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
and dignitaries of the church have
their rings of sapphires, unofficially
known as "The Clerical Stone." The
largest one In the Morgan collection
weighs 543 carats. Biblical references
to "Bapphlres," Mr. Arnold construes
to mean lapis lazuli.
Unfailing Remedy,
Anxious Father "Can you tell what
alls my daughter?" Doctor "She
does not take enough outdoor exer
cise." Father "She does not feel like
it. Doctor "True; so she needs ton-
is up. ramer -vvnat do you
recommend r Doctor "A new hat.'
says that he used to practice lu bis
bachelor days with a chair for a part.
"Made in America.
Amen: -Made in America", Is get
ting to the motto of the people of
the United States. The famous dinner
of the Brethren of the Amen Corner
in New York this year was distinctive
ly American. Every dish and every
liquid had an American title, as the'
following menu will show: OysterB
from Cape Cod, Maine lobsters, Ohio
raaisnes, Texas olives, Michigan cel
ery, Florida almonds, Maryland cod,
Georgia potatoes, Connecticut mush
rooms, Rhode Island turkey, Vermont
eggplant, New Hampshire duck, Ken
tucky pudding, Virginia sherry, Call
fornta sauterne, New Jersey claret,
Empire State champagne, Pennsyl
vania applejack and American cig
arettes and cigars. Where the coffee
came from we are not told, says
Leslie's. It might have been a substi
tute from Battle Creek. Eut It was
a great dinner, to Judge from the hi
larity in which the Brethren Indulged
ci their eventful fifteenth anniversary
Faithful Stenographer Had One Stipu
lation to Make on Receiving
Proposal of Marriage,
"Miss DeCllque," said her employer,
you have been a faithful worker dur
ing the last year and I believe you will
make some man a good wife. May I
bope to claim you as such?"
"Mr. Oldboy," replied the blue-eyed
blonde, "I appreciate your kindness In
making me this offer, but before ac
cepting it I wish to say one word. As
your stenographer It haB been your
privilege to dictate to me, but if I be
come your wife I shall reserve the
right to do all the dictating myself,
Pardon me for interrupting you,"
said the old man, "but further words
are unnecessary. You will continue In
your present position, Miss DeCllque,
and I will add an extra dollar to your
weekly salary, which will enable you
to drown in ice cream soda any hopes
that my words may have raised."
An Advantage.
"What are your qualifications for
the position you seek?" asked the
eminent official.
I don't know anything about the
job," replied the confident candidate.
'That doesn't constitute a qualifica
"Maybe not exactly. But when you
get ready to proceed with reforms,
It makes me easier to get on with
because I haven't any prejudices to
"I call this engagement ring 'the
cat.' "
"Why, so?"
"Because It always comes back."
A Foolish Custom.
'I'm sorry, madam," said the cash
ier, "but we can't cash this, check of
yours. Your account Is already over
drawn. You have no money In this
'But I still have one of your check
"Then, why do you let me keep a
check book If I can't use it? I'll never
have anything to do with this mean
old bank again!"
Told by Streaks.
"Do you know what that town was
we passed through a few minutes
ago?" asked the driver of the fast au
tomobile as they flew through space.
"No," was the reply of his compan
ion; "It looked like a yellow streak
to me."
"You're right; it was St. Louis."
"Now what's this town we're going
"This looks like a red streak."
"Right you are! Chicago!"
Seems Reasonable.
"I put all the money I had on Happy
Boy and the beast didn't even show!"
walled Mr. Sportkins.
"Is Happy Boy a horse?" queried
Mrs. Sportkins.
"Certainly, ma'am."
"And he didn't show, you say?"
"Didn't you Just hear me say It?"
"Well, If the horse didn't put In an
appearance, I should think you could
get your money back."
Two Kickers.
"What do you suppose that little
long-eared donkey did when I kissed
him on the nose?" said the sweet
young thing.
"I surely don't know," replied the
young man with the pink spats.
"He kicked." ,
"Did you only kiss him once?"
"Well, I don't blame him. I'd kick,
too, If you only kissed me once."
A Martyr.
"Your family must be very fond of
oysters." ,
"You don't think I'm ordering oys
ters by the bushel because we like
them, do you? I'm the only one in
the family who can eat them at all."
"Then what do you want with so
"I don't want them. My wife
wants the shells to make a roadway
from the sidewalk to the garage."
Revised Version.
"Let me see," mused the Indianap
olis maid, as she chewed the end of
her pencil, "what Is that old proverb
about the moss and the stone?"
"A revolving fragment of the pale
ozoic age collects no crytogamous
vegetation," replied her cousin from
Good Reason.
"I think Jackson has had a fight
with the couple In the apartment next
to his."
"What makes you think so?"
"He bought his boy a drum and s
bugle yesterday."
Fitting the Exigencies.
"There's a crying need."
"For what?"
"For some musician to compose an
opera calling for a heroine who weighs
about 250 pounds."
Helpful to Her.
"My wife is tickled to death over
these new scarf styles."
"Why her extreme approbation?"
"They enable her to cover up two of
Household Freight-Payer Tells His
Better Half of Fairy Tale Related
by Grandmother.
The tea things had been cleared
away and the household freight-payer
was trying to read the evening paper
while his better half busied herself
with some fancy work, and at the
same time endeavored to Interest him
In the neighborhood gossip.
"Cordelia," said he, glancing up from
his paper, "did you ever hear the story
of the precious gems?"
"Why, no," she replied. "What Is
"It's an old fairy legend that my
grandmother told me when I was a
boy, he continued, about a woman
from whose lips there tell either a dia
mond or a ruby every time she spoke
a word."
"Well, go on," said his wife.
"That's all there Is of It, Cordelia,"
he replied. "But I was just thinking 11
such things happened nowadays I'd
open a wholesale jewelry store the
first thing in the morning."
Then for thirteen consecutive sec
onds silence reigned supreme.
No Wonder.
"Gadson tells me he never has any
trouble with Mrs. Gadson when he gets
home late."
"Lucky fellow! How does he man
age?" "He carries her a big bunch of flow
ers." "Umph! I tried that once, but it
didn't work."
"What was the matter?"
"I handed the flowers to my wife
upside down and she noticed immedi
ately that there was something wrong
with me."
Thoughtful and Kind.
"I hate to think of parting with my
daughter," said Mr. Scadsworth.
"If there Is one trait of mine that I
feel proud of, it Is my reluctance to
cause other people unhapplness," re
plied the suitor.
"Er yes?"
"And rather than separate you from
your daughter, sir, we will gladly fore
go our plans for a little bungalow and
make our home with you."
"Mr. Hugglns, you seem to be quite
a favorite with the ladles at this hotel.
If I give you free room and board will
you agree to flirt with all the well
"Not me. I'm no lemon squeezer."
A Painful Memory.
"Mrs. Naggs summoned her late hus
band from the spirit world last night.
Went to a spiritualllstlc medium, you
"What did she want to talk to him
"She wanted to know if he still
thought of her."
"She might have known that he
does. No man can forget a woman
like MrB. Naggs In the short time
Naggs has been dead."
Faithful In Death.
"All his life Dobbs was a
booster of his home town."
"An admirable character, no doubt
"And he kept it up after he died."
"You're Joking."
"Not at all. He made arrangements
for his funeral some years before he
passed away and on his tombstone, fol
lowing the usual epitaph, was chiseled,
'Next to heaven, there is no place llk
Chlggersvllle.' "
A Martyr.
"When we were married you said
there was nothing you wouldn't do
for me," said the spoiled darling.
"Well, my dear," answered her hus
band, patiently, "I was thinking the
matter over the other day, and it
seemed to me there was nothing you
hadn't asked me to do for you, but if
there is any little thing In your mind
you haven't mentioned yet, speak and
I will do the best I can."
Incomplete Comprehension,
"A great many people talk about
things they don't understand."
"Of course," replied Miss Cayenne;
"If we all thoroughly understood
everything it Is considered necessary
to talk about, we should all be im
moderately wise and sometimes
is THE car that has satisfied and delighted
over seventy thousand owners.
Because it delivers the goods at
Low First Cost.
Least cost for Maintenance.
Easiest to Adjust.
Most accessible car built.
Simplest to Drive.
Send for catalog and agency proposition in your commun
ity. See them at the Portland Auto Show, Jan. 24 to 29.
Military Training at University.
University of Oregon, Eugene. Mil
itary training at the University of
Oregon is under consideration in a
committee of the board of regents.
Requests have come from many
sources that Instruction in military
tactics be provided. P. L. Campbell,
president of the University, suggests
however that State University prepar
edness work take the form not of the
usual regimental drill but of technical
military instruction, such as engineer
ing knowledge, which is always at a
premium in warfare; also in bringing
the students to a maximum of physi
cal fitness. - He suggests "a minimum
of formal military drill of the old
Mastodon Bones at University.
University of Washington, Seattle.
Bones which are reputed to be those
of a mastodon, unearthed at Straford,
near Wilson Creek in eastern Wash
ington, are to be studied by scientists
at the University of Washington. Cur
ator Frank Hall, of the state museum
on the campus, was notified of the
discovery and has asked that the bones
which were found be sent to the uni
versity for examination. Later Earl
L. Packard, of the geology faculty, will
visit the beds to superintend further
When It Cam to That
A cockney angler, thinking his High
land boatman was not treating him
with the respect due his station, ex
postulated thus:
"Look here, my good man, you don't
seem to grasp who I am. Do you
know that my family has been entitled
to bear arms for the last 200 years?"
"Hoots! That's naething," was the
reply. "My ancestors have been titled
to bare legs for the last 2,000 years!"
Chicago News.
Why to Avoid Accepting Favors.
"Be careful about taking favors of
people, my boy."
"Because once a man does a favor
for you, you are in his debt for life."
Detroit Free Press.
Never Certain.
"It's a case of love at first sight."
"Well, maybe it will work out all
right. I took four years to select my
husband, and look what I got" De
troit Free Press.
What to Do for
Itching Skins
Eczema, ringworm and other Itch
ing, burning skin eruptions are so eas
ily made worse by Improper treatment,
that one has to be very
careful. There Is one
method, however, that
you need not hesitate to
use, even on a baby's
tender skin that is, the
resinol treatment. Res-
Inol Is the prescrip
tion of a Baltimore
doctor, put up in
the form of resinol
ointment and resinol soap. This
proved so remarkably successful, that
thousands of other physicians have
prescribed It constantly for over twen
ty years. -
Resinol usually stops Itching in
stantly, healing the eruption quickly,
unless It is due to some serious inter
nal disorder. Resinol Ointment and
Resinol Soap fa lit la bought at any
druggist's, and VM&tjeijt all expen
sive. Write for fn ftiifrpTe, Dept. 6-3,
ResJnol, BaltlmWf Wd.
I'll Lesson One.
V)o you know how to run an auto
molble?" C
"Certainly," replied Mr, Chuggins.
"What's the first thing a man who
has just bought a machine ought to
"Begin work on a set of New Year
resolutions relating to economy, tem
perance and all the other meritorious
forms of self-restraint." Washington
State of Happiness.
"We should do our best to live in
comfortable and happy surroundings."
"That's a good idea," replied the
conspicuously contented citizen; "but
it's impractical. If everybody were to
move to Kansas our beautiful state
would become overcrowded." Wash
ington Star.
Auto Co.
at Couch
- Oregon
will At any ambitious youm Man ar Wom
an for high-class posiUon in
Bookkeeping, Stenography, Salesmanship
To men this Includes valuable athletic,
aquatic and membership grivileg-es, al
though tuition cost is less than elsewhere.
Valuable courses can also be had in
Grammar grade and College Preparatory
Monamobile Oils and Greases
Free Tire Service.
33 Broadway No. Portland, Ore.
Double Tread Functor Proof Tires
Made from your old ones. Last long
as Brand New TIKES Writs us.
(60 Washington St., Portland, On.
Pleasant, profitable work not overdone; few
months' learning; positions guaranteed; write for
references and particulars. Portland Watchmak
in, Enff raving and Optical School, 218 Common
wealth Building, Portland. Oregon.
by Cuttw's BlHkbnj Pllll. Low
priced, Train, reliable; preferred be
waetara itmkmen beRSUM rhey STS.
ejeaj sj, test where ether vaeelssl ftIL
I. Writs for booklet snd teeUmonlsls.
I t 1 as IIMoso skie. Blsokles Pills I.N
JLUeaOsa M-Seee esse. Blaskle) Pills 4.N
Use sne Injector, but Cutter's best,
Ths superiority of Cutter products le due to ml M
roan of speclellKlnc in vseeloee ens' serums ssly.
Iseiot es Cuttor'e. If unolitilneMe, order direct
T'll CUTTER LABORATORY, Berkeley, Callfsrsla
Brand New.
The Rev. E. C. Hlbsmann, pastor of
the Cote Brilliante church, Is telling
this on a member of his congregation.
A good elder, hearing his young
hopeful in a quarrel with a neighbor
boy, went out to Investigate in time
to hear the following:
"You shut upl My mamma's baby
is just as good as your old baby," said
the neighbor boy.
"Taln't neither," retorted the elder's
youngster, whose parents had recent
ly purchased a new auto. "Your baby
Is an old last year's one, and ours is
a 1916 model." St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
It Cures Whlls You Walk.
Allen's Foot-Eaae Is R certain cure for ho,
swcntliig, callus, and swol Ion, acli 1 ng fust. Sold
by all DruuglBlH. Fries inn. Don't ftccont any
lubxtltuto. Trial package FKKK. Address
Allen & Olmsted, Le Key, 8. V. V
Soldler Sarcasm.
The cavalry instructor was lectur
ing severely a particularly wooden
headed recruit
"How many times have I got to tell
you," he asked, "never to approach
horBeB from the rear without speaking
to them? One of these days they will
be kicking you on the head, and then
we will have a lot of lame horses on
our hands!" Tit-Bits.
Always Open,
Sunday School Teacher Children,
do you know the house that is open
to all, to the poor, the rich, the sad,
the happy, to man and to woman, to
young and to old do you know the
house I mean?
Small Boy Yes, miss the station
house. Boston Transcript.
Would Find It There.
"I'm looking for a very cold winter."
"Well, why don't you go to Alaska?"
-Boston Transcript.
Ship Direct to Nw York.
the International Far
Market, and Secur the
Highest Cash Price.
Whv iIud le (4m
i us. ventully tell your tua
lew York UsJiuke nit Droit out
cf you? Wept the huh market
price-. Our nh trading are
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