The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, February 04, 1916, Snowbound Edition, Image 2

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    ...... . - . . . , . , ..I.
The Maupin Times
Published Every Friday
J. E, Disbrow,
Subscriouon: Qne Year, $1.50, Six
Entered as second class mail
post office at Maupin, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879
Local Markets
Potatoes, i. 75,
Cabbage, 2C.
Onions, a I-2C.
Eggs, 40.
Butter, creamery 40J dairy 35.
Sugar, 7.00,
Apples, choice 1.75 box.
bacon, 17 l-a to 25.
Salt, dairy 65 per sack, fancy
table 90.
Flour, bbl 5.60, 6.00.
Bran, $29 per ton.
Shorts, $31 per ton.
Salt, $15 per ton.
VIM r . ,1 Wmsf 'A' :l
ON wirtfrfek TOURS OF
TNOW how to work; how
to play: and where their
play time is best. They help to
make your visit to California
truly delightful
m Union Pacific System Ipl
bJ Any agent will be glad to help Vou ffi ILit' I
i aJnKi plan your trip; or, write the General jjCL Yfo ' 3
Iwl Passenger Agent, Portland, for liter fc3' ISSJa $
11 ry a
at Maupin, Oregon,
Months 75cU, Three Month 50
matter September 2, 1914, at the
Wheat, forty.fold 96, club 98;
blue stem 1.01.
Hogs, best light 6.10
New Grade
to the top bf the hill will be
taken up and improved in the
same manner.
As he was entering Maupin last
Friday Geo. Woodruff had the
misfdrtune to have the tongue of
his sled break, frightening his team
which Jed him an interesting chase
to the Cunningham farm home.
Lam m
All AroqndTown
Band practice every Tuesday
J as. Cook was in from White
River Tuesday.
Cal) the Times office and gee our
Mr. Wilson of Two Springs was
in town Monday.
J. H. Chastain was down from
the Flat Monday.
Get your butter wrappers print
ed at T Times office.
Mrs. job Crabtree is visiting
relatives on the Flat this week.
A carload of wood arrived Tues
day for the local Tum-a-Lum
people. -
Claud Wilson came in Tuesday
from Bakeoven apd likes Maupin
very well.
If the other fellow could riot fix
your watch bring it to Emmons
the jeweler.
Mrs. Donaldsonatfd Ivan return
ed Sunday after spending a week
on the Fflat.
Alex McMilliU is here from
Elmira and is ajjain a resident of
Jim Brown and E. E. Hansen
were oyer from Tygh Valley
Ed Mays' son George has been
very sick for some time with
typhoid fever. .
The Misses Stogsdill and Flana
gan and Jimmie Flartagan were
Sunday callers in Maupin.
6rover and Benton Slusher and
Hugh Mulkins came over Wednes
day from Dnfur in a sled.
. Mr. and Mrs. R. .S. Slusher
walked in Friday evening for the
dance and spent the next dav in
the Solo Club' met again Tues
day 'evening with all members
present but one. A fine time was
reported. v
BaVeoVen will not be Without a
postoffice ris Mite. F. S. Fleming
will tiitfe 'charge of it When Mr.
Wilson's 'resignation is accepted.
While In Portland last week Mrs.
Staats "Wquired about Mr. Town,
send's children and reports that
they aft ' getting along fine and
Seem happy.
Mem. Coll, Phys. & Surg.,
Licentiate Minnesota and
Prompt Service on Either
Day or Night Calls
Eyes tested, Glasses Fitted
Make land filings and final proof
before United States Commissioner
Can You Do It?
Mm few tfca aa ! awf.,1- i.
raareiiui trir 9tta il! M Mini) tovvti.1. Ta!S plat WhJ U ftt Mil
t fiiWrt Mb Inm Ik rj. !( yaa tai.-ui (n vtU wear tpettotia
U iom m Tj l buf cheap tMrfattt. Tktj iletorX U i,yt lyln, duturb tk
n;lrt of irlitoa. pain 1 JUroattlwl tat iajntx A: eteiiiut. Wtwn ft tl
Dr. C. H. Francis, - Optician
The regular 50 cent box of
chocolates for 30 i:ents at Tallcott's
just out of the factory.
Tiie Times is in receipt of a let
ter from W. C. Walker this week
who is now at Wasco. Mr. Walker
was the founder of this paper.
Don't blame your clock It
needs cleaning. Emmons will
do it for you and guarantee it.
George Chandler of Wamic made
fi ial proof on his homestead Tues
day before U. S, Commissioner
Stuart, He was accompanied by
Henry Wing and Beujimin Steed.
Subsciipiions for stock in the
Tygh Valley Fair Association will
be received at The Times office.
Ed Brown came down Monday
from Wapiuitia where he is caring
or the Gabel sheep. They have
moved one baud down on Neeaa
creek by the Deschutes where it is
Exquisite Chocolates at Tallcott's
Just received, a fresh invoice of
delicious chocolates and other uice
candies. ' , '
The Times this week is making
use of our emergency supply of
paper procured last summer, but
promises an extra targe sheet wheu
the trains are able to run again.
Go to Fischer's Garage for all
your automobile accessories, gaso
line aud s'torage of machinery.
The Jaunseu drillers reached
a 'depth of about 360 feet. Monday
ou Geo. Crowfoot's place. The
water is 20 feet deep. An engine
will be installed soon.
The Times would like to ex
change subscriptions in part pay
for wood. Call us up.
G. W- Bargainholt and F. E.
Spoor came in Saturday with .wood
after some trouble With break
downs, and were trying while
here to make some kind of a deal
with E. J. Fischer.
If you get a 'sample copy' of the
Times this week you are invited to
carefully look it over and come in
aud subscribe. We want you on
our mailing list.
Church Notice.
Maupin Sunday services, Sunday
School, 10 a. ur preaching, it a.
m. and 7:30 p. in. Come,
G. R. ELUS, Pastor.
HarneM 'and Shoe" MehdVd
A 0. GIBBS, Tygh Wiley, Or
To bait pint of water Ai 1 m. Bar
Rum, a am all bot of Barbo Cbmpoand,
an oa. ef Rlycerlaa. , Appty to th hair
tw a Waak until It bacomaa tha dalrl
ahatfa. Aar ru(f tat oaa put thla up or
rou can mix It at horn at vary llttla eoat.
FuU dlractlona for maklnc and uaa conic
In each bet of liar bo Compound. It will
gradually darken atraakad, faded -aray
hair, and removea dandruff. It la excel
lent for talltnf hair and wltl make bmrah
hair oft aad f loeey. It will not color the
aolp, to net ailrky or treaay, aaddoea not
rm et.
Are you using The Times liner
column when yon have any thing
to sell or want to buy some article
that -your neighbor may have or
wishes to dispose of? If not try
a want ad in that column. We are
sure that it will bring results.
Good Investment
j An investment thoroughly worth
I while is offered for ale for a short
' tim or tn er at qimv Torm nf
u. y . . ui. 11 i t A 111 m VI
200 acres on part terms; 50 acres
in cultivation and 75 more can be
cultivated and the balance is good
pastue and woods land. Good
buildings and fences and right to
plenty of irrigation water. All
kinds of fruit. 0" rural mail route
and telephone line and reasonably
close to school and church. ' Call
at the Times office.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, January io, ioio.
NOTICE is hereby given that
of Shaniko, Oregon, who on May
lit, I6I2, made Homestead Entry
no. 010255 and on May 22nd; 1914,
made additional Homestead Entry,
NO. 013252, fot 8!-2NWI-4 & the
swi-4, Sec. 33, 3 7 s, R. 1 E,
lots 3 & 4, Section 4, Township 8
south, Range is-East, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to make Final three year
Proof, to establish claim to the
laud above described; before H. C,
Kooper, u. s. COinrnissidnef, at
Antelope. Oregon, on the 1st day
of March, 1016.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Herbert W. Cook. Harrison Gray.
Gharles C. Robinson, Henry Cook ,
all of Shaniko, Oregon,
Hi bane Woodcock,
p Itegiser. ,
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at the Dalles.
Oretroh, January 13th I')16.
NOTICE Is hereby given that
JAmks! 0. Minks
of Tygh Valley, Oregon, who, on
March 3rd 1911, made Homestead
Entey No. 08239 and oh Novem
ber iolh, 1914 made additional
Homestead Entry No. 014036, for
wi-2 SE1-4, El 2 swi-4, NEI-4 of
SRI-4, 9EI-4 NWI-4, swi-4 NB1-4,
& Lot 3, Section 7, Township
4-South, Range 15-East, Willam
ette Meridian, has filed notice of
inteutlou to make Final three year
Proof, to establish claim to the
land above descrilx'd, before F. D.
Stuart, U, S. Commissioner, at
Maupin, Oregon, on the2Sthday
of February 1916.
Claim int names as witnesses:
Charles II. Augee, D. C. Mutter,
0. A. Pattison all of Grass Valley.
Oregon, L. C. Minks, of Tygh
Valley, Oregon.
H, Frank Woodcock,
p Register.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land office at the Dalles,
Oregon. January 13th, 1916.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Charles H. Augee
of Grass Valley, Oregon, who, on
February 15th, ion, made Home
stead Entry No. 08130 and on
September 21st, 1914 made addi
tional Homestead Entry No.
i3373 for Lots 3.4. ei-1 swi4,
si-2 SRi-4, Sec. 3i-si-2 9wi-4,
Section 32, Township 3-South,
Range 15-East, Willamette Meri
dian, has filed notice of Intention
to make Final three year Proof,
to establish " claim to the land
aboVe described, before F. D.
Stuart, U. S. Commissianer, at
Maupin, Oregon, on the 25th day
of February 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
f. 0. Minks, L. S. Minks both 'of
Tygh Valley. Oregon,. D. C. Mon
ger, C. A. Pattison both of Orass
H; Frank Woodcock,
p Regiser.
Department of the Interior,
U. & Land Office at The Dalles.
Oregon, January 13th 1910.
NOTICE is hereby given that
"Pktkr J. Kirsch
of Criterion, Oregon, who, on
September 19th, 19U, made
Homestead Entry Ido. 010741 aud
on May. 1st 1914 made additional
Homestead Entry No. 012997, for
si-2 nei 4, si-2 Nwi.4. & Lots
1-2-3-4 Sec. 5-Lnt 1, Section 6,
Township 7-South, Range ij-F.ast,
Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make Final
three year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
F, D. Stuart, V, S Ctihnrts-i
sioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the
4th day of March, 19 16.
Claim-in t names as witnesses:
D. L. Ruthford, C. . Duns, Fred
Honiquist, R H. DeCarap all of
Criterion, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock,
p Register.
Department of the Interior,
" U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, December 29th, 1915.
' NOTICE is hereby given- that
whose post-office address is Wapin
itia, Oregon, did on the 17th day
of March, 1910, file in this office
Sworn Statement and Application.
No. 014619, to purchase the SEi 4
SEi-4, Sec. 18- NEl-4 NEi-4, Sec
tion 19, Township 6-South, Range
13-east WillametteMeridian.and the
timber thereon, under the provis
ions of the act of June 3, 1878, and
acts amendatory, known as the
"Timber and Stone Law," at such
value as might be fixed by appraise
ment, and that, pursuant to such
application, the land and timber
thereon have been appraised at
$235,00 the timber estimated
260000 board feet at 75 cents per
M , and the land $40,00; that said
applicant will offer final proof in
support of his application and
swotn statement on the 9th day of
March, 1916, before F. D. Stuart,
U. S. Cointnissloaer at Maupin,
Any person is at liberty to pro
test this purchase before entry,
or initiate a contest at any time
before patent issues, by filing a
corroborated affidavit in this office,
alleging facts which would defeat
the entryi
H. Frank Woodcock,
p Register.
(publisher) , ,
Department of the Interior,
United States Land Office at The
Dalles, Oregon, December 13,
NOtfOE Is hereby given that
.George R. Chandler,
of Wamic Oregon, who on February
23rd, 1909, made Homestead Entry
No. 04554, for SW 1-4, Section 4,
Township 4 South, Range 12 East,
Willamette Meridian, .has filed
notice of 'intention to make final
five year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
F. D.. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner,
at Maupin, Oregon, on the 29th
day of January '1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Frank Xavier, Benjamin Steed,
James H, Woodcock, Henry Wing
all of Wamic, Oregon.
H. Frank Woocock,
p Regiser.
Department of the Interior,
United States Land Office at The
Dalles, Oregon, December 2dth,
. NOTICE is hereby given that
of -ShaOiko, Oregon, who on June
26th, 1912, made Homestead Entry
No. 010468, forswi-4 swi-4, Sec.
14, SEI-4 NEI-4, Sec. 22, &W1-2
Nwi-4. Section 23 Township 7
South, Range 15 East, WillamK'.e
Meridian, has filed notice of imrn
tion to make Final three yvnr
Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before H. C.
Rooper, U. S. Commissioner, at
Antelope, Oregon, on the 28th,
day of January 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Cora B. Mitchell, William T.
Ptircell, George E. Fine, Jacob M.
Wilson all of Shaniko, Oregon. .
H. Frank Woodcock,
. Regiser.
1 r k
Department of "the Iriterior,
I'.'S. Land Office at f m; 'bailee-,
Oregon. January 13th, 1916,
... NOTICE is hereby glVen that
Lee 0. Woods
of Keut, Oregon, who. on July
31st, I912, made Homestead Entry
No 010587 and on July rrjth, 1915
made additional Homestead Entry
No. 015255, for NW1.4, theKWB
SK1.4, sei-4 str-4, -tfKi-4 swi4,
Section 12, Township '63outh,.
Range I7-East, Willamette Merid
ian, has filed notice of intention
to make Final three year Proof,
to establish claim to above
described, before tl.V. Rooper. U.
tf. Commissioner, at Antelope,
Oregon, oh the'25th day of Febtli.
ry, i9r6. , . v .
Claimant names as witmss;
Andv f. .Jifclt. William Milt hell.
John H. Barnett all of eVit, 0 ie-
gon, Louis A. Sickles, of Shaniko.
H. FraiIr Woodcock,
rip . 'ReslAter.