OIL AND STEEL TO FORM BIG MERGER Giant Industries With Capital of $350,000,000 in Combine. DEFINITE PLANS SEEM FULLY REACHED Pacific Coast Interests Are Involved in Deal and Mexican Oil Prop erties Also Are Included. Chicago Announcement of the formation of two great corporations one a steel merger, with 1200,000,000 capital, and the other an oil combine, capitalized at about $150,000,000 are expected this week. Negotiations, which have now reached the stage in both projects where the transactions are in definite shape. In the steel deal the consolidation of the YoungBtown Sheet & Steel Tube company and the Cambria and Lacka wanna Steel companies, the Repogle syndicate and the Drexel firm, of Phil adelphia, are back of the new enter priBe, and National City Bank of New York interests are associated with the negotiations. In the oil deal bankers are working with Pacific Coast oil meninjwinging about the merger. The best information obtainable so far regarding the steel merger is that the capital will consist of only one class of stock. The capital stock of the Youngstown Sheet & Tube company is $20,000,000 common and $10,000,000 7 per cent cumulative preferred, of which $34,' 750,000 common and a small lot of the preferred are in the hands of the pub lic. The company also has about $41,- 000,000 bonds outstanding, including those of certain of its subsidiaries. Cambria Steel has outstanding cap ital stock of $45,000,000. and has no bonded debt. The total of the outstanding stock and bonds of the three companies men tioned as being parties to the merger is approximately $150,000,000. Be sides this, several other companies, among them the Inland Steel company, have been mentioned as possible par ties to the consolidation. In the proposed combination of Mex- ican and California ' oil properties by banking interests, the names of the Associated Oil company and Union Oil company have figured conBpicu- ously. The Associated Oil company is controlled by the Southern Pacific railroad, through ownership of $20, 069.000 of its $40,000,000 capital stock. The Associated company has a stock interest in 13 companies, 11 of which it controls by a 50 per cent hold ins or more of stock. It owns 12 steamers and operates two pipe lines, and also owns interests in two other pipe lines. It also owns its own roll ing stock. Peace Pilgrims Appeal to Berlin for Permission to Cross Germany ONE KILLED, TWO BADLY INJURED IN CHURCH FACTION BATTLE Scranton, Pa. Rioting between ri val factions at the church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Dupont, near here Sunday resulted in the death of one man, the probable fatal wounding of two others and the serious injury of at least a dozen more. Knives, revol vers and clubs played a prominent part in the riot, 11 state troopers being among the wounded. beorge ureizor, the dead man, was shot through the thigh, the bullet sev ering the artery. Trooper Roil Sum ner, of Pottsville, sustained a fracture at the base of the skull and Joseph Tinh, of Dupont, was shot through the lungs. Neither is expected to live. This church has been the Been of half a dozen riotB in as many weeks, one faction objecting to the authority exercised by Bishop M. J. Hoban, of the Catholic diocese of Scranton, and the other supporting him. Every time a newly appointed priest has Bought to hold services he has been MIDDLE WEST HAS ZERO COLD WAVE NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS; GENERAL CROP CONDITIONS DISEASES OF TURKEY Sudden Drop of Temperature Felt Over Wide Area. SEVERE BUZZARD SWEEPS OVER KANSAS Extreme Range in Cold Belt Is 128 Degrees-Montana Has 28 Be- low Suffering Is Great. ADMIRAL DE F0URNET 2 Portland Wheat Bluestem, $1.08 per bushel; lortyroid, sun; ciuo, 99c; red Fife, 96c; red Russian, 96c. Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $17 (3)17.60 per ton; valley timothy, $14 14.50; alfalfa, $17; oats and vetch, $13. Millfeed Spot prices: Bran, $zs per ton; snorts, w, roiled oariey, $2930. Corn whole, $35 per ton; cracked, $36. Vegetables Artichokes, $1.10 per dozen; tomatoes, California, $1.60 1.76 per crate; cabbage, $1(31.50 per cwt. ; garlic, 16c per pound; peppers, 1012jc; eggplant, 1016c; sprouts, 8c; horseradish, 8Jc; cauliflower, $1.752 per crate; celery, $4.7o; beans, 1012c per pound; lettuce, $2.60 per crate; peas, 810c per pound. Green Fruits Pears, $l(g)1.50 per West and box; grapes, $4 per barrel; cranber- blast of rlM. 12-B0 I barre'- potatoes uregon, t.ou per buck; All Domestic Poultry Are Sus ceptible to Blackhead. Ailment Which Has All But Annlhl lated Turkey-Raising Industry In -New England, Has 8pread to Every State In Union. Kansas City The Middle Southwest got Is first real winter weather Thursday and nature s yaklmM( U0. 8weets, $2. offerings lived up to in advance nonces ewt. of the weather bureau. The mercury Onions Oregon, buying price, $1.60 as en doirrA in 24 I. o. D. snipping point. rr I Ann! An Gnlt.aniAlM D.f.I foniV noursinmeanecvea """" 5. fancy. $2; choice, $1.251.50; peratures ranging from zero downward Jon.thang( extra fancy( liBo; fancy, prevail throughout Kansas, Iowa, JNe- 1.25; choice, $1; Yellow Newtowns, hruVa iml thU PB-tinn of Missouri, extra fancy, $2; fancy, $1.75; choice, Oklahoma and Texas, too, felt the $1 l.ze; Baldwins, extra iancy, Snn U faiiinir in much of the 11.50: fancy, si.zd: cnocie, si; rus- sets, orchard run. $1 'Wa look for temperatures ranging Eggs Buying prices, Oregon ranch, f-nm into 20 riVirreBB below zero in premium, 88c per dozen; No. 1, 80c; Kansas and this section of Missouri " No. 2, 26c; No. 8, 18c. Jobbing said an announcement of the local prices: Oregon ranch, candled, nroothAF hnrAQI1 35C Trin .Ki-vioa Into Kansas Citv is Poultry Hens, small, 16c pound; delaved. streetcar service in all of the large, 16c; small springs, 1616c; cities affected has been seriously inter fered with, telegraph and telephone I companies are fighting vainly to main tain rammunimtinn on sleet-covered wires and farmers and producers have tras, selling at iie; firsts, zc; prints, h-n n.marf that it. iii ton poM to hin snd cartons, extra. Prices paid to norifihahlB nroHucta. producers: Country creamery, r ' inn.. V . . . a VT 1 OO-. XT- O OA. In Kansas Citv the death list from -c; Dunenat, no. 1, ou, u. ., m. accidents as a result of the storm re- Veal fancy, is:,ic pouno, mainedat two. while more than a Pork Fancy, 8Jc pound. Admiral d'Artigue de Fournet, the new commander In chief of the French navy. The Hague, via London Dr. Charles F. Aked, Mme. RoBika Schwimmer and other members of the Ford peace board, after having vainly appealed to the German minister at The Hague for permission for the Scandinavian peace delegates to return home through Ger many, telegraphed Monday to Berlin for the desired permits. Recent efforts of members of the Ford party to cross Germany have been blocked by the German military authorities, with the explanation that the delegates are un desirables. Twenty-five subjects of Denmark, Sweden and Norway, who came here with the peace expedition, are desirous of returning to their homes, which they are unable to do unless by way of the North sea. This route is regarded unsafe. Included in those marooned here is Paul Lyndhagen, mayor of Stockholm, who says he may lose his office unless he returns soon. Mme. Schwimmer, who is a Hun garian, telegraphed authorities at Berlin that the blockade against the returning delegates is proving a great inconvenience to the expedition and urged the lifting of the embargo. Blackmail Profit Big. New York Blackmailing operations carried on at the summer resorts, which are said to have netted more than $250,000, were revealed by two arrests here. Men who posed as gov' ernment agents, aided by women con federates, are declared to have extort ed money from many persons, by threatening them with exposure under the Mann act. On complaint of the Philadelphia office of the department of Justice, Robert A. Tourbillion was held in $50,000 bail on a charge of conspiracy to extort money. Austrian Cruiser Is Sunk. Rome, via London It is officially announced that the French submarine Foucault. attached to the Italian fleet, tornedoed and sank Thursday in the Adriatic sea an Austrian scout cruiser of the Novara type. Scout cruisers of the Novara type, of which there are four the Novara, Helgoland, Saida and Admiral Spaun have a displace ment of 3384 tons, and carry in their armament two 18-inch torpedo tubes and nine 3.9-inch gunB. The Foucault was built in 1912 at Cherbourg andJiB 167 feet long. broilers, 18c; tukreys, live, 1820c; turkeys, dressed, choice, 26c; ducks, 1216c; geese, 12 13c. Butter City creamery, cubes, ex- prevented from entering the church by the opposing faction, but bunday ar rangements had been made to say mass under the protection of the sheriff who called on the state police. A detail of a dozen troopers was on hand when services were to have opened, but so forbidding was the atti tude of the crowd that a call was sent in for more and 24 responded. Before the reinforcements arrived the mob had attacked the first detach ment and when the second reached the scene most of the damage had been done. A second riot ensued, in which the fighting was spectacular. When Father Kurkowski, surround ed by state troopers, reached the church a crowd of 600 men and women already had gathered. The sheriff pleaded with the mob to disperse and permit the priest to enter the church The mob ignored him and began to throw red pepper and mustard into the faces of the sheriff and troopers. Then the church bell began to toll. As if this were a pre-arranged signal, the mob charged the sheriff and the troopers. Captain Pitcher, who stood beside the sheriff, was struck on the head with a heavy club. As he stag gered back one of the rioters hit him with a stone. He fell unconscious into the arms of one of his men and was carried through the crowd to a house near by. Then the call was sent for reinforce ments. Eighteen troopers hurried from the local barracks to the scene. Riot sticks were brought into action in an effort to disperse the mob. -The women fled in terror. The men stood their ground and one after another fell. Trooper Hummer was in the thick of the fight when a burly man crept up behind him and struck him on the head with a heavy club. Hummer dropped, In another moment his assailant was stretched out beside him by a f ellow trooper. Troopers made wholesale arrests of the ringleaders. .These were taken in to the basement of the church and placed under guard. score of persons are in hospitals recov ering from injuries. North Platte, Neb., reported the lowest temperature in the new storm area 18 degrees below zero. A bizzard prevailed all over Kansas. Snow measuring from two to four inches fell in that state. The weather map issued by the local bureau shows a range of 128 degrees in the United States and Canada dur ing this storm. Little Rock had the highest reading 70 above while Prince Albert, Canada, had the lowest 68 below, The map shows the Northwest still is firmly held by an un precedented coM wave that has pre vailed in that section for a week, Temperatures of 48 degrees below zero in Montana, 40 below in North Dakota and 32 below at Rapid City, S. D., prevailed. On the 28th anniversary 01 the most terrible blizzard of which there is any record in this Bection, during which many persons and thousands of head of stock perished from cold, the mercury registered 9 degrees below zero in Omaha. This temperature was accom panied by a heavy fall of snow and a Btrong north wind. Sioux Falls reported temperatures ranging from 15 to 24 degrees below zero, with a snow and wind storm rag ing. Norfolk. Neb., reported 20 be low and Winner, S. D., 40 below. At Sioux City 28 degrees below was recorded. .. Hops 1915 crop, 910,c pound. Wool Eastern Oregon, 1826c; valley, 2626c; fall lambs' wool, 26c; mohair, Oregon, 28c pound. Cascara bark Old and new, SJ4c pound. Cattle Choice steers, $7.Z&)7.u; good, $6.767; medium, $6.506.75; choice cows, $5.50 6.Z5; choice, $5.606; medium, $4.755.25; heif ers, $4 6.40; bulls, $2.60 4.60; stags, $36.26. Hogs Light, $6.606.90; heavy, $6.506.90. Sheep WetherB, $67.26; ewes, $4.256.30: lambB, $78.25. Warmest Spot 25 Below, Great Falls, Mont. Northern Mon tana experienced the coldest weather in years Thursday night. The weather bureau thermometer in Great Falls showed 35 degrees below zero, this be ing the warmest spot in thiB region. Malta was the lowest, with the ther mometer at 68 below and Glasgow was a close second with 66 below. Cyclone Wrecks Town. . Nashville, Tenn. Four persons were injured by a cyclone which swept Mad ison Station, nine miles from Nash ville, late Thursday. Several houses were destroyed. Fish Market Short. Tacoma Fresh halibut is reported scarce on the local market. Dealers, however, expect regualr shipments to begin and keep up after a week or so. Receipts are far below the demand and the fish is going at 9c to lie a pound. What is being received is of excellent quality. The shortage is attributed directly to the fact that fishermen laid off work during the holi days and after that the weather was too stormy to permit them to make any reasonable catches. Salmon also is reported scarce, with not enough being obtained to accom modate the trade. Steelheads and Alaska kings are the only varieties received. The steelheads are being caught in the Columbia and other Northwest rivers, in the Grays Harbor and Puget Sound districts. The kings come from Alaska. Butter remains at the advanced prices and is very firm, say jobbers, at 4c a pound. No change either way is expected for some time. Prac tically no Oregon butter is being re ceived, but what little does come in is moving out at 82c a pound. Ranch eggs are a bit easier, dealers setting prices down at 3436c a dozen to encourage sales, they say. The local produce market shows no change. The boards are well supplied and dealers are doing a good business. It was formerly believed that black head occurred only in the turkey. Con tinued observation soon made It clear, however, that fowls also might have the disease, and It Is now a well es tablished fact that not only fowl, but practically all domestlo poultry are susceptible; and, although they are much more resistant than turkeys, they frequently die ot blackhead. The same organism has been round in guinea fowl, ducks, pheasants, quail, grouse, pigeons and sparrows. But the chief danger from such general occurrence of the disease in a mild form lies in the fact that where there per are domestlo poultry the grounds are necessarily contaminated with the causative organism, and thus rendered unsuitable for ralBlng turkeys. For this reason it is never safe to allow turkeys and other poultry to use the same yards. The occurrence of the dis ease in wild birds such as the quail, grouse and In several varieties of spar rows, adds to the varied possibilities for infection. As a general things, the poultryman will do better to study methods of prevention than to waste his money on so-called "remedies" and "cures1 for blackhead. Treatment should be, In the main, limited to such birds as are of special value, and the poultry- man should devote his attention to se curing conditions which are calculated to prevent the disease in his flocks as a whole. Regarding such preventive measures the following, though simple, may be recommended: (1) Protect the yards and flocks which may have the good fortune to be uninfected with black head by a careful examination ot all new stock, whether turkeys, fowls, geese or other domestic birds. (2) Keep the turkeys on grounds which are as fresh as can be obtained. Change the range at least every year or two, and, above all, keep them Isolated from fowl and other poultry. (3) Keep every turkey in the flock under frequent observation in order to separate, and at once isolate, any bird which gives evidence of the dis ease. To facilitate such observations it is of the greatest help to legband every bird, and to record Us weight from time to time. This procedure may be looked upon by the average poultryman as difficult and imprac ticable. (4) If it is known that black head is present in any of the poultry, the yards Bhould be kept as tree as possible from English sparrows, and Best Results Obtained by Working Animals Three Abreast Have Proper Fitting Collars. Horses should not be overworked. Heavy plowing and harrowing should be done with three horses abreast. It is a very effective team. When the team commences to flag from over work, especially when the weather la, hot, rest at once, wash out the mouth ot each horse and give a little water. A little meal In the water is a capital thing for horses at noon, and right when they come home tired one pint in two gallons of water is about the right quantity. See that the collars fit properly. A collar that will fit one horse may not It another. Each horse should have ARGF. HORSES FOR PLOWING EXTRA LINEN SUPPLY MATTER THAT 13 THE DESIRE OP EVERY HOUSEWIFE. Splendid Type for Farm Work. his own collar. Have the collars scraped oft before they are put on in the morning. Let down the check reins when at work; It Is a good plan to take off the check reins entirely, as the horse cannot do his best when his head is checked up. He should have tree use of his head. Bronze Turkeys. GOOD LIVE STOCK PAYS It makes farming permanent. It returns highest price for farm crops. It furnishes market for waste feeds. It reduces bulk of marketable crops. It distributes labor throughout the year. It means cleaner farms. It makes Income steady. It helps to keep boys on the farm. It makes farm life pleasanter. Monograms Should Be Embroidered on Every Piece Fancy Work That Can Be Don In Mo ments of Leisure. v No housekeeper can ever have enough attractive linen for her table and her bedrooms. She may have enough for actual service, but it Is wise to keep Just a little ahead of the actual need In extra towels tor guest room and bathroom. It is also advis able to keep just a little ahead In the supply ot linen for the table. Every set ot napkins and each table cloth should have the housewife's sur name initial or her monogram em broidered upon It. There Is a question as to the proper place to put the initial or monogram, but the majority prefer the letter on tablecloths to be in the corner, where they will come just off the rounded edge of the table. Napkins should have the initial! In the corner or in the middle on one side, where they will be on top when the napkins are folded. Tea napkins are the only ones on which a wreath can appropriately be placed. It Is quite permissible to place an initial within the wreath or other decorative motif. Tea napkins can also be fin ished with hemstitched or scalloped edges. Some women may argue that they haven't time to put fancy work on household linen. This is a poor ar gument, for almost every woman has few moments during the day when she sits down to chat with a neigh bor or when she is waiting for the homecoming ot her husband to his evening meal. It is during these odd moments that a great deal can be accomplished, especially in the way ot fancy work. Pick-up work is good for the nerves. ADVANTAGES OF SINGLE DISK Hat Better Penetration and Little Greater Draft Than the Double Disk Also Works Soil. Mexican Meat Loaf. Mix thoroughly a pound and a half ot chopped beef, half a pound of finely chopped veal and a quarter ot a pound of chopped salt pork, a tablespoonful of finely minced parsley, half a chopped onion aud a tablespoonful of minced green pepper, also a teaspoon ful ot salt and a saltspoonful ot pep per. Cut a long, narrow strip from a canned pimento and arrange a layer of the meat mixture firmly In the bot tom of a dish previously wet with cold water. Then lay the pimento strip lengthwise on the meat and cover with the remainder of the meat Pack In well and bake three-quarters of an hour In a quick oven. Make a gravy of the drippings, adding a little tomato juice and chopped green pepper. Chinese Rebels Victors. Sah Francisco Sixty thousand rev olutionary troops have defeated the forces of Yuan Shi Kai, in the prov ince of Sze Chuen. according to a cablegram received here from Shang hai by Tong King Chong, president 01 the Chinese Republic association. The battle ended with the capture and oc cupation of Tsue Chow Fu by revolu tionary forces, who, the- caDie said, were also threatening Cheng Tu, cap ital of the province of Sze Chuen, The losses in killed and wounded, the cablegram said, were about 1000. Villa Colonels Executed. Juarez, Mex. Two Villa officers, Colonel Valles and Lieutenant Colonel Cisneros. were executed at Guzman, Chihuahua, Sunday, according toad vices received here from Casas Grandes by the Carranza commandant here. Two Villa generals with small bands have sought amnesty. Colonel Valles was the leader of bandits who terrorized Durango and Chihuahua state before the Madero revolt. It was he who also had charge of the ex ecutions which followed the capture of Juarez by Villa two years ago. Buchanan's Charge Fails. Washington, D. C. Representative Buchanan's impeachment charges against U. S. Attorney Marshall, of New York, again were referred to the house judiciary committee over the op- oosition of Chairman Webb, who said the committee had made two futile at tempts to find evidence upon which the charges are based. Mr. Buchanan brought his charges iust before Mr. Marshall secured his indictment, with some others connected with the Labor National peace council, on charges of conspiracy to Interfere with munitions. Student Bowl Fatal to One. Philadeplhia One student was killed and six others Were injured in the.an- nual bowl fight between the freshmen snd sophomore classes of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, which wss won bv the first-year men. The student who lost bis life was wniaim Liison, 17 vears old, of Elizabeth, N. J. There were 700 men in the struggle, 400 sophomores and 300 frehsmen. Edward A. Lifson, a senior, and a brother of the dead freshman, who witnessed the fighting, said his broth er's death was accidental. Big Naval Corps Asked. Washington. D. C.- Immediate tion by congress to authorize an I crease in the corps of midshipmen at Annapolis is urged by Secretary Dan iels in a letter to Chairman Padgett, of the house naval committee. The letter says that if a full number of vacancies be made available for ap pointments by members of congress before March, the academy will be able to handle a much larger class next year. Peace Meetings Stormed. London A peace meeting arranged for Sunday evening at the Brother hood church in a northern suburb was stopped by a group of civilians and soldiers.. The platform was stormed; blows were exchanged; the piano was overturned and the peace banners were torn down. The police closed the building after the disturbance had con tinued for an hour. Anit-compulsion meetings in Manchester, Crews and other cities resulted in lively scene. Lynching Intent Hinted. ' El Paso, Tex. General Jose Ynez Sslazar, ex-Mexican army officer, fled El Paso Thursday night, fearing re prisal by enraged American mining men. It was reported that a party of 20 Americans called at Salazars hotel early in the evening. The object of their visit was not explained. Shortly after the arrival of the Americans the chief of police and the county sheriff appeared at the hotel with a posse 01 policemen. Aberdeen Plans Activity. Aberdeen, Wash. A campaign to procure new factories and to develop the agricultural and dairying interests in this county was launched here re cently at an enthusiastic annual meet ing of the Aberdeen Chamber of Com merce. Definite action in this cam paign will be taken by a meeting of directors and later by a large commer cial gathering. New officers and a new executive committee for the Chamber of Commerce will be elected by a committee of ten, named at the annual meeting. Butter Prices Up Four Cents Portland A 4-cent advance in but ter is announced, which puts the local market on a 32-cent basis for the best city cubes. The main reason j for the rise was a sharp advance at Seattle on both butter and butterf at. The San Francisco market was also strong. The cold snap has curtailed production, and there has been no ex cess of the best city creamery cutter on the market for some time. The egg market is holding about steady. Receipts are of fair size, con sidering the cold weather. Ten Per Cent More Apples Than 1916. Washington, D. C The country's store of apples on January 1 was shout 10 per cent larger than it was a year ago. A statement issued by the de partment of agriculture said this was true despite the fact that the supply decreased 12 per cent during Decem ber. The figures show that 8,881,000 barrels and 8,049,000 boxes of apples comprised the country's apple supply the first ot the year. the poultry houses and grain bins from rats and mice, since it has been shown that these rodents carry the parasite. (5) If it is desired to fatten birds for market, begin to Increase the rations Gradually. Never attempt to latten birds which, in successive weighings, show a loss of weight. Overfeeding does not cause blackhead, but It does frequently cause the sudden death birds in which blackhead is present. (6) When birds have died of black head their bodies Bhould be promptly burned or burled In order to prevent the dissemination ot the coccldla, either through the ravages of rats or skunks or by leaving the dead birds to decay about the premises. Regarding therapeutic measures, the following may have some advantages if given early in acute cases ot black head: (1) Isolate the sick bird from the flock and place it in a dry, well ventilated location, free from coldB and drafts. (2) Feed sparingly on soft, light, easily assimilable food, with lit tle grain, especially corn. It is generally understood that the single disk grain drill has better pene tration -and a little greater draft than the double disk drill. The single disk has an advantage where trash must be encountered and where difficulty 1b experienced in securing sufficient pene tration. The single disk also works the soil to some degree, giving a pul verizing action during the seeding process. It is the more simple of the two types of disk openers, the double disk having two bearings instead of one to keep in repair. It is claim 3d that the double disk opener can be used in muddy or very sticky soil where the single disk falls, and this statement seems particularly true with those double disks which drop or throw the seed ahead of the disk bearing where It Is carried down to bottom of the furrow by the down travel of the front half of the disk blades. Seeding can often be accom plished by such design and the blades kept fairly clean In sticky soli. If many low wet spots must be encoun tered these features of the double disk must be taken into consideration. The double disk drill will give good satisfaction In well prepared ground which is free from lumps, stones and trash, it care is taken to keep the blades tn good condition; but simplic ity and penetrating ability are fea tures ot the single disk which make It the most popular am nig the middle western farmers. Pennsylvania Plum Pudding. One cupful milk, two eggs, one cup ful molasses, one-half teaspoonful nut meg, one-half teaspoonful salt, two teaspoonfuU baking powder, one cup ful bread crumbs, one-half cupful corn meal, one cupful chopped beef suet, one-quarter cupful finely minced cit ron, one cupful seeded raisins, one half cupful currants; flour to make a stiff batter. Steam fully three hours, turn from the mold and strew chopped almonds over top. Serve pudding hot, with sauce made thus: Cream to gether one cupful ot pulverized sugar, scant one-halt cupful of butter, beat whites of two eggs in, one at a time, and one teaspoonful of lemon flavor ing; Btand on ice a Bhort time before serving. Serve sauce very cold. HIGHEST TEST FOR THE COW This Condition Often Brought About by High Feeding During Resting Period of Animal. A cow very often tests her highest a few davs after calving, unless it be luBt before she goes dry. The high test is often brought bdoui through high feeding during her rest ing period. After a short time she resumes what may be termed her normal test and will not show a great deal ot dif ference from month to month in the fat content of her milk until well to ward the close of her lactation, when the test increases and often becomes very high just before she quits glvinf milk. To Beat an Egg Quickly. Break the egg into an ordinary glass tumbler. Place a piece ot clean tissue paper on the top. Hold it firmly down all around to keep out the air. Place the other hand on the top of the paper and shake the tumbler vigorously two or three times. The egg is then ready to use without any further effort, and la as well-beaten as If whipped for ten minutes. FEED VALUE OF BUTTERMILK Where Hogs Are Bringing Seven Cents Per Pound It Is Worth About 42 Cents Per 100 Pounds. Buttermilk Is generally credited with having the same feeding value sb skim milk unless considerable wa ter has been added. One rule for finding the value ot 100 pounds of skim milk or buttermilk when fed with corn or barley is to multiply the market price ot hogs per pound by six. Then if hogs are bring ing seven cents per pound the value ot the buttermilk Is about 42 cents per 100 pounds. Another rule proposed many years ago Is that 100 pounds ot skim milk or buttermilk, when fed with corn or bar ley, 1b worth one-half the market price of corn per buBhel. Keep a Few 8heep. The presence of a flock of sheep on a grain farm does not necessitate a material reduction in the area devot ed to grain growing, but on the other hand it never fails to insure a larger yield of better grain, and it makes pos sible the growing of gram ror a long er period of years than can be done without them, or some other kind of live stock. a Planting Berry Bushes. It is best not to put the bushes on sod land; where a crop ot vegetables has been grown would be the best spot. Lack of moisture or excess of water bush plants will resent even to the dying point. Don't overcrowd; have the rasp berries, currants and gooseberries three feet apart In the row, and the rows four feet apart; the blackberries should have a little more room than this. Denver Arrests Fewer. Denver A tabulation of po'lce ar rest in Denver for the first ten day of 1916, when state-wide prohibition became effective, shows a total of 149 for various offenses as compared with a total of 401 for th same period of last year. Twenty-three arrested for drunkenness as compared with 76 for the first ten days of 1916. Ice Harvest Is Begun. North Powder, Or. The Pacific Fruit Express company began harvest ing its annual ice crop this week, which will give employment to 160 to 200 men and several teams at this point. A. Lund also has a crew of men cutting and shipping from his ice pond here to La Grande, Or., and other points. Use of Immature Corn. Any corn which has attained nearly its full height and in which ear are formed will make excellent fodder If It la cut before being severely frozen and put Into medium-sized shock for curing. It will also make fairly good sllag. Bundle corn or ensilage from Immature corn will make satisfactory rouah tned for sheep or stock cattle. Oatmeal Muffin. Put two cupfuls of uncooked oat meal In bowl, pour over one and one- half cupfuls sour milk, cover and let stand over night. In the morning add one-third cupful sugar, one-fourth cup ful melted butter, one egg, well beat en, one teaspoonful salt and one cupful flour. Beat thoroughly, place tn but tered hot Iron gem pans; bake in a hot oven 20 minutes. Creamed Chicken Celery. Melt 2,4 tablespoonfuls of butter, add three tablespoonfuls of flour and pour on gradually one cupful ot milk; season with halt teaspoonful ot salt, one-eighth teaspoonful of celery salt and a few grains of pepper; then add lft cupfuls cold cooked chicken cut in cubes and one-third cupful celery cut In small pieces. Rations With Variety. A ration composed of numerous well-chosen feeds is always superior to a ration having only two or three different feeds. Rations having much variety are ordinarily more appetizing than those that do not, so are ot par ticular value In restoring a lost appe tite and the accompanying decreased milk flow. . To Bleach Endive. Endive should have the leaves brought together and tied, tn order to bleach lb Value of Garnishing. Garnishing Is a feature of cookery not to be despised, as under its gentle Influence a family will yield to econ omy whon curtain lectures and a flat purBe fall to convince. irresn parsiey, celery leaves, sliced lemon and tri angles of golden-brown toast are de pendable garnishes. To Serve Potatoes. Potatoes should always be served In an uncovered dish. It It is necessary for them to stand for a few minutes before being served, cover them with a cloth, not a lid, in order that the steam as it condenses may be ab sorbed by the cloth and not returned to the potatoes to make them soggy. Anna Potatoes. Wash and pare medium-sized pota toes, cut lengthwise In one-quarter-inch dices, fasten with skewer (toothpicks), parboil ten minute, place In dripping pan and bake about twenty minutes in a hot oven, basting often with butter or some other tat To Fasten Strainer. Use clothespins to pin the cloth over the dish In which you are strain ing. It is much mors convenient than, trying to hold It