WORLD'S DOINGS OF CURRtNT WEEK Brief Resume of General News From All Around the Earth. IOTSAL HAPPENINGS IN A NUTSHELL Live News Items of All Nations and Pacific Northwest Condensed for Our Busy Readers. Oregon irrigationists close success ful meeting in Portland. Portland postoffice shows gain of 2,000,000 letters in 1915 over 1914. Chicago school teachers are to be permitted to marry and bold their jobs. Americans in Vienna who are with out proof of citizenship are being de tained by Germany. ' A statistician has shown that one person In ten who die in large cities is buried in paupers' graves. . An Oregon City woman who was frightened by a bull in the road sues its owner for $6000 damages. Labor leaders in London are to meet and consider the government's bill for the compulsory enlistment of single men. Governor Hammond, of Minnesota, dies suddenly of apoplexy at Clinton, La. His successor, the lieutenant gov ernor, is 84 years old. A paroled convict from Oregon, un der penalty of reporting bis where abouts to the district attorney once a month, advises he is "somewhere in France." Restauranters of Portland who serve craw fish "cooked in wine" now claim, since the state is dry, that wine was never a part of the recipe in preparing this dish. A dispatch from Saloniki says: "The consuls of Germany, Austria, Turkey and Bulgaria, with their stalls and families, have been arrested by order of the French General Sarrail and taken aboard a French warship. Their consulates are now occupied by allied troops." Mathew A. Schmidt was convicted Friday night of first-degree murder, as the accomplice of James B. Mc Nsmara in the blowing up of the Los Angeles Times building five years ago. Schmidt was convicted on the specific charge of having murdered Charles Hagerty. The jury fixed Schmidt's punishment at imprisonment for life, the same punishment imposed on James B. McNamara after the latter had confessed in court four years ago that he placed the bomb which blew op the newspaper plant The Austrian reply to the second American note on the Ancona says that the commander of the Austrian submarine has been punished for not sufficiently taking account of the panic aboard the Ancona, which rendered disembarkation more difficult. The note, while announcing the willingness of the Austro-Hungarian government to pay an indemnity for the American victims of the Ancona, declares that the government "cannot admit respon sibility for damage caused by the justi liable firing on the fleeing vessel or by the capsizing of the boats before the torpedo waa fired." No official reception is offered the Ford peace party by the Danes. The entente powers are considering abandoning the drive on Saloniki. Eight men, including a representa tive in congress an ex-representative In congress and an ex-attorney general of Ohio, are indicted by a Federal grand jury in New York on a charge of conspiring to foment strikes in American munitions factories as part of l campaign financed by the German government to check the exportation of munitiona to the entente allies. The men indicted are Representative Buchanan, of Illinois; ex-Representative Fowler, of Illinois; Frank S. Monnett, ex-attorney general of Ohio; H. B. Martin, Herman Schulteis, Frsi von Rintelen, David Lamar and Jacob C. Taylor. Captain Boy-Ed sails for Germany, leaving a parting shot to the United States press. The British cabinet is torn over the conscription question and the situation is near a crisis A bride of a few months is shot and otherwise maltreated on a lonely road near Gresbam, Ore. TheAustrians are accused by the French government of sinking the Coi tat without warning. King Peter of Serbia has gone Into exue ana it in deplorable condition, both at to health and finance. Vlenna't reply to the United States on the Ancona case will ask arbitration which, It it taid, will be rejected. Many paroled convicts in Chicago are thought responsible for many erlmet being committed in the windy elty. New York will ship to Germany by registered mall three tons of powdered milk for the 2,000,000 starring babies in that country. Secretary of War Garrison will pre sent to the committee on military affairs plan which, if adopted by congress, will mean universal military - service. St Louis hotels are reported exact ' ing unprecedented rates to delegate to the Democratic convention, who are making reservations, for the coming meeting. Tit government of the United t'z will build soon two giant sub r - Ir is of 2000 tons each. It ft pro r i to build 25 smaller boats of the i s ts within five years. OREGON BLUE LAW HELD TO BE LEGAL BY THREE FEDERAL JUDGES The old Sunday blue law of Oregon is valid and not in contravention either of the state or Federal constitutions. Three United States judges so agree in a sweeping opinion handed down Wednesday at Portland, by United States District Judge Wolverton, which upholds the law in every particular wherein attack has been made on it in the Federal court The opinion denies the prayer of the Brunswick-Balke-Collender company, manufacturers of billiard and pool tables and bowling alleys, for a per manent injunction restraining district attorneys and sheriffs of 26 Oregon counties from enforcing the law. In great detail it sets forth the rea sons for rejecting the contentions of Wilson T. Hume, attorney for the pe titioning company, as to the invalidity of the law. It holds that the principle of the right of the state to regulate the pur suit of occupations on Sunday under its SENATOR J. C. W. BECKHAM J. C. W. Beckham, the new senator from Kentucky, la a former governor of that state, having been elected after the disturbances that led to the assas sination of Governor Goebol. He was born In Bardstown, Ky., In 1869. police power has been conclusively de termined by the Oregon Supreme court in two decisions. It declares that the United States Supreme court further has uniformly upheld this principle as being a legiti mate exercise of the police power of the Btate. It asserts the contention that the law interferes with religious liberty to be ill-founded, and declares it essen tially civil and not religious. It sweeps aside techincal points raised against the validity of the law such as the alleged insufficiency of the title of the amended law of 1865 and other irregularities. Grave Epidemic of Influenza Holds Entire Nation in Clutch Washington, D. C. Influenza is spreading over the United States from coast to coast in the most Berious epi demic ever known, taking a large toll in lives and causing economic loss by incapacitating workers in all walks of life. Reports from public health serv ice officers made public by Surgeon General Blue Bhow that already the disease has created a grave problem for many larger cities, and is spread ing to the rural communities. New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, San Francisco, Seattle, Cleve land and Detroit reported the disease widely prevalent. Cleveland and De troit each have probably 100,000 cases. Of other larger citieB Buffalo, Pitts burg, Baltimore, Portland and San Diego report no signs of an epidemic. Thaw Must Pay Alienists. Philadelphia The Pennsylvania State Supreme court Wednesday de cided that the estate of Harry K. Thaw shall bear the expense of an ex amination of Thaw's sanity, and not the trustees of the estate. The caae came to the higher court from the Orphans' court of Allegheny covjnty and grew out of the efforts of Thaw to have the full amount of his income paid to him. Thaw took exceptions to the pay ment of the bills of the doctors who examined him. Illinois Boys to Train. Chicago Requests for the Incorpor ation of the National Cadet Corps league and the Illinois Cadet league were forwarded to Springfield, 111. The National body and its state auxiliary, in the belief of the incorporators, will bring about the introduction of military training for high school boys, college youths and graduates, with instructions detailed and equipment furnished by the government. A postcard canvass of the Chicago school boys will be un dertaken to determine whether the par ents favor military drill for their sons. French Wires Are Down. New York Heavy stormsjn France during the last few days have seriously interfered with telegraphic communi cation, and for this reason the French Cable company announces that mes sages for transmission through that country would be accepted subject to indefinite delay. Messages received here from France did not give any de tails of the damage other than that galea and heavy raint bad broken down many wires. lf Mi a CONSUL IS LISTED WITH LINERS' DEAD American Official On Steamer Sunk by Submarine. MANY SURVIVORS IN EGYPTIAN PORT Those Rescued Said to Include 59 Passengers and 94 of Crew Vessel's Captain Drowns. London Unofficial dispatches from Cairo say that the British steamship Persia, sunk in the Mediterranean on Thursday, was torpedoed without warning and sank in five minutes. Between 150 and 160 survivors have been landed at Alexandria, Egypt. Robert N. McNeely, American con sul at Auden, Arabia, is believed to have been drowned. Reuter's Cairo correspondent makes the unreserved statement that Mr. Mc Neely lost his life. Charles H. Grant, of BoBton, was saved. Details of the sinking of the Persia came in slowly but such information as was received made it appear that the number of persons who escaped in the four boats which were put off was larger than was hoped when the first news was received. The Penin sular & Oriental company, which owned the Persia, announced that 158 survivors had arrived at Alexandria. The survivors comprise the chief officer, second officer, seven engineers, 27 seamen, 63 Lascars' and 59 passen gers. A Lloyds dispatch gives the number as 153, made up of 69 passengers, of whom 17 are women, and 94 memebrs of the crew, including 59 Lascars. The survivors include military offi cers and eight persons who are not British subjectB. "The ship was struck amidships on the port Bide at 1:10 p. m., says Reu ter's correspondent at Cairo. "She had disappeared completely at 1:15. "Survivors say it was little short of s miracle that anyone was saved. There was no panic. Four boats were launched with the utmost promptitude. "The captain was drowned. When last seen he was swimming after the liner had plunged beneath the sur face." Both the Peninsular & Oriental com pany and Reuter's Cairo correspondent say that Mr. Grant has been landed at Alexandria. The steamship company had no news of Mr. McNeely's fate. Edward Rose, of Denver, left the Persia at Gibraltar, as was reported. Many Cities on Sound Feel Earth quake Which follows Shock in East Tacoma, Wash. Two distinct earth quake shocks, felt in every part of Ta coma, took place shortly before 5 o'clock Saturday. The shocks were quick and Bharp and more like an explosion. Buildings shook and trembled and in some cases persons ran out of their houses to see what had happened. At the Dupont powder plant, it was stated, the shocks were also felt. So far as has been learned yet, there was no damage. Olympia, Wash. At 4:50 o'clock a severe earthquake shock was .felt here of about 30 seconds' duration. No ma terial damage has been reported. Seattle, Wash. An earthquake shock was felt here Saturday after noon, beginning at 4:52 o'clock, con tinuing about 10 Beconds, followed by lighter tremors. No damage was done. Washington, D. C A severe earth quake, the heaviest recorded in some time and lasting almost three hours, occurred in an undetermined location Saturday. Seismographs of the Georgetown University observatory began recording the tremor at 8 :43 a. m. The Bhocks increased in intensity, and between 9:25 and 9:45 o'clock they were violent. It was conservatively estimated that the distance of the center of the dis turbance was 3000 miles from Wash ington. Cabaret Ousted from Rink. San Francsico An ice skating rink will supplant the previously popular cabaret at the Portola Louvre. Con struction work has started at the big Powell-street cafe this week and the rink will be opened to the public on January 10. According to one of the proprietors of the Portola Louvre, the rink will be at the dispolsal of cafe patrons during the afternoons, but at night will be used only by exhibition skaters. The manager wires from New York that he has closed contracts with half a dozen fancy performers. Allies Lose Advantage. Berlin A dispatch for abroad fol lows: "Interesting statistics are pub lished by the Tageblatt. The tabu lation shows that the populations of the entente powers August 1, 1914, when the war began, amounted to 230,000,000, while the inhabitants of the central powers totaled 116,000, 000. January 1, 1916, the entente powers have populations totaling 196, 000,000 while the central powers have 15,000,000, so that the difference in population has receded from 114,000, 000 to 46,000,000." Two Killed on Bob-sled, Caldwell, N. J. Two young women were killed and a young man seriously injured while bob-sledding here New Year's Day. The victims were Miss Winifred Dailoy and Miss Helen Van derwater, both of East Orange. Their companion, William Little, Jr., is suffering from Internal Injuries. The accident occurred when the three were coasting down steep hill andjn an effort to avoid a wagon dashed into telephone pole. NEWS ITEMS . Of General Interest About Oregon Complete Winter Short Course Program Ready for Distribution CorvalliB Complete programs of the Agricultural College Winter Short course have been issued and are now ready for distribution. An examina tion of this program shows that the work provided has a more close and vital relation to the practical work of farmers and other industrialists than that of any hitherto offered by the college. It shows clearly that more emphasis is to be placed , on actual training, with just enough instruction in principles to make the trianing con structive in right methods. Group courses, rattier than merely elective subjects, are offered, although per mission to make selection is allowed. As an inducement to make their work specific students are offered groups of studies intimately related. from which selections may be made. Upon completion of satifactory work in any of these courses students will be given certificates of the amount and character of the work done. This is a new idea in Short Course work and is expected to add a great deal to the in tensive character of tne work. It will also serve to keep the regular short course students properly classified for more prorgesBive work in succeeding years. The group courses are as follows: Agronomy, animal husbandry, agron omy ana aairy nusDanary, creamery ana aairy husbandry, domestic art, domestic science, horticulture, and in dustrial arts. Some courses are com prised of subjectB that are required in some of the other cdhrses, but it is only when the entire work of a select ed course is completed that certificates will be issued. Some of the subjects listed are optional and need not be tak en to complete the course. The course in agronomy includes work in soil fertility, field crops, farm management, irrigation and drainage, farm machines, field crop peBts and field crop diseases. It will be seen that it is designed for the general far mer whose interests are chiefly in crop production. The course in agronomy, livesock and dairying is the most general of all, and consists of the subjects that must be considered in growing crops, raising horses, cattle, sheep and hogs, and in dairy production. Livestock judging, stock feeding, dairy herd management, judging dairy cattle, and diseases of livestock, are substituted for farm machinery and field crop pests in the agronomy course. The creamery and dairying course is open to those who have had at least six months successful experinece in a creamery or cheese factory. It is so arranged that butter or cheese making can be made the major subject. Bac teriology of milk and creamery tests are subjects of the course. The course in domestic art was pro vided for those who are primarily in terested in sewing and garment-making and in household decorations. It is divided into two parts, one of ele mentary work for beginners and other of advanced work for those who have had successful experinece. Dressmak ing, decorative needle work and mil linery are the subjects. The domestic science course is ar ranged to meet the need of persons primarily interested in food prepara tion and related subjects. Subjects are, advanced food preparation, ele mentary food preparation, house wifery, camp cookery and home nurs ing. Housewifery is replaced by house administration during the last two weeks. The course in horticulture will train sudentts in application of scientific principles to orcharding. This plan will be especially empha sized in pruning instruction, small classes being organized each under the personal direction of an expert pruner who will supervise the work and ad vise the students as to the principles upon which the prunings are made. It is the aim of the department to make this part fit the work so com plete and practical that orchard men who take the course can return to their own orchards and apply the prin ciples practiced in the class work. Orchard problems will be discussed by Professor Lewis, whose study of the situation in Oregon includes a critical examination of almost one thousand orchards. Vegetable garden ing and landscaping will also be in cluded in this course. Other subjects are special horticulture, bee culture, spraying, plant diseases and insect pests of orchard and garden. S2000 Paid in Bounties. Salem For 20,000 gopher and mole scalps, which were brought into the of fice of County Clerk Gehlhar this week, residents of Marion county received $2000. Monday was the first day when the bounty of 10 cents a scalp became payable, and .persons who have been slaughtering the animals rushed in to collect on the rodents they possessed. All availabte spare in the clerk's office was tsken with baskets of the scalps. Claude Harris, of this city, brought in 1466 gopher and mole scalps and received $145.60. Klamath Mill It Rising. Klamath Falls Work on the con struction of the Lamm Lumber com pany's new plant is progressing rapid ly, and the installation of the machin ery soon will be begun. The new saw mill will begin operations in the early spring and will have a daily output of about 70,000 feet of lumber. The site for the plant is 18 miles from Klamath Falls, on the Southern Pacific, and on the shore of Upper Klamath lake. The company has had a large crew at work all summer getting out timber on the east tide of Upper lake. Coon Hunters Rejoice at Snow. Monmouth Coon hunters in this vi cinity are rejoicing over the recent snowfall on account of the advantage of snow in tracking the sly animals to their trees. Previous to this winter many of the ring-tailed creatures havt been captured by hunters in the woods of th surrounding country. LATEST PHOTOGRAPH OF THE GERMAN KAISER fe S k & Q h m In this, the latest photograph of the kaiser to come from the front, the about to enter the officers' headquarters in the Champagne region. CAPTURED Photograph taken during the Teutonic drive through Serbia, showing captured Serbian soldiers being marched In the early morning to a detention camp. Among them are women, for the Serbian women fought as stubbornly as the men. QUEEN OF BELGIUM IS UNTERRIFIED Wto 'riSm i '''' M Regardless of the German air raids la the vicinity of the hospitals be hind the Belgian front, the queen of Belgium keeps on her work of visiting the wounded. The photograph Bhows the queen with Prince Alexander of Teck at a review of the regiment in o' the queeu, is enlisted as a private. BRITISH PREPARED r. j r f V The men and officers In the British two enemies, King Frost and exploding group of British officers wearing their fur coats. Plg-raiilng It being tried in the Brit ish West Indies. The Young Woman's Christian asso ciation hat a world membership of 600,000. An Englishwoman hat Invented machine for testing the wearing quali ties of textiles or for comparing the durability of two or more that are similar. . Wi ITEMS FROM EVERYWHERE I BY THE TEUTONS IN which Crown Prince Leopold, the son FOR. COLD WEATHER o OO trenches are well prepared for their German shells. The picture shows a new ateel helmets and their winter Eclipse, the famous race horse, was unbeaten In any of his races. Twelve thousand children are ar rested annually In New York. The bureau of standards hat found that better glass melting pots can be made of clays found In the United States than of clays imported from Germany, heretofore considered necessary. pIllW German ruler, seen near the right it SERBIA SHE FOUGHT FOR RUSSIA There Ib a story connected with the Russian prisoner who Is shown here in the custody of Teutonic captors. Before the WAT iha nrlnnnan no. known as Madame Marfo Malko, the wue or a Kusslan junior officer. When war was declared she changed her at tire, cut her hair and joined the army. All thO riCOrs nnrl hnrriohlni, ( k different campaigns and the trench mo ma noi ootner ner In the least and her sex Identity was a secret to all but herself. Then she was cap tured and alone with th r nr .v, prisoners turned over to the German sanitation corps. All the prisoners are forced to go through the disinfecting fttBtlAn ... Y. . I . ., wumo uiey Dame ana have their clothing disinfected. When Madame Malko's turn came the truth leaked out Real Responsibility. Elsie's mother was verv ill ml of the neighbors asked the child what sue wouia ao u ner mother died. "Oh," answered Elsie, who did not realize the gravity of the situation, "t suppose I'd have to spank myself." ' In Modern Garb. "Miss Wombat Is causing some con troversy about our contemplated tableaus." "At to whyT" "She proposes to pose at Columbia In high-heeled shoes and a picture hat" Told by a Married Man. Wederly The chap who is unsuc cessful in love Is lucky In a way. Singleton How't thatT Woderly He escapes the horrort & war that usually follow tuccesa i' .Jsfr w" win """f'Of