The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 14, 1916, Image 7

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View or Stampalia
WITH tho shifting of the
center of the European
Btorm and Its gathering In
Intensity toward the Dal
kans, Turkey-in-Europe, and the near
East, those Islands which dot the
course between Europe and Asia, bat
tlegrounds In the 2,500 years of strug
gle between the Orient and Occident
for supremacy, are forming once more
a part of the area where the future
of the West is to be decided. There
are no lands In the world whose
stories are more absorbing than those
of these Islands. A bulletin Issued by
the National Geographic society gives
the following sketch of the Islands as
presented In a communication to the
society by Ernest Lloyd 'larrls.
Where a broken fringe of Islands
parallels the coast of Asia Minor, be
ginning with famed Rhodes, In the
south; running northward, narrowly
separated from the mainland, past the
peninsula of Gtlllpoll, and ending
noar the present Aegean coast of Bul
garia, Is the dividing line between the
Occident and Orient. These Islands
re the European marshes, where
greek army. Farlv Home of President of the
,j . . -
United States.
Thsy Replace Railway Sentries and In
Paris Render Valuable Aid
to the Polloe Are Above
After several attempts had been
made to damage the railways used for
the transportation of Greek troops
Into Turkish territory, dogs war em-
North Bend, Ohio, Is Known In His
tory as Having Contained the Res
idence of Gen. William
Henry Harrison.
The home of Con. William Ilonry
Harrison, at North Bend, which be
maintained all through the years ot
Knights of Rhodes, and after Innumer
able wars were at last forced to re
tire, In 1522, before the Turks to Mai
ta. At the present time the Uland
is being held by Italy, which took pos
session In 1912 In the course ot her
war with Tripoli.
ChloB, 150 miles to the north, once
one of the richest members of the
Ionian union, subject, "in turn, to
Athenian, Roman, Italian and Turkish
domination, has long been a bone of
contention between the Turk and
Greek, and was first reunited to Its
parent country, Greece, In 1913, after
a separation of more than 2,300 years.
The Chians Joined their brother
Greeks In the wars of liberation,
which began In the first years of the
last century. In 1822, the Turks
slaughtered 30,000 Chians in the space
of two months, and sold 32,000 others
Into slavery, and the land was thor
oughly devastated.
Samoa, at the mouth of the bay
upon which stood ancient Ephesus the
Magnificent, formed one ot the oldest
settlements of the Ionlans in the
Mediterranean. Samoa was the birth-
ployed to guard the lines, the Greek ng puun0 services, and to which he
government being unable to spare sol- whon In private life, was really
dlers for the purpose. The results ln part a log cabln, one who was a
were excellent. At Larlssa ln partiou- gU08t tnore ln lg48 describes It as a
lar the entire railroad line wae efflca- ongi ramblng structure, part two sto-
clously protected by dogs. rleg i height, but mostly with one
So much Interest has been aroused ,t0IX wtn the w)do front facng th9
In Europe by this new use for dogs 0Wo r,vel,( rrom wWcn lt Btooi back
ana me success ot me exp.nm-av about three hUndred yards.
that reports have been officially asuea There wer8 nln9 roomg ln alI on tno
for by the various European military groun(1 floori gays tue CoiumbUs Die
authorities concerning the epeoial patch an(1 onfl of tho89 a iarge one
ira.uiiig oi me uog .. wag tue log port0n, it evidently bav-
For several years perfectly trained haa ,ii.iiv a in rnhln stand-
polloe dogs have been found lnvalu- , by Uge,fi but the Qwner bad bullt
able In Paris, and they have been as- .,,,,.- , lt .,, ,a(1 fBit and
signed to Important duties. All along means permltted( untll he Uad quite
the banks of the Seine dogs watch for ft pretentloug country residence. The
aocidents. If a careless passenger or wbole of the exterlor had been C0T.
an unwary boatman falls off one of enjd ciapboards-sawed boards
constantly up and down the
one of the big, beautiful Newfound
land river guards bounds Into the wa
ter to the rescue, barking to give the
alarm and after swimming with the
limp body to the shore. Even the
bridges are closely watched by the
dogs, for from the Seine bridges many
despairing men and women leap Into
the river, hoping thus to end their
It is now believed that countless
being too expensive ln those days
and the clapboards were painted
white. Seen from the river at the
bend, it is said to have presented a
very beautiful aspect, the white build
ing ln its setting of green ln summer
being particularly striking.
In this log cabin portion of his resi
dence General Harrison often enter
tnlned companies of frlendB, and
cider was the beverage used at theBe
dinners. This hospitality was famous
"jw as
I Im. : vx
til, t f
. ' ' - u
St i
-Ji ... L
Koa, the Birthpiacx or Hippocrates
Asia and Europe have
throughout all history.
Hera we find Persian pitted against
Greek,' Roman against Pontlan, By
zantine against Moslem, Crusader
against Saracen, Turk against Mogul,
and, today, Europe divided against It
self, and against the East.
Not only have Asia Minor and the
Islands facing Its Bhores been the
stage upon which have been enacted
some of the most gigantic events ln
human history, but this Is at the pres
ent time one of the most Interesting
and picturesque regions ln the world.
It has been termed the quintessence
of the East. For nowhere else will
you find, thrown together ln close as
sociation, so many things of the East
the camel caravan, the groves of cy
press, olive, plane, and valonla trees,
the mosque and towering minaret, lat
ticed windows and veiled women, and
a background made up of the remnants
of an ancient civilization.
Rhodes an Island of Romance.
Rhodes, whose history Is one chap
ter after another of fascinating ro
mance from days of remote antiquity,
through Its reign as a cultural center
during the age of Roman occupation,
and Its golden period as the strong
hold of chivalry during the occupa
tion of the Island by the order of the
Knights of St. John, once dominated
the eastern Mediterranean, as a vest
pocket England oft the coast of Asia
Cicero and Caesar finished their
education at Rhodes, but Imperial
Rome and Byzantium finally absorbed
the schools there. Next the Knights
of St John, founded In the eleventh
century at Jerusalem, after many
hardships, brightened again the an
nals of the islands by making lt their
home. They assumed the name of the
Psychology of Fiddler Crabs.
That fiddler crabs have minds may
Mtonish some people, but they are
only one of the multitudes of crea
tures so endowed. And the minds of
moUusks, Insects and starfish as well
as froge and birds and mammals are
worth studying, for there Is quite a
large amount of literature devoted to
the psychology of these despised low
er animals. In the Pyschologlcal Bul
letin John Shepard publishes a sum
mary ot the most recent of this.
Plenty of Latitude.
T eaw a weather report the other
flay couched ln terms which struck
ne as being about the right kind to
"How did It readr
-improbably fair, perhaps rain,
maybe clearing.' '-Louisville Courier
ToornaL Contempt of Court
Defendant (In a loud voice) Just
Ice! Justice! I demand Justice!
Judge Silence! The defendant will
please remember that he Is ln court
room. Penn State Froth.
t . -uw 3"'-" just prior to the prealdentlal campaign
railway wrecks due to deliberate de- H ? "
iu igu ,ug ..u.o, .
contest became known ln political cir
cles as the log cabin and bard cider
sign during labor troubles could be
prevented If railroad sections were
nnMnaA Kv Antra Thali offlMPV In thll
t... '. .,i campaign,
i .v., n.u.. .... After the death of President Harrl-
tZ. TZ lZ Li .nrt nHi on, Mrs. Harrison returned to the
DogB are now used to escort pns- i,
4.ii i p.,). tw old home at North Bend, and there
oners to and from Jail in Paris. They nn..i
evert when fired upon, as a notorious HarrUon ow?!d rgo farm, and it
bandit found to his cost during a re- ' mB Djr mB B0"-1-'BW'
nonf .).l. imni whlln liolm Taylor.
conveyed to trial. This Is a result ,M8- HaTrrlon- who was daughhter
obtained by careful training. f C Symmes and was born
How to defend his master U an- 'n New Jersey, lived to be elghty-nine
, . .!, ,, years old, her death occurring ln
uuiei luvuiuui icacuu wuiu. y- " , , . n,,,
as soon' as an attempt to hold up his ""body lies burled beside that of
master Is made. In this the police " ' ' '"" T"; WI Z
a,. 1o 0inin mrvin. mmiitiM. of the old farm, where in all probabil-
Guarding property Is another of the """""" "uu
police dog's duties, and ln this also lu J"u"."u",l ul
he has proved himself an adept. Ar- "uu uuu wa ul UUM
tides left ln his care are safe and
faithfully watched.
His moral training forms as much
of a police dog's education as his pro
fessional lesson. He Is taught to be
honest and faithful and not to accept
a bribe. The latter Is Important be
cause poisoned meat Is often offered
to these dogs. The police dog soon
learns to eat nothing but what his
master serves him, and Is an example
to many men ln his resistance to
place of the philosopher Pythagoras,
and here, too, was the wonderful Tem
ple of Hera, a boast of the Grecian
The islands of the Aegean taken to
gether constitute one of the most his
toric and Interesting insular regions
ln the world. Besides the 20 princi
pal ones, which have lent much to his
tory, there are Innumerable smaller
ones. The larger Islands have a num
ber of fertile and well-watered valleys
and plains, the principal products of
which are wheat, wine, oil, mastic,
cotton, silk, raisins, honey and wax.
Coral and sponge fisheries are numer
ous, and ln most of the islands the an
cient Greek type perseveres among
the people.
Tenedos of Strategic Value.
Among the advanced camps of fore
most Importance Is the allied French
and English base on the small Island
of Tenedos.
Tenedos commands the approach to
the Dardanelles, lying but eight miles
south-southwest from the mouth of the
strait and about five miles from the
coaBt of Asia Minor. Despite Its insig
nificant size, commerce, population
count, and productivity, it has been
visited by many an Imposing hostile
fleet and army
Uneven, rocky, almost mountainous
in parts, there are yet within the six
teen square miles ot the island's area
some very fertile soils. There Is some
fruitful garden land and rich pastur
age, but the most Important product
1b wine, of which some 5,000,000 gal
lons are exported each year. Tenedos
supports a population of about 4,000,
only one-third of whom are Mohamme
dans. The only town, of the same name
as the Island, Is Inclosed by rough
ened walls, and shelters, among other
remains from times long past, great
storehouses erected by Justinian.
8oundproof Home for Singers.
A syndicate of artists will erect be
tween Central Park West and Colum
bus avenue, New York, an eight-story
apartment studio building to cost
$1,0WOO, and ln which the partition
ing will be so completely soundproof
that a prima donna practicing arias
with the full strength of her lungs will
not disturb or be disturbed by an ama
teur trombonist. Many musicians have
already expressed their Intention to
lease apartments.
Take 8un Bith.
Select the sunniest window ln the
house, one with a southern exposure
preferable. Throw up the shade to
the top, better yet, open the win
dow, and spend your working hours ln
the light Instead of poked off ln some
dark corners.
Do not say you have no time. You
may have to take time to be ill, and
your days drag when one feels slug
gish and heavy from lack of light and
It is not necessary to sit ln Idle
ness by your sunny window. Here
the mending basket can be emptied,
books read and fancy work finished.
If the spring sun tempts you to
laziness, don't feel you have commit
ted a crime In yielding to lt. Loaf
and dream ln fresh air and sunshine
part of each day, and you will be
better wives, mothers and house
, He Never Will Do.
"Suppese," suggested Gllck Fockele
of Le Roy, "that pa should come
down town one of these chilly days
without his coat or collar, and his
shirt unbuttoned down about six
Inches from his Adam's apple, his
trouser leg slit halt way to the belt
straps, and hose so thin you could see
the corns on bis Instep. 1 say, Just
suppose he would, but I don't think
he wllL" Kansas City Btar.
In the Swim.
The goldfish thinks nothing of a trip
around the globe Boston Transcript
hiu.0,uttu f
Saving More Millions.
Millions of dollars will be saved the
government by the use of a newly de
vised Btamp-prlnting machine. The
apparatus Is scheduled to turn out a
mile of postage stamps every five min
utes. It was designed by Benjamin
R. Stlckney. There will be a saving
of 67 per cent in the production cost
of stamps.
This new machine, which prints,
gums, dries, perforates, and either
cuts into sheets or winds Into colls
12,000 stamps ln one minute, will save
the government several million dol
lars In the cost of stamps alone in
the course of a few years. The bu
reau of engraving and printing now
turns out 40,000,000 stamps dally, Cut
with the use of the new machine and
because of the Increased demand, it
will be able to manufacture many
more millions a day.
Price of a Son.
Professor Allen Hoben of the Uni
versity of Chicago says that one boy,
reared ln babyhood to the age of eigh
teen years, costs his parents $4,000,1
even if they are so poor that they must
live ln the slums. Wealthy parents,
he says, pay more, and he adds: "A
son Is truly a costly luxury." Yea, ao-
oordlng to Dr. Hoben's figures, even
the slum father could ln eighteen
years own a fine touring automobile
tor the sum he expends ln rearing a
son. And If he rears six sons that's
$24,000 on a salary of $1,000 that's
$"18,000 ln eighteen years think of the
art gems he could buy for his little
cottage. Wonderful what the science
ot statistics can put Into our heads,
isn't It?
The Drummer's Tender Heart.
The commercial traveler had Just
finished a story of a disastrous fire.
"And what did you do when yon
heard of lt on your Journey T" Inquired
hie friend.
"Oh, I sent the governor a long
telegram of sympathy. He likes that
kind of thing. Cost me half a crown."
"Half a crown," exclaimed the other
"Oh, I charged tt to my expenses.
ot course," explained the traveler.
Kindly feeling and thoughtful econ
omy eould go no further.
Not Fit to Hear.
"Gadsden Is not like some married
'He doesn't tell his wife all the tun
ny stories he hears."
i hope not. She appears to be
refined little woman.
Change of Programs.
"How do you like your new apart-
"First rate. The people next door
have some music that we never beard
Quite Naturally.
"That girl you see Just passing ns
has a lot of fellows crazy about her,
"Why, she's very unattractive. Who
la she?"
"One ot the nurses in an Insane hos
pital ward."
That Reo Factor of Safety Is More Than a Mere Sales Term
your guarantee under all conditions.
buyers appreciate the full significance of the
famous Keo slogan quoted above or If, per
chance, some value it as lightly as they prob
ably do some other mere advertising' terms.
YOU NEVER BEAR of a Reo car developing;
a weakness in any vital part.
YOU KNOW REOS for their marvelous uni
formity of excellence in performance and for
their economy of upkeep.
YOU'VE BEEN IMPRESSED by the fact that
every Reo owner you know is enthusiastic
about his Reo none of that diversity of opin
ion you've found among owners of some other
makes of cars.
BUT HAD YOU STOPPED to analyze the con
dition and to discover the reason?
SATISFACTION YES. But that alone Is not
all. Uniform satisfaction unanimous enthus
iasm among Reo owners those who use their
cars reasonably and equally those who abuse
theirs, as you know.
WELL THAT REO FACTOR of safety, "60
per cent oversize 15 per cent extra strength
in every vital part'' is the answer. That
factor of safety is protection against all -kinds
of driving and all kinds of roads all
kinds of abuse as well as use.
TAKE REO THE FIFTH, for example:
THAT GREAT CAR ia now the oldest car in
the world has been made in practically the
same form for more years than any other.
HAS OUTLIVED SCORES of would-be rivals
and still leads. Is still America's most popu
lar automobile among discriminating buyeis.
AND NO MATTER whether the man to whom
you are talking owns a 1910 or a 1916 model,
ne is equally enthusiastic in his praise the
1910 man perhaps a trifle more so because
of the greater evidence he has had of its
THAT SERVICE IS BUILT IN at the factory.
Reo service is second to none when on oc
casion you may need it. But the kind of Reo
Bervice of which we are most proud is that
service built in at the factory that 60 per
cent oversize factor of safety and of satisfaction.
A Few Agency Propositions Still Open, Write
NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Distributors
Broadway at Couch
F. W. VOGLER, Pres. Phones: Broadway 887; A 4959
The New
The New Reo The Fifth
The Incomparable Four
Ashamed of her
bad complexion
If you, too, are embarraised by a
pimply, blotchy, unsiglitlycomplex
Ion, nine chances out of ten
Resinol Soap
will clear it
Just try Resinol Soap for a week
and see it it does not make a blessed
difference in your skin. It also
helps to make red, rough hands and
arms soit and white.
In ever or stubborn canet, Rtflinol Soap
hould be aided by a little ReitDol Ointment.
Bclh are Bold byall Druitgtfttt.
The Old and Reliable
Dr. Isaac Thompsons
ia both a remedy for weak, inflamed
eyea and an ideal eye waah. Keep
roer t well ui laey wdl help keep jrou.
OC. it ill BrnrWi er Met tr
t"n' Marl etea receipt ef price.
13 Rlrer 81.. Tror. N. Y.
8elM.lgh.tlng Smudge Pot for
By the Invention of a simple ther
mostatic controlling device, a Los An
geles man has developed an Ingenious
apparatus for rendering the smudge
pota used by orchardlsts self-operating,
says the January Popular Me
chanics Magazine in an Illustrated ar
ticle. The appliance, which may be
fitted to any standard type of pot,
Is regulated by a small copper rod.
When the atmospheric temperature
drops to a predetermined point, the
contraction of the rod Is sufficiently
great to release a cup containing an
acid. The liquid la poured into a small
chamber provided in the smudge pot.
This holds a chemical substance which
burns upon the addition of the acid,
producing a flame that ignites the
crude oil used ln the pot. The ther
mostat may be adjusted so as to re
lease the acid when the temperature
falls to any specific degree. With this
apparatus in use, an orchard may be
protected from frost without personal
attention being given lt. Popular Me
chanics Magazine.
Monamobile Oils and Greases
' Free Tin Service-.
"the house of Service.'
33 Broadway No. Portland, Ore.
Double Tread Puncture Preof Tires
Made from your old onea. Laat lone
aa Brand New TIRES Write) ua.
(60 Waihiniton 8t Portland. Or.
For galls use Hanford's Balsam.
What He Thought.
Waiter (to guest who has been watt
ing a very long time) "Did you ring
the bell, sir?"
Quest "No, I was tolling it I
thought you were dead!"
Record Gone.
"So the family ln the flat next yours
has a vlctrola, eh? How many records
have they?"
"Heaven only knows! But they
broke their best previous record, last
Sunday, by 6 hours and 28 minutes."
Keep it In Your Stable.
For external use on horses nothing
that we know of equals Hanford's Bal
sam. Many trainers use lt as a leg
wash because it keeps the skin In fine
condition and should cure lameness.
Genuine pluck Is shown by the peo
ple who go on running comic papers
and society columns ln the "gay Euro
pean capitals."
the International Fur
Market, and Secura the
Highest Cash Prices
Why ship to the mtxldletnan, who
must eventually tdl your fun in
New York and make his piool out
of you? Wepaylhe Mahal mark
prices. (Shit mktvh ot Mt
! uoutuilly liberal. We never charge
uxnrnifcioria. pnvkisT you full value
lor your fun.
Write for our price Ik and special
tNW.J7ta$t NrwT.rk.H T.
The Terr Latest Chart and Inatrnctlona in Palm
Readins 10c. Purack Publiahlnir Co., m Cham
ber Commerce, Portland, Oregon.
A Start.
"Have you laid the foundation for
your presidential boom."
"Yes, I have announced my unwil
lingness to be a candidate." Wash
ington Star.
tlnn nealthT. Strom, Banntlfol Ktm
Oeulleta and uaed llurina Eye
Remedy many jeara before tt was offered as a
Domeailo Era Medicine. Murine la Btlll Com
pounded by Our Phyelelftne and guaranteed
bj them aa a Reliable Relief for Byes that Need
Care. Try It In your Byea and In Babr a Eyes
No Smarting Juat Eye Comfort. Buy U urlue
of your Druggist accept no fiubatltute, aud If
Interested write for Dook of the Bye free.
Pleasant, profitable work not overdone; few
montha' learning;; positlona guaranteed; write for
references and partlculara. Portland Watehmak
Int. Eng-ravinf and Optical School, 218 Common,
wealth Building. Portland, Oregon.
Practical Lenons in Hypnotlem 266 Page Book.
ContaJna-full Initructiona for development and
practice of Hypnotiem; Truth of thla wonderful
Science, $160. Purack Publishing Co., 328 Cham
ber Commerce. Portland, Oregon.
Arithmetical Eggs.
"Waiter," he suggested mildly, "I
want three eggs and boll them four
But the cook, having only one ln
the place, boiled lt 12 minutes.
Which proves the value ot higher
Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh is Itself
an antiseptic and the use ot any other
remedy before applying it Is unneces
sary. Adv.
An Exception.
"The ideal Is seldom attainable."
"Not so in the case of a suburban
home," chirped the real estate agent
"Now, I gotta place for sale on easy
payments-." Louisville Courier-Jour
A Good Reason.
First Chauffeur Dill got fined $500
for taking his employer's car without
Second Chauffeur But how did the
boss know he took it?
First Chauffeur Why, Bill ran over
him. Chicago Daily News.
For fresh cuts apply Hanford's Bal
sam. Adv.
It Comes to Him Then.
The man who Isn't used to public
speaking always remembers the
speech that he intended to say Just
after he sits down.
For proud flesh use Hanford's
sam of Myrrh. Adv.
By Way of Apology.
Mrs. Towe It's perfectly scandal
ous for you to wear a shorter bathing
Miss TJnda Towe But, mamma, I
have longer stockings. Judge,
"Can I get off tomorrow, boss, for
a wedding?"
"Do you have to go?"
"I'd like to I'm the bridegroom."
Modern Child What do they mean
by a long winter evening?
Mother A portion of the day which
existed before the era of movies and
talking machines. Judge.
Plates and bridges made la
my own laboratory.
Office absolutely clean.
InttrumonU thoroughly ster
ilized. Prices reasonable.
Work auaranteed.
Constant endeavor to do work
Nurse in attendance.
Dr. Elof T. Hedlund
4M-46 Morgan Building. 4th Floor, Waahliigteo)
Near Broadway, Portland. Oregon.
V 1
P. N. U.
No. 2, 1810
WHEN writing to adrertlaera, alseao I
" tioa thla paper.
fftjf C ''its.' 1 Afll
Cnrea the sick and acta as a preventative for others,
.limit given on the tongue. Safe for brood mare and all
others. Best kidney remedy. (0 cents a bottle, 15 a doaen.
Sold by all druggists and turf goods houses, or sent, express
pnld, by the manufacturers. Booklet, "Distemper, Cause and
Cure," free.
Qoshen, Ins., U. . A,
Chemist and Bacteriologists.