The Maupin limes Published Every Friday at Maupin, Oregon, J. E. Disbrow, Fublisher Subscription: One Year, $1.50, Six Months 75cts, Three Months 50 Entered as second class mail matter September 2, 1914. at the post office at Maupin, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879 Wednesday witnessed quite a' severe blizzard for Maupin. A light mist of snow in the air accom panied by a strong wind made the atmosphere seem most severe. A. C. Moad took Saturday after noon's train for North Junction, going from there to the Gateway vicinity. He returned home Tues day with 21 head of sheepi The Christmas program commit tee wish to express their apprecia tion to the donors of nuts and candy which helped so materially iu making the Undertaking a suc cess. F. D. Stuart is taking his annu ,al vocation "this week and next, visiting at Mosier and Portland. Mrs. Smart and Crystal went a week earlier. A, F. Russell and family of Upper Hmock spent Christmas at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mc Milliait, John West and wife of Wapini tia were iii t'dwu yesterday. Miss Phyllis Fischer of the Wap- intia schools is spending the holi days with her parents. If the other fellow could not fix your watch bring it to Emmons the jeweler The county clerk has deputized J. M. Couklin to register the voters of Maupin precinct. Registration is tree, ' Jimraie Flanagan of Flanagan was a Maupin caller Wednesday. W. J Patterson, principal of the Wapinitia schools passed through Maupin Tuesday overling enroUte to Portland, returning td Wapini tia this mom iii g. Fred Townsend went to Prine villi Wednesday night where he has work in view. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. .Oakley ex- ptct to leave about the first of the jearfor Toplin, Mo., to' be awa six months. Exquisite Chocolates at Tallcott's Just received, a fresh invoice of delicious chocolates and other nice candies. Mr. and Mrs G. R. Ellis are taking care of Mr Townsend' s little daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Bates Shattnck the little boy until other arrangements can be made. Dale Bonney passed through here yestetdav taking a number of cattle toTych Vallev, Vivian Barzee is the guest this week of her grpndparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L llarphan. The cable used in the drilling apparatus on a well for Dee Tall cott lias broken and is causing delay in being located alld renioved from the Well. Subscriplions for stock in the Tygh Valley Fair Association will be received at The Times office. Those from the Bakeoven terri tory bringing hogs Tuesday for W. B. Kurtz were. Lou Allen, J. H. Holt, Jerome Bnzan, Geo, Mallatt, Tony C'ollroy and Henry Miller. Don't blame your clock it needs cleaning. Emmons will do it jfor you and guarantee it. A. R. Austin will commence very soon drilling a well for the Blusher Bros, on the school section on the Flat. IF y'ou g'et a 'sample copy' o the Times this week you are invited to caref'tilly look it over and cohie in and subscribe. We want you bn oiir mailing list. L. 1). Kelly went to Bend yester day afternoon and will be away a few days. LOCAL? AllAroundTown The Times, $1.50 a year. Blaine Disbrow was over from Smock Monday night. Geo. Woodruff was in towu Tuesday delivering hogs. Mr. and Mrs. Wess Ray left for Portland on Monday morning's train. The regular 50 cent box of chocolates for 30 cents at Tallcott's just out of the factory. Mr. and Mrs. Volley Endersby were business callers iu Maupin yesterday. Wapinitia Items Miss Vida Evans, teacher of the Batty school, left here last Thurs day for her home at St. Johns She will remain there over the Xmas holidays. Miss Francis Mott spent Christ with the Flinn family. The nominating commitee of the U. B. Sunday school met at the home of Mrs N. W. Flinn Saturday to make out a slate for the coming election. Mrs. Ike Frazier expects to leave here this week for Idaho aStwo of her children, Johnie and Onie, are quite sick there. It was indeed a very merry Chrismas for Mr. and Mrs. R. W. McCorkle this year, by the arrival of their son Lester who has been away from home for the past sev eral years. Mr. and Mrs. IraUresham spent Christinas at the home of J. P. Abbott. Sidney and Len Wilson returned home from Tygh where they have been the past two weeks. The carpenters who have been building an up-lo-date hotel for Earl Barzee left the last of the week for Portland. Rov featty made a trip to Mau pin Thursday taking his brother Frank and Miss Evans to meet the train. Rev. J. W. Sharp's k Medford arrived here Friday t'o assist Rev Staius in the revival meetings which commenced Sunday even ing and will continue about two weeks. Everyone is cordially in vited to attend. The public school closed here Friday for a weeks vacation. Lagrippe is going the rounds this winter. Tlie papers report that 80,000 school children are out of school in Chicago which ha. Wapinitia beat some, nevertheless ihere are quite a number here sick with it. . Miss Iva Flinn is on the sick list this week. The Misses Munson,of Dufur,are visiting at the home of their sister, Mrs Marion Huston, th's week. The new store here is now in running order and Mr. Ap pling has in quite a stock of goods, Clyde Flinn and David Sharpe re putting up a building for N- W. Flinn this week. Mrs. G. E. Wood who has been visiting at the home of her parents at Salem returned home Tuesday Mr. Wood going to Maupin after her. Mr. Scott started for Portland this week to work during the win- r months. His family will join him in a couple of weeks. Lat Sunday was the election of officers in the Sunday school, who will begin duties next Sunday. Following are the names A those elected: Supt., David Sharpe; Asst. Supt., Robert Tapp; Sec, Ceila Flinn; Treas., Mrs. Wood; Lib., Alice Olsen. Those elected in the Christian bnueavor are as follows: Pres., Lincoln Hartman Vice Pres.. Robert Tapp; Sec. Ivy Flinn; Treas., Chester Rise Corr sponding Sec, G. A. Wood Jess Lewis returned home last week. Here's wishing you all had Meiry Christmas and will have a happy New' Year. CHAS.H. FRANCIS. M.D.;C.M MAUPIN, OREGON Mem. Coll, Phys. & Surg., Ontario Licentiate Minnesota and Oregon Prompt Service on Either Day or Night Calls Eyes tested, 'Glasses Fitted Make land filings and final proof before United States Commissioner Stuart. Can You Do It? TEST TYPE. It doM not pT i r - IV- 19 lnl- 1 af ttjApA ftqnJitof cormttow by the ef spMtsel n pwt cd n M H connted by tkt prop7 tdjuatnnt ef MrlKtlt tniM tktir cScct) ilt bt tatirtlr otrrulci Tbu print ihooM ba nu mu)j A lojate the eyesight. -Wbta H ""' '"" 1- 1.1. intne. iron, uk CJ irr inn -( fjiUo; vi.fD, U(i m'vlt conwy ,iJ iy b.tiu j-inoi (kiM UileU. Dr. C. H. Francis, - Optician Local Markets Potatoes, 1.75. Cabbage, 2C. Onions, 2 I-2C. Eggs, 4". Butter, creamery 40; dairy 35. Sugar, 7.00. Apples, choice 1.75 box. Bacon, 17 1-2 to 25. Salt, dairy. 65 per sack, fancy table 90. Flour, bbl 5.60, 6.00, Bran, $29 per ton. Shorts, $31 per torn Salt, $15 per ton. Wheat, forty-fold 90, club S8; blue stem 90, Hogs," best light 6.10 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (publisher) Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, December 13 1915. NOTICE is hereby given that George R. Chandler, of Wamic Oregon, who on February 23rd, 1909, made Homestead Entry No. 04554, for SW1-4, Section 4, Township 4 South, Range 12 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the 29th day of January 19 16. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank Xavier, Benjamin Steed, James H Woodcock, Henry Wing all of Wamic, Oregon. H. Frank Woocock, P Regiser. vised to file their claims or objec tions, on or before the time designated for sale. Lcreu A. Booth, n Receiver. OREGON TRUNK RY. Central Oregon line the system that offers travel service plus Two Fine Trains East Daily The Inland Empire Express The North Bank Limited Portland to Spokane, St. Paul, Chicago, Denver, Kansas City, St, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (publisher) Department of the Interior. U. S. LaniO'ficeat The Di'!-, Oregon, November 26th, 1905. NOTICE is hep-by given the George D. Albright, of Shaniko. Oregon, who on May 1st, nt. made Homestead Entrv No. 010255, and on May 22nd. 1914, :iiade additional Homestead Entrv No. 013252, for S 1-2 NW 1-4, Sec tion 33, Township 7, S. R. 1.5 E., Lots 3-4, Section 4, Township 8, S. R. 15 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three vear proof, to establish caim to the land above described, before H. 0. Rooper, U. S. Cammissioner. at Antelope, Oregon, on the 12th div of Jan uary, 1916. Claimant names as wt'in-w;: Herbert W. Cooke. Hirrison Gray. Charles C. Robinson and Henry Cooke, all of Shaniko, o-gon. H. Frank Woodcock. Recisicr. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,. UMl December Sailings uuri nouse at iu-"u. , liOUIliy, n:, 1111. lime hum ID 1n,.o l.o final Ik-. uriiur nf J.ii,' Good Investment Oreg'oniah Clubbing' Rates Times with Daily and Sunday Oreg'oniah 1 year $8 D&iiy and Times 1 year $6.30 WeeTcry " " 1 " 2.70 SiraJiy u " 1 il 3.50 Tygh Valley (public s'c'hool paragraphs) The school has won a standard school Reliant but it has not yet been decided which room will have the honor of holding ftv . All high school grades have been having examinations during the week, the las for 1915 Fire drill having beefi recently introduced in the school, Tuesday nioVuing while all were busy with their books, the gong pealed, out an alarm. There was a mad rush for the landing, a hurried inarch down the stairs, when 'it was dis covered that one of tta young ladies was rnissing. 'One of the oung nten immediately went, to rescue her and found her quietly tting iu her seat studying latin. He snatched her from the place of banner and Ubre her eallentlv towards the landing when the Professor Wednesday evening a 'party of oung ladies met at Prof. Brown's oine and spent the evening pre paring the candy, nuts and popcorn for the Christmas tree to be he'ld the' hall Fridav night After an evening of fun and music, Mrs Brouh.f assisted by Miss Gertrude Brown, served whipped cream cake and hot cocoa. The girls report . . f hue tune, luose present were Misses Gertrude and Lola Brown, Fern Fraley, Marjorie TiHotson, Edna and Leal Doering, Naomi oung, Roma Morrow and Louise Morgenseii. lesse and Harry Ayres, the proprietors of Bachelor 'Hallon Main street, will be spending the holiday vacation with their parents at Smock. 1 lie pupils of all grades are ?iii1v frr Mii weels vnrnt inn nrom sed them between Christmas and Ny Years. Miss Bcnney invited . the pupils of the intermediate and iVfgh school grades to their Christmas tree held in the jnitnary room Thursday afternoon. Thetp:oersm was very nice and they were to"five it again in the hall in connection with the tree held there 'Friday evening, Tygh Va'ley public school owns A large new nag as ' fine a one a floats fivui any school building iu Southern Wasco County hut 'something is out of oider with the flag staff so it is impossible to raise the "Hag. We hope in the near future tct have the pleasure of float ing our dag with ,the rest of the schools, 'la the mean time we will take care that it is not trampled in the ditt. An investment thoroughly worth while is offered for (ale for a short time at $22.50 an acre. Farm of 5oo acres on part terms; 50 acres 11 cultivation and 75 more can be cultivated and the balance is good pastue and woods land. Good buildings and fences and right. to plenty of irrigation water. All kinds of fruit. On rural mail route and telephone line and reasonably close to school and church. Call at the Times office. 1 . . 1 tTT:ii:... it vr. Tic 'IM,1, tlw., cXl f,. tlie Undersigned, yvimani 11. iul- , . . Atee as executor of ttn estate and ..u:eg.. 1 rung points. ast will and testament of Henja- 1 tie tastest route between tlie Northwest and California his final account of the admi dstra- North Bank Rail and 26 Honrs' tion upon said estate, in the County Ocean Sail on the Mammoth Steel Court of Wasco County Slate of r- ..xt t, ). 1,: Oregon and said court nas ap- wner, wonue.n ,LCUS- pointed the third day of Jnnmary, en lor 000 passeuKersi alllK every 4 n mtfi at l ie lnnr ot 10 four days approximately between o'clock in the forenoon of said day in at the Conntv Court room in the FlaveUAstoria. rom Portland Dec. 2, 7,11, 21, 25, 30. . Ljnai acCount and for the final set- Same Time and Rates as All tleneut of said estate. Rail Fares and Include Meal now, therefore, all persons in-. j teresred in said estate are hereby t.r.tihp.1 atiH rnnirpfl In he and :J 1.1- I i.'". , - Means a con.siueraoie on d , s0 1 i- . rt uiiiiornia trips. , aonointed for the henring of said Direct Connections and Through final account and then and there Service to Putcet Sound and British show cause if any exists why said Pi,ui0 final account should not be allowed Pn ...,i..f.., approved, sani esiaie 101 ever. van Jl It 1 I 'A UV. L tl 1 1 v1 J Lll.l 5-day cruises to Hawaiian Islands or djschareed and his bondsmen of SS 'Great Northern' Dec. exhonorated, 16, Tan s, 2S. and February 14J Dated this 1 7th dav of November, $130 round trip from San Francisco A. D. 1015 Soecial fares irom Northwest. William H. McAtee, A Tbe. Ant executor 01 saiu esiaie. it ' - A Bennett & Galloway, for Sale. 159 acres known as Underhill Place at White Rivei school 1-2 mile, telephone, good drchard, all fenced ai(d 'cross fenced, plenty of water. Write J. R. Underbill, di7P4 Tygh Valley, Ore, :NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (publisher) Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, 'December 20th, NOTICE. 'is Hereby given that ANNA T POTTER f Shaniko, Oregon, who 011 June 26th, 1912, made Homestead Entry No. 010468, forSWI-4 swi.4, hec 4. SEI-4 NEI-4. Sec. 22. & WI-2 nwi-4. section 23 lownsnip South, Range 15 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of lnten tiou to make Hual three year Proof, to establish claim to the and above described, before H. C Rooner, U. S. Coinniissioner, at Antelope, Oregon, on the 2Stn day of' January 1916. Claimant.. names as witnesses: Cora B. AlitchelJ, William T. Purcell, George E Fine, Jacob M. Wilsou all of Shaniko, Oregon. H. Frank Wdodcock, Regiser, . T. Hardv, T P & F Agt. R. H. Crozier, AGFA, Portland. Oregon-. Attorneys for said estate. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (pTJBLISHETt) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The .Dalles, Oregon, November 29th, 1915. NOTICE is hereby given that Zelma J. Lindley. formerly Zelma NOTICE FORTCbDICAHON. f. Buzan. of Maupin, Oregon, who (publisher.) Ion May loth, 1912, made Home- Department of the Interior. htead h,ntry o. oie283 and on U. S. Land offiee at The Dalles, frcurnary 25111, 1915, maae aaui- Oregon, November 18th, 1 9"5. tlonal nomesieaa i-.niry no. 014424, NOTICE is hereby given tliat ior Ki.zhwi-4, r.i-zism-4, ni-4 Allen A. Canfield of Ctiterian, Nwi-4, and Lot 2, sec. 7, sw 1-4 Oregon, who'on July 29th, 1912, nwi-4, sec. 8, T 5 s, R 15 E, SEi-4 made Homestead Entry No. 010585' NKi-4, sec. 12, Townsmp 5 sou 111 , and on July 4nd, Ig-t, mtide-Pddi-1 Range 14 East, Willamette Mertdi tional Homestead linfr'w, No, an, has filed notice of intention to tfi 3576 for S 1-2 NE t-4, N Tuvai inree year rrooi, 10 '1 N r-2 SEltJ, Section4, Town- establish claim to the land above sihip 6, S. R. 14, E.. and lots 2-3, descrmea, oeiore 1-. i. wum, u. Section -19, Townsuip 6 H. K '15 a- Wlnl11, " ; ' """" E , Willamette Meridian, has nled gon, ouiue iji.i cuy 01 January, notice 'of intention to make hnai 19'. three Vear pnilf, to establish claim Claimant names as witnesses: A. to the land above described, before. T. Lindlev, A V. Fargher, F. S. F;D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner Fleming, R. W. Meyers, all x)f at Maupin,.Oregon, on the 11 dav M iupin, Oregon. of Janirary i9i6. Claimant l.iahies as witnesses ,T. E. Miller. T "B. Kidder, R. H DeCanip and C.-G. 5koK!!berg all of Criterion, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. Church Notice. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. NOTICE -FOR PUBLICATION ISO lated tract. (pudlisher) Public Land Sale. Pepartment of the Interior, United States Land Office at Tire Dalles, Oregon, November 17th, 1915. NOTICE is -hereby given that, a lirected by the Commissioner of the General Land office, uuder provis- 2455, R. S , pursuant Services as follows; District Quarterly Meeting commencing Friday evening, Dec. 31, continu ing over Suuday Jan. 2. Bapttr- mal services will be held at the river, Sunday afternoon. Rev.W. N. Coffee, Distiict Elder 'of The Dalies district, will Be hi cha-ge of the above services. G. R. ELLIS," Pastbr. Go to Fischer's Garage forYll your automobile accessories, gaso- liue and storage of machinery. The Rebeccas will serve refresh ments to the Odd Fellows Saturday evening iu honor of the removal of die lodge from Wapinitia 10 this place. Henry Harphan went to Wapiuitia this morning to bring down the lodge furniture. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISO- lated-tract. (publisher) Public land sale. Department of the 'Interior. U. S. Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon, November 24th, 1915. NOTICE is heieby given that, as ions of Sec. directed by the Commissioner of to the application of William E. the General Land office, under Hunt, Serial no. 013469, we will Drovisions of Section -455, R. S., offer at public sale, to the highest pursuant to the " application of bidder, but at not less than $2.jr Joseph J. Connolly, Serial "No. per acre, at 9-30 o'clock A. M., on niMH. we will offer at public sale the 7th day of January. 1916, to the highest bidder, but at no next, at this offiee, the following less than $2.50 per acre, at, 9:30 tract of land: vr 1-2 sw 14, Sec. o'clock a. 111., on the lath day of 1 and 8 1-2 SK 1-4 Sec. 2, T. 6 S., Tanuafv next, at this olhce, the r 14 u , W. m. ' 1 ins tract is 01- fotlowine tract of land: SW 1-4 SE dered into the market on a show- 1-4, Section 15, W 1-2 NE I 4 Section ing that the greater portion thereof 22, Township 5, S. K. 14 feast, is mountainous or 100 rougu ior Willamette Meridian. (120 acres.) cultivation." "This tract is ordered into the The sale will not be kept open. market oil a showing that the but will be declared closed when oreater portion thereof is menu- those prt sent at the hour named taiuous or too tough for cultiva- have ceased bidding. The person tion." making the highest bid will t re- The sale will not be kept open, quired to Immediately pay to the but will I declared' closed when Receiver the amount th-reot. those present at the hour named Any persous claiming adverser have ceased bidding. The person the above desctibed land are ad- makitnr the Inchest bid will be vised to file their claims, or obiec. required to immediately pay to the tions, on or before the time det.ig- Receiver the amount thereof. natcd tor sale. Auv person claiming adversely H. Frank Woodcock, the uWeVlescribed land iead - Registe.