The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 24, 1915, Image 8

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    Published Every Friday
J. E, Disbrow, Publisher
Subscription: One Year, $1.50, Six
Entered as second class mail
post office at Maupin, Oregon,
Smock Items 2
Cal Duncan was a business
visitor at Wamic Monday.
church Tuesday evening tore
hearse for Christmas.
G- W. Eargainhplt helped F. E,
Spoor butcher five hogs Monday.
Iva Mulvany is absent from
school this week on account of
Mike Urban and family were
Sunday visitors at the home of
Grandma Farlow.
Joe Laudor of Gresham was in
this vicinity looking for a ranch
to rent- He looked at several
but had not fully decided, but
will return later as he is determ
ined to locate here.
Albert Russell was among
tlwe enjoying a sleigh ride
F, Spoor and T. J Whitcomb
were transacting business' in
Maupin Friday and brought out
some freight for Mulvany Bros.
Fi'3d Bichel is now' improving
slowly. He had a severe attac.5
of the lagrippe. Apparently he
had recovered and was able to
be out when he had a relapse and
has been veay sick. We hope
for a speedy recovery.
T. E. Farlow of Lapinville was
running his wood saw last Sat'
urday bucking wood-
11. L. Stakley of Gresham was
looking after business affairs
here last Saturday.
We are glad to mention the
return of Mrs. Roy Fleck to her
home after several weeks in The
Dalles hospital,' undergoing an
The saw mill owned by J. E.
Kennedy and Wm, Woodcock,
located on Rock Creek, was pur
chased by a party from Portland
who intends to install a sash and
door factory, as well as furnish
box material. He hopes to soon
commence remodeling the mill
snd be prepared to receive bigs.
Mrs. B. Morgan is very sick
with lagrippe, also Mrs. Ilattie
Ogelsby, Chas. Cljne and Wilbur
Hermann tiesh fot out his
sleigh and bells Sunday and drove
with bis family to his wife's
parents, S. II. Mulvany's leaving
his family there, he and Mr.
Mulvany drove to Wapinitia.
Sid Mulvany was transacting
business in Tygh Valley Tuesday.
I. T. Courtright and B. Mor
gan were working on the new
road at Gate Creek this week.
Victory 3
When you are content with
any food, any raiment, any cli
mate, any.! society, any solitude,
any interruptions by the will of
God that is victory.
aKc$fecfttf -
Times with Daily and Sunday OreOiiian
1 year $8
Daily and Times 1 year $6.39
Weekly " 1 " 2.70
Sunday V " 1 V 3.50
' 'Auv-y t,ts? aist-. ijr must hjt
at Maupin, Oregon,
Months 75cts, Three Months 5C
matter September 2, 1914, at the
under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Dalles Mention
James Robertson niid Miss lielva
M. Wisse of Senniko secured a
marriage license at the county
clerk's office Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs, R. L. Hernial) of
Tygh Valley were in the city today
C. Lofton ot Tygh Valley is at
tending to business affairs in this
S. W. Hansen of Tygh Valley is
in the city on business. ..16
Ewen Mclennan of.ShaniUo is a
local business visitor. 2o
Geo, Washington IY-ter a well
known local Indian, was arrested
last night being charged with
druiikeiiess, lie was sentenced to
pay a fine of $5 by Police Judge
Moore this morning. He is sav
ing time.
Miss Nellie Conoily, who is a
student at The Dalles high school
will depart tomorrow for her South
ern Wasco county home where she
will enjoy the holidays with rela
tives and friends, Chronicle, 21.
Mr. T. A. Connolly and wife
and sister-in-lav, Mrs. Twohy,
came in from their Maupin home
Sunday niul will return today.
Mrs. Twohy's home however is in
Ireland, but she has been visiting,
with her sister for several months.
.Sun, 21, ' '
Quite a bunch of turkeys were
rallied oil Wednesday by W. II.
Williams at Fischer's garage.
Joint Muir is home again this
L. 13. Haines nud family moved
Friday, into their house east of the
Dolphus Maytlew Came home
Wednesday from The Dulles to
spend the holiday vacation.
Ira Kistner was a guest of friends
in Maupin this week.
The local band boys will give
dances in the hall tonight and
next Friday night.
Mrs. Fred Townsend who has
been very seriously ill with pneu
monia if some better.
Mrs, Green is recovering from a
serious spell of illness.
The streets of Maupin have been
busy scenes the past few days,
many people f'onl the surround
ing country coining in to do their
Chii.-"'iiws shopping.
llek'ii Locke who is receiving
treatment in Portland is now uble
to stand on her feet some nnd ex
pects to be able to come home in a
couple week.
(c'y (
V xs ?j4k
tusr tjr ,. sv s.
All Arounti Town
The Times, Si. 50 a year,
Roy Crabtree was a business
visitor in town Wednesday.
If you get a 'sample copy' of the
Times this week you are invited to
carefully look it over and come in
and subscribe. We want you on
our mailing list.
Don't Home your clockIt
needs cleaning. Emmons will
do it for you and guarantee it.
If the other fellow could not fix
your watch bring it to Emmo'tu
the jeweler-
Subscriptions for stock in the
Tygh Valley Fair Association will
he received at The Times office.
Go to Fischer's Garage for all
your automobile accessories, gaso
line and storage of machinery,
Louis Woodside and Fay Drivel
passed through here Wednesday
etiroule home to the Flat after a
short visit with their brothers who
have homesteads in the Criterion
Clarence Alexander nrd J. S.
Fraley were Maupin visitois Wed
nesday from the flat.
Claud Wilson passed through
the first of the week going to the
Valley to spend the holidays,
Mr. Pen edict was over from
Dufur Tuesday looking after busi
ness interests. .
W. M Snellson of Criterion was
in town Tuesday.
L. B. Kellcy was a caller in town
Tuesday from his Juniper' Flat
Mrs. C. E. Tunison and Miss
Grace were shopping in town
Clifford, the eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. L. 13. Haines, arrived
home Saturday from. Portland,
where he has been staving with
Mrs. lv. J. iStyer leaves Monday
so spend the remainder of the win
ter in the valley and will 'care for
her grandfather.
Dee Tallcolt was a business visi
tor in Maupin Tuesday.
Mrs, Westbrook is 0011 fined to
her room this week with rheuma
tism, John Confer, Bob and Jake
Davidson were Tuesday business'
callers, in town from Juniper Flat.
The Times is in leceiptof the
25th birthday edition of The Dalles
Chronicle, a 24 page paper which
you would enjoy looking over.
A land slide between Hood River
and Portland occasioned the delay
of 0. W. R. & N. traffic fix 111
Tuesday until Wednesday afternoon
causing the local 3:30 southbound
to be l o hours lute.
Roll of honor of Lower Oak
Grove schooll received 100 in spell
ing nnd almost perfect in the
months woik Following aie the
mimes of the pupils: Ora liowen,
Reuben Walters, Ishau West, Anna
West and Melvin Walters.
F. M, Covey father of our con
genial warehouse manager was
here Wednesday from Kingsley and
Mr. Covey returned home with
him to tat Cluisliuas dinner.
'we. & w
- ,..
Tygh Valley 1
Certainly everyone u j , ed the'
inow if it bid not last long. ' j
. Tom Swift is still linipin ; fiom '
the effects of iiis injury rt o. ived a
short time ago.
Mrs. Black is home !ia- from!
the hovpiuil iit The Dalles, j
Criss 1 aisoii stems v.-ry anxious I
for good roads again to he can be'
out with his new car and give it a
Everyone is getting ready for
the Christinas .tree at the hall
Friday evening.
Miss Bonney will give her pupils
a tree m the afternoon. "
There will be a masquerade
Thursday night in the I. 0. O. F.
Tom Swift has moved his family
in the hotel in rooms on the second
A lifinibcr of the children have
been having the lagrippe.
Frank Wing's chikben are stay
with his brother Joe here and
going to school.
Sam Johnson of Toppinish, Wm.,
has been visiting at the Wing home
the past week.
Ted Clack and Marjorie Til'ison
gave a birthday party to their
friends Saturday evening.
Mr. Nelson went to Maupin
Monday to prove up on his home
stead. It certainly does beat hav
ing to go to The Dalles when the
roads are in such shape
Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg were visit
ing in our burg Saturday and
Sunday returning in the evening
to Dufur, but not until Mr- Kellog
was made to promise they would
return and spend part of the holi
day s with his old pupils.
Mrs. Harper is improving slowly
but not able to be up at this
Wilbur Wing and Emmet Zum
walt were visiting at due Wing's
Saturday night.
Dr. Brown's carpenter returned
to his home last week for the re
mainder of the winter. He will,
resume woik for the doctor in the
Mr. Kellogg invited a number ot
his former pupils to visit his school
ihursd.ty. It is a long trip but
the boys are very anxious to go.
Zene W'alkins went to The
Dalles for u few days visit this
Dr Erown and C. K. Wing made
a trip to Dufur Wednesday.
There will be a shooting match
here this week giving all a chance
to have a goose for Christinas,
Celia McCorkle is home from
The Italics where she has been
attending school, for the holidays.
A Merry Christmas and Happy
New enr to all ti listing all will
give our editor and home paper all
the boost possible the coming y ear,
while' in the lead lets keep Ik r
going, I
The in. s ' ir :
have h"' i : ok! .... . .
this Ti i sda afternoon's
so filled f.:: . Ciaigu'. hack that it
was an inti testing joli to see that
it all sta wl on con ivg up the hill.
(from first page)
niiil three days the lattespart of
the m ek hunting for cattle.
They report about three feet of
snow at that place.
Miss Winnie Tapp is on the
sick list this week.
Robert Vincent and Miss Win
nie Tapp who have been visiting
relatives in Portland returned
home Sunday. They report a
fine trip.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Wilson
made a trip to Maupin Wed
Good Investment
An investment thoiotighly worth
while is offered for sale for a short
time at $22.50 un 'acre.
1,1 ofi
2o-.i jacres on part terms; 50 acres
in cultivation and rsuore can be
cultivated and the bal is good
past ue and woods laud. Good
buildings and fWces and right to
plenty of iui.gaUcn water. All
kinds of fruit, Ou rural mail route
and telephone line and reasonably
close to school and church. Call;
at the Times office.
Mem. Coll. Phys. & Surg.,
Licentiate Minnesota and
Prompt Service on Either
Day or Night Calls
Eyes tested, Glasses Fitted
Make land filings and fiual proof
before United States Commissioner
Can You Do It?
Dr. C. H. Francis,
I oca! Markets
Pot a tot-.;, r. 25 to I 50.
Cabbage, 2c.
Unions, sc.
Eggs, 25 to 30,
Butter, creamery 40; dairy 35.
Sugar, 6.50.
Apples, choice 1,35 box.
Bacon, 17 1-2 to 25.
Salt, dairy 65 per sack, fancy
table 90,
Flour,- bbl 5.60, 6.00.
Bran, $29 per ton. ,
Shorts, $31 per ton.
Salt, $15 'per ton.
Wheat, forty-fold 87, club 84;
blue stem 88.
Hogs, best light 6.10
Church Notice.
Sunday services as follows: First
and third Sundays, Sunday sebool
10, preaching 11 a. m. (Flanagan
school house 3 p. 111.) Song ser
vice 7, preaching 7:30 p. in. 'Sec
ond and fouith Sundays, Sunday
school IO-, preaching n a. 111., Y.
P. B. Program 7:30 p. in. Mid
week services, song practice Tues
day, 7:300 111., (Criterion, Wed
nesday. 7 ;oo p 111.) Prayer meet
ing Thursday 7.30 p. 111. All are
cordially invited to attend these
services both to do good and to get
a. It. ELLIS, Pastor.
For Sale.
159 acres' known as Underbill
Place at While River school 1-2
mile, telephone, good orchard, all
fenced and cross fenced, plenty of
water Write . R. Underbill,
di7p4 Tygh Valley, Ore.
(l'1'Hl.HSilK k)
Djp irtineut of ilu: Interior,
Uniled States Land Office at The
Dalles, Oiegon, December -jolli,
OTIC His hereby given that
of Shaniko, Oicuon, who on June
26th, 1912, made Homestead Kntiy
No. OIOjS, foi SWI-4 SWI-4, Sec.
14, SU1-4 Mil-.), See. 22, &WI-2
Nwi-4 Section 23 Township 7
South, Range 15 East, Willamette
Mendimi, lias filed notice of inten
tion to make Final three year
Pioof, to establish claim to the
laud above described, before II. C.
Rodper, U. S. Commissioner, .at
Antelope, Oregon, on the -aSih,
dav of. January -igtd.
Claimant names us witnesses:
Cora B. Mitchell, William T.
Pureed, George E Fine, Jacob M.
Wilson all of Shaniko, Oregon.
H. Frank Woodcock,
Department of the Interior,
United States Land Office at The
Dalles, Oregon, December 13.
191 5. '
NOTICE is hereby given that
of Waniic Oi egon, who on F ebruary
23rd 1909, made Homestead-Entry,
No. 04554, for SW1-4, Section 4;
Townslui) j South. Ranee i2 East".
Willamette Meridian, lias filed
notice ot intention to "make final
I five year pioof, to establish claim
to t lie iaiut aiiove oesctioeo, ociore
F. D. Stuait, V. S. Commissioner,
at Maupin, Oregon on the 29th
day of Jaunaiy 1916.
Claimant, names as witnesses:
Frai.k Xavier, Benjamin Steed,
James 11 Woodcock, Henry Wing
all of amic, Oregon.
II. Fkank Wcccock,
P " Rtgistr,
Central Oregon Line
the system that offers
travel service plus
Two Fine Trains East Daily
'The Inland Empire Express
The North Bank Limited
Portland to Spokane, St. Paul,
Chicago, Denver, Kansas City, St.
Louis. Through tickets sold from
all Otegrm Trunk points.
The fastest route between the
Northwest and California
North Bank Rail and 26 Honrs'
Ocean Sail on the Mammoth Steel
Liner, "Northern Pacitic" (licens
ed for 800 passengers) sailing every
four days approximately between
San Francisco and Portland, via
Klavel-Astoria." December sailings
from Portland Dec. 2, 7, n, 16,
21. 25, .30.
Same Time and Rates as All
Rail Fares and Include Meals
and Berth
Means a considerable saving on
California trips. J
Direct Connections and Through '
Service to Puget Sound and British i
Call or write for details of the
15-day cruises to Hawaiian Islands
of SS "Great Northern" Dec.
rn Jon '5, 25, and February 14.
$130 round trip from San Francisco
Special fares trom Northvvetft.
A. Locke, Agent,
. Maupin, Ore
J.T. Hardv, T P & F Agt.
R. 11. Cro.ier, A GP A.
Portland, Oregon.
"Notice for publication.
Department of the Iutenor,
U, S. Land office at The Dalles,
Oregon, November 18th, igo.s.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Allen' A. Canfiekl ot Criteria!),
Oregon, who on July 2cnh, 1012,
made Homestead Entry No. 010585
and on July 2nd, 1914, made addi-
ioiial Homestead Entry, No,
013576. for s 1-2 NE 1-4, N I-2SVT
1-4 N 1-2 SEi-4, Section 24, Town
ship 6, S- K. 14, E., and lots 2 3,.
Section 19, Township 6 S. R 15
E , Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice- of intention to make final
ree year proff, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
K, 1). Stuart, U. S. Commissioner
it Maupin, Oregon, 011 the 11 day1
of January 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses;
J. E. Mil'er, J. B. Kidder, R H
DeCamp and C. G. Skogsberg nil
of Criteriau, oreS"n.
H. Frank Woodcock,
Department of the Intel ior,
U. S, Laud Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, October 27th, 1915.
NOTlCli is hereby vb cii tlup
Chas. A. Nelson, of Tl V..lle.
Oregon, who ou: Maich 29th, 1911,
mad" Homestead Entry no. 08517,
lor n 1-2 nw 1-4, section 6, Town
ship 4 Soutl -, Hange 13 East Wil
lamet'e Meridian, has filed notice
of iiik-n 'tton to inakeFiual ihreej
ear Proof, to establish claim !o
the laud above described, before F.
1. Stuart, U, S. Commis'-iiiiier, at
Maupin, Oregon, on the 20th day of
December, 1915, names as witnesses: S.
T. Bennett, E V. Mc'Ci-k;e, J. T.
Harper, W. H. Me A tee, all of
Tygh Valley, Oregon.
II.' Fkank WoODCCtK,
p Register.
(rr nl. ishek)
Public hind sale.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, November 24th, 1915'.
NOTICE is heiebv given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of
the Geueial Land office, under
provisions of Section 2455, K. S.,
pursuant to the application of
Joseph J. Connolly, Serial No.
012215. we will offer at public sale
to the lug nest bidder, but at no
less than $2.50 per acre, at,' g;io
o'clock a. 111., 011 the lath day of
January next, at this office, the
following tract of laud: sw 1-4 SE
I-4, Section 15, w 1-2 ne I 4 Section
22, Township 5, S R. 14 East,
Willamette Meiidian, (120 acres.)
"This tract is ordered into the
market ou a showing that the
greater, portion thereof is moun
tainous or too rough for cnltiva-"
The sale will ii,t be kept open,
but will be declared closed when
those present at the hour named
have ceased bidding. The person
making the highest bid will be
required to immediately pay to the
Receiver the amount thereof.
Any ptrsnn claiming adversely
the alnive-dtscrilied land are ad-
vised t- Me ih ':'' '
tion , 1 . 1 u
designated U." - lie,
LURli.N A.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at The Di'Ij-,
Oregon, November 26th, IQ'"5.
notice is her-div give 1 tha
George D. Albright, of Sii
Oregon, who ou Mnv is',
made Homestead Entry
010255, and On May 2211. 1,
made additional Ilotnest'-ad
1 !2.
!') b
No. 013252, for S 1-2 NW 1-4. -'
tion 33, Township 7, S. R. 15 E,,
Lots 3-4, 'Section 4, Township 8,
S. R. 15 E., Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to
make final three year proof, ti
establish qaim to the land above
described, before H. 0. Rooper,
U. S. Caminissioner. at Aim-dope,
Oregon, 011 the- 12th day of Jan
uary, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses':
Herbert W. Cooke, Harrison Grav
Charles C. Robinson and Henry
Cooke, all of Shaniko, Oiegon.
H. Frank Woodcock,
p Register.
" . MENT
the undersigned, William H. Me
Atee as executor of the estai an 1
last will and testament of Benja
min C. McAtee, deceased, his filed
his final account of the admi dstr.i.
tion upon said estate, in the C. unity
Court of Wasco County, Slate of
Oregon and said Court has ap
pointed the third day of Jaumary,
A. D. 1916, at the hour of 10
o'clock in the forenoon of said day
at the Comity Court room in the
Court House at Thf; Dalles. Wasco
Ootinlv, Oregon, as the time smd
place for the final hearing of said
final account and for the final si t
tleiuiit of said estate.
Now, THEREFORE,' all persons in
terested in said estate are hereby
notified and required and
appear at said time and place so
appointed for the hearing of said
final account and then and there
show cause if any exists why said
final account should not be al'owed
and approved, said estate forever
and finally settled and said execut
or discharged and his bondsmen
Dated this i7th day of November,
A. D. 1015.
William H. McAtee,
Executor of said estate.
Bennett & Galloway,
Attorneys for said estate.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Laml'Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, November 29th, 1915.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Zelnia J. Uindley, formerly Zelma
J. Btizan, of Maupin. "Oregon, who
on May roth, 1912, made Home
stead Entry No. 010288 and on
February 25th, 191 5, made addi
tional Homestead Entry No. 014424,,
for HI-2SWI-4, SI-2NEI-4, SEI-4
Nwi-4, and Lot 2, sec. 7, sw 1 -4
NWI-4, Sec. 8, T 5 S, R 15 E, SEI-4
N'EI-4, Sec. 12, Township 5 South,;j;e 14 East, Willamette Meridi
an, has filed notice of intention to
111 ike Final three year Proof, to
establish claim to the land above
described, before F. "D. Stuart. U.
S. Comn!i'v "" Mauoin, Ore
gon, on i;,. y ,;t January,"
Claimant 'names as witnesses: A..
T. Lindley, A. W. Fargher, F. S.
FU-tuing, R. W. Meyers, all of
Mauirin, "Oregon.
. H. Fkank Woodcock,
P Register.
'Puhlic Land Sale.
Department of the Interior,
United States Land Office at The
Dalles, Oregon, November 17th,
NOTICE i h.reby given that, as
directed by ihe Commissioner of the
General Land office, under provis
ions of Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant
to the. application of William E.
Hunt, Serial No. 013469, we will
offer at public sale, to the highest
bidder,, but at not less thait $2.50
per acre, at 9-30 o'clock A. M., oil
the "7th day of January, 1916,
next, at this ofliee, the following
tract of land: w 1-2 sw 14, Sec.
1 and E 1-2 sii t-4-S-c. 2, T. 6 s,,
R 14 Km W. m. "This tract is or
dered into the market on a show
ing that the greater portion thereof
is mountainous or too rough for
The sale will not be kept open,
but will be declared closed when
those pn sent at . the hour named
have ceased bidding. The person
making the highest bid will he re
quired to nimieciiaU-j v pay to the
Receiver the amount thereof.
Anv persons claiming adversely
the above described laud are ad
vised to file their claims, or objec
tions, ou or before the time desig
nated for sale,
II. Fiuxk Woodcock,