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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1915)
MAUP I I r 5 I i vQL.2r(iorvr SENT IN f OUR Criterion Chronicles All thoughts at present are turned toward Christmas.' Paul DeCamp went across the Bakeo'ven Saturday to bring iome his brother L;. B., who has teen engaged for several days jn road work. ' I E. Miller left Friday last for a holiday visit with friends and relatives at numerous valley points. Mrs. Wells of Portland, mother (of Mrs. Earl Tunison, is here visiting her daughter. John Whitten of Kingsley, has been spending a few days re pairing fences and making im provements on the Wh)tten places in this community. Mrs. Bert Knight's mother has taken a homestead near her daughter's. Frank Buzan made a trip to his father's farm. Monday re FISCHER'S CORRESPONDENTS . . !" ' - Auto Passenger Service Auto Delivery Truck . Prepared for Long Trips or Outing Parties A Complete Line pf Autompbile Accessories MAUPIN, OUR FRIENDS: Because It's Christmas; The time for giving and for getting and forgiving and forgetting, not in a perfunctory manner because custom has made it the thing to do but in the sincere hope that your realizations may equal and surpass your expectations. Please be ever mindful that, our sincere wish is A Merry Christmas coupled with Health and Hap piness and that every day of the New, Year may be full to overflowing with all the good things that life has to offer you and yours. PETER KILBURG, Mgr. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co A I ft I A MWII - . f "II i i i w turning Tuesday with a load of! feed. 1 . Judging from the rehearsals and preparations going on those interested intend that Christmas shall be fittingly celebrated by our people. " County Commissioner F. C. Clausen has recently been mak ing an inspection tour of this end of the county, gf the road situation. He conferred ' with several citizens on this important matter, while at Criterian. Last week A. A. Canfield put down a well for Mrs. S. A. Gam- ber, across Bakeoven. On leav ing Maupin Saturday p. m., for home be found that the only. possible way was via the peda tory route. , The rough condition of the road and several inches of snow thereon retarded loco motion' somewhat but the dis tance was covered in four hours and forty minutes. Mip9 Dollie Ball is now located at Bakggven. Our citizens are rejoicing in fhe fact of being granted a new vping precinct by the county Court at its last regular meeting. Blanks will be here shortly for OARAGE OREGON looted to the interest? of Southern Wasco County MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCOCQUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1915 CALENDARS . NOW READY -Calendar season is again here and a number of the local busi ness people will have their cal endars ready for 'their ' friends this coming week. The Times has gotten out a bunch of calendars in various views and mountings and invite our friends to call and examine our workmanship on them and make a selection. registration of voters. PLEASANT TIME AT Wednesday ' evening several friends responded to an invitation to spend a few social hours at, the home of Mrs. Nettie Muir. The early part of the evening was devoted to poker playing, four tables being in session and as many boxes of candy was the diversions. The tables were then cleared and bounteous refresh ments were served, of which, after an Indian pow?wow led by Tom Muir, all did ample justice, and "Dud" Shattuck can thank Mrs. Muir for one good square meal in his life. '' While the tables were being cleared away for the dance, musical numbers were furnished by Mrs. Mayhew and Mrs. Smith with Mr. Tallcott at the organ. "' An Indian war dance was the next number after which W- C W. II. Tallcott furnished music for two-steps, waltz and quadrilles. After an exhibition of a squaw wrestle by Tom and John Muir the guests took their departure having spent a very enjoyable evening. Those present were: Mrs. Nettie Muir, Mr. and .Mrs. G. L. Harphan, Mr. and 'Mrs. E. A. Mayhew, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Shattuck, Mrs. Wess Ray, Mrs. R- F. Smith, Misses Nellie IJar- phan.Fern Mayhew.Naomi Smith Estel h-merson, Jessjline Dis- brow, Messers Tom and John Muir, E. A. happ1, Ray Smith, Ira Kistner, Mavher. H. G. Harphan -W.H.Tallcottand W. C Vanderpool. FORMER S WASCO BOYS CLOSE CALL Last Sunday morning about 7 o'clock the launch Alert with Captain Ernest Steers, Clarence Williams, Elmer Perkins, Peter Hull, James Taylor, 1 and Peter Johnson aboard left Ketchikan in search of the Francis R., un fortunates. At ahout 2 o'clock of the same day they encountered some extremely rough weather in Behm Canal, just off Point Alva. One heavy sea lifter an other struck the boat broadside, kept it at an extreme list until the water corning in at an open port hole and over deck filled it up to the extent that the engine stopped and the only escape for the six men aboard was by a row boat they wee towing, which after some effort was! brought alongside and baled out. Five of the men embarked in the boat they were towing, while Captain Steers took to a small flat bottom skiff, which capsized with him, and owing to the rough weather, the other five men, with only one pair of oars, experienced great difficulty in getting to him. On reaching the beach, a deserted Indian cab in was found, where a fire was started, and after spending Sun day night in the 'cabin, the six men rowed to Hoe Point, leaving the scene of the accident about 7:30 Monday morning, and arriv ing at Roe Point about 10:30 a. m. of the same day. On leaving the scene of the accident, only a small portion of the mast of the Alert was to be seen above the water. The launch Berlin' arrived in Ketchikan yesterday evening with the six men, and early to day preparations were being made to go back to the scene with the launch Spray, in the hope that the ill fated boat could be found. In preparing and finally leav ing the boat, Captain Steers thought only of the safety of his companions. He would not get into the boat with the other five men, thinking that it would be too manv. and rather than to subject the whole party to the mercy of the rough weather, he took the - small flat bottomed skiff, which soon papsized with him and after his companions came up to him he still preferred to take his chance in the water with his upturned boat, and give the rest of the party a better chance of "getting to the beach. ' Captain Steers is to be highly ! praised for his act ih thinking first of his fellow men and leav jing himself to undertake what BAND BOYS UP The Maupin Brass Band was reorganized last Tuesday .night a week ago and .elected Dr. :Hat field president and manatrer and W. H. Staats vice-oresident. G.i W. yanderpool instructor and A. Locke secretary and treasurer. wee new members have been added 'to the band, Qlyde Wjl- lams, red Covey and Van Moad. It is expected, within the next three months' to equal any band in the county. WRITE LETTERS AND HELP BOOST Have you any relatives or any friends in that faraway region generally .described somewhat indefinitely and inadequately as ''back east?v Of course you have- What do they know about Maupin? ' Probably not much. Why don't you let them (know something about jt? Supply your own answers. Will you join in a campaign of united effort, alonir with the other people in Maupin to bring Maupin to -the attention of the remainder ot tha country. This latter question soon will be asked by the Portland Cham- would have been a perilous chance of getting to the bech. Wapinitia Items Rev. G. E. Wood made a trip to Wamic last Sunday morning where he made two to one. So instead of wedding bells ringing in Wapinitia they were ringing in Wamic. But watch out, for Wapinitia will not be behind very long. , " " , Elmer Meyers, of Parkdale, is visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. Frank Huston, this week. Rev. M. H. Stains made a trip to The Dalles last Tuesday re turning Saturday. While there he took the teachers examina tion. , Jamie Abbott returned home last week from St. Johns where he has been attending school. He will stay until after the Christmas holidays. j H. N. Dodge made a trip to Maupin Monday taking about three dozen chickens to be sent to Portland for the Christmas market. Lonzo Amen returned to his home here last week from Port land, George Knopf and wife sold their place last week and have now gone to Portland to make their home. A baby girl was born to Mr, and Mrs, Ray Tunnison last Tuesday morning. Mrs. Tunni son and baby are stayitig at her mothers, Mrs. W. 0. Wilson. Henry Richardson made a trip to Keep's mill last week fixing the telephone wire which was broken. B.L Foreman and V. Endersby were in the vicinity of Keep's (concluded on last page) ber of Commerce. id! In aiftn m to fit adh -particular community of the tate"it wili be asked by the people-of all Oiei gon by their respective commei- cial organizations. It will beaked of thcatudenta of all the .schools, the colleges and universities and (nothing but an affirmative ,answer will be permitted. . So that this ideaif the folks 'back east' of the particutar attractions of , Maupin and of Oregon may be thorough ly impressed upon every resident of, ihe state tthe Chamber qf Commerce has decided to set aside a v'letterwriting week." The .name suggests the object During, this one week probably: thejthird week in January you are expected to write to all your friends and your relatives and tell them of the superior attrac tions of OregQB her attractions for the tourist, particularly and for the prospective settler inci dentally. ' Meanwhile, the Chamber of Commerce uijged, try to think up all the nice things you can about your city and state. Try to enumerate ,tbe advantages of visiting here-if visiting here. If ttjhe climate appeals to you as something worth mentioning that is favroably why . note it down and when "letter-writing week" rolls around, tell your eastern acquaintances about it, The same applies to the scenery. Send them the Maupin Times. A-B-J-O-MU-T-E-L-Y lve HIGHEST PRICE . fas tm AT, H ... . ' MAUPIN STATE BANK : PA Y- von:: AT MAUPIN STATE BANK AND SAVE ALL EXPENSE, EVEN POSTAGE. WE ARE A COUNTY DEPOSITORY AUTHORIZ- ' ED TO COLLECT TAXES MS 55 ZPS &. ?ftS ?ftS O O O O O O O O 4 O O 4 See Star Windmills and Stover Gasolene Engines We are the Ag'ents vSHATTUCR BROS. 00000 0OO00O000OOOOOOO00000 .THE YEAR $1.50 Mil 'f 0 Y PEOPLE WED ' ' r .-' tt '!,'v" Wamic, iDe.'. ai. A pretty wed ding was solenmiz'-d at the home of Mr. and Mrs,' D. A, Campbell, Sunday .afternoon, wlieu their daughter, Miss Neva E, Harvey, was united in, marriage to Percy Brenton Driver, Rev. G. E. Wood of Wapi'dtia, officiated, the ring ceremony being ' used. Mrs. Don Miller, a sister of tlie bride, played Mendelssohn's wedding inarch while the ihappy .couple took their place iin the large bay window of the south paolor. which was a bower of beauty. A white wed ding -bell was suspended from the canopy qf the window,, festooned with ijornuiu 111 leaves.. Guy A. Harvey wm best man and Mrs. Harvey . attended .the bride. Af ter congratulations, a dttinty and elegant luncheon was spread. Only (immediate relatives of the it wo families were in uttendauae Mr. and MrS. IP- B. Driver are popular young people of this place where they haue Kpcirt their eatire lives. Tl ey will teside on Main street uear the Swift hotel. Ghrauicle. , A. Oabtnee very happy ,oer his success iu .having 40 feet of water in a deified well 378 feet in depth, recently sunk for him by Mr. Austin. A,u engine and pump 'S on its way and will be installed upon its arrival Mi IHMi HEAT o Q t o 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Us For 0 0