The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 21, 1916, Image 8

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    The Maupin
Published EveryrlJay 3t aupin, Oregon
J. EVDi;
5uU;npiioni 0'ne"Year, $l'.50,Six
Enterefi as 'Seoond class mail
post office tit Maupin, Oregon,
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy
.Batty, iasj Tuesday, January u,'a
,'boy. Mother and child are doing
.well. ' ' ' ' ,,!.
A dance was given at the home,
of Mrs. Annie Smith' last Friday
uight. Quite a lage crowd attend
ed and all report" a splendid timp.
' R. W. McCorkleYud 'Ira Gres'h
em made a business trip to Maupin
'last Saturday, ' ' ' ' ' ;
Miss Rubv Wilson was a guest;
at the Tapp home f'loni Friday!
flight till Monday morning.
: Mn Herman Knopf and daugh
ter, Estrada ' are quite sick at
Harold Uabel made a trip to
Maupin Tuesday taking 1 lis father,
Frank Gabel, to meet the train.
Mr. Gabel is going to Portland to
receive medical treatment, Jle has
not been well for some time.
A business meeting of the
Christian Endeavor was held nt
the home of Rev. M. H. Staines
last Friday evening. After the
business part of the meeting was
over, a gopd social time was enjoy
ed by all, after which popcorn balls
were served by Mrs. Staines.
This place continues to be in
the clutches of winter, the ther
mometer having dropped 15 de
grees below zero Monday morning.
.Saturday and Sunday was one con
tinuous dowupour of snow, making
about 18 or 20 inches on ' the
at the
Maupin School
Sat. Jan. 22 at 1 P M
for the purpose of grading and graveling the present county road
from the west end of the Maupin Bridge to a point as far as money
and work obtained will carry it up the present grade.
Everyone knows by painful experience that this road needs at
tention, Here is an opportunity to secure a good road and we
want your support NOW. Wasco County has promised to meet us
half way on this; will put up dollar for dollar for all the money or
material that we can raise to expend on this stretch of much trav
eled road.
Make a special effort to ccme to Maupin Saturday, January
22nd and assist to get this work organized and under way.
Pro tern.
1 lines
;erow, Publisher
Months 75cts, Three 'Months 50
matter September 2, 1914. at the
under the Act ofMarch J8$.
ground now, Ihe ground has
been covered with snow ever since
Christmas, making almost 25 days
of feeding weather. Bvery one
seems to have plenty of feed at
present lor meir scock nut it this
weather continues feed prices will
soar, as the farmers here only fig
ure on about 30 days of feeding
weather during the winter. ,The
cold ' spell has broken now and
from all indications we may ex
peci a' chinook in the next days.
Jack-rabbit catching is the prin
cipal employment of the boys at
present, the snow boing so deep
one can catch them with their
hands. " ' ''
1 .
Mrs. Chas. ("ox has been quite
sick the past week.
Robert iTapp, while taking a
sleigh ride with some girhj fell out
of the sleigh backward three
Mrs. Meyers of Parkdale is vis
iting her daughter Mrs. Frank
Huston and getting acquainted
with her little grandson '
Ora'Maynarci is' digging a well
on his place this winter. VVhen
completed it will be 47 feet deep
and 12 feet wide. 4
David Sharpe is inaking a new
hou-sled. 1
Vincent Tapp was a guest at'
the Flinn home Tuesday night, :
Lincoln Hartiiian WI19 has been
quite sick for the past two weeks
is able to be out agajn.
Elmer Hainmei, a former resi.
dent o this place,' now hying in
Brings Rotes
11 m?w "mam
m California mmm
It I KNOWhowtowortihow lipKHH I
Mill IUd?B X0. ? w autorma MWWmm Mm .
-- .fi e ,r If'llL
SB J Goviathe fMVl
mm Union PAriFirSYCTPk IMSkl
mill .Passenger Agent Portland, for litisv mWWMVf T . Iff
MM ' ' atureandMinfprinatioa ' rWVA
the Willamette valley, visited here
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Tapp were
visitors at the Ben .Gabel home
last Friday.
Mrs. A. Batty and Lois are vis
iting at the home of Mrs. Batty's
son Roy.
It is reported that Grandma
Heitz has sold her property to
Fred Laughlin and will .nipve to
The DaUes in tthe spring.
Baptisma.1 seryiqes will ,be held;
,in the church here Sunday, Jap.!
fuary 2, fcy Rev. Staines, pastor.
n 1
1 1
AH Around Town
I . : 1
Band .piactjce every Tuesday
night. . .
Call the Times office and see our
cnlendars. !
If the other fallow could not fix
your watch bring it to Emmons
the jeweler-
V. B. Tapp has beeu a guest the
Jast . couple days at the W. H.
.Staats home.
Mr, and Mrs. p. M. Shaltuck
returned home Saturday after a
.visit to Portland.
The Suuday afternoon trpin was
Jate, due to wajtim for connections
pn the main line,
. M. O'Brien and Dee Wright
,of Wapinitia were business visitors
in t,own yesterday.
Frank Creager came near having
,3 runaway Suuday when his horses
became frightened by the brakes
vu the passenger train.
Mr. and Mrs. Abnett who have
been visiting their daughter, Mrs.
n 01. .i . , .
uy oiusiier, returnea nome yes-
Mr. and Mrs. Staats and Mr.
Tapp were entertained Wednesday
evening with chicken supper by
Mrs. Muir.
Shaltuck Bros, have recently re
ceived a lew shipment of dress
goods and trimmings Many beau,
tif ill colors and textures.
L. D. Kelly shipped a carload of
baled hay iu from Bend this week,
which has met with ready de
mand from the stockmen of this
The first load of lumber to be
used m the construction of the
building for the drug store was
lelivered west of the postoffice
Tuesday afternoon.
A leap year dance is seiu-dttled
here for tonitiht for which the
adiesuill buy the numbers and
the gentleman wUt furnish the
upper. All are invited to come
iMid make it, success. Music by
the Maupin band.
Antelope, Jan. 15 Weather
tough. Northeast blizzard yester
day; thermometer hovering around
the zero mail;; tine snow fallinc
and drifting. As feed ii fairly
plentiful the ptock is not suffering
yet, but s'uck nieu are anxious,
and hoping that it will moderate.
A letter was sent to the post
office litre from Farnk L. Smith it
Co. of Puitlaud, contain ii a check
of $jS supposed to be paj ment on
a shipment of five hogs suit by
W F. Gulvins, orriginally mailed
at the Matipin postoffice January
5th. Any information ou same
would be appreciated by the department.
Mem, Coll, Phys. & Sure.,
.Licentiate Minnesota and
.Prompt Service on ; Either
J)ay or Night Calls
y?a tested, glasses fitted
Make laud filings andnal ppof
before United tates Commissioner
Can Yoii Do It?
Dr. C. il. Francis, - Optician
The regular 50 cent (box of
oh'jcolates for 30 cents at Tallcotl's
just out of the factqry.
W. H. Williams had a very cflld
drive Saturday with the Bukeoveu
(nail. -J'hen arriving .at Mr. Fry
map s, ,n.e ana nis team were so
exhausted that Mr. Fryman with, a' completed the trip.
Don't blame your, clock It
lutied cleaning. Emmons will
do it for you and guarantee it.
Subscrtpiions for stock in the
Tygh Valley Fair Association will
be .received at The Times office.
W. R. McShann and family and
f. McShann, drillers for N. C.
jfauusen, have taken up residence
in Frank Creager's house opposite
the hall.
Exquisite Chocolates at Tallcott's
Just received, a fresh invoice of
delicious chocolates and .other nice
Water was reached Fridsy at a
depth of 410 feet in the well dril'ed
by Contractor Jannseu's crew ou
D. W. Talcott's place. Mr. Jann
sen came Wednesday ad will re
main until the last of the wetk,
seeing to the installation for opera
tions ou a well for G. JR. Crowfoot.
Go to Fischer's Garage for all
your automobile accessories, gaso
lfiie and storage of machinery.
A. J. Conroy arid Patrick Con
roy of Shaniko were visitors in this
city on business Saturday. The
Dalles Optomist.
Th Times would like to ex
cnange snoscriptions 111 part pay
for wood. Call us up..
Miss Margaret Thrall of The
Dalles spejit the week end with ner
sister at this place, returning home
011 the Sunday night train and
walking across the Columbia river
on the ice.
If you get a 'sample copy' of the
Times this week you are invited to
carefully look it over and come in
and subscribe. We want you on
our mailing list.
Church Notice,
Maupin Sunday services, Sunday
School, 10 a. 111., preaching, 11 a.
n. and 7:30 p. in. Come.
G. R. ELLIS, Pastor.
Harness and Shoes Mended
A, D. GIBBS, Tygh Valley, Or
Quite a number of theNimrods
have been taking advantage of the
fresh snows of the past week to
hunt rabbits. These little animals
have seemed very much domesti
cated recently, playing in the
streets in the eaily mornings and
even taking up their abodes under
buildings 111 town.
To hair pint of water add 1 ox. Bay
Rum, a sfnall box of Barbo Compound,
find K 01. of glycerine. Apply to the hair
twice a week until it becomes the desired
hade. Any drusietsl can put this up or
you can mis It at noma at very little coit.
Full directions tor making; and use comt
In each bos of Barbo Compound. It will
gradually darken streaked, faded gray
hair, and removes dandruff. It Is excel
lent for falllnir hair and will make harsh
hair soft and glossy. It will not color the
scalp, la not sticky or freajy, and does sot
rub off,
Local Markets-
Potatots, 1.75.
Cabbage, 2C.
Onions, 2 I-2C
Eggs, 40.
Butter, creamery ao; airy .35.
Sugar, 7.00.
Apples, choice (i.75 bo,x.
Bacon, .17 i-a to 25.
Salt, dairy 65 per sack, fancy
table 90.
-Flour,, bbl 5.60, 6.po. '
Bran, $29 per ton.
Shorts, $31 per ton.
Salt, $15 per ton.
Wheat, forty-foid ,r.po, club 98
blue stem 1.0.2.
Hogs, best light 6.10
Good Investment
Ap investment thoroughly worth
while. is offered pfor cale.for a short
time at$22..50 an acre. iFarm of
L200 acres ou part tertns; 50 acres
in cultivation and 75 more can be
cultivated, and the balance is good
pastue and woods land. t ,Qood
buildings and fences ,and.riht to
plenty qf uqgaipji , water. All
kinds of fruit .Qu .rural njail route
a-nd telephone lipe a.nd reasonably
close to sq;ol aud church. Call;
at tle Tiies pffce.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles.
Ortgon, January 19, ,19.16.
NOTICE is hereby given ,that
of Shaniko, Oregon, who on May
1st, 1612, made IJouiestead Entry!
no. 010255 a"d 011 May 1914,'
made additional Homestead Entry,
no. 013252, tor SI-2NWI-4 & the
SWi-4, Sec. 33, T. 7 S, R. 15 E,
lots 3 & 4, Section 4, Township 8-
south, Range 15-East, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to make Final three vear
Proof, to establish claim to the
and above described, before H. C.
Rooper, U. S. Commissioner, at
Antelope. Oregon, on the 1st day
,of March, 1916.
claimant names as .witnesses:
Herbert W. Cook, Harrison Gray, i
Charles C. Robinson, Henry Cook,
all of haiuko, Oregon,
P JJegiser.
Department of the Interior,
U. S, Land Office at the Dalles,
Oregon, January 13th joj6.
NO I ICE is hereby given that
IamksO. Mink
of Tygh Valley, Oregon, who, on
March 3rd 1911, made Homestead
Entey No. 08239 a,ll ' Novem
ber 10th, 1914 made additional
Homestead Entry No. 014036, for
WI-2 SE1-4, EI-2 SWI-4, NHJ-4 of
SHI-4, SEI-4 N-yi-A, Syi-d NHI-4,
& Lot 3, Section 7, 'bwnshlp
4-South, Range, Wiiliun
ette Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make Final three year
Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before F, D
tjtuart, U. . Commissioner, at
Maupin, Oregon, on the 25th day
of rebruary 191 6.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Charles H. Augee, D, C. Munger,
0. A. Patlisou all of Grass Valley,
Oregon, L. C. Mluks, of Tygh
Valley, Oregon,
H. Fbank Woodcock,
p Register.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land office at the Dalles,
Oregon. January 13th, 1916,
NOTICE is hereby given" that
Charles H. Augee
of Grass Valley, Oregon, who, on
February 15th, 1911, made Home
stead Entry No. 08130 and on
September 2 1 st, 1914 made addi
tional Homestead Entry No.
013873, for Lots 3.4, E1-2 swi-4,
St-2 SKI-4, Sec. 3I-SI-2 SWI-4.
Section 32, Township 3-South,
Range 15-East, Willamette Meri-
han, has filed notice of intention
to make Final three year Proof,
to establish claim to the land
bove described, before F. D.
Stuart, U. S. Commissianer, at
Maupin, Oregon, on the 25th day
of February 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
f. 0 Minks, L. S. Minks both of
Tygh Valley, Oregon, D. C. Mon
ger, C. A. Pattison both of Grass
II. Fraxk Woodcock,
p Regiser.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, January 13th 1916.
NOTICE is hereby giveu that
Petkk J. Kirsch
of Criterion, Oregon, who, u
September 19th, 1912, im.U:
Homestead Entry No. 010741 aiid
ou May 1st 1914 made additional
Huni-stead Entry No, 012997, for
SI-2 NEI 4, ,SI:2 NWI-4, & Lots
1-2-V4 Sec. vLot I, Section 6.
rownship.7-S uth, R-inge 15-East,
Willamette Meiidiau, has filed
notice of intention to make Final
hree year Proof, to establish claim
to the laud above described, liefore
F. D. Stuart, U. S. Coimnis
s'oner, al Maupin, Oregon, ou the
4th dy of March, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
), L. Ruthford, C. V.Dutis, Fred
;Iornquist, R. II. DuCampairof
Criterion, Oregon.
H. Frank VVoodcock,
p ) Register.
Department of the Interior,
U S, Land office at The Dalles,
Oregon, December 29th, 1915.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Wipse .post-office address is Wa in-
ilia, Oregon, did ou the 17th day
if March, 19 10, "hie jii this office
-iworn Statement and Application,
So. 0,14619, to purchase the SRI 4
.5(31-4, Sec 18- JEi-4 NEi-4, Sec-
11011 19, Township b-boutn, Range
13-east WilhunetteMeridiau.ainl the
umber ft)iereon. under the piovis,.
ions of tie June 3, 1S78, and
icts amendatory, known as the
"Timbe-t and Stone Law," at such
value as nuglit le nxefl
ment. and that, pursuant to such
application, ihe land and timber
therepn have been appraised at
$235,00 the timber estimate
260000 board feet at 75 cents per
M , and the land $40,00: that said
applicant will offer final proof in
support of his application and
swoin statement on the 9th day of
March, 1916, before F. D. Stuart,
U.S. Commissioner at Maupin,
Any person is at liberty to pro,
test this before entry,
or initiate a contest at any time
before patent issues, by filing a
corroborated affidavit iu,
alleging facts which would defeat
the entry.
H. Frank Woodcock,
p Register,
Department of the Interior,
United States Land Office at The
Dalles, Oregon, -Decerfje 13;
NOTICE is hereby. given that
George R. Chandler.
of Wamic Oregon, who on February
3rd, 1909, made Homestead Entry
No. 045.54. f"r SW1-4. Section .
Township 4 South, Range 12 East,
Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make final
five year proof, to establish claim
to the laud above described, before
P. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner,
at Maupin, Oregon, 011 the 29th
day ot January .1916.
Claimant names as witnesses;
Frank X'-vier, Benjamin Steed,
James H Woodcock, Henry Wing
all of Wamic, Oregon.
H. Frank VVoocock,
p Regiser.
Department of the Interior,
United States Laud Office at The
Dalles, Oregon, December 20th,
NOTICUi. iKieijv niyen that
of Shaniko, Oregou, who on June
26th, 1912, made Homestead Entry
No, 01046S, forswi-4 swi-4, Sec.
14, SEI-4 NEI-4. Sec. 22, & wi-2
Nwi-4, Sectiou 23, Township ?7
South, Range 15 East, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to make Final three year
Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before H. C.
Rooper, U. S. Commissioner, at .
Antelope, Oregon, ou the 28th,
day of January 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Cora B. Mitchell, William T.
Purcell, George E. Fiue, Jacob M.
Wilson all of Shaniko, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock,
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles,
Oregon. January 13th, 1916,
NOTICE is hereby given that
Lmj 0. Woods
of Kent, Oregon, who, on July
31st, 1912, made Homestead Entry
No. 010587 and on July rgth, 1915
made additional Homestead Eufrv
No. 015255, for nwi-4, the ni-2
SE1.-4, SH1-4 SEI-4, NE1-4 SW1-4,
Section 12, Township 6-South,
Range 17-East, Willamette M&rid.
ian, has filed notice of . intention
to make Final three year Proof,
to establish claim to the laud above
described, before H. C. Rooper, V.
8. Commissioner, at Antelope,
Oregon, on the 25th day of Febru
ary, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses;
Andy J. Holt, William Mitchell,
John H. Bamett all of Kent, Ore
gon, Louis A. Sickles, of Shaniko.
H. Frank Woodcock,
np . Register.