The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, February 11, 1916, Image 2

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"Ia this the man who writes up the
Daisy Maidstone looked with trust
ful appeal in her blue eyes at the
youngest reporter in the office of the
Morning Trumpet.
"Yes, elopments and obituaries,'
grinned back the youth. "Anything I
can do for you?"
"Yes, thank you," said Daisy, and
then she drew the proffered chair
close to the young man's desk with an
air of having something to confide
"You see, it's this way."
The young man drew forth pencil
and copy paper, -conscious as he did so
that the girl was very pretty and that
Bhe was totally Inexperienced in the
ways of newspaper offices.
."You see, I wanted to get the an
nouncement of this elopement in for
the Sunday morning paper. It is go-
ing to take place Saturday night, and
I thought I'd give you plenty of time
and let you have it now. You see, it
is to be a complete surprise. No one
but the elopers and the best man and
I know anything about it. Of course,
you won't tell anyone, will you?"
And as the young man promised
secrecy, Daisy went on with her story.
Half an hour later, Daisy's blue eyes
were opened to the admiring gaze of
Theo Drew, son of Senator Drew, the
millionaire politician, who shared with
her the exclusive confidence of the
coming elopers. They were drinking
tea at Greeley's and were soon to Join
the afternoon dancers who were trot
ting, tripping and ambling past them.
"Yes," said Daisy, gracefully break
ing into an English muffin, "everything
is ready. I smuggled Theresa's suit
case to my house this morning, and
tomorrow I'll get it to the station.
There isn't anything left to do tomor
row. Theresa asked me to take care
of the newspapers. She said it was
better to let those reporter people
have the story right because they'll
get it anyway, and of course we want
everyone to know about it Sunday,
when it is all over. I was going to
. send around the notice to the Morning
Trumpet, so they'd get it Saturday aft
ernoon, and then I was afraid that
wasn't time enough. So I Just dropped
round at the office this afternoon. We
thought we wouldn't let any paper but
the Trumpet have it."
Theo Drew poised his teacup in mid
air and scrutinized Daisy Intently.
"DaiBy, you are a little goose."
"Why, Theo?"
"If you give that story to the Trum
pet today don't you suppose they'll
come out with It tomorrow morning
before the elopement has taken place
and spoil everything? Theresa's old
aunt will know about It and lock The
resa up and Daisy, I'm surprised;
honest I am."
"But the reporter was so nice, and
he said that he wouldn't tell. I was
afraid that If I loft it till tomorrow it
would be too late, and Theresa was so
anxious that everyone should know
about it after it happened. Oh, Theo,
you don't suppose that nice young man
will print the Btory tomorrow, do
"Surest thing, you know," comment
ed Theo with an air of finality. "And
that, of course, means that there won't
be any elopement at all. 80 the little
game is all off and my friend Daisy Is
to blame for it."
"Theo, I think you are dreadfully
cruel." Daisy was fumbling In hor
gold mesh bag for a filmy piece of luce
and linen to wipe away the tears that
were coming into her blue eyes.
"Well, what shall we do about It?"
Theo asked himself this question rath
er than Daisy, but Daisy answered it.
"We'll have them elope tonight in
stead of Saturday night, and then
they'll be all eloped and away by the
time the Btory comes out."
"Silly child." Theo dismissed the
suggestion. "Don't you know that
Fred couldn't possibly reach here till
tomorrow afternoon."
"Then I'll Just go to that nice young
man and tell him all about it. I'll put
it up to him as a gentleman though
really, Theo, I am sure that he doesn't
intend using It. He seemed bo inter
ested In the story and so grateful to
mo for telling blm."
"All the more proof that he knew It
would be good for a first-page, double
column story In the morning."
"But he was so anxious to know that
nothing had been given out to the aft
ernoon papers and that we had told no
one else about it."
"That is because he wanted to make
a scoop cut of It. That's what you call
It when your paper beats the ethers
out of a good piece of news. And it
, will be a good piece of news. Society
debutantes don't elope every day, you
know. It wouldn't be much more of a
sensation If Daisy Maidstone herself
ran away to be married."
"But it wouldn't matter If I did."
Daisy was almost sobbing. "You see,
now that I am of age there is no one
to keep me, and not having any family
but only a few bald-headed ex-ftuardl-ans
I couldn't be stopped. But The
resa's aunt keeps her eagle eye on her
all the time. She'd Just lock ber up
and make her life miserable."
"Hard luck," muttered Theo, medi
tating fixedly over the Blcwly ascend
ing fumes of his cigar. "Well, I'll tell
you what to do, little girl. There's
Just one chance that the reporter man
is an easy mark. If he is, he ll hold
out that story. You go back to that
office alone, aa you went before. Use
11 your feminine persuasiveness, but
don't get hysterical about it, and don't
let them know who you are. Perhaps
It will be all right."
Half an hour later Daisy was look
ing Intently into the callow face of the
youngest reporter of the office of the
Morning Trumpet. "But don't you see
how dreadful it will be? Why, I am
really surprised that you would think
of betraying a confidence. I never
would have thought such a thing If It
hadn't been that Mr. Drew suggested
"I thought no one but you was In
the secret besides the bride and
groom," commented the reporter, tak
ing mental notes of the name of Mr.
"And the best nan," assented Daisy.
"What Mr. Drew Is that? Theo
Drew, the senator's son?"
"Yes. That is I can't tell. I think
you are very unkind. Please don't use
our names. Oh, you mustn't. Why,
I never saw anyone so inconsiderate."
"You never were in a newspaper of
fice before, miss?" grinned the report
er. "Folks don't generally tell their
secrets to a newspaper man unless
they want them made public. Honest
ly, Id like to accommodate you, but
we haven't had any real good local
first-page stuff for a long time. The
public is getting tired of wars and
strikes and explosions, and row's my
chance to give It to them. And that
Mr. Drew being tho best man Just sets
it off. I'll use his picture with the
story. We've got It in the morgue."
"Where?" queried Daisy.
"Oh, the place where we file away
the cuts. Theo Drew's pretty promi
nent here, you know, and we keep 'all
those pictures on tap In case of death
or something of that sort. I'm ever so
much obliged to you for the additional
Information, miss. Good afternoon."
Daisy's eyes were misty with tears
when she met Theo Drew again at the
Greeley at seven o'clock that night,
but he had the expression of a man
who sees his way out.
"I've thought of a plan, Daisy, and It
all depends on you whether or not it
works cut. Come over here while I
try to make myself clear. You know,
you Just said that it wouldn't so much
matter If it were you "
And seated on a deep divan in a
quiet end of the Greoley foyer Theo
spent ten minutes In explaining his
"Now come over to the telephone
booth with me while I phone to that
young news scout. Oh, I know you've
got to pack four trunks and fifteen hat
boxes before 9:15, but you've got to
help me with this message.
"Hello, I want to talk to one of your
reporters. Tall, slim, young chap. He
wore a gray suit and what was it?"
this to DaiBy "yes, blue tie, and tan
button shoes and, yes No, no mus
tache. Yes, that's the one.
"Oh, hello. I'm Mr. Theo Drew.
Yes, I think you are wise to a little
elopement that was going to be pulled
off Saturday night, and, being on your
Job, you're going to take the public
into your confidence tomorrow morn
ing. Oh, I'm not asking you to can it,
exactly. Wouldn't expect you to do
that. I know the young lady didn't
Just understand the ways of the news
paper game. That's why she told you
"Now, this Is what I want you to do.
What you want Is a real live local
story, a scoop for the Trumpet? Well,
I'm in f ' posits to lve you a story
somowl.Jolgsw man that. My condi
tions are that you'll keop the other
one dark till the Sunday morning pa
per. You give me your word of honor
as a gentleman? Here goos:
"Miss Daisy Maidstone yes, tho
holress to the Maidstone millions.
Yes, old Maidstone mnde It In tho mus
tard business. But I haven't time to
give you the dope on it. You'll And
It In the morgue, I am Bure. Yes, well,
Miss Maidstone is about to elope with
Mr. Theo Drew. Yes, I am the lucky
man. You know all about me, do you?
Thank you. I really didn't know I was
such a celebrity. They leave on the
9:15 for parts unknown. Quite right.
They are to be married what's tho
name of the nearest state where you
don't have to have a Uconso? Yes,
they are going to make tracks for that
state and be married tonight there.
Thank you for the information. No,
there will be no attendants. No no
one knew anything about It. It came
as a total surprise. No engagement
had existed between the two contract
ing parties so far as was known, al
though It was an open socret that Mr.
Drew was an ardent admirer of MIsb
Maidstone, and had been ever since
hor dobut a year ago. That's the kind
of dope you're looking for, isn't it?
What rea
ings you
fld objec
Stone's t Mr.
Well, tlik-V
don't VT
tlcn on 1
family, for.
Drew generally
he pleases. YcV
pictures of Miss Si
Drew that you want
as you like.
But remember the condition that
you'll can that other dope tilt Sunday
morning. And it you tnthbls to the
reason why the other elopement was
pulled eft you'll keep It to yourself.
Thank you. Ycu're true gentleman,
and I trust you."
(Copyright, 1918, by McOur. Newipaper
Toe Emotional,
"The leading lady seems miffed
about something."
"Yes. She complains that the lead.
Ing man makes love to ber with too
much fervor."
"That's singular. I don't understand
"Such cases are not uncommon on
the stage."
"But this chap Is her husband."
Ths Right Place.
"Jack is whispering soft nothings to
Betty In the conservatory."
"Well, that's the proper place to un
load hot air, isn't It?" 1
Jte!fi tt
IT IS thought by some that Paul's
defective eyesight may have pre
vented Ills appreciating natural
Bcenery. However that may have
been, it seems impossible that he
should not have been Impressed by
the splendid views that anyone sail
ing up the coast of Sicily through the
Straits of Messina and along the south
Italian shore enjoys, says Rev. Dr.
Francis E. Clark In his series, "In the
Footsteps of St. Paul," In the Christian
Herald. He would have seen at first
smiling, vine-covered hills; and before
he had gone far, glorious Etna, snow
capped for much of the year.
An ever-changing panorama delights
the eye until wo come to Reggio, the
ancient Rheglum. Alas, a pitiful sight
there greets the traveler today. Mes
Blna on one side of the narrow strait
and Reggio on the other were both
wrecked almost beyond recognition by
the disastrous earthquake of 1908. On
the Messina shore one sees great rows
of little wooden houses scarcely larger
than henhouses. These are the port
able bungalows which were transport
ed from America, ready-made, to re
lieve the sufferings of the houseless
and homeless people. They are still
occupied, for little has been done to
build up the ruined cities.
The authorized version of the thir
teenth verse of the twenty-eighth chap
ter of Acts says in describing St.
Paul's Journey after leaving Syracuse,
"and from thence we fetched com
pass and came to Rheglum." An amus
ing Btory is told of an Infidel who de
clared, misquoting Luke's words, that
now he had proved the Bible to be a
lie, since "in the book of Acts It was
said that they fetched compass
aboard Paul's ship, and everybody
knew that this was long before the
compass was Invented." The revised
Version has taken the wind out of the
Inaccurate Infidel's Balls, to speak nau
tlcally, by translating the passage In
more modern phrase: "And from
thence we made a circuit, and arrived
at Rheglum." Here St. Paul's ship evi
dently waited for one day, perhaps to
discharge some cargo, or possibly wait
ing for a fair wind, which soon blew,
for we are told that "after one day a
south wind sprang up, and on the sec
ond day we came to Puteoll," 182
miles to the north of Rheglum.
Between Scylla and Charybdls.
Shortly after leaving Reggio wo
pass botweon Scylla and Charybdls,
the fabled monsters of antiquity, the
rock and the whirlpool, which have
been robbed of all their terrors since
steam navigation came to bless the
world, and to make tho traveler's bur
dens and dangers light. Soon after,
the active volcanic mountain of Strom-
boll, on one of the Liparl islands, Is
seen, and all the way along the glori
ous South Italian Bhore reveals Itself;
splendid mountains rear their heads
In the near distance, their sides clothed
with vineyards and olive and orange
orchards far up their slopes.
As we approach the Bay of Naples
the scenery becomes constantly more
entrancing. We see the promontory
of Sorrento across the Bay of Saler
no, and soon Capri with Us blue grot
to comes In Bight on the left, and tow
ering Vesuvius with Its constant
plume of smoke on the right
Sailing across the Bay of Naples,
past the spot where the notable city
of the present day Is situated, a place
which was then comparatively insig
nificant, our travelers came to Pute
oll, or Pozzuoli, as It is now called, at
--yesent decadent suburb of Naples.
A - ThlC miserable and dirty town of
some 11,000 inhabitant, as It now Is,
Is connected by trolley and steam rail
way wltatbtttlea, and Is often visited
by the modern tourist who wishes
to see the remains of the ancient tem
ples and amphitheater and the mighty
mole, which still tell of the ancient
glories of Puteoll.
Nearby, too, la the yolcanlo field
of Soltatara, not mountain, but
flat plain, the crator of low volcano,
into which one can thrust his cane in
many places and And smoke and sul
phurous vapor Issuing from the hole as
he withdraws It Probably there are
few more dreary or disreputable places
in Italy than this modern suburb of
Naples. It has not the ragged plo
turcsqucness which somewhat redeems
the worst slums of Naples, but Is
squalid, unwholesome town of the
worst type.
Was Nottd Roman Resort
It is difficult to realise that it once
might have been called "the Liver
pool ot Italy," that here was the Lu
crlne lake, which supplied the pam
pered Romans with their famous oy
sters, and that the whole bay was
covered with the beautiful yachts of
the fashionable folk who made Baiae,
Just beyond, the most noted resort, as
corrupt as it was noted, for the in
valids and fashionable idlers ot Rome.
There were famous springs here,
which attracted the sick from many
quarters, and it Is said that the an
cient name came from the sulphurous
stench which they emitted. Puteoli
is no longer a fashionable watering
place, but from other causes the same
name might be applied to the mod
ern Pozzuoli.
Yet here we can look upon many of
the things which St. Paul saw; the
sea itself, fresh and clean as ever;
the encircling hills, no less beautiful
In their spring greenery than on that
spring day when Paul sailed within
their encircling arms. We can even
see the 17 piers of the great mole
which stretched far out into the bay,
within whose shelter vessels anchored,
one the Alexandrian grain ship on
which Paul had arrived. Today we
can see the ruins of the temple of
Serapis, or the splendid marketplace
as it is now thought to be, which
very likely was In its pristine glory
when Paul landed.
Tens of thousands of travelers from
many lands sail into the famous har
bor of Naples every year, but com
paratively few of them realize how
near they are to the footsteps ot St.
Paul, and how, after a short trolley
ride from the city, they can plant their
feet where he trod.
Let us take the electric car from
Largo Vlttorla, where the beautiful
park, Naples' famous promenade and
Rotten Row, begins; a park that
stretches for nearly a mile along the
water front. Soon, however, we get
beyond the fashionable quarters and
the Innumerable hotels. The car makes
Its Blow way through a slummy re
gion where the air is rent with the
raucous cries for which noisy Naples
Is famous, and the nose is assailed by
more than the seventy odors of Co
logne. Tunnel Under Posillpo.
Shortly a tunnel is reached under
the green hills of Posillpo, a tunnel
almost as ancient as Naples Itself,
for it was dug by the Romans to
avoid tho steep climb over the precip
itous tufa rocks of Posillpo. Seneca,
we are tcld, grumbled at the dust and
darkness and the odor of this tunnel,
and they have not been improved since
his day. The noise is deafening from
the clatter of horses' hoofs, the pat
ter of herds of goats, the grinding tor
ture of the electric car wheels, and
above all the brazen throats of the Ne
apolitans who urge on their donkeys
with an indescribable noise, guttu
ral and grating, which seems to come
from the innermost parts ot their anat
omy. Imagine all this noise, dupli
cated and reduplicated by the resound
ing arches of the tunnel, and one can
have some idea ot the grotto that
loads him to Pozzuoli, the auclent Pu
teoli of St. Paul.
Another slum awaits us at the other
side of tho grotto, followed by vine
yards and orange groves and truck
farms, until, after a ride ot four or
five miles, the last part of which
affords glorious views of the bay and
its islands, which never lose their
charm, we at last find ourselves In an
other slum, more hopeless than any
we have yet seen on the way, and find
that we have at last reached the old
Puteoli, and that the electric car
leaves us but a few stops from the
spot where the great apostle must
have come ashore.
The Immediate surroundings of the
great pier where St. Paul landed are
as filthy as any other part ot Poziuoll.
Indescribable old hags leer at us from
the doorways; ragged and dirty chil
dren, wholly unacquainted with the
use of a pocket handkerchief, swarm
around us. Several small fishing
boats are drawn up on the shore, and
a little church, called St Paul's Chap
el, stands Immediately behind the an
cient mole.
The modern pier, built over the an
cient mole. Is a truly magnificent one
of so'Id cut stone, which runs far out
into the sweet, clean water, and by
going out to the far end we get be
yond the reach ot the importunate
tout It one can forget the approaches
to the pier, he can here enjoy the en
chanting scenery ot sea and shore,
while bis mind la stimulated by mem
ories ot the mighty past.
But the volcanoes have brought
blessings as well as curses, tor the
ash which they pour forth becomes In
a tew years a soil ot almost Incredi
ble fertility, like the volcanic soil of
the Yakima valley on our owa Pacific
Only Necessary to Pull a Rope to Rs
move Object From the Closed
Bottom Receptacle.
The closed-bottom basket used to
the game of basketball is so high that
It Is difficult to remove the ball after
a goal is made. Generally a long stick
Is used tor this purpose, but I desired
to have a better way, and the device
ihown in the Illustration was the out
come, writes Annie B. Currine of San
Diego, Cal., In the Popular Mechanics.
A light Iron rod was hinged to the
edge of the basket and bent to its In
ner shape, the lower end resting at
about the center of the basket A
rope was attached to the lower end
and run up and over a sheave pulley
attached to the basket support, then
down so It could be easily grasped.
Removing a Basket Ball.
When a goal is made, it is onlv neces
sary to give a pull on the rope for
tnrowing tne ball out of the basket
Puzzle Is Not Difficult of Accomplish.
ment as Illustration Given
Herewith Will Show.
An interesting trick may be per
formed with three tumblers and three
table knives. Place the tumblers 1
an equilateral triangle on a table w
the knife ends," when the knives art
Knives Placed In Such a Manner as to
Be Supported by the Three Glasses.
laid between them, as shown In tho
plan sketch, are about one inch away
from the tumblers. The trick is to
arrange the knives so that they are
supported by the tops of the three
tumblers and nothing else. Most ob
servers will say that It is impossible;
some will try it and in most cases
fail, writes R. Noland of Minneapolis,
Minn., in Popular Mechanics. It can
be done, and the illustration shows
how simply it may be accomplished.
Handy Implement In Winter to Push
Light Snow From Paths, or in
Autumn to Rake Leaves.
Here Is something, boys, that yon
can make, which will be useful either
la winter to push or drag light snow
from the paths, or in autumn to push
or rake large masses of leaves on
your lawn. It is made in this way:
Get board half an Inch thick, one
foot wide, and about three feet long.
Lay a steel garden rake on it in
such a way that the head ot the
rake rests flat on the center of the
board, and the handle sticks up near
ly at right angles. Take three staples
of galvanized wire, such as are used
to fasten wire fencing to the posts,
and drive them through the board so
that each will inclose one tooth of the
rake. Let two ot .he staples grip the
two outside teeth near the iop, and
the third hold one of ihe intermediate
teeth near the point. The board will
then be less likely to spilt Clinch tho
points on the back.
By driving the rake teeth sharply
down as far as they will go into the
staples, you will have a handy tool,
useful for different purposes; and
when yon wish tn use the rake alone
a slight upward tap will at once re
lease the board.
Judging Alt by One.
Do not Imagine that all your com
panions are untrustworthy Because
one told you a falsehood. Do lot
fancy that all are unkind because one
laughed when you fell and hurt your
elf. To Judge all the world harshly,
because of the fault ot one, la n
treat tolly. Girls' Companion.
Spoko From Experience.
"Johnny," said the minister, "can
roo name tho three graces?"
"Sure," replied the little ttlkm
"Breakfast, dinner and supper."
3elf-Conqueat Always the First Step
Leading to' Real Success
in Life.
Is success "luck?" According to the
president of the great telegraph com
pany, It depends upon what may ba
called "stimulated luck;" 1. e., the art;
)f taking prompt advantage of oppor
tunities. The telegraph man says, for
Instance, that he has conscientiously
tept himself in good condition of body
ind mind, so that when "opportunity
same he would know it and be ready,
idding: "There have been great Blck
men, but most great men have been
well. Edison Is well. Probably none
af the many victories of Roosevelt's
sareer was harder won than his vic
tory over physical weakness." Certain
ly the victory over self is the initial
victory, Bays Collier's. He knew this
who wrote that tho man who ruleth
his spirit Is greater than he that tak-
eth a city. After self-conquest, the
habit of industry is conquerable.
William Cobbett, the self-made Jour
nalist who came to America in the
early days and made a name for him
self as "Peter Porcupine," offers tes
timony to this effect in his diary when
he writes at an inn: "Weary of being
Idle. How few such days I have spent
In my whole life." Cobbett thus re
cords another secret of his triumph
over circumstances:
"Scores of gentlemen have at differ
ent times expressed to me their sur
prise that I was always in spirits, that
nothing pulled me down, and the truth
is that, throughout nearly forty years
at troubles, losses and crosses, assailed
all the while by numerous and power
ful enemies. . . . and performing labors
greater than man ever before per
formed; all those labors requiring
mental exertion of the highest order;
the truth Is that throughout the whole
Df this long time of troubles and labors
have never known a single hour of
real anxiety; the troubles have been
no troubles to me; I have not known
what lowness of spirits mean; I have
been more gay and felt less care than
any bachelor that ever lived. 'You are
always In spirits, Cobbett!' To be
sure, for why should I not? Poverty
I have always set at defiance, and I
could, therefore, defy the temptation
of riches."
We have defined worry as "diseased
thought." Cobbett's mind was essen
tially free from this poison. Is not al
most every man whom we describe as
"lucky" equally free from It?
Where Aristocrats 8hlne.
Your aristocrat Is doubtless often a
very objectionable person and in a
Democratio country like thlB we affect
to turn up our noses at him and regard
him as a cumberer of the earth. Yet
it must be said for him that worthless
as he may be in peace, and contrary
as his claims of superiority may be
to all proper principles of natural
equality, he rarely, almost never, falls
to give a good account of himself when
his country needs him in a great crisis.
in tne French revolution the old no
bility of France showed the world that
they knew how to die it they did not
know how to live. And the casualty
lists which are being published in
London now prove once more that
when it comes to courage and patriot
ism the 'aristocrat" is seldom found
in the rear. At the rate at which the
aristocrats are being killed at the
front in France and Belgium there will
be no "lords and gentlemen" left in
Great Britain If the war lasts much
longer. If all the "common" people
in England were doing as well, there
would be no criticism of Enifllsh na-
triotism. In spite of their leanings to
uemocracy, American sympathizers
with the allies, In view of the promi
nence ot titled names on the honor
roll of the dead, might almost be in.
ciined to wish that the entire British
nation waa composed of aristocrats
today. Can it be true after all that
were is a real significance in the old
phrase "blood will tell" and "no
blesse oblige?" Baltimore Sun.
To Amuse Children.
So much has been written reeardtne
entertainment for little folk on rainy
days one would suDnose all had been
said. Not so, for little people will take
great delight In the following pastime,
which is so easy that the mother will
feel well repaid:
Take an old magazine, on its Dazes
carefully paste cuttings, some news
illustrations, which make the book
quite attractive. Save the fairy and
other stories which are published In
tne bunday newspapers: ask a friend
or two to do the same; supply the
children with blunt-pointed scissors
and a Jar of paste. The result will be
many happy hours and an amusing as
wen bb instructive book.
Of course, a blank book or a scran-
book la more substantial, but for econ
omy and pastime an old magazine
will answer.
Pictures from old calendars ire
good, as they usually picture some
noted spot about which mother nr
nurse can readily weave soma iinn
starting with the time-honored "once
upon a time."
Restraint Needed.
"What haVO TOO to SSV fnr vnnr.
self?" asked the Judge ot the nrlsoner
at the bar.
"Just this, your honor: I'm afflicted
with a dual personality. Good and
evil are constantly at war within me
ana tne crime or which I am accused
was committed when my better self
had been overthrown."
'In that case, the best nlace for vn
Is a prison cell where even If your nvil
side does triumph occasionally. It will
oniy result in a minor Infraction ot
tho rales; two years."
Remarkable Changes in Pleasant Re
lations Caused by Hostilities Be
tween Nations.
Hate and war must go hand In hand.
You couldn't go out and shoot your
neighbor to death unless you first
hated him. It circumstances should
force you to such a thing you would
ipeedily, by a sort of self-hypnosis,
work yourself Into a state ot mind
where you honestly believed that kill
ing was entirely too good for him.
This is Just what the nations in Eu
rope have done, writes Martin Mar
shall in Leslie's. We read now how
the Germans have despised the Eng
lish in the past and how the French
have for 44 years longed for revenge
on the Germans; ot how Belgium
hated the kaiser with the hatred of
fear, and of mutual antagonisms be
tween Teuton and Serb. These senti
ments were partly official and conven
tional, but mostly imaginary. The
people got along pretty well together.
Frenchmen did business in Berlin and
Germans went holidaying to Paris;
London's restaurants were largely
manned by German staffs and Russian
peasants helped to reap the harvests
In Prussia. Educated men In each ot
these nations prided themselves on
their familiarity with the languages ot
the others, and enjoyed their litera
ture, art and music.
Then came war, and all was
changed. Some millions of men were
going to slaughter each other, - and
first they had to convince themselves
that they ought to do it. The prelim
inary era was of window smashing,
street demonstrations, trade boycotts
and Imprisonment of Inoffensive na
tionals of hostile nations. Then Wag
ner's music was tabooed in Russia and
France; St. Petersburg must have its
name changed to cleanse it from the
loathsome Teutonic termination; Eng
lish table sauce disappeared from Ber
lin restaurants; Paris styles were. an
athema in Vienna; London poured
Munich beer into the gutters; a Paris
magazine started a popular prize con
test for the best substitute name for
Eau de Cologne in short, Europe ran
the whole gamut of silly, sentimental
hysteria preliminary to shooting of
suspected spies, the bombardment of
peaceful villages, the killing of women
and children, the "strict military
reprisals" that always occur In war
and always shock the victims and the
Big Pin Money.
Some of the large dress manufac
turers in New York, in whose factories
a considerable amount of draping
must be done, find that their bills for
pins frequently run as high as $1,500
a year. Used only once, the pins are
removed and permitted to fall on the
floor, where they are swept -away.
Even if gathered up at the day's close
they would be too dirty for use again.
A company, Just starting In business,
proposes to effect a saving In the pin
item by taking all the used pins, and,
having cleaned and polished them, re
turn them at half what they cost the
manufacturers originally. The experi
ments to produce a clean, reflnished
pin entailed over a year's work. It
was found that If the pins were gath
ered together by using a magnet they
made a mark on white fabrics, so this "
method was discarded. A process has
been discovered, however, whereby tho
satisfactory result was obtained.
Shifting Scenes In Public Life.
ay tne time that Concress
been some months In session, the mem
bers form fast friendships, and the
Impulse to have a little fun now
and then will assert Itself. The other
day one of the large paintings on the
stairway was being taken down, rope
and tackle were required to handle
the gigantic gilt frame, and the sena
tors stopped while going to lunch to
discuss it.
One of the Democrats remarked
that "If we are going to make real
changes in this administration, let us
make some that the people will rec
ognize as they come and go. You'll
notice that Colonel Roosevelt's and
President Taft's portraits no longer
adorn the executive office," he finished
exultantly. We muBt let the shift
Ing pictures into the story In these
'movie times."' "Affairs at Washing
ton," by Joe Mitchell Chappie, In Na
tional Magazine.
The Road to Sueeessvllle.
"The road to success I speak of
financial success is rarely long and
arduous," said George W. Perkins In
one ot his brilliant T. M. C. A. ad
dresses In Cleveland. 'It Is, as n
rule, short and easy.
"A man nodded toward a handsome
young millionaire and said:
" 'He began, I suppose, as an office
boy In the establishment and worked
his way up, step by step, to his pres
ent management ot the whole vast
business ?
"'Not at all,' was the dry answer.
'Not at all. He began as Harvard's
champion baseballer and married the
boss' daughter.'"
Japan In Korea.
Japan has undertaken to reforest
the bare bills of Korea, and in the last
tew years has planted 12,400,000 trees
In that country.
This is a piece of far-sighted common
sense which Is bound to benefit the
Korean people, even though not de
signed for that purpose. No Ameri
can feels like approving the way in
which Japan overrode the rights of a
weaker power and annexed Korea, but
every candid observer must admit that
the mikado's men have carried with
them better government and a higher
Civilization. Chicago Journal