V ( . - -.'1 ;.:"f. -"V ." Vr-"--. ' -. V-'. - ' i MAUF Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 2, NO. 16 MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. JANUARY" 28, 1916 , THE YEAR 1. 50 Wapinitia Department It Isn't Your Town, It's You $500 Raised for Grade SI .linlicd n Our New Bell ' 'The old church bell with voice bo strong, Is ringing1 loud and clear the same tune and time-worn tale InyouthlldVedtohfiar." the clarion call, the insistent peal Will soon be heard from the throat of steel. For the leading church of the City of Wapinitia had purchased a bell, a big bell, a strong bell, fl bell in whose dlloy of nietals, m&9 iron Mi no part. 'What community but what takes unto itself a greater meas ure of respect, esteem and even bride, in possession of a church bell? What village dbeB lirJt square Its metaphorical shoulders when it hears ''Our bell''? , -Much rndre1 id iri the riiighty ' 'rioted city of Wapinitia where1 norio of the churches haVe'ijntil now, possessed a beli. Oilr sev eral heads will be Carried at a more oblique anglei if you please: On Sunday triarnirig, wKfle" tussling witH! trie1 proverbially reluctant collar bilttdrl, neighbor Smith will say "The "urgent hOtS ;- Frrjrh the irpq threat" . which will immediately call forth the extra ounce df strength nec essary to insert the aforemen tioned stubborn dollar button in its appointed pliide' of usefulness. Hastily he rustieS pell-mell td trie nearest street corner td boird one of Wapinitia s street cars. Ho momentarily glarjcea over to his more fortunate Fdrd-pdsseS-bing neighbor Jctals, tvho stSrlds smiling confidently By his iriipi tient machine. ,!whitheraw.ay"? bries neighbor JdneS Jovially; "Mj for the b'est cfiureh in town!" c'rjel neighbor Smith tingram'&ically tith gleefully. "The bell Vti ring, ra'ng,, ring ed!" "Aye that it fists" ans wers neighbor Jones, "and my Ford has heard it and is all of a tremble, I fear I must cut ofi its ears lest some sad day I have a serious run-away." Courage When the mercury drops to zero and the water pipes are all frozen, and the fuel is running low, and the feed for the stock is almost exhausted, and snow is knee-deep, and yet you can say yotl are satisfied, and that yours is the best country on earth that is courage. Wapinitia Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Wilson tffitl family made a trip td White RiVe'r last Saturday returning Sunday. . ; Quite a change has taken place in .the weather1 he're the last few days, the last of th sntiW going off Saturday but td evefyones surprise, When getting" Up Mon day morning we foiind about four in dries of new1 snoW On the ground, and still snowing! ..2l ' . . .... - v. h. TaDD brouent home a I fine1 St. Beriard ddg frdrti Maupin liist week. Len Wilson- - came up from White Rivgr. last Sdndfty return ing Monday: Miss Rova Huston is staying at the Amen home this winter and going to school. J: . .... i. ... i. lt is reported tnat f rancis Walters, has sold His ranch here to Monroe McOmber. Girls, tliis" ii leap yean so' remember here s y'dur chance Born -to Mr. tind Mrs. P. J, Olsen last Saturday, Jan. 22nd, a daughter; Mrs: Chas: Deldre Has been e Bick the past twcj weeks, 0r. Shannon being called the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Beebe have hired dot for the spring work, If you want to live in the kind of a town That's the kind of a town you like, You needn't slip your clothes in a grip And start on a long, long hike. You'll find elsewhere what you left behind, For there's nothing that's really new. It's a knock itt yourself when you knock your townj It isn't your town) it's you. Real towns are not made by men afraid Lest somebody else getf ahead. Vliert everybody works and nobody shirks You catt raise a town from, the dead, And if when you make a personal stake Your neighbor can make one, too, Your town will be what you want it to See, It Isn't your town; it's you. "-London (Va.) Mirror, t FiSCfiER'S GARAGE Auto Passenger Service Auto Delivery Truck Prepared for Long trips or Outihl Parties A Complete tine b'f AutomofciiS Accessories to Will May hafd. There was a lively time in the old town last Wednesday night, when the high school pupils and number of others secured a four-horse team and driver and started for the Geo. Heitz home., arriving there about 11 o'clock. They epeeteft to find them in dreamland, but to their surprise the bride and groom were up waiting for them. After a few minutes of shouting and banging of tin Cans, the door opened arid they were invited in and a lunilh with candy, nuts and Cigars were passed. After spending a couple of hours with the "fleWly weds" the young pedple" started home. Sunday there were seVeft young people baptized and received into the churCh Our church is progressing fine under the leader ship of Rev. Staines. The ladies aid held an all day meetingWedrlesjay at the home of Mrs. Staines. The day was spent in quilting. At nbon a SDlendid dinner was served to which the men were invited. Mr. Cdtvilla who is living on a homestead aboiit three mllfei south ofi Wapinitia, had the' mis fortune to . lose his house and outbuildings by tire." $e wis at TheDalleii when this fire occur ed. Origin bf trie fire is not known, tiavid'Sharp.has been n&liiifig wood from Wllkerville tws week Last SuMty night Was install ation of officers in the Uhrtstian Etideavdr. VI i. . .- 1 , n . . . .. t John Lewis has bfeen sick for the nast week with rfluscbar rheumatism, iir. fehbpf sr.,. who has been vinMna relatives in Portland re turned to his son's home Here last week. Mrs. J. I. West is on the sick list this week. Georfee Wall who lives near! Victor is visitinl at the Forhian home this week. tuesday was butchetthg 'day at Will Mayhard's. SENT IN BY OUR Criterion Chronicles the legrippe which has be'e'n prevalent here for a few weeksi hda by no rfleanS abated. Hew victims' are daily added td the1 list and ho one sedms immune. " The recent blockade of snow was broken SSatdrcl&y arid Sunday by the 83liHlg'rit df a Chinook which lhsted two ddys and wa8 followed by a little" more snow" and an east wind; Live" stack haVe suffered td sdrrie extent this winter and some owners rlSve lost quite heaviiy. When a than gets d6wn sick and short bf w6bd and Ii has neighbors who voluntarily supply this need, it does not sig nify that sftid party is a good rrian, hut that he" HaSsdme mipty good neighbors. Cdme into the game again Ridgewkv. We miss your good erist df news &nd yrju know good pithy hews items ire the spice ahd life" of a newspaper. - AthrSeveaf old waiusinea hatchBt & few days ago and when chdbbinkr a piece from a stick" ran to his mother with the news, ''Mamma, I.ve hatched dnbff.' Wheh in ttoubt '(Sohie to Cri- director at the school meeting held here Saturday.. Under the able management of Prof T. ,t. Skirvin, assisted by Mrs. Veva Driver, a most in teresting entertainment was given in the hall here Saturday flight by the school children. Two plays were staged which Showed much skill on the part of both teachers and plipils. A drill in colonial Ctisttlrhe was very frideh enjoyed. A large cfOwd was in attendance". Forest r&nger; Charlie Ross, and wifei of Barlow G&tej wit hessed the entertainment, here Saturday night) also Mn ahd Mrs JoBh Farlow, of Smock, Prof. attd Mrs. B. W. Benningtoni Mn and Mrs, Joe Wing and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Swift of Tygh Miss Dorothy McCorkle desl igned and bain ted a poster for the advertising of the school entertainment which was unique and pictiires4uei showing great talent in that line. mr. and Mrs; Ed Urart were called hert by the death rjf Mn Hill whrj was Mrs. draft's fathen ; Minutes of the Maupin Good Roads Association meeting held January 22nd, 1916. - Following is a list of the offi cers elected by those present: Chairman,1 D. M. Shattuck; sec retary and treasurer, B. Shat tlick. Supervisor appointed for work in hand, L. D. Kelly. Chairman D. M. Shattuck authorized to circulate petitions and same were distributed as follows: L. B. Kelly, J. S. Brown i Clarence Alexander, of Juniper Flat, A. A. Canfleld, of Criterion, and Claud Wilson, of Bakedven, It being understood that the first report on these' petitions be sent in hot later than Wednes day, Jan. 26th. P.J. Kilburg, Secretary pro tern, Up to yesterday morning $510.00 had been subscribed for improvements on the Maupin grade and more is expected to Come in. Stiiock Items 2 -..nnnnnr Jv Wk-A-LU LUMBER ALL. WEDS SllPPUEb " ' .. ! t- r i in i' "vufli t . ! Tum-A-Lum'sithe toUce tahuv ' Xum-A-LUmner" I Lath ink Shingles, an epdless number; Uoors ana; wiws are in tneirnne, V.- n Pa.Jtopftn,ent.and tin Wood ana uoai to Keep you, warm;. , Posts enbugh to fence, the farm. Even tfce PLANS bXilvhlch Voij builci, . , l y .KREwU yur qtdet cn, be filled. They hare, the best there is on. earth, . , , , Thk'fe you can get yoprjponey's worth. They' r- Jivftjsh.11. your nees, vx lfff , , , s nJJpless, perchanceygu need ,a,.wifej This nd Applied,: flrop cease to $afo, , w Go to them, they'll build the HOMH. ime; Z IS ihnl s'is VSkki i. 5 1 I WimicNo.l f hdrjance given al the frean hall two weeks ago was a ''hard time Aan'ce. Prices were award ed th'dse who were best repres entative of real hard times. Marion Burlingame and Miss Katie Spath wore jthe tostumes lhat were most effective. In ex pressing the real thing and were awarded .tlVe prizes. le'lehpn'e lyer, Mr. Mrs. Stee'd-,; wh'6 fa . toade homeless fest Friday By th'e fire which destroyed her homes is staying It p'res'ent wHh fter son Ben. In response Si I teli messaire tiom his White of Kentk Marlon Duncan left Thu&dav fbr that place to assist with the feeding of his tock. . This place is . enjoying spring' i'ka wekther nttet the Wcent cold speil. Th'$. loeA tenwera ture here Was 1$ a'fifl.V-2 d'ct'reei Ti Ei Farlow and family visited at his mother's last Tuesday. F. E- Spoor was & Wamic business visitor Thursday, C A. Syron, Ella, Genevie and Babe Was visitors at N. E. Whit comb and sister, Leone Hull, last Thursday. C; k. Bargainholt spent I few days visiting his cousin Cal Duncan this week. Marion Farlow lost his potatoes which he had in a riellar, by freeiing. i. cj- r anow ana lamiiy was visiting at Mrs. Alta StakSely's Friday. 4 . 1 R. C. Stakelv . mi euttinar wood for Mrs. Alta Stakley last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fleck were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Hull and brother: T. J. Whitcomb land, children were t Wamic last Friday. Victory 5 Wfteft you 'Win stand face to face wfVn. y&M, folly, .extravi gence, spiritual inaensibilVty nd endure it as Jesus endifed that! is victory. Two Pfestm Gens Subscribers, note that the figures on your copies of The Times indi1 bate the date when your subscrip tion expires. Por example, the figures (ioM j-15) show that tkto-! ber 15th was the date of expiration. We have been using this method for some time and with such satis factory results that. we call your attention to it fts our method of letting you know how out books Stand. Thus it is hot ntcessary to issue other statetaentSi The sub scription price is always very acceptable. The Bakeoveu postoffice Will be discontinued lly the first of April if no one makes application (or it very soou, Mr. Claude Wilsotl who has had charge nf it for th past year recently sent in his resig nation and will feiVe It up as soon as the reauiied arrsntfeniehts ar .. L made; A. C. Moad returned home froni Criterion Wednesday. H. P. Brittan, who died at the home of his son, Myrtle, at lower Tygh, last Tuesday was a pioneer resident of this place, having lived on a farm adjoining the town here for a number of years. He was 84 years of age He leaves five children, Mrs Emma Chastain, Mrs. Flora Narvel; Mrs. Hattie Crabtreej Orange Brittan of this place and Myrtle Brittan, of this place, T. J. Hill died at his home on Smock Saturday evening. He had been in failing health for some time, and a week ago Frl day he was taken worse and passed away January 22. He had the best of care, Mr. and Mrs. Griffin who have beeft with him since last June, gave him every atteution, and theneigV bors all assisted, but Mr. Hill had run the rate set before him. He will be greatly missed by all, a he was always present at the church service and had followed preaching at times He was Ti years old, His daughter, Mrs, Craft and her husband reached here Monday also a niece Mrs. Batdoff, of West Linn, and & nephew, E. M. Hill and wife df Dufur. The funeral will be held at the church Tuesday at t& o'clock, Rev. (J. Wood conduct- . irig the services. Interment fa Four Corners cemetery Th Ford. MotoV Conipany at now completing the structures for a Ford Tractor factory, which wilt .... ..... .lL soou commence rurning om mc neWly patented machine. "This ehginev of which Mr. Fischer, the Weal agent 1ms carload already ordered, retails at $.Joo with equip, ntenls., and with the use of two sets of w lieel will do the wdrk of six horses 'da the farm for every possible Vise from the gang plow to the thick. service And safety Service because we are the handiest bank for you , Vo 'del with, we know your wants and are prepared to take care of them. Safety because you know our Stock Holders and their circumstances. NbtARY iptJttUfc ANb Insurance Don't Overlo'ok His wlieh yol are looking for the fee?5t proe Mr your wh'ea't, MAUPiN STAf E ftAKfe fs planned It" J . 4. "See About Xvmk company PCTER III LBUnC, MWsvfier TUM-tUri below ierpt'On the mgh: 'of the! lurch ;of mVVas "ffftftedi oyr me receni varra wuma. i Lester McCorkle', after .spend ing two weeks with 'relatives; here, returned to 'Juniper Flat: yesterday". 1 Miss Thelmi Weod'cock was t nil-. I confined t6 the house several ! day s4 last wCck with a very bad sore tnroat. i 1.- i i n. . a. A. Morrow is a Business; Visjtbr kt Poftrafia thts Week Deing m wiin tne lagnppe sev eral days last week. , Ce'lce Milfer; ,nd fanihave Flakaiter spending two, weeks at ine npme, oi.. mr, .muier ftrrthaa hrty Nine bf HeleVi Lick's.friends gBthered at ,her home Tuesday evening to frefp her celebrate her hirthdav. The evAni'mr was spent in games, refreshments of i candy, cake and sandwiches were served, Helen was the receipi- ent , of some nice . presents: .Those present were Laura and Vera Goeqert, .Daphme and Christine tlyer. Fern Mayhew. Nellie Harphan. Merilda Chotifh- ard. Naomi Smiih . and Nita Elli's. tray Notice . A Stray 'filly taken up at my place three rnoijthj ago, .dark iron grey left, hjnd foot wiite and jvl!ites(ar jn forehead liuhranded, Owner can have, same b proving iropety and paying foVpasttirage Vih advertising. 4 0 O 4 O 0 t t 4 s Direct trm tlie Eafet iafcfes, feajrt)ldelry, TVimWhi, White goo, Crepes, Lavfcs and Piquei, Suitable for suinmer uiidefWeaf , tc.t Also line of childreB?s and KiiJScS? Dresses fend Hompfers priced froin 35 cents up; nothing OVeir a dollar "See W 't5 ft VataA b taW StM Vat5&--'-JVB . HATTUCR General Merchaniiie on mother, Mrs. Mac Paimateer. CtAuWasoit, feakeoen, Or. . X.tmwasWdtfch'opI