The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 07, 1916, Image 1

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Devoted to the interests of Southern sco County
VOL 2, NO. J 3
JPaul Lewis Passes Away
(Frpm Wapinitia
The ie&'tiK' angel 'fentered our
midst Monday morning, January
',4th, and took from jtf' our belov-'
jed friend and school mate, Paul
' Lewis, son .of $r. an4 Airs. John
Lewis. ' ' 1
" Although the end was expected
at any time, 'as' he Had' been ak
'sufferer for along time, and had
;;bee:i very low for about a month,
yet our hearts "are sad. He
Reaves a sorrowingfa'ther ahd
mother, three ' brothers and two
listers, and a host of friends and
neighbors to mourn his loss.
Local Markets
Potass, 1.75.
Cabbage, jc.'
Onions, j r-2c.
Kggs, 40,
Butter, creamery 40; dairy
Sugar, 7.00.
Apples, choice 1.75 box.
Bacon, 17 1-2 to 25.
Salt, dairy 65 per sack, fancy
table 90. " 1 '
' .Flour, bbl 5.60, 6.00.
'Bran, $29 per ton'."'
Shorts, $31 per ton.
Salt, $15 per ton. '
Wheat, forty-fold 90, club 88;
blue stem 90, '
Hogs, best light 6.10
Baptismal Services
T!ie quarterly meeting occasion
here at Maupin was a splendid
success all through fronj tlierjjogt
excellent sermon delivered by Rev.
W. N. Coffee, to the baptismal
Service, the sacred rjtes of which
Auto Passenger Service Autq Delivery Truck
Prepared for Long Trips or Outing Parties
A Cpmrjlete Line of Automobile Accessories
Just before old Father Time blows
out the candle in room No 1915,
we have a ; ; words to say.
We rn&de mistakes, this yeara n I we're not going
to offer, any '' explanations orfryends won't need
them and other people won't Relieve them anyhow.
We took our medicine and we didn't make the same
mistake twice; also we're going to try and make
giii feujer mistakes during this coming year.
We've had lots to be grateful for and some things
happened that perhaps were blessings in disguise
and mighty thoroughly disguised at that. And our
constant endeavor will be to make UJe here in
Maupin stiU more worth living.
We intend in the future, as in the past;
To deserve a reputation for fair dealing,
fo give customers better than they bargained or;
To be content with a reasonable profit;
To treat everyone with courtesy;
Tq keep our promises.
TY also believe that this holiday season vill be but
the first of a long series of continuously happier
ones, and we extend to-each and every one of our
townspeople toman, woman and child- our hearU
felt greetings and our most sincere wishes for a
Happy New Year,
TUM-A-LUM Lumber Company.
were also pei formed by. Bro Coffee
four bng baptized by1 sprinkling
at tl;,e: church, and sijt ' thore bj
iminersipli in the five'r at Chouin
ard's islaucj.' 'Hr, aud .Mrs,
Chouinard kindly arranged for
thosev'h6 were immersed fb .change'
their clothing at their houiej thus
saving the inconvenience and pos-t
sible dangef'of a longer 'exposure
to the ' rather severe weather, ast
the snow was falling quift steadily
at the' time. ' Oiir Sunday morn
ing service was' well attended by
nearly seventy people: Criterion,!
Bakeoven and White Riyer being'
represented besides our home peo-ll
pfe, at which time one .member
was received into oiir fellowship'
from the United Brethren church.:
"Immediately after the morning
service' a large part of the con'grega-;
fib'ri enjoyed the basket dinner,1
made necessary by the long distance'
from which some of the people
came, and while everyone enjoyed
the dinner we much'mgre fully en
joyed the feast upon the bread ofr
life broken'unto us by 'our beloved
District Eld'er'W. N.' Coffee. '
' G. :JR. EujS, Pastor. ;
JVfr. Austin Injured
Yesterday morning A. R. Austin!
who is ' .contractor and driller oni
tlie well now being drilled for lie
Slusher Brojs., slipped and became
entangled in the machinery of his
gasoline engine, As a result he
was knocked unconscious and sus
tained a .broken wrist aud one
shoulder was strained quite badly.
Frestus Swift who is employed
with A. R. Austin, drilling a well
for Slusher Bros', was in Maupin
Thursday rnoruiiig.
- - f" ' - " - i- 1 .
Criterion Chronicles
Mr. and,Mrs7.Lindley returned
to their 'Bakeoven ' hdfne (ast
'Friday! " ' :
Edwin and Ida Kidder return
ed to The ' Dalles Sunday to
resurheheir.high school .work.
John Grossman of Shady Brook
is her,e Jooking after Henrv .Kra
mer's interests while the latter
is at -Vancouver.
Miss .Clara Miller went to
Maupin -Friday for a few days1
Earl Tunison and family visited
Maupin last Wednesday. "' '
Chas. JSkogsberg failed to get
a load of fine hogs to the station
in time for shipment Wednesday,
and inconsequence .sold them at
quite a discount from the market
price.' ' ' 1 ' . " 1
Regardless ..of the sorm and
cold Criterian folks spent .an
enjoyable day at the -quarterly
meeting at Maupin Sunday, sev
eral staying for the evening
service, lhose gomg were the
families of Wm. .Snelsqn. R. H.
DeGamp,' C. ' A. Duus! ' C E.
Tunison Jr. ancl A- A. Canfiejd,
Misses Bertha Herling and Ger
trude, Messrs P. J.
Kirsch. B. McCready, L. C- De-
Camp, Arthtu- Miller and Ray
J. G. and jjQhas Skogsberg are
wrestling with the lagrippe.
The '.'furniture'' incident from
the Ridgeway tscribe is a matter
of no little interest to ihe people
of this section. We expect to
have several items of like im
portance ehprtly, as coming
events seem to cast their shad
ows before.
Criterion people wish to thank
Mr. Mayhew and Mr. Chouinard
for special courtesies shown
them on their Sunday vjjj'it at
Maupin. .
J. B. Kidder and family went
with the young foljts Sunday to
' see them off on their return
journey to The Dalles.
Numerous New Years-' resolu
tions, many worthy of merit and
others questionable, are now on
Smock Items. 2
(too late for last)
G- W. Bargainholt was very
busy moving a couple of pur
prominent bachelors, one from
the ea3t and one from the west.
It was a late hour before he
reached the destination with the
one from the west. He left them
comfortably located in their new
quarters on the bankg of Gate
Creek at the Bargainholt home
stead. You should have heard
the noise they created Monday
evening blasting put rocks on
the new grade crossing Gate
Creek near their destination
They and several others are very
John Ayers and family enter
tained Mrs. Ayres' sister and
family J. W. Farlows' on Christ
mas day.
Miss Ida Duncan is entertain
the Misses Mae and Grace Miller
of Dufur.
Willis Farlow and Evans Par
rish were helping Marion Farlow
butcher his hogs Tuesday.
Mr. T. J. Whitcomb made a
trip to Pendleton to see nis wife
who is at the Hospital. He re
ports her a little worse when he
left her- He returned home
Saturday, he being sick with
Geo. Duncan was transacting
business in The Dalles Thursday
and Friday.
Mrs Agnes Pierce was a guest
at Mrs. Leona .ullsMonday.
. .R. C.Younce,is also a victim
to the lagrippe.
.The JSunday , chpol organized
a.choir -which consists of Cora
Smith as organist a.nd several
voices. They intend to practice
every Sunday and want as-many
as will to take part.
, Cora Smith, has been nursing
Mrs. Hull during' Her 'tllness,'
Her nursingand Dr. Shannon's
medical skijl, she is on the way1
to recovery.' " V
Mr. Griffin an.d family spent
Christmas at;Calvin Syrdns'.
Orrion ;Farlow and brothers
andjGeo. ;Ayres were enjoying
sating.on.the pond a few days,
ago. ' . ' ' ' '
Cally iDuncan took -Mae and'
Grace Miller to Wamic Monday. :
Wilbur Mulvaney who has been
quite sick with lazriDDe is abb?
-to be out again.
A watch meeting will be held
at the church New tears Eve.
Everyone is invfted-
Ring out the old year, ring in
the new. ' j
Mrs. Mulvaney has been very
attentive during the jllness of
Mrs. Hull.
We failed to :mentjpn the names
qf our two .baciit-lors wlio.arrivrd
last week from the;east and west.
C. V. Bargainholt mid I. T. Court-
right are the parties.
S, .H. Mulvany and family were
Sunday visitors at the home of
Chas. puiican making the trip by
sleigh. i
Workjiji progressing nicely on
the new road considering the in
clement weatbej.
Geo. JDmican with team and
sleigh started for 'f ygh Valley a
jfew days ago Jis ,team , became
frighted and broke the sleigh, i
lie was obliged to re.tnrii home to
.repair the breakage aid make an
other start.
Last Wednesday Frank Tilitson
and daughter Marjoiie of Tygh
Valley was guests at the home of
Mrs. Win. Stakley.
p. A. Syron was ,91a repairing
the telephone Hue.
T. J. Whitcomb was at Wapini-
Jtia Saturday and took Mrs. .Anna
Smith and little daughter t their
Jjome, Mrs. Sinith has been in
charge of the home of Mr. Whit.
epmb for some time.
Dan Oglesby is ii,ow confined to
the bed with lagrippe.
Mh, Agnes Pier.ce was a caller
at the home of T. p. Fallow
Wa'ter. Leadfoid has been en
tertaining his cousin Bertie Lead-
ford pf Hpod Jijver for the past
F. I?. Spcpr entertained New
Years day G. W. Bargainholt and
wife, Mrs, Cora Smith and twins,
Wilbur Mulvaney and T. J. Hill.
A nice dinner was ered and
music and song was the past time.
C. A. Bargainholt returned just
in time to save divorce proceedings
)-iug liroght against him as lie
eff his home at the closing of last
year and did not return until this!
1. ni., and Mr. Courtriglit was J
"okjug somewhat anxious.
'C. A Syipn and children were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Griflin on
tyew Years' flay.
Victory 4
When you can lovingly and
patiently deel wjtji any disorder,
any irregularis , any iinpuuctuub-
tyf or any annoyance that is
Churgh Notice,
Services Hie now being held ill
the church every evening and will
so continue until further announce-
uietit. Sunday services, Sunday
.School, ion. 111., preaching, II a.
111, gud 7:30 p, .11, Come,
0. B. ELLIS, Pastor,
L- I). Kelly returned Saturday
nioruiug from Bend,
FR1PAY. jANUARY.7, 19(16
IntOur State
Culver, Ore ,jDec. 28, 19J5
Belieyingthat the general pub lic
are as. .a whole unfamiliar with
the provisions of Chapter 141 of
the Laws of 1915 wliich become
operatjve at midnight on thej
night .-of December 3ist iqio-
and believing further that the
public 4esire the enforcement of
of, this law, as well as the other
criminal laws, I am asking the;
bounty .Jfress to assist in making
pub)ic the following:
After midnight. Dec. 31. 1015.
it will be unlawful for any per
son to sell or for any person to
buy .any intoxicating liquors
within the state of Oregon ex
cept for medicipal. scientific
sacramental or mechanical pur
It will be unlawful for any
persp .to keep or store apy in
toxicating liquors except in a
private dwelling house,, not in
any way connected to any place
of business.
It will be unlawful for any'
person to have in his posession;
at any dance, dance hall or other
public gathering any intoxicating
The term ''intoxicating liquor"
as defined jii the law ,is all spirit
uous, malt, vinouB, fermented
or other intoxicating liquors; and
all niixtur,es or preparations'
reasonably likely -or intended to
be used as a beverage, which
shall contain in excess of one
half per cent of alcohol and all
mixtures or compounds whether
liquid or not, which are intended
when mixed with water or other
wise to produce an intoxicating
liquor, come within the defini
tion. Liquor jrnay not be received in
this state from any one other
than a common carrier and then
only upon offidavit of the person
receiving the shipment and no
person or familv may receive
over two quart3 of spirituous or
24 quarts of malt liquors in any
one month If one member of
the family received liquor, then
no other member of the family
may lawfully receive any ship
ment during the month. A fam.
ilv is held to mean all the per
sons lining together as a family,
whether of age or not, and
before receiving liquor from a
common carrier a person must
make affidavit that neither he
nor any member of his family
has received more than two
quarts of spirituous or more than
24 .quarts pf malt liquors during
the past month and must fjtate
the purpose for which it was re
ceived. A person or family can
not receive both spirituous and
malt liquors during any one
month b"t must make the selec
tion of "one or the other.
It a ill be unlawful to adverr
tise or assist in advertising by
distributing pjrculars or other
printed matter pertaining to the
sale of intoxicating liquors;
It will be unlawful to give
away or furnish any intoxicating
liquor for the purpose of evading
the law and in a prosecution for
unlawful selling it will not be
necessary to prove a payment,
but giving away arid delivery
shall be sufficient and prima fapie
evidence of the sale;
It will be unlawful for any one
addicted to the use of narcotic
drugs or an habitual drunkard to
buy intoxicating liquors or to re
ceive ' them from a common
All affidavits made by those
receiving . intoxicating liquors
either from a druggist or from a
common carrier are public rec
ords and will be filed with the
County Clerk and subject to the
inspection of any person desir-
ng,to see the; same.
Any false statement in the affi
davit will subject the maker to
the penalties of f erjury.
Any falpe .statement , in the
affidavit will subject -the maker
to the penaltiesf, perjury.
A third violation subjects the
violator ,to a term , of tw,9 years
imprisonment at fhard labor and
the Go.urt cannot suspend sen
It is. as much a violation of the
law, to receive Uauors unlawfully
as to sell -or -deliver them unlaw
lully (and subjects the person so
receiving them to tjhesarne Den-
alties as those unlawfully selling,
Any further information will
be gladly furnished upon rsquest
and I ask all good citizens to
assist U9 to enforce thisflaw by,
informing me of any suspected;
violation of the jaw. j
Respectfully submitted,
District Attorney. !
Outside Meution
P. A. Coale, a Maupin garage,
owner is, in, this, qity today. .Jan a
D F Tovvnseud of Maupit;! Buss
ed yesterday here. Jan 4
M. M. Morris of Tygh Valley;
was in the city today on business.
Die. 30th.
Claud Wilson and C. H. Farther:
of Maupin were registered at thejl
Albert today. Vatc. 30.
Miss lea Derthick of Maupin is
spending this week with d)lles
friends. Chronicle.
Frank Gabt-1 of Wapinitia, made
a timber mid stone entry for 280
acres at the local laud office yes-
trday. TV.e lal'd is situated ueur
A, Philmalee of Maupin made 11
hurried tiip to The UaHes Frnl.iy
morning to iexver a team of Mors,
es ttyat had been stolen from him 11
few days before. Who the .oartv
was who skde the team, we didn't
learn, but it is said that thev are
pay you 11;
MiC 9ftS 5S 2J5
m m m mm m
1 o uur
We want your business--Sometimes
you need our support Our Buying
experience and knowledge of merch"
andise is yours for the asking Con
sult us when in need; perhaps we can
give you information that will he
worth while, no matter where you
huy we invite your confidence.
Yours for Better Service,
General Merchandise
Party at Mrs. Smith's
A number nof Invitd guests
spent a; few; pleasant hours 'ioh
Mrs.iR..F.; Smith Sunday -evening.
After a short i'tinte Spent i in
S0cia.conversearv.elegant supiper
was served .,aftet "which two
tables 'of poker '.were the diver
!ision for the remainder nf tlrt
Those present were; 'Mrs.
F. Smith and familv. Mr. mid
Mrs. E. A. Mayhew and family,
Mr.sanjd Mrs W. H Statts. Mrs.
Nettie Muir, Miss Estal Emer
son, Van Moad, H. C. Harphan,
Fred Covey, Tom and John Muir,
E, A. Chapel, Louis Enimo;ipend
Geo. Cunningham. :
well known 10 Mr. Phihadee. He
returned, home .the ame dv wf-H
his team wliicji Jie jfofifid'-iwrt-.r
Sun, Jan. a.
R. H. Irifcke, vro 'liHs'been niS
Dufur for .-the past six weeks work.- .
ing in the interest of the United :
Artisans, has finished his work and
left last Friday for his lioine jii ,
Mr. and Mrs. 5. C. Jones, wh..-,
left here phout" three months agj'
for Oklahoma, expecting to-inalf .
Unit stale .their future home, .are'?
back, having arrived a week ago?.
They went overland in their autc.
mobile and after thoroughly invest ,
tigatiug (Conditions in Oklahoma
and other -states, decided that Ore gon
was best of all,, TUvy ttisw
returned ,ln their mitp, the speedo1-
meter on the car having .registered
more than 7,000 miles since they
left here.--Dispatch.
for Sale.
159 acres known as Underbill
Place at White River schwl i-i
mile, telephone, good orchard, al)
fenced and cross fenced, plenty of
water. Write J. R. Underbill,
Tygh Valley, Ore,
. 2
S? SS m
m m m