'If Published Every Friday E. Disekcw, Publisher Subscription: One Year, $l'0,Six Mntjs 75cts, lpe Months 50 Entered a3 second class mail matter September 2, 1914. at the post office at 'Maupin, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879. A. J. Baxter arrived Wednesday coming fronj 'Criterion on horse back with, the mail from that plaee, which should have arrived Tucsdav but owing to an epidemic of )r. grippe and snow drifts was delay jed. Show is drifted soine places in that section to a depth of six or eight feet. " School People Notice A plan for giving public recog nition to those teachers of the state who have proved themselves o be progressive as well as success ful in their work, has been an nounced by Superintendent of Public Instruction, J, A. Churchill. To all teachers who meet the five requirements adopted by the Stale Superintendent, there will be given Professional Teacher's Certihcates J which will certify that the holders have not only taught successfully during the precedingyear, but that jhey are progressive and have shown a proper professional spirit toward their work. The certificate will hi issued by the Superintend ' put of Public Instruction upon the Statement of the county superin tendent that all of the requirements haye been met and that the teacher deserves especial recognition of his attainments. While the certificate will in itself not entitle the poller to teach, it will be of great assistance to school boards in help ing them to selec thoroughly progressive and up-to-date teachers who have been especially successful ju their work, The requirements which must be met ftr the Professional Teach er's Certificate are as follows: I Having taught successfully for at least eight mouths during the year I9i5ti9iq. 3 Having met all of the require tnents for a teacher in a standard school and having complied stiictly with the laws relating to fire dang:rs and fire drills. 3 Having sent promptly to the county superintendent all reports requested by him or required by law. 4 Having attended the annual teachers' institute of teachers' 1 1 aiiiing school, and at least one local .jus,titute. 5 Having read during the year, uuder the supervision of the Uni versity of Oregon, or the Oregon Times at Maujpin, Oregon, Agricultural College, at least two books on the teachers,' circle list. A gentle eninook accompanied by some rain cleared the snow of the past few we-ks and left the ground bale. Sunday was a beau tiful warm, siinsniny day, but Monday morning found winter again upon us the snow continuing all ilay and the ground has been cuvered again this week, tempera ture rangiue between freezing and zero. What is Woman's Work CJne need not go all the way to Europe to see women doing work that wasoncea "man's job." The are doing that ' right here in the Utiiied States -working side bv ide with men, and doing work that man used to imagine none but he coijUl ever do. Notice the figures just made pub lic by the Missouri bureau of labor statistics. There are, in Missouri 232,720 wage-working women and girls over the age of 14 And they are doing almost everything under the sun. For instance, five are teamsters, eight keep livery stables, thirty-five are rajjroad ticket and station agents, forty-five are mail carriers, five are fisherwomen, one is a wop,dchopper, and there are five women paper-hangers, pattern makers, sawyers, painters, glaziers, varnishers, embalmer lawyers, physicians, esseyers, metallurgists and preachers. Outside Mention Jerome Btuan of uHiipin was a business visitor in The Dalles Sat urday. F. T. Confer of Matipin, was a ! icai business visitor Saturday. M. L. Grossman of the Mapuin district was an over Sunday visitor here the 24th R. II. Drake of Portland was in The Dalles yesterday the 25th. A. A. Bonney of Tygh Valley is in town for a few days to meet the agriculturists. Tan. 25th. F. A. Morrow of Wamic was in The Dalles the L'6tli on business. Sun. The Great Southern Railroad was unable to operatic its tiains at TIMFi Brings lRedfe g inn Owt com MNS wwj?0eet I WWW I ; V ON WINTER TOURS OF CALIFORNIA V NOW how to work ; how .xv- to play; and where their play time is best. They help .to make your visit to California truly delightful ; ! Go via the ; .i' H WC 0RE60R-WASRINCT0M RAILROAD t MVItATKW CO ' ' ' X m Union Pacific System rfKcj Y& Any agent will be glad to help you )y plan your trip; or, write the General ".(l. bm il Passenger Agent, Portland, for liter- ' z3 1 ' t". Wifi atureandfullinformatioa lniV-' Dufur Jan. 24th, on account of the damsge to the track caused by the high water. That section of VVapco County is now without mail and train service. Oregonian Among the jury drawn for the Circuit Court this week are j. P. Abbott, Wapinitia, Andrew Crab tree. Maupin, James Cook. Tygh Valley, John Mayfield and G. W. Bargainholt. Wamic, J. A. Rooper, E. II Glissan and J. M. Cole, of Antelope, and John Hanna of Wamic. The Thursday night train of a week; ago was derailed at Sherar and held until Friday noon when a relief engine from Fallbridge put them on the track again. They reached Portland at 3:30 in the afternoon. P. A. Coal states that he rer ceived a letter from a friend at Bend saying that place was on the boom; that 400 men are there with nothing to eat except what the lumber companies furnish free grains well, there is nothing like that in our town. The solo party at L D. Kelly's Tuesday night was a success in every sense. Al St. Dennis won first prize, Ben Fraley second, and L,. D. captured the booby prize which consisted of a box of matches and treated the smokers with the necessary explosives to light their cigars. Will' W'! V, i " ."f , LOCAL? All Around Town Band night. practice every Tuesday Call the Times office and see our calendars, J. A. Chouinard went to Bend Friday night. John and Frsncis Confer were in town Tuesday. Fraukie Gesji was over from Wamic Tuesday. Jerouie Buzau made The Dalles last week; a trip to Clem Matthews was in town Tuesday for supplies, II. Jj. Emmons returned home from Portland Monday. Mrs. Staats is a visitor in the metropolis this week. Get your butter wrappers print ed at The Times office. E. A, Chandler was in from Criterion Monday returning Tues day. Anson Lindley and family came in Tuesday from the Bakeoven country. Jas. Dorau from Flanagan whs a business visitor at JJaupiu Tuesday The Bakeoven and Criterion majls are now being carried on horseback, If the other fellow could not fix your watch bring it to Enunons the jeweler. The Dyer girls are staying with their aunt, Mrs. Moss, during the cold weailu r. John Wesley arrived two weeks ago to make his home with Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Davis of Bake oven. . R. 0. Aubrey has a new sample book from the Ilennig-Panl tailor ing company of Chicago and is ready to take orders for suits. 15. J. Slyer and Frank Gabel were passengers on Mouday's uigltt train to Portland, Mr. Chapel hav. ing charge of Mr. Styer's shop in his absence. Considerable work was done on the water system Sunday, with the result that we now have the privil edge of getting water from John Donaldson's jaul. Mr. and Mi. McKte of the lllittei'iek l'..sli' 11 Co. were heie M011J.1) und Ttn.sd.i soliciting siibseulHMs for ilie Delineator. Mr. Fischer leeeivel , a letter fioiu his Mskr in Fair Acres, Albeilu, Canada, saving that Ht that place the thermometer regis teird 5 J deglees be low ZelO. The rucks likened by the recent thaw ami lulling oil to the side tracks at the (). T. depot have kept the local section men busy this week blusnng tlieni out- The little daughtei of Aithur Henderson of Crileikm died Wed nesday of pneumonia mid will be btiiied thi afternoon, Pastor Kllis of this place having charge of the f uncial. CHAS.H. FRANCIS, M.D.;C.M MAUPIN, OREGON Mem- Coll, Phys. Ontario & Surg., Licentiate Minnesota Oregon and Prompt Service on Either Day or Night Calls Eye tested, Glasses Fitted Make land filings and final proof before United Slates Commissioner Stuart. Oan You Do It? TEST TYPE. Defect! of eyeileht rtfpirtoir by ih tnt f (pcrtae! u jmnir hn!ct and an o nmiiri by tli.- proper adjuitmect of p ntU ni-di ItBIM r-.-.i 'Ht eje . If yai mi-oot do o vmUiarM ncur sptcucla, .'itJo inty Jiorlllicni.',i'i;btlilniuItlta ' i'i i'"" 'j'"".Jit1ft 1 JU 1iT''iRt. -Wtitu It It Dr. C. H. Francis, Optician The regular 50 cent box: of chocolates for 30 ctnts at Tallcott's just out of the factory. R J. Fischer announces that they are now enjoying green prions grown on their ranch Don't blame your clock ft needs cleaning. Emmons will do it for you and guarantee it. Subscriptions for stock in the Tygh Valley Fair Association will be received at The Times office. G, L. Harphan has been up the Deschutes this week with Henry helping improve their property on the rivet. Exquisite Chocolates at Tallcott's Just received, a fresh invoice of delicious chocolates and other nice candies. Mr. Conklin returned Tuesday afternoon after several days vaca tion in the metiopolis. Go to Fischer's Garage for all your automobile accessories, gaso line and storage of machinery. The Anbry week. little daughter has been quite of R. 0. sick this The Times would like to ex pay change subscriptions in part for wood. Call us up. W. C. Hanna and wife of Dufur arrived 011 Tuesday's afternoon train to spend a few days with Mrs. Hanna's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Dei thick.' If you get a 'sample copy' of the Times this week you are invited to carefully look it over and come in auu suuscriue. we want you on our mailing list. Church Notice. Maupin Sunday services, Sunday School, io a. ni preaching, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. 111. Come. G. It. ELLIS. Pastor. Harneti and Shoe Mended A, D. GIBBS, Tygh Valley, Or Walter Driver and family and Miss raye Driver passed through here Tuesday going to the former's Criterion homestead after a visit with their pareuts on Juuiper Flat. RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half pint of water add 1 01. Ba Rum. a small bo- of Barto Compound, and 4 o. ot glycerine. Apply to the hair twlca a Week until tt becomes the desired shade.' Any druKKlet can put this up or you can mix It at homs at very little cot Full directions for making and use com In each box of Harbo Compound. It will erndunllv dnrken ntrealtA.! fn.t.l iri-nv l air, nnil removes dandrulT. It In excel- li-nt for ralMuit hnlr and will make harsh hair soft and Rtoasy. it will not color the scalp, is not ttl -ky or itreasy, and does not rub off. The folimvinit pupils of Southern Wiisco f'oiinty successfully passed the Januaiy eight li erade exaniimt. tiois; Hjarlea B. Lake, Jimmic ., KUtner, Wamic, Louis Elsie 'kehder and Ruth Whe.ilv, Slidniko, Ore. and Ore. F.thel Are you Un:g The Times liner column rtlrsi yo'i Vave nv thing to sell or want to buy some article that your neighoor may have or wishes to disHiso rf? If not try a want ad in that column. We are sure that it will bring result. Local Mark its Potatoes', 1.75, I .Cabbage, 2c, .Onions, 2 i-2c. Eggs, jo, 'Butter, creamery 40; claim- 35. Sugar, 7.00. Apples, choice 1.75 bo-. Bacon, 17 1-2 to 25. Salt, dairy 65 per sack, fancy table 90. . - Flour, bbl 5.60, 6,00. Bran, $29 per ton. Shorts, $31 per ton, Salt, $15 per ton. Wheat, forty-fold r,oo, club 98;. blue stem r.oj. Hogs; best light 6.10 Good Investment A3 investment thoroughly worMi while is offered for ale for a short time at $22.5,0 an acre. Farm of 2oq acres on part terms; 50 acres in cuitivatum and 75 more can be cultivated apd tlje balance is good pastite ' and . woods land. Good buildings and fences and right to plenty of irrigation water, All kinds of fruit. Qn njral mail rotne and telephone line and reasonably close to schooj and church. Call at the Tini'.'S office. LEGAL NOTICES NO riCE FOR PUBLICATION (publisher) Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, January 19 1916. NOTICE is hereby given that GEORGE D. ALBRIGHT, of Shauiko, Oregon, who on May 1st, 1612, made Homestead Entry no. 010255 and on May 22nd. 191 4, made additional Homestead Entry, no. 013252, for SI-2NWI-4 & the SWI-4, Sec. 33, T. 7 s, R. 15 u, lots 3 & 4, Section 4, Township 8 south, Range 15-East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intent tion to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before H. C. Rooper, U. S. Commissioner, at Antelope. Oregon, 011 the 1st day of March, iqi6. Claimant names as witnesses! Herbert W. Cook, Harrison Gray. Gharles C. Robinson. Henrv Cook, all of Shauiko, Oregon, II. rank Woodcock, p ' llegiser. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (pubushek) Department of the Interior, U. S, Land Office at the Dalles, Oregon, January 13th 1916. NOTICE is hereby given that James O. Minks of Tygh Valley, Oregon, who, on Maicli 3rd 1911, made Homestead Entey No. .08239. H"d on Novem ber 10th, 1914 made additional Homestead Ktitry No. 014036, for wi-2 SB 1 -4,- Ei 2 svvi-4, NK1-4 of SHI-4, SEI-4 NWI-4, SWI-4 NI I-4, & Lot 3,' Section 7, Township 4-Sotith, Range 15-lvist, Willam ette Jeriflian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the laud above described, before F, D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the 25th day of February 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: Charles H. Augee, D. C. Munger, 0. A. Pattison all of Grass Valley, Oregon, L. C. Minks, of Tygh Valley, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, p Register. NOTICF. FOR PUBLICATION. (t'VnUSHER) Department of the Interior, U. S. Laud office at the Dalles, Oregon. January 13th, 1916. NOTICE is hereby given that Chakles H. Ait.ee of Grass Valley, Oregon, who, on February 15th, 1911, made Homt stead Entry No. 08130 and on September ist, 1914 made addi tional Homestead Entry No. 013S73, for Lots 3-4, ei-2 swi-4, r-i-i SK1-4, vSec. 31-SI-2 swi-4, ieetion 32, Township 3-S0111I1, Kange lyEast, Willamette Meri lian, has filed notice of intention 1 10 tliakr Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the laud above described, before F. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissianer, at Maupin, Oregon, on the 15th daj of February 1916. . Claimant names as witnesses: I. 0 Minks, L. S. Minks both of Tygh Valley, Oregon, D. C, Mon ger, C. A. Pattison both of Grass Valley. H. Frank Woodcock, p Regiser. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (pvbusiier) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. January 13th 1916. NOTICE is hereby giveu that Peter J. Kirsch if Criterion, Oregon, who, on iepteml'er 19th, 1912, made lomestead Entry No. 010741 and in May 1st 1914 made additional homestead Entry No. 0,12997, for u-2 nei 4, si-2 NW1-4, & Lois i-2-vt. Sec. S'Lot I, Section 0, Tiwnship 7-South, Rauge 15-East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final hree year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, liefore F. D. Stuart, U. S. Coin.nisr Moner, al Maupin, Oregon, on the jth day of March, 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: 0. L. Ruthford, C. A. Duns, Fred doruquist, R. H. DeCamp all of Criterion, Oregon, H. Frns Woodcock, p Register. NOTICE PoR PUBLICATION. publisher) Department of the Interior, U S. Land office at The Dalles, Oregon, December 29th, 1915. NOTICE is hereby given that 1 FRANK GABEL whose postroffice address is Wapin itia, Oregon, did 011 the 17th d; V if March, igi5, file in this offic-i ! 'Sworn Statement and Application, Vo. 014619, to purchase the SB I -4 IE 1 -4, Sec 18- NEI-4 NEi-4, Sec : ton 19, Township 6-Soiith, Range i-east WillainetteMeridian.and the iniber thereon, under the prow's, ions of the act of June 3, 1S78, Mid acts amendatory, known as the "Timbei and Sione Law," at such value as might be fixed 'by apprais. :iient. ami lliat, pursuant to such application, ilie laud and timber thereon haye been appraised at $235,00 the tjniber estimated 360000 board feet at 75 cents per M , and the land $40,00; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his application and swoin statement q:i the gtlj day of March, 19.16,, before p. D. -Stuart, U. S. ConnnissiQiier at Maupin, Oregon. Any pcrsqu is at liberty tq pro-, test, (his purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at anv time before patent issues, by filing' a corroborated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which wquJd defeat the entry. H. Frank Woodcock, p Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (publisher) . Department of the Interim-, United States Land Office at Tha Dalles, Orejjon, December 13, NOTICE is hereby given that George R. Chandler. of Wamic Oiegon who on February 23rd, 1909, made Homestead Entry No. 04554, for SW i-4, Section 4 r- . c?....it- n r.... - 1 i , - - " -1 WillamiMr. Mrlrtiuii liau ll . notice ol intention to make final fivrf vpnr nrnnF to pvtahlwh ptaiiti to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, 011 the 29th .1 -C T - ' nay ui jcuiuai y jyio, Claimant names as witnesses; Frank X'tvier, Benjamin Steed, James H. Woodcock, Henry Wing all of Wamic, Oregon. , H. Frank Woocock, p Regiser. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (publisher) Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, December 2oth, 1915. NOTICbl is lierehy given that ANNA T POTTER of Shauiko, Oregon, who on June 26th, 1912, made Homestead Entry No. 010468, forsvvi'4 swi-4, Sec. 14, sei-j NEI-4, Sc-c. 22, &WI-2 nwi 4, Section 23 Township 7 South, Range 15 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before H; C. Rooper, U. S. Commissioner, at Antelope, Oregon, on the 28th, day of January 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: . Cora B. Mitchell, William T. Pureed, George E Fine, Jacob M. Wilson all of Shauiko, Oregon. H. I'rank Woodcock, Regiser. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (publisher) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. January 13th, 19m, NO TICE is hereby given that Lfk O. Woods of Kent, Oregon, who, on July 31st, 1912, made Homestead Entry No. 010587 and on July r9th, 1915 made additional Homestead Eutrv No. 015255, for NWI-4, theNi-2 SEI-4, 8H1.4 SEI-4, NEI-4 SW1.4, Section 12, Township 6-Soutli, Range 17-East, Willamette Merid ian, lias filed notice of intention to make Final three year Proof, to establish claim to the laud above described, before II. C. Rooper, U. rt. -Commissioner, at Autelope, Oregon, ou the astbday of Febru ary, 1916. , Claimaut names as witnesses Andf J. Holt, William Mitchell, John H. Barnett all of Kent, Ore rou, Louis A. Sickles, of Shauiko. H. Fhank Woodcock, u Reflstetv