GALE PLAYS HAVOC AT One Killed, Many Injured and Property Damaged. GALE BREAKS RECORD EOR 127. YEARS Plate Glass Windows Shattered and Business Signs Blown Away ' Apartment House Falls. Ban Francisco. Life, limb and prop erty paid tribute here Sunday night to a storm Bald by the weather bureau officials to be the severest that has Tisited San Francisco for 27 years. Seventy-five miles an hour was the velocity of the wind at 5 o'clock off Point Reyes, and 60 miles an hour off Point Lobos, one of the portals of the Golden Gate. Henry Chilson, of Los Angeles, was killed here by the storm. Chilson and his wife came here to visit the Pan ama-Pacific exposition and were to have returned to Los Angeles. He was knocked down by a falling adver tising sign, suffered a broken spine and fractured skull and died half an hour later. Numerous' injuries were reported from flying signs and other debris blown loose by the howling southerly gale. The wind was especially severe on plate-glass windows, more than 100 of which were reported as having been blown In. One window, on the 17th story of an office building, was blown from Its frame and stuck like a jack- knife In a door at the opposite side of the room. The storm kicked up a heavy sea on San Francisco bay and ferry traf fic was maintained with difficulty. In several cases whole seas swept the lower decks of the ferryboats, and many of the passengers became sea sick and others engaged themselves In prayer.- Several coasters that tried to put to sea turned back after getting taste of the wind's velocity outside the heads. The property loss caused by the storm included the destruction of an ' untenanted two-story frame apart ment house, which collapsed under the pressure of the wind. There were no casualties. Thirty Warships of Allies Land Large force on Grecian Soil NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS; GENERAL CROP CONDITIONS RRIGATONISTS CONVENE London. A dispatch from Athens reports the arrival In the Gulf of Or- fano (an arm of the Aegean Sea), of 30 large transports full of troops, which began to disembark immediate ly. An Athens paper says martial law will be declared January 15, and that the Chamber of Deputies has been summoned to meet on the 17th to rat ify the proclamation thereof. The Athens correspondent of the Dally Mail has had an interview with King Constantine. The king said: "There never was any reason for the suspicion with which we were treated. There were a number of small difficulties with the French and Eng lish, but we will do all possible to bring about a complete understanding with the allies. We have no desire but to accord you every facility. The possible umbrage which I felt at some of your actions has quite passed as a result of the harmony prevailing at Salonlki. But I will not be forced out of my neutrality." Seattle Coaster Is Killed When Sled flits Auto; Tacoma Coasters Hurt Seattle, Wash. One boy was killed and several others were injured Sun day as the result of coasting accidents on Seattle's steep snow-covered hills. Russell Marvin, 11, was killed when his sled ran Into an automobile. Sidney Greenburg, 11, suffered a broken leg as the result of a collision between two sleds. Tacoma, Wash. Three serious ac cidents on one hill, all occurring with in an hour Sunday night, resulted from the first coasting this season in Ta coma. Two of the accidents resulted in broken legs and the third in a frac tured knee cap. Those injured were James DavUon, A. M. Cook and Rus sell Knewland, all young men. Portland Wheat Bluestem. $1 oer bushel; fortyfold, $1; club, 97c; red rue, 95c; red Russian, 95c. Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $17 17.60 per ton; valley timothy, $14 14.6U; alfalfa, $16 17; oats and vetch, $13. Millfeed Spot prices: Bran, $22 per ton; shorts, $23; rolled barley, $2930. Corn White, $35 per ton; cracked, $36. Vegetables Artichokes, $1.10 per dozen; tomatoes, California, $1.50 1.75; cabbage, 90c per hundred; ear- lie, 15c per pound; peppers, 1012Jc; eggplant, 10c; sprouts, 8c; horserad ish, 8Jc; cauliflower, 75c$1.25 per dozen; celery, 5090c; beans, 2J5c per pound; lettuce, $22.75 per crate; peas, 16c per pound. ween fruits rears, M (Hi l.c-u per box; grapes, $6 per barrel; cranber ries, $1014.50. Potatoes Oregon, $11.15; Yaki- as, $1.151.25 per sack; sweets, $2.602.75 per hundred. Onions Oregon, buying price, $1.25 f. o. b. shipping point. Apples Spitzenbergs, extra fancy, $2.25; fancy, $2; choice, $1.251.60; Jonathans, extra fancy, $1.50; fancy, $1.25; choice, $1; Yellow Newtowns, extra fancy, $2; fancy, $1.75; choice, $11.25; Baldwin, extra fancy, $1.50; fancy, $1.25; choice, $1; . russets, orchard run, $1. Eggs Oregon ranch, candled, 83 35c per dozen; Oregon storage, 22 23c. Poultry Hens, small, 12 13c; large, 1314c; springs, 1213Jc; tur keys, live, 1819c; turkeys, dressed, choice, 24c; ducks, 1215c; geese, 10 llc. Butter City creamery, cubes, ex tras, selling at 28c; firsts, 261c; prints, and cartons, extra. Prices paid to producers ; Country creamery, 2226c; butterfat, No. 1, 28c; No. 2, 26c. Veal Fancy, llj12c per pound. Pork Fancy, 774c per pound. Hops 1915 crop, 810Jc per pound. Wool Eastern Oregon, 1825c per pound; valley, 2526c; fall lambs' wool, 25c; mohair, Oregon, 28c. Cascara Bark Old and new, 8J4c per pound. Cattle Market steady. Steers, choice, $7.257.50; good, $77.25; medium, $6.607; cows, choice, $5.25 5.75; good, $55.25; medium, $4.76 5; heifers, choice, $5.506; good, $4.755; bulls, choice, $3.504.50; stags, choice, $55.25. Hogs Market steady. Prime light, $6.156.25; prime strong, weights, $6 6.10; good to prime mixed, $5.65(5) 5.90; rough heavy packing, $4.81 pigs and skips, $55.25. Sheep Market steady. Choice spring lambs, $7.25 7.60; common spring lambs, $6.256.60; choice year ling wethers, $6.266.75; old weth ers, $66.25; choice light ewes, $5.26 5.50; good ewes, $4.765.25; com mon heavy ewes, $4.264.75. Tacoma's Apple Crop Nearly Gone, Tacoma Home-grown apples are about gone for the season, say local commission men. Supplies on hand now are going at a better price and this increases the sales of Eastern Washington apples, which were held back earlier in the season because of low prices of the home product The crop of local apples was a good one this season and many apples were sold, the dealers and growers both benefit ing. Eastern Washington apples hold steady. Grapes are reported gone for the season. The noiiaay trace cleaned up what supplies were on hand and deal ers say the weather is too cold now to bother with such a commodity. This season saw more grapes sold on the local market than ever before. There were many varieties offered and all were of an exceptional quality mat was maintained throughout the season. One of the features of the season was the way in which the grapes were packed for the holidays, some coming in cork-packed kegs and others in lug boxes. Vegetables with the exception of the root varieties are gone and there is no damage to be expected from cold weather. Shipments of tomatoes from California are becoming smaller. Sweet potatoes are arriving regularly. Netted GemJ spuds are firm at $23 a ton. Much Swampy Land May Made Quite Productive. Urge State Guaranty of Bonds for New Projects With Cheap Money Rural Credits Included. WORK IS ONLY FAIRLY BEGUN Lands Too Wet for Profitable Produc tion of Crops Should Be Drained Improves Soil by Making It More Porous and Friable.. Huerta'i Illness Serious. El Paso, Tex. General Vlctoriano Huerta, ex-provislonal president of Mexico, who underwent an operation here Sunday, was pronounced In a ser ious condition by his physician, Dr. If. P. Schuster. General Huerta, who had been ill for some time with what the physicians described as jaundice, was operated on for gallstones. It was announced after the operation that the physicians found symptoms of a more complicated disease than formerly dis closed, and expressed fear for his re covery. Creamery Butter Drops. Tacoma Fresh Washington cream ery butter declined this week 8 cents a pound. The drop is attributed to a heay production of second grade but ter. Many of the factories in Wash ington that have been closed down for weeks for repairs are again in opera tion. The demand is steady and no further change in prices is expected soon. Fresh Oregon butter is quoted at about the same prices as the Wash ington product Washington butter is offered at 2930 cents a pound and the Oregon commodity at 2830 cents. Portland Co-operation among all interests affected in irrigation enter prises and government and state guar antees of interest on bond iBsues are the features on which are centered the deliberations of the Fifth An nual Oregon Irrigation congress, in session here this week The Jones bill, which proposes to provide for govern mental underwriting of irrigation bonds, will be an active issue. A sen timent to promote the movement pro viding for an initiative law to get the state to make guarantees also was evident. E. G. Hopson, consulting engineer for the United States reclamation service, spoke in behalf of a movement to put irrigation enterprises on a firmer basis than they have occupied under the Carey act. More co-opera tion among state, Federal and individ ual interests, and to establish the con fidence of Eastern investors in irriga tion enterprises, he said, were prime necessities. He said Western irriga tion enterprises needed to be popular ized in the minds of Western people, as well as Eastern investors. He de clared he believed few enterprises henceforth would be developed by pri vate capital. "Congress will give aid sooner when it feels that the Western states are co operating dollar for dollar," he said. Governor James Withycombe spoke in a similar vein .on co-operation and urged the reduction of overhead expen ses in handling projects. "The land must be made available for the man with $500 as much as for the man with $5000," he declared. The Oregon Irrigation congress sub stantially committed itself to this line of action in the unanimous demonstra tions that followed the recommenda tions of Senator I. N. Day and other speakers before its second day meet ing. L. A. Hunt, of Lower Bridge, said that a resolution embodying this idea had already been prepared and submit ted to the resolutions committee and will be introduced in the report of the committee. It was Senator Day's ' address that crystallized the sentiments that have been expressed since the beginning of the congress and directed them into a definitely indicated line of action. Plainly and unequivocally he de clared himBelf in favor of Btate guar antee of irrigation and drainage bonds, and in favor of the enactment of a law providing for the establishment of a system of rural credits. "To secure cheap money for the de velopment of irrigation and drainage, he said, "the security must be ample and the payment of interest sure. This can be secured only by either the nation or the state standing back of the projects. "Why wait action of congress? Why not unite with the farmer of Western Oregon and put the state back of the bonds? The bonds, to get the United States back of them, must be good; then why, if the bonds are good enough for the United States, are they not good enough for the state? "When you have brought water to the land, you must have a man to farm it, and how is he to get and pay for it? He cannot pay for discounted bonds, high interest charge and short-term payments. "Before any progress can be had in that direction, Bome system of farm credit must be adpoted which will ad mit of his purchasing on long term, easy payments. "Rural credits are essential to the success of any irrigation scheme on an extensive scale. "We have Eastern Oregon asking for aid for drainage, and both wanting cheap money. We have many men seeking homes. Why not unite all these and seek relief through the bal lot? "Why not put the state back of these projects?" Mr. Day agreed with the other speakers at the congress that the Jones bill providing for government backing of irrigation projects is an ex cellent bill and expressed the hope that it way be passed by congress. But if it fails," he cried, "are you members of this Irrigation Congress going to let even another year elapse before taking steps to secure the relief that the situation demands? . "The thing to do is to stop marking time and get into a, united campaign to carry through the measure which, Dy Fleeing Launch Captured. San Diego, Cal. The launch Calyp so, which sailed from San Pedro De cember 27, the crew of which 1b sought by the deputy United States marshal at Los Angeles, is in the custody of the cruiser New Orleans at La Paz, Lower California, according to a ra diogram received here. The Calypso was held at San Pedro under an ad miralty libel instituted by the Stand ard Oil company and the San Pedro Iron Works, when, it is alleged, the crew forcibly took possession from the deputy United States marshal and put to sea. Chicago Thieves Busier. Chicago. One million, five hundred thousand dollars was stolen In Chica go during 1915, according to figures compiled from police records. This was $300,000 more than the tribute levied by thieves on Chicago's public during the year preceding. Chief of Police Healey has asked the council for 1000 additional patrol men, and he Is confident there will be a considerable decrease in crime If his request is granted. Bean Prices Highest in Years. The bean market of California Is now in a peculiar condition, according to reports from that state. The prices asked are the highest in years, and the high prices are not accom panied y any scarcity of beans. Be cause of the increased acreage put to beans this year, together with a most bountiful crop, more beans were har vested in California than in many years. Most of this crop now is in the warehouses. According to a Sacramen to bean expert, almost all the whole salers have filled their warehouses. Market Oats in East.' There was a fair prospect for a time that Pacific Coast oats, as well as wheat might be marketed in the East It was this posBibility-that caused the recent firmness in local markets, but with the weakening of Eastern prices, most of the gain was lost here. Prices, however, are close to the point that would make such shipments possible, and with a little advance in the East sales of the best Northwestern oats may be madejor shipment. there. insuring Btate backing of the projects, will make possible the development immediately of the irrigation and drainage projects of the state." J. T. Hinkle,. who preceded Mr. Day, had touched upon the apparent lack of public sympathy with the irri gation movements, and the failure of a bill embodying much the ideas ad vanced by Mr. Day to be carried in the last election by a referendum vote. Mr. Day replied to this by asserting that public sentiment has to be edu cated, and that if the irrigationists let a single set-back Btop -them they will never get what they are after. O. C. Leiter, secretary of the reso lutions committee of the congress, ad dressed publicly before the congress, questions to Mr. Day, C. C. Chapman and Mr. Hinkle. He asked Mr. Hinkle if the bill he had mentioned had been supported by an active campaign, to which Mr. Hinkle replied negatively. He asked C. C. Chapman if the Chabmer of Com merce would favor any kind of a meas ure providing for rural credits and state guarantee of irrigation and drainage bonds, and if before the ad journment of the congress the Cham ber would indicate the nature of a bill it would lend its support and indorse ment Mr. Chapman, while expressing doubt that the Chamber would give hasty decision in favor of any resolu tion the congress might see fit to adopt, believed that it would give the most careful consideration to any measure proposed and take the posi tion which seemed beBt for the State of Oregon at large. He said that he believed the Cham ber would not indorse the measure un til the form of the bills proposed had been submitted to it. O. Laugaard asserted that he had in formation from officials of the Cham ber to the effect that it will probably support any action taken by the con gress, but recommended that the bill be prepared first and then submitted to the Chamber for its indorsement The responses of Senator Day to in quiries from Mr. Leiter brought out a definite outline of procedure whereby the measures might be passed by the people of the state of Oregon. Mr. Day urged that a joint commit tee, composed of representatives from the Irrigation congress and farmers of the Willamette valley interested in drainage, granges and Farmers' un ions, be organized to prepare a draft of bills providing for the state guaran tee of bonds and the development of a system of rural credits. This committee would also circulate petitions to put the measure on the ballot and raise, by soliciting subcrip- tions, a fund of $5000 to conduct the campaign in its behalf. "Will Mr. Day help such a move ment financially - and personally?' asked Mr. Leiter. Whether the measure be adopted or not, whether the people pass the bill or not, I am for this measure, replied Mr. Day. "I am willing to go in, if the move ment is initiated, and give to the sup port of the bill all the time and means Ijim able, to carry it through. The man who wants to take up a measure for the benefit of the state until he is certain of success immediately is of little use, and I would just as leave pioneer this bill as any other that means the development of Oregon and the bettering of the conditions of liv ing for its citizens." The whole attitude of the congress during the discussion was intensely enthusiastic and, while the movement in support of the Jones bill will go on probably as powerfully as ever, the disposition of the congress, as a result of the session, appears to be to pro ceed along the lines of state aid at the same time, so that if the Jones bill fails, it still will have a definite and constructive program to carry forward The principal resolutions will prob ably be those indorsing the Jones bill. and urging the organization of a cam paign for the proposed state measure. The engineering and legal phases of irrigation development were consid ered at the morning session, the prin cipal speakers being Judge Carroll S, Graves, of Seattle; Attorney General G. M. Brown, and L. M. Rice, irriga tion engineer, of Seattle. O. Laurgaard spoke in the afternoon on "Is the Irrigation District a Solu tion of the Problem?" and he also gave a brief report of the meeting of the International Irrigation congress in San Francisco December 2 and 8, Hotels to Charge Extra. Washington, D. C Complaints re garding the unprecedented increase in hotel rates in St. Louis for Democratic! National convention week in June have been received at the White House. The reports indicate that the St Louis hotel men are demanding cer tified checks in advance covering half the cost of reservations before they will close contracts. It is estimated here that $16,000 will have to be put up by delegates and others attending the convention more than five months in advance. All OF DRAINAGE Be (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) By simple drainage much of the wet swampy farm land which cannot be cultivated in Its present condition may be made productive. There also many a piece of culti vated land which is not producing what It could be made to do if it were properly drained. Indeed, according to the department's specialists, drain age in the United States is only fairly begun, and Its immense possibilities are but little known. Farmers' Bulle tin No. 624 of the United States de partment of agriculture discusses this subject In some detail. Lands that are too wet for the most proflable production of crops, such as wet level land, low spots, and the dry subsoils of flat areas on the summits of knolls, river and creek bottoms, and peat bogB, should be drained. Even uplands may often be drained with profit, especially hillsides subject to erosion or inclined to be "spouty." In deed, drainage Is profitable wherever It is necessary to the fullest use of the land. It is not uncommon for lands too wet for cultivation to produce, when drained, 60 to 70 bushels of corn or oats or from one to one and a half bales of cotton to the acre. On much of the drained land the increase of yield is from 25 to 100 per cent, and by the increased yield and decreased cost of cultivation the value of the land Is often doubled. Improves the Soli. Drainage improves the physical con ditlon of the soil by making it more porous and friable. Thus stiff soils are made more easy to work. The roots of plants are given a greater feeding depth by the lowering of the water level tnd hence the ability of crops to utilize moisture Is increased, Well-drained soils absorb more rain fall than undralned soils, thus de creasing erosion and damage by floods. Drainage warms the soil. Heat from the sun acts directly upon the soil when excessive moisture is re moved by drainage. This 1b notice able in the North, where the planting season Is from one to two weeks earlier on drained land than on sim ilar land when undralned. . The dan ger of damage by frost both in the spring and in the fall is reduced. Warming of the soil also causes the seed to germinate more readily, there by giving a better stand of crops and causing the plants to grow more promptly. Drained land can be plowed earlier in the spring than undralned land. Crops can be cultivated sooner after necessitate a diversion from the nat ural watercourse. Use of Open Ditches. When the ditch runs through a field, the earth should be leveled back from the bank, so that no more ground than is necessary will be lost from cultivation. When the value of the land Is high, the open ditch should not be used where It is practicable to use tile. In the middle West tiles as large as three feet in diameter are fre quently used, and, being covered over, they do not occupy tillable land or divide a field. Where properly laid, thera is little danger of the tiles fill ing and practically no maintenance cost. Because water runs faster through tiles they can be much small er than the ojen ditch. The latter, however, has an advantage in holding Fig. 2.- more water after a rain, though, per haps, not carrying more. The farmer Is In a position to judge for himself when it is profitable to use tile. wmmmkl Fig. 1. Field Needing Drainage, San Francisco Is First. San Francisco San Francisco was ranked first among 18 leading cities the United States in expenditures for school improvements and equipment! and 13th in the amount spent operation for each pupil, according figures announced Thursday by persons interested in a survey of the city schools to be undertaken soon by Phi lander O. Claxton, United States com missioner of education. The statistics were compiled by the Russell Sage Foundation during a survey of schools in Cleveland. Immunity Is Insisted On. Washington, D. C. When Repre sentative Buchanan heard of his in dictment in New York on charges in connection with the activities of La bor's National Peace council, he said that If be enjoyed any congressional immunity from arrest be intended to insist on it that he might press his impeachment charges against the U. S. attorney now pending in the house judiciary committee "I don't know what they charge me with," he said, "and I have done nothing I would, not do again if I had the opportunity." Second Academy Opposed. Washington, D. C Secretary Dan iels let it be known that he will report adversely on the bill which Senator Phelan intends to introduce, '. authoriz ing the establishment of a naval acad emv on the Pacific Coast The secre tary has already recommended the en! largement of the Annapolis Naval Academy to accommodate 300 addi tional midshipment. He intimated, however, that if the nations of Europe did not subscribe to a plan of disarma ment the United States would need a second naval academy. a rain, ana it covered tile drains are used Instead of open ditches machln ery can be used to better advantage and the cost of cultivation decreased. Health conditions are also Improved by the drainage of swamps and stand ing water. The breeding places for mosquitoes are removed, with the con sequent abolishment of malaria in the locality. Practical System. The most practical drainage system Is one that is adequate, permanent, uses the least possible land, and is not a hindrance to cultivation. Tile drains which empty into either open or closed outlets most, nearly provide such a system. By the open-ditch sys tem much valuable land Is occupied, tho drainage Is seldom thorough, and (ho ditches become filled and have to be cleaned out. Open ditches some times occupy as much as ten per cent and frequently five per cent of the area drained. Thus It is that tile drains, while more expensive to In stall, are generally the most econom ical In the end. In laying out a drainage system the outlet Is the first consideration On rolling or hilly lands channels have usually been washed out, al though they may need to be straight- oned and cleaned out. On low, level land It is usually necessary to dig open ditches, and they should be straight and deep, since curves check the flow of water, while in a deep ditch wator generally flows more rapidly and less vegetation Is likely to be present. The outlets should be deep enough to take care of the flow from branch drains, which may necessarily be placed low to secure sufficient fall. Open ditches work well with a drop of four feet to the mile, although some, of necessity, have no more than one foot drop. In loamy soils subject to freezing the sides of the ditch should have a slope of 45 degrees, in sandy soils a greater slope, while In stiff soils subjected to llttlo freezing a less slope will do. Outlet ditches should usually follow the natural course of the water, al though efficiency and economy mav SAVING THAT COUNTS SMALL ECONOMIES CUT DOWN HOU8EHOLD EXPEN8E3. Housewife's Part Is to Make Small In. come Go as Far as Possible, and Thought in That Direction Is Well Expended. It Is the small economies that make big savings possible, and the house wife who scorns the pennies will never possess many dollars. Nowadays big salaries are not so common as we should like to have them, and the aver age man must struggle along as best he can on Just a living wage. In these hard times it Is the wife's part to make the small Income go Just as far as she can, and only by strict atten tion to the trifles as well as to big expenses, can she put by any money at all. The man whose wife has been brought up on the old adage, "Look to the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves" may well thank his lucky stars that he captured such a prize, for such women are rare. In deed, in these days of thriftless, care less housewives. Such a woman, who lives up to her belief that "a penny saved is a penny earned," is Indeed the better half of any man. After all, the poor husband can only bring In the family earnings. He can not make them stretch over all the household expenses, with a little to spare to bank for rainy days. That Is the wife's share in the partnership, and often it is the hardest. Housewives, yours Is the part to save here and pinch there, that the weekly stipend may be enough to pro vide for your needs. If your husband's salary seems all too little, look about you to see where you can lower ex penses. Since the salary cannot be PROFIT FROM ALFALFA ACRE enlarsed, the household expenditure must uu Uliuiujiztiu. m ml -Same Field After Being Tile Drained. Groatest, Most Profitable and Produc tive Swine Forage Test Made' at Iowa Station. (By JOHN M. BVVARD, Chief In Swine Production, Animal Husbandry Section, lowa Experiment Station.) Recently there was returned a profit of a little over (250 for the operations carried on an acre of alfalfa; the corn was charged at 60 cents, and the hogs sold for $7, Now these are the returns for the happy combination of self-fed corn and an acre of Belt-fed alfalfa, taking young growing fattening pigs to the weight of 250 pounds, no charge being made for the alfalfa. Charge the al falfa at $10 an acre and there remains $240 pork values (assuming no loss of pigs) over and above feed costs. Labor Is arbitrarily assumed to be offset by the manurial residues remaining; of course a charge of $1 a pig labor could "Waste not, want not" Is another proverb which might well be adopted as a motto by the American housewife, tor It Is well known that in no other country in the world is there so much waste In the household as In America. Even our thriftiest housewife, one who would be considered a model as compared with others, would be amazed could she be transported Into the kitchen of a French woman. For It Is In the kitchen where the greatest waste goes on, and It is there whero the French housewife displays the most thrift. Our model housekeeper would be considered extravagant by the average peasant woman of France or Germany. In these countries the women utilize every bit of food that comes Into the house. In the poorest homes as well as In the homes of those who have comfortable means, there Is always to be found a huge pot on the back of the be charged and still leave for the Ltovej or In tha pea8ant's kitchen hang- acre's operation a net return of (206, The alfalfa acre carried 44 pigs on the average from weaning to market, these pigB finishing at 250 pounds, fat and high-dressing. No alfalfa, of course, was left on the acre; It was all pastured. This is not the best prac tice, but It shows what corn on an al falfa acre will do when the corn well as the alfalfa Is pushed to the limit, These pigs gained 1.46 pound a day during the entire grazing season of 140 days, requiring 387 pounds of corn feed for a hundred pounds gain, this costing $4.14 with 60-cent corn. The charge for alfalfa on the basis of a hundred pounds gain amounts to $.12 (12 cents), making a total cost of $4.26. After paying for the alfalfa and crediting all the profits to the corn the net return per bushel was, with $7 hogs, almost a dollar, or exactly 98.5 cents. But let us remember that alfalfa in Itself will not net $250 on the acre, or corn alone 98.5 cents to the bushel when fed to (7 hogs. It is the very happy combination of self-fed corn and self-fed alfalfa that does these things. The cost of gains with 60-cent corn, and $10 alfalfa at $4.25 perhaps tells the story best although it is well to bear in mind that after all 1b Bald and done In the swine forage story that corn and alfalfa are pre-eminently the most profitable corn belt doublet of economic- feeds that It Is possible to grow and fatten swine on, Alfalfa Is our greatest, most produc tive,' most profitable swine forage and corn Is our greatest, most productive, most profitable swine growing feed, Why not plan the swine feeding with alfalfa and corn as the basal feeds? lng on a book In the fireplace. This is the potage pot, or soup pot, and Into It go all the scraps which are left over meat, vegetables, bones, everything. Another pot, kept near at hand, is for fats. When the soup Is skimmed, the fat Is thrown Into the other pot Bits of fat from meat, drippings, the fat left in roasting pans, all fat (ex cept mutton or lamb tallow), Is thrown into the fat pot, where it Is melted down, made Into clarified fat, and used In place of lard. No French woman would think of buying lard, in fact, she would be rather horrified at the Idea, for the homemade, clarified fat Is con sidered, and is far superior to the lard sold In the Bhops. The casserole dish, too, comes from this land of provident housewives. When there Is the will to save, the way usually is found, and the casserole Is one of the results. We American women should take a leaf from the note books of our French cousins and learn where and how to save. Roast Beef and Nut Hash. Hash In Pastry Ramekins. Chop remains of dbld roast beef fine; season to taste, add minced onion, cook slow ly (adding little water or milk) until mixture thickens. Have ready baked Individual pastry shapes; fill these with hash, dot with butter. Stand In oven until browned. Serve hot Nut Hash. Mix thoroughly one cup ful chopped walnuts and peanuts mixed, one cupful bread crumbs and one cupful nicely seasoned hot mashed potatoes; add milk to moisten; brown in oven. Serve with cream of tomato sauce. VALUE OF HAWKS AND BIRDS Much of Their Food Found to B Field Mice, Grasshoppers, Crick ets and Other tnseots. Dr. C. Hurt Merrtam says that the popular notions about hawks and birds for the slaughter of which many states gave bounties, are altogether erroneous. Ninety-five per cent of their food was found to be field mice grasshoppers, crickets, etc., which were Infinitely more Injurious to farm crops than they. The charges against crows are that they eat corn and destroy eggs, poul try and wild birds. Examination shows that they eat noxious insects and de structive animals, and that although 25 per cent of their food Is corn it Ib mostly waste corn picked up In the fall and winter. With regard to eggs, It was found that the shells were eaten to a very limited extent for the lime. Celery In Butter Sauce. Wash three bunches of celiry, cut In pieces three Inches long, boll In salted wator until tender and drain. Beat the yolks of four eggs, add one hall cupful of the coolad water In which the celory was cooked, two tablespoonfuls of lemon Juice, one-half teaspoonful of onion juice, one-halt saltspoonful of salt and a dash ot cayenne. Cook In a double boiler un til thick and add one-half cupful ot butter a small piece at a time, stir ring constantly. Arrange the celery on - hot dish and cover with the sauce, . Pruning Grape Vines. As soon as the frost kills the foliage of grape vines they may be pruned back and laid on the ground ready to be covered before tbe ground freezes, Graham Pudding. Two and a half cupfuls flour (gra ham), one cupful sweet milk, one cup ful molasses, one cupful raisins, two level teaspoonfuls soda, pinch of salt Steam two hours. I usually take two cupfuls graham and one-half cupful white flour. Serve with this hot sauce: Two cupfuls milk. When hot add one-half cupful sugar sifted with one level teaspoonful of flour and mixed with one beaten egg. Add a little salt and flavor to taste. Add more sugar; to sauce It you like It sweeter. Mock Macaroons. Beat the White ot one egg, and while doing so add one cupful brown sugar, a dash ot salt and beat till stiff. Stir In one cupful ot chopped pecan nuts and drop from tip ot spoon on buttered tin about one inch apart, as they will 1 use one-half cunful of 6klm Milk Buttermilk. . .nA I think thev are dellclnua. Skim milk buttermilk is the equal ,.n. with Ice cream In lumiw. v. .. vixuwi Boston Globe. Storage for Cabbages. Where only a tew cabbages are to be stored It Is a good plan to wrap the heads In newspapers and put them on shelves In cool cellar.