The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, February 11, 1916, Image 3

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Aufhor of "GheAMMHIR (MKSMAN.
imisniAnoNS w o. irwus mverS
Casalet, on the steamer Kaiser Frits,
homeward bound from Australia, cries
out In his sleep that Henry Craven, who
ten years before had ruined his father
and himself, Is dead and finds that Hil
ton Toye. who shares the stateroom with
htm, knows Craven and also Blanche
Macnalr, a former neighbor and play
mate, when the daily papers come
aboard at Southampton Toye reads that
Craven has been murdered and calls
Cazalet's dream second sight. He thinks
of doing a little amateur detective work
on the case himself. In the train to town
they discuss the murder, which was com
mitted at Cazalet's old home. Toye hears
from Cazalet that Scruton,' who had been
Cazalet's friend and , tub scapegoat for
Craven's dishonesty, has been released
from prison. Cazalet goes down tht
river and meets Blanche.
CHAPTER IV Continued.
"I wonder who can have done It!"
"So do the police, and they don't
look much like finding out!"
"It must have been for his watch
and money, don't you think! And yet
they say he had bo many enemies!"
Cazalet kept silence; but she thought
he winced. "Of course it must have
been the man who ran out of the
drive," she concluded hastily. "Where
were you when it happened, Sweep?"
Somewhat hoarsely he was recall
ing the Mediterranean movements of
the Kaiser Fritz, when at the first
mention of the vessel's name he was
firmly heckled.
"Sweep, you don't mean to say you
came by a German steamer?"
"I do. It was the first going, and
why should I waste a week? Besides,
you can generally get a cabin to your
self on the German line."
"So that's why you're here before
the end of the month," Bald Blanche.
"Well, I call it most unpatriotic; but
the cabin to yourself was certainly
some excuse."
"That reminds me!" he exclaimed.
"I hadn't it to myself all the way;
there was another fellow in with me
from Genoa; and the last night on
board It came out that he knew you
"Who can it have been?" '
"Toye, his name was. Hilton Toye."
"An American man! Oh, but I
know him very well," said Blanche In
a tone both strained and cordial. "He's
great fun, Mr. Toye, with his (delight
ful Americanisms, and the perfectly
delightful way he says them!"
Cazalet puckered like the primitive
man he was, when taken at all by sur
prise; and that anybody, much less
Blanche, should ' think Toye, of all peo
ple, either "delightful" or "great fun"
was certainly a surprise to him, If it
was nofhing else. Of course it was
nothing else, to bis Immediate knowl
edge; still, he was rather ready to
think that Blanche was blushing, but
forgot, If Indeed he had been in a fit
Btate to see it at the time, that she
had paid himself the same high com
pliment across the gate. On the whole,
It may be said that Cazalet was ruf
fled without feeling seriously disturbed
as to the essential issue which alone
leaped to his mind.
"Where did you meet the fellow?"
he Inquired, with the suitable admix
ture of confidence and amusement.
"In the first Instance, at Engelberg."
"Engelberg!" Where's that?"
"Only one of those places In Swit
zerland where everybody goes now
adays for what they call winter
She was not even smiling at his ar
rogant ignorance; she was merely ex
plaining one geographical point and
another of general Information, A
close observer might have thought
her almost anxious not to identify her
self too closely with a popular craze.
"I dare say you mentioned it," said
Cazalet, but rather as though be was
wondering why she had not
"I dare say I didn't! Everything
won't go Into an annual letter. It was
the winter before last I went out
with Betty and her husband."
"And after that he took a place
down here?"
"Yes. Then I met him on the river
the following summer; and found he'd
got roomB In one of the Nell Owynne
Cottages, if you call that a place."
"I see."
But there was no more to see; there
never had been much, but now
Blanche was standing up and gazing
-out of the balcony into the belt of
singing sunshine between the opposite
side of the road and the invisible river
.acres away.
"Why shouldn't we go down to Lit
tleford and get out the boat if you're
really going to make an afternoon of
it?" she said. "But you simply must
.see Martha first; and while she's mak-
ilng herself fit to be seen, you must
take something for the good of the
house. I'll bring it to you on a lordly
She brought him siphon, stoppered
bottle, a silver blscult-box of ancient
memories, and left him alone with
them some little time; for the young
: mistress, like her old retainer in an
other minute, was simply dying to
- make herself more presentable. Yet
when she had done so, and came back
like snow, in a Bhlrt and skirt just
home from the laundry, she saw that
: he did not see the difference. His de
vouring eyes shone neither more nor
less; but he had also devoured every
. Simple Matter If One Will Remember
a Few Matter That Are
The care of the oil stove, the mod-
em blue-fame variety, Is very simple
In the wickless type, the asbestos
;ktndlers should be renewed every six
weeks, as a general rule. Wicks in
the stoves will last a season. A new
wick should be put In about every six
months It used all th year round.
biscuit In the box, though he had be
gun by vowing that he had lunched in
town, and stuck to the fable still.
Old Martha had known him all his
life, but best at the period when he
used to come to nursery tea at Little
ford. She declared she would have
known him anywhere as he was, but
she simply hadn't recognized him in
that photograph with his beard.
"I can see where it's been," said
Martha, looking him In the lower tem
perate zone. "But I'm so glad you've
had it off, Mr. Cazalet"
"There you are, Blanchle!" crowed
Cazalet. "You said she'd be disappoint
ed, but Martha's got better taste."
"It isn't that, sir," said Martha ear
nestly. "It's because the dreadful
man who was seen running out of the
drive, at your old home, he had a
beard! It's in all the notices about
him, and that's what's put me against
them, and makes me glad you've had
yours off."
Blanche turned to him with too ready
a smile; but then she was really not
such a great age as she pretended, and
Bhe had never been in better spirits in
her life.
"You hear, Sweep! I call it rather
lucky for you that you were "
But just then she saw his face, and
remembered the things that had been
said about Henry Craven by the Caza-
lets' friends, even ten years ago, when
she really had been a girl.
An Untimely Visitor.
She really was one still, for in these
days It is an elastic term, and In
Blanche's case there was no apparent
reason why It should ever cease to
apply, or to be applied by every decent
tongue except her own.
Much the beBt tennis-player among
the ladles of the neighborhood, she
drove an almost unbecomingly long
ball at golf, and never looked better
than when paddling her old canoe, or
punting in the old punt. And yet, this
wonderful September afternoon, she
did somehow look even better than at
"Where Did You Meet the Follow 7"
He Inquired.
either or any of those congenial pur
suits, and that long before they
reached the river; in the empty house,
which had known her as baby, child
and grown-up girl, to the companion
of some part of all three stages, she
looked a more lustrous and a lovelier
Blanche than he remembered even of
But she was not really lovely In the
least; that also must be put beyond
the pale of misconception. Her hair
was beautiful, and perhaps her skin,
and, in some lights, her eyes; the rest
was not It was yellow hair, not gold
en, and Cazalet would have given all
be had about him to see it down again
as in the oldest of old days; but there
was more gold in her skin, for so the
sun had treated it; and there was
even hint or glint (in certain lights,
be it repeated) of gold mingling with
the pure hazel of her eyes. But in
the dusty shadows of the empty house,
moving like a sunbeam across Its baro
boards, standing out against the discol
ored walls In the place of remembered
pictures not to be compared with her,
it was there that she was all golden
and still girl.
They poked their noses into, and
they had a laugh in every cosner and
bo out upon the leafy lawn, shelving
abruptly to the river. Last of all there
was the summer schoolroom over the
boat-house, quite apart from the house
itself; scene of such safe yet reckless
revels; in Its very aura late Victorian!
It lay hidden In Ivy at the end of a
now neglected path; the bow-windows
overlooking the river were
framed in ivy, like three matted, whis
kered, dirty, happy faces; one, with
Its lower sash propped open by a
broken plant-pot, might have been
grinning a toothless welcome to two
once leading spirits of the place.
Cazalet whittled a twig and wedged
that sash up altogether; then be sat
himself on the sill, his long legs In
I They come aU Itretched on Perforated
metal cyanaers.
Glass reservoirs and glass indicator
tubes tell the height of the oil In the
supply tank. Never let the oil run
out This Is especially necessary In
the wick stoves. The wickless stoves
require to be set perfectly level In
order to have an even height of flame
on each burner. Cleaning up about
the stoves Is made much easier If the
stove la equipped with one of th new
enameled drip pans, which com with
on type of stove. Th turfae of th
side. But his knife kad reminded
him of his plug tobacco. And his plug
tobacco took him aa straight back to
the bush aa though the unsound floor
had changed under their feet Into a
magic carpet
You simply have It put down to the
man's account In the station books.
Nobody keeps ready money up at the
bush, not even the price of a plug like
this; but the chap I'm telling you
about (I can see him now, with his
great red beard and freckled fists) he
swore I was charging him for half a
pound more than he'd ever bad. We
fought for twenty minutes behind the
wood-heap; then he gave me best, but
I had to turn In till I could see again."
"You don't mean that he"
Blanche had looked rather disgust
ed the moment before; now she was
all truculent suspense and indigna
"Beat me?" he cried. "Good Lord,
no; but there was none too much In
Fires died down In her hazel eyes.
lay lambent as soft moonlight, flick
ered into laughter before he had seen
the fire.
"I'm afraid you're a very dangerous
person," said Blanche.
"You've got to be," he assured her;
"It's the only way. Don't take a word
from anybody, unless you mean him to
wipe his boots on you. I soon found
that out . I'd have given something to
have learned the noble art before I
went out. Did I ever tell you how it
was I first came across old Venus
He had told her at great length, to
the exclusion of about every other
topic, In the second of the annual let
ters; and throughout the series the In
evitable name of Venus Potts had sel
dom 'cropped up without some allusion
to that Homeric encounter. But it was
well worth while having It all over
again with the Intricate and picaresque
embroidery of a tongue far mightier
than the pen hitherto employed upon
the incident. Poor Blanche had almost
to hold her nose over the primary
cause of battle; but the dialogue was
delightful, and Cazalet himself made
a most gallant and engaging figure as
he sat on the sill and reeled It out
Twenty minutes later, and old Venus
Potts was still on the magic tapis,
though Cazalet had dropped his boast
ing for a curiously humble, eager ana
yet Ineffectual vein.
"Old Venus Potts!" he kept ejacu
lating. "You couldn't help liking him.
And he'd like you, my word!"
Is his wife nice?" Blanche wanted
to know; but she wsb looking so In
tently out her window, at the opposite
end of the bow to Cazalet's, that a
man of the wider world might have
thought of something else to talk
Out her window she looked past a
willow that had been part of the old
life, in the direction of an equally
typical silhouette of patient anglers
anchored In a punt; they had not
raised a rod between them during all
this time that Blanche bad been out in
Australia; but as a matter of fact she
never saw them, since, vastly to the
credit of Cazalet's descriptive powers,
she was out In Australia still.
"Nelly Potts?" he said. "Oh, a joUy
good sort; you'd be awful pals."
"Should we?" said Blanche, Just
smiling at her invisible anglers.
"I kngw you would," he assured her
with Immense conviction. "Of course
she can't do the things you do; but
she can ride, my word ! So she ought
to, when she's lived there all her life.
The rooms aren't much, but the veran
das are what count most; they're bet
ter than any rooms."
She was still out there, cultivating
Nelly Potts on a very deep veranda,
though her straw, hat and straw hair
remained in contradictory evidence
against a very dirty window on the
Middlesex bank of the Thames. It
was a shame of the September sun
to show the dirt as it was doing; not
only was there a great steady pool of
sunshine on the unspeakable floor, but
a doddering reflection from the river
on the disreputable celling. Cazalet
looked rather desperately from one to
the other, and both the calm pool and
the rough were broken by shadows.
one more lmpresBlonlstio than the
other, of a straw hat over a stack of
straw hair, that bad not gone out to
Australia yet
And of course Just then a step
Bounded outside somewhere on some
gravel. Confound those caretakers!
What were they doing, prowling
"I ear. Blanchle!" he blurted out "I
do believe you'd like It out there
sportswoman like you! I believe
you'd take to It like a duck to water.
"Pope's Sire."
A curious Item In the trade slang of
hosiers is the term "pope's size," ap
plied to vests. They classify the scale
of chest measurements for these as:
Small men's, 32 Inches; slender men's,
34 inches; men's, 36 Inches; pope's, 39
Inches; out size, 42 inches.
The origin of this term, which has
been current for nearly a century, was
discussed some years 'ago in Notes
and Queries, when it was stated on
good authority that it had no connec
tion with the successors of St Peter.
It appears that the bead of an old
firm of West end hosiers, Messrs.
Pope & Plante, ordered this size to be
made specially for his own personal
use, and the manufacturer called It
after him for want of a better nam.
London Chronicle,
It Kind.
"That fellow has what I call para
doxical Impudence."
"How do you mean?"
"He Is always to the front with back
stove, particularly the drip-pan, should
be wiped off every day with a soft
piece of cheese cloth kept tor th pur
pose. Of course care must be used not
to allow food to boll over on the cook
ing surface or Into the burners. This
causes trouble even with a gas stove,
and th burners of an oil stove art
mors work to clean than th gM
Tim to Look Out
It'i Urn to look out when a task
nasi will not bear looking Into.
Ople of
In the. Macedonian Mountains
ALTHOUGH noted for their feroc
ity in guerrilla warfare, their
sullenness toward the stranger,
and their Indifference in gen
eral toward the graces of life, the
mountain peoples of Macedonia pos-
many lighter characteristics,
whose expression often strike the trav
eler in their country as far more en
tertaining than the comic opera in his
homeland, says a bulletin of the Na
tional Geographic society which tells
Borne of the peculiarities of the con
glomerate Serbo-Bulgaro-Turko-Gre-co-Wlach
population of that area
To begin with, the traveler in Mace
donia forms the impression that he is
come to a land of bewhiskered wom
en; for most of the men of Macedonia
wear skirts. Some wear a sort of bal
let skirt, like the southern Albanian,
and some long Mother Hubbard skirts,
like the Salonlki Jew. The skirts worn
by the Jewish men are wonderful
things in brilliant colors, and of a
kind of bed-curtain material. While a
great many Macedonian men have cast
aside their skirts, enough of them
have clung to the time-honored fashion
to make the scene a confusing one to
the Westerner on his first visit.
Prejudiced Against Water,
The Macedonian, also, has a custom
all his own for observing the cere
mony of baptism. Many of his priests
use oil instead of water in this office
on account of the general Macedonian
prejudice against water for any other
use than as a beverage. It is said that
the people of Macedonia bathe as of
ten as they marry, which is only once
or twice in a lifetime. Bathing is
thought by many of the superstitious
mountaineers to be dangerous to
The peasants of this country, on the
other hand, are very fond of ornamen
tation. Their wives and daughters
work long hours weaving and em
broidering for the town markets, and
with their savings they buy brass belt
buckles and bracelets. The bracelets
often weigh more than a pound, and
the belt buckles that Is, the more cov
eted sort are great things ten Inches
square and more.
There Is an amusing custom ob
served in some of the smaller theaters
of the Macedonian cities, which en
ables the theatergoer to pay accord
ing as he is entertained. Between the
acts, the actors and actresses make
their way about the house and take
a collection. The leader of the band
comes first, then comes the leading
lady, and so on down the list until the
least of the entertainers has had his
or her chance at the guests' pocket
books. The actors are largely Arme
nians; the plays are mostly comedies,
with the tragedy touch of the Inter
ludes of collection.
Salonlki Hotel Rules.
Despite the voluminous criticisms
which have been written about the
backwardness of Macedonia, the Mace
donian might boast of having among
the few hotels In the world that go In
for teaching their patrons manners.
There is such a hotel In Salonlki. In
a conspicuous place, on the walls of
its bedrooms, the following rules of
conduct are displayed to guide the
traveler aright
"1. Messieurs the voyagers who de-
German Surgeons Have Discovered
That It Is of Importance as Part
of Soldier's Diet
Surgeons In Bavaria are finding that
the use of chloride of lime In the diet
of soldiers Increases their power of re
sisting chills and colds, and also
hastens their recovery from wounds of
the bones.
It Is several years sine Doctors Em
merich and Loew called the attention
of the world to the Importance of lime
In the diet ot men and beasts. The
Scientific American summarizes a re
cent article by Doctor Loew on Its
value for soldiers. Wounded men re
ceive dally from two or three grams
ot crystallized calcium chloride, or
from three to four grams ot lactate of
lime, and some of their recoveries
seem almost miraculous.
In southern Germany "calcium
bread" Is already much used. This
can be made by adding five per cent ot
what It called calclfarln flour (which
la a compound of ordinary flour with
scend upon the hotel are requested to
hand over to the management any
money or articles of value they may
have. 2. Those who have no baggage
must pay every day, whereas those
who have may only do so once a week.
3. Political discussion and playing
musical instruments are forbidden, al
so noisy conversations. 4. It, Is per
mitted neither to play at cards or at
any other game of hazard. 5. Children
of families and their servants should
not walk about the rooms. 6. It is
prohibited to present oneself outside
one s room in a dressing gown or other
negligent costume. 7. Coffee, tea, and
other culinary preparations may not
be prepared in the room, or procured
from the outside, as the hotel fur
nishes everything one wantB. 8. Voy
agers who take their repast descend
to the dining room, with the exception
of Invalids, who may do so In their
rooms. 9. A double-bedded room
pays double for Itself, Bave the case
where the voyager declares that one
bed may be let to another person. 11).
It Is, however, forbidden to sleep on
the floor."
The Macedonian, criticised so much,
and often unjustly, has become very
sensitive to fault-finding. He has de'
veloped one all-inclusive excuse for his
sins and fallings, and that 1b his In
variable excuse when blame Is placed
upon him that he has been under
Turkish rule for so many, many years.
He hastens to assure the disgruntled
stranger of this fact often before criti
cism can find verbal expression.
He trusses up his pigs for market,
binding their legs so tightly together
that the thongs bite deep Into their
flesh, causing the animals agony while
on the way to market and during the
wait for a purchaser. To the Euro
pean, who remonstrates at this unnec
essary cruelty, the Macedonian peas
ant, gazing with sad tenderness at the
suffering pig, answers: "But we bave
been bo long under the Turks." An
other thing that nearly touches the
traveler In Macedonia Is the extor
tionate prices he must pay In a land
where all Ib naturally cheap. The
Jew, the Greek, and the Wlach un
mercifully increase their bills, lodging
and board are charged at many times
their normal figures, and scenery, Bal
kan smells and bedbugs also figure in
the total.
8tarllngs and Bullets,
One can readily believe the report
that the starlings In the wooded coun
try about Souchez are Imitating the
whistling of rifle bullets; for the star
ling is the most imitative of birds. I
have heard him Imitating a blackbird
bo closely that a casual listener might
have been deceived; and the black
bird's song Is not an easy thing to
imitate. The talking starling seems
to bave gone out of fashion, for which
lovers of birds should be duly thank
ful. He has his place In literature. No
one can forget the caged starling In
"The Sentimental Journey," whose pa
thetic cry "I can't got out! I can't get
out!" moved Sterne to one of the tru
est and tenderest ot his episodes.
Sterne's starling and the raven in
"Barnaby Rudge" are the two birds In
English literature that survive. Lon
don Chronicle,
chloride of lime) to the flour In male
lng the dough.
Some Printing Facts.
In estimating the relative merit ot
type and plate printing from a com
mercial point ot view, It Is cheaper to
engrave a pewter plate than to sot up
a page of type, but the cost ot printing
from the plate is greater than from
the types. If, therefore, a small num
ber of copies only Is required, say
1,000, It Is cheaper to engrave. But
if several thousand are llkoly to be
sold, then the type system is more
Golf Playing Brought Fortune,
When the duke ot York was living
In Edinburgh in 1681 he was told that
a certain shoemaker named Patersone
was the best golf player In Scotland,
and him, the duke, later James
chose as partner In a foursome, win
ning a huge stake. He promptly turned
over the . money to Patersone, who
forthwith built a house In which the
duke placed a stone with a Patersone
crest bearing th motto, "Far and
Recently Found in French Archives
After Lad's Attack of Indigestion
Fenelor. Dictated Fable.
The diary of a schoolboy at the close
of the seventeenth century, and that
boy a prince, no less than the due de
Bourgoyne, grandson of Louis XIV,
has recently been found in the French
archives. This prince bad as his tutor
the great Abbe Fenelon, who wrote
many fables and stories for his small
pupil. Jules le Maltre has published
some fragments from the prince's
diary, which have been translated for
Everyman. Under a date in January,
1690, "following Indigestion from eat
ing too much pastry with cream," the
little prince, writes:
"To correct me for my greed. Mgr.
I'Abbe de Fenelon dictated to me this
morning a fable called 'A Voyage In
the Island of Delight.' It is a story of
a traveler who having fared too well
in a marvelous island, becomes dis
gusted finally and returns to a sober
life. I shall do the same but not un
til I have spent a long time In this
island, where I should love to go. I
read over again the description with
"There are the mountains of com
pote, rocks of sugar candy and caramel,
and rivers of sirup, so that the inhab
itants lick all the roads and suck their
fingers after dipping them in the
rivers. There are great trees from
which fall cakes that the wind carries
into the mouths of travelers whenever
they open them. Farther off there are
mines of ham, sausages and peppery
ragouts, and streams of onion sauce.
The dew of the morning is white
And to this the little prince has
added, "Ah, Monsieur I'Abbe, your tale
justifies my indigestion I"
Ordinary Pasteboard Cracker Box
May Be Utilized by Making Few
Additional Creases.
Have you ever started for school
or a picnic and had nothing In which
carry your lunch? 1 have found
how to make a simple lunch box
which is very convenient, says a writer
McCall's Magazine. Take an or
dlnary pasteboard cracker box and,
by making some additional creases
and cuts, transform it into a recepta
cle of a shape to fit a man's pocket,
and in which sandwiches may be con
venlently packed. If you will Btudy
the diagram you will easily understand
Just how to make It.
First crease end flaps on both sides
In center, as shown by lines; crease
part 2 In center, horizontally, and silt
flaps on crease of part 3 (diagram A)
Then slit flaps on crease between
parts 3 and 4, also make slits In part
1 about three-eighths of an Inch apart,
Lunch Box Complete (A).
as Indicated by short perpendicular
lines. Lastly crease part 4 at line
running through the figure (diagram
A). Use a penknife to make creases
and cuts needed, but take care not to
cut too deeply for a crease.
Bend at crease between parts I and
2, and at lines running through the
figures 2 and 4, to form right angles;
at the same time fold In the ends to In
sert the narrow tongues on part 2
through the slits mude In part 1, and
slip the extensions on part 3 under
the edge of part 1, to bold In position.
as Bhown In diagram B. The crease
between parts 2 and 3 and that on
Details of Lunch Box (B).
the rounded llap of part 4 are not used
In the newly Blmped box. The box
when completed. Is a very convenient
shape for carrying a light lunch.
No Wonder.
Little nobby wanted a birthday
party, to which his mother consented
provided be asked his little friend
Peter. The boys had had trouble
but, rather limn not have a party
Bobby promised his mother to Invite
Peter. On the evening of the party,
when all the small guests bad arrived
except Peter, the mother became sus
plclous and sought her son.
"Bobby, she suld, "did you invlti
Peter to your party tonight f"
"Of course I did, mother."
"And did he say be would come?"
"No, explained Bobby. "1 invited
him to come all right, but 1 dares'
him to."
Right In Line.
"Mn ancestors," haughty little He
lolse Aldyne told her nine-year-old
playmate, nernuone mcuuire, came
over oetore yours aid. Tbey came
over In the first boat, the May
"Well, mine came over," Hermtone
said stoutly, her blue Irish eyes flash
lng with spirit, "in the -ery next boat,
the JuneHower. Judge.
Demonstration Compared.
"You mustn't neglect your studies
for athletics."
"That's what tatber says," replied
th young nan. "uut lather never
get up and cheers when he bear me
quoting Latin th way he does wbea
It sees me playing football"
Guides Rescuers to Assistance of
Drowning Person.
that Invention of New York Man Has
a Practical Value Will Be Read
ily Seen From Description
of Its Construction.
The difficulty of saving a man. who
nas fallen overboard at night is al
most insuperable, because of the im
possibility of seeing him in the heav
ing waste of waters. When a great
maritime disaster takes place at night,
as the wreck ot the Titanic did, and
hundreds or thousands ot human be
ings are scattered over the sea in the
darkness the loss ot life is appalling,
simply because they cannot be seen.
If every life belt could bear a light.
the floating or swimming persons
could readily be picked up. To pro
vide such a lighted life belt is the ob
ject of an invention by A. M. McGiff
of New York.
It consists essentially of a bag made
ot rubber or other waterproof mate
rial, containing a small electric flash
light and attached by straps to the
ordinary life belts and life preservers.
The flashlights may be either tubu
lar or flat, the former being more suit
able to ring lit j beltB, the latter to
those that are strapped about the
body. The flashlights can be ot small
size, for these will glow through the
greater part of a night.
When a life preserver is thrown at
night to a man who has fallen over
board he can rarely find It in the
dark, but with a little flashlight glow
ing upon it he will see It and be able
to reach It if he can swim.
Bugler, 15 Years Old, Wins D. C. M.
The youngest soldier in the British
empire to win the distinguished con
duct medal is Bugler Anthony Ginlay,
fifteen years old, of the First Royal
Montreal rifles. He carried dispatches
through excessive Are during a battle
In France, and besides being decorated
was given a leave of absence to visit
an uncle at Dunoon, Scotland. Young
Glnlay's father and mother emigrated
to Canada from Ireland and when the
Boer war occurred his father enlisted
and lost his life in South Africa. Just
after the present war began the boy
mother died, leaving him alone In the
world. Only fourteen, he persuaded
the colonel of the Montreal rifles to
take him to the front as a bugler. Now
he is not only a D. C. M. but he has
been enrolled as a private in his regi
ment and really Is a full-fledged sol.
dler. Montreal Star.
Fish Substitution.
A correspondent writes: "I am
drilling to make many food concessions
in war time, but I am not willing tc
have one kind of fish palmed off as
another. , The other day, at a famous
London restaurant, turbot figured on
the menu. I ordered turbot, and was
supplied with inferior hake, swamped
with Bauce. Yesterday, on another
menu, there was haddock. I ordered
haddock, and was served with salt
cod. Now, I know fish, and I carry a
magnifying glass that enables me to
identify them conclusively by the
scales. If a man offers for sale Harris
tweed that is not Harris tweed he
may find himself In gaol. What about
a restaurant that sells herring hake
as turbot? London Chronicle.
Found Gems Worth Thousands.
Jewelry valued at several thousand
dollars found by a "sandwich man" un
der a wagon at Broadway and Forty
second, New York, several days ago.
was recovered when the police found
the man's wife offering a diamond-ln-crusted
watch in a pawnshop for $2.
The woman said the watch was only
one of a large number of pieces of
jewelry her husband had found. The
police then found the husband pacing
up and down Broadway with a heavy
sign over his shoulders. He said
neither he nor his wife knew the
value of the gems he had picked up.
There was nothing about the Jewels to
Indicate who owned them.
On Gallipoli, between whiles of at
tacking the Turk and being attacked
by him, time hung heavy on the hands
ot the Australian soldiers of his maj
esty, King George V. Old prospectors
among them took note of the fact that
the soil of the Inhospitable peninsula
In which their trench was dug resem
bled that of the continent In the antip
odes. Several enthusiasts began to
dig. With the result (according to a
French paper) that one ex-mlner, work
ing with what toolB he could Improvise
in the pay dirt of his bomb-proof,
panned out almost a pound of pure
To Utilize Citrus Waste.
The city of Upland, Cel., In the heart
of the finest orange-growing section
in the world, has established a new in
dustry, which promises to make use
of the waste products of citrus and
declduouB orchards. The plant, which
will cost about $100,000, will attempt
to utilize all parts of the fruits that
now are wasted, and will turn out
acids, concentrated Juices, fruit pastes
and essential oils, and manufacture
marmalades and preserves.
Cashed at Fsce Value.
The chancellor of the exchequer of
Great Britain reports the total amount
of scrip vouchers sold to date to be
$25,000,000. This amount Is not what
was hoped for from the scrip vouch
ers. Now It Is proposed to issue bonds
in the multiples of 1. They will bear
an Interest of 5 per cent and can bo
cashed on demand at their face valuo
at any time. In return for these facili
ties bonds will carry no interest tor,
the first six months.
Country Growing Sufficient Rice.
The acreage of rice in Louisiana and
Arkansas has Increased approximate
ly 700,000 acres In the last two years.
The United States Is now growing
practically th equivalent ot all to)
rlc tt use.