The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 17, 1915, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOL. 2, NO. 10
THE YEAR $1.50
Tygh Valley 2
The weather has been quite
gloomy for the past week or bo.
and a good stiff blow would dry
up this mud.
Tom Swift moved to Tygh to
school his little daughter Wanda.
They live in some of the rooms
in the old hotel.
Mrs. Shannon has been having
lumbago for the past week or
... Grandpa McCorkle is as well
as usual, looks well, sleeps well
and is as fond of head cheese as
any of his neighbors,
J. T. Harper is oh deck once
mere and everyone is glad to see
. Tom Swift met with quite a
painful accident Saturday while
coming from Friend with a load
of freight for thd Wamic store.
He fell from his wagon and a
front wheel passed over his legs
hurting him qtiitd badly, so bad
in fact that Tom said he didn't
know which foot to limp on so
he compromised by limping on
Mrs. J. T. Harper is on the
sick list, Dr. Shannon is attend
ing her;
C J. VanDuyne is assisting in
the store while Mrs Harper is
mi. . t - . . , i
ine lagnppe seems to have
Tygh in its gripp alright.
, The basket social and play last1
Friday night Was quite a success1
over thirty dollars ..being the re
ceipts of the evening. This goes
to pay for the hew swings" that
have been put up for the use of
the school children. We did noi
know there was so much monev
In the country. Now that goes
to show what a community can
8o, have their own entertain
ments and the money is left here
at home, btft where a traveling
troop comes along, they take our
money away altogether, so why
can't Wamic or Tygh or some of
these other small places, get up
an entertainment for Christmas.
Girls do you bear in mind that
next year is leap year? Well it
is and I want you to astonish the
natives by giving some leap year
parties and dances, and remem
ber if you propose to a .young
man and he refuses you, you are
entitled to a new silk dress at
his expense.
Someone said wait 'till Clyde
Oliver breaks his mules and then
we will see some fun.
Wapinitia Items
R. W. McBorkle and son Calvin
left for Iaho last week.
Clyde Flinn made a trip to
Dane's saw mill Tuesday, haul
ing back a load of dressed
Geo, E. Wood returned home
Tuesday from Salem.
Ms. J. I. West returned home
last Tuesday from The Dalles,
where she has been with Mr.
West who is in the hospital.
There is no school in the Oak
Grove district on account of the
teacher, Miss Verna Martin at
tending teacher's examinations
which are being held at The
Dalles this week.
David Sharpe and Clyde Flinn
are engaged painting and repsir
ing N. W. Flinn's house this
Mrs. G E. Wood left here last
Friday, Mr. Wood, who has been
attending the Farmer's Union
at Weiser Idaho, met her at The
Dalles. They went , from there
to Salem to attend the marriage
of Mrs. Wood's brother Paul
Mrs. Wood expects to visit with
her mother until after the Christ
mas holidays.
Wapinitia is coming to the
front! Mr. Appling has purchas
ed the Geo. Heitz building and
expects to put in a 15 cent store
in the hear future-'
It is reported that Mr. Fruitt
has sold his place here.
Mr. and Mrs. John Powell
were visiting at Tygh Valley a
few days lust week.
A Christmas program is being
prepared which will be given at
the church Christmas eve.
Revival meetings are expect,
ed to commence here the 26th
of this month and to continue
during the holidays.
Rev Stains left here Tuesday
for The Dalles.
Mrs. Wesley Ray of Maupin
was visiting friends and relatives
here last week.
H. N. Hodge is making a ship
ment of chickens to Portland
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gid Rains were
visitors at the home of Henry
Richardson in the Bush, last,
Wm Dane hauled a load of
lumber from his mill to Wapini
tia Monday.
Henry Richardson made a trip
to Keep's mill the last of the
week, repairing the telephone
line which was down on account
of the recent winds.
Grandpa Evick is able to be
about again after an illness of
about three weeks.
Chas. Delore and family spent
several days of last week' at the
home of John Ward.
Clinton Knopf and Bill May1
nard made a business trip to
Maupin last Friday.
Miss Vida Evans, the teacher
of the Batty district and pupils
are preparing a play to be given
on Wednesday before Christmas.
if signs of the times doesn't
fail us, "wedding bells" will be
ringing in this vicinity in the
near future.
Edd Davis is suffering from
a severe attack of the rheuma
tistrt this week.
Jackson Rice is engaged haul
in&'wood from the mountains
this week.
this community cannot be over
estimated. Nineteen persons
were converted and a society
known as the Criterian Christian
Union, with a large membership
was formed, and ten persons
were taken into membership with
the Maupin church. Besides the
regular Sunday school session,
three meetings were held Sunday
and a basket dinner was one of
the enjoyable features of the
Ridgeway Notes
Criterian Chronicles
AutO Passenger Service Auto Delivery Truck
Prepared for Long Trips or Outing Parties
A Complete Line 6f Automobile Accessories
- ' ? a
The Ideal Christmas Gift h
You can makei a selection from my stock that will be
suitable for anyone on your Christmas list, from Baby to
Grandpa or Grandma.. . ,
Select your, gifts here and thev win not only be a
pleasure at the time they are received, but by their every
snunine service,, a constant reminder of your "gener
osity for many years to come.
'""Pendleton Presents for Practical People"
bed blankets
"Auto robes
y . Every , article jruaryvtced , to be a genuine bargain.
.Yourti Ctristmas altcwf.f.ce vri'l buy more here than
'elsewhere. .... , .
Every article guaranteed to come from the Pendleton
Woolen Mills. . . . ;
Special Orders taken for extra fancy articles.
Let me solve the Christmas Problem for you
R. C. JORY - P. O. Bldg'.
Several nights ag6 our peace
ful hamlet was thrown into
intense excitement by a heavy
bombardment which came from
the west. For a time people
thought that some European war
god had strayed into this land
of peace, to do terriable havoc
among us, but after investigation
it proved to be a slide of rocks
and earth which had rested on
the railroad along the Deschutes,
and the canonading was, caused
by workmen engaged in 'clearing
the right of way.
House moving has again claim
ed two more victims, W. F.
Sinclair and Frank Buzan being
the latest to enlist in the ranks
of those dissatisfied with their
former locations.
Mrs. . W. M. Hunt recently
received the sad news of the
death of her youngest brother,
who had been living in Montana.
L B. Haines of Maupin spent
a few days in orir community
last week with friends and rela
tives, remaining for 'the Sunday
J. E. Miller returned home
with his brother T. 0. Miller,
near Shaniko, last Wednesday.
Aura Buzan i3 here for a visit
with his brothers.
John Grossman of Tygh, was
visiting friends here for a few
jda'ys recently.
Dale Lonney ana wite were
visiting home folks at Tfgh'for
a few days' last week.
3, B. Kidder was at Maupin
L. B. DeCamp is engaged
with Supervisor Fryman on the
public roads.
- C A. Duus was 'a visitor at
fcaupin Saturday.
One of the most successful
revival meetings was closed at
the school house Sunday nipht
by Rev. Ellis,
Mr. and Mrs. Bleakney are
visiting at Dakoveu this week.
Mrs. Cora Mitchell spent the
early part of last week at Shaniko
and Antelope, making final proof
on her homestead and incident
ally visiting friends there.
During the absence of her sis
ter, Mrs. Aves Barlow is visiting
with friends at Shaniko.
Miss Lydia Orcutthas returned
to her claim, after several months
absence on account of the illness
and subsequent death of her
father. Her mother will make
her future home with Miss
Miss Dolly Barlow and Mrs.
Minnie W. Henton have gone
down to the valley with several
horses which are to be shipped
from The Dalles. The girls will
ride the whole distance with the
John Wilson has moved his
family on the Sutton place, in
order that his little daughter
Joy may attend school this year.
George Albright was a Maupin
visitor last Monday.
' The Ridgeway school will have
a holiday vacation, beginning
Dec. 21st.
Will Pureell made final proof
on his homestead last Monday.
Mrs. D. D. Wilson left Friday
for Forest Grove, where she will
spend Christmas with "the old
folks at home,."
Mr. and Mrs. Claran'ce Davis
returned last week from Bak
oven where they were called on
account of the death of Mr.
Davis' father.
There was a son born to Mr.
and Mrs. E. E- Fine, Nov. 24
Miss Arlie Harris is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
We hear of the marriage in
Portland last Tuesday of Miss
Bertha Harris and Charles Burg,
of Portland. Mrs. Burg is aj
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J- W. '
Harris of this place. The couple
will make their home on Mrs.
Burg's homestead here.
C. C Robinson was an Ante
lope visitor On Monday-
Hermann Sandmann has re
turned from a trip to Portland.
Oo his way down he stopped at
The Dalles to attend the wedding
of Wm. Evans and Mrs, Jane
Gibson Black of this -place.
Hermann has purchased a tine
team of horses arid a wagon. He
informs us of his intention to
have moved onto the ranch own
ed by Mr. Courtright, formally
the Shannon ranch. He is em
ployed by the Farlow Bros, who
has this place rented.
About four inches of snow fell
on Smock Sunday night, owing
to the ground being frozen it is
still with us.
James Kennedy and some help
ers were on Smock Monday
taking out some of his cattle.J
Mrs. G. E. Noble and Mrs, A.
F. Russell and children have been
enjoying the new fallen snow by
going to their parents home in
a sleigh.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ross at
tended the play "Black Heifer"
at Wamic. They report a fine
play. ,
Wamic No. 1
About three inches of snow
fell here Friday afternoon but
only remained long on the north
A girl baby was bom to Mr,
and Mrs. George Larson, Sunday
Frank Xavier bought a fine
male yearling today from the
J. E. Kennedy Herford band of
Mrs. Jimmie Johnson has mov
ed home from the Tygh Valley
J. H. Woodcock had the mis
fortune to lose one of his horses
bv beintr foundered while at
Tygh Valley on a recent trip from
Mrs. J H. Woodcock is confin
ed to the bed with lagrippe. Mrs,
James McCoy is caring for her
and doing the house work.
Mrs. Frank Morrow is caring
for Mrs. J. Bernhagen, who has
been very ill.
Al Gillis made a business trip
to Sherar today.
Percy Driver went to The
Dalles Monday.
3. K Eubanks has been con
fined to his bed for some time
with a severe attack of Jagrippe
and stomach trouble.
Frank Magill had a break down
while returning from Smock
which caused a delay in the ar
rival of the mail,
An enthusiastic crowd witness
ed the comedy "A Black Iliefer'
given here Saturday night, The
play vvtis a laughable one and
excited much laughter and ap
hich he will use us signs which
he is preparing unci will place on
the trailH.
N, li. Whitcomh was at Wop-
nitia on business last Tuesday.
Mnlvaiiy Bros, furnished the
music for the dance at John Illing-
ortli'sat M'ddle Brook last Fri
day night. There was quite a
good crowd though the weather
was .stormy.
Rev. Samples closed a series of
meetings here Sunday which had
en in progress for ten days. A
good attendance was had through
out the meetings regardless Of the
stormy weather.' Baptisimal ser
vices were held at the church
Sunday, three uniting. Rev. Sani-
e expects to return in the near
future and hold revival meetings,
assisted by Rev. Wateihouse.
Seveial met at the church last
uesday to arrange for a Christ
mas tree.
Chas. Yockey was a business
visitor ut Wamic Saturday.
When you aie forgotten or
neglected or purposely set at
naught, and you smile, glorying in
the insult or oversight, because
thereby you ate counted worthy to
suffer for Christ that is victory.
' Smock Items 2
add a new buggy to his Outfit.
Girls get on your best bonnets!
Smock Itemsl
To the Editor of the Times
We wish to express our sincere
thanks for the prize we received
from the Times. We think The
Times a very newsy paper, and
it also contains several interest
ing short stories. Wishing the,
editor greater success -in the
coming new year. k. fj
Mr.:andMrs. A. F. Russell.
C. C. Marlin returned to Puget
Sound. He has gone to the heme
of an old friend of hi3 fa'Jitr's
where he expects to make his
home. He will be greatly miss
ed by his many Smock friends.
Mrs. George Duncan has been
sufferitie for the past week with
The great amount , a gathering in her head.
j of good resulting therefrom to j George Thornton and family
from last week)
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ross wet'
Thursday callers a't the home df
Mrs. I.eon flu!51.
C. A. Syron was 'busy btitche
ing Thursday. I M Wi Wi
. . .1 awa twm w
Miss Ida and 'Ura Duncan was
abn't'frotn school acoifple of day
last week on account of lagrippe,
Marion 'DuUcan of Kent, visited
his'hareufs. Mr. and Mrs. Chan
Duncuiv last Tuesday.
Mrs. Marion Pdrlow was a viS'
itor at The-Dalles lastweek. Mrs,
FatlM h'ad 'been 'sifffering wi
severe 'headaches and went to the
citv to cet her eyes tested
glasses hoping to get relief by
'Juo, Ayers 'is also tlumbered
'with'those suffering with lagrippe.
George Ayers and Vina, are
absent from scV.f'ol on account "of
'lagrippe, 'also jfyrtfe Mulvailey.
'George Duncan's 'baby is' quite
sick at the time Of this writing.
'Win.'Xuca's was a Caller at S. Il
Mrs. G. W. 'Bargauiholt acted
the part of the good samaritan by
spending Tuesday and Wednesday
With Mrs.'Hnll, who ' is suffering
with lagrippe. !
T. J. Whitcomb was 'a Wamic
business visitor Wednesdy.
Chas Ross, the raneer was at
the Mulvany mills to get himber
Dalles Mention
E. J. Fischer of Maupin passed
oday in The Dalles. Dec 13th.
I.oyd Simson, wireless operator
on the steamer Admiral bchley,
Inch plies between Seattle and
8au Francisco, is in The Dalles
and will spend the holidays witlr
is mother, Mrs. Electa Simson,
Dee. 13th. ,
The marriage license clerk ifsu.
d two "joy tickets" to would-be
benedicts yesterday. Percy B.
Driver of Wamic secured a license
lowed Miss Neva E. Harvey of
Wamic mid Lesterday W. Walker
f The Dalles was given a license
to marry Miss Helen Ida Pankoiu-
n. Dec. 14.
C. C. Marlin of Watnic is in this
city on business.
Jttdd Zieioff of Shaniko was a
Funeral services were held
yesterday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock in CrandalPs chapel over
the remains of Frederick Daniel
Fargher. The Rev Nathan Evans
pastor of the Methodist church
of this citv, and the Rev. Biprs
of Seattle, were the officiating
clergymen. Special music was
rendered by the Methodist church
quartette. The pall bearers were
Albert Fargo, Walter Fargo,
Will Buzan. L. M. Dorin, Will
Thompson and Tom Fargher,
The interment took place in the
I. 0. 0. F. cemetery. Airs. T
T. Nichols of Portland, Mr. ai d
Mrs. Horatio Fargher and thir
family and Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Fargher and family of Dufur,
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Jones of
Dufur, Mrs. Will Buneeof Port
land, and Mr. and Mr?. A. W.
Fargher and family of Maupin
were here for the funeral. The
remains of the deceased were
brought to The Dalles from.
Seattle, Saturday. The Rev..
Biers accompanied them here.
The deceased was attending a
boarding school in Seattle when
he. was stricken suddenly ill ard
died within a few hours.
Chronicle, December 6th.
local visitor today. Dec. 14th.
For Sale.
159 acres known a Underbill
Place at White River school t-a
mile, telephone, good orchard, all
fenced and cosi fenced, plenty of.
water. Write J. R'. Underbill,
di7P4 Tygh Valley, Ore.
The last two weeks the people
of this place have been experienc
ing a record breaking epidemic of
the lagrippe, which we are happy
to know does not come often.
Snow fell during almost the en
tire day yesterday in Maupin.
1 II
. AT
m 1 ii'Ml
MwaiMini t- niiniATllin O
Hats, Caps, Shoes, Bedroom slippers,
Sweaters, Scarfs, Mufflers, Ties,
Stationery in Fancy Boxes, Guns,
Pocket Knives, Silverware, Watches,
Clocks, Percolators, Fancy Candies
in boxes and many other suitable
Xmas offerings will be on display.
Don't fail to see us be
fore December 25th
40604 400OOOOOOOO