The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, February 11, 1916, Image 4

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Brief Resume of General News
from All Around the Earth.
Live News Items of All Nations and
Pacific Northwest Condensed
for Our Busy Readers.
Canada will send 20,000 more men
to the front in Europe.
Many looters are caught by U. S.
marines in the flood-stricken disticts
of California.
The missing K-5 submarine is re
ported in her regular course off the
coast of Flordia.
Many sections of the Middle West
are experiencing floods and much dam
age to property is reported.
President Wilson declares the U. S.
navy is prepared for immediate war,
but it is inadequate in size.
General Ornelas, a Villa follower, is
taken from a train near Chihuahua and
shot. He was a federal turncoat.
Pheasants driven by hunger are
swarming Portland Heights and are
being fed by streetcar men and resi
dents. A fleet of German Zeppelins attack
London and Paris, killing and wound
ing 20 or more in Paris and eleven in
Compulsory military training of
high school students of Washington
state is proposed by the state school
A negro attacks an auto party near
Buffalo, N. Y., killing mother and son
and seriously wounding the daughter.
Robbery was the motive.
German forceB deliver two attacks
with hand grenades near Hill No. 140.
Both attacks resulted In failure, ac
cording to the French official an
nouncement. Director Sturgis, of the Australian
Bank, London, said that reportB show
ed the Australian wheat crop would be
record one. He estimated the yield
would be 160,000,000 bushels, of
which 100,000,000 would be available
for export.
Nineteen thousand acres of land in
Pine Valley, Baker county, Oregon,
chiefly suited for dry farming and for
several years intended to come under a
state irrigation scheme, will be opened
to entry in the La Grande land office
February 14.
A meeting In Washington, D. C, to
discuss the exchange conspiracy to de
press the price of cotton and measures
further to regulate the cotton ex
changes of the United States, was
called for February 24 by Representa
tives Heflin, Chandler and Jacowa.
Senator Reed, of Missouri, attacks
Roosevelt in the senate by declaring
"It Is a happy thing for this country
that there has been insistence on
American rights, and equally fortunate
that there has not been some hot
headed, importunate demagogue in the
White House."
Every employe of the Bunker Hill
& Sullivan Mining Co., of Kellogg,
Idaho, above and below the surface,
will receive an increase of wages of
approximately 50 cents a day If the
price of lead keeps up. It is known
that the company for some time has
been contemplating this advance.
The President would be authorized
to negotiate with the Carranza govern
ment for purchase of Lower California
by a resolution Introduced by Repre
sentative Britten, of Illinois. He de
clared such a purchase would put into
the hands of the de facto officials of
Mexico millions of dollars for rehabil
itating the government and the coun
try s industries.
While the President was standing on
the rear platform shortly before the
departure of his train from Chicago, a
sharp explosion was heard. Secret
service men crowded to the platform
and the President, apparently some
what startled, entered the car. A
cloud of escaping steam showed that
the connecting hose between the rear
coach and the one next forward had
General Wood opposes plan for con
tinental army and proposes that the
regular army be brought to full
strength first
The Swiss government will apolo
gize to Germany for the trampling un
der foot of the empire's emblem by an
Infuriated mob.
President Wilson delivers his first
address on preparedness in New York
He will visit the Middle West for ten
days, delivering speeches on this sub
Spokane washerwomen are now said
to patronize the laundries, and have
other luxuries, not furnished by their
Inebriate huBbands before Washington
went dry.
It is reported in Vatican circles that
the condition of Emperor Francis
Joseph, of Austria, who has been serl
ously 111 for several days, is rapidly
growing worse.
The report that Great Britain had
lifted the embargo on interned German
ships has caused a furore of activity
among shippers of the Pacific Coast.
A Seattle physician serving ban
quet in bis home, prescribed cocktails
lor bis guests in regular medicine bot
ties. Each person had an individual
prescription signed by the doctor.
A playful dog runs in front of
coasting party at South Bend, Wash.,
causing the pilot to swerve the sled,
plunging It over an embankment. The
fire chief and two women coasters
were badly Injured.
Daily Record
of Congress
Saturday, Jan, 29.
Senate Senator Sherman, Republi
can, introduced a resolution of protest
against reported renewed demands by
Japan on China.
Senator Tillman praised Secretary
Daniels in a speech on the navy and
attacked former Secretary Meyer.
Military committee continued work on
the army bill.
House Military and naval commit
tees continued hearings.
Social workers and labor leaders
asked for revision of the workmen's
compensation law.
Friday, Jan. 28.
Senate Petitions bearing a million
names protesting against war muni
tions shipments presented, resulting in
vigorous debate.
Debate on Philippine independence
bill resumed.
Military committee continued hear
ing on army bills.
House Admiral Griffin, chief of
navy engineering bureau, testified be
fore naval committee.
Gen. Wood told military committee
army should be recruited to lull
strength before a reserve is enrolled.
Postal committee favorably reported
postoffice appropriation bill providing
that railroads be paid for mail trans
portation by space.
Thursday, Jan. 27.
Senate Public lands committee re
ported water power bill recognizing
jurisdiction of both state and federal
governments over water power sites.
Postoffice committee recommended
deposits of postal savings funds in
federal reserve banks.
Military and naval committees con
tinued hearings.
House Military and naval commit
tees continued hearings.
Rivers and harbors committee heard
RepreBentaive Sumners on Trinity
River project.
Republican Leader Mann made
speech advocating preparedness.
Representative Bennett, of New
York, defended German-Americans in
a speech.
Passed the Shackleford $26,000,000
good roads bill.
Wednesday, Jan. '28.
Senate Foreign relations committee
discussed Colombian, Nicaraguan and
Haitian treaties.
Senator Hitchcock proposed amend
ment to Philippine bill granting inde
pendence In from two to four years.
Debated child labor bill without final
Military committee continued hear
ings on army reorganization.
House Military and naval commit
tees heard witnesses on the state of
national defense.
Secretary Garrison urged the house
interstate commerce committee to re
vise the general dam act In the inter
est of water power development.
Washington, D. C While President
Wilson is carrying to the country hit
appeal for adequate national defense,
one of the vital elements of the pro
gram he has recommended to congress
the continental army faces Berious
opposition in both the senate and house
military committees.
Such an army, described by Secre
tary Garrison as embodying the most
attractive Bcheme that could be de
vised to give a final test of the prob
lem of training an adequate number of
Federal volunteers in peace times,
would be expected to provide 400,000
men of the totRl of approximately
1,000,000 which the entire plan is cal
culated to make available.
Present indications are that the con
tinental proposal in some form will be
written into the army increase bill be
ing prepared by the senate military
committee, although that measure will
be devoted mainly to a complete re
organization of the regular army on a
basis of approximately 235,000 men
with the colors, increasing Secretary
Garrison's proposals in that respeot by
nearly 100,000 men.
Senator Chamberlain, chairman of
the senate military committee, said he
waa confident his committee would
turn out without great delay a well
rounded bill providing for all the ele
ments of a national army of 1,000,000
or more men.
Negress to Cast Ballot.
Hood River, Or. At the coming
May primaries Daisy Moody, a domes
tic in a local family, if her plans ma
terialize, will be the first colored citi
zen to cast a vote In Hood River coun
ty. According to her registration, the
girl is a native of Tennessee. She
registers as a Republican. ' Of the
Hood River county voters who have
registered, Republicans are over
whelmingly in the majority, the figures
being as follows : Of 166 men 112 are
Republicans, and 14 women are Re
publicans out of a total 18 registered.
Literacy Test In Immigration Bill.
Washington, D. C Containing a
modified literacy test clause and dras
tic restrictions against the immigra'
tion of Chinese, Japanese, Hindus and
other AsiaticB, the Bernard immigra
tion bill was perfected in committee
Friday and will be reported to the
bouse for passage.
The literacy test would not apply to
persons coming to the United States
to escape religious persecution. An
immigrant not claimig such exemption
would be required to read from SO to
60 words of his native language.
BrltMh Steamer Founders at Sea,
New York The British steamer
Chase Hill, which sailed from New
York for Havre on January 14, foun
dered at sea, according to officers of
the steamer Indralema, which arrived
here Friday. The captain of the In
dralema said that on January 22 he
sighted the Spanish steamer Mary
Adriatico, which signalled that she
had on board the shipwrecked erew of
the Chase Hill. No details were given
concerning the loss of the vessel.
President Wilson Urges People
to Preparedness.
Cleveland Speech Unusually Grave
and Warning of Nation's Im
pending Danger is Given.
Cleveland, O. New circumstances
have arisen, President Wilson declared
Saturday, which make it absolutely
necessary, that this country should pre
pare for adequate national defense
"We are in the midst of a world
that we did not make and cannot al
ter," the President said. "Its whole
atmospheric and physical conditions
are the conditions of our own life, al
so; and therefore as your responsible'
servant I must tell you that the dan
gers are infinite and constant.
"I should feel that I were guilty of
an unpardonable omission if I did not
go out and tell my "fellow countrymen
that new circumstances have arisen
which make it absolutely necessary
th,at this country prepare herself for
war, not for anything that smacks in
the least of aggression but for ade
quate national defense. "
' Whenever the ordinary rules of
commerce at sea and of international
relationship are apt to be thrust aside
or ignored, " he continued, "there is
danger of the more critical kind of
'America is not afraid of anybody.
I know 1 reflect your feeling when I
say that the only 'thing I am afraid of
is not being ready to perform my
duty. I am afraid of the danger of
shame. I am afraid of the danger of
inadequacy ; I am afraid of the danger
of not being able to express the cor
rect character of this country with
tremendous might and effectiveness
whenever we are called upon to act in
the field of the world's affairs.
He was applauded frequently and
when he spoke of defending the na
tion's honor the cheering was tremen
"I do not wish to leave you with the
impression that I am thinking of some
particlar danger. I merely wish to
tell you that we are daily treading
amidst Intricate dangers. The dan
gers that we are treading amoung are
not of our own making and not under
our control. I think no man in the
United States knows what a single
week, a single day, a single hour may
bring forth"
The President spoke of the navy and
the coast defenses, saying:
"Take for example the matter of
our coast defenses. It Is obvious to
every man that they are of the most
vital importance to the country. Such
coast defenses as we have are strong
and admirable, but we have not got
coast defenses in enough places. Their
quality is admirable but their qunatity
is insufficient.
"And the navy of the United States!
You have been told that it is the sec
ond in strength in the world. I am
sorry to say that expertB do not agree
with those who tell you that. Reck
oning by its actual strength I believe
it to be one of the most efficient navies
in the world; but its strenght ranks
fourth, not second. You must reckon
with the fact that it is necessary that
that Bhould be our first arm of defense,
and you ought to Insist that everything
should be done that it is possible for
ub to do to bring the navy up to an
adequate standard of strength and effi
ciency. "Where we are lacking more per
haps is on land and in the number of
men who are ready to fight. The
characteristic desire of America is not
that she should have a great body of
men whoBe chief business is to fight,
but a great body of men who know
how to fight and are ready to fight
when anything that is dear to the na
tion is threatened. You might have
what we have, millions of men who
have never handled arms of war, who
are mere material for shot and powder
if you put them in the field, and Amer
ica would be ashamed of the Ineffi
ciency of calling such men to defend
the Nation."
Captives Charge Torture.
PetrogTad, via London The Russian
army headquarters has Issued a state
ment concerning the attitude of Aus
trians toward Russian prisoners.
The statement tells the experience
of six soldiers who escaped from cap
tivity in Austria. It declares that
they and 600 of their comrades refused
to dig trenches and were tortured,
four being shot on June 14 at a vil
lage near Innsbruck. The execu
tioners, the statement says, were
cadets who volunteered - for the
Governor Marries Ward.
Philadelphia Governor Brumbaugh,
of thia state, Sunday married his ward,
Miss Florea Belle Parks, who is a dis
tant relative and has lived in the
Brumbaugh home for 20 years.
The marriage license gave Miss
Parks' age as 40 years and that of the
governor as 64. In the application for
the license the governor gave his occu
pation a teacher.
Before becoming governor last
January Mr. Brumbaugh was head
of Philadelphia's public school sys
Drunkard Utt Stir City.
Gateway, Or. Consternation has
been caused among several citizens of
this place by the appearance of their
names on "Habitual Drunkard" lists
that have been given the railway
agents In Jefferson county by the
prosecuting attorney.
Great dissatisfaction, too, has been
expressed by many of the persons af
fected, who contend that It It a ques
tion as to what constitutes an habtulal
Tacoma, Wash. Strict enforcement
of the state prohibition law, and de
crease in crime in Tacoma and Pierce
county as a result of the statute, were
pointed out by county and city officers
at the end of the first month without
Permits for the importation of 1656
quarts of beer and 818 quarts of liquor
other than beer, chiefly whisky, were
issued in the county during January,
according to the records of the county
auditor. A total of 647 permits bad
been issued when the books closed.
Of this nnmber, 138 called for beer
and 409 for liquor other than beer. In
addition to these, there were 22 per
mits issued to druggists under the new
The total revenue of the county from
this source was $142.25. This sum
came in almoBt entirely during the last
half of the month, as during the first
15 days but 30 permits were issued.
The last day of the month the number
Miss Emily E. 8loane, daughter of
Henry T. Sloane, millionaire carpet
manufacturer of New York, has gone
to France, where she la to become the
bride of Baron Amaury de la Grange,
who Is a captain In the French army
issued was 64.
The auditor pointed out that the rev
enue for February, at the rate the ap
plications are now coming in, would
probably be double that of January.
The auditor's entire time is taken in
writing the permits and making out
the affidavits, and if the applications
continue to increase, additional help
may be required. The county's net
revenue will probably be small, as the
expense is great.
Three prosecutions for violations of
the law were conducted by the county
attorney during the month. In each
the case the defendant was convicted.
Portland, Or. One month of prohi
bition, and all's well.
All well, and then some. Look :
Not a single family row has broken
into the police court during the month.
They were a common occurrence be
fore 1916, nearly all due to booze.
Grocery Btores have taken the place
of corner saloons; rents have not been
materially affected, say the brokers,
and the number of vacancies left by
saloons is astonishingly few.
More money is in circulation for
groceries, dry goods and staple arti
cles, says C. C. Colt, president of the
Chamber of commerce, indicating that
the working man's money spent for
liquor is going Into other channels of
trade, replacing the industrial forces
apparently left idle by the advent of
And this is not all. ' Mrs. Lola G.
Baldwin says the number of girls in
the police court has fallen almost to
nothing a veritable revolution, she
Intoxicated motor drivers have
ceased to exist, according to the police
record. Reckless driving and speed
ing has been diminished many hundred
per cent.
Three times as many persons, or
nearly so, were arrested In December
as January, or a reduction of from
2004 to 776. The number a year ago
January was 1743, or more than twice
as much as last month.
Radium Worth $9,000,000 a Pound.
Washington, D. C More than $9,
000,000 a pound would be the price
asked for radium were that quantity
of the valuable metal available and for
sale at one time. Late in 1915 there
was sold In this country one and one
tenth grams of radium (element) at
the rate of $120,000 a gram, according
to a report issued by the United States
geological survey. The entire output
of the United States last year, how
ever, waB only 6 grams. The war
caused a great slump in the production,
as in 1914 22.3 grams were produced.
Plight of 3,000,000 Jews Appalling.
New York That the condition of
the Jews in the eastern war zone in
Europe is appalling Is the burden of a
report issued here by the American re
lief committee. Jews affected have,
by reason of their unfortunate geo
graphical position, actually borne the
brunt of the war's burden in Eastern
Europe. Nearly 3,000,000 Jews are
now facing destitution. Hundreds of
thousands vere forced to leave their
homes at a day's notice, among them
the immediate families of 350,000
Jewish soldiers of Russia.
Flood In Philippines.
Manila Floods in the Zamboango
province in some of the settlements in
the upper Agusann district where the
low country is entirely under water.
Relief is being sent to Camp Keithly,
which has been cut off from outside
communication. The transport Liscum
sailed with supplies and materials to
repair the road to Camp Keithly. The
floods, which have resulted in great
damage, are the result of 14 days' rain
following a cloudburst
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General view of Cosihuiriachlc mine, 19 of the employees of which were murdered by Mexican bandits because
moet of them were Americana. At the left is C. R. Watson, manager of the mine, who was killed.
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The great slides which have blocked the Panama canal have become a matter of auch concern to the United
States that President Wilson appointed a commission to study the causes of the elides. The photograph shows
General Goethals and the commission viewing the slides and watching boats go through the canal.
Mrs. Price Post, prominent in the social life of Tuxedo Park and New
York, is one of the many society women engaged In the work of obtaining
shoes for the war sufferers of Belgium. She is seen In this picture with
two little Belgian-Americans who have come with their mite to help the
unfortunates in the country from which their parents came. , .
The United States chamber of commerce has sent out from Its Washing
ton headquarters this map giving a forecast of business conditions In the
United States during the first four months of 1916. The map was made after
an exhaustive study of Industrial and commercial conditions by the experts of
the chamber. As will be Been, the localities having "good" prospects (those
unmarked) are the Atlantic and a large part of the southeastern states, those
between the Mississippi and the Rockies and a part of California. Those
where the prospects are "fair" are in gray, and the only section where the
outlook Is declared "poor" is a part of Washington and Oregon, marked black.
More than 4,500,000 gray squirrels
were killed last year In Slbera for
their fur.
British authorities are discussing
the possibility of rubber tires tor
street cars.
The Chinese government will re
open a pottery that was built In 1396
and which Is Bald to be the only place
that has preserved the ancient ways
of making porcelain of rare colon and
A novel dial has been patented
which may be attached to any clock,
transforming it, when the minute hand
has been removed, Into a one-hand
timepiece, which the Inventor claims
Is more easily read.
For the convenience of women there
has been designed a set of a hair dry
er, curling Inn and comb, each of
which can be heated In turn from the
same electric light socket
One Paris motion picture plant pro
ducer an average of 3,000,000 feet of
films weekly.
Juan Dpmenjos, aviator, recently
made one of the most daring air voy
ages ever seen in Washington. The
flight was made over the White House
and "Whlto Lot," and was for the en
tertainment of the hundreds nf Pun-
Americans In Washington for the Pan-
American Scientific congress. The
feats of iJomenjos were watched hv
his wife, a noted beauty in Brazil,
where the couple now live, t She la
shown In the picture talking with htm ,
Just before he took to the air. Domen
jos, while now engaged in aeronautic
work in Brazil, makes his home at
Biarritz, France.
Strength of Pennies.
The penny fund for sick and wound
ed has forwarded the eighth million
pennies (worth two cents each) to the
headquarters of the British Red Cross
society and St. John Ambulance asso
ciation, making a grand total of nearly
This has been raised by means of a
systematic house-to-house collection,
asking for a penny from every man,
woman and child. The money goea
towards the Red Cross work at the
various fighting fronts. Already many
districts have finished most success
ful collections, but there Btlll remain
others where the work has not begun.
London Observer.
Popular Advice.
"I understand you have a centena
rian here?"
"Yes. A hale and hearty old gentle
man who Is a great comfort to all who
know him."
"How Is that?"
"He has no set rules. He advises
everyone who wants to live long to do
Just as he pleases."
Germans Banish Sword.
The ofllcer's sword, whose useful
ness had long since vanished and
whose sole remaining function waa to
trip Its wearer up at inopportune
times. Is now to disappear officially
at the German front The emperor
has Just Issued an order permitting
officers at the front with the excep
tion of the commanders of large de
tachments and stall officers, to wear
a short knife bayonet The order ap
proves the custom, which had already
established Itself with the tacit ac
quiescence of the military authoriUea,