The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 21, 1916, Image 3

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Author of "BheMTEUR CRMSMAN.
Caialet, on tha steamer Kalaer Frlti,
homeward hound from Australia, crloi
out In hla al-ep that Henry Craven, who
ten year before had ruined hla rather
and hlir.Balr, la dead and ftnda that Hil
ton Toye, who aharea the atateroom with
him, knowa Craven and alao Blanche
Marnatr, a former neighbor and play
mat. CHAPTER II Continued.
It was a orry (ample of his talk.
Hilton Toye did not usually mix the
ready metaphori that nevertheless
had to satUfy an Inner censor, of some
austerity, before they were allowed
to leave those deliberate lips. Yet
now. In his strange excitement, word
and tone alike were on the level of
the stage American's. It was not less
than extraordinary.
"You don't mean" Cazalet seemed
to be swallowing "about Henry Cra
"You don't mean to say he's dead?"
"Last Wednesday night!" Toye
looked at his paper, "No, I guess I'm
wrong. Seems It happened Wednes
day, but he only passed away Sunday
Cazalet still sat staring at him
there was not room for two of them on
their feet but Into his heavy stare
there came a gleam of leaden wisdom.
"This was Thursday morning," be
said, "so I didn't dream of It when It
happened, after all."
"You dreamed you saw him lying
dead, and so he was," said Toye. "The
funeral's been today. I don't know,
but that seems to me just about the
next nearest thing to seeing the crime
perpetrated In a vision."
"Crime!" cried Cazalet "What
"Murder, sir!" said Hilton Toye.
"Willful, brutal, bloody murder! Here's
the paper; better read It for yourself.
I'm glad he wasn't a friend of yours,
or mine either, but It's a bad end even
for your worst enemy."
The paper fluttered in Cazelet's
clutch as It had done In Toye's; but
that was as natural as his puzzled
frown over the cryptlo allusions of a
Journal that had dealt fully with the
ascertainable facts In previous issues.
. Bom few emerged between the lines.
Henry Craven had received his fatal
Injuries on the Wednesday of the pre
vious week. The thing had happened
in his library, at or about half past
seven In the evening; but how a crime,
which was apparently a profound mys
tery, had been timed to within a min
ute of Its commission did not appear
among the latest particulars. No ar
rest had been made. No clue was men
tioned, beyond the statement that the
police were still searching for a defi
nite instrument with which It was evi
dently assumed that the deed had been
committed. There was in fact a close
description of an unusual weapon, a
special constable's very special trun
cheon. It had hung as a cherished tro
phy on the library wall, from which It
wag missing, while the very Imprint of
a silver shield, mounted on the thick
end of the weapon, was stated to have
been discovered on the scalp of the
fractured skull. But that was a little
bit of special reporting, typical of the
enterprising sheet that Toye had pro
cured. The Inquest, merely opened on
the Monday, had been adjourned to the
day of issue.
"We must get hold of an evening pa
per," said Cazalet. "Fancy his own
famous truncheon! He had it mount
ed and Inscribed himself, so that It
shouldn't be forgotten how he'd fought
for law and order at Trafalgar Square!
That was the man all over!"
His voice and manner achieved the
excessive indifference which the Eng
lish type holds due from itself after
any excess of feeling. Toye also was
himself again, his alert mind working
keenly yet darkly in his acute eyes.
"I wonder If It was a murder?" he
speculated. "I bet it wasn't a delib
erate murder."
"What else could It have been?"
"Kind of manslaughter. Deliberate
murderers don't trust to chance
weapons hanging on their victims'
"You forget," said Cazalet, "that he
was robbed as well."
"Do they claim that?" said Hilton
Toye. "I guess I skipped some. Where
does it say anything about his being
"Here!" Cazalet had scanned the pa
per eagerly; his finger drummed upon
the place. " 'The police,' "he read out,
In some sort of triumph, " "have now
been furnished with a full description
of the missing watch and trinkets and
the other articles believed to have
been taken from the pockets of the de
ceased.' Wbat's that but robbery V
"You're dead right," said Toye. "I
missed that somehow. Yet who in
thunder tracks a man down to rob
and murder him in bis own home? But
' when you've brained a man, because
you couldn't keep your bands oft him,
too mlxht deliberately do all the rest
to make it seem like the work of
Hilton Toye looked a judge of de-
Ilharatlon as he measured bis irrefut
able words. He looked something
taore. Cazalet could not tear his blue
Poorer Class Accept Without Protest
Style of Ores Which Custom Hat
Dictated to Their Class.
At to the women of peons, Uelr
dress Is generally somber hued and
modest No scarlet blanket eovers
them, ut a blue rebeto, or shawl,
which Is generally placed over the
head tn Ilea of a hat
The women of the poorer class ac
cept, with what to the foreigner seems
eyes from the penetrating pair that
met them with a somber twinkle, an
enlightened gusto, quite uncomforta
bly suggestive at such a moment.
You aren't a detective, by any
chance, are you?" cried Cazalet, with
clumsy humor.
"No, sir! But I've often thought I
wouldn't mind being one," said Toye,
chuckling. "I rather figure I might do
something at It. If things don't go my
way in your old country, and they put
up a big enough reward, why, here's a
man I knew and a place I know, and I
might have a mind to try my hand
They went ashore together, and to
the same hotel at Southampton (or the
night. Midnight found the chance pair
with their legs under the same heavy
Victorian mahogany, devouring cold
beef, ham and pickles as phlegmatlcal-
ly as commercial travelers who had
never been off the Island In their lives,
Yet surely Cazalet was less depressed
than he had been before landing; the
old English ale In a pewter tankard
even elicited a few of those anecdotes
with thoughtful puckers about his som
ber eyes,
"If you ask me," he replied, "I
should like to know what wasn't dim
cult connected with the telephone sys
tem in this country 1 Why, you don't
have a system, and that's all there U
to It. But It's not at that end they'll
put the salt on their man."
"Which end will it be, then?"
"The river end. That hat, or cap.
Do you see what the gardener says
about the man who ran out bare
headed ? If he went and left his hat or
his cap behind him, that should bo
good enough in the long run. It's the
very worst thing you can leave. Ever
hear of Franz Muller?"
Cazalet had not heard of that Im
portant notoriety, nor did his Ignor
ance appear to trouble him at all, but
It was becoming more and more clear
that Toye took an almost unhealthy
Interest In the theory and practise of
violent crime.
"Frans Muller," he continued, "left
his hat behind him, only that and
nothing more, but It brought him to
the gallows even though he got over
to the other side first. He made the
mistake of taking a slow steamer, and
that's just about the one mistake they
never did make at Scotland Yard. Give
them a nice, long, plain-sailing stern
chase and they get there by bedtime
wireless or no wireless!"
But Cazalet was In no mind to dis
cuss other crimes, old or new; and he
closed the digression by asserting
somewhat roundly that neither hat
nor cap bad been left behind In the
only case that Interested him.
"Don't be too sure," said Toyo.
"Even Scotland Yard doesn't show all
its hand at once, in the first Inquiry
au Hit 1 AT r-f rrilXTklTs:'. ST" A. !
"' f t.MmmtmJ ' man.
Exposure of Wound to Rays of Incarv
descent Electrlo Bulb Has
Splendid Effect.
An Interesting use of a household
tppllanee baa just been given to the
medical profession. By exposing a
wound to the rays of an ordinary in
candescent electric bulb several timet
a day, to a total of eignt or nine
hours, the Current Medical Literature)
says, Doctor Schottellut hat obtained
lome Interesting results.
The Immediate local effect, he says,
was as striking as the general effect
from day to day later. All of the pa
and piquant comparisons in which his that comes along. They den t give
cnnverantlnn was at Its beat. It was out any description of the man that
at Its worst on general questions, or ran away, dui you oei u nr-
on concrete topics not Introduced by culated around every pouce emce n
himself: and Into this category, per- tho United Kingdom."
haps not unnaturally, fell such further Cazalet said they would give It out
uartlculars of the Thames Valley mys- fast enough If they had it to give. y
tery as were to be found In an evening the way, he was Burprisea to see- ibbi
oaDer at the Inn. They included a frag- the head gardener was the same who
mentary report of the adjourned In- had been at Uplands in his father's
quest, and the actual offer of such a time; he must be getting an eld man,
reward, by the dead man's firm, for and no doubt snakier on points ei ue-
the aDnrehenslon of his murderer, as tall than he would be likely to aamu.
Cazalet Instanced the alleged neanng
of the gong as In Itself an unconvlao-
ing statement It was well over a
hundred yards from the gates to the
house, and there were no windows to
open in the hall where the gong would
be rung,
I've dreamed of the old spot so
often," he said at length. "I'm not
thinking of the night before last I
'jl meant In the ousn ana now to tuins
A of a thing like this happening, there,
I i- .l . ..... Aar, oil
Seems like a kind of poetic jus
tice,", said Hilton Toye,
It does. It is!" cried Cazalet,
fetching moist yet fiery eyes in from
the fields. "I said to you the other
night that Henry Craven never was a
white man, and I won't unsay It now,
Nobody may ever know what he's done
to bring this upon him. But those who
really knew the man, and suffered for
It, can gucBS the kind of thing!
"Exactly," murmured Toye,
though he had Just said as much him
self. His dark eyes twinkled with de
liberation and debate. "How long Is
It, by the way, that they gave that
clerk and friend of yourB?"
A keen look pressed the Btartllng
Question; at least, It startled Cazalet,
You mean Scruton? What on earm
"You Aren't a Detective, by Chance,
Are You?" Cried Cazalet
made Toye's eyeB glisten in his s&
gaclous head.
But Cazalet, though he had skimmed
the many-headed column before sit
tlntr Anwn tn aunner. flatlv declined to
. 0 ' ' I , , , , .
tilamiaa tha traeedv his first n cht maae you inmn oi mm ;
ashore. 'Talking of inose wno sunereu iur
being the dead man s friends, 1 guess,
CHAPTER III. said Toye. "Was it lourteen years i
"That was It"
In tha Train. "But I guess lourteen aoesn i mean
Discussion was Inevitable on the fourteen, ordinarily, If a prisoner be.
wav un to town next morning. The haves himself ;
two strange friends, planted opposite
each other in the first-class smoker,
traveled inland simultaneously en
grossed in a copious report of the
previous day's proceedings at the coro
ner's court.
"A little more than ten."
"Then Scruton may be out now?"
Toye nodded with detestablu
aplomb. "That gives you something
to chew on," said he. "Of course, 1
Th. evirtfinca was valuable don't say he's our man-
nnlv aa txactne the fatal blow to some "I should think you didn't!" cried
such weapon as the missing trun- Cazalet, white to the lips with sudden
cheon: the butler's evidence explained fury.
that the rllnner-hour was seven thirty: (TO BE cONii.NUh.u.1
that, not five minutes before, he had
seen bis master come down-stairs and Fossilized Bacteria.
enter the library, where, at seven fifty- Marvelous bb were the discoverlet
flvo nn mini to aak If ha had heard of mien Drchistoric monsters as thf
the gong, he had obtained no answer mammoth, the mastodon ana toe stego
but found the door locked on the in- saurus, they are now eclipsed by re
side; that he had then hastened round cent investigations which show Hit
by the garden, and In through the most minute microbes and OarttiriB
French window, to discover the de- In fossil form. The ancestors of oui
ceased gentleman lying In his blood. modern Infectious disease germs ana
The head gardener, who lived In the microbes have been found In foesllt
lodge, had sworn to having seen a of the earliest life on earth Fossil
bare-headed man rush past his win- bacteria have been discovered in ver
nH nut of tha rates ahni.t tha ancient limestones collected oy ur
.m. h in hv tho oinfi. Charles D Walcott. secretary of the
ing of the gong up at the house; they Smithsonian institution, in Gallatls
often heard it at the lodge. In warm county, aiontaua.
The bacteria cue
slst of individual cells and appareni
chains ot cells which correspond la
their physical appearance with th
cells of micrococci, a form of Oacte
rla of today The world has believed
forms o
life, but now we are maae 10 rtanze
that they existed In the dawa of woritf
history, many million years ago
weather when the windows were open,
and the gardener swore that he him
self had heard It on this occasion.
The footman appeared to have been
1... nnaltiva oa to 'tho tlmo of a tela.
j, fr
phone call he had answered, thought "al
fl . .. v.. , h. -J life, but now we are made to
mefcbered the conversation very well,
The gentleman had asked whether Mr.
Craven was at home, had been told
that he was out motoring, asked when
he would be back, told he couldn't say,
but before dinner some time, and what
name should be given, whereupon the
gentleman had rung off without an
swering. The footman thought he was
a gentleman, from the way he spoke.
But apparently the police had not yet
succeeded In tracing the call.
"Is it a difficult thing to do?" asked
Cazalet, touching on this last point
early in the discussion, which even he
showed no wish to avoid this morning.
He had dropped his paper, to find that
Toye had already dropped his, and
was gazing at the flying English fields
The Costly Elevater.
Elevator or vertical travel for th
...-a., muitlatorv faotorr. Boor to
floor, la seldom over 15 feet, yet la
traversing that distance, together with
starting, stopping, and with the sam
loartlna and unloading time, we can
travel in the same tltae an equlvaleut
distance of 100 feet horizontally. On
faotorr manager, of aa Inquiring turn
of mind, estimated la bis particular
plant that the cost of elevator service,
wages of operator, power, repairs and
Mm. consumed by men using tho ele
vators, amounted to about 2 per cent
ot bis payroll. Engineering matu.
HE bombardment of Verona by I war days Is there much use for such.
Austrian aviators added a new It suffices if we can quicken the mem
chapter to the history ot a orios of some ot our readers or stlmu
town which was "no mean late the intorest of others by our ran-
clty" in the great days ot imperial dom remarks. The former class will
Rome, says Sir Martin Conway In not need to be more than reminded of
Country Life. the famous group ot tombs of the
Twenty-two thousand spectators Scaltgers, over which Ruskln used to
could then have found accommodation pour forth his eloquent admiration in
together In the stately amphitheater glorious flood. Right in the busiest
which still exists. Diocletian built It part of the city they Btand, close to
(about 290 A. D.) of white and red the Piazza doi Signori and yet closer
Verona marble, and all sorts ot princes to Santa Maria l'Autlca, which was the
have caused it to be restored. Its royal parish church of the family In the days
platform has been occupied by who of Its relative obscurity. Whence they
shall say how many famous person- came, these Scallgers, we know not,
ages, but none of them greater than but thoy leaped Into fame, two of them,
Theodorlc the Ostrogoth, who made by having their heads cut off In 1257,
this city one of his capitals, and took and four years later their kinsman,
his name from it in medieval legend, Mastlno, was elected captain of the
Dietrich of Bern. The Veronese In- people. Mastlno In turn was duly mur-
deed, ill taught by bigoted churchmen, dered, and his sarcophagus Is the earll-
scarcely held his memory in due est of the group a plain affair like
honor, If they are rightly represented those of his immediate successors of
by the inscription on a sculptured fig- the name. But with an Grande I (or
ure of him by the door of San Zeno s. Great Dog No. 1) dolla Scala we come
where he is described as an Arian to a gentleman who was magnificent
heretlo (which he was) and Is said to in his Ideas, his ways of living, and, to
be riding to hell on tha horse given to the best of his opportunities, in his
him by Satan! tomb. That considerable three-storied
Other Roman memories are pre- edifice forms a kind of portal to uie
served by the city in Its ruined theater family church. It showed the prince
and In remnants of fortifications and twice over lying dead on his ear-
rates. Tho walls, as they now Btand, coplmgus, while above in full armor
belong to five different periods of ho proudly riaes nis cnarger. Masiino
bulldlni and rebuilding, and the II followed wis Bame type in nis lomD,
earliest of these (temp. Gallienus) In a fashion too modest for Imitation
were doubtless not the flrBt. Theo- by the sumptuous Can Slgnoria (ob.
dorlc's work comes next; considerable 1375), who employed Bonlno di Cam-
fragments of Its courses of stone and plgllone to build him a monument four
herringbone brick can be discovered stonos nign ana nexagonai in pian,
by anyone who hunts for them. A with figured pilasters, allegorical stat-
later style Is shown in the work as- ues, a richly carved sarcophagus, and
crlbed toXharlemagne; and after that the prince himself on horseback at
noma medieval and renaissance fortlfi- the top of all.
r-Atinna aaph marklne a nerlod of Dros- Tho rushing Adige, twirling In 8
perity In the city's fortunes. It Is not, form through the city, Is a feature con
however, Roman Verona that people Btantly in evidence. In the older parts
love and travel to see, but the Verona that remain, the house fronts rise
of the middle ages, the Verona of plumb from the waters ; modern lm-
Romeo and Juliet, of the Scaligors provements employ the banks for
and the great artists Pisanello and streets. Tho Adige is not a river you
the rest a city of the south In which can casually punt across, it is in
the northern breezes also blow, and violent hurry and insists upon being
where between east and west, Lorn- bridged. The Romans built a sturdy
bardy and Venice, divergent Ideals stone bridge, now called the Ponte
meet and sometimes mingle. della Pietra, and two of its ancient
Lombards Were Active There. arches remain, as well as the base of
Theodorlc and his Ostrogoths be- some other piers. Of course radical
longed by desire and In fact to the last restoration and much rebuilding have
age of Rome, but their successors the been required from time to time, the
Lombards clearly ushered in the mid- Adige floods being frequent ana mignt
die age. They came over the Alps as ly destructive, as generations of Ver-
barbarians, but in time Italy civilized onese have learned to their cost. Most
them, and during that process Lorn- of the existing bridge was the work of
bard architecture was born. Anywhere the famous local Dominican architect,
from Clvldale in the east to Pavia in Fra Giocondo, who was employed upon
the west, traces of their early activi- it in 1520 in the eighty-fifth year of his
ties may still be found barbarous at age. Tho battlumented Ponte di Cas-
first, presently growing nobler, till by tel Vecchio likewise calls for mention,
the seventh century they wore capable It leads to tho palace of the Scallgers
of raising churches which are still de- which Can Grande II built and the folk
liehtful to men of modern refinement, of today use as a barrack,
At Verona the Lombards were particu- Like Venice, Verona Is a city of pai
larly active and, were It worth while, aces, the architecture of which reflects
we might display the remnants of the various influences that met within
some of their very early efforts. Such its walls, and of those Influences that
fragments, however, are Interesting of Venice Is unnilBtakable. Facades
only to antiquarians; but when we Impose thomBelvoa upon tho street
come to the areat churches, San Zeno, wanderer as obviously Venetian. An
for instance, or the cathedral, It Is
evident enough that these are works
of architecture capable of a far wider
San Zeno's, Indeed, is perhaps of all
purely Lombard churches the finest
as a work of art. It is simplicity It
self in form, but well proportioned
and In every way agreeable to look
ipon. The existing church was built
In the eleventh century, the nave re
built in 1138, and the choir in the fif
teenth century. The most noticeable
exterior feature Is the great portal In
the middle of the west end. It Is a
plain oblong opening, surmounted by
a gabled porch which Is carried on a
pair of columns, themselves support
ed, each on the back of a grifflu, In
traditional oriental fashion.
Tombs of the Scallgers.
It would be easy enough to refer in
turn to a number of other remarkable
churches tn Verona, with their mas-
Blve colonnades, their dark crypts and
other delightful features; but we are
not making a guide book, nor In these
Diamond Always Has Been Con
ceded First Place.
tlentt told of relief from pain from it.
Paper and a sheet are thrown over the
whole, and the temperature of the In
closed space grows high, but be as
cribes the benefit to the light rather
than to the heat. The bulbs used were
ot 30, fO and 100 candlepower.
Discovery, It It Believed, Will Be of
Considerable Value to the
A new discovery In horticulture
claims to make potted plants bloom
as they never did before if they are
ven an Invigorating cup of tea once
Lewis Shaw, Jr., the Inventor, sayt:
almost a pathetlo resignation, tht
stylo of dress which custom hat dic
tated to their clast.
There it no aping of the rich It
their attire. Whether it be the But
lace mantilla or tht Parisian hat
which the far dlstant-from her tenor
Ita wears, aa la tempi or elasa tht
taket her dainty way, ur the pretty
frock or delicate shoes, the poor wom
an ot tht peon, or tht mujer ef the
petty thopkeeper, casts no envious
glance but ne, that would set be
She casts them, but she win tot
strive to Imitate. It thert ot lomt
virtue la tuch non-emulatlot, or it
but the telrit of a deadened race? Ttt
this rather somber and unattractive
anparel it found taort among the peoa
elate; tkt Indian girl tn seme tart of
Mexico at at Tehuantepee weare
handsome native costume, derived
troat Aztec dayt, at holiday time.
All Through Hletory tht Stone Hat
Played an Important Part IU
Cutting a Matter of Otrlout
Moment Imperfection.
Diamond! are always taken at the
itandard precious stone. There are
many details concerning diamonds, of
turpasilng interest, tuch at the dif
ferent methods of securing the rough
ttonet in ancient and modern timet.
the prejudice against Brazilian dla
mondi at compared with Indian
ttonet, the objections to South Afri
can diamonds, based on a theory that '
they were not to good aa the Bra
zilian stones, methods of cutting dia
monds, etc,
Tht cut of the diamond It of great
Importance. It it be cut perfectly and
regularly ltt value it greatly en
hanced. The properly cut diamond
has 58 facets, including the table and
collet, 32 facets above the girdle and
24 facets below. The surface of the
table should be 40 per cent ot the
Among the Imperfections for which
the diamond buyer should look are
rough edges on the girdle, which will
cast a shadow through the center of
the stone, causing great loss of bril
liancy. In set stones they are often
covered up by a prong of the setting,
but the diamond Is affected nevertheless.
A scratch may be found on top of
the stone. Thit Is often caused by
stones rubbing against each other. If
It Is not too deep it may be removed
by polishing.
There may be a nick in the girdle,
which Is often covered by the setting.
This detect Is caused either by the
brittloness ot the stone or the girdle
having been cut too fine.
If the stoue has thick edges tbey
will cast shadows through the dia
mond, which will confuse the color.
If there Is a feather In the stone It
comes from faulty crystallization and
cannot be removed. It may be only a
small speck, or so large as to be vis
ible to the naked eye. This flaw gives
the diamond a hazy, lifeless appear
ance. Some feathers take the shape
of white subtransparent lines In the
body of the stone.
Fractures are usually found near
the edge ot the stone, and decrease
the value greatly, as they deaden the
brilliancy. They are caused either
by a blow or carelessness In the set
ting. Black spots of carbon are usually
found In the top or In the lower halt
of the stone. These spots often ap
pear In pairs, and when visible to the
naked eye Impair the value of the
Do not expect to get an absolutely
"Twice a day, morning and evening.
I give my geranium a drink ot cold
tea, from one-fourth to one-halt a cup
per plant. While at flrBt thlB wae
only an experiment, I was surprised to
Hnrl how rnnlillv the Dlants bloomed
and how many of the buds took bloom Perfect stone for any reasonable fig
at once. In the photograph It will u. '" they are so rare as to com-
be seen that five blooms are flour
ishing, while there are yet three more
buds, not clearly shown in the pic
ture, on the way."
which confine the gtnne'fl color. 5. A
feather," cnuBeil hy faulty rrystninia-
tlnn. t. A fntclure. 7. Carbon upon
hlch oak like hlrick anerka. S, A nun-
ble caiiBi-d hy air formation In carhon.
1. Muddy or cloudy pati'hea. UBUuliy
found along the grain of uie stone.
effect Intended by the builders
Verona palaces Is lost to the modern
visitor; tho facades of many of them
were elaborately painted by fine art
iBts, and depended upon such decora
tion for their charm. Time has washed
most ot it away.
"What do you think of that case
In Chicago where the doctor refused
to operate?"
"Most unusual."
"Don't you think the papers made
a great fuss about It?"
"Yes, but then a doctor refusing to
operate is cortainly news."
Reasonable Reason.
"Why must you always go out every
time one of my woman friends calls?"
"Well, my dear," responded her hus
band, "i am glad to meet your friends.
But you niUHt. remember that I have
heard the story of your summer vaca
tion about seventeen times now."
Ntvtr Worth While.
What the self seeker finds It never
worth while.
Kantat Joint Snake Has a Hard Time
Collectina Itself, According
to Report.
Enoch Chase had a peculiar experi
ence last week while taking the logs
out of the old dugout on Mel Hicks'
south. 80. says the Larned (Kan.) Till
er and Toller. He ran across a Joint
snake down between the logs and hit
It with his spade.
Of course, every Joint flew apart and
started to wiggle off.
Enoch, Just for a joke, picked up
one of the Joints and put It In a bucket
and then slipped behind the logs and
waited to tee what would happen. In
about ten mlnutet he heard a sort of
low whistle and then a rustling.
The head of the Joint snake came
out of the weeds and looked around.
It then made a peculiar whistle and
another joint backed up and fastened
on the head.
The head whistled twice and joint
number two eme out, and so on, so
many whittles for each joint, until it
came time for the one Enoch had In
the bucket. At its call the thing
thrashed around In the bucket like all
possessed, but couldn't get out. Of
course, without the Joint that fitted,
the snake couldn't get together.
Enoch said tho last he saw of it the
head had taken charge of one half and
the tall the rest, nnd had gone off in
different directions to bunt up the
miSBlng Joint.
Enoch got almost home with his
joint when an automobile tooted down
the road. This either scared the Joint
or It wsb the coupllng-on signal, for
Enoch says it managed to flop out of
the bucket and get away In the tall
Prlcet Eatler for Poor.
Pity the poor millionaires! ex
claims "Glrard" in the Philadelphia
For the frugal wife, five cents now
buys as big a loaf as It did two years
ago; but Ji.uuu aoesn i ouy ua
big a blue foxskin coat; no, not of
The boiled notatoes on the modest
dinner table are rather cheaper than Outline Sketch of Cut Diamond.
they were last winter- but when the ' s"mf 4
poor muiionaiiuo niv unvcu uj uw
cesslty to buy white fox furs, hubby
advances 66 per cent more money for
them than he would have done at thlt
time In 1913.
D..VB, annthpr AAflftntial tn nlUtO-
cratic happiness, has risen much more mand excessive prices. If ycu want
h.. ....or nr lxmh ohons. Indeed, a good stone seo to it that It is of
lual- "0 . . . . , ullll tc. mall
Uncle Sam tolls us that the whole fur g"oa coiur u.m..m, .
f-miw la ronstini on a higher limb cut. Now York American.
than avpr hpfnrn. rUA and full mold V w th MIBM Not Be menial oiram.
fUUAU' w - I . ... , .
,. .nnt f lnn r-hanee in million- General Joffre s quiet numor is typi
hmir .PPminta- hut so far as fled In a story which comes from the
th. nnnr man's dinner nail trenches. Some members of the gen-
can scarcely tell a financial feast from eral's staff were discussing the nura
. n,.pi.l f.mlne ber of officers whose hair had turned
from jet UiaCtt W wuuo biulu mo wn,
I if. In tha Soil. began, and tney naa aecmeu to uiuir
o... Pnttnmlnv. who has die- own satisfaction that the Cause was to
covered that ordinary peat treated be found in mental strain. General
-,., k.,iiri fnrma a substitute for Joffre was asked for his opinion, and,
manure which is 60 times more valu- while agreeing with the conclusion ar
.hi. ho. .hnn that soil lives Just as rived at by his officers, naively added
do the plants that are bom out of it. that it was also very difficult In war
There are 4,000,000 bacteria In every time to omain mo iuhci
grain of fertile soli, nnd by separating to which one was accustomed In timet
the good from the bad, modern science oi peacoi
u wnruim to secure the very nignesf
....... im.ndfwt hv bountiful nature. Office Coat for Women,
. m , . , a ,
The omce coat lor women hub mini-
A Woman's Threat. iy arrivea, inougn u uui a mi man-
w.n if that ain't tho limit." mused nish. It's made tn black silk or pon-
the postman, as he came down the gee. a standard loose coat that's bo-
. nrlvnte residence. coming to everybody. You slip it over
.lop. w - - - hln... --.I .1.1..
"What't the trouble? queneu we your iruca ui ,uu.
mere citizen who had overheard the at soon as you enter the office. It en-
postman's noisy thought. velopa you from throat to knee and
- ..... . . , ... nlnlhali h.o llttfllllir A n
"Why explained tne man in gray, proieum juu """ "u,"W' "u"
the woman In that bouse sayt If I It hat the recommendation of being
j.'t .nmo alnne earner tne gel nniy iuui"s "v s e' "-".i
her letters from some other carrier." that the little feminine person grl-
UlaCcB HI WUOlt WW ut ov,iiDiuiw
He Was One of 'Em.
"Sumbody wuz a tellin' me aa how
yew bed fotygraffs uv all th' promi
nent men in th' state," said the man
with the carpetbag, as he meandered
Into an art dealer's establishment.
"I have sir," answered the dealer.
"Wall," continued the old man, "I
be Ebenezer Oatcake, ex-mayor nv
Punkville. Lemme hev a look at on
uv mine."
clothes. Philadelphia Public Ledger.
They're So Numerous.
Seems to think well of himself,
"Do you know what kind of fellow
Blnks Shafer. do you know thai
woman across the street?
Shafer She certainly looks familiar.
Let me tee. It's my wife t new drets,
my daughter's hat and my mother In
law't narasol turel lt t our cookl ne iei
ur.n N.a "Tell me
He IAK6B Block ui u mitten a auzvn
Lloht and Alrv. timet a day lor tear neu ovenooa
Omar What kind of business ll some of his good points.
Inhnann eneAffed In? 1 Ihlnk. unanaino uuaiom,
nm.PnwimHtt(.! Wht I nYrl "Before 1 married," said the old fash
hoard of a business like that loned man. my wire maae me prom-
Heiny-Well, whatever It la. he's ise to quit smoaius,
running It on wind.
"And you kept your word?"
"Yet. But what't the difference.
The Reporter'i Jokt. Cuttom nas nu. i m oora
... ... I t & . at hat f n nmniiia Tint ia
What't afoot now?" asked the nr n " w
snake editor, as the horse reporter begin.
....nn.lnH tn ilnn hla hat and rcat I
..... . t.l...hnn. ttttor uiic.
HI iri IIDWCI U'B WlVfUUH I .III 1 mm A .-11
T, A1a ln,fthaa aam aa alarawa I Well HiBBlor win i" wu if
replied the horse reporter, at be y".'1
dashed down the stairs, three atept at
It be to late. 1943, when the date will
be April J, the latest thai It possible.