The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, February 11, 1916, Image 6

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    The Danger
b ,,.m
(Copyright, 1915, by W. Q. Chapman.)
When Eileen Roberts reached the
age of thirty-five she resigned herBelf
gracefully to the prospects of spinster
hood. She ceased to struggle against
a tendency to adiposity, and settled
down to the expectations of a perma
nent position In the firm of Wakefield
and Gray, exporters.
In an office filled with smart youths
and giggling girls, Miss Roberts ought
to have held a higher position than
that of a clerk. But she had never
had the money to study stenography
when she was a girl, and afterward
she had her sick mother to care for,
a task which absorbed the whole of
her ten dollars a week. Simple-minded,
she was the butt of the- younger
and more thoughtless element.
. When a young clerk passes a wom
an with the flippant remark, "Say,
Eileen, I'll get you a beau before long
trust me," he neods a man of ma
ture age to take him across his knee
and thrash the viclousness out of
him. At least, that's my opinion.
Poor Eileen Roberts looked woefully
out of place, and neither Wakefield
nor Gray had ever , considered her
seriously tor anything better.
With her placid, good-natured face,
her tireless Industry, her patience, it
seemed Incredible that anyone could
make sport of her. She was just the
woman, too, whom some rogue might
have taken advantage of. Perhaps It
was better that she had not married,
to slave for the sort of man who
would have deluded her Into wifehood.
At least, many thought so. But most
of us thought nothing at all. And It
was always good fun to "get a rise
out of Eileen."
New girls were always coming and
girls less new going. There was lit
tie Bessie Waters; she hadn't been
In the office a week before she began
to tease Miss Roberts. It was s
strange thing, too, but the elder worn
an seemed to take an amazing liking
to her. She never noticed Besslo's
Knew Miss Roberts Had Spoken the
portness, and she tried to make up to
her In various ways, which amused
Pert little thing that she was, Bes
sie was quite frank about her history,
shameleBEly so. She came from the
orphanage out on Grant Btreot. Wake
field, who had somohow been In touch
with her parents bifore their death,
had Interested himself In her and giv
en her the position. Miss Robert's
adoration of her was quite the most
amusing thing In BesBle's experience.
"Say, Miss Roberts, I'm going to get
a beau tor you tomorrow," BesBle
would say. "And when you're mar
ried, maybe you'll let me come and
live with you, Instead of at the Girls'
home. We'll all be happy together
Mr. Roberts and you, and me."
She tild us all how Miss Roberts
bad taken her out to lunch and pllod
her with affectionate inquiries. Did
she wear warm underwear? Here
Bessie's Imitation of Miss Roberts
was Inimitable. Bessie was going to
be an actress some day, everyone
knew. She had told MIbs RobertB so,
and Miss Roberts, always serious, had
pointed out the dangers of a stage
career. There was not much evil that
Bessie did not know by hearsay, and If
anyone was capable of protecting her
self, Bessie was.
Once, after Bessie had been taunt
ing her, I saw tears on Eileen Rob
erts' face. That hurt me, for I had
taken my part in the teasing. I want
ed to warn Bessie; but then I did not
think she had a heart.
All things come to an end, and the
end was in the letter that was sent
to Mr. Wakefield on Christmas eve.
Some of the boys had talked over It
tor a Joke, but nobody had meant It
seriously. It was only when Bessie
said she would write It, and Joe Dona-
hue dared her to, and Bessie said
she would, because she was tired of
the old Job anyway, that the proposal
was regarded seriously. Of course it
would be a first-rate joke on Eileen
Roberts; but then 1 thought of the
hungry mother-bok on Miss Rob
erts' face when she saw Bessie, arid-
well, I would have stopped It It I could,
The letter was drawn up without the
Intention ot sending it, and It ran as
"Dear Mr. Wakefield,
'1 have worked many years for you,
and I feel that It Is my right to be
frank. You are an old bachelor and
I am an old maid. I love you. Why
shouldn't we marry? Regard this as
erlous and confidential."
Bessie hashed off Eileen Robert1
signature In a band that was marvel
ously like hers.
Nobody was much afraid of Wake
' field. He was a mild, saw-nola old
gentleman, and only once had any of
us seen him moved to anger. That
was when a man who had Insulted one
of our woman buyers came Into the
office. I thought there was going to
be a fight but the boys got him out
somehow and held Mr. Wakefield back
Still, it was a pretty Berlous thing.
"If you'll all swear not to tell, I'll
mall it," said Bessie, feeling like a
We looked across at the unconscious
Miss Roberts. "Don't do It," I said.
Bessie stamped the letter, held It
suspended over the mall-chute, looked
at us, and dropped It down. We sat
back aghast.
The next morning everyone was
very quiet. We were wondering
when the storm would burst. We
saw Mr. Wakefield go Into his office.
Somebody tiptoed near and reported
that he was opening his mall. But
nothing happened till noon, and then
Miss Roberts was sent for.
She came back ten minutes later. In
tears, and the boys looked Bheepish,
for It was a pretty strong joke to have
played. Only Bessie, with the usual
pert look on her pretty face, went on
with her work.
Miss Roberts sat down in her chair
and wept without any pretense at res
traint. And then we saw Wakefield
come striding into our room. In his
hand was the letter. On his face was
the look I had seen once only once
before. He held the letter out.
Unless the person who wrote this
thing confesses Instantly," he said, "I
shall dismiss the entire clerical force.
The entire force," he thundered.
He must have seen the Involuntary
movement of our eyes toward Bessie.
But he said nothing till Bessie sprang
to her feet, white and trembling.
'I wrote It, and I'm sorry," she
cried. "I'll go. I did It, nobody else."
Mr. Wakefield looked at the girl in
something like horror. He turned to
ward MIbs Roberts. "She doesn't
know, thon?" I heard him whisper.
Eileen Roberts looked up, and I nev
er saw a face bo transformed, ene
looked haloed in a madonnalike be
nlgnancy. She stood up proudly before
us all.
"I'll tell her now," she said in ring
ing tones. "No, I'll tell her before ev
erybody. Everybody knew, every
body has always taunted me with be
ing an old maid. It is true I have
never been married, but Besslo is my
The pert look that had been on Bes
sie's face was never seen there again.
We looked at the exporter's face, and
knew Miss Roberts had spoken the
"Is this true?" cried Bessie, clutch
ing at his arms convulsively.
Mr. Wakefield bowed his head. "My
nephew Is dead now," he said, "and
there is no reason why the secret
should be kept any longer. His wife
knows. But for that," he continued,
turning to Miss Roberts, "I should
have done more for you more for you
both. I always meant to I am going
to now."
The last thing that we saw as we
filed out was Bessie weeping in Miss
Roberts' arms.
Old Publlo Lotteries.
Harvard was aided by a lottery In
1789 by a special act. The scheme was
to buy Joseph Pope's orrery for the
college. Three thousand tickets at
$20 each were sold. The plan was
successful, and after all expenses had
been paid Harvard had the orrery and
$400 In the school treasury. Among
the public buildings erected In Amer
ica by the aid ot lotteries Faneull nail,
In Boston, has the most historical in
terest. The hall burned In 1761 and
then the selectmen of Boston were
Instructed at a town meeting to peti
tion the gonoral court to empower a
suitablo person to raise by way of
lottery such a sum of money as would
be sufficient for the rebuilding ot the
hall. The legislature granted the
petition, and the profits of the lot
teries, which extended to 1764, were
applied to the erection of the second
Faneull hall, which held the town
meetings ot the Revolution and still
stands. In 1833 an act was passed
which put an end to the sale ot lottery
tickets in Massachusetts.
Carrier Pigeons In Anolent Times.
Pigeons, as commonplace as they ap
pear, are characters or aniiquny.
Dove is the Anglo-Saxon name; pig
eon, the Norman name.
During the fifth Egyptian dynasty,
3,000 years before Christ, It was the
fashion to domesticate pigeons and to
train them as carriers and messengers.
The promptness with which Caesar
was Informed of the rebellion In Gaul,
and thereby enabled to cross the Alps
before those uprising could possess the
entire province, was due to the use ot
carrier pigeons. In the Crusades, theso
birds were skillful aud faithful mos
sengerB. The price ot a handsome pair ot
pigeons In ancient Rome was not a
trifle, for AxIub, a Roman knight, once
sold a pair of pigeons for 40 denarii
about $75, At that time, too, they were
by far the swiftest conveyers of news,
and were much In douiand at the celo
bratlon ot the Olympic games.
At Becket's Shrine.
The northern transept of Canter
bury (Eng.) cathedral marks the spot
ot Becket's assassination, and tor this
reason Is called "the Martyrdom."
The choir stalls are Inclosed with a
beautiful screen of carved stone, exe
cuted by Prior d'Estrla, and is one of
the famous treasures ot Canterbury.
The archbishop's throne, with its can
opy, commands your attention for a
short time, and then you pass up the
north aisle. In the adjoining chapels
and about you are the tombs ot the
archbishops who were virtually the
prime ministers ot England for many
reigns, The stones are worn by the
feet ot the pilgrims who visited the
shrine ot Becket.
In Advance.
Robert was visiting in a large city
and was greatly excited over the pros
pect ot going to see a big toy depart
ment the next day. When he was get
ting ready for bed be hugged his fath
er with unusual vigor. "Daddy" was
pleased and said,- "That's very nice."
Robert said: "Well, that's tor two
days. I am going to see the toys, and
will have no time to love you tomorrow,"
One day, while Snowball was In the
city, he saw a sign which read: "See
Prof. Anastasius Papadopoulas' trained
"Trained cats?" said Snowball. "I
wonder what they can do? I'll go In
and Bee." When his master had gone
to lunch that day Snowball went to the
theater. There were cats big and lit
tle. One walked a tight rope, another
very handsome cat waltzed to the mu
sic of the orchestra and one cat
wheeled a kitten In a cart. "I should
not care to be the kitten in the cart,"
thought Snowball, as the cart tipped
from side to side.
The thing that pleased Snowball the
most was the cat that walked across
the stage on Its front paws while Its
hind feet were raised In the air and
steadied by a little stick which the
professor held. "If I could do that,"
said Snowball, "I should be the most
wonderful cat In the neighborhood.
They are very smart kittens," said
Snowball, as he went out, and all the
way home he wondered how he could
practice the wonderful things he had
seen without Kit and Puff seeing him
until he was able to perform perfectly.
The next day, when Kit and Puff
were asleep In their basket, Snowball
Cautiously Put One Paw on the Line.
went to the barn. He walked on his
hind legs and found that he could
waltz very well, or he felt sure he
could if he had the music, but, to walk
on his front feet with his hind legs
held up high was a very difficult thing
to do, he found. He could stand on
his front feet with his hind feet
against the side of the barn, but when
he tried to walk ho could not balance
himself. "I could ask Puff or Kit to
hold the stick as the professor did," he
thought, "but they would be sure to
claim all the glory. I'll try walking
the clothesline first and practice this
again." He ran up the post and very
cautiously put one paw on the line. It
moved In the most unsteady manner.
"If it were flat," said Snowball, "It
would be easy, for I can walk on the
top of a very narrow fence."
He clawed the line fiercely with his
front paws and buried his sharp claws
in It, then he drew one hind foot very
carefully from the post, but Just as he
put it on the line it swung and poor
Snowball turned over and fell to the
ground. He landed on his feet and
looked around to see if anyone saw
him, but no one was in sight. "I
might try turning a somersault," said
Snowball, "one of the professors' cats
did that, but the post Is too high to
tumble from, and I do not think I will
try rope-walking, e 1th or, but stick to
the other tricks. I will have to ask
Puff to hold the stick under my hind
feet, I suppose, for I must do that
trick anyway."
All the tabbies and kittens for miles
around were Invited to see Snowball
in his wonderful three-act perform
ance. The barn floor was filled and
some ot the younger klttons climbed
Into the hay loft.
Kit announced that Snowball would
first perform his wonderful act ot
walking on his hind legs. Snowball
came from behind a horse blanket cur
tain, which was hung in front of
stall. He was dressed In his red
sweater. He bowed to the audience,
who applauded loudly. "Isn't he hand
some?" was heard from all parts of
the barn. Puff and Kit felt that he
would score another victory. Snowball
jumped into the air and landed on his
hind legs, then walked upright across
the barn floor.
"Oh; he Is Just too lovely for any
thing!" said one old tabby as Snow
ball disappeared behind the curtain
amid a storm of applause.
Kit announced that Snowball next
would waits to the muslo of a music
box turned by Puff. Snowball appeared
this time without his sweater, but the
collar and tie showed to advantage,
Round and round he whirled until be
was dizzy, but he kept on his feet and
retired to his stall dressing room.
"Wonderful, wonderful!" said the
tabbies, while the kittens were speech
less with admiration.
"And now," Kit announced, "Snow
ball will walk on his front feet with
his hind logs held in the air." Puff
appeared with Snowball for this act,
and when Snowball placed his hind
legs against the side ot the barn. Puff
put the stick under his feet to steady
him. Snowball walked across the barn
aud back to the curtain and then gave
a spring aud landed on all four feet.
But what was the matter with his
hind legs? They felt queer and he
could not move them. Puff pushed him
behind the curtain. The audience ap
plauded and called for Snowball, but
he could not walk. His hind legs were
held fast by the stick.
Putt and Kit were smiling and bow
ing and getting all the glory out In
front What should he do? And what
bad happened? He put his nose around
and folt something sticky. Then he
knew Putt and Kit had out Clue on
the stick and It was stuck fast to hi
fur. They had crippled him that they
might be In front of the curtain alone
to receive the applause and congratu
lations of the audience.
Poor Snowball! He licked and licked
at tha stick, but by the time he had
moved the sticky hobble the cats and
kittens had gone.
Snowball went Into the bouse and
stretched himself behind the kitchen
stove to think over bis unjust treat
ment, and how he could punish Puff
and Kit tor the trick they had played
on him.
Furnishings Should Be Kept Simple
and of Such Material That They
May Be Easily Cleaned.
The decorations and furnishings In
girl's room should be kept simple.
The curtains, hangings, dresser scarfs
and pin-cuBhions, even the toilet ar
ticles, should all be of such material
that they may be cleaned easily.
Thin, sheer materials make the
daintiest covers for dressers and ta
bles, while the side curtains may be
of heavier cretonne or linen over thin
white muslin. Toilet articles of cel
luloid are in better taste than those
of heavily embossed, plated silver,
which become tarnished.
The woodwork is always nicest
when painted cream-white, while the
floor should be either stained or paint-
and covered with a large rug or
Small ones. Rag rugs are as fitting
as any floor covering, and they come
In lovely colors. You may sew the
rags and have the rugs woven to or
der, and obtain just the shades de
sired by having dyed the colors your
self. The walls may be papered In a
plain, striped or flowered paper, or
tinted, or even painted, In a clear, flax
tone. Plain ceilings are always most
restful, and If figured walls are pres
ent it is best to have the hangings
plain also.
Give Youth Plenty of Books, Let Him
Read and Browse and Have His
Fill of Adventure.
To say that boys do not demand ad
venture , stories and that they
shouldn't have this demand supplied
would be ridiculous, Walter Prltchard
Eaton writes In the Woman's Home
Any gooi teacher or wise parent
knows, of course, that mere prohibi
tion Is an Ineffective and Billy weap
on. Not "don't" but "do," not prohi
bition but suggestion, is the method
to apply. Give the young boy hooks,
give him plenty of books, let him read
and browBe and have his fill ot adven
ture but Bee that these books are
the right sort. Find out what they
are like yourself before you put them
into your son's hands. They may be
dynamite, as Franklin Matthews says,
to blow your boy's brains out. Don t
sacrifice his brains, his Imagination,
all his chances of future literary taste,
sense of style, appreciation of good
writing, tor the sake ot saving 60
Illustrations Given of Three Contrlv.
ances That Will Interest Boys
During Winter.
L. W. Frank of Pleasanton, Kan
sends tho description of threo rabbit
traps to Farmers Mail and Breeze, that
boys will be anxlouB to try this winter
Trap a Burled Barrel.
He says that rabbits like to run
through hollow logs, etc., and the first
trap shown Is built on this plan. Bury
a barrel in the grouud so the top of
it will come Just level with the top
ot the ground. Make a box about four
feet long to lay over the barrel. In
the center of the lower side of this oox
make a door, fitting it on pivots so it
IP it.
A Sliding Door.
will tilt with the slightest weight. The
rabbit runs Into tho box, steps on the
door and slides down Into the barrel
The door swings back into place and
the trap Is ready for another rabbit,
Tho next trap shown Ib also open at
each end, but one end has screening
across It. At the other end Is a spin
die hooked lightly, and a cord run
from the Bplndle up to the slide door
In trying to go through this trap, either
Bait Is Necessary.
through curiosity or for food, Mr. Rab
bit unhooks the spindle and the door
slides down. The third trap Is some
thing like the second one. but not so
good, as mice can spring it and bait Is
necessary. Bait can also be used on
No. 2, but the rabbtt can be caught
without It, because. In crowding past
the spindle, the rabbit unhooks It and
lets the door fall.
Not a Joshua.
Charley and Nancy had quarreled,
After their supper mother tried to re
establish friendly relations. She told
them ot the Bible verse, "Let not the
sun go down upon your wrath."
"Now, Charlie, she pleaded, "are
you going to let the sun go down on
your wrathr
Charlie squirmed a little. Then:
"Well, how can I stop it?"
ERBERT LANG, who has re
turned to civilization with the
largest collection of specimens
of animal life ever acquired
In Africa, saw a good deal of the pyg
mleB In the Interior regions of the Bel
gian Congo, when he spent six years.
He was in charge of the Congo expedi
tion of the American Museum of
Natural History. Altogether it is es
timated that the members of the ex
pedition gathered more than 20,000
large specimens for the museum and
the collections in the aggregate
weighed 45 tons.
When Mr. Lang and his associate,
James P. Chapln, arrived in Africa
they first established headquarters at
Stanleyville, with an equipment includ
ing 11 tons of supplies, which they
packed into loads of 60 pounds each
for transportation over the trail lead
ing into the forest. With the assist
ance of the Belgian government the
explorers secured 200 native porters
to carry their packs and started out
on the Journey from Stanleyville to
Avakubi, which was accomplished in
about twenty-one days.
"Our chief difficulty," said Mr. Lang,
with reference to the equipment of the
expedition, "was caused by the ex
treme humidity of the forest, to which
our supplies to a certain extent were
exposed. Whenever our expedition ar
rived at a village In the Congo the
chieftain of- the tribe usually greeted
us and brought us presents of chicken,
rice and bananas and other fruit. In
exchange for these favors we gave
clothes and useful articles to the na
tives, who invariably are glad to wel
come the white man to the Congo for
est. We pitched our tent wherever
night overtook us and often occupied
tor a dwelling place one of the shelter
houses used by the natives.
Pygmies Are Not Shy.
"We discovered the first pygmy at
Avakubi, and he was a prisoner on a
charge ot having killed a man with a
spear. Contrary to the general Idea
the pygmies are not shy. They are a
trifle suspicious, but after they make
your acquaintance they are not unlike
other tribes of native Africans.
"The pygmies live by hunting chief
ly and frequently bring in antelope
and other game to the villages, wnicn
they are glad to exchange for food.
They are quite expert in tracking
games and shoot everything with bow
and arrow. On the track ot big game
thA chiefs, women and children an
join in the pursuit until the animal Is
Those Poor Rich People.
Pity the poor millionaires!
For the frugal wife, 5 cents now
buys as big a loaf as it did two years
ago, but $1,000 doesn't buy as big a
blue foxskln coat no, not by half.
The boiled potatoes on the moaesi
dinner table are rather cheaper than
they were last winter; but when the
poor millionaires are driven by ne
cessity to buy white fox furs hubby
advances 65 per cent more money for
them than he would have done at this
time In 1913.
Beaver, another essential to pluto
cratic happiness, has risen much more
than sugar or lamb chops. Indeed,
Uncle Sam tells us that the whole fur
family Is roosting on a higher limb
than ever before.
Luxuries rise and fall rapidly with
the amount of loose change in million
aire bank accounts; but so far as
prices go, the poor man's dinner pail
can scarcely tell a financial feast from
a financial famine. Philadelphia Pub
lic Ledger.
A wise man
Is not Ignorant ot his
UK 1 "
captured. Sometimes they will give
a tip to other natives about the dis
covery ot game and then when the
hunter's bag is filled they will demand
a share of the trophy.
"At one time we arrived at a vil
lage of 200 pygmies and witnessed a
characteristic pygmy dance. The pyg
mies dance in a circle to the accom
paniment ot the beating ot a gong, and
sometimes a drum. During the dance
wine made from palms and the ba
nana is consumed by the dancers."
Both the pygmy men and the women
danced for the explorers and Mr. Lang,
who, by the -vay, took more than six
thousand pictures In the field of Af
rican life, game and other subjects,
succeeded in securing some capital
negatives of the pygmies.
"The women are slightly smaller
than the men," he said, "and their
clothing consists chiefly of the bark ot
African trees. They usually speak the
language of the tribe they happen to
associate with, and the little people
are ruled by their own chieftains.
Live in Leafy Bowers.
"Some of their places of abode are
formed by bowers of large leaves in
the depths ot the forest. Others Imi
tate the trlbesSor nearby natives and
build their huts. Their villages are
apart from each other. Once in
while they have a clash with the
larger native tribes, but generally are
not considered quarrelsome.
"Most of the natives are fond of mu
sic and dancing, and some of the
tribes possess very elaborate musical
azande Hut
Instruments. These Include antelope
horns and wooden horns covered with
animal skins and are used for cere
monial and other dances."
The natives also use wooden and
Iron clappers and iron rings upon their
ankles, which make an odd sound dur
ing the dance. Some of the dances
are the ceremonial, in which they
initiate the natives into the' secret
societies, and the medicine man dance.
The explorer said In response to a
question that he had not seen any evi
dence ot cannibalism, but he added:
"Nearly all African tribes are canni
bals, but owing to the Influence of the
government and recent training this
feature of life In the wilds has been
practically eliminated.'
A messenger system bos been estab
lished throughout the Congo region,
whereby reports from chieftains In
the Belgian Conao are received con
stantly. The entire region, is closely
I patrolled by native messengers.
Ventilation of Engine Rooms.
For ventilating ccgla? rooms, large
electric fans are employed. So, too,
the coal bunkers have to be ventilated,
owing to the gas which the coal gives
off. This gas when mixed with air
forms an explosive; so, In order to
prevent the possibility cf Injury to
men or ship, a supply anJ an exhaust
pipe are fitted in such a manner as to
cause a current of air.
Didn't Want to See IL
The gentleman had Just related to
the lady an anecdote with a double
entendre in It. And the lady, being
such, did not smile. "Aha!" he said,
in disappointed tones, "you prove that
women have to sense ot humor. You
didn't see the point, did yon?" "No,"
she answered, with dignity. "Not it
it's what I suspect it Is."
Not a Happy Topic
"You say Mr. and Mrs. Twobbls are
never at a loss tor something to talk
about?" "Exactly." "Fortunate cou
ple!" "Far from it They talk about
each other's faults tor hours at s
time." Birmingham Age-Herald
Ship Really Climbs on Its Pas
sage Through Locks.
Economical Device Where Waterway
Has to Be Cut Through High
Country Superiority Over
Tide-Water System.
It is a fact that a ship really climbs
Each step in the ladder is a small
lock In which the ship can float. To
begin the ascent a pair of gates at
the bottom of the ladder is opened
and the ship sails in. Then the low
est gates are shut and more water
is allowed to go into this lock, or
dock, where the ship is.
When the water In this lock is level
with the water in the upper lock, an
other set of gates is opened and the
ship sails into the second lock. The
gates are then shut, and when the
water has been allowed to flow Into
the second lock, In which the ship
now is, other gates are opened. And
so on the ship feoes up the ladder.
If It were not for the system ot
locks, which may be really called Bhlp.
ladders, the canal would need to be
cut very, very deep where it goes
through high country, bo that the sur
face of the water would be on the
same level throughout the entire
length of the canal. But with locks
the cutting of a canal is much easier
and cheaper.
It was for this reason that the Pan
ama canal was designed and construct
ed as a lock canal, although many en
gineers favored the tide-water or non
lock as the better system. It Is
claimed that the slides which have
already caused thousands of dollars in
damage to the canal would have been
fa.- worse had the channel been cut to
a depth which would have directly
connected the two, oceans.
Phones Replace Waiters.
Telephones are being used In one
of the restaurants at Plalnfleld, N. J.,
as substitutes for waitresses, says the
Popular Mechanics. Instruments have
been installed at each of the several
tables and permit the guests to com
municate their orders direct to the
kitchen without suffering delay. The
activities of the waitresses are con
fined solely to the serving of food. To
simplify the system, each menu on
the card is numbored so that a patron
may render his order numerically. A
switchboard operator makes a record
of all orders and attendB to the is
suance of the checks. The guests are
privileged to use the telephones for
outside calls and likewise may receive
incoming messages without leaving
their respective tables.
Warning to Motorists.
A fine of $20 "for lying" and $5 for
speeding was assessed against Louis
Greenspon of 6829 Westminster placo,
merchant, by Police Judge Hogan,
according to the St. Louis Post-Dis
It was charged that Greenspon drove
his machine at 25 miles an hour on
Locust street, between Beaumont
street and Twenty-first street. When
he was arrested, Judge Hogan asked
him if he had not been arrested before
for speeding. Greenspon said ho had
not. Hogan had the record looked ud.
and It showed that Greenspon was
fined $5 on August 14 for speeding.
'Young man," Judge Hogan said, "1
fine you $20 for lying and $5 for speed
Dutch Barges on the Thames.
Belgian barges have appeared on the
Thames and are probably fraternizing
with those Dutch neighbors who are
always to be found just below London
bridge. For more than two centuries
there have always been big, broad-
sterned Dutch boats lying In the river,
with a baggy-trousered Dutchman
smoking on board quite calmly. It is
the reminiscence of a Dutch conquest.
Those boats have moored there, with
their eels for London, ever since WU.
Ham III gave them the right of traffic.
And If there wasn't a Dutch boat for
a single second Just below London
bridge, the ancient rights would be
lost. But you will always find the (
calm Dutchman smoking on his '
"pitch." Dundee Advertiser.
Tried to Cook Gunpowder.
Mistaking a bag of powder for ons
of flour in Pennsgrove, Thomas
Patchess of Philadelphia was badly
burned about the face and hands.
Patchell, who operates a jitney 'but
between Pennsgrove and the Carneyi
Point Powder plant, bunks with two
powder workers In a shack in Penns
grove.,. He was getting the breakfast,
and put what he supposed was flout
Into a pan on the stove. He took the
wrong bag. There was a flash and
roar of flame and Patchell staggered
back, blinded and suffering agonies
from burns. He was given attention
by a local physician, and then sent to
the hospital.
New Plants In United States.
Since the United States department
of agriculture established the section
of seed and plant Introduction in 1907
this has Introduced into the United
States almost 50,000 varieties ol
plants. In the year ending last June
more than 2,000 were Introduced and
171,831 experimental plants and 11,465
packets of seeds were given to experi
menters, of each ot which a record la
Those Dear Girls.
-Almee Young DeMutt proposed to
me one evening last week.
Hazel Why, he proposed to me,
Almeef Well, I'm not at all sui
prised. When I refused him he threat
ened to do something desperate.
On Three Counts.
"No," said the editor, "we cannot
use your poem."
"Why," asked the poet, "Is it toe
"Yes," hissed the editor. "It's tot
long, and too wide, and too thick."