The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 21, 1916, Image 1

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H r
Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
THE YEAR $1.50
VOL 2, NO. J 5
Criterion Chronicles
All are fully aware of the
presence of winter weather with
a temperature of 4 to 10 below
fcero and woods filled with deep
Bnow drifts.
E. A. Chandler and Jeff Win
free have recently been hauling
Btraw from D. D. Wilson's farm
at Ridegway.
D. B. Appling and family
Bper.t a few days last week visit
ing at Oscar Todd's at Bakeoven.
Chas. SkoRsberg did business
in Maupin last Tuesday.
A. A. Bonney jr. v brought his
brother's team home Wednesday
last and returned with their
ranee horses Thursday to the
Tygh ranch.
W. E. Hunt and son Edwin
recently Spent a few days in The
Dalles and Portland
John Grossman left the Kra
mer place Monday, going to his
home at Shady Brook. He re
ports his fill of batching in zero
R H. DeCamp and J. B. Kid
der witnessed for A. A. Canfield
who made final proof before U.
S., Commissioner Ejtuart, last
The condition of the roads at
present can be realized by the
return trip of A. C. Moad from
Maupin to Miss Hirrlinff's on
Sunday. Time 8 hours for the
14 miles and team worn but.
J. E. Miller, so report says,
will have a real surprise for his
Criterion friends on his return
home which will Be iobn. Much
SDeculation as to what this really
means is going on and some are
planning to give J. E- and his
''surprise" their proper welcome
Voters in Criterion precinct
can register with A. A. Canfield
who has been appointed by the
Miss Bercia A. Shaw, only
child of Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
Shaw, died at Willamina, Ore.
recently at the age of 23. She
was ill only about a week.
Miss Shaw formerly lived,
after leaving -Dallas, in Montana
and thence moved to Sheridan,
where her father entered the
furniture business. They later
Bercia A. Shaw Dead
moved to Willamina, buying a
furniture store there.
Miss Shaw wa3 a member of
the Christian Church, having
ioined when at Sheridan. Many
friends and relatives from Dallas
and Sheridan attended the fun
eral. Interment was in the
Willamina cemetery. -Oregonian
Miss Shaw will be remembered
as livinir with her parents at
Tygh Valley, on the Mays ranch,
a few years ago.
County Clerk for this work
Lagrippe is the prevailing
pastime with a large number
of our citizens at present,
Heitz-Boen WediLng
(from Wapinitia)
Mr. Georsre Heitz and Miss
Sarah Boen were united in mar
riage Wednesday at the home of
the groom's mother. The cere
mony was preformed by Rev.
Merle Stains. Only the immed
iate relatives were present.
Both the bride and groom are
well known and highly respected
in this community, and all join
in wishins: them success and
happiness on their, journey of
The weather has continued tc
be very cold the past two weeks
The lowest temperature reached
5 below zerd on the night of thf
There is about two and a hall
feet of snow on the ground ant1
many persons are availing them
selves of the good sleighing. '
Dick Palmater has been quite
husv.the past week delivering
wood id parties in town whi
failed to provide for so long a
cold spell.
Some delay in the train last
Wednesday caused the stage U
arrive here without any mail thai
"Rnri" Harvev has been very
ill the past week with an attack
of lagrippe.
Henry Steed of Hood River, is
vioitinor his mother Mrs. M. B,
wi e
' A special school meeting will
be called soon to elect a school
director to fill the vacancy of
F. A. Morrows who resigned.
A. B. Cox and son Arthur, of
Cherry Grove are visiting at the
home of Mr. and. Mrs. E. E.
Mrs. Marion Duncan returned
home Wednesday after a three
weeks stay with her husband at
his homestead near Kent. Mr
Dundan accompanied her home.
P. H. Mott and daughter
Francis of Wapinitia, visited at
the A. Shadley home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gerity are
the proud parents of a girl baby,
born oh the nth.
Miss Bertha Shadley was a
passenger on the stage Wednes
day night, having arrived from
Fred Bichsel is just recovering
from a third attack of the la
erippe having gotten up too
soon which gave him the backsets.
"Grandpa" Brittain who has
been ill for some time, oied
Wednesday morning.
Mrs. Steed's home was de3
noj ed by fire this morning. '
A baby boy was born to Mr.
and fills. U 1!. Winer-
Tester McCorkle is now visit
ing with relatives here in Wamic
Vernon Woodcock has been ill
with lagrippe. ,. :.
After an illness of ;everal
wteks, Mrs. C. F, Green died at
her home in this city yesterday
morning at 8 o'clock.
She was born in 4841 in War
ren, Ohio, but lived the greater
part of her life in Mendon and
Fulton, Michigan. Twelve years
ago she moved to Sisson, Siski
you County, California, and
later moved to Oregon.
The remains were shipped to
the Portland creamntory last
night, being accompanied by H.
Li ICinn,ons.
On the Grades
Tobogan parties have served
for several evenings tho . past
week as an . interesting and
healthful diversion, The grades
leadinir to the bridge being prop
erly located for . fine tracks and
have not been neglected-, A few
sleds were ready for service and
others have been added as they
were needed.
No one up to the present time
has suffered any injuries from
Auto Passenger Service Auto Delivery Truck
Preparecl for Long Trips or Outing Parties
A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories
Smock Items 2
T. J. Hill is quite sick again.
Marion Duncan from Kent was
a Saturday visitor with his par-
ents, Mr. and .. Mrs. wias.
Mrs. Geo. Duncan is spending
Hh hfir narents. Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Gesh, over on
Badger Creek. .
The cold weather Monday and
deep snow prevented several of
our children going to school.
M- J, Farlow is ' hauling hay
from his ranch to the Grandma
Farlow ranch for C. N. Farlow.
Mr. Ogelsby, who Iihs been
confined to his bed for several
weeks, is no better.
Joe Landon and,, family of
Gresham have moved lino the
Frank Tillitson house.
T. E. Farlow uot busy and
made a snow plow then put a
team on . and made some good
roads, If all would do likewise
the roads would soon be fine for
Mrs. Agnes Pierce was a caller
at the home of Mrs. Griffin's
Mr. and Mrs. Henry May field
entertained the G. W. Eargain
holt family last Sunday.
Mrs. Morgan was a caller i t
the home of Mrs. Ogelsby las-t
T. J.. Whitcomb and children
was over to his sister's Saturday
and hauled in some wood under
ureat difficulties. The hind sled
broke down going after the wood
and after they got loaded, broke
the doubletree, then borrowed a
set of doubletrees hitched on
and then pulled the sled all to
pieces. He went to me mm
vards of Mulvaney Bros, and
secured their'losging sleds and
finallv succeeded in getting the
load of wood in the wood house.
C. A. Svron and T. J. Whit
comb are sawing wood.
Mulvaney Bros, are building a
sleigh and all the girls are plan
ning on a sleigh ride.
Victory 5
When v6u never dare to refer
to yourself in conversation lor to
record your own good works, or
to desire commendation, when
you can truly love to be un
known h t is victory.
, . -
the time
the place
tne girl
I the home
Tum-A-Lum's the 'place to buy "Tum A-Lumber"
( Lath and Shingles, an end'ess number;
Doors and Windows are in their line,
Paper, Roofing, "Cement and Lime;
Wood and Coal to keep you warm;
, Posts enough to fence the farm.
Even the PLANS by which you build, ,
FREE with your order can be filled.
They have, the best there is on earth,
There you Can get your money's worth.
They'll furnish all your needs in life,
" Unless, perchance, you need a wife;
This need supplied, you cease to roam,
Go to them, they'll build the HOME.
is now
I is Maupin
Smock Items 1
Mr. Fowler visited at Albert
Savage's Saturday.
E. E. Parish is another victim
of the lagrippe.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Driver vis
ited at James Wdbdcock's last
The 8th grade took examina
tions in two studies last week.
Geo. Ledford and Terry Jones
are cutting wood on the C. II.
Yockey place.
Mrs. Geo- Lucas was a visitor
at the Fowler home Saturday,
"Uncle" Ed Driver from Idaho
i3 visiting at Bud Harvey's.
Geo. Duncan was hauling straw
from John Farlow's Saturday,
Little , Madine Harwley is on
the sick list. .
Mrs. M. J. Farlow visited at
the home of G. W. Thornton last
Guy Harvey is hauling wood
from the F. E, Spoor ranch this
week. '
A. F. Russell and family were
visiting Friday at the home of
M- P. Thornton.
Geo. Ledford was a business
caller' at Chas. Ross' Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas- Duncan
isited the school Thursday and
report fine order there.
Mrs. Nellie Harvev is on the
sick list this week.
Mulvaney Bros.' were at 'the
Duncan home several days this
week playing cards.
M. P. Thornton was .a visitor
at Russell's Wednesday.
Mr end Mrs. Marion Duncan
were Saturday night and Sunday
callers at Chas. Duncan's.
The snow on Smock has reach
ed the depth of about 22 inches
and we are told that tho mercurv
has reached 4 below zero.
John Farlow and family visit
ed at the Chas- Ross home Wed
A F. Russell and M. P. Ihorn-1
ton were at John Farlow's last
F. E. Spoor returned from a
business trip to Portland, Wednesday-
Chas. Ross, our local ranger,
was on Juniper Flat counting
cattle this week.'
Marion Duncan and family are
Sunday callers at James Wood
Dave Campbell was a Sunday
visitor at Bud Harvey's
On account of the deep snow
and cold weather Vcrnie Thorn
ton has been absent from school
this week.
Ida'TXWan is staying at Sam
MuWaney's this week going to
school from there.
rira nnrl Addie Duncan are
' -
absent from school this week on
account Of deep snOw.
F. E. Spoore and G. W Bar
gainholt went to Maupin Friday
returning Saturday, having de
livered wood to The Times office
Birthday Party
A very enjoyable time was
spent fit the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Johnson Wednes
day evening by a party of young
people of Maupin, in celebration
of the birthday of ..their nephew
'ommy Cook. Those enjoying
the party and also thetsleigh
ride in the bright moonlight were
as follows: Vera and Laura Goet-
jen, Nellie Harphan, Naomi
Smith, Nita Ellis, Fern Mayhew,
Louis Mayhew, Tom. Smith,
Harold Locke, John Moad, Van
Moad, Lester Crowfoot, Andrew
and Clifford Cunningham, Tom
Muir and Oscar Hammer.
and Starts . mercantile store.
They also made another trip
Tygh Valley 1
Coldest in 10 Years
The fore part of the week ex
perienced the coldest weather in
Maupin that ha? been known for
ten years. The mercury reached
eleven below zero at night and
only raised a few degrees during
the days of its duration.
Wednesday witnessed a decid
ed moderation and yesterday
morning a gentle Chinook breeze
accompanied by sunshine was a
welcome change.
Feed for the stock has become
scarce but. nearly everyone has
a sufficient amount to last for
the rest of the winter. ,
The colli wciither still continues
puiling Hit; old thermometer down
to iS and 20 below zero. It is sure
cold but Imve seen it colder,
Mr. and Mrs. Foster are occupy-
no- linimi'Venninsr rooms flt the
'"h 1 r
Dr. Ehvood has been visiting
our burn this week.
Mr. Dunn, a horse buyer front
The Dalles was here this week
looking for horses.
Mr. Moriow " and Uncle Billy
Cantrell were iiuests al the hotel
last week,
Joe mid Frank Ving,.Tom Swift,
Mr. Tillotson are hauling lumbei
for the roud crew, who are putting
in camps near Mr. StiUwelrs bikI
White River. .
II. fe?and A. J. MoMurry went
up to log for M. P. Rowan this
T pi. niiv. r who has been sick is
able to be ui again. ' .
Mr. Biown had to dismiss school
Wednesday on account of the bot
tom falling out of the stove ;
Mr. Hicks and wife were over
from Tygh Ridge this week visiting
her father,, ' ,.' "
Dr. Hrown is reported m recov
ering from the laRripne.. . . -;
We thank The Times very much
for the pretty. Calendars received'
with their . compliments: We
realize it is. quite nu undertaking
to get them ready and mail -'ko
many as they surely had tb, ahd
we all appreciate the kindness . ,
Outside Mention
Mr. and Mrs. p. M Sbnttnck f
Maupin, are In The Dalles t"dav
for a short time.
Mr, and Mrs. W. K. Hunt are
Maupin reshlehts who passed frt-
dav in The Dalles. .
Conntv Clerk Fox yesterday is
sued a marriage license to Geo; H.
Heitz and Miss Sarah E. Boen,
both of Wapinitia Sun, 14th '
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Flanagan
ot Maupin were i'anravin
terday. .
John I. West of Wapinitia was a
visitor in The Dalles Monday on
business. He. crossed the ice
bridge to Grauddalles before re
turning home.
U L. Webb of Shauiko, trans,
acted business in The Dalles the
I latter part of last week.
Service because we are the handiest bank for you
to del with, we know your, wants and are prepared to
take care of them. Safety becauW von know ou Stock
Holders and their circumstances.
Don't Overlook lis! when ' yt ':re lookin for the
best price for yout wlrent,
tot '
IV,ig ?to ?VC fV".;
11 a i m
See About If
By Ben Xampmaii
O'd Billy McGee, ho was wiser thai we, and often I've heard
him remark, "if this town is the worst that you ever did see,
why go out and reside in the park! There's no use for a ham
mer that doosn't drive nails, or a critic who wont shed his coat;
,ut t.m ,.o.j evrv.rwlpd on Rails, you'd furnish
11 UIU WllIU Ulrtl, UU jam "J "l' - - ,
enough for a bofet!" If 'Hie gily was a stranger old Lilly would
..... . . , ii ... . 1, ! .! t- v,t if von return ,
say, we re grievea tnai me town i uc uuj, "
say a year from today, ny George you will find Maupin on top!
In the cu-le of old Billy much reason obtains concerning the
little borne town, though it cannot appeal where they'er lacking
...... . Hi. t.. - ,t,r if tVi hurir
in brair.3 and busy in running uu wn Uw. "
doesn't suit there's a reason for that, though the problem be
,.D. on a U..01I vnn ran find the solution richt under your hat
and there's occasion to yell! Talk it out with the boys for the
weal of the town, and waving the skeptic aside, buck into the
harness and all settle down, and work for the good of the town
Mauqin. Oregon Journal.
To Our Customers
We wari your business Sometimes
ycu need cur support Our Buying
experience and knowledge of tnercn
andise is yours for the asking Con
sult us when in need; perhaps we can
give you information that will be
worth while, no matter where you
buy-we invite your confidence. J
Yours for Better Service, g
General Merchandise O