fflmnv IwJ KGELETTDURGESS CHAPTER XIV Continued. 18 Flodie laid an affectionate band on poor Alfred' shoulder. "It simply means that Alfred's true blue," she re plied soberly. "Ha has the loyalty of a dog. It was awful of me to do it, though. I don't know what you'll think of me, Hall. But you haven't told him, yet, Alfred. Go on! And do hurry, please 1" "Well, she asked me to go down to the city hall with her, for to get a mar riage license. This afternoon, It was, and you know what I thought. Well, we went up to the desk and we got a application a printed paper It was tellin' all about what we was and how old, like, and we sat down to a table and Miss Fisher, here, she took a pen and ink." .. "Hurry, Alfred, hurry!" cried Flodie Impatiently. "Well she went to work and wrote yesses' and 'noes' on the lines. And then she signed her name, Miss Fisher did, and she handed me the pen." Sud denly Alfred turned his head, and busied himself for a moment with his handkerchief. He returned to his nar rative almost choking. "I was just a-goin' to sign Alfred J. Smallish; that's my name and what I always sign it, when she Bays to me, Miss Fisher did, 'You write down this here name what I tell you: Hall Cutler Boni stelle' she says. 'You asked me to ask you to do something hard for me, for to prove your love for me!' she says, and indeed I did, Mr. BoniBtelle and so I signed the paper, and we had It swore to." "WelJ, give me the paper, Alfred! Do hurry!" Flodie cried anxiously. Alfred drew from his pocket the document, and handed it over to Hall. . Flodie bent over it. "You see, Al fred had to pretend he was you, that's all. He's the Bame color, you know" Hall looked up at Alfred, and Bmlled. '!Well, I mean he's white," Flodie explained anxiously. "Yes, he certainly is rather white," Hall remarked and turned again to look at the document "Of course we did have to lie a little, that Is, Alfred did about your father and mother, you know. I didn't know what their names were, so we had to call them John and Mary you don't mind, do you?" "Not at all." "And you haven't any former wives, have you, living or dead?" "Not one!" Hall was emphatio. "Then it's a perfectly good license, and it fits you and there's your name and everything, and mine, too. You don't mind, do you, Hall, dear?" Flodie began to blush violently, and was very confused. "You see, I kind of thought you were going to ask me, I sort of felt it coming, and I knew you'd be too, stupid to get one yourself!" . "Flodie Fisher Bonistelle!" he ex claimed, and threw up his hands, "yov certainly are a business woman! ) don't see what chance I'll have aftei we're married! But I'm perfectly wil ling to let you manage me, Flo. I certainly have botched things when ever I've tried to run them myself." He turned to Alfred, who stood, looking at his shoes. "And you com mitted perjury, Alfred, Just for my sake?" Alfred drew himself up proudly. "Not at all, Mr. Bonistelle. It was for Miss Fisher I done it!" "Then you did it for me. By jove, Alfred, let me Bhake your hand. A man can't be thanked for a service like that, and he can't be rewarded; but if there's anything I can do for you, you name it!" "There's only the one thing I want now, Mr. Bonistelle. Would you leave me be your best man at the weddln'? There was once when I hoped I could be bridegroom myself, Mr. Bonistelle, but I see now that was foolish, But It would be a satisfaction to see the last of Miss Fisher, if you don't mind." Hall, laughing, slapped him on the back. "Sure, Alfred! You can be the chief mourner, Alfred that is, if this license is all right. Let's call in Mr. Doremus; he'll tell us." He started for the door, but Flodie had already beckoned to the attorney, who now came In with her. "Well, we're going to have a cere mony, after all!" said Hall. "I'm going to take you at your word and let you marry me." Flodie interrupted his reply. "What is the shortest possible way you can do it, and have H legal, Mr. Doremus?" she asked, nudging him anxiously. "Oh, I'll fix that." said the lawyer. "It won't take two minutes." "What's goln' on?" 'came a harsh voice at the door. Jonas Hassingbury was looking In. "Come in, Jonas, come in and be 'among those present' It's my merry marriage morn!" cried Hall gayly. Flodie whispered to Alfred. "Run, Alfred, bring everybody in, quick!" Alfred disappeared into the office and could be heard announcing the lo cation. Jonas, however, had begun to bristle. He strode up to his cousin belligerent ly. "Why, it ain't no uso to git mar ried now, Hall, you know that 1 Don't be foolish!" "Hurry, Mr. Doremus, hurry!" Flo die was growing frantic. She pointed to the clock. It indicated twenty eight minutes past twelve. Hall, however, was In no haste. "Oh, I know, Jonas; but you see Flodie and I have decided to lose no more time. You can give her away, if you want to." He sat down, laughing at his cou sin's consternation. "But it's past twelve!" Jonas insist ed, pointing to the clock. "Oh, I know that! That proves It's a love match, doesn't it?" "Come here, Hall, and stand up by me! Anyone would think you didn't want to get married 1" Flodie called nervously. By this time the company had be gun to enter, and soon flooded the studio, laughing, wondering, Joking with Hall. "Go ahead!" cried Flodie. "We're ready, Mr. Doremus, quick!" She stamped her foot angrily. "Oh, wait a minute," Hall inter posed, "we want this thing arranged a little. It won't do to rush it." He turned to his guests. "Ladles and gentlemen," he began, when Jonas broke In again. "See here, I object to this!" He walked up to Mr. Doremus angrily. Mr. Doremus, however, had already begun to thunder out, "Hall Bonistelle, do you take this woman, Flodie Fish er, to be your wedded wife?" "Just wait a minute!" cried Jonas, looking at his watch. "We're off!" came In a chorus from the excited guests. "I do!" replied Hall. "See here, Jonas, you mustn't interrupt the game, you know. Sit down and be quiet!" "But I got something to say about it" "Flodie Fisher do you take be quiet, Mr. Hassingbury, I'm running this " "It's ' a scheme! It's a fraud! Jonas appealed wildly to the company. " this man to be your lawful wed ded husband?" "Oh, you old scamp, you, you've sold me out!" Jonas shook his fist at the i ut I told you what time o set It!" Flodlo fairly yelled now. "And I told you half an hour ahead on purpose!" Mr. Doremus held up his hand. "SI- lenn!" he thundered. Mr. Hassing bury," he declared solemnly, "theie are witnesses enough present to prove that Mr. Bonistelle was married be fore midnight. As you are aware, I seldom take sides inny controversy, but in this case, my little friend here, Flodie Bonistelle completely won me over. There's no possible doubt that Mr. Bonistelle will Inherit his uncle's fortune." Hall burst out of his trance with a whoop. "Hurrah!" he screamed, "I've won four millions of dollars!" Flodie stretched up on tiptoe and pulled down his dramatically extended hand. "No, sir," she announced, "I won It myself!" THE END. CHANGED HER VIEWS MOST PERFECT OF PLANTS Working of the Human Body Make Any Invention of Man Seem Like Plaything. The most complicated manufactur ing plant that ever existed is the hu man body as controlled under the sci entific management of the brain and nervous system. No factory ever boast ed a more efficient producer plant lor converting fuel into energy. No plait ever had so" well-designed a pumping system, nor one so perfect for the disposal of waste and sewage. Talk of up-to-date heating and ventilating. or lnterdenartment telephone! me best that our modern science can put into our shops is crude indeed as com- pared with that furnished by the Great Designer. Suppose that you went to a pump manufacturer with the following specification: Wanted, a pump with capacity oi one-quarter gallon a minute, to handle warm salty fluid, to work for sevsnty years night and day without a snut- down, at the rate of seventy strones per minute. Must be guaranteed to operate for the full period of time without repairs or adjustments, to re quire no attention; must have auto matic control and contain its own mo tive power, and must have a duty per million foot-pounds superior to the best triple-expansion high-duty unit ever made. Do you think the manufacturer would bid for the Job? If he were a timid man he would probably agree with you and tell you to come around next week, meanwhile edging you toward the door before your insanity took a violent form. Or if he were not afraid of lunatics he would say: "You poor bug, such a pump as you speak of never existed nor ever will except in the brain of a perpetual-motion freak such as I see before mel" Which shows how much he knows about It, for both you and he carry Just such a pump around with you. and each of you thinks too much oi your possession to sell It tor any money. John H. Van Deventer, In the Engineering Magazine. Aunt Emily Saw Things in a Dif ferent Light. Ready to Kill Driver Who Had Almost Run Her Down, But Had No Mercy When She Was In the Auto. In a street in Richmond stood Aunt Emily, with her hat askew upon her woolly old white head, and a large and vicious-looking cobblestone In one hand. She had every appearance of a staid colored mammy of tta. antebel lum strain, who had determined to break somebody's Jaw and was about to begin the assault Amid wagons. taxicabs, traffic of all sorts dashing madly at auntie from all sides, she held her ground valiantly, evidently determined not to lire that rock until she saw the whites of her enemies' eyes. While thus engaged, and while the fire shot from her outraged eyes, a gen tleman drew up to the curb in a finely- equipped roadster and called out to her: "What in the name of common sense are you doing there, auntie?" To which the belligerent one re plied: "Lawsie, Mistah John, one o' these yer autovillains come 'long Jes' now and lak to knock me down. An' Ah jes' gwlne stay hyeh tell he come back, and Ah spects to brek he haid wit dls yer rock." "Look here," Bald the man, "Miss Lou is waiting for you to come home & " ;CIX 1 i tin y nrpl if ;yi j Ml li I - ' t $ eHp- Us fern &-WsJL ill' i ANIMOSITY HOW Century Has Wrought Change in Feelings. Alfred Drew From His Pocket the Document. bride and was pulled furiously back by Alfred. I do! Flodie screamed. "I never, Mr. Hassingbury! I only promised to prevent his marrying the others! I never said " "Put on the ring! Put on the ring!" the company screamed laughingly to Hall. He obeyed. "Then I pronounce you man and wife!" r "I never said I wouldn't get him my self!" Flodle's words were smothered in Hall's kiss. Immediately she was surrounded by the gentlemen of the company, who passed her from Hp to Up, protesting laughing, struggling to speak. Mr. Doremus pressed Hall's hand. "I congratulate you, Mr. BoniBtelle I" he cried enthusiastically. "Thank you, sir!" Hall answered. "I've got a fortune in Flodie." "I think you have! Two!" was Mr. Doremus' reply. "Mr. Hassingbury, would you mind telling me what time it is?" Jonas turned white, and started hur riedly to leave without a word. Flo die, alert, caught him as he turned, and snatched out his watch as deftly as a pickpocket. She held it up to the company. "We've won! Eleven flfty nine!" Bhe shouted. The company took it up, and shout ed, too. Watches were brought 'out from a dozen pockets, compared and the time corroborated. "It's a lie!" Jonas protested, "why, look at the clockt It's half past twelve! He's too late I tell you! The money's mine!" "Why, that's rlghtl" said Hall, amazed by the sudden confusion. "1 set that clock myself!" SAVED MASTER FROM DEATH Small Dog Is Petted as a Hero In the Paris Hospitals,' as Reward for Faithfulness. In one of the Paris hospitals lives a dog, a brown-and-whlte setter, named Fend l'AIr (cleave the air), who Is a real hero of the war. His master, a sergeant of zouaves, is a pa tient in the hospital, and he owes his frail hold on life to the devotion and Intelligence of Fend l'AIr. When the regiment left Algeria for France the dog was left behind, but the faithful little creature leaped Into the water and swam along behind the ship until the captain, taking pity on him, had him taken on board. From that time be has never left his master. During the fighting at Rochincourt, near Arras, an exploding bomb buried the sergeant and seven other men with earth. They were badly injured, and so deeply covered that no man had the strength to fight his way out. But, luckily, Fend l'AIr escaped the bomb. Pie at once began to scratch, and he scratched and scratched until be had reached his master and dragged him out to safety. The seven other men died. The wounded sergeant and his dog were sent from one relief station to another until they found permanent care in this Paris hospital. Good nurs ing has saved the man, but too much attention almost killed the dog; for the nurses and orderlies fed htm so lavishly that promiscuous feeding had to be forbidden. Now Fend l'AIr lives In the hospital kitchen, where he has assumed' the duty of guard, and growls savagely at anyone who enters the kitchen unless they belong there. Every day a nurse takes him to the wards to visit his master, and Fend l'AIr puts his nose on the sergeant's shoulder and stands contented as long as he It permitted to remain. The great af fection that exists between the ser geant and his dog is very charming. Youth's Companion, A Large and Vicious-Looking Cobble' stone in One Hand. and get luncheon ready. Step Into this car and I'll drive you home." Auntie pondered for a moment be fore replying: Ah nevah road in one dose contrap tions." "I'll take care of you. Hurry up now. So auntie gathered her voluminous Bkirts, and with many evident mlBgiv ings took her seat in a racing road car that could touch ninety miles an hour and never feel the strain. She clung to the seat tightly as the car started off, and hung on for dear life as it swung a corner. She grabbed "Mistah John" by the arm in her fright and begged him to let her out as they threaded neatly through the crowded Richmond thoroughfares. She was In utter and abject misery from fear and the tears rolled down her cheeks. But Mistah John took to the straight road soon and set forth tor the sub urbs. The way was clear and he let out a few links in the engine and the engine hummed like a bee and sr ed down the path like a bird. Auntie began to feel like she was flying, and her fear gave way to a sensation of grand delight, md by the time she had gone ten miles she was singing softly to herself and settled back on the seat like an oldtime racer. "Ratch-atch-atch atch" went the raucous horn (Notice they don't say "honk, honk" any more). "What you do dat fo' Mistah John?" asked auntie. "I wanted to warn the colored boy to get out of the way." And then auntie replied. "Shucks, Mistah John, Jes' yo' run ovah dat fool'nlggah. What right he got In de way nohow?" Which goes to show, as Wlnfleld Lar ner says, that practically everything depends on the point of view. w Street Scene in Anpori? La VlfcUA HEN the president of An dorra sent a message to President Wilson, many an American was compelled to hunt up on the map the location of the tiny republic in the Pyrenees. Who has ever been in Andorra?" asked the Chicago Evening Post, and in reply Marlon H. Drake wrote: In the summer of 1913 I tried to reach this quaint, ancient and hidden republic from the Spanish side, but could gain no assurance from any tour ist office In Madrid that It was acces sible, bo I went the long way around, via Barcelona, Perplgnan, Carcas sonne, Toulouse, Folx and Ax-les-Thermes, in France. Here I was warned that the trip was dangerous, that there were smugglers and brig ands and terrible mountain storms, and that a woman who took this trip might not return alive. This only whetted my traveler's spirit, and I bought a pair of hemp-soled shoes, packed a knapsack, strapped a camera over my shoulder and went by post chaise to L'Hospltalet, where I en gaged as guide an Andorran boy, handsome, respectful and neatly dressed In brown corduroy, who was working at the dirty little Inn, hired embroidered sheets and pillow slips. The people were kindly, interested in the news of the outside world, cour teous, some quiet and Bome loquacious. "1 was now in the valley of the Va- lira river, which flows south Into Spain and over the rocky road from Canlllo and Encamp I passed churches built of the brownish gray stones of the country, with Catalan bell towers At Andorra la Viella, the capital, they were celebrating their day of liberty, and their flags of yellow, blue and red the blended colors of Spain the spiritual and France the temporal mother were flying In summer sun shine, I walked into Las Escaldas late in the afternoon, passing bubbling buI phur springs, and was greeted hospi tably by Doctor Pla, the cultured pro prietor of a first-class hostelry. My little guide left me to return to the dirty, muddy town of L'Hospltalet. bade him farewell In French, and ho replied in Catalan, the Andorran tongue. At Las Escaldas hotel I found many fat Spanish priests, gay and Jolly, who had come for the sulphur baths, as well as numerous Andalit- elans, up In the cool Pyrenees for their holiday, Andorra has six counties, about French Soldiers View Mementoes of the Downfall of Napoleon, Exhib ited In British Capital, With out Expression of Emotion. Every American visitor to London, probably, makes a call at tbe three storied building opposite the Horse Guard, the former banqueting ball of the palace of Whitehall, from a win dow on the second floor of which King Charles I stepped onto the exe cution platform and, after addressing the gathered throng, bravely met his tragic fate, remarks the London Times. The building Is now called the Royal United Service Museum, and in the main hall, contrasting strangely with the richly figured ceilings by Peter Paul Rubens, are thousands of relics recalling the almost numberless wars in which the manhood of this country has engaged. Yesterday the writer followed through the turnstile of the museum two French Infantry soldiers, on leave from tbe front, fresh from months of fighting, side by side with Tommy Atkins, against a common foe. In tbe great hall, In enormous show cases, are models setting out the exact posi tions at the battles of Trafalgar and Waterloo, those historic combats on land and on sea which did so much to mar the fortunes of Napoleon and to shatter the predominant position ot France. In one case, little patches of make- believe smoke trace the two lines, the allies and the French, while clusters of tiny red brick houses mark the po sitions of villages of Belgium familiar even to every follower ot the present world struggle. In the second case the fleet of Nel- . son Is shown at the critical moment when, led by the Victory and ' the Fighting Temeralre, It pierced the lines of the French and Spanish fleets. Indeed, it seemed to the writer as he hung over the showcases and studied the positions, that Nelson used the phalanx" as effectively as did Von Mackensen In Gallcta, and as French and Joffre are trying to do In France and Belgium now. , But, beside these two cases, there are more Immediate links with the French and English past Nearby is the skeleton ot Napoleon's favorite charger. In another case is the curved sword worn by Wellington at most of his famous engagements. Many are the relics of the peninsula campaign. Here Is the uniform, cape and hat worn by Wellington during the whole peninsula campaign, and "deposited" In tbe museum by his valet. On every side are guns taken from the French, while overhead are battle flags bear ing the scars of honorable warfare. And the two French soldiers viewed It all without enmity or unpleasant comment. A Strenuous Final. "When Professor Scrapeso plays the violin bis very soul seems on Are," exclaimed Mrs. Prebson after the con cert "Umpa!" replied Mr. Prebsoa, whose favorite amusement is baseball. "I don't know about his soul, but when be was finishing up that last piece I expected at any moment to see his fiddle strings smoking." Would Be a Boon. Any guy who would Invent some thing effective to take the cut out of tbe cutworm would be sur of ever lasting fame. Boston Globe. tnAAArmAi.nAn.nnnnnrrt-iWWi--r --i-i-i-,- iii J - -- -- - OLD GREEK HAD RIGHT IDEA Xtnophon's Conception of the Dignity and Value of Agriculture Is Be yond Criticism. Xenophon's work on agriculture tacks the divine afflatus of the Georgtcs and the patient, comprehensive re search of Varro's "De Re Rustics ;" Its more modest scop la shown by the name he gave It: "Oeconomlcs," r, as Etlenne de La Beetle rendered viewed the agriculturist was not with- it. "La Mesnagerte" a capital word, , eat elevation, though It did sot strike that has gone down In life! Xenophon traced the rule of the farm on rather general lines; h started from the principle that, la the main, agriculture Is made up of com mon sense and diligence. ' To critics who blame him as un scientific let It be said that In south ern farming, at least, these two quali ties will carry the cultivator further than the most beautiful steam plow. Tbe standpoint from which he him, as It struck Virgil, that tbe hus bandman was a sort of high priest But neither did he regard him as the mere servant of private and selfish ends. Tbe landed proprietor was the pillar of society and agriculture tb life blood of- the state; the fields grew more than corn they grew men. This was his point ot view. New York Tel It's easier for a young man to raise a row than a mustache. Apples and Onions. An Illinois exchange congratulates the people of its county for raising large crops 'of apples and onions, a combination that is perfectly glorious, and which furnishes a guarantee of the future health and Joy of the peo ple of the county. Apples and onions are both healthy in their own right, and when they go together they are the Invincible foes ot ill health. Ev erybody praises the apple, and It Is universally regarded as the promoter of a sound mind In a sound body. And so Is the onion, but some people affect to underrate it, because of Its very positive virtue. It should not be. The onion is a brain sparkler, a stom ach rejuvenator, a nerve sharpener, and likewise a guide o( old Somnos to the happy land ot dreams. Who ever affects to despise the onion Is a mollycoddle, male or female, as the case may be. Onion is the only thing In the wide, wide world that can make a hash divine. Ohio State Journal. Remarkable Dental Work. A dental achievement ot a most re markable nature wap recently de scribed at a lecture in London. It was stated that during the battle of Neuve Chapelle a young officer, a lieutenant In a Highland regiment, had his face half-turned upward, when a piece of shell struck the left side of bis face and blew away most of tbe lower jaw. Incredible though It may seem, the doctor put a new Boor to tbe man's mouth, actually Induced two Inches ot bone to grow on the lower Jaw, fixed complete artificial teeth, and healed the remains of the Hps, with tbe result that now the man Is as normal as ever, and the only re sult of his mishap Is a slight scar on the mouth. Malicious Insinuation. "Miss Primmer tells me that her balr turned gray In a single night" "That must bare been tbe night she forgot to put the bleach on." Mil MW - rSh; 8-' i - , vtheW y 4 PROTECTION FOR THE RACER Novel Armored Suit That It Is Thought Would Save Llfj In Event of Accident. A pneumatic armor has been pat ented for the purpose of saving the lives of motor-cycle riders, and par ticularly racers, who, with this nro- ptitvj lilt lit ttl tttt Llli 11 it tttiM t iillliitiltlltijlTtltlittiitlltittlttilfliLjiiittilltfliXiitlt: llttJitf ti i f il 1J THE CAS. Dt LA VALL' mountain horse, and with sup pressed excitement started out over the rocky pathway back of tbe rude little church of this far-south town of France. I walked and rode over loose stones, on narrow and fearsome ledges, at times above and often be low cascades, over hard, sharp, cut ting, slippery slate, past quaint stone shrines with Iron crosses, tiny ter raced fields of vegetables and tobac co, perpendicular bayflelds amid the wonderful stillness of the lofty Pyre nees and the noisy, rushing torrents. I waded through trickling, cool brooks, where rivers were born, and stopped tbe first night at Soldeu, where I found good food, white tablecloth and napkins and slept In a room with a rough stone floor, on a good bed, with WOULD EXTEND GOATKEEPNG English Head or Club Advocates Ex pansion In the Railing of These Useful Animals. Goatkeeplng by the small holder has Increased considerably since the war, and suburban residents, too, have found the ownership of a goat or two less troublesome and more profltahlo than pigeons, rabbits, or oven poultry, remarks tbe London Times. In view, however, of Rev. A C. Atkins, founder of the new Na tional Utility Goat club, the keeping of gnats for utility purposes should be more largely extended, and with this aim h! Is Inking a census of all tho goals In the country. "There are thousands of gonts kept for utility purposos In the rnuntry." he says, "an'l everybody who hns had one knows their valito. They are little trouble: all you have to do Is to keep thorn dean and provide them with a shelter, no ther do not like wet. For a trifling expennn and s little atten tion you can 'grow' your own rullk, which Is delicious fnr all culinary dozen towns and some five thousand Inhabitants. Tbe capital, Andorra la Viella, has a population of BOO and contains tho Casa de la Vail, or hoase ot represen tatives. This Is a large sixteenth-century building at the extremity of the town, overlooking the valley toward Spain. ' It is parliament house, town ball, school, palace of Justice and ho tel for the councilors all In one. It Is also used as a temporary prison In the rare cases when a prison Is neces sary. Crime In Andorra Is practically unknown. The only Andorrans suf fering Imprisonment are the smug glors ot tobacco caught by the French or Spanish customs officers, ahd these are not looked upon as malefactors by thoir follow citizens. Smuggling Is regarded as a legitimate trade. purposes and makes excellent cheese." Mr. Atkins, In recommending goat- keeping on economic grounds, speaks from experience. At his home at Uck floid, Sussex, be keeps two goats, which save him $100 a year! Tbe In dustrious pair provide plenty of milk for a household of six. Mulled Cider. This Is an excellent bedtime drink when one feels that be has taken cold or Just after coming In from a wetting In the storm. Pound half an ounce 6f stick cinnamon and ten or twelve cloves until bruised. Put Into a sauce pan with bait a grated, nutmeg, cover with a half pint of boiling water and Infuse on the back of the stove for 16 minute. Straln, add sugar to taste and stir Into a pint ot hot cider. Sympathetic. "I'm sorry you don't admire Mr. Uumplns," said the tactful woman. "It's ancestors were very distinguished and estimable people." "Yes,' replied Miss Cayenne. "What a misfortune for his family that so many of them died." tectlve garb, may smash Into each other or dive Into a fence without the least regard for the consequences. The armor consists ot a one-piece suit of stout material Into which the wear er Is laced. Attachod to the exterior of the suit Is a long tube curled back and forth until the entire person of the wearer Is protected by a cushion ot air. The latter Is pumped into the tube In the same manner as a tire Is inflated, and when it is desired to pack tbe suit the air may be allowed to escape so that the outfit will take up as little space as possible. The Inflation and defla tion Is done through the means of the check valves at the sleeves and at the trousers' top. Perpetual Restraint "When I was a boy," said Mr. Cum rox, "my father used to reprove me for reading dime novels." "It was meant for the best." "But a person ought to get beyond that sort of discipline sometime. Now my daughters reprove me for wanting to see all the moving plcturea." The Masoulln View. His Wife Isn't my new town quite becoming to me, dear? Her Husband 8ur thing. And t suppose the bill tor It will soon b coming to m.